Why do concerts need to be so loud?

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Thomas Warburton

Thomas Warburton

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@jebus456 Жыл бұрын
I agree with this, there are great reusable earplugs that still let you enjoy the music but keep you safe. It's just annoying that we have to do that because of some sort of oversight. The ringing in the ears i hate more than anything and I'd like to be able to use my ears for the rest of my life.
@ZalexMusic 2 ай бұрын
oh my god between this video and your ACE videos i've never felt so understood. great channel!
@alecstrickland7182 Жыл бұрын
I firmly believe that the AV directors who setup live music productions are making it so loud because they're mega deaf from all of their years working as a tech under other directors who were also deaf. When the person who makes the ultimate decision on the volume level is deaf, you end up with volume levels suitable for a deaf person. I used to work in AV and I've seen them do this. Someone standing in the middle of the venue telling the sound guy to raise the volume, despite the fact that it is already piercingly loud.
@dereosroads Жыл бұрын
Love the content, man! Unique ideas, and absolutely love this. I often forget to bring my buds. This serves as a great reminder.
@WyattCayer Жыл бұрын
You got some fantastic points. it's ridiculous how loud they can get. I love music, but more isn't more.
@bjoe385 Жыл бұрын
I guess that setup costs and time would be longer but I guess that concerts could have more speakers throughout the venue or building, a bit like a cinema, so that all the crowd could experience an 85-90 db sound. heck you could even have designated loud sections for those who don’t value their hearing.
@_thomaswarburton Жыл бұрын
Dude that is actually a great idea! "Loud area, enter at your own risk"
@bryn_hh 3 ай бұрын
Nah you're not wrong mate. I recently went to see Foo Fighters in Cardiff (which made me find your video) and it was the worst show I've ever been to. It was so loud 2/3 of the way back, I couldn't even tell what 25-50% of the songs even were until I heard people next to me singing. On the way back to the hotel, I felt dizzy, sick, couldn't look at street lights (I had my sunglasses on at 11pm) and had a headache. Alongside utterly dogshit venues for acoustics, this trend is ruining live music.
@jimmyfigueras4476 Жыл бұрын
This is so true. It is becoming a trend nowadays that mixing engineers blow people’s ears away out of fear thst they wont reach the last person in the back, but they have no idea because theyre in the middle of the audience and dont care how loud they are. There is no need for such loudness. Roger Daltrey wishes he had protected his ears when he was younger because he has hearing loss now. I dont care if people that are in the front row of a music fest screaming and cheering thinking theyre listening to the music clearly, theyre deceiving themselves because at that close distance to the speakers and subwoofers, all they hear is a garble of different frequencies that almost sound as if the band is playing in another key. If the venue uses center fill speakers, then the first rows will hear the music at lower levels while the rest receives a higher output level, but most venues dont do this. The only venue that ive seen that has done this is the Holmes Convocation Center in Boone, NC when i saw The Beach Boys in 2015.
@Pancake_with_gloves Жыл бұрын
there are plenty of good noise cancelling hearing protection "headphones" that look pretty good, I personally started wearing them. allows me to enjoy the shows more, because (i go to metal shows) usually the drum cymbals sound like absolute trash, but with hearing protection i can ENJOY the show and the music :D
@Alex-ABPerson Жыл бұрын
Ooh, I'd be careful with noise-cancelling headphones though... Because those are usually just adding *more* waves into your ear to counteract the sound which... Isn't good for hearing loss, even if mentally it feels better. I really do think you gotta stick to passive stuff for this, just get some really good earplugs, put 'em in, job done. The sound engineer at the event will probably be doing so too don't forget
@ApplePieKid 3 ай бұрын
I think I’m going with the ear defenders. I don’t even go to concerts. But here’s a thought- why don’t they use dual-sided speakers- so it can come from more than one direction, so it doesn’t need to be as loud.
@soulfulgeocatcher Жыл бұрын
I went to a ZZtop concert ten years ago it was at levels I could stand. I could hear what he's saying. I went to a Christian concert last night it was just loud to the point I could not interpret the lyrics and I had to walk away a couple of times and take shelter in the bathroom. I think the new rule is if the artist has to wear ear plugs then you should wear ear plugs. Hearing damage is not something i signed up for, and concert areas are constructed so sound can flow from front to back. I rhink its only when db readers are installed in concert venues is when changes will take place.
@brethoffman3520 Ай бұрын
I went to an awesome Creed concert, however I will never go to a live concert again. I left early because it was too loud and I mostly heard bass and drums.
@ibendiben 4 ай бұрын
My answer is, most sound guys are just that: sound guys. The are not 'music men', they aren't used to hear the variety of acoustic instruments up close. They've learned to make m sound loud without making them feedback (if you're lucky). They just have got no clue, apart from loudness, it seems. 😢
@AlanaJ_888 Жыл бұрын
Dude! No you are so right! I noticed the concerts and movies just getting louder and louder o we the past 20 years. I’m 34 now and have tinnitus! I was made fun of by my friends sometimes or got weird looks for bringing earplugs to shows. Last several years movies and concerts I think are just getting even louder and even hurts my ears. I think it’s fing ridiculous the industries are doing permanent bodily damage to people who are paying tons of money for a good experience. I think there should be laws against how loud concerts can be that limits them to levels that do not damage your fing ears! And instead of having giant speakers on stage that are loud af and supposed to source sound for the entire venue, they should just use more smaller speakers that are spread out so they cover the range of a large venue evenly. I went to an audio production class, and they said anything louder than a vacuum will damage your hearing and even a vacuum can be loud enough to damage your hearing. So yeah I agree concerts didn’t used to be so fing loud, they are getting louder and it’s unnecessary. The should definitely have laws that protect people from this permanent bodily damage. So fd up. Explosions in the sky concert in Austin FFF fest was so loud I couldn’t get far enough away even at the merch booths. Some guy told me I was being a pussy and concerts are supposed to be loud, but f him I started using earplugs after that and now they are so loud it’s not even enjoyable. I think the industry is doing it on purpose probably or just only cares about money. ❤ thanks for your video!
@_thomaswarburton Жыл бұрын
Would you stare at the sun without glasses? no. why not? you'll damage your vision. Would you go to a gig without hearing protection? yes, hearing protection is for "pussies". Logic checks out.
@kj6446 10 ай бұрын
Argh, just tonight i got caught at an open mic night at a small restaurant/bar...seats maybe 75 people...my ears are still ringing....why do these small venues turn it up so loud?
@_thomaswarburton 10 ай бұрын
I feel for you mate, I hope the ringing goes away soon too. I was at a black flag gig last night and the sound was obnoxiously loud, even with hearing protection it was still too much.
@soviut303 Жыл бұрын
The Apple Watch loudness warning is a godsent. I've had it go off (above 80dB) in crowded bars with no music and just people talking. I've found at some of the newer big clubs here in Toronto the audio is really well tuned and doesn't set the watch off if you're at a reasonable distance from the stage. However, as soon as the headliner gets on, the back of house tend to turn them up more. Still not the worst, but hovering in the 90dB range. I like the Loop ear plugs because they fit really comfortably, reduce the audio by about 20dB and they tend to keep more of the mid and top end so they don't muffle the sound as much as foam plugs do.
@_thomaswarburton Жыл бұрын
It really is crazy in this day and age that you can go to an event that will most likely damage your hearing. If you had to go into a similar environment for your job your employer would absolutely make you wear hearing protection. Thanks for watching! 😎
@silencerrh Жыл бұрын
You'll probably find this (the noise even just a bar full of people talking) can get to is the reason concerts are so loud - so the music can still be heard over a rowdy crowd. Personally I can't stand sustained loud noise like at a concert without earplug (it physically hurts and I almost lose the definition of the sound). I drive a convertible too and on longer trips when I want to leave the roof down often drive with hearo's ear plugs in to keep the wind/road/tyre noise down - the bonus is I can have the music up loud enough to hear with them in to help down out the road noise too. They're also great even just for going to parties or clubs and the like as if you and a mate are wearing them you can have a conversation (albeit quite close to one another's ears) without actually having to shout, as by making the background noise quieter you can more easily discern other sounds around you.
@ChonkyMIG-15 4 ай бұрын
Was just a two Metallica concerts, and not wearing earplugs while not only being painful to my ears it also just bad, like all the instruments are mushed together, no detail in the sound, while with my trusty earplugs in, it sound incredibly detailed. When looking around I rarely see anyone using earplugs though. And in addition to that I've seen people complaining at bad sound, while sound quality may vary depending on where you are in the venue, I think most of the people who complained didn't use earplugs.
@_thomaswarburton 4 ай бұрын
Ooh I feel for your ears mate, Metallica have always been notoriously loud. When you add in distorted guitars it can all sound like mush.
@evacody1249 5 ай бұрын
Few reasons it is turned up. The more the noises travels the less loud it will be. Or to up it this why no one in the back will hear anything if you get it way to low. That means the larger the venue the turning it to 85db the people in the back won't be able to hear as well. Now there is something to be said for smaller venues. But large venues such as stadiums they have to turn it up.
@_thomaswarburton 5 ай бұрын
I was at Bring me the horizon 3 weeks ago in Melbourne, it was a arena show. I was sitting at the back of the arena and can assure you that it was way louder than 85db. If I didn't have ear protection, I would have damaged my hearing, (I heard multiple people complaining of their ringing ears after the show ended). I could see the engineer's desk from my seat, he had a monitor that displayed a loudness meter, every time the kick drum hit it spiked at 110db. Then with the rest of the band it was at least 95db - 100 where I was.
@dread_rat 4 ай бұрын
Much live music at festivals etc I find painfully loud and mostly doesn't really sound very good anymore. Ear protection make the sound volume bearable, but cut the high frequencies much more than the bass, and make everything sound muffled and unbalanced and the only advantage is that the music can be felt in the body more. I think the P.A.-soundpeople have already a damaged hearing and don't notice how loud things are anymore, and when they use booze and/or cocaine it makes the problem even much worse.
@Vaultorka Жыл бұрын
Nice vid bro!
@mmmnahfam 11 ай бұрын
It's so loud I don't even hear anything right DURING the show. They all start sounding like chipmunks.
@Poemwriter_Angelo 11 ай бұрын
yesterday i wen't to a Queens of the stonage Rock concert in Belgium. they where great, i had a good time. but jesus christ indeed.. when i got home late i wen't to bed and i just heard this high pitch noise. it was driving me crazy. luckily i managed to sleep because i was so tired. there where earplugs available but i didnt want to use them for the better sound experience. (using them makes everything sound more muffled) i have been to multiple huge metal festivals before. and some of these concerts last an ENTIRE DAY with multiple famous bands playing.. its SUPER LOUD. especially when you are close to the stage. but i think its still a lot better for the ears because its outdoors. i think i had much extremer experience now because this concert was playing indoors. i had the same experience when i saw Bring me the horizon live that also played indoors. i think an indoors concert is just so much worse for the ears. even though outdoors might be cold or rainy.. depending on the weather. its the better option for the ears i think. but still bad for the ears. but yeah, the question.. why is it so super loud? and yeah i get that a louder volume gives energy and more power to a song, but its soo SUPER LOUD. and it definitly should be loud but not THAT loud. like just lower the volume indeed. and by lowering i don't mean that it should be so low that you can hear people talk. but definitly loud enough that everyone hears it loud and clear without being so ear deafening. that would definitly make it more enjoyable. sometimes i just wish these Rock/metal concerts where more like a Classical concert. where they care more about the accoustics and sound quality instead of loudness.
@_thomaswarburton 11 ай бұрын
"I wish these Rock/metal concerts were more like a classical concert, where they care more about the acoustics and sound quality instead of loudness." I couldn't have said it any better my friend. I hope the ringing in your ears has gone away!
@MrFrostien 11 ай бұрын
I like heavy metal and rock but I dont like going to concerts I have tinnitus and I dont get why it always have to be extremely loud,
@josephflanigan3649 Жыл бұрын
I went to a baseball game tonight and the music and announcements I thought were way too loud and then there was a 1 hour concert afterwards. They consistently hit 110 db according the free app on my phone. I spent most of it with my fingers in my ears. I’m going to see Metallica in a few weeks and I’m bringing ear plugs! No shame. I need my ears to work and once you lose hearing, you don’t get it back
@_thomaswarburton Жыл бұрын
Most people I talk to about it generally agree. It's not more exciting if it's louder, it's uncomfortable. You've definitely got to take plugs to Metallica, I learnt that lesson the hard way 😂 have fun 🤘
@josephflanigan3649 Жыл бұрын
@@_thomaswarburton Will do! 🤘
@marshallholland2248 6 ай бұрын
Short answer: Concerts are extremely loud to compete with the volume of screaming fans in the audience.
@_thomaswarburton 6 ай бұрын
I've been to hundreds of gigs that had less than 50 people in the room and the band/engineer still insist on playing at full noise.
@marshallholland2248 6 ай бұрын
​@@_thomaswarburton that's insane lol. Would be awesome if concerts peaked at 85db though tbh
@riffmondo9733 3 күн бұрын
They are supposed to be loud you wimps.
@AxHakker 3 ай бұрын
Wear earplugs and get over it. Ive been going to loud local metal shows and loud concerts most my life, i wouldn't even wear ear plugs at band practices. my biggest regret is not wearing ear plugs. A concert or show that is too quiet is an absolute buzz kill, wear ear protection if youre worried about it. Otherwise enjoy the experience. Nothing worse than trying to enjoy something and you can hear crowd chatter over the entertainment.
@davidperry4013 9 ай бұрын
I wish my gay bar has a 70 volt high fidelity distributed sound system for better sound quality and safer for hearing.
@jescollo Жыл бұрын
Wow, recreational outraged against concerts……🤦‍♂️
@_thomaswarburton Жыл бұрын
I don't have anything against concerts, against the volume of the music at concerts 😁
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