Why Do Wizards Wear Robes?

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Danny Phandom

Danny Phandom

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@Nivrithi1 11 ай бұрын
There's also the factor in tabletop settings like D&D where armour tends to interfere with a core aspect of spellcasting for many casters: somatic components. Spellcasting for wizards and sorcerers in settings like that involve some manner of verbal component (incantation, arcane phrase, etc) and somatic components (gestures and movements to cast the spell). While wizards and sorcerers could take proficiencies in armours, anything other than cloth would have a chance to cause their spell to fail (spell failure chance) because the needed movements were interfered with somehow. Some arcane classes in those settings were exempt from that, like Bards (and the Magus in Pathfinder). Typically the divine casters were exempt from that rule since their powers came from the gods instead of some arcane resource. The long and short of it is that wizards frequently need the freedom of movement to cast properly. For many of them even the slightest hindrance of this mobility could affect their ability to cast at all. And in a meta sense restricting the character with phenomenal cosmic power by making them as squishy as wet toilet paper also works for balancing purposes lol
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for such an in depth response! I am a big fan of those games and I totally agree with somatic components, but chain mail or even a rigid chest piece still leave room for the most dramatic arm movements while guarding your vitals. I do greatly appreciate that these games put forward this component as an explanation, but the spell motions are usually just reserved towards the arms or hands and nowhere near as movement complex as magic systems such as bending in the ATLA series. DnD does describe spells with a somatic component only requiring one free hand, so I ignored it being a main limitation for armor type Also completely agree with game balance purposes, as a forever caster class player the games would break if we didn't go down in a hit or two lol Outside of game logic and especially turn-based combat, I think the "real" limitation of magic users would depend on more abstract concepts such as concentration (impossible in combat without thorough training) or imagination (inability to effectively create lightning without thoroughly knowing the feeling similar to HxH nen). If the magic is incantation based, then time, pronunciation and even the rhythm or meter of the phrasing. DnD and other TT games physically limit the caster the best, in my opinion, with its spell slot system. The amount of power a caster can output daily being essentially fixed with freedom to upconvert lower spells creates fluid but firm restrictions. I also love the concentration mechanics and think they blend it in perfectly with my own head cannon. I'm a sucker for rules and lore, and these games give me plenty of both lol
@Nivrithi1 11 ай бұрын
@@dannyphandom No worries! I totally understand the caster interest lol, been one myself too for a while. I agree it feels a little iffy that even the most basic of armours can meddle with spells to be a little ridiculous, though then again systems like Pathfinder do have that spell failure chance pretty low for basic stuff like a chain shirt. I also agree with that more basic limitation of concentration and pronunciation. Pathfinder does well with that via concentration checks, casting defensively, how even being deafened can meddle with verbal components, etcetera. I think the *best* magic system I've ever borne witness to was the one in Warhammer Fantasy. The mages there take the raw energies of magic from the world around them, the Winds Of Magic, and channel them into and through themselves to cast spells of various disciplines based on those winds. For instance: the Jade Wind is the one of Life, typically used by healers. The human casters who channel that often find themselves touched by it somewhat, as little bits of plant life start to develop on their clothing. They also have a little explanation for a wardrobe issue they have: the fact they're barefoot is to deepen their connection to the earth beneath them, connecting them more to the life within the soil. Yet, even in that system, there are casters who can do so without consequence despite full armour sets (mostly on the part of Chaos, who has many casters decked out in full plate). It is implied that for them their mastery of magic while hindered by plate is a gift from the dark gods, but that's up to interpretation. Great video, definitely looking forward to the next one! In the meantime, from one caster fan to another, I *highly* recommend looking into Warhammer Fantasy's magic system (not 40k's since it's different lol)
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
One of my biggest reasons to make a channel was to have conversations like this. I will 100% check it out! I'm always down to expand my ever-growing nerd bubble and your description definitely peaked my interest!
@HaughtyToast 11 ай бұрын
@@dannyphandom There's also the issue that some spells don't even use somatic components but still have the spell failure chance, so this explanation doesn't even hold true in the games it was thought up for.
@dontyodelsohard2456 11 ай бұрын
@@dannyphandom Well, you see... I don't know how the current iteration of D&D does it, but in the 3e days it was only a chance. So not like it specifically precludes from gesturing. But also, since the armor system is rather abstracted, the armor sets could easily include gauntlets, chainmail could and often would come with long sleeves, and some even including gloves or other arm and hand protectors. Which, you know, could inhibit your arms and hands. And I believe it is stated that magic includes the requirements of fine movements and manipulations, in other words... Very precise. It is as if you need to raise your arm at just the correct timing at just the correct angle; but, lo! You have a couple extra pounds of metal rings dangling from your limbs... That's going to throw you off... Or have a chance to. A breastplate probably shouldn't include spell failure... But, uh, if it didn't why wouldn't every wizard just run around in what is considered, I believe, Medium Armor. In that case, probably mostly balance. But again, due to the abstract nature, maybe that breastplate has metal gauntlets to match... You simply cannot say in game terms thus to be safe (and logically consistent) it must have a chance of causing spells to fail.
@couldntthinkofacoolname9608 11 ай бұрын
Specifically in DnD, I think there's a difference between a Tower Wizard and an Adventure Wizard. A Tower Wizard is a showboat, they want to everyone to know that not only are they a Wizard, but they're better than you. They went to Wizard University, they got their PHD, they've earned their giant sleeves. They dress in flamboyant reds and purples and yellows, garish and proud. Adventure wizards are smart, and they've been around the block. They don't wear robes, they dress in black gambeson that's just a *little* too high quality. A splash of golden embroidery here, a dash of gemstone laden jewelry there. Like they're nobles who are smart enough to try to hide what they are, but too proud to look like theyre slumming it. A Tower Wizard on the road is the automatic first target for any vagabond who knows what they're doing. Put an arrow through the Wizard before it can bend reality around them and unmake you. But a noble? They're best kept alive, they might be worth a ransom. And a Wizard not being the first target of an ambush can not only save their own life, but the lives of their companions, too.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it! Its thoughts like these that really flesh out and make these fictional worlds become so real
@Folemaet 11 ай бұрын
Eh, depends on the setting. Nobleborns are worth nothing most of the time till the end of the Renaissance, there are a lot of stories where warring party captures a son of their enemy and the father (and sometimes mother) answers "I can always make more". He would just be killed and stripped for valuables, most likely (remember, no prison even exists yet). But robed figure? It could be both wizard (who can unmake you with a wave of his hands AND could have casted Defense against Arrows this morning) and clergy, who you definitely can't attack, or you'll be in hell for all eternity, so you better let them pass.
@Rogueprince3 11 ай бұрын
At least in terms of my wizard, he is a struggling alchemist wearing stained, patchwork brown robes with pockets both within and without for storing various potions and ingredients. Mostly it’s an extended bag of holding for his work stuff. He aspires to be a “tower wizard” - wealthy, affluent, and with bright, shiny robes that show everyone how accomplished he is but for now, while traveling, he needs something more modest.
@colbyboucher6391 11 ай бұрын
​@@FolemaetAnd here we have that one dude trying to turn every fantasy setting into literal medieval Europe + magic
@couldntthinkofacoolname9608 11 ай бұрын
@@Folemaet even if the noble isn't worth a ransom, a bandit worth their salt isn't going to open an ambush attacking the civilian, they're going to go for what appear to be the bodyguards. It works either way. The point is to not look like the biggest threat in the party.
@wojciechniemirski1782 11 ай бұрын
One good in universe explanation I've seen for not wearing armor, is the need of freedom of movement required for precise spellcasting gestures. In Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay it's not impossible to cast spells in armor, but the heavier armor is, the harder it gets.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment! Someone else mentioned the Warhammer Fantasy system as well, so I definitely am excited to read into it!
@danielcrafter9349 11 ай бұрын
More like - armour is restrictive, chafing and often sticks into uncomfortable places (like an armpit when you sit, or your hips when you kneel, sit or lay down - believe me, I know) So when you're casting a spell, you need full concentration - not an itch caused by a friction-rub of a poorly-fitting gambeson (one size fits most) or a dig in the ribs cos you leaned to the side and forgot that metal doesn't easily bend 😂
@Scalesthelizardwizard 11 ай бұрын
That's because of a misconception armor does not restrict your movement or weigh you down
@wojciechniemirski1782 11 ай бұрын
@@Scalesthelizardwizard it doesn't restrict your movements in the sense, that you can still run, swing sword and go about your daily life, but I think that saying it is not restricting or weighing you down at all is overcorrecting. Just try writing or other fine hand gestures while wearing a thick glove - you can certainly do it, but it is harder.
@Scalesthelizardwizard 11 ай бұрын
@@wojciechniemirski1782 Wasn't trying to say it didn't affect you I was just pointing out that it has been exaggerated over the years
@therongjr 11 ай бұрын
Robes can have pockets and hidden folds to hide talismans, magical reagents, and amulets. That's why modern urban fantasy wizards wear trenchcoats: Harry Dresden, John Constantine, the Phantom Stranger, etc.
@carlosvillanueva8530 11 ай бұрын
So you can't see their chonies.
@rixaxeno7167 11 ай бұрын
@crimson182 11 ай бұрын
If you are referring to dnd style restrictions, they suffer the same penalty with all armor not just metal. The penalty is imposed by the restriction to movement.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
You're entirely right, DnD only restricts druids to not use metal and wizards specifically armor overall, but somatic component only require a free hand to cast so the movements aren't too limited by armor. They officially state its because wizards are too physically hampered by armor to focus without a proficiency which I can totally get behind. However many magic systems in games and stories just follow the stereotype with no reasoning put in lol
@vid101. 11 ай бұрын
​@@dannyphandomin DnD there is a subclass that grants wizards medium armour proficiency called bladesinger. It allowes them to wear chain shirts, half plate or scale mail, so there is nothing prohibiting them from wearing armour, they are just neerds that enjoy comfortable clothing.
@kelpiekit4002 11 ай бұрын
@@dannyphandom It might not be about movement to cast, but rather movement to sort through and access multiple pockets/pouches for the range of components they need quickly.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
@kelpiekit4002 That's a fantastic point, I have my own idea that modern wizards would wear trench coats like Constantine for that exact reasoning. But then we need to ask how much that specific magic system needs material components?
@grindcoreninja6527 11 ай бұрын
​@@dannyphandom Dude, have you read "The Dresden Files"? Excellent modern day noir fantasy, you'd dig it. Anyways, the protagonist "Harry Dresden" is a Private Investigator/Wizard in Chicago, he chooses to wear leather trench coats and dusters. He eventually enchants the duster to be bullet proof, as in bullets can't puncture it, but the force of impact can still break ribs or make you piss blood. It's an incredibly fun series, book 1-3 or so are really good, and then from there, it just gets crazy.
@vasudeanguy8523 11 ай бұрын
I personally liked how it was described in the Dresden Files. Wizards don't typically wear armor as they are indeed academic in nature, but also because the things they fought wouldn't think much about your bulletproof vest or suit of armor. They just see you as being gracious to having a nice wrapper or oven around ya. Plus in their world, wizards can enchant their clothing to be protective, like Dresden's duster coat.
@Dakau456 11 ай бұрын
A shaman once told me that they didn’t wear metal because it hinders his connection to nature. They didn’t expand on why or how though.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, I've never understood either as metal is incredibly natural as well
@molybdaen11 11 ай бұрын
I guess they magnetic field screws with the spirits. Like a magnet near a antenna.
@crazy4bricksthebrickbrothe722 11 ай бұрын
@@molybdaen11now I’m imagining Druids wielding bronze or copper for their choice of metal armament. Sure, iron and steel may be better, but one of the things they hate more than their weapons being outclassed is *magnets*.
@cypher4783 11 ай бұрын
In the king's Dark Tidings books mages are legally required to wear their robes as a form of worning. The colors of robes were color coded to tell you what kind of mage they were. White for healer, grey for a generalist and black for destruction. Blue for water, green for life and reds are a special case that are spoiler demonically posed to boost their destruction power.
@SpaceSoups 11 ай бұрын
Very cool video. I've also heard that they wear robes because its practice for experiments. Playing with fire - easy to remove, doing some shrinking - oops, my robes shrunk but still fit, ect.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
It's the ye old lab coat
@x4natos 11 ай бұрын
Without having watched the vid: Wizards are simply conosseurs of pleasant air flow down there...
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
You might be a wizard yourself, being able to foresee that lol
@molybdaen11 11 ай бұрын
No need to wear leg warmers (to show that you have a dick) if you could just throw a fireball in the general direction.
@StarlasAiko 11 ай бұрын
In the book I am writing, runed robes and star spangled wizard hats have practical use. They are a mnemomic catalogue of the spells the wizard knows, offering all the reminders needed to call back to mind how to cast those spells you learned. Makes the backpack lighter than carrying a metric ton of paper in your Mystic Tome. The idea that metal armour is encumbering has been spread by people who have never worn armour or never worn made-to-fit armour. Armour drains your stamina and slows your running, helmets inhibit your field of vision, but if proerly fitted, it does not hinder your precision movements (except in the case of gauntlets, but for hands, even just thin woolen gloves are a hinderance).
@John73John 11 ай бұрын
In the magic (elemental bending) system of Avatar: The Last Airbender, it requires you to move your arms and do martial arts, moving around quickly. Armor would keep you from doing the necessary movements, or at least tire you out more quickly.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
I completely agree! But that is one of the most movement intense magic systems out there, and even then fire benders wear segmented armor to give mobility with protection
@donutlovingwerewolf8837 11 ай бұрын
I like the concept that Mages can wear metal armour, It's just that they're either so powerful they don't need to or are at least capable of making Magic armour that doesn't need to be maintained so as to give them more time to study magic.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
I agree, when you can bend the universe to your will, you don't need the silly mortal metal
@kennethferland5579 11 ай бұрын
The main question in universe is why normal clothing or light cloth/leather armors arn't used by somone going into dangerous or dirty areas. Robes make sense as everyday clothing for someone living in a cold stone tower but they have never been practical for travel out doors even historically, a robe is literally going to be snagging on every brach or stick, collecting mud etc, even metal armor is more practical then that. Medievil peoples wore different clothing outdoors, so we should expect a Wizard on a quest to dress the same as a Archer would, lightly with padded cloth and leather, with plenty of flexibility for the arms if guesturing is important for your magic and with belts/quiver type options for any wands/potions etc.
@RockOfLions 11 ай бұрын
A thousand years ago, most everyone wore robes. Although buttons (as decorative items) existed from about 2000 BC/BCE, the hook and eye closure only dates from about 700 years ago and become common in various areas from about 1400 to 1900. Even serfs wore tunics (short belted robes) with boots until the 16th century when they began wearing trousers because buttons. Before buttons, robes were a simple "throw-over" garment. An alternative to the throw-over robe was the belted robe. To understand why fantasy wizards wear robes, ask why stage magicians used to wear tuxedos. They wore tuxedos because Houdini did. Houdini did because he wanted to dress like the people in his crowd (who also wore tuxedos) and set himself apart from other magicians of his day. What did other magicians of his day wear? Robes. Why? Because they claimed to have received their magical powers from the Orient either China or the Middle East generally. What did people wear there? They were still wearing robes even though most of the western world was wearing shirts and trousers because... buttons. Regarding metal and magic, some of this likely derives from about 1661 when Robert Kirk wrote The Secret Commonwealth with the idea that iron was harmful to faeries. And as everyone knows faeries are associated with magic. And Kirk got his idea from Robert Herrick who claimed in 1648 that iron horseshoes would repel witches and black magic... and that's why people used to hang horseshoes above their doorways for good luck.
@ajiththomas2465 11 ай бұрын
Very informative history about magic, robes, buttons, iron, and armor. Thanks for the fascinating revelations.
@cognisant307 11 ай бұрын
Imo the archetypal wizard is based on alchemy which back in the day was people experimenting with chemistry without really having a theoretical foundation for what they were doing, it was all trial and error with loosely educated guesses based on the outcomes of past experiments. Consequently these alchemists had a tendency to poison themselves, set themselves on fire, suffer acid burns, lung damage, eye damage, sometimes even blow themselves up, but when they discovered something useful (like how to make concrete) it was paradigm changing. In fiction wizards are (or perhaps were) just academics who get caught up in an adventure, not career adventurers who also happen to be part-time academics, but games revolve around combat which meant the wizard had to be useful in combat. Consequently the modern conception of a wizard is an adventurer who just happens to specialize in magic, rather than martial combat, as their means of dealing damage to enemies, which inevitably begs the question: If wizards are a parity with and ultimately eclipse the potential of martial classes why would anyone who isn't a wizard want to become an adventurer? When the guy next to you is casting lightning and explosions, using a sword or bow feels kinda silly. Personally I think magic classes in games should be able to everything except deal damage, they can buff allies, debuff enemies, transform the terrain, move allies and enemies around, but not deal damage, in summary they don't engage in combat, they change the paradigm.
@nonya9120 11 ай бұрын
Pockets. Just pockets
@ts25679 11 ай бұрын
There's a great slice of life fantasy story called Millennial Mage that has some great rationales for why mages don't like iron, why they wear robes and what they do with all the precious metals you tend to amass from adventuring.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
I will check it out, thanks!
@ajiththomas2465 11 ай бұрын
@@dannyphandom RockofLions has a pretty good comment about the history of robes, magic, armor, and iron. Very fascinating and illuminating.
@DraconiusDragora 11 ай бұрын
The magic system that I grew up with, was explained pretty simply. Wizards, Mages, Sorcerers and any type of magic user, could use example plate mail and other forms of protection. But, one wizard explained, the Somatic component weaving the magic from your hands to your fingertips then out to your opponent, ally, or simply the palm of your hand, gets restricted by the armours. Same as thick woolen clothes does the same thing, meanwhile a thin silken robe allows for full body movement, allowing for the full control over the somatic components. In this world, battle wizards and war wizards, had specialized built armours, which protected less, but were way more agile and less restrictive. And for those who would say "But plate mail is not restrictive." should have a go and try and make full on somatic components of a spell in the setting. You are still able to move just fine, but you are still restrictive in your movements. It is not that it is "impossible." just that, weaving the arcane thread with a heavy suit of armour, is not easy. It is like trying to weave and sew a nice coat in a suit of armour. (Now that is something I would like to see, someone making a Tuxedo Suit, in a full set of plate mail).
@galaxygold5939 11 ай бұрын
This was a fantastic video about something I never thought of before, subscribed. Btw, im ironically playing a Hobgoblin Wizard in my dnd campaign right now that can wear Light/leather armor, and I was considering a feat to let me wear Medium Armor lol
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Once our caster characters get decent armor, we become the gods we were always meant to be lol
@erikschaal4124 11 ай бұрын
Cloth and leather are highly underrated when it comes to armor. Sure it's not as good a metal, but those armors can still do a lot to preventing fatal injuries. (And it's a lot more accessible to peasant soldiers and conscripts.) It's probably a better option for adventurers who need their armor to be reasonably light and comfortable while traveling.
@jflaugher 6 ай бұрын
It's not metals. It's iron. That's why horseshoes are considered good luck and placed above doorways - it prevents evil magic and fairy folk can't cross the doorway then.
@theeviloverlord7320 11 ай бұрын
Because they are stylish as hell, next question
@beanbagchair5832 11 ай бұрын
Underrated as hell, I'll remember this when you blow up!!
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Thank you! That means a lot!
@kelpiekit4002 11 ай бұрын
Along with pride is the impracticality. Just like dresses robes would get in the way for a lot of work, thus showing that the wearer is not a labourer.
@mdpenny42 11 ай бұрын
On a similar note - "in-game lore" could say it's tradition (similar to academic robes being retained, even after the universities and academics no longer being associated with a faith or priests). If you were (as an in-game character) to encounter a be-robed person, you could end up being more cautious - I mean, would you really risk being at the "wrong end" of a fireball or lightning bolt? In other words, robes could be retained as a means of saying "be careful, I'm a wizard" to others - although wizards would also be free to wear other "normal clothing" instead of robes, if they wished.
@Yarradras 11 ай бұрын
I have never come across a good reasoning why wizards should not wear armor. 1) non magical Protection - okay in most fantasy games you can be stabbed by a dagger and be fine because it has the smallest damage dice. But seriously? You don't want a dagger anywhere in your body. Really painful, most likely deadly. Not talking about a big axe or sword. You want that protection if there is a chance this could happen. 2) magical protection: Lightning spellls being more effective because you were metal armor? While it is true that non-metallic clothing has a higher resistance, it also does not provide proper protection from electrical discharges. I at least don't fancy to go and touch that railway power line just because I don't wear metal armor. And well okay maybe the robe has this effect for some magical reasoning, but then I just prefer plate armour with the same magical protection. 3) Freedom of movement: some armor like long pieces of chain mail are indeed quite heavy and limiting. Plate that is custom-tailored is not only surprisingly light, but allows you to do all sorts of acrobatics. Also seriously? Waving your hand is not possible in armor? Ever paid attention to what knights do with their arms and hands in armor? I mean the thing they do with the sword. Requires a LOT of freedom of movement. So in this category the only thing I accept is that someone who never did anything else than lifting a heavy book might not be used to wear heavy protective gear. But I would still expect wizards to wear lighter variants of armor when they expect to come into a fight. 4) The idea with the magical insulation is at least somewhat creative. But then I'd wear just a layer of the best magical insulating fabric and then the best armor on top. Thats how armor traditionally works. A layer against cuts and stabs and a layer against bruises and togeter you have pretty solid protection. So if I know I also need it to fulfill a different function, I would spend my magic dollars to get a piece of armor that does all that. It's also what I do when I go hiking or skiing. Layering, wearing one layer optimized for each purpose like getting rid of the sweat, insulating against coldness, and a hardshell against wind, snow and rain 5) wizards are the scientists of fantasy. Correct, but if a scientis knowingly walks into a warzone they most likely wear different clothes than when they are entering their lab. My own conclusion is mostly game mechanics. Spellcaster have all those spells and to balance it out, they make them vulnerable. Which I think is quite lazy game design.
@YourFunkiness 11 ай бұрын
My RPG uses Spirit, which is mental and emotional hitpoints. Mages use Spirit to cast spells, and so they wear pajamas to stay as comfy as possible and increase their maximum Spirit. But they can't call them pajamas, because of the pride thing you mentioned, so they refer to them as robes instead. Heavier body armor, by contrast, reduces maximum Spirit by being burdensome.
@XaviusNight 11 ай бұрын
Other possible reasons: 1: Heavier armor can restrict the wizard's movements, making them less able to perform the fiddly, precise motions needed to cast their spells - thus, the special training needed to be a warmage and thus able to utilize heavier armor was intensive and required, well, additional, specialized training different from normal wizardry. 2: If metallic armor conducts magic, and fibrous armor acts like an insulator, it may be that metallic armor has a harder time being permanently enchanted due to more easily spreading the imbued magic out and reducing its efficacy over time, while robes are better for being absolutely slathered in magical effects since they won't spread out through the material as easily, letting it remain magically imbued with various effects for longer. 3: Magic is memetic in nature, and thus is influenced by general belief - since most people believe spellcasters can't wear heavy armor (except maybe divine casters like clerics and paladins), then the laws of magic are influenced to provide penalties for people who try to wear it while casting.
@RogerValor 11 ай бұрын
I liked the video, but I find you got a bit carried away with the idea that magic is "conducted", which most magic systems I played with or worked on never had; the simple explanation was usually rather, that metal simply distorts your ability to access magic. Of course the main reason was balancing, but adding distinction between magic and electricity was important for settings, where magic and science coexist. It also works very well to actually allow metal wearing warlocks etc., and especially with the materials, you can make silver, copper and gold armors interesting, if their magical influence changes the armor, giving metals an importance, which otherwise would not be used as armor or weapon, except for decorations.
@highgrove8545 11 ай бұрын
I like that tumblr post about how magic has the side effect of stretching things. A wizards starts of wearing a regular shirt hat whilst living in a regular sized house. But gradually the magic elongates the shirt into a robe, the hat into a wizard hat and the house into a tower.
@asazeel 5 ай бұрын
They wear robes cause they can't afford real clothes due to the cost of thier student loans.
@MAbdusson 11 ай бұрын
I thought Wizards were based on Medieval drawings and painting of people from "the Orient" mainly Moors/Berbers (who's garbs closely represent the stereotype wizard robe) as well as the Celtic Druids.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the insight! I'll have to check this out, but then we have the question of were the inspiration for the drawings came from?
@molybdaen11 11 ай бұрын
​@@dannyphandomIt's pretty hot there so they needed it for isolation.
@jeremysteinmeier1701 11 ай бұрын
Catholic dress is a replica of the Roman judicial system. Re: robes and funny hats
@Rose-yx6jq 11 ай бұрын
I thought it was for the drip.
@colbyboucher6391 11 ай бұрын
Honestly, I prefer settings where wizards totally will wear armor when it makes sense for them to do so. Why not? Because it'd be "op"? They kinda just are. My favorite TTRPG is a game called Mythras and magic is handled as fiction-first as possible: It's a skill like any other, but if you already know about magic at character creation, studying it was probably your job. Otherwise you've got to earn it. You could totally have a mage who rolled monster strength stats and studied self-defense handbooks in his spare time.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Magic is bending the universe to your will, it was destined to be op when you get creative. And I haven't heard of it before, but I'm a TTRPG fan and will now check it out! Thanks!
@besteger 11 ай бұрын
Women’s clothes had pockets. Voluminous sleeves that kept fingers warm doubled as pockets for the upper class. When fitted sleeves came into vogue, ladies wore belts with almost saddle bags with slits sewn into their skirts & petticoats. Of course, all classes wore aprons. The “No Pockets” trope only played out after women quit spinning, weaving & sewing for themselves & their families
@1012-v9r 11 ай бұрын
Mary Queen of Scots had a little dog (toy spaniel) hidden in her sleeve that crawled out and howled when she was beheaded.
@althechicken9597 11 ай бұрын
The flow of the robes allows the flow of magic.
@Avigorus 11 ай бұрын
One explanation I saw for why druids in particular don't wear metal in D&D was that it's a cultural memory of an ancient war where Heat Metal was used to horrifying effect, so they stopped wearing metal armor. Granted, the source was a joke or meme or whatever, but still lol I like the idea.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
I like the idea too! We can never underestimate cultural reasons. 400 years ago a French king liked a certain neck scarf and now all business men across the world need to wear a tie each day
@PadanGedowitch 11 ай бұрын
What you say about illiteracy is just wrong. Most people could write and read in their mother language, but because it wasn't latin or what ever was fancy among nobles both groups considered the illiterat. There is even a medieval guide book for farming, what priest or noble would write/read that?
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
You are totally right, but the history of literacy is super complicated and dictated by individual cultures and other definitions of "literacy." While medieval Europe had a literacy of about 20%, that was significantly higher in the Netherlands. Then we have to deal with is literacy defined as the basic alphabets, reading, reading and writing, and then most disregarded it unless it was latin. We then only have written records from the individuals who COULD read and write. I went for the more simplified joke, but this is many people's whole academic careers of study and I will definitely make many mistakes. Thank you for your comment!
@user-xyuser1488 11 ай бұрын
Always thought it was about practice and generally the idea of studying how to use armour. As I have read a comment under a video clip of the fight between heroes vs generic fantasy knight for an ESO DLC, "Druids, Berserkers and Mages CAN fight but a Fighter knows HOW TO FIGHT" (might have butchered the quote itself but the message is still there) which is something you pointed out but not in the same exact way it was irl, mainly due to people overestimating the weight of plate armours. They never (at least mostly) exceeded 30 kilos but were evenly spread out on your body, so if you're TRAINED enough you can do fucking backflips in the thing. It all comes down to training. Putting on a Gamberson, then some mail on top and a simple helmet, then take a one handed axe and a shield and just do this one heavy swing from head downwards and you're basically good to go as an average infantryman in an army, but as a mercenary/adventurer we see so much in fiction... yeah no. Especially considering plate armours that everyone loves so much with their closed helmets - you need to learn how to use that, to learn how to work around the more clunky movement and worse vision, work around the fact you become really fucking loud. Sure, you put a modern civilian in the average gear I mentioned above versus the same civilian in plate armour and the first won't make a dent, but in a real fight this civilian plate user would've just been pushed to the ground and stabbed in the unarmoured parts with special daggers and his corpse looted (I don't think this would've changed much in fiction tbh). A Mage CAN put on the armour and fight in it, but his enemies KNOW how to work around that, while he does not.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
I completely agree and you explained it incredibly well! Also I'm an ESO fan myself, so shout out there. But that just begs the question why taking some time to practice with some lighter armor would be beneficial for any mage planning to enter combat. Yes, it takes time away from studying but dying young prevents reaching a life time of studying magic. They would obviously never be front line fighters, but the guarding of some of the important areas like the chest could save a few lives
@user-xyuser1488 11 ай бұрын
@@dannyphandom Primary reason is always balance. But if we do a comparison between reality and fiction again, then, in real life, there was no "Light Armour" as it advanced in a pretty linear pattern and stuff like leather was, in fact, heavier, restricted mobility more and protected less, so in settings that try to be as realistic ij their depictions as possible that's why. In shit like DnD tho LA exists and the reasoning behind not using it is probably limited protection. It obviously doesn't protect well compared to a heavy plate, so "why bother?" And training comes in again. For example, in TES you need to level up your skill to improve the armour rating, which takes time, and a mage would've put on something that probably doesn't require that.
@brutusmagnuson315 11 ай бұрын
I just imagine it was like wool pajamas that generate electricity, and it was like that episode of Family Guy where Peter wears long underwear so he can shock people
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Those powers are too strong for mere mortals
@lucionvolkhvy 11 ай бұрын
The origin is originally from d&d there were two reasons 1 metal armor impinges the fine movement to preform somatic components of spells and 2 arcane users channel the arcane force from the universe to cast a spell and metal acted (the rule no longer is used) as a faraday cage against channelling this force.
@1012-v9r 11 ай бұрын
I think wizards originally just dressed as travellers; keep in mind that Gandalf could shapeshift (he's a shapeless other-worldly spirit known as a maiar) and was based on a depiction of the Norse god Odin, who travelled around in a similar guise weilding a spear called Gungnir instead of a staff. Edit: Now that I think about it, I think there may be religious reasons to wear robes: one character who's technically a god of the hunt, but looks like a wizard is Herne, The Hunter, who wears a deer skin. Maybe, wizards like Merlin wear robes to associate themselves with fairies and Avalon (plus, druids, witch doctors, medicine men and shamans were once the equivalents to priests (nevermind asking what ancient Greek and Roman priests were like)). 2nd Edit: nevermind the last point; I just saw the end of your video. 3rd Edit: Women DID have pockets, mainly in aprons: plus, look up where Mary, Queen of Scots kept her pet dog (in her sleeve).
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
That's a fantastic point, my next video is going to be why wizards use wands/staffs and that's part of the origin section
@Derserf 11 ай бұрын
7:31 not really, they wanted to be the only ones able to read the bible, so to not be confuted. For that reason they wanted to keep the bible in latin and not translate it
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
You're absolutely right, us everyday people weren't allowed but they needed to educate some portion of pre-selected elites in order to have the scriptures read across the world. Masses weren't even in english until the 1970s, these beliefs are still pretty recent
@stonecoldscubasteveo4827 11 ай бұрын
Solid vid, I think you will grow quickly.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Thanks! Hopefully you keep watching!
@mathieuleader8601 11 ай бұрын
this is a question you've always thought about glad I got an answer
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Happy to help :)
@Drudenfusz 11 ай бұрын
Yes, pockets for girls' dresses would be neat.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
We can all dream of a better future
@bluntlyhonest6803 11 ай бұрын
In warhammer wizards do wear armor. but only the most powerful, since wearing a helmet or a suit of armor can cause your spells to miscast which can do all sorts of horrible things to you. But metal in itself is magical, there is a whole lore of magic about it, the lore of metal, and if you are not attuned enough with the winds of magic you might just kill yourself.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
I've gotten a lot of people recommending Warhammer, it must have a great magic system. Thanks!
@bluntlyhonest6803 11 ай бұрын
@@dannyphandom more like, chaotic. Magic is just as likely to kill you, or turn you into a drooling monster as it is able to destroy your enemies.
@AbstractStew 10 ай бұрын
I.have , almost, never played a wizard who wore robes. My current character, is ,technically, a wizard. He is self taught,; so I guess he is more of a hedge wizard. Maybe the normal rules don't apply there. I think there is enormous value in opponents not realizing that you are a wizard, until it it too late. Dressing like a wizard probably gives away a tactical advantage.
@xenmaster2203 11 ай бұрын
The in-universe rationale that Wizards are simply too pre-occupied with study and the arts of magic is good enough for most wizards in fiction. Although, it probably wouldn’t work for war mages and adventure centric mages.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
But that begs the question, why robes in particular? If I was preoccupied with my work or studies I'd dress like my usual self
@Merilirem 11 ай бұрын
@@dannyphandom And you don't walk around your house in a robe? Pretty sure wizards just found robes comfortable and made them fancy to wear outside.
@xenmaster2203 11 ай бұрын
@@dannyphandom honestly, interesting question. For some professions, robes are kinda par for the course for a more medieval and earlier type setting. I think back to philosophy scholars of greeks who wore robes. That was their everyday clothing. Clergymen also wore robes to for their daily routines.
@joelpartee594 10 ай бұрын
D&D 4th Edition had one simple trick to disincentive Wizards from armour. Every class could add their Dexterity or Intelligence (whichever was higher) bonus to AC unless they wore heavy armour. Couple that with a lot of higher level Cloth Armour (robes) having bonuses for Wizard-specific powers, and most Wizards show up for the toga party.
@lanceanderson8318 15 күн бұрын
The short answer is lots of people wore robes because...warmth. when you have actually gathered firewood and chopped it and realized how fast it burns you might realize it easier to keep the hooman warm rather than heat the house.
@imaginativeskydadytm1389 11 ай бұрын
Mages have many ways to defend themselves that more efficient than wearing armor. 1. Range - you can outrange your enemy and hit them more accurately 2. Invisibility/illusion - if the enemy don't know where you are, they can't hit you. 3. Teleport/ levitate - you can easy move away from the attack and position yourself in more advantageous position. 5. Defensive magic - why wear armour if you have: A. magic shields/ward to negate or deflect the attack. B. You can also enchant a shield to protect you C. You can enchant your clothes/ robes that make them stronger than steel armor.
@Thanatosweilder 11 ай бұрын
Our towers are to keep delicate spell craft away from your metal monstrosities, which act like powerful magnets to certain to quantum energies. And yes. The robe are to keep us warm. The quartzite conduits in the tower stone absorb ambient quantum energy for use. But the that energy vacuum pulls from the physical fields of which thermal energy is a part of hence the cold tower. To pre-empt those that says "why don't you heat it with magic?" What part of delicate spell craft don't you understand. Same with fire such a concentration of energy is bound to interfere. Any other questions?
@TheTrueLordOmega 9 ай бұрын
as someone who plays a duskblade (basically combat wizard) who uses a spiked chain, i can confirm, channeling spells trough chains works very, very well
@justinthompson6364 11 ай бұрын
Some of these are more compelling than others. Nonmetallic armor such as lamellar and gambeson (heavy padded cloth) existed historically, circumventing metal-specific weaknesses. In fact, gambeson was worn under metal armor, which could well mitigate any thermal or electrical weakness metal armor might have. Additionally, while inconvenience may be sufficient for average scholarly wizards to eschew armor and physical training, a rational mage venturing into danger must inevitably conclude that relying solely on their magic is unwise. Threats will not always be noticed in time to mount an active defense. A helm and breastplate could easily be the difference between success and being killed or incapacitated in an ambush. Even the best-laid battle plans can fail and force rear rank elements to defend themselves for a time. A baseline of physical fitness can supplement magic for some purposes, or even allow the mage to preserve resources (mana, items, etc.) they might need later. If they're particularly knowledgeable, then might even recognize that both physical and intellectual training have points of diminishing returns and be able to optimize for both, with time left over for leisure. Some mages are bound to be pragmatic, but institutional arrogance explain a general lack of armored mages. Magic robes or systemic flaws, like heavy garments interfering with the flow of magic are the most solid justifications for this in most cases, though there are of course plenty of setting specific reasons you could contrive.
@hopefulhyena3400 11 ай бұрын
The games I play tend to either use the explantations of “because armor requires training and isn’t just something you put on. They aren’t trained” or the explanation “armor makes the delicate and precise motions of spellcasting much harder” Both can be overcome. In one you can take a level in warrior. In the other, you can honestly just power through it if you have enough mana, which is a real flex.
@maxinehowland8246 11 ай бұрын
Do you have a source regarding the "metal being holy because it came from meteorites?"
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Great question! I got it from The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish. If you are ever interested in the history and philosophy of various magical beliefs, I highly recommend!
@maxinehowland8246 11 ай бұрын
@@dannyphandom Great, thank you!
@lexhardrein2596 11 ай бұрын
If you know I spent years of my life in Wizard school and DON’T want me to wear a pointy hat and star-spangled dark blue/purple robes, kindly do not speak to me.
@101Mant 11 ай бұрын
I think there may be anither connection between priestly robes and wizardly ones. In fantasy wizards magic is seen as something seperate from religion but thats a very modern idea. Before Christanity you have records of real spells (in that we have the words and people beleived they worked, not they really did), curses and rituals. They almost always call on gods or supernatural entites to either do or not do something. Spells are basically a specialised prayer, magic is really applyjng religion a bit like technology is applying science. The ideal that a spell or curse is distinct from a prayer may not have even been a thing. Its just a prayer that asks for something rather than praise. So a lot of the people practicing "magic" were priests and preists wearing robes predates Christianity. In some religons being a preist wasn't a full time job but a duty performed when required. If they put on priestly attire such as robes when doing prayers/spells/rituals you could see where an association between the two might happen.
@CEOofGameDev 9 ай бұрын
Why do wizards wear robes? Well, if you could do teleportation magic and whatnot, why would you ever get out of your pajamas for anything?
@Pingwn 6 ай бұрын
While metal may very well was associated with the divine and holy because meteorites were one of its sources, faery folks, which are more ambitious rather than pure evil, are typically repelled by iron and it also counteract their magic. This even works on relatively good fey, and the only ones I can recall, although I am sure there are others, who don't are redcaps, which are evil. So I see it as very reasonable that iron could weaken magic.
@musikSkool 11 ай бұрын
Being a wizard requires mental concentration. They wear the most comfortable clothing so they can relax and it is easier to focus, they aren't weighed down by heavy clothes that take a lot of effort to move in and expend a lot of energy. Also, they have smaller muscles, so heavy clothes would slow them down much more than they would a warrior, who has a lot of muscle by comparison.
@Nirakolov 11 ай бұрын
In NetHack it's the Monk that wears the Robe... the function of the Robe is that it gives you magic cancel so you can't be killed by most on-touch effects. I can see having full skin coverage being useful against acid beasts and such
@molybdaen11 11 ай бұрын
1) Most wizards focus on they knowledge in training and have very little physical training. So a light armor allows them to move around faster. 2) They need to feel the magic around them to manipulate it. That's why leather armor is also rare and they use clothes with a lot of air.
@bonzwah1 11 ай бұрын
to balance them. If wizards wear armor, they become OP (cough, 5e, cough)
@nikd.7994 11 ай бұрын
Not bad considerations but please amend the myth that most people couldn't or write. Even pesants and farmworkers could usually read and write simple common for there area, in the old ages being literate meant knowing latin , greek or what ever more advanced culture was influential in that area , so even if you could read and write food recipes or instructions on how to sew cloaths in the common language you spoke you were not considered litterate, and yeah most probably couldn't understand flowery language and higher abstract concept words. But thy could read and write.
@jeffjones4654 11 ай бұрын
My wizards in D&D wear regular shirt, pants, and boots. Robes are impractical in the field.
@StarlitNova12 11 ай бұрын
Metal armor also slows down wizards, which sucks because wizards need to be able to move quickly to cast spells, also another reason why wizards wear robes is because they are more flowy meaning that you have more movement with your arms which is what a wizard will be using most. Armor overall is very suffocating as well meaning that a high endurance is needed to use it effectively and wizards need to conserve energy to cast spells
@nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 11 ай бұрын
In my settings, Magic represents Chaos, it's the tool of chaos, while metals, specially meteoric iron, represent Order.
@Mathew_Carter 11 ай бұрын
Conventional armor also restricts movement, so any spell with somatic components (arcane gestures with hands and/or body) is more difficult to cast.
@typhonplume9374 11 ай бұрын
Had to stop as it's also known in Science how electrifying metal like iron doesn't mean it can't backfire on you. Peroper conductive metals would need to be used, like copper which has a better conductive rate. Which outside of coins, is not a well known thing in most fantasy settings, as they have no reason to conduct such tests.
@ajiththomas2465 11 ай бұрын
Some stories I've read have it where the reasons why wizards wear robes over armor is because magic is better conducted through organic, nature-based material like silk and cotton in robes compared to the harder, less organic nature-based materials in armor.
@anathardayaldar 11 ай бұрын
I'm going with the idea that leaders of real life ancient centers of learning had robes because all upper class people did. And then stayed with it when upper class fashion moved on. When gamer lore writers wanted to depict people who studied, they went with tradition.
@gmjeremy3627 11 ай бұрын
Metal armor could protect against lightening by grounding the one wearing it. It could also help or hurt against fire/heat, depending on how hot and how long.
@anathardayaldar 11 ай бұрын
2:33 I protest that the Flying Spagetti Monster symbol was not included in that pantheon.
@ChibiButo 10 ай бұрын
I like to think they wear them to increase surface area and absorb more mana.
@Scalesthelizardwizard 11 ай бұрын
My wizards were partly due to cultural reasons and because robes can have lots of pockets and are made of strong materials and enchanted to protect them but some do wear armor
@SMunro 11 ай бұрын
Because wizards are naked under there, and their bodies are a "testament to pain" as jeffrey combs put it.
@dylanalpers 11 ай бұрын
Also consider the historical details- robes for magic rituals needed to be specific colors and symbols on them.
@kirbymarchbarcena 10 ай бұрын
We don't use metal armours since we have those tank warriors in front of us. We are more of rear supporters. - A wizard
@joshhiebert5474 11 ай бұрын
Man that was the longest I've ever had to wait for someone to say "because they're nerds".
@starofjustice1 11 ай бұрын
Because it gets super-cold in their secret labs in dungeons or mountaintop caves.
@JayJayFlip 11 ай бұрын
Wizards wear robes because they're perverts. I refuse to elaborate.
@murderyoutubeworkersandceos 11 ай бұрын
Its fashion. Power to bend and break physics makes u rich. Then u buy the best shit to put on and u just lounge about in the palace, being praized and valuable. And if u have to leave the opulence, what u do is u dont give a fuck. Tear? Mending spell. Mud? Magic flight. Bags? Conjure what u need. Being attacked? Why wear a heavy, ugly armor, when u can manifest a force field? Swinging swords? Burn the barbarian from a safe distance. Mages have the power Not To wear armor, practice fencing and the worth to dress to impress. And again - its been gamified for "balance". But there is no balanance between swinging a sword and bringing hellfire from beyond. Between a bow and crushing a mountain with a thought. Mages win ny default. They r smarter than u and wield cosmic powers.
@Arnsteel634 11 ай бұрын
It’s the somatic component. You can wear armor and cast spells if there are no somatic components
@phillipheaton9832 11 ай бұрын
Because not wearing clothes gets you talked about.
@Windowsprodukt 11 ай бұрын
Short answer: Pockets! That makes way more sense than I thought
@MonographicSingleheaded 11 ай бұрын
because they dont like wearing pants.
@gendor5199 11 ай бұрын
Robes being a good option being heat insulating was the first one that got under my armor- I mean skin. Metal would be great for distributing cold/heat (and electricity if your boots are rubberized) because metal would share the heat change over ALL your armor, not just the hit bit. It's the same as the body armor example, the heat will make all of you get toasty, but you won't explode from it.
@dannyphandom 10 ай бұрын
The metal being deadly for electricity is not because the electricity flows through you, but because it would heat the metal and burn you up (how toasters and incandescent light bulbs work). Now I agree completely with your statement on metal being great for distributing heat, but I think we disagree on just the amount you could take. Because metal is such a good conductor, the heat can travel with extreme ease and raise the whole of the armor quite effectively, especially if you are temperature extremes for more than a single instant like a consistent flamethrower type spell. Instead you'd me better with a heat resistant cotton or fiber that can insulate, like oven mitts or firefighter suits
@Loreweavver 11 ай бұрын
The answer is pockets. How is this nine minutes long?
@robertsouth6971 11 ай бұрын
Because it makes a long rest faster if you are already in your nighties.
@juleksz.5785 11 ай бұрын
Warhammer has mages wearing robes as form of uniform. All imperial mages can operate (and de facto live at all) of they are part of Collegues of Magic, and they must publicly show this by wearing uniforms. Aside from Bright and Golden Collegue all mages wear some kind of robes, withe these two being exeptions as pyromancers utilised meelee combat far more than other mages, and alchemists have to survive explosions from their experiments (althou alchemists do have more official robes wihtout greater protection qualities).
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment! Warhammer keeps coming up in the comments, it sounds really interesting!
@ZarHakkar 11 ай бұрын
The reason why wizards don't wear armor is because they don't need to. If you had god-like powers capable of melting faces at a distance, why wouldn't you wear something comfortable?
@101Mant 11 ай бұрын
Unless the magic system let's you keep up protecting spells all the time you can always be caught be surprised or attacked from behind. Skirmishes and battles can be incredibly chaotic and confusing while in games you can see neat little representations of where everyone is in reality you would probably have no idea of most of what was going on.
@sorcdk2880 11 ай бұрын
The idea where you describe metal being a problem due to being magic conductable, similar to how it conducts electricity, have the problem that conductivity would generally not necessarily make it stop your spells, because that is not really how conductivity works, as it would mean it was easy to push magic through metal, and as such wearing metal would not really interfere as you could just push things through. Instead the property we are looking for is the ability to trap and absorb magic, and neither of those necessarily leads to the upsides you were looking for. A way this would work is if metal constitudes a potental well in terms of magic arround it, attracting and trapping magic inside, while also having the property of having the magic decay, or just having a large capacity. Note that conductivity is to a large degree the ability to transmit through a material, but that is not necessarily required --- think of a valley with many broken stones bellow, you might have room for big things down there, but it would be annoying to move around. This might come because conductivity and capacity tends to come together, and electricity tends to want to follow the path of least resistance, which happens to usually coincide with high conductivity, but magic is usually controlled instead of wandering freely, and in such cases conductivity does not give you a shield of deflection, but just a path of low resistance to you. A more useful property to look into is magnetic inteference and self induction, and then having something similar apply for magic. For instance if you have magic flow near metal, it might similarly to magnetic fiels induct some kind of magic in the metal, which in turn can create disturbances to your flow, and if need the magic to flow in some very delicate patterns, then the disturbance from such inductions would make it much harder to cast the same spell, and that would be a reasonable way this would come up. Note that metals can have quite different magnetic properties, with only some of them being able to form structures of natural magnetism, and it would make a lot of sense to have for the magic version of it to behave similarly. This would explain why some metals like gold and sliver would be fine, but iron and steel would be problematic, while iron still having some specific uses, but would need to be handled carefully around magic. Heck even the worked vs unworked metal makes some sense, because unworked iron usually are more seperated and with different size crystals, which changes how easy it is to induce such currents into them. It would also mean that wearing metal armor would not necessarily mean much in terms of protecting against magic , as the delecate parts would typically happen on the caster side, not the target side, though some more delicate spells might be intefered with (put on your tin-foil hat against mind control). Overall if you are not going with iron being absorbing magic gravity wells, then I think this version would get you pretty much what you are looking for. Oh, and you also passed by another important reason for wizards being in robes: Balance, mages gets phenominal power and to make others not have too much envy they have some restrictions applied to them.
@dannyphandom 10 ай бұрын
I think it would work akin to a Van de Graaff generator. The higher concentration of charges gathering to form into a spell would powerfully repel each other, and a conductive material across the body allows for an easy place to run. In order to create a spell (spark) you would need a create a large voltage (about 30K volts/cm in our atmosphere). Wearing metal would raise the voltage required to create that spark, causing the spell to fail. "And that’s why the voltage limit for a Van de Graaff is determined by the diameter and curvature of the dome. You can keep pumping charge to the dome and it will keep taking it. And just as with the brushes, if the dome had sharp points then it would easily form strong electric fields with the surroundings and form a leaky corona. So the bigger and rounder the dome, the weaker the surrounding electric field will be. It’ll be harder for corona to form and for the surrounding air to become conductive." The misfires of a spell would be caused by sharp edges of metal armor, causing effects similar to St. Elmo's fire hackaday.com/2017/02/16/how-a-van-de-graaff-generator-works/
@jacobwilbers9852 11 ай бұрын
Because merlin does in king arthur.
@JonathanGhost42 11 ай бұрын
Okay, after this video i NEED to subscribe to you and see what other great things you have to offer! This video helped my alot in finding ideas to explain armorless wizards and it even gave me some ideas for unique techniques, where magic users really could use the properties of metals to their advantage.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Good to see you again, and thanks for the sub! I just want to talk about concepts I think are cool and how I think they could work, I'm glad you got some ideas too! The next video will be on wands/staffs, hope to see you there!
@AENock 11 ай бұрын
My headcanon rationalization is wizards need an unencumbered range to fulfill the somatic component of a spell. Magic is will imposed upon the ethereal/incorporeal, ergo, precise and methodical movement of one's body is a precursor to manifest that will. Heavier armor may cause compensation of movement which is antithetical to said manifestation.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
I totally agree, but DnD would describe somatic components as just requiring a free hand. It really depends on the magic system too, I totally get a magic system like bending which is largely movement based, but even the fire benders had segmented armor to allow full range and good protection!
@jeroenbeijer7394 11 ай бұрын
I like the question posed and the different arguments for why wizards or spel casters more generally might not use armor. Some of the arguments go against earlier arguments but I take that as being different and separate arguments. One thing I do have a problem with is the “metal would make you more vulnerable to fire, ice and lightning” argument. It is a common trope in fantasy so I understand why you might bring it up but I do have opinions about it as I think it is an objectively wrong take (assuming heat and electricity work the same in the fantasy as they do in reality). In our world wearing a closed chain armor (or any conductive armor) will basically make you immune to lightning as the electricity will travel through the more conductive armor (and not the person wearing it), leaving the person inside it unharmed. When it comes to heat or cold the only thing I can say is that if someone is going to shoot fire at me I would rather have a layer of metal between me and that than being directly hit by flames. Apart from that interesting vid and sorry for the nerd rant.
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Nerd rants are always welcome! As far as lightning, you are on to a good train of thought, but it would still be deadly. Even if the user is wearing a full suit of armor which could in theory work akin to a lightning rod/faraday cage they would be roasted alive. All that current would heat up the metal, the same principle that toasters and incandescent light bulbs work under, and the person inside would be trapped in an oven. Same thing against fire magic, I'd rather have a cloth cover that could insulate and block some of the heat (think oven mitts) then be holding metal (the hot pot). While metal is fire proof, it'll transfer heat with ridiculous efficiency and if its armor it'll be pressed against your skin with no escape
@arikaaa69 11 ай бұрын
Nice video covering an interesting topic. At the time I'm watching theres less than a hundred views and very few comments, so I feel lucky to have stumbled upon this before anyone else. To bolster the academic connection, there's plenty of fantasy/DnD worlds where wizards study magic at magical academies, which is how they gain their magic (as opposed to sorcerers who are simply born with it) so it makes especially sense that novice wizard students will wear robes even if they don't have practical magic effects yet
@dannyphandom 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for the watch! I'm lucky and grateful you gave me a chance! And good addition, I do greatly appreciate the distinct casters and magic systems within DnD
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