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Why Do I Hate DRIVING? - learn Hungarian (HU/EN subtitles) slow Hungrarian

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Hungarian by Heart

Hungarian by Heart

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@HungarianbyHeart 10 ай бұрын
✨If you would like to support my work you can do that on this link: www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=5L89SUH9MZ7DE Thank you🙏❤
@tochukwuaukwuomah5387 10 ай бұрын
this has to be the best youtube channel for Hungarian learners because of the slow pronunciation, Hungarian subtitle and English subtitle. Please keep the videos coming, very helpful!!
@abcd-ut2ex 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for shooting such videos. I am very grateful for your efforts because there are not many channels on KZbin for beginner students who want to learn Hungarian. The Hungarian-English subtitles and the way you pronounce each word slowly and clearly are extremely helpful for me to get the phonetics of this language. Keep up the good work !!!
@HungarianbyHeart 11 ай бұрын
@jugglingbeast 7 ай бұрын
You're videos are great. These "real life small talks" are very useful instead of boring text books,. Keep up the good work. Subscribed.
@garyyeritsian5209 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! This was very useful. Level of vocabulary is challenging but also appropriate for a beginner (of course made easier by the slow pace of speech). Cheers!
@Venik75 8 ай бұрын
köszönöm szépen! It was very hard for me when I was younger to find any material on internet and textbooks -- better than nothing -- was a bit too rigid ; I finally collet my motivation few weeks ago and started my journey on this, long and sinuous, path
@yazanothman2890 7 ай бұрын
Amazing work! I liked this video! It's soooo useful to listen to Hungarian being spoken like this
@DavidBufano-g2v Ай бұрын
Köszönöm szépen. Szeretem a videóidat, és nem szeretek vezetni. Jobban szeretem a biciklit.
@HungarianbyHeart Ай бұрын
Köszi🙏😇 És megértem…😄
@christophernicol4762 9 ай бұрын
These little words you drop into your narrative ( na mindegy, marmint) are life blood for foreigners trying to make conversation. Great stuff. A lot of fine linguistic ore to mine here! I’ll be back…. Thank you.
@HungarianbyHeart 9 ай бұрын
Thank you🙏 yeah I agree, those little words and expressions can be very useful when talking to someone:)
@yana_poleathome 8 ай бұрын
Tömegközlekedés tényleg nagyon jó Budapesten. A Budapest forgaloma szólva, tudok szólni, hogy Ukrajnához (ahol én felnőttem) képest, a Budapest forgalom jobban és kevesebb türelmetlen. Ez csak a véleményem. Azonban, természetesen, hogy a fővárosban a forgalom türelmetlenebb. Köszönöm szépen a videóért!
@HungarianbyHeart 7 ай бұрын
Elhiszem😄 biztos vannak sokkal kaotikusabb városok, de nekem már ez is elég ijesztő.. 👀
@개혁자-k5d 11 ай бұрын
Köszönöm a hasznos videók. A videóid sokat segít nekem a magyarul tanulásban. Én most elég jól értem a lassú magyarul 😊.
@HungarianbyHeart 11 ай бұрын
De jó! 🙏 Nagyon örülök😁
@amirfantol 11 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot for you nice and practical teaching method. I appreciate if you could make kore content like this. Hopefully your channel will be very popular soon 🙏
@HungarianbyHeart 11 ай бұрын
Köszönöm a szép szavakat🙏😊
@ebinjayan 10 ай бұрын
I have bought a notebook just for your videos
@HungarianbyHeart 10 ай бұрын
Aztaaa😱 de jóóó💪🙏
@ebinjayan 10 ай бұрын
ouh my god carrying home two cabinets through the bus and tram must have been quite the journey, and congratulations on graduating!!! I could relate with everything u said about driving, thats exactly how i felt when i first started cant look at google maps or anything else and be horrible at parking, i swear it gets better with time though. Great video thank you for sharing
@HungarianbyHeart 10 ай бұрын
Köszi🙏🙏 hát, biztos jobb lenne idővel, ha gyakorolnám a vezetést 😂 de most egyáltalán nem vezetek...
@3lmodfz 10 ай бұрын
I know what you mean by the drivers in Budapest lol, just observing them as a pedestrian it reminds me of London. I drive less frequently now as I commute by train to work but if I've made it to the end of my journey without honking my horn, or calling someone (or several people) many rude words it's an achievement 😂I've been driving like 17yrs though so I've had a lot of practice lol. But I do like driving as it's cheaper than public transport in the UK. My bf gets the monthly pass in Budapest, can't believe how cheap it is! My monthly train fare into London is £151.70 (approx 69000 forint...) and that doesn't even include the tube or buses.
@HungarianbyHeart 10 ай бұрын
Jézusom 😳 hát az tényleg nagyon drága... És igen, el tudom képzelni, hogy Londonban sem egyszerű vezetni😅
@csillagtalan 11 ай бұрын
Szia! Köszönöm szépen a csodálatos videókat! A kétnyelvű felirat -- wow. Biztos sok munka lehet, de nagyon hasznos. Nagyon hálás vagyok. Szerintem a hallgatás és az olvasás egyszerre tök jó a nyelvtanulóknak, és ha nem nagy a szókincs a kétnyelvű felirat egyszerű fantasztikus. Egyébként, én sem szeretek vezetni :^)
@HungarianbyHeart 11 ай бұрын
Köszönöm szépen!! 🥺🙏 Nagyon jó hallani, hogy hasznosnak találod őket. 🥰
@newkool100 11 ай бұрын
Thanks, keep these videos coming.
@thisistommy360 10 ай бұрын
Szia Lilla! Én nagyon szeretek vezetni. Magyarországon is vezettem Tíszavasvariből Budapestbe. Élveztük azt a road trip. Igen, a városközpontban mindig szörnyű volt a forgalom:( főleg a manuális kocsinak) Köszönöm hogy ezt nagyon csodálatos videó csináltad !!
@HungarianbyHeart 10 ай бұрын
Juj a manuális váltó a rémálmom😭 de tök jó, hogy te élvezed a vezetést😁
@natalitagarzon 10 ай бұрын
Nem szeretek vezetni de néha hasznos, sajnos nem tudok egyszerűen honosítani a kolumbiai jogosítványomat, és nem szeretnék jogosítványt fizetni Magyarországon. Nekem jó a tömegközlekedés is :) Bogotához képest nem olyan rossz a forgalom Budapesten. köszönöm a videóidat.
@HungarianbyHeart 10 ай бұрын
Ohhh elhiszem, biztos vannak városok, ahol sokkal kaotikusabb a közlekedés 😄
@ebinjayan 10 ай бұрын
4:08 " türelmetlenek , stresszesek , idegesek " the new "Live, Laugh, Love" is out lmao
@selmen9240 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for your efforts! And would be even better with the cc so we can use the transcript 😊
@HungarianbyHeart 11 ай бұрын
Köszi🙏 You can download the Hungiaran transcript for free from the link in the description:) I just preferred adding subtitles this way so that you can see both languages at the same time, I guess with KZbin subtitles you can't do that, right? I don't know which makes more sense... But thank you for the feedback, I'll try that way too later. 🙏
@csillagtalan 11 ай бұрын
@@HungarianbyHeart hi, just my two cents here, I *love* the bilingual subtitles, they're a total game-changer for beginners/intermediates :^)
@PikeCisco 11 ай бұрын
I love your videos. I am confused now though because I hadn't come across the adverb well (jol) being turned into an accusative (jot). Usually the t comes at the end of a word affected by the verb but in this case the word well describes the verb so yes I don't understand. Could anyone explain please?
@HungarianbyHeart 11 ай бұрын
Ahh, yes you're right, this expression is interesting! I said "Azóta nem parkoltam olyan jót.", which could be translated literally to something like "I haven't parked such a good one since then." Other similar phrase I would use: "Tegnap voltam egy étteremben, és olyan jót ettem!" = "Yesterday I went to a restaurant, and I had such a good meal." Something like this. "I ate such a good one" 😄 I hope this helps🙏
@PikeCisco 11 ай бұрын
Fantastic. Thank you so much for the explanation.@@HungarianbyHeart
@PikeCisco 11 ай бұрын
I wonder if I could ask a question on pronunciation? I have noticed that some words containing gy are pronounced differently to others. Am I right in thinking that figyelni is pronounced differently to say vagyok. So that the gy in figyelni sounds like fig yelni using english sounds whereas vagyok sounds like vad yok. Sorry this has been bugging me for a while now and I don't if I'm imaginig it or not..!
@HungarianbyHeart 11 ай бұрын
Hmmm to be honest I think in "figyelni" and "vagyok" GY sounds the same. I think what you might hear is that sometimes we don't pronounce "GY" that strong, so it's a softer sound. But I wouldn't say that depends on the word, just on the way of speaking. (Speaking clearly vs. more "naturally" so not putting that much emphasis on pronouncing every sound nice and clear.) One thing I noticed in the word "vagytok" is that here "GY" is definitely softer than usual because of the "T" following it. I hope this helps a bit, I think I know what you mean, "GY" is not an easy sound. :)
@PikeCisco 11 ай бұрын
@@HungarianbyHeart Brilliant. Thank you again.
@SzczeryPoliglota 10 ай бұрын
Két dologok: 1. So "Pest" is the synonym of Budapest in spoken Hungarian? 2. I feel exactly the same when driving. Nem vezetek, mert nem élvezek. És nincs értelme nekem.
@HungarianbyHeart 10 ай бұрын
Igen, I pretty much always say "Pest" 😁 I'm sure there are some people from Buda who would get offended by that but many people refer to Budapest as Pest:) És megértem... A vezetés nem való mindenkinek 😅😄
@WalintHUN 10 ай бұрын
Nos, nem sértő számomra a pestezés, de mint félig vidéki, félig fővárosi, elmondom, hogyan látom ezt. Közel 2 millióan élnek Magyarországon (ez a lakosság egy-ötöde), ezért két nézőpont van. A vidékiek, ha elutaznak Budapestre, csak ennyit mondanak: 'Felmegyek Pestre.' Fővárosi szempontból azért ez nem tűnik túl korrektnek... mert nem olyan rég egyesült Pest és Buda (1873-ban). Buda, a nyugati oldal dimbes-dombos (Budai-hegyvidék, amik valójában európai viszonylatban is csak dombok), míg a pesti, keleti oldal teljesen sík a Gödöllői-dombságig. A földrajzi adottságokon kívül a budai oldalon inkább a gazdagabbak éltek, így ott több villa és egyedi házak léteznek, míg a pesti oldalon a munkás, átlagemberek sokasága él tömegesen gyártott lakásokban és panelházakban, nagyobb arányban Budához képest. Ezért a fővároson belül is van egy kis szurkálódás még ma is a két oldal között a társadalmi különbségek miatt. Szóval a magyar lakosság 4/5-e egyszerűsítve azt mondja, hogy Pesten vagyok, de a fővárosiak, azaz a magyarok 1/5-e azért különbséget tesz 'Budai vagyok.' vagy 'Át kell mennem Budára.' Ez manapság egyre lényegtelenebb, ahogy már az sem állja meg a helyét, hogy Budán a gazdagabbak, míg Pesten a szegények élnek, de ha kijavítanak, ne csodálkozz. Valakiknek ez még mindig érzelemmel töltött identitásának a része... Well, I'm not offended by 'Pestezés', but as someone who is half rural, half urban, let me tell you how I see this. Almost 2 million people live in Hungary (this is one-fifth of the population), so there are two perspectives. When rural folks travel to Budapest, they just say, 'I'm going up to Pest.' From the perspective of a city dweller, this doesn't seem very fair... because not so long ago Pest and Buda united (in 1873). Buda, on the western side, is hilly (the Buda Hills(((in Hungarian we call it mountains :))), which are actually just hills in European terms), while Pest, on the eastern side, is completely flat until the Gödöllő Hills. Besides geographical factors, the wealthier lived more in Buda, so there are more villas and individual houses there, while in Pest, the masses of working, average people live in mass-produced apartments and panel buildings, in a greater proportion compared to Buda. Therefore, there is still a bit of poking within the capital itself between the two sides due to social differences. So, roughly 4/5 of the Hungarian population say they are in Pest, but 1/5 of the city dwellers, that is, the Hungarians, make a distinction between 'I'm from Buda' and 'I have to go to Buda.' Nowadays, this is becoming increasingly irrelevant, as it is no longer true that the wealthy live in Buda while the poor live in Pest, but if corrected, don't be surprised. For some, this is still part of an emotionally charged identity...
@marcius7308 2 ай бұрын
✨️💖 🕊 👋🙂
@timothydouglas9474 11 ай бұрын
"Nem vagyok normális" igazad van... Hála Istennek azért, mert neked KARAKTERED van ❤
@HungarianbyHeart 11 ай бұрын
Hahaha köszi😁
@cernaruka 10 ай бұрын
@wild_insomnia 10 ай бұрын
nice video,honey
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