Why Do People Think Huck Finn Is Racist? (Feat. Princess Weekes) | It's Lit

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@anonanon-fm3dv 3 жыл бұрын
The thing about Huck Finn I always found fascinating is how it contrasts Jim and his relationship with Huck and Pap Finn and his relationship with Huck. Pap Finn is a horrible person and horrible father leaves his child voluntarily and only returns to steal his money and abuse him. Jim is a good father who is forced to leave his family and tries to return to them so he can raise them. He also forms a parental relationship with Huck standing in as the much better father figure. The fact that a black man was presented in such a positive light, in a clearly superior light and superior relationship to the white man was always fascinating to me. And it is not something I have ever seen people talk about when they discuss the racist or not aspect of this book.
@chickensandwich8808 3 жыл бұрын
@Painfulstinger i don't think it's that nefarious. Conditioning is a thing, and the turn about of Jim's character can spark a lot of outrage mostly because in any other context it would be seen as a regression of character growth. That said, someone else presented a good point about the shift happening because of the surroundings Jim found himself in and how his survival mindset flipped. This same contrast presented here is not always obvious or spoonfed, which in a way is bad because it suggests that the impact wasn't as strong enough to showcase how much like a fatherfigure Jim was, but on the other hand is potentially good because it shows that one doesn't have to be bound by blood to be a father or a fatherly figure. It happened organically without being ham fisted.
@garryferrington811 3 жыл бұрын
You're right.
@waltonsmith7210 3 жыл бұрын
@Painfilstinger I mean I would say Mark Twain was pretty "woke" for his time. If he lived today youd probably hate him lol. He was clearly a lefty. AndI do think "woke" people think that no one was ever antiracist in the history of the world beforethe present day.
@BillThompson1955 3 жыл бұрын
The contrast between Jim and Pap struck me while reading the book. There's one point where Jim tells Huck that he was abusive toward his daughter, not realizing that a fever had left her deaf and dumb. The remorse Jim shows is one more mark of a good father (two marks, considering that he confesses all to Huck.)
@jakethegreatest473 3 жыл бұрын
@@waltonsmith7210 that time period...no he'd have been right wing...the Republican party was the anti slavery party...Abraham Lincoln was a republican
@jeremiahjones3010 3 жыл бұрын
Huck stating he'll go to hell rather than turn Jim in is one of the most powerful scenes in American Literature.
@TheAstilesus 3 жыл бұрын
@michaelj4669 3 жыл бұрын
somehow it's racist now.
@sprontos 2 жыл бұрын
Especially because Huck believed hell is real.
@sprontos 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelj4669 no, nobody is saying that is racist. They are having a knee-jerk reaction to the use of the N word. They're missing the point and you're not much better than they are.
@michaelj4669 2 жыл бұрын
@@sprontos what where poor whites called back then mate? if u didn't support the systems in gen back then what did the rich white people call you? i'll give u a hint hard r or hard r lover. but you would erase that from history to fit your narrative huh?
@Im-Not-a-Dog 3 жыл бұрын
I've never understood how people got the notion that accuracy in a period piece equals a racist author.
@Pleasestoptalkingthanks 3 жыл бұрын
Its a sentiment that fits more for people like Lovecraft lol. Which bizarrely people defend him as well since, I quote: “everyone was racist back then.”
@Im-Not-a-Dog 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pleasestoptalkingthanks All im saying is that if your writing covers interracial interaction in the American south in the 1800's, not using the N word would be whitewashing the past to portray white people as never being racist, and thats just wrong. Its like if you wrote a book set in 1700's England and made the British seem like they were "Just visiting other nation and convincing them to join the British empire" as opposed to imperializing half the known world through force and opium.
@BaneRain 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pleasestoptalkingthanks I mean who cares that he was racist. Many of his short stories barely touch on race. He doesn't benefit from any book sales because he died like a hundred years ago. I see nothing wrong with reading Lovecraft with the right context in mind. Edgar allan poe was a pedophile if we apply today's standards. So was the guy who wrote through the looking glass.
@Pleasestoptalkingthanks 3 жыл бұрын
@@horizonblack I’m more of an Innsmouth guy myself!
@Pleasestoptalkingthanks 3 жыл бұрын
@@Im-Not-a-Dog Yeah, that def makes sense. History not being portrayed or covered accurately is still a huge issue even here in the states.
@DonnaBarrHerself 3 жыл бұрын
We have to remember that if Jim puts a foot “wrong” at any time, the penalty is DEATH. My favorite moment is when he severely defines “trash” to Huck, and that child - against all his rotten training - apologizes for causing this mature man grief.
@knightforlorn6731 3 жыл бұрын
thanks. this was always the scene that sat with me most as well. Huck doesn't recognize how much he hurts jim but he is forced to come to grips with that.
@DeviantDork 3 жыл бұрын
If he is so mature why is he following a child?
@fatcat5817 3 жыл бұрын
Well if you were considered merely property like a purebred dog, lots of people would want to catch you, look for your owner, keep you, or sell you and for females breed you to another dog.
@carsonm7292 2 жыл бұрын
@@DeviantDork The story is told from Huck's perspective, so Huck obviously sees himself as the protagonist of the story. But because of the times Jim is forced to rely on Huck for help because Huck, as a white boy, has social protection and access that Jim, a runaway slave, does not. Jim becomes a father figure for Huck that is contrasted sharply with Pap Finn, and they have to rely on one another to get by. Huck relies on Jim because Huck is a child and naturally dependent on Jim's adult guidance. Jim relies on Huck because Jim is a fugitive slave with nobody else to count on except Huck, who can use the color of his skin together with his silver tongue to shield both of them from danger.
@PrettyGuardian 2 жыл бұрын
@@carsonm7292 That'd actually a very clever plot device on the part of Mark Twain when you break it down like that.
@theelementalstation947 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly I always saw the change of Jim's character simply because of the change of scenery. I mean, one thing is being around your new buddy and another is being surrounded by people that might shoot you or worse. Of course he would be more "submissive" he knows that's the way to survive in such a situation, if anything that switch gives depth to the character imo
@jso6790 3 жыл бұрын
That is an interesting point, code switching for survival.
@bencoomer2000 3 жыл бұрын
That would make a lot of sense, actually. Like, I don't think we can totally dismiss that Twain kinda chickened out... BUT switching to servile, anything to help the white boy in a time we know was deadly to be thought of as anything but for black people would make sense.
@Kahtisemo 3 жыл бұрын
I kind of wondered about that too. We know Huck met him when he was already on the run, but he was a slave before that. How he acts with Huck is who he is, but he's probably got a "servant mode" when around certain people. This happens a lot with retail workers and waiters that we even joke about the "service face / voice"
@Red-in-Green 3 жыл бұрын
And then giving up a chance to run to stand by someone who (he believed) was helping him. I mean, that’s empathy. That’s having a sense of right and wrong. Then when the ruse is revealed he hardens instead of lashing out. Would you rather he run (showing him to be selfish)? Would rather he lash out (playing into the stereotype of an “aggressive black man”)? In writing, nothing shows the complexity of a character better than having them work against their goals for the sake of their morals, at least in my experience.
@chrisrudolf9839 3 жыл бұрын
@@Red-in-Green I'm quite sure that Twain wrote Jim's behavior in that context to depict him as a honorable and kind man, who would stand by those who had helped him even at the cost of endangering his own life and freedom. I guess one major factor that makes us modern readers feel uneasy with the story is the stereotypical depiction of the "simple" black slave. Twain might have been firmly against slavery and the injustice that was done against black people, but he wasn't free of the racial prejudice of his time, and that shows in the way he depicts the character.
@nocomment2468 3 жыл бұрын
I think we have to remember that Huck Finn is a novel, not an essay. MT exposes the hypocrisies and cruelty of society and individual characters. The awful stuff with Huck’s abusive father is stated in a pretty matter of fact way. Huck’s views themselves are extremely limited. And if I remember correctly, Jim has the dignity to get angry with Huck at some point when Huck plays a mean prank. Jim is actually the only compassionate, moral person in the book… MT is definitely critical of his world, but as a comedian and a satirist, he exposes the darkness through irony and parody. His views are implicit. If you want non-fiction, try Frederick Douglass’s autobiography. It’s just incredible.
@tlac4120 3 жыл бұрын
Literature should always be read with the social structures and believes that took place during it's writing in mind. And than reflect what is and should be better today. Banning and censoring books does not help to learn from the past.
@Richard_Nickerson 3 жыл бұрын
Please tell me you're ESL
@ryuuseiboi950 3 жыл бұрын
@@Richard_Nickerson Clearly, he's not the Electronic Sports League
@Richard_Nickerson 3 жыл бұрын
@@ryuuseiboi950 🙄
@ronbo11 3 жыл бұрын
I'm afraid if an English/Lit teacher tried to explain the customs and societal norms during the time "Huckleberry Finn" occurs, a student (or students) would complain about how America was being portrayed. Then their parents would protest about CRT being taught in the school. This would probably lead to getting the teacher reprimanded or fired. It's a shame that everything gets blown out of proportion when discussing writings and historical facts.
@bunnywavyxx9524 3 жыл бұрын
@@ronbo11 This is the exact reason. These people don't ever want to confront the past.
@AnMuiren 3 жыл бұрын
I wrote a paper in high school based on it's reading as anti-Racist discourse. I was not allowed to finish my presentation, was sent home, my suspension was bartered down detention by my parents. It was a coming of age moment seeing my parents and teachers I admired in a completely different light. By the way, I'm from Cincinnati where Samuel Clemens is just as well known for investing in new technology as for the books he wrote.
@healinggrounds19 3 жыл бұрын
You were suspended for writing a paper? That's insane.
@claudiazg9932 3 жыл бұрын
Those grown ups did not understand the book XD
@DianaAmericaRivero 3 жыл бұрын
Were you suspended because the school didn't agree with your thesis or because the book was banned but you read it anyway? Either way, that is insane!
@scottjs5207 3 жыл бұрын
Defeats the purpose of academia.... True learning, actually teaching valuable skills requires facing adversity, including on the ideological level.... No wonder so many people have become so petty as to devolve into "your wrong because I say so" instead of using intellectual skill and having the patience to respectfully listen, even to those you disagree with...
@gxtmfa 3 жыл бұрын
You’re badass. Way to rile some feathers
@AveryTalksAboutStuff 3 жыл бұрын
"Huck Finn, the first gone girl." 😂
@akhragee 3 жыл бұрын
No lie tho, looking at the illustrations reproduced here, I couldn't stop seeing a trans boy...
@aud613 3 жыл бұрын
@@akhragee OP 999999999o999ok
@rodneymarsden3003 3 жыл бұрын
In the novel Huck tried to pull a con that didn't work. That's it.
@jacobm6617 2 жыл бұрын
@@akhragee Huh? Literally just a… child
@rainbowslushy223 2 жыл бұрын
Huck finn =fakes death goes on adventure Gone girl = fakes death . Falsly incriminates people . Kills innocent people . Perverts truth and justice Yes definitely the same 🙄 Why do people make amy seem like a hero . Shes a total monster
@tomhalla426 3 жыл бұрын
Jim is the only sensible adult in the novel.
@chris7263 3 жыл бұрын
I don't remember much of the book, but I do remember interpreting him as the only real adult in the room. Stuck with the responsibility of prioritizing spoiled children over himself.
@Mordrevious 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve heard people say that Jim’s portrayal is racist because he’s portrayed as uneducated and superstitious and that’s never sat well with me. Jim is uneducated, sure, but he’s easily one of the most morally good people in the book and it’s pretty obvious that the other characters are not in the right to treat Jim the way they do. Jim’s ‘trash’ speech comes to mind.
@johgu92 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mordrevious Criticizing Jim for being uneducated and superstitious is one of the most moronic things I ever heard. How would a slave banned from real education be educated, and if you're uneducated you're likely superstitious as well.
@kahkah1986 3 жыл бұрын
@@chris7263 Tom is spoiled, Huck isn't. Huck isn't an adult though.
@brandondavidson4085 3 жыл бұрын
Mark Twain: *enlists in the Confederate Army* The Confederacy: "We are fighting to preserve slavery!" Mark Twain: "Oh never mind. Y'all have fun, I'm going to write books"
@BillThompson1955 3 жыл бұрын
In one of his articles, Twain wrote about his brief experience in a local militia company. The romance of soldiering ended for him when his unit shot down a civilian, and they had to watch him die.
@samhu5878 3 жыл бұрын
The confederate army would never say that they are fighting for slavery, just the same way the same way the union army never mentions abolitions. It would be ridiculous for the predominantly racist public to think that they are making such huge sacrifices for the sake of black people either to enslave them or free them. Especially since most white southerners are not even slave holders.
@aetherkid 3 жыл бұрын
@@samhu5878 The South was undeniably for slavery. Every single letter of secession mentions as the primary, if not sole, factor behind their decision to rebel and declare war
@allangibson2408 3 жыл бұрын
@@aetherkid Actually not every single succession letter mentioned slavery - only just over half…
@dogmosatchmo 3 жыл бұрын
@@allangibson2408 But they did mention states rights. And states rights to the south, meant without any stretch of the imagination, owning slaves. It's not a matter of opinion. Sounds like you've drank a bit of the lost cause kool-aid.
@julietfischer5056 3 жыл бұрын
Tom has a child's plan. He's well-read, but a child and thinks in terms of the stories he's read. Which means convoluted silliness.
@BigBWolf90 3 жыл бұрын
That's why Huck falls in line with Tom's plan. He always had the opinion that because Tom was more educated and "knew more about this kind of thing" that he should have listen. Huck doesn't realize that he and Tom live in two completely different worlds; Tom lives in the world where everything he reads from fantasy and fiction must be true while Huck lives in the world that is reality because he gets slapped in the face with it every single day but he still is willing to listen to those he sees as more educated and above him
@Albemarle7 3 жыл бұрын
@@BigBWolf90 And Tom because he was from a respectable family thought he was better than Huck.
@hayleybartek8643 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty common way for people to think, both children and adults. You ever see the attitude of a politician who comes from a dynasty of politicians? Their ego couldn’t fit in Texas.
@julietfischer5056 2 жыл бұрын
@@hayleybartek8643- Or Africa.
@thecollector4332 Жыл бұрын
@@BigBWolf90 It’s also because, while tom’s plans and follies usually ended badly, he still sometimes succeeded, which gave huck enough reason to keep trusting him.
@LowellLucasJr. 3 жыл бұрын
Huck Finn racist?? NO! Does it take place in racist times? YES!
@rodneymarsden3003 3 жыл бұрын
You got it in one. The book was first banned in the south because it was said to be too anti-slavery at a time when the south was licking its wounds over the American Civil War. They tried to ban the book again in the 1980s. There is an episode of Family Ties in support of this novel.
@walklikeyoutalk1624 3 жыл бұрын
@mikochild2 2 жыл бұрын
@@walklikeyoutalk1624 what makes no sense?
@umjammerlammy9993 2 жыл бұрын
Are people worried that it's a racist book, or are they worried that it makes them confront their racist history?
@Shay45 2 жыл бұрын
@@umjammerlammy9993 I think both. Some think it is racist because of the infantilism of black people & the “Magical Negro Trope” & Some are uncomfortable at talking about hateful things being done in the USA & some feel “white guilt”
@EayuProuxm 3 жыл бұрын
"Politically, Twain got a lot more radical the older he got" That's usually the other way around, so good for him.
@timan2039 3 жыл бұрын
Twain continued to learn throughout life which I believe is the key to overcoming most of the worlds ills.
@Ollebolle112 3 жыл бұрын
Good for him
@chickensandwich8808 3 жыл бұрын
@@doctordragon9798 Pretty much this.
@Mayrego 3 жыл бұрын
@@doctordragon9798 Nah, it's just a poor framing of the fact that the younger generation is always going to be more open to radical changes of the current situation than the prior one is. It's not the older getting more conservative, it's the younger changing the bar for the word "radical".
@healinggrounds19 3 жыл бұрын
I am more liberal now than I was in my HS and college days. Being out in the world opened my eyes.
@Domdrok 3 жыл бұрын
Teaching English literature in a multidisciplinary way, such as including history, science, etc. is an ideal way to show these complex subjects. It takes a good teacher to get everything across the proper way, though.
@dimetrodon2250 3 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, required curriculums and low salaries don't really allow for that
@rami_ungar_writer 3 жыл бұрын
I remember reading Huck Finn in high school. And I also remember reading the last couple of chapters and wanting to hit Tom with a heavy object because he was being such a huge idiot.
@healinggrounds19 3 жыл бұрын
Omg yes!! I hated Tom at the end of the book.
@jameslongstaff2762 3 жыл бұрын
@@healinggrounds19 I also read Tom Sawyer and I hated him in that book too XD
@johgu92 3 жыл бұрын
I think you were supposed to hate him, he was a dumb kid with nothing to lose who didn't understand how Jim's situation was.
@LeavingGoose046 2 жыл бұрын
From the beginning of the book to the end Tom was always a dumb kid
@seannyhan2254 2 жыл бұрын
Well put. My sentiments exactly.
@emilymoran9152 3 жыл бұрын
This kind of reminds me of a quote I heard once. The gist was that for someone who considers themself a progressive/radical/revolutionary the goal should should be to create a world where they themself would be condemned as a reactionary. It's a joke, of course, but points to the idea that even those who are working against one or more of the injustices of our time are likely to be missing several others. I feel like that's what's going on with writers like Mark Twain and Harriet Beecher Stowe, and why it is hard to put their work in "racist vs. not racist" boxes. They were being actively anti-racist by the standards of their time (certainly anti-slavery), but from the perspective of our time still clearly had some unfortunate racial biases remaining. So we can both appreciate what they were trying to do and be uncomfortable about the bits they didn't do quite right.
@chris7263 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like for that reason it's better to use the language of the time they'd have used for themselves, like abolitionist.
@eritain 3 жыл бұрын
Yep. That's a form of humility we often forget to use when we're out trying to save the world.
@jaojao1768 3 жыл бұрын
That was Proudhon, was it not?
@kahkah1986 3 жыл бұрын
@@eritain Yup, our grandchildren (or great great grandchildren in this case) will be able to see our mistakes much more clearly than ourselves, that is life, 'progress' is maybe too loaded a term, but it is to do with the passage of time imo.
@cbpd89 2 жыл бұрын
Emily, you've hit the nail on the head. If Mark Twain had been born 40 years ago, I suspect he would see the world very differently. Whereas if I'd been born in my great great grandmother's place, I am sure I would be racist by today's standards, maybe even by the standard of the day, because environment counts for a lot in one's world view.
@Kitsaplorax 3 жыл бұрын
Huck Finn is likely even more contentious in its portrayal of Native Americans (itself a problematic concept that's like lumping Kurds with Turks and the Yazidi because they live or lived near each other), which is a feature most readers miss. Would this novel even be in the canon of literature if it were a simplistic children's story? Any novel has to exclude or at least not fully develop the perspectives of some characters or situations in order to be coherent enough to be read. The alternative is to develop a Rashomon approach to storytelling. This novel cannot be legally discussed in Texas public schools now. It pushes all of the hot button issues that that State's government wishes to disappear from history. That's an even sadder reflection on our time than on Twain's.
@jso6790 3 жыл бұрын
In support of your point, I do not remember the Native American portrayals in the book, and only the last few years have I immersed myself in understanding Race with Indigenous Americans and the sort of big story of white supremacy and its victims.
@DianeKovacs 3 жыл бұрын
@@jso6790 Those issues are more in Tom Sawyer.
@leme3082 3 жыл бұрын
Can you cite where huck finn is banned in Texas schools. I need it for a research paper but I'm turning up nothing
@andreamiller3578 3 жыл бұрын
I read Huck Finn in a Texas high school in the 1990s. As far as I know this book is not "illegal" in school. Can that be a legal law? I mean some schools refuse to add certain books or teachers may just choose a different book, and in some cases around the world, including the US, outright ban books from curriculum. But here, it usually causes a protest if there's an actual ban attempted. Especially statewide. Statewide makes no sense to me.
@Miglow 2 жыл бұрын
@@andreamiller3578 I read Huck Finn in Texas in the 90s as well. I can't find anything to corroborate the claims made. The most I can find that the book has been "challenged" in some counties but that's it.
@ryandowney8743 3 жыл бұрын
I remember reading Huck Finn in high school as a kid and I really enjoyed it, UNTIL Tom Sawyer comes in and takes over the story. It was clear Huck was growing and learning to accept Jim as a person. So I don't think his character is racist (or at least racist by the end) because the point is that we see his character arc. But that is completely cut short when Tom takes over and treats Jim like a prop in a game. Tom Sawyer is definitely racist, he doesn't care about Jim or his freedom. I kept expecting the whole point of his inclusion in the story was for Huck to show his growth as a character by telling Tom off and not being so submissive! But he doesn't, or at least not as much as I wanted him to. I certainly wouldn't consider the book racist as a whole, but I do think that it hurts it's anti-racist message with a bad ending.
@memahselfni 3 жыл бұрын
I almost put Huck Finn down at that point because Tom was driving me insane. I wanted to choke him. The worst part is that his shenanigans were so unnecessary.
@jimgrant4578 3 жыл бұрын
Agree. I read it when I was young and don't remember specifics, but I really didn't care for the ending.
@STho205 3 жыл бұрын
It is an everyman stoic novel. Just because Huck and Jim have transformed to more enlightened and cooperative souls... That doesn't mean the rest of society has changed a wit. ... But we can't control the thoughts of others, nor do we have an unalienable right to do so. Twain the Libertarian.
@johgu92 3 жыл бұрын
With Tom the society of their time comes back to the story, so of course they change their behaviour. Especially Jim, because he could get punished for speaking or acting a certain way.
@msk-qp6fn 3 жыл бұрын
I never liked Tom much even in Tom's book but his attitude was more despicable in Huck's tale like i was seriously turned off
@RyokoAsakuraLastFan 3 жыл бұрын
I always liked how my teacher handled the book, especially how she disliked when Tom came back. As he resets all the character growth Huck had achieved. She also stressed its good that the N-word made us uncomfortable in class, showing us how inappropriate and offensive a word can be.
@mendelevium2768 3 жыл бұрын
She sounds like a smart woman
@stephaniewilliams6756 3 жыл бұрын
You can make ppl uncomfortable without using traumatic and violent racial slurs lol
@Pleasestoptalkingthanks 3 жыл бұрын
@@stephaniewilliams6756 I don’t think you understand the point of using it in this context then if thats your takeaway.
@MarieMaia445 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pleasestoptalkingthanks Nah, I read the book and I stick by the fact that using the word Negro will have the same effect on both black and white people without feeling as traumatic. Also, P.S. there has to be a way to teach both white students and POC students without putting the precedent that white people need to be educated first or as the precedent for how everything needs to be taught. There are things POC been knew and it's annoying when we have to deal with things at the sacrifice of white students, even other POC sometimes, "gaining an understanding". It just oozes BS.
@Pleasestoptalkingthanks 3 жыл бұрын
@@MarieMaia445 “Kneegrow” is just as offensive as hard R N. The spelling matter of it is arbitrary, you only feel that way because Hard R lasted into contemporary times while Kneegrow is considered “archaic”. On your second point, it doesn’t matter if POC students come from a more culturally sensitive background than whites; neither party is inherently/mechanically more knowledgeable on the topic (around that age) and thus treating it as a race to decide who’s more accommodated is irrelevant to actually learning the content. This is a new generation of students, they have not had the same experiences as their forerunners yet.
@Tareltonlives 3 жыл бұрын
There should be a consideration of intent and content and the author as well: Twain was racist in his own right, especially towards native Americans. However, his intention was to show the ultimate humanity and dignity of African Americans, and it is ultimately an anti-racist work. The racist language comes from the unfortunate period. People use Huck Finn and Blazing Saddles to either justify using racial slurs or condemn them no matter what the context, but both interpretations are removed from the context of the actual use.
@charleshettrick2408 3 жыл бұрын
At this period of writing, you are correct. He also disliked First Nations Peoples and especially Chinese. Twain/Clemens was an extremely complex continuously evolving personality, driven by family, finances, social status and sarcastic sense of right/wrong. Later in life it is hard to say if he still held these same negative beliefs. Some of the writings show some softening. I believe his dislike of Native Americans started on his cross country stage coach ride as writen in Roughing It. Some event happened that instantly revolted him. But I have not read it in his notes Twain explicitly singled out Chinese. He was quite warm to other Asains and Pacific Islanders. I suspect this bias grew from his time in California and the general disgraceful negative attitude of the USA in the 1870s toward the Chinese.
@robertwhatley2825 2 жыл бұрын
Mr. Clemens was little different from anyone today, one tends to marginalize those who we don’t relate with.
@Spoonwranglerz 2 жыл бұрын
you know some native American tribes used to carry out literal genocides against other native American tribes as well as stealing their woman and children. I strongly doubt Twain was actually racist against any or all native Americans because they would differ greatly from tribe to tribe. Some were war-like, some less so. Either way everyone brutally fought and killed each other and yeah, some native Americans were pretty damn savage when you look at the child sacrifices and brutal killings and raids on civilians etc. I don't think race has as much to do with it but instead fear which lead to violence which lead to retaliation.
@Tareltonlives 2 жыл бұрын
@@Spoonwranglerz It was only a matter of time before racists show up on these kinds of threads
@DahaktheDragon 3 жыл бұрын
Anytime we compare an older work to our current modern morality it's always going to fall short. I like the idea of pairing it with other works so the student gets the full context of the situation. But
@jonathanlyons1411 3 жыл бұрын
I have my degree in English. Twain has been one of my favorites for many decades and I feel you have portrayed him in a good light from troubling times. You’ve given me much to think about and I greatly appreciate your perspective on the text. I think the idea of putting Huckleberry Finn in context with a larger discussion on racism in America is wonderful. I don’t believe excuses need be made for troublesome passages but context means so much and you’ve given me a better understanding of the context.
@whatername528 3 жыл бұрын
I studied Huck Finn in 11th grade, while I was also taking AP US History and I got way more insight into the book from discussing it with my history teacher than my English teacher. She was able to give a lot more context to what was going on politically and socially at the time that informed the book as well as explain the allegorical meaning of a lot of the plots in the book.
@andrewlustfield6079 3 жыл бұрын
I definitely see this as an anti-slavery and a very human novel. And it is very nuanced. What didn't get explored in this critique is that at the end of the novel how Huck fails. In the beginning, he escapes his father and finds himself with Jim on the river. Jim on the river, is as free as he can be and so we see him come out far more. This whole time he and Huck are on the river, Huck is presented with an opportunity to see Jim as a full human being. At the end of the novel, Huck falls right back into following Tom Sawyer and Tom's latest hair brained schemes for for the adventure of it all, which if given a choice is exactly what Huck would have been doing at the beginning of the novel. Huck didn't really learn a damn thing in all his time on the river with Jim. Jim winds up being the most human and humane character in the whole book. Twain didn't do that by accident. It's also no accident that in the end you want to take Tom Sawyer to the nearest woodshed and beat sense into him. As for teaching this in schools--I have to admit I didn't get it when I read this as a kid (I was probably twelve when I first read this novel.) When I read this as an adult, I was completely floored with what I was being confronted with. I do think the novel needs to be taught, and while I'm tempted to say that it should be taught in college, you lose exposure to anyone who doesn't go to college. White and Black Americans need to be confronted with what appears in this novel. Senior level high school English class is where this belongs.
@kahkah1986 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, I think as a child I didn't understand a lot of the context, especially the ending.
@catocall7323 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's a great novel in that, for a child it presents you with the adventure and romance of living on the river, and as an adult it reveals a profound commentary on many social ills including racism and slavery. I would even argue that college kids might not be mature enough to get it and that it's a great read for many adults.
@mrs.g.9816 3 жыл бұрын
I read the book on school vacation when I was about 12. I read it again recently, and picked up on the brutality (especially the child abuse from his father) Huck faced, and how he rebelled in his own way against society and racism. He was just a child. He smoked pipes and lived on his own, but he was still a child. I think Mark Twain was a product of his times, depicting Jim as a stereotype. I still always loved Huck's and Jim's friendship. Against the world, all they really had was each other.
@ValensBellator 2 жыл бұрын
I always figured if Twain had written something that everyone felt comfortable with today we simply wouldn’t have it as it never would have been printed or read in his own time. Twain’s genius was his ability to tell grounded, relatable stories about the kind of people many didn’t give a second thought, and covertly hidden within that narrative were messages that would have been outright rejected before even reading had they been more obvious. His approach would often help the fence-sitters to reconsider their prejudices as they, for instance, find themselves sympathizing with the character with clearly the most integrity and moral fortitude in the book in the form of Jim. He wrote for his audience at the time, and given his background I’d say Samuel’s disposition was damn near a miracle. That boy from Missouri somehow found his own way through unimaginable racial hate and emerged an enlightened figure.
@JerdMcLean 3 жыл бұрын
When we read this in my advanced English class that was about half white half black my teacher told us she wouldn't be censoring the language and no one had a problem with it. We can't learn from history if we try and wash away all the historical nuance.
@crgrier 2 жыл бұрын
I think you missed the point of the sudden change in Jim's behavior once they reach the plantation. It's not that the author forgot how to write or how to give this character a voice as you seem to imply. It demonstrates the dual nature of life in the south as a black man, especially an enslaved one. For most of the book, Jim could be his true self with Huck. But, when Jim has to deal with plantaion life, he wears his "slave mask" once again to avoid trouble. Rather than being banned, this book can reflect the struggles of black people today. Start a discussion on how society requires people of color to "act white" in some situations, or appear submissive to authority figures.
@KerrikkiLurgan 3 жыл бұрын
Walk a mile in my shoes. These books should be a part of the American History, to show the mind sets of people of the time. As well as the more modern story of Black like me
@gloria8093 3 жыл бұрын
What people forget with so many old works is that they will always be a product of the time and the authors conditioning. Even if a creator is pushing in the right direction, most humans can't usually handle facing the depths of their society's injustice. Now we can and should discuss at what level fictional works that don't condemn problematic views by today's standards should be taught, but that they should remain should not be in question. Fighting for justice in our day and age is like repairing the damage of a toxic dump. Just because we have to deal with the damage left behind, doesn't mean we should sneer at those that drained the dump because they couldn't see how deep the poison ran.
@heraalltheway 4 ай бұрын
no there are def timeless books that does not necessarily hurt anybody.
@kathrynharring8270 3 жыл бұрын
I believe that teaching literature especially dated pieces around the history of that time period is imperative to understanding the work. I still remember reading novels of the Vietnam war and our teacher telling us there is swearing because when you get shot at you don't use nice words (because parents complained about that). I also remember our history teacher being annoyed that we couldn't read Uncle Tom's cabin because of the N word, he wanted to teach us about abolition and post civil war America using that book as a tool. Yet I read Huck Finn for a different class and we again discussed the book through the lens of this is what was happening at the time it was written. You can't take books out of their historical context because our modern lens makes it look different and doesn't allow it to have the same impact because you aren't framing it for the intended audience.
@jessicacarron8117 2 жыл бұрын
I feel that we should teach historical context with literature like this. Literature that deals with race. Also literature that deals with rights of various other groups. It’s a great opportunity to engage in conversation and discuss history and it’a contemporary implications.
@elliegray8184 3 жыл бұрын
After watching this, I think part of it might be that Huck Finn might be more appropriate for college level courses, as opposed to high-school or younger. The kind of stuff where it can be part of a professor's entire course on literature, where the students are hopefully a bit more mature and the classes are hopefully more diverse, and its context in both literature and history can be explored.
@RavenCloak13 2 жыл бұрын
Pfft. Yeah right. Colleges have fired professors without tenure for saying a word that "sounds like the N-word" when it was in fact a word in ANOTHER LANGUAGE... WHICH THEY WERE TEACHING TO THERE STUDENTS. If anything, teaching it to high schoolers makes way more sense. Especially since high schoolers would actually be exposed to the word and concept behind it more then any dumb college student do to its use in video game voice chats all the time. Which is even more funny because it be used mostly against WHITE PEOPLE because most of America is White. The reason it is funny in high school is because the word isn't used a lot like how the word gay is used all the time in the Narnia books because it meant happy back then. Hearing people say a naughty word is funny in school but teenagers quickly lose interest in it and the ones that don't are actually trying to be hurtful which shows a difference in developing character. Hell, I heard the N-word most from Black kids and rappers growing up and not just the soft A but the hard R. I legit see kids having a more mature and thoughtful discussion of it then any current college dumbasses given most kids nowadays are raised to be kind to one another. They don't WANT to be actively mean like this. Sure kids can easily be cruel but in different ways. They would find the certain words bad to use but use different words to bully. I didn't want to swear at all as a kid and only started to around when I was 12 and my mom was shocked the first time I called my brothers dumb fuckers. She didn't even slap me with how just out of nowhere it was for me being the quiet kid.
@heraalltheway 4 ай бұрын
@@RavenCloak13 full of teenagers and 212 N word in the book so cool
@stefanlaskowski6660 3 жыл бұрын
Huckleberry Finn is the greatest anti-racism book of all time. Jim was hands down the most intelligent and practical character in the book.
@DadsCigaretteRun 3 жыл бұрын
I need to re-read it. It’s been like 20 years
@Travisharger 3 жыл бұрын
I grew up watching Huck Finn movies and stuff but it wasn’t until I read the book that it became one of my favorite stories. Huck and Jim’s relationship, Huck’s journey as a character, Huck’s innocent criticisms of religion, etc make it absolutely wonderful.
@porcelainchips6061 3 жыл бұрын
A fear I've had with trying to "sanitize" the past, or more specifically, censor-down what we consume from the past (media of all/any forms) is that we narrow down and limit examples of POC being active participants in culture and history. The world use to be very, very (openly) racist and so there's a lot of racism is past works, but is it right to narrow the scope of representation in the name of "cleaning up" the material we present? Song of the South was very controversial in it's day for allowing a black man to play the lead role in a film aimed at children, racists were literally saying that humanizing a black man (and introducing African Folklore) to a young audience was somehow dangerous. Later, as perceptions changed, Song of the South went from being "too liberal" to "too racist" with the argument shifting to the lead character being the "wrong" kind of black character for children to see (notice both arguments share the same goal). The film was created in it's time and exists in a solid state, but based on modern and past opinions it's been framed in very different ways as symbolizing very different things. Instead of censoring content, I'm a strong advocate of acknowledging racism in it's full ugly context; yeah, maybe Jim isn't the best written-character on planet earth, but he represents a kind of person in a time in a place that did exist at one point and he can be the leaping-off point of a lot of different complex discussions about character portrayal in stories. It also worries me that a lot of people express openly that their radical beliefs are generated out of feeling disconnected form their past and that, in many cases, people expressing this partly feel that way because a lot of media representation has been scrubbed from a "no representation is better then bad representation" perspective. I feel like if we keep going down this route of cleaning up or throwing out things, we're going to end up with people feeling really lost and wanting for a historic frame of reference to be able to put their modern existence into context.
@SupremeViola 2 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of the perspective Warner Brothers took when releasing the incredibly racist cartoons, but presenting them with an introduction to the effect of "Yes, this is awful. It was awful then, and it's awful now. But we did make them, and if we lock them up forever, that's effectively claiming we never did."
@mariakai 3 жыл бұрын
History is there to remind us not to make the same mistakes. I adore Mark Twain's style of writing.
@torbjornlekberg7756 3 жыл бұрын
Context makes the whole difference. Why do so many have such difficulty understanding this? Thank you, It's Lit. Good video as always.
@sammiebateman8921 3 жыл бұрын
Sadly we forgot to teach people to think.
@torbjornlekberg7756 3 жыл бұрын
@@sammiebateman8921 Yes, it does not come naturally to some, does it?
@Matthew_Murray 3 жыл бұрын
The thing I think that makes Huck Finn a great story is that it was the first to fully showcase that racism is a learned behavior. Huck’s journey is to unlearn what he had been taught his entire life to the point he willing says he will go to hell if thats the price to stand up for Jim.
@EasterWitch 3 жыл бұрын
I remember reading this as a young European girl who knew absolutely nothing about American history or culture and really liking it. I wonder what I would think reading it today, knowing more about racism and what were considered black stereotypes
@catocall7323 3 жыл бұрын
I read it again as an adult and found it to be a great book. I recommend you give it another go.
@skybluskyblueify 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! The attitude of the father towards education sound familiar. It is still here and classism help to keep it alive.
@kahkah1986 3 жыл бұрын
It is a fear of losing his power.
@BlondeMcGuinn 2 жыл бұрын
I was in a psych ward in June 2013 for six days. They had a “book corner” there, just a bunch of donated books on shelves, that you could borrow during your stay. I read “Huck Finn” then for a second time after reading it first my junior year in high school. If Twain was alive, I’d thank him for transporting me to a fascinating place, with compelling characters, for those six days. What a book. I adore every line.
@garryferrington811 3 жыл бұрын
Twain used abusive language quite deliberately and was much criticized for doing so. Basically, he was throwing it in people's faces, showing racism is embedded in our speech. The last few chapters let the book down with a thud. He really didn't know how to end it, so he resorted to "burlesque," as that kind of humorous writing was then called.
@kahkah1986 3 жыл бұрын
It is a warning, I think, not to over-romanticize the desire to be a liberator etc. re Tom. Tom was more obviously the voice of Mark Twain in his earlier books; and in a way he seems to be taking himself down for wanting a conventional happy ending for Jim, after all the problems they have encountered are deeply structural and embedded, he can't just finish with a 'and after another bound, they were free' sort of stuff. Huck runs away from his aunt, even after standing up to his abusive father, and is basically still on the way to becoming his father, a semi-criminal drifter. Jim, who is older, appears unable to cope with a second attempt at running away, and isn't mentioned coming with Huck - although he may have decided that travelling with a child was too risky, and he will try again on his own.
@DavidLongo22 2 жыл бұрын
It has become at least somewhat difficult to find intelligent conversations about almost anything these days. Work like this gives me hope that maybe we're not as doomed as I too-often think we are. Thank you for that (and for this content).
@walterreeves3679 3 жыл бұрын
All I can say is that my Mama read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to me as a child before I could read for myself. I suspect she may have done some editing along the way because as far as I can remember, she never used a certain word then or at any other time. Nor would she accept its use in her presence. I can't speak for others but I've no doubt that the book was a major factor as to why I rejected the Jim Crow society and culture I was born into as I grew up.
@illeagle9560 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like some Americans at the time felt that bringing "civilization" to people of improverished nations was a good thing, but completely disagreed with rhe violence used to carry out such task. Mark Twain and the guy that wrote Robinson Caruso seem like two examples
@Quirderph 3 жыл бұрын
It's a bit of a stretch to say that Mark Twain and Daniel Defoe (who wrote Robinson) were of the same time. Defore died just over a hundred years before Twain was born.
@oxtheunlikelycontemplator2682 3 жыл бұрын
Even that seems a little uncharitable. The Phillipenes were legitimately unstabilized from years of fighting wars with the Spanish who were not above scorched earth policies. And of course the Phillipinos themselves were divided to fsction. So less civilized them as help them establish a stable and well functioning government to better facilitate their independence. At least Twain saw it until he realized we were there to colonize.
@markborok4481 2 жыл бұрын
@@Quirderph Also not American.
@burner27 3 жыл бұрын
As an English major of African descent, I think it's fair for its day. Not enlightened by any means.
@Dx-Dm 3 жыл бұрын
Great video, but it feels like the audio quality was off.
@stacytodd8684 3 жыл бұрын
That’s the problem with illiteracy; people that ban books are not generally Readers. They don’t get that Huckleberry Finn was satirically vicious in its attack on the idiocy of racists, the cruelty of slavery, and the humanity of the slave in contrast with the ignorance, inhumanity, and supposed superiority of those considered to be of a higher caste, from the drunkard to the con men, the criminals and the pathetically retrograde “aristocracy”. Growing up in the South it was the first Woke thinking I experienced in regards to the systemic stupidity intrinsic in Southern/Rural “culture”. The language used for each character was an ingenious and accurate approach to dialect which served to breathe life into character individuality and distinguished the works of Twain/Clemens in his art of breathing life into fiction by showing the grainy imperfections, differences, and individual personal perspective. There may well be a case to be made of not introducing this work to younger students who have not been prepared to read it in the full context of the period or of literature in general. This is probably only arguable due to a failure in Social and Literary Education. One could also argue that this work might serve as the basis for said Education and could easily of itself be a two part course in Humanities Studies.
@blairhaffly1777 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 60 now but as a teen in racist white America Twain was life changing. Twains savage use of sarcasm and satire enlarged my world. I think I read his War Prayer the first time as a junior in high school. Maybe there's better things for that age group now but I think his humanist, transcendent mindset is timeless.
@lspthrattan 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! That book was written to underline the evils of slavery, among other things. It should be read, and then thoughtfully discussed. Slavery, alcoholism, child abuse, and economic class distinctions all come into play in this book. I've always noticed the difference in the way Tom reacts to things, as opposed to the way Huck does. New to your channel; you really do your research, love that! Excellent video.
@wraithwrecker_ 3 жыл бұрын
One of Princess's best videos, hands down. Excellent job. Really glad you guys did this topic!
@maxeuker2949 2 жыл бұрын
That was a great video, thank you for making it. Please increase the volume of the speaker in future episodes, it was hard to hear over the music.
@TuppencePies 3 жыл бұрын
Is it just me or does the music from this episode kind of make it harder to hear Princess? Still a great episode though. I had to read Huck Finn in high school.
@LoganLS0 3 жыл бұрын
Huck's internal struggle with whether or not helping Jim escape is morally right makes the book. The scene where he rejects his societal conditioning and decides to help Jim declaring "Alright then, I'll go to hell." might be my favorite moment in all of literature.
@ayram617 3 жыл бұрын
I like the Gone Girl reference, as that takes place in Missouri too
@Upsideround 2 жыл бұрын
When I read it as a child I could see the anti-racist stance it took. To call it anything else is simply looking for a problem that doesn't exist.
@user-qv2qf1jk5o 3 жыл бұрын
I just realized that all the required reading about racism I’ve been assigned… has been written by white people. I knew that this was a problem but it wasn’t until the end of this video that I put that together, and - especially since I live in a “progressive,” “well-educated,” “diverse” area - it really puts things into perspective
@furiousapplesack 3 жыл бұрын
Personally as a white antiracist person, the point I came to with this great video right here was (especially at the time) that antiracist messaging was made by and for other white people because we were kind of at the crux of the issue. We were the ones doing the bad thing and so we were the ones best poised to stop doing that bad thing. I think a good bit of hand-holding was going on. It was probably easier for white people of the time to feel comfortable absorbing the message if the black character was infantilized or made unthreatening. So it certainly had its uses, I just think we've moved on the issue enough that it's easier to just elevate black voices, black academics, etc. and do some listening. Of course, we've still got a lot of racist jackasses but I think the time for hand-holding is long past. I'm not interested in treating these people with kid gloves anymore.
@catsmom129 3 жыл бұрын
@@furiousapplesack True. I love the idea of reading Frederick Douglas first, and then Twain.
@patrickdrazen8411 3 жыл бұрын
All I can say is: I read Huck Finn when I was eleven, in the early 60s, when civil rights was a front-burner issue. And I remember thinking that the most inflammatory sentence in the book was Huck--after having written a letter telling Jim's former owner where Jim was--remembering their time together on the Mississippi, and the orthodoxy of the time that failing to report a runaway slave could get one sent to Hell; whereupon Huck says to himself: "Alright then, I'll go to Hell" and tore up the letter. That was a daring sentence in many ways...
@justadddiesel 2 жыл бұрын
Never ban a book, but always have a broader conversation.
@alicecourtney5816 3 жыл бұрын
I think it’s important that these stories are taught, so long as they’re taught with context and understanding. People can’t edit out the past but we can all learn from it and grow and progress accordingly
@grapeshot 3 жыл бұрын
By 19th century standards it wouldn't be considered racist but by late 20th century/ 21st century standards, yes it is very racist. Now that's not to give the people of the nineteenth-century a pass because even back then a lot of them knew the things that they were doing when it pertains to race was wrong.
@MWhaleK 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed, Mark Twain was pretty un/Anti-racist considering that he was born in the South well before the civil war.
@eoincampbell1584 3 жыл бұрын
I think when we consider what mistakes of the past we condemn vs what ones we forgive because it was "of the time" we should be making the distinction more often between active racist actions and unconscious racial biases. To me it seems clear that Mark Twain was anti-racist in terms of being against slavery and cruelty and purposefully spreading that view in his work, but his unconscious biases are still present in the writing because there were very few white people of the time who were given the tools to address those biases within themselves.
@srvfan454 2 жыл бұрын
I love how Jim always looked after Huck. He was the closest thing to a father figure Huck had. They had a great friendship.
@tigrux 3 жыл бұрын
History should not be erased, but explained in its context, for kids to understand former prejudices and identify the ones we currently have.
@maythineeTV 3 жыл бұрын
Princess Weekes, you knocked it out of the park! I loved how accessible, thorough, and detailed the video was while somehow coming in at 13 minutes!
@jasondaveries9716 9 ай бұрын
I think it is worth mentioning Samuel Clements' advocacy against the genocide in the colonization of Congo in the late 19th century. He was one of the people who helped bring the worlds attention to the mass killings by the colonial forces. I think it speaks to the fact that he had a strong commitment against racism and imperialism, at least layer in life
@thepresence365 Жыл бұрын
I learned so much about history, the history not covered in the regular curriculum, through English lit classes. I acknowledge I probably got lucky with my teachers (and I was in a well-funded, diverse, NYC public school), but these classes were so instrumental to my fuller and more nuanced understanding of social realities and history. I do have to say, my teacher did a really good job getting us to recognize and discuss the weaknesses in Huck Finn while also appreciating Twain's craft and wit. Maybe we were also really mature kids 🤷🏻‍♀️
@ronbo11 3 жыл бұрын
This is a decent look into one of America's Great Novels and all the controversy it stirs to this day. Jim, as someone noted earlier in some other posts, is really the only reasonable, major adult character in the book. His goodness and friendship opens Huck's eyes to the evil of slavery and the racism that made that institution possible. When Huck says to himself “All right, then, I’ll go to hell", he knew that helping Jim escape was against his upbringing and the laws of the adults who ruled his life, but his conscience knew that they were wrong and he would help no matter the consequences. As far as what some people claim is a "white savior" trope, I counter that Jim saved Huck's soul (and physically helped him out of sticky situations) before Huck tried to save Jim from captivity. A complaint I have about this video is the use of "stupid white boy" when discussing Tom Sawyer and his "Count of Monte Cristo" plot to bust Jim out of captivity, rather than acting sensibly. If Ms. Weekes had been discussing a story where a boy of color had acted childishly (which Tom was), would she have called this character a "stupid black boy"? I'm sure she would find that offensive and wouldn't say it, so she should understand why I find the converse to be the same and not at all cute.
@jasonstewart6102 3 жыл бұрын
Something that's often glossed over about Jim and Huck is this Jim ran away before he was freed so by law at that period of time whether he was freed or not he was still a runaway slave hook helping a runaway slave could have got him jailed or even hung. PS they had no problem with hanging little Irish boys at that period of time.
@koalasandwich567 3 жыл бұрын
Here's a weird theory I have about Pap, he's secretly Thernandier from Les Mis, after the events of Les Mis and his attempts of making money in America have failed.
@wildshepherd5918 3 жыл бұрын
An easy way to denounce and cancel someone is to judge them out of the context of their time and place. Mark Twain was an important literary figure, and his characters reflect the absurdity of our flaws and history. His writing should be taught with the history and conversations of his time.
@cheryllwaldrop9732 2 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate it when contact creators approach topics from many angles in order to get a more complete picture.
@sailorjerry3720 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful analysis. Thank you for your hard work and observations! Side note: Found myself slightly distracted by incongruous hand gestures at times. Otherwise, terrific.
@peterdollins3610 3 жыл бұрын
A great book that examines & questions racism at every step until Huck 'damns his soul' to support Jim, in his own words.
@JeansiByxan 3 жыл бұрын
Critics seem unaware of how art works. It’s not social history people. If you want judge words separately from their context, become a linguist. Art is art. If you don’t like it don’t read it.
@jman8904 3 жыл бұрын
Why is the audio so low? I'm so thankful you guys have subtitles bc I was about to hunt for headphones just to hear and my volume is all the way up
@Jebbtube 3 жыл бұрын
For almost the entire video, I thought Princess' left arm was prosthetic, because the lighting made a crease that gave that impression, and she didn't move it until the end.
@Leelz247 3 жыл бұрын
"We have gone there to conquer, not to redeem" Cough Afghanistan Cough
@Blitnock 3 жыл бұрын
Huck Finn was read to my almost totally white fifth grade class by our male black teacher. He substituted the word "slave" for the N-word while reading it. That said, what stuck out most to me as a child was the horrible behavior and character of the white people in contrast to the ethics and morality of Jim. In particular, I really disliked Tom Sawyer by the end of the book.
@kevindenelsbeck7444 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, that was good. We've fallen into a trap where we think all the literature we study academically has to be prescriptive. Thus, most works fail by current standards since the goalposts are ever-moving. If we understand some literature as a cry of disgust, or anguish, or for help, in the context it was created in, so much more makes sense, and we see the universals easier.
@TheNightWatcher1385 3 жыл бұрын
I had always interpreted the story as attacking racism by exposing how silly and ridiculous the various stereotypes of various people are.
@oddnmacabre1825 3 жыл бұрын
I studied this in college. The “N” word was expected to be used while speaking of the book. I remember my teacher said “I’m order to dive deeply into this book we need to be adults and discuss the literature”… I’m paraphrasing haha. But he said. I know no one here is comfortable using the word. But we are all going to. So I’m just gunna say it. And he did and we all were so silent. It was awkward. But we read out loud so eventually every student ended up having to say it
@PeachShortcake_ 3 жыл бұрын
That's absolutely disgusting and not okay by any means. It's not that hard to NOT say it. Your teacher was just a racist, that simple.
@WhoTookPlockrock 3 жыл бұрын
@@PeachShortcake_ Or maybe he wanted everyone to feel for themselves how ugly it feels to say the word.
@PeachShortcake_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@WhoTookPlockrock No excuses. Full stop.
@WhoTookPlockrock 3 жыл бұрын
@@PeachShortcake_ Ah, the head in the sand approach. Yep, that'll stop racism. Make people pretend it never happened and tell them how to feel about it with no context.
@PeachShortcake_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@WhoTookPlockrock Don't say slurs. People know it's wrong, this isn't a head in the sand situation.
@tonyanderson191 3 жыл бұрын
What people are forgetting is that the SEQUEL to Tom Sawyer (Huckleberry Finn) was rushed to print. Meaning their was no time for editing, no time to flesh characters out and no time for redacting(as per Mark Twain's"growth") I'm thinking she hasn't read and understood this book. Especially the last few chapters.
@yopage 2 ай бұрын
The saddest part of the book is Jim describing when back home he slapped down his little daughter after telling her several times to shut the door. After this, he found out she was deaf. The character of Jim is deep.
@AMac-qd6ft 3 жыл бұрын
Norm Macdonald on Huck Finn: "You don't want to take Mark Twain, one of the greatest writers ever to brush ink to paper and change his words. On the other side of the coin, you don't want to have a young African-American boy in school hearing that word out loud and causing him pain. Its a thorny issue, but I figure it this way...it's done in the first-person, therefore, you just change Huckleberry Finn to a black kid!"
@phillipbell4394 3 жыл бұрын
I'm torn on Huck Finn. I'm hispanic, my parents are Mexican immigrints, so my views are going to be different from other people of color simply because I'm not black. Mexico was pretty heavily colonized multiple times, and so I have a stronger relationship with the history of imperialism than slavery. When "Heart of Darkness" was taught at my school, I made sure that I'd already read "Things Fall Apart". The fact that one is taught and the other isn't is an actual travesty. With Huck Finn it feels a little different. There is something about the middle of the book, I belive chapter 29 or 30, when Huck says, Alright then, I guess I'll go to Hell" that right there is really the entire arguement behind letting it be taught in schools. But honestly, Toni Morrison exists. If you're teaching race in America, "Sula" or "The Bluest Eye" are going to be infinitely better in that task in than anything Mark Twain or Harper Lee have to offer.
@gawainethefirst 3 жыл бұрын
Huck had been taught all his life that helping people escape from slavery meant going to Hell. His response? “I guess I’ll go to Hell.”
@DreadPirateBob 3 жыл бұрын
Staying by injured Tom is right in character for Jim and putting his games ahead of Jim's well-being was right in character for Tom. Not sure what's the issue there.
@rickpresley63 2 жыл бұрын
Critics of Huck Finn need to read and internalize DiAngelo's message from "Nice Racism." In their efforts to fight racism, they perpetuate many of things they purport to be against.
@minimumwagesink5956 3 жыл бұрын
I think Huck Finn was about humanizing Jim and having him stay to help a boy who had just been shot speaks highly of Jim's character. What would we think of Jim if he had abandoned Tom? There might be a few people applauding, but most would see it as callous. Uncle Tom's Cabin is much the same way. Humanizing slaves for people who may not have direct (or open) interactions with them. The Minstrel Show, deliberately targeted and mocked the characters of Uncle Tom's Cabin. It wasn't Stowe borrowing from Minstrel show stereotypes, but Minstrel shows stealing from her work and twisting it into something it was never intended to be. Reading the books without those tropes in your head, and it just reads like very human characters. All that said, audience is an important factor. The boys are centered in Huck Finn, because the boys were centered in Tom Sawyer. It was early middle grade reading. The language used was the language of the period. The last chapters are less good than the rest of the book, and Tom is an ass. For school reading, if you assign this book, I think you also need to discuss it's place in history, make it clear the N-word is not acceptable to use outside of quoting passages in a paper (kids can follow clear rules easier than magically understanding all the nuances of complex topics), and also be clear that we don't have to 100% accept everything about even classic works as being good. I only made it through high school by writing critiques, because frankly some of the "classics" we're assigned are just awful. More charitably you can learn from a character's shortcomings as much as their triumphs, and it's important to understand that a story about a person is not a stamp of approval on their behavior.
@GamingMuchTerry 3 жыл бұрын
I'm really interesting in this, but the sound is so terrible, I'm struggling to hear what's being said. When I turn it up, the music drowns it out.
@sophiejones3554 3 жыл бұрын
That academic argument made no sense. The MOST dangerous tactic imo would be for this book to be available in libraries but not talked about in school. The problems with it are exactly WHY it should required reading in schools: where there is a teacher who can provide context, and call out students who say mean things. The language IS uncomfortable...that's kinda the whole fricking point. It was uncomfortable to the author when he was writing it: but he felt that it was important to document how real racists thought and spoke precisely BECAUSE it was uncomfortable. School is the MOST appropriate place to examine artworks that are uncomfortable, intentionally or otherwise: again, because there is an authority figure present. The argument that uncomfortable works of art are not suitable for children makes me so angry because RACISM IS TAUGHT. Racism is taught to us at a young age. It's much easier to unlearn racism when you are young than when you are old and set in your ways. It's easier to change the way you speak when you're a teenager who hasn't yet found their "adult voice", than it is to change when you're an adult. Just like your grandparents probably still say "groovy", but your thirteen year old brother rolls your eyes if you say "sus". The book is also flawed, and again, this is exactly WHY it should be taught in school: so that it's flaws can be discussed and talked about. ONLY in school can people encounter this book in it's proper context: in a library it will just be stuck after "Tolkien" at the end of the Ts. Outside of a classroom who is going to tell a black child "you see, this was written to help white people understand why their behavior was bad"? Outside of a classroom who is going to tell a white child "this portrayal of Jim is very stereotypical and we should criticize that"? Of course modern perspectives should be brought in when the book is taught in the classroom, but the impact of the book within it's own time should also not be ignored. And the impact of this text was VERY MUCH an anti-racist one within it's own time. Also the argument that it shouldn't be required because it's not written for black students is ridiculous. In my mind it's dangerous to shelter black kids from the revelation of how twisted the minds of most white people are. This book IS an attempt to explain to white people why their behavior is bad, but it is ALSO a story about how grown-ass adults have failed to grasp basic concepts: like universal humanity and dignity. Twain was mad that he had been taught to hate, and fed up that grown ups were having difficulty with concepts that most kids can readily grasp. The fact that it is uncomfortable to black readers is ALSO kinda the fricking point. Twain wasn't trying to make anyone comfortable: black or white.
@adamhart1419 3 жыл бұрын
Great points - most English Lit classes that I recall only teach the book itself and the current "official" interpretation of the work. The trouble is there's a difference between memorizing what your told the interpretation is and actually understanding what the book is saying and what can be taken from it. Most people have poor reading comprehension at the best of times. Teaching the historical context around books would go a long way to closing that gap between what surface things the average reader might, incorrectly, take away and a true understanding of the story, its intent, and place in our culture.
@abbypayne4496 3 жыл бұрын
Love Princess! As a white person in a very white part of the country, I always wanna learn more about racism and how I can be a better ally. I really appreciate Princess‘s perspective on that!
@misschievous6194 3 жыл бұрын
I recommend watching „Crash Course Black American History“ here on YT. It’s a brilliant series presented by Clive Smith. I’m a very white European and it really helps me understand.
@abbypayne4496 3 жыл бұрын
@@misschievous6194 thanks for the suggestion! I’ll definitely check that out!!
@Kasino80 3 жыл бұрын
I've never understood why people don't understand that media produced during a completely different set of social norms, can't be held accountable to our sociatal norms. Take Pippi Longstocking. In a book from the 1940s theres a reference to her father as the "n-word" King. That has been erased in both the reprints and erased from the movie all together, in an attempt not to offend. Swedish National Television (SVT) said the following to their edit: "If you read to a child, the adult can preface and explain things to them . But the SVT has such high credibility, that parents let their children watch our shows unattended. We believe we shouldn't support a a word or expression that can be conceived as hurtful". Now, I have a lot problems with this. In the Scandinavian countries, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the national television has written in their charter that they must be educational and provide public service. What they SHOULD have done was make an educational program telling about the times in which the books were conceived. Give context to the text, while maintaining their own modern values. It's really NOT that difficult. You can't erase the past because you don't like what's in it.
@kaltwies 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder if people who obsess over race are racist? I think most people just look at people regardless of color and say some people are bad but most are pretty good most of the time while realizing nobody is perfect and everybody make mistakes from time to time and would rather have a spirit of forgiveness rather than condemnation.
@fretnesbutke3233 3 жыл бұрын
Oh,that dang book lernin'. Thanks for covering this. It's important. If you get to know Mark Twain by his writings, although he was a man of his times, it's soon apparent that he despised bigotry. The mixed blessing and curse of being human is that we can always do better.
@nixhixx 3 жыл бұрын
EDITORS! Please don't play music over the speaker. It's very difficult for people with auditory difficulty.
@AMoniqueOcampo 3 жыл бұрын
I am one of those people who loves the fun childhood nostalgic feels from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Huckleberry Finn reminds me more of a "white savior narrative."
@RollingCalf 2 жыл бұрын
Read this book when I was a 15 year old in Jamaica. I have never laughed that much in my life. You are right. It is lit
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