Why Gen Z is Quietly Giving Up

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Ameer Corro

Ameer Corro

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@AmeerCorro 14 күн бұрын
Hey everyone, thank you so much for your feedback on the video. Many of you pointed out that economic hardship is a significant challenge our generation is facing, and I completely agree-I wish I had highlighted this more, as it’s something I think about a lot too. My intention with this video was to explore the mental and emotional aspects of what Gen Z is going through-not because I think “sniffing flowers” or meditating will fix everything, but because sometimes, starting with small, personal changes can help us build the resilience we need to tackle larger systemic issues. At 20:11, I said: “I’m not saying that if you just stop thinking about your problems, they’re going to magically disappear-far from it. These issues that we face are real and actually do require our full attention. Still, I believe that our best chance of creating lasting, positive change in the world is to first create lasting, positive change within ourselves.” I’m not suggesting that we should ignore these issues or ‘just meditate and you’ll be fine.’ I know that demanding more from our leaders and pushing for a better world is crucial, and I’m with you on that-personal change isn’t a substitute for collective action. At the same time, I believe that focusing on what we can control (e.g., our screen time, our attitude, and how we show up in our relationships) can help us find the resolve and clarity we need to take on bigger battles. Building ourselves up doesn’t mean we stop fighting for change-it means we prepare ourselves to do it more effectively. We can care for our mental health while simultaneously pushing for a better world. It’s been over a year since I first wrote this video, and honestly, my views have evolved since then. Looking back, I see that some of my takes on postmodernism, “I don’t dream of labor,” and the American Dream were oversimplified. I also regret not presenting a more comprehensive view of Dr. Jean Twenge’s research. I cut out a lot to keep the video engaging for the algo, but in doing so, I don’t think I did her argument justice. There’s so much value in her work that I didn’t capture, so if you’re curious, I highly recommend her book “Generations.” I really appreciate all of you for pointing these things out and helping me grow. If you have any ideas or suggestions on what you’d like to see next, please share-I’m all ears. Thanks again for being a part of this journey! ❤️
@jaimeserradossantos2332 12 күн бұрын
I think you did a great job at touching on a lot of relevant points, its only a 20 minute video, idk how people expect more info to fit in it
@unknownentity2352 8 күн бұрын
So many of the mental blights experienced are traceable to the economy, College attendance is falling, minimum wage is stagnant in the face of inflation and advantageous corporations inflating their prices in the chaos, Being tried for every cent in so many facets of life where it's so difficult to get off the ground it seems like this video did more harm than good, picking that "one thing that's worth suffering over" is to stop suffering. It doesn't seem like you considered perhaps this large uptick in depression is outlined in the cold grasp of wealth inequality. Suggesting reduced time on your phone and working is such a band-aid fix to a dire and pressing problem which takes priority over happiness for many daily. Getting called ugly online is rough sure, but getting an automated text message saying that your rent has increased due to an algorithmic decision by property management software is much worse. Just recently, Harvard joint center for housing studies released a new report which shows rent is unaffordable for half of renters. But no, that's not going to effect somebody emotionally or mentally. Saying "I believe that focusing on what we can control can help us find the resolve and clarity we need to take on bigger battles." in a comment Is a very weak response to a grandiloquent video which claims "worrying and suffering are irrational, so don't." A hilarious punchline and more of a knife twist than the perspective-shifting resolution you were aiming for.
@HalfTheMagicAllTheMusic 7 күн бұрын
Also maybe an increased proliferation of advertising media- something designed to literally make people feel bad and lacking. (It's highly targeted now, too. So the advertisers know what it is you feel you lack and can make sure you see advertising only for that. Hits the subconcious hard.)
@marianhunt8899 6 ай бұрын
This video avoids discussing the elephant in the room, increasing poverty. Young people are stuck in debt, on low salaries which do not allow them to purchase a humble home and sniffing flowers and meditation will do nothing to solve their economic woes. In fact, it does the opposite, it encourages them to accept the status quo without complaining or demanding a fairer economic system from our government, banks and corporations. The 'just meditate and you'll be fine' is simply not fine. Gen Z and everyone who cares about them will need to demand better from our leaders. Encouraging young people to do nothing to improve their economic situation is actually a way of mentally neutering them.
@platinumfalconm3891 6 ай бұрын
THIS^ The end of the video was one gigantic COPE
@edwardzignot2681 6 ай бұрын
100% this! Any video on this topic not addressing this issue is clown shoes level terrible! They're hopeless because they know the American dream is DEAD and not really a possibility for them!
@SirPercival13 6 ай бұрын
It's also from a very US experience and Eurocentric perspective. People need to rebuild communities and advance struggles against the economic exploitation of the landed and capitalist classes against those who work for a wage, regardless of income. A new world is possible, get organised! 🚩
@jrstf 6 ай бұрын
This would be the same young people that made Apple executives filthy rich so they can raise prices in California making it unlivable for anyone not super rich.
@kyliepechler 6 ай бұрын
So well said.
@DarkStar_48 6 ай бұрын
I love that phrase… “I don’t have a dream job, I don’t dream of labor”
@stephenvoss6092 5 ай бұрын
If you love what you do you never have to work a day in your life.
@diegosiqueiraalves7452 5 ай бұрын
@@stephenvoss6092 Work with what you love and you will never love anything again.
@dakota9821 5 ай бұрын
@@stephenvoss6092 Myth; Clown saying. Don't repeat it.
@gmg1985 5 ай бұрын
Let me guess .... they were "spoiled" in childhood and, as a result, they have no courage or ambition.
@rustyhowe3907 5 ай бұрын
It's a really obnoxious statement when you think about it a bit, although really effective at staying unemployed from those $20+/hour jobs though.
@_Kittensworth 4 ай бұрын
The lengths people will go to not say "it's the economy" is amazing.
@AngelGiurov 4 ай бұрын
Because it is :)
@am_moonie 3 ай бұрын
​@brodiepace1719 I guess, though what you're saying is unrelated, it's mostly capitalism.
@monke5403 3 ай бұрын
@@brodiepace1719 dude how is it our fault we were born in a terrible economy LMAOOOO it is literally impossible to even rent a studio apartment right now working a full time job. Want to go to school? Fork over the money. Don’t have the money? Work a job, but you’re going to need a place to stay for either of those. How do you think that will be acquired?
@agk4589 3 ай бұрын
@@monke5403 Also in a time where corporations have succeeded in eroding the rights of workers, and companies are trying to adopt the gig model as much as possible to treat what are effectively employees as contracted workers to fuck them even further. Boomers suffer from mind rot not understanding that they grew up in a time where the American economy was subsidized by the 70+ times the CIA was caught bribing or deposing leaders of small nations so we could extract their natural resources at great expense to their populations keeping our goods and services cheaper. Don't ever let a boomer tell you your attitude is the reason you aren't successful. The price of both agricultural goods and services has gone up by a factor of 5 over the last 40 years and minimum wage has just now in the last 9 years finally gone up by a factor of 2 and than back to stagnation.
@cody4rock 3 ай бұрын
@@monke5403 Who said that being born in a terrible economy was our fault? Nobody. What he's saying is to take responsibility for the things you do have control over instead of blaming problems on other people. Why? Because what blaming does is put power and control (and thus responsibility) over to other people when they were never going to fix it for us. It is important to recognise their role in making your life as miserable as possible. They did this to us, and we are struggling to live. There are limited avenues for action, given we are trapped. So, while it is hopeless, we must utilise every avenue of action because that's the only way to widen those avenues and assert control.
@2manyballfaces 6 ай бұрын
when I was younger I thought "of course I'm going to have kids", but now the implications of having kids means I will be a labor slave for the rest of my life.
@cherryVision 6 ай бұрын
Get a vasectomy before it gets outlawed. I got one before I got out of the army a few years ago
@regina6838 6 ай бұрын
Sorry I don't understand that mentality. You have to work for yourself anyhows. Whether you have kids or not you will always work. People don't work harder cause they have kids. Everyone works.
@mangjitnijjhar1390 6 ай бұрын
@@regina6838 You can live quite well with a part-time job if you don't have kids.
@kaufmanat1 6 ай бұрын
I have a daughter. It's not expensive. Stop being a weak pathetic excuse for a man. Kids aren't expensive. We're descended from cavemen. They were poor. They made it work. You can too. There is nothing in my life more fulfilling than raising my daughter. I have a doctorate, a good job, good wife, a house and nothing is more fulfilling than raising my daughter. Turns out, not that expensive to raise a kid. But you have to stop wasting money on yourself. I could raise my daughter on my old bartending salary. It's not rocket science.
@DigitalXD-gi7ig 6 ай бұрын
​@@kaufmanat1 (I hope you get some sense from this) sir kids are expensive if you dont have a proper and stable job. you have a doctorate and a stable job i assume with a amazing wife that will help you. Some people are single parents working several 9-5 jobs trying to pay rent, bill, send thier kids to school and other finances. And also comparing cavemen society to nowadays advance civilization is like comparing a rock to a rocket ship not only we have more expectations laid on us, more complex society which require us to follow requlations, a society which expect us to be less as humans and more like machines in the work place unlike cavemen who could follow their instics and do as they feel is right. Also a person not wanting kids is not pathetic. if you as a man can understand and evaluate if kids are worth it as kids are a life time decision which if you raised improperly will add to another dilinquet in society messing up people life u are a intellegent and mature man.
@chadvagbuster6580 7 ай бұрын
the world rly did end in 2012
@KaiserNightcoreMusic 5 ай бұрын
yup, we are on overtime at this point.
@jimx45 5 ай бұрын
I knew the Mayans were right. I said it before the world doesn't end just like that it ends slowly and 2012 was the start of the decline. It's be actually better if it ended upruptly, that means we can see and fight the problem, a slow decay is harder to detect and way way more painful. Apocalypse was playing 4D chess.
@EisleyNavarro-ki8ue 5 ай бұрын
And yet I was born in 2011, Im 13 and I have dealt with a lot, and my dream job is president, because I WANT CONTROL and I WANT TO HELP, but… idk if I can do it… the world might be too big…
@oahts5906 5 ай бұрын
@@jimx45it’s not apocalypse, it’s the new world order. It’s only 4D chess if your worldview is severely limited.
@KaiserNightcoreMusic 5 ай бұрын
@@oahts5906 agreed. we are going towards the dystopia described in Admirable New World + 1984.
@TwooZee 4 ай бұрын
@melonusk6120 3 ай бұрын
@tigerscott2966 2 ай бұрын
YES! There is no way to be happy in America without MONEY... Everything is tied to money - that is the big problem... Today's world is run by computers - you can't "talk" your way into a job like in the past.. Hiring managers see your resume before they see you - the REAL person.
@avocadosanxiety 2 ай бұрын
@@melonusk6120 yeah, but even when you have a degree no one is hiring, hard to get money if you can't find work.
@melonusk6120 2 ай бұрын
@@avocadosanxiety you can always start from the bottom, take any job you can and work your way up. Waiting for a suitable job for your degree is ludicrous in this economy
@RenixGames 2 ай бұрын
you live with your parents relax
@HungerGamesFan88 5 ай бұрын
@elenhin 4 ай бұрын
Gen Z: "We're the only generation who ever have experienced poverty!!!" Must be cause they don't teach reality in schools anymore. /Gen X
@PLANTROON 4 ай бұрын
@@elenhin thing is, despite working a qualified job, you still end up poor :D I mean, I can probably buy a new fridge with my salary easily, while my parents wouldn't be able to do this, but I literally don't care - just the amount of money one has to come up with each month to not lose roof over their heads is insane. And then you're surrounded by people who get apartments and even land/houses for super cheap from their relatives and then you really just give up or even go homeless as there's no point endlessly paying rent to landlord or mortgage for 10+ years to a bank.
@marblight2068 3 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@elenhin yeah man, that’s why an entire generation is so depressed. not the fact that we’re faced with the simple fact that we probably won’t ever be able to even fulfill the american dream unless we just sell our souls to suits, and some of us won’t even be able to get there even after doing that. yes schooling sucks. but pretending like that’s the only issue is beyond out of touch. we’re in a world where we’re being exploited constantly with nearly nothing we can do about it. moving past that, those of us studying computer science or even just in the know on ai are absolutely fucking terrified. chatgpt is a good tool but the company behind it seems like it doesn’t care about safety precautions and that scares me to no end. not only is my future not bright but its not even guaranteed. if and when ai gets good enough, how many of our careers are going to be void? how many lives uprooted? because you already see it happening. not only is the present depressing but the future seems almost hopeless. creative arts are becoming less valuable as ai becomes more sophisticated. i can’t think of many industries where ai won’t be implemented in the future. we aren’t just complaining about poverty. if you believe that’s the case then leave the discussion because you are nowhere near well informed enough to participate.
@aquilabamigbade3473 3 ай бұрын
@@elenhinyou have to be extremely simple minded to have that be your conclusion. For the past couple decades, at least since the boomers, no future generation has had it better than the previous mathematically, this means the generation coming after gen z will definitely have it worse unless there’s massive changes. You see how stupid it’ll be for older gen z at that point to then mock the next generation when they rightfully complain about living standards being way worse?
@carlthegamer9215 3 ай бұрын
Close your phone, stay away from the internet for 1 week, i dare you. You'll be left bored and forced to focus on REAL things. Therefore most likely improving both your mental state and physical state (Hobbies, work, money, love) etc... it's all out there, in the real. The real balance of things is in the real not online.
@ericneo2 6 ай бұрын
What also happened in 2012 is the price of housing and rent skyrocketed. If you can't move out, or get your own place your life gets put on hold until you can get a job or a partner that can financially contribute. Now throw in employment issues and low wages and you've screwed over multiple generations of people who don't already own a home.
@terranceramirez4816 6 ай бұрын
Money printer go brrrrrrrrr
@GreggyMcfly 6 ай бұрын
I gave up on that too. However, I know that I'll find a partner. Forget about "owning" your home. You own nothing.
@patriciavandevelde5469 6 ай бұрын
In europe, you can t even find a partner anymore!!!!!!!!
@arcanineryu 6 ай бұрын
​@@patriciavandevelde5469 i actually found a partner in Europe! Problem is tho I'm in America 🤣
@jrstf 6 ай бұрын
I bought a second house in January. Price was up about a third from when Joe Biden came to power. 2012 was not the only time of massive inflation. You get what you vote for.
@gsgrzegorz98 4 ай бұрын
this video is basically "those dang kids playing with their phones all days" Forget rent/ house prices, forget prices going higher while wages stay the same, forget wars, forget climate change, forget the biggest inequality since ever. Those kids are not looking forward to the future because of phones.
@AngelGiurov 4 ай бұрын
LEGIT 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. The phone is 100% phones. Not because most of us can't find a FCKING JOB let alone one that pays decently and won't exploit us. I have white hairs at 23 but that's probably because of my phone as well... Not because I'm stressing every single day for the past few years because they economy is straight up FCKING ME
@Gizziiusa 3 ай бұрын
shaddup, eat yer bugs, own nothing and be happy. -WEF protocol agenda 20-30
@edie4321 3 ай бұрын
Forget the fact that humanity is under attack from all angles. Poverty is a disease. They are making us all sick. I didn't forget 2020, and how many they took out, in one way or another. Yet it continues, and no one is talking about it. How would they know what to do?
@kinanisam4345 3 ай бұрын
So when you mention the biggest inequality ever, you mean how men in the western society are mistreated and discriminated against or the other inequality you're imagining in your head?
@saltiestsiren 3 ай бұрын
Did you completely skip the part about "learned helplessness"? If you're suffering about things you can't control and you're stomping your foot into the ground and insisting things "shouldn't" be this way, you're screwing yourself. You have to focus on YOUR life, the things you CAN control.
@jibrilamvs 6 ай бұрын
“Learned helplessness” I got that from my bosses and supervisors. They repeatedly made my feel useless, broke anti harassment policies targeting me with whatever I did, and eventually drove me to suicidal ideation. I went to HR; they did nothing; so I quit. Now, while I feel a bit better, I find social media is drawing me back into this cycle of not knowing what I want to do. Hell; I go out for a walk and I can hardly find anyone who isn’t glued to their phones. Technology has connected us yet in many ways driven us farther apart than ever before.
@authaire 6 ай бұрын
Yeah it's a real trip when you do literally everything you are supposed to do to fight personal injustice and every avenue just comes back "sorry buttercup, suck it up" ... learned helplessness is inevitable when you're taught things by people from a different world who refuse to acknowledge that, no, actually, no one gives a shit anymore and no one wants to offer help. Corporate and HR God don't get me started ... I'm sorry fam.
@furinaaaa4 6 ай бұрын
as a 09 gen z who is already making so many plans for the future and the aspiration for who i want to be, i just feel more hopeless for the future. society is decaying, the things ahead of me is so uncertain, im afraid of how bad inflation would be in the future, and the world is changing rapidly, so fast, *too* fast
@CactusNyaNya 6 ай бұрын
just because last generation is the worst, we should not blame network
@furinaaaa4 6 ай бұрын
@@CactusNyaNya things are already hard, and inflation is just going to make things harder. cost of living has increased by 68%
@HauntedCadaver 6 ай бұрын
@@CactusNyaNya the proof is already here
@crankpatate3303 5 ай бұрын
Well, the depressing thing isn't wishing for all the things others have in the internet. It's depressing to just wish for what your parents had and being unable to reach that, despite trying harder than they ever had to.
@SupraSav 5 ай бұрын
It's depressing for them too. It's a parent's dream to see their children living comfortably, to be successful.
@Solonneysa 5 ай бұрын
@@SupraSav I'm not so sure about that. I think there's a very large portion of parents who have been so caught up in their own personal successes, or failures, and generational trauma, that seeing their children succeed makes them feel inadequate. There are far too many parents who had kids because they felt they *should* rather than because they *wanted to.* It resulted in either resentful parents, or parents who treat their kids like accessories. Children became extensions of their own lives, instead of independent persons. We see a ton of this reflected in "family KZbin" channels, and the massive amounts of kids who go to school hungry, and neglected. It's far more than people acknowledge. Definitely, I think a **loving** parent wants to see their children succeed. I just don't think actually loving, good, parents are the majority, unfortunately. I think a lot of older generations took the path before them, and burned the bridges behind them. They aren't satisfied if anyone else has it the same as them, let alone easier.
@masterdj6077 5 ай бұрын
@@Solonneysa Yeah when your parents take every little thing you do as an attack on their character, you kinda can go a little insane. My mom was that way and my dad never said anything and its lead to me having terrible mental health and self worth
@Leejungwoo48 4 ай бұрын
Then our parents are scum. If they were truly loving, they'd be trying to improve every generation. Not make things worse with each generation.
@MegaUnwetter 4 ай бұрын
Is it really that hopeless these days? You can still make a lot of money on the stock market these days and you can get information more easily than ever before
@6dicestudios6 Ай бұрын
im in gen z i rememeber the early 2010s where screens werent a part of life yet. Back then id rather play with my mates outside, play sports, get in mud, and go for a swim. Over the last 10 years this has all gone away and its kinda scary
@andreah.6484 Ай бұрын
Playing in the mud is my most precious memory as a child for sure
@jmgonzales7701 14 күн бұрын
true, social media was barebones back then and most of the games i played were simple and mostly PSP then just youtube and facebook. now its entirely different.
@GavGaming15 6 ай бұрын
I’m 15 and I can definitely tell that the people who use their phone more seem to be sadder and tend to not talk to others in my school, a lot of those people I know used to be talkative and full of life.
@puffin20 6 ай бұрын
I am 35 and I (as well as others) have witnessed the same thing about myself. My job (designer) is mostly online, so most of the day I spend time on the phone, talking to clinets, arranging projects and what not. So socializing has become harder and harder (without any booze, that is). I can't even remember when was the last time I genuinely laughed. You bring me any "Try not to laugh challenge" and I can easily win them all. I wish we could go back to 2005-2010 era when we already had social networks and stuff, but at the same time, no smartphones. We could still chat to others online, but nobody would spend their whole day in front of a PC. We would just arrange meetings and hang out. Another solution would be disable mobile data and wifi for everyone, that way people would spend less time rotting their brains in a screen and enjoy reality more.
@wendymarshall2132 6 ай бұрын
You’re a smart 15yr old to notice that
@jonathanray4598 6 ай бұрын
I am 50 and years ago before the internet and cell phones life was way better! There is no substitute for human interaction. Also most young people have no interest in critical thinking due to an easy answer on a cell phone and gaming. GOD made us to interact with each other and grow in the knowledge of GOD.
@DrErnst 6 ай бұрын
its also called teenage hormons..
@mrMacGoover 6 ай бұрын
Time to get a old school flip phone.
@Shinzenrie 6 ай бұрын
I'm a millennial. I've been disabled my entire life. The smart phone didn't cause me to give up. The fact that those in authority around the world have proven themselves incompetent and show that they do not care for those around them has caused me to give up on society.
@theyellowarchitect4504 5 ай бұрын
ok. are you going to build a parallel one?
@oahts5906 5 ай бұрын
They aren’t incompetent. It’s deliberate. They are creating the conditions to have utter control over the world population in a mere couple of decades.
@rustyhowe3907 5 ай бұрын
*Hugz to you from a disability carer of the aged who also is a millennial* I learned some time back the whole world can burn itself for all I care, I got my own things to do. Authority's reach only goes so far in my life so by all means let em make fools of themselves, we still have the rent to cover and bills to pay no matter the newest crisis fad, as when it goes another takes its place just like the circus act it is.
@lateblossom 5 ай бұрын
Im an M too. This sums it up.
@alephestudios 4 ай бұрын
life is constant labor and joy, trying to feel pleasure all the time only produces anxiety. Reel based social media helps creating people with messed brains accostumed to constant gratification, condition that expands to other areas of life.
@ibidknight 5 ай бұрын
The biggest issues plaguing my generation as a Gen Z fellow... 1. Careers - Just look at the job market, its growing in competition without stopping and even if people say there are more qualified jobs than employees, the amount of people getting into those jobs is low - Certain roles are faltering, lots of them are either being underpaid or overworked or being wiped out by automation/AI - Unemployment is still a major concern and most people don't end up keeping their first job for like 40 years 2. Relationships - Social media has skewed standards so bad that potential partners either seem too perfect or people are too nervous to even give dating a chance - Add to that the amount of us that have mental issues and those of us that are not fit for a relationship due to our mental state, either you get a bunch of lonely people or people that are in toxic and doomed-to-fail relationships that further the cycle of steering away from love - Too many people have been ingrained to look for expectations over the basic necessities and people have stopped making compromises, which just leads to more misery, life is all about compromises and learning to grow with someone who might not be a perfect match or soulmate is a compromise too - Some people have even just retired to AI boyfriends/girlfriends or given up entirely on love so the amount of us that will raise a new generation is low 3. Economy - Incomes aren't increasing but the standard of living is, just look at the housing market and consumer goods prices and gas prices - So many people are in student debt and the federal government is doing nada to relieve that 4. Social media - I'm gonna include the Internet in this, but literally this is the worst thing Gen Z could have ever been exposed to - So many people have lost confidence, gained skewed perspectives of life and people, and become chronically addicted or attached to technology - This just boosts insecurity and does nothing to fix it, either the insecurity from attention-seeking by posting or the insecurity from seeing all these "rich and successful, happy" people who are insecure themselves and faking their lives on social media 5. Health - Now this is where most of us fall into alignment, especially with mental health - A ton of us have mental health issues stemming from betrayal, bullying, genetic conditions, etc. and even though there is mental health awareness, most of us have not found solutions or even accepted them - As for physical health, there are a lot of us that do minimal exercise, while others struggle with food and even sleep 6. Climate Change - Global warming is just ramping up and past generations have screwed us over completely, we will be left to deal with the aftermath of potentially 50% of all animal species going extinct, increasing natural disasters, food scarcity with so many people turning away from agriculture, etc. - And ofc pollution and littering are still going on, while carbon and other emissions are showing no slowing down 7. The future - Tbh at this point I'd be lucky to get into a stable relationship let alone get to the point of having kids, which would be another pain in the ass to even afford, why raise another human being if you can barely provide for yourself? That's just misery for everyone... - I have 0 faith in the job and housing markets, I'll be lucky to find income stability and a good place to stay - The world's already fucked over by past generations of people, so we are just adding to it 🤷
@pleasestopcreatingmoresent3328 4 ай бұрын
I didn't read it. Make a video instead. That's too long.
@ibidknight 4 ай бұрын
@@pleasestopcreatingmoresent3328 I wrote my thoughts for other Gen Z people to relate or start a conversation with me about, if you can't even be bothered to read a couple bullet points that are neatly spaced and numbered, idk what to tell you...
@pleasestopcreatingmoresent3328 4 ай бұрын
@@ibidknight ...
@theguitargalshorts5032 4 ай бұрын
Everything is meaningless without God. Post modernism tried to kill God but God is far bigger than all of that. You can't invent an iPhone come up with a scientific theory and say that there is no God! That is a lie from the enemy. The fact the Christianity is still so large in the world tells us that. Yes the faith is declining but that is not because of the lack in belief in God it is the lack of wanting to involve yourself in community anymore. Hebrews 10:25 (read it) Also read Ecclesiastes. This Generation is hopeless because of the new outlook on life and yes because of the screens because the overload on lies from the enemy. It is not that God is not real because when you look into history it is proven time and time again that there is a God and His name is Jesus! (Also Yahweh) People want to act like there is no God and His concept is just something that held us together, but you must all realize that this is a lie! God is our creator! God gives us the greatest love! Jesus did exist! The prophecies were proven and there is no reason to be hopeless! God is GOOD!!!! DONT DOUBT GOD AND HIS PLAN!!! Romans 8:28 says "All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes" DONT LOOSE FAITH! FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT WIN THE RACE!!!
@cobrazoid 4 ай бұрын
@@pleasestopcreatingmoresent3328 Boo fucking hoo... "its too long" oh the horror...Just better off watching and listening than trying to read and understand. Your comment really proves of how people become so lazy to read a single simple 7 reasons comment and it takes like at least 4 minutes. You're not reading a 300 reasons comment only 7 pal. But sure, you really took your sweet time to write a comment whining that you don't want to read a comment for 4 minutes and prefer to watch a video that is just all annoying talk. Grow up.
@nowlwane9623 6 ай бұрын
The job that fires you that same moment upon the notice, doesn't deserves loyalty.
@jrstf 6 ай бұрын
His IBM example was poorly chosen. IBM was a failed company. Many of us had, for decades, been praying for its demise.
@jimx45 5 ай бұрын
What's stopping people from trying to join? There's tons of layoffs in Google but the amount of people signing up isn't dropping.
@nowlwane9623 5 ай бұрын
@@jimx45 How many of them are loyal or expected to be loyal?
@jimx45 5 ай бұрын
@@nowlwane9623 Wasn't your statement on the matter of will people still join a company that is laying off people in droves? I didn't think it would matter to the company if people no longer had loyalty in your company AFTER you fired them, what would be the point. They wouldn't care about your loyalty if they already fired you.
@BlackHoleOfTime 5 ай бұрын
You are so lucky to be born today with so many opportunities. 99.99% of humanity had to Really struggle and be born under terrible conditions and worked hard generation after generation to get the wonderful things you have access to now and all you guys do is complain you dont have dream jobs with perfect bosses disregarding what everyone has had to do even now to keep working hard to get progress. You lazy ungrateful generation is going get a wake up call here soon i bet at the rate you are going.
@squidwardtentacles4796 6 ай бұрын
I was born in 2003. Growing up I never had the things other kids had growing up around me. Such as a phone or new game consoles, until I got my first job in my first year of high school. So I definitely always felt left out just from that alone. I was born into severe poverty with parents who spent their days smoking weed and overall not really caring much about parenting me and teaching me valuable lessons on how to really be a man. I had to teach myself these skills. This was especially true after my sister was born. I'm about to turn 21. With no motivation, role models, inspiration, or any hope for a good future since I can remember, it's really difficult to keep working just to pay rent and bills. It feels like I'm letting myself suffer just to prolong my suffering further. I don't really know what to do or who to talk to. I made a small friend group in high school and we were really close for a long time. But this last year especially I've really just shut myself away from everyone due to my mental health not allowing me to socialize the way I used to be able to. I go to work, come home, and never socialize with anyone. I was always the one who had to send the first message like "Hey, we should hang out today / tomorrow." But if I am not the one who is making the plans, they refuse to reach out to me even once after months of not speaking. Some people will think: "Well you just got to be the one to start the conversation." I understand that, but it would be nice to just one time to get a "hello" or something purely out of their willingness to engage in conversation with me, because we're "friends". But I suppose even that's too much to ask from them. Bit of a rant here. I'm really sorry for all the complaining. I just needed to get this out.
@thiagosantosbrito3493 5 ай бұрын
I'm 24 and I've noticed that this is a common feeling nowadays and worse, it's reinforced by social media. Ignoring has turned out to be the most popular power move in social relationships, as if it makes the user more socially powerful. "Being chased" is also an obsession, pretty sad what people are turning into.
@biohazardbin 5 ай бұрын
@@thiagosantosbrito3493 no, it's the fact that we all feel doomed from the system we were placed into and therefore feel as if we are static and never able to move forward.
@theyellowarchitect4504 5 ай бұрын
This would be depressing if you were 35 or sth, but you are 21. Society cripples individuals via school&university, but you got the entire life ahead of you. You think of these "friends", but you don't realize how many millions you are compatible with, and would be actual friends irl if you lived closer geologically. As for inspiration or role models, look in the past. An endless hall of legends.
@ArcNine9Angel 5 ай бұрын
As someone who told their teacher in highschool that they expected to be dead before 30, I can relate... alot. Family did their best but we were pretty alone, from our mental health issues to our finances and more. I've only in recent years been able to break the cycle of infinite survival mode, so there's a few things I'd like to pass on: There are better friends you'll meet, there are better people, I promise you. Where and how? You might meet a fair few online, but you can meet them in person too. The trick I've found is not only just being open to engage with others, but also going out and pursuing things that are purely of interest to you. Taking value for yourself first, others second. And if that value is helping others, more power to you! Because... "Be the change you want to see." Cliche and corny, I know, I know,... but most cliches hold value in their sentiment, and this is no exception. You can make things happen if you're willing to believe in it, be patient with yourself when it doesn't happen, and importantly, *allow yourself* to make the effort, to fail and try again and grow as you go. There's so much more than can fit in a YT comment, but if you're willing to take one thing away from me here, I urge you: Please, don't lose a decade of your life like I did shutting it all out and waiting to die. Take those values you wish were real, and be that person. You're a hard worker and committed to what's important to you, you're so much stronger and likeable than you'll ever feel in isolation.
@bradleywelch9290 5 ай бұрын
Serious, try going to church. Look for a nice Baptist or protestant church near you. Jesus has never let me down.
@Bananaaabread 4 ай бұрын
I’ve never felt more hopeless than when I realized that I only have one day off from work every week, yet I still can’t provide for myself
@hircine92h Ай бұрын
And work 8 hours every day. I see my coworkers more than my family. Still get paid way too little to barely survive. I cannot even afford to get married.
@Liusila 7 күн бұрын
8 hours is normal though. I used to work 12 hours a day and commute another 2 every day, usually 6-7 days a week. After switching to a 40 hour week I can appreciate I have so much free time while also accomplishing a lot workwise. Both ways though, we should all get paid enough to support ourselves.
@coltekr 6 ай бұрын
I think the hopelessness comes from the expectation bar being raised every year with each generation. I mean the capability of technology keeps getting higher but it hasn't exactly led to the betterment of the average person's life. In fact, the more technology progresses, the middle and lower classes are expected to do more with even less. A normal person wouldn't be able to handle all that, when all they want to do is to live a happy life.
@montecarlowithdawningornam1817 6 ай бұрын
That's less technologies fault and more the companies refusing to price their products for regular people
@michaelnurse9089 5 ай бұрын
Factually speaking, the average genZ in the WORLD is way better off than a generation ago. AMERICANS, however, are worse off, mainly because the post WW2 windfalls wore off sometime in the 1990s. It is Americans who are suffering while the rest of the World is happier than ever.
@snintendog 5 ай бұрын
@@michaelnurse9089 the cost of bein the worlds police and finacially supporting ALL of Europe and Isreal socialist "Utopias".
@professionaldebil 5 ай бұрын
@@michaelnurse9089 As an Australian I disagree. over here housing, food, fuel and the prices of other essential things have skyrocketed.
@daniel4647 4 ай бұрын
@@montecarlowithdawningornam1817 Well, you're right that it's not technology but the companies. But it's not because of the pricing, it's because of a lack of regulations and laborer protections caused by capitalist ideology having gone to far. Capitalism obviously isn't sustainable long term, and back in the day people all agreed that it needed to be heavily regulated and be beneficial to consumes and laborers. But then there was a cold war and a bunch of anti communist propaganda produced ideas about a free market, extreme individualism, neo-liberal ideologies, and so on. What we're seeing eating the US now is the backlash of that, many Americans still hold these unrealistic ideologies that hold up capitalism as some sort of religion rather than the simple tool it is, then you end up with a society willing to exploit and abuse everyone in the name of profit. But life is pretty nice in large parts of Europe that are not yet subjected to this extremism, where capitalism is still balanced out by a strong democratic state. Sure, it's being corrupted and captured here too, but not to the extent that the US has been, at least not yet. But at the end of the day it doesn't even matter, capitalism as a system that depends on infinite growth in a closed system will destroy itself anyway, so if we don't stop it then reality will, it's dead either way.
@JamesHawkeYouTube 6 ай бұрын
Mankind has starved his soul while fattening his ego.
@nyahhbinghi 6 ай бұрын
feminism pushed man into competition instead of cooperation
@fj81191 6 ай бұрын
​@@nyahhbinghiYes! And the racial divide in America is actively promoted to distract us from the actual battle between socioeconomic class! Cooperation and solidarity is bad for our jailkeepers, and they'll do anything to keep us from realizing that.
@SupraSav 5 ай бұрын
@@nyahhbinghi Look to nature, you will find your answer. The caveat is humans ability to communicate clearly, which should guarantee cooperation every time.
@oahts5906 5 ай бұрын
@@patrickwinn2389not by a longshot. Blaming everything on feminism is the most ridiculous thing I’ve read today
@yesiam7481 5 ай бұрын
@@oahts5906 Women are the silent drivers of society. A man who has a woman to care for, and is cared for by, is satiated. He has someone to protect, cherish, and live for. This is why single men commit most of the violent crime, they dont have a woman to set their standards, so they just act like a wild animal.
@m00secat Ай бұрын
"numb myself into not caring" - this is soo true. honestly thankful just to realize that i'm not alone in this.
@epmcgee 6 ай бұрын
"It's difficult to identify any big social change," love. The economy. The fact that most people who are employed aren't earning a livable wage and probably have to take some form of abuse to even earn that amount of money. It's the rampant exploitation of individuals and the constant devaluing of human life that has left people despondent. We live in an age of despots who present themselves under the guise of fairly elected democratic governments. The statistic of unemployment going down but the increase of mental stress and despondency is linked because every day people are expected to go make someone else rich while they barely get by, if even that. The statistic that should be tracked isn't unemployment, it should be gainful employment that provides a livable wage. You'll see that number shift drastically and have the correlating data to support why there is an epidemic of loneliness and suicune. The main difference between Millennials and the earlier generations is that Millennials were fed the promise that through hard work they could succeed, even though most of the 'successful' individuals do little to no work and have done so for years or decades. The difference between Millennials and Gen Z/Alpha is that Gen Z and Alpha see through the bullshit that was fed to Millennials. They're despondent because they know it's not going to get any better, and they can barely live as it is now.
@coolioso808 6 ай бұрын
Capitalism is a death system, not in anyway a healthy or sane system to meet people's needs. I wish people knew that more widely. I mean, we can still learn that by sharing knowledge. A watch of Zeitgeist films by Peter Joseph or seeing channels like Second Thought, Our Changing Climate and World Beyond Capitalism explain this very well. But once we know the problems we also need viable strategies to use to help us in our communities to build a better system. For that people can look at One Small Town Contributionism. How could that help you and your community create abundance and prosperity from cooperation and co-ownership?
@tongpoo8985 5 ай бұрын
Love is the big one, honestly. Modern first-world women are unlovable and incapable of love. Men at every level of status are predated on by them. And the average (even well above average actually) man is demoralized and despondent. There's no purpose, there's no just war to fight and die in, there's no pure-hearted woman to build something for since most have turned into dopamine-banshees trying to squeeze you for everything you're worth, and for women most men are corn addicts and desperate for affection or jaded and only see one valuable thing about you. So men and women basically hate each other for justifiable reasons and it's a consequence of modernity and leaves us all lonely and depressed
@at1the1beginning 5 ай бұрын
Us milennials see the bullshsit aswell don't you worry. It BEGAN with us.
@ycasto1063 5 ай бұрын
I think the difference between older Generations (first and foremost boomers), millennials and Gen Z is that the first group was promised a better future and the promise was held, the second group was promised a better future and never really gets to see it and Gen Z was never promised anything in the first place. The idea of a job that can support a family, buy a home and still have free time for friends and hobbies is so absurd to everyone under 30 that they simply don't see a point in participating in the current system. Capitalism has failed young people more than any other generation alive today.
@BlackHoleOfTime 5 ай бұрын
You do realist you only think this way due to modern society? Do you realize how many people had it was worse in history? Most people didn't own land and it's only today you have access to a dream life for 99.99% of all people in history. You live like a king with you Hot water and open access to the worlds foods. Learn to be happy with what you have and try to better yourself.
@KaldunThegreat 26 күн бұрын
I’m 25 years old. In my early 20s, I had severe depression and panic attack disorder due to things I couldn’t control. However, I’ve learned the hard way that I need to be easier on myself. I think if I had watched this video back then, it would have helped a lot. But hey, I’m sure it will help others a lot. Thank you, Ameer, for this.
@small_fries7573 15 күн бұрын
Anyone can go to heaven even though we are all sinners. Jesus Christ became the one and only holy sacrifice for our sins. He was resurrected 3 days after He was sacrificed. This means that if you simply choose to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior for your sins, you’ll be saved guaranteed! Do not listen to other church goers who says you gotta do this and do that to go to heaven. You Do Not need to do the following to go to heaven: 1. Repent of your sins 2. Follow the commandments 3. Water baptized 4. Go to church weekly 5. Do good work, but we shouldn’t take advantage of this & do bad things. 6. Pray the rosary, do the catholic sacraments & traditions. Jesus Christ did all the hard, holy labor for us. We need to believe only.
@small_fries7573 15 күн бұрын
You’ll ❤ turn out fine. 😊
@skatevideosstuff2238 6 ай бұрын
I'm 16 and over the course of a couple of years I have realized how badly the world is plunging into overstimulation and depression. All people do is numb themselves and anger is a symptom of all of that. All I do is try my best to keep my mental health in shape.
@surronzak8154 5 ай бұрын
You are hope my friend
@afafafaafaf 4 ай бұрын
same bro
@relaxingsounds3044 4 ай бұрын
dont worry its not actually as bad as everyone makes it seem, just dont make bad choices (like dropping out) and you'll be fine its really not that hard to live a good life.
@lowstaar 4 ай бұрын
You would have loved the 90's-00's if you skate. Btw, most 16 years old are brainless, so you are way ahead of them in maturity.
@julianfireball 4 ай бұрын
Delete all your social media, spread the word and watch the world change if you are reading this and listening.
@ToddSmith1 6 ай бұрын
That the Walton family foundation produced the study is irony of the purest form.
@kellychuba 6 ай бұрын
it wasn't better when we punished girls for reporting SA... I hate MAGA and fake Christians. They just do not understand.
@namuzed 6 ай бұрын
“Check your premises” - Ayn Rand
@zxKAOS1 6 ай бұрын
@@fitsodafun _You get it sir. It's all about earning power. Underemployed part-time minimum wage earners are asked to have "hope" and raise large families ? Come on !_ Indeed. The same Walmart who taught their employees how to apply for government assistance programs.
@HTV-2_Hypersonic_Glide_Vehicle 5 ай бұрын
@sandrainthesky1011 5 ай бұрын
Yes good God what a mess. I held out getting a smart phone until last year. I nearly couldn't function anymore. It is a life requirement now. iPhones replaced God I guess.🤨
@orangejuicesimpson7233 6 ай бұрын
To all the people saying it's smartphones that caused this, haven't been paying attention.
@luana2778 5 ай бұрын
Exactly, tired of this narrative.It's getting boring.
@@luana2778WEF agenda black rock and vanguard owning everything
@lukawilliams4822 5 ай бұрын
Governments elite’s corporations ect???
@@lukawilliams4822 W E F agenda..
@gregmaland5318 5 ай бұрын
Because the real cause is - what, social media? - if so, to me that's the same argument. Please enlighten us, master.
@schwambibambi6492 6 ай бұрын
This feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness is exactly why I refuse to watch or read any kind of news. What's important to me and my life will reach me through friends and family, the rest doesn't bother me. It's mainly negative events that I can't influence either way and keep me in this spiraling mindset of "everything is getting worse". I need something positve to keep my will to life. I may be ignorant, but at least I'm happy.
@balbalofficial8212 6 ай бұрын
limiting your exposure to world news doesn't make you ignorant. it lets you focus on the things that are important. the news love spreading negative news becuz that's what draws in the views and the money. we humans are literally not evolved to have this much information crammed into us, especially ones that we can't influence.
@regina6838 6 ай бұрын
❤ Good on you.
@andrewbonner1996 6 ай бұрын
Wow, that's literally exactly the same way I see everything too. Realised a long time ignorance is bliss, and that sometimes it's the healthiest thing to do for you. I live so much more in the moment and while I lament so much in this world, I try to make my reality, and the people who are important to me, as good and happy as possible. It's really helped me
@markc1234golf 6 ай бұрын
and that's why shit don't change, you have to have the guts to face up to evil and then tackle it. the only reason this sick system keeps going is because it tells the individual you can't change it...
@danielr4774 6 ай бұрын
@@markc1234golf So what can we change?
@tinyfreckle 5 ай бұрын
13:22 - that is such a good point. The constant awareness that there's always a foreign child prodigy out there better than you for literally any skill can be really demotivating and something that people didn't really have to think about back when all anyone had to compare themselves to were the people in their community. Being the fastest runner in your village is so much more feasible than being the fastest runner in the world.
@Ves93 6 ай бұрын
In terms of the smartphone issue - I think you're almost entirely correct. I'm 31 years old and I remember a time before smartphones, but that doesn't meant a time before the internet... I think the problem is internet addiction, and what the smartphone did was it made you connected to the internet 100% of the time (except for when you're sleeping), whereas it used to be that you had to be at home in order to access the internet on your desktop PC / home laptop, and when you weren't at home - you'd be outside spending time with your friends, and everyone would talk to each other without distracting themselves with their phones, because mobile phones were still "ordinary".
@kaufmanat1 6 ай бұрын
That's a good way to put it. The internet was the vice, your smart phone was basically taking that vice and making it accessible 24/7. So if the internet was heroine, your phone is basically like having a drug dealer in your pocket who will give you whateber drug you want at any point for free. Good luck quitting that addiction.
@markc1234golf 6 ай бұрын
it's just a symptom, we are disconnected because we are in a constant survival mode because we are set up by the system to COMPETE instead of Co Operate ! It is really that simple. system is run by psychopaths and it funnels more of them to the top all the time whilst people with empathy helplessly watch and know not what to do
@Etcher 6 ай бұрын
@@kaufmanat1 I think technology like the internet provided an outlet for people to live their shittiest version of themselves even if that version, to them, seemed the best. I banned Instagram in my house and I told my daughter there was no way in hell she was allowed view it, use it, interact with it or even talk about it in the house. It's a vehicle for lies (fake lives) and shame (why are you not as beautiful as me) and disingenuous grifters (nowadays called 'influencers') to make a buck. She's 16 now and thanked me for my stance a few weeks back. A good friend of hers killed herself by hanging because some dicks mocked her relentlessly on Instagram over a 2 year period. It wasn't my daughter's friend's addiction to phones or the internet that killed her, it was how this "heroin" allowed others to abuse her anonymously, without consequence and without relent. Now that AI is the new buzzword and folks are waking up I give social media another 5 years before it will be regarded as a technological blip where we all got hoodwinked for a time and then woke up.
@kaanyasin3733 6 ай бұрын
I grew Up in the 2010s and i Had nowhere near this addiction. Nurture, Not Nature. I got my First Phone with 10 (2019) but that i still went outdoors 75% of the time. Gen X as well but especially Millenials cant parent properly and thats how Gen Alpha grows Up with KZbin kids
@Chillitz 6 ай бұрын
@@kaanyasin3733 so i guess we have addicted millennial parents with addicted kids
@vuwanrai56 6 ай бұрын
Very illuminating narration for a 70 years old father (me) who has a gen z son. Now I think I understand much about my son: his mood, introvertness, his behavior, don't care for or any hankering for consumer goods, very little interest in girls.... Thank you.
@cliffordjordan9577 6 ай бұрын
He’s a normal guy.. it’s not easy for young men. I’m 28 and I see it in people my age too. It’s not a good time for young people.
@squidwardtentacles4796 6 ай бұрын
All of that is very normal amongst gen z men. The best thing you can do whether or not your son admits it, is to be there for him and be as supportive as you can as the father figure in his life. It can mean the world to someone. I respect you for taking the time to understand the struggles of this generation, and I am sure your son would be appreciative of it as well.
@SupraSav 5 ай бұрын
34 year old here. Single, no interest in women(dating apps are cancer). Just be there for your son. Make sure he is busy with a hobby. Personally, I have found cars and computers. In the winter I play with computers(and video games) and in the summer it's cars. I enjoy my simple, quiet life. No drama, no crying, and logic prevails!
@@cliffordjordan9577I’m 28 too used to be ongoing and a happy person but man I’m in a melancholic depression now the society is sick and people are falling for the selfish and individualistic society that is killing us.. I dodged suicide so many times but now I’m completely hopeless..also knowing what the future that the elite globalists WEF preparing for us..is making more sick than ever since 2020..hope that humanity wins for me I finished my part lost my brain in the process also being raised in third world country in a F*up family made it 10000 times worser..I’m in tears and pain for what it’s happening all around the world wars division hyper inflation genderism..once you see their deception you can’t go back living with a filter..average persons thinks I’m crazy when they can’t see the truth anymore..fed up lies and those are leading us straight to hell by empowering more the stakeholders of megalithic companies
@Music4EverKanekavi 5 ай бұрын
He is very normal, most of the guys I know of my age (25) are so damn similar, otherwise they have to gather at one of their parents house.. and attempt to have a good hangout.. If they’re “moved out”, there’s no way you’re hanging out because they’re about to lose their apartment every second they moved out of their parents
@Jawbonez_22 4 ай бұрын
This video is making phones the boogeyman while avoiding acknowledging systemic issues in society
@PhilAndersonOutside 6 ай бұрын
I'm over 50 and having worked in marketing management I can assure you #2 is completely true. 98% of all corporations are in business for one reason only: To make as much money as possible for the CEO, top shareholders, and other executives. Workers don't matter at all. This can be an illusion to some workers because they may like their direct manager, they may even meet the CEO and find that person friendly, but this does not change the fact that greed rules all. Employes exist to have labor extracted from and will be discarded when no longer needed. You are also correct on #3. You have almost no power. At least not in a political-economic sense.
@spacebibba8984 4 ай бұрын
Well, I'd call people naive if they assumed otherwise. I totally get that companies go for profit - that's the only metric that measures success in the market, so I'm not mad. Of course I'll also get the maximimum out of the employer, where I can. If the job market is good, expect to be compared and played against 3 other competitors. This just goes both ways: Whoever has the advantage will use it. That's the way it is at the market. Germany, where I live and work, has quite nice Social Security Systems and employee-friendly laws, which balances this fight a little. In the end however, the concept remains the same. The one with the advantage will leverage it. Everybody who tells you otherwise, didn't understand the game.
@vila777_ 3 ай бұрын
hell, they refer to anyone not in the c-suite as “human capital”. if you’re into economics or have been around any large scale business this should be obvious.
@Sam-rq4dk 5 ай бұрын
This video avoids discussing the elephant in the room-- the increasing state of poverty and personal debt. Most individuals today are stuck in debt, on low salaries which do not allow them to purchase a humble home; meditation and mindful dogma (although in vogue) will do nothing to solve our economic woes. In fact, it does the opposite, it encourages them to accept the status quo, rather than complaining or demanding a fairer economic system from our government, banks and corporations. The 'just meditate and you'll be fine' is only a method to cope in the present, not to enact change toward the future. Gen Z and everyone who cares about the future will need to demand better from our institutionalized powers. Encouraging young people to do nothing to improve their economic situation is effectively a way of mentally neutering them away from a solution -- Thus, the cycle of quiet quitting.
@SheBrewRoyal 3 ай бұрын
I think this is bc he lacks experience. Hes young and most likely is finanically stable one way or another and therefore surrounding socially by ppl who are in the same catagory as him but he did make a lot of good points. And the point you made is worth noting as well.
@spakentruth 2 ай бұрын
@@SheBrewRoyal using sisyphus as a metaphor for perserverence is misguided bc the act of rolling the rock up the mountain was part of his eternal punishment. No matter what he did the ball would roll back down the mountain and hed be forced to repeat the task again.
@royjosephsotelo2993 13 сағат бұрын
Hi Ameer. I am a philosophy and social studies professor and I've been showing your work (this particular one) to my students since this was posted. I would just like to commend and thank you for this well-made exposition. It definitely resonates with the students of today; it gives a clear picture on problems relating to existential dread and postmodernism.
@Gromitdog1 5 ай бұрын
Capitalism has gone into hyperdrive in the last decade, greed has washed away any social contract and i have seen the resulting collective psychopathy become almost universal. Society needs a conscious and i have seen that conscious nearly completely disappear.
@stephenvoss6092 5 ай бұрын
Its not capitalism. Capitalism is just an economic systems. We have had capitalism for 200 years, the problem now is the incentive system rewards profitmaking by cost-cutting instead of innovation. When cost-cutting is your goal experienced skilled laborers is viewed as a cost instead of an asset. Look at your leaders you cant even get them to look at 8 years away much less 40 years from now. The political incentives are skewed towards rewarding give-a-ways and tax cuts not long term thinking. The fault does not like in our starts but in ourselves.
@vila777_ 3 ай бұрын
@@stephenvoss6092that‘s the end goal of capitalism brother. the “capital” is right in the name, it’s the most important part. the product is irrelevant, it’s a means to an end.
@ArtificialDjDAGX 3 ай бұрын
@@stephenvoss6092 you're spreading misinformation if you're delusional enough to think that capitalism isn't inherently an extremely flawed system that would inevitably end up with things being as bad as they are today.
@rodka4631 3 ай бұрын
The problem isn't capitalism, its crony capitalism with a hint of greedy corruption. There are people who have been in power for 30+ years and done simply nothing as they use insider knowledge to milk money while they can. If you're in power, then you don't make a fortune 10 times over unless you're doing something you shouldn't be. A capitalist society with an actual free market should be seen as a solution, instead of giving more power to these corrupt individuals.
@screamingopossum7809 2 ай бұрын
@@stephenvoss6092 People want to cope and blame capitalism. I'd be riskier to say that the concept of capitalism is has been alive since the entire idea of making luxeries. You make things people want to buy. If people want your work, they will pay for it. If they don't, you starve. So do work that people value and create a product people want to buy. This idea has been around since the concept of money.
@nowandrew4442 6 ай бұрын
Your end conclusion 'find a way to change yourself' is no different to the conformity and obedience speeches that seem insightful but are really just telling people to accept the futility of their complaints and 'find Zen' so that you don't notice the bad things. People aren't more depressed "because of phones"; they're depressed because they can now **see** how the world's systems prevent any meaningful improvement in people's lives. They're depressed because they saw a moment of real potential change, i.e. work from anywhere during the pandemic, gradually pulled back again by employers who want the world to return to the same obedient and monotonous frame it was before. And here you are telling people, "don't try to improve anything significant; just find one thing you think you can improve for yourself and that will be enough.' The world doesn't need people to be placid in the acceptance of their fate in the status quo. What smartphones have really given us is the on-demand ability for mass communication. We need to be **encouraging** people to resist the things they find oppressive, so that others know they are not alone - because only together do we have a chance of making people listen.
@30nickk24 6 ай бұрын
Smartphones also allow us to make money if u use them right lol
@30nickk24 6 ай бұрын
True af
@nowandrew4442 6 ай бұрын
@@30nickk24 true. But a real "humanistic" society would teach people how to do that. We are taught how to _work_ but we are *not* taught how to *_succeed_* .
@Hou413 2 ай бұрын
I think social justice engagement is actually very compatible with “focusing on what you can control” (ie choosing an action group, choosing to mobilise etc) and “funding zen” (you often need to keep grounded in activism so you don’t burn out). It’s just a shame that it’s never explicitly mentioned in these kinds of videos bc it’s not the first thing that comes to people’s minds - even if it is compatible with the recommended philosophy
@nowandrew4442 2 ай бұрын
@@Hou413 the limit of what you can control is defined by your efforts, not your starting point.
@papayayaya5049 2 ай бұрын
Elder genz here, lemme break it down: ITS BECAUSE WE DID EVERYTHING THEY TOLD US TO NOT BE POOR AND WE ENDED UP POORER THAN WE WERE GROWING UP Life in the US after the 2008 recession was significantly worse and most people fell a few rungs down the economic ladder or lost everything. We had it drilled in our head that the only way to escape poverty was to go to college, or you will flip burgers your whole life because all the union and manufacturing jobs disappeared so corporations can save themselves. We had the stress of our whole future on our shoulders since middle school to go above and beyond to have a chance to even go to college and have a respectable job. Adjusted for inflation, a union job in 2000 paid as much as an entry level job requiring a degree today. And factoring the massive housing costs now or student loans, we are poorer.
@JorvikBerserkir 6 ай бұрын
It's as if we have been conditioned to have feelings about everything, we shouldn't. You don't need to have feelings about every single little thing. Emotional overload.
@lunyxappocalypse7071 6 ай бұрын
As a reasonably intelligent, opinionated young adult I agree with this statement.
@yesiam7481 5 ай бұрын
I think its more so that the internet was a massive shock to the world and people are still recovering. The mega sphere of social activity we've created is NOT what our brains are used to. Were used to chatting up 10 tribesmen per day maybe, not seeing what millions are saying & thinking all at once.
@lunyxappocalypse7071 5 ай бұрын
@@yesiam7481 Hear hear.
@alephestudios 4 ай бұрын
It's more about WHAT do we give our attention to, not about stopping the feelings
@faesdays 3 ай бұрын
True, we never used to even know about events outside of our small town, let alone on the other side of the world, and now we're being made to feel bad about starving children around the world and all the other disasters, on a daily basis.
@catcat9582 7 ай бұрын
I'm sad to know it's not just me that gave up
@Mejustme101 7 ай бұрын
@classichank60 5 ай бұрын
It's awful. I'm 24, and I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Any and all effort I put into anything these days feels worthless.
@MC-wm1ob 4 ай бұрын
​@@classichank60What is awful is that the society we knew is being destroyed by a lot of things. Freedom disappear more and more.
@hex8113 5 ай бұрын
I've learned that life has no meaning; that isn't necessarily a bad thing. All it means is that the life you have, right now, is your opportunity to give meaning to your own life. That doesn't mean you have to find a meaning, find a purpose, etc. I think that it just means you have to personally learn how to value your own life. I've realized that nothing truly matters, and despite it sounding so depressing, it was actually freeing. It felt like rather than having to devote myself to what seemed important, I got to choose what I thought was important or what mattered to me. I don't really know how to explain it but it really makes life easier. I like to use the analogy of an empty canvas. A white empty canvas has no value, no meaningful art on it, nothing; but the purpose of this canvas is for the artist to paint it, to make something out of nothing. Us humans are meant to paint a path for ourselves, and just like painting/art, we're all going to have tough times, heavy struggles, easy times, and happy moment. It saddens me that people just give up. They say life is either too hard, there is no point, or that we're all going to die anyway. What a waste of a life. We were all born into this world to give purpose to our own life. It's the only opportunity we have to experience something. There was never a reason to live other than just to experience it fully, and embrace every moment whether good or bad. This might sound silly but I've learned this from many things. From my own experiences, family, friends, teachers, etc. Just like Ameer, I also enjoy nature. It makes me feel at peace, and reminds me to enjoy life properly by embracing it and living in the moment. Everyone's experiences are different but if I could recommend somethings to look into that have helped me, I'd give movies and songs. Everything Everywhere All At Once - A movie Porter Robinson (a musician) - Nurture Album or Worlds Album Soul - A Pixar movie
@Insomnia19101 2 ай бұрын
Life never had a meaning it’s like an empty photo album and as we age it gets filled with memories that make who we are it’s our job to give it a meaning
@OfficialBiggBenn 6 ай бұрын
"We can be like Sisyphus, and change things within our reach to create meaning" (loose quote because I am bad at transcribing) I'm pretty sure Sisiyphus rolling a boulder up a hill with no hope of ever finishing it was a divine punishment for him transgressing constantly against the gods. If a situation that is explicitly designed to induce frustration and hopelessness seems hopeful to you, I dunno.
@TheLethargicWeirdo985 6 ай бұрын
Have you ever read 'The myth of Sisyphus'? Not the actual myth but the philosophical book about absurdism; it uses Sisyphus as a way to describe absurdity, since what he is doing is quite literally meaningless. I personally haven't read it but I think when he talks about Sisyphus I think he's talking about that book more than the actual greek myth, but maybe I'm wrong
@spakentruth 2 ай бұрын
@@TheLethargicWeirdo985 even still it doesnt really fit the theme of his narrative. The overarching point of sisyphus is "futility" but its direct odds with "create your own meaning and perservere" its literally a paradox.
@Mattbat64 Ай бұрын
“Man's feeling of homelessness, of alienation has been intensified in the midst of a bureaucratized, impersonal mass society. He has come to feel himself an outsider even within his own human society. He is trebly alienated: a stranger to God, to nature, and to the gigantic social apparatus that supplies his material wants. But the worst and final form of alienation, toward which indeed the others tend, is man's alienation from his own self. In a society that requires of man only that he perform competently his own particular social function, man becomes identified with this function, and the rest of his being is allowed to subsist as best it can - usually to be dropped below the surface of consciousness and forgotten.” ― William Barrett, Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy
@Mattbat64 Ай бұрын
@@spakentruth Yes. But to quote a passage from Thomas Sheehan’s Making Sense of Heidegger, He has this to say about our encounter with the groundless metaphysical abyss which remains silent (absurdus) to whatever question we ask about why we are here at all. “It does not suck you into your death-it neither kills you nor encourages suicide-but rather in a “positive” way (and this is the wonder of it all) throws you back (abweisen) upon your mortal self as a groundless engagement-with-meaning. You cannot make sense of the absurd-trying to do so would itself be absurd-but you can make sense of everything else as you stand there with your back pressed up against your death. You now see that, against the encompassing dark, you sustain a fragile bit of space within which things appear as meaningful. You realize that, despite its groundlessness, your mortal understanding of meaning is the thin line separating you from absolute nothingness.” Its not about if its a paradox but to embrance and find solance of the paradox .Rather than fall into nihilism, my engagement with meaning, even the question of meaning, is the small light in the midst of darkness. My engagement with Being is precisely what annihilates nihilism. There is no making sense of the absurd. But I can make sense of everything else.
@Recon_19D3x 6 ай бұрын
I'm almost 50 now, proud Gen X guy who decades ago said screw the system and don't label me. I spent my life trying to understand people through observation and music, trying to understand them. About 7 years ago I got divorced and started digging into Philosophy and Psychology, of anything to help understand myself. I now age two Gen Z kids, one still in middle school and I'm close enough to their friends to see how they view life. It's saddening and concerning. This was a great video, for so many reasons, and honestly you should have at least 10x the subscribers that you do. Thank you for posting this up.
@tfilmyr 4 ай бұрын
Really, really, really crummy parenting. All these parents universally trying to be their kids best friends, and shielding them from anything approaching self reliance or personal consequences... is flat out disastrous.
@saintvallen123 5 ай бұрын
I have come to 2 realizations in life that now give me more joy than ever imaginable. Just to cut it short, get rid of ALL of your expectations for everything. The soda will taste slightly different tomorrow than it does today. Live in the moment, do not regret anything from the past but grow from everything, take something good from everything and never fear the future. Until you know you failed the exam, don't worry about the hypothetical IF. I truly believe, if you can get to such a state where the expectation for everything is so low or nonexistant, that no matter the outcome it can only be good, or at least not as bad if you were let down.
@llIlIlllII 4 ай бұрын
...but what happens when you notice something getting worse? Do you just ignore it and embrace the reduced quality experience of today, and again tomorrow, until whatever it is has become unrecognizable from what it used to be? There's a balance, sure, but we do need to have some expectations. If I say I'm taking your house, you can't just smile and think about getting used to living in a tent.
@alephestudios 4 ай бұрын
@@llIlIlllII It's not black or white, life is constant labor and joy, trying to feel pleasure all the time only produces anxiety. Reel based social media helps creating people with messed brains accostumed to constant gratification, condition that expands to other areas of life.
@Liusila 7 күн бұрын
The trap in “living like a dog” is becoming complacent with current issues and ceasing to fight or work for a better future. That’s how you can turn homeless and very ill, if you’re not also balancing the taking the day as it comes with a healthy planning and preparing for one’s future.
@monylock 5 ай бұрын
there's a good scene in "Man of Steel" where a young Superman is overwhelmed by his powers because his senses are all turned up to 11, and he has yet to control them. His earth mom's solution at the time was for him to "make the world small". This is the same advice I give to my teenage girls. Make the world small to what's directly in front of them, and tune out the rest. Naturally, putting your phone down greatly helps in that regard.
@ollie2850 2 ай бұрын
I am 21. I worked 70 hours a week. Every week. Do you know how much my paycheck was? $700 for two weeks. $1,200 a month. I collapsed multiple times from exhaustion. Developed a medical condition, now disabled. Disability gives me $800 a month, to live on. Rent $550 Month of gas for car: $200 Water bill $200 Power bill $120 Groceries: $300 This doesn't include laundry, or car insurance, or hygenie products, or phone, or clothes. Do you know how much a week of groceries costs on average? We haven't given up. We are starving, terrified to be homeless, and worked to death with no way to save to have a home. Let alone grow old. I can't afford to live on my own. I eat once every day or every other day. I'm always hungry. If my car broke.. I'd be lost. I can't even afford a dog. How could I afford a child? What do I do? What do we do? We’re terrified.
@MurakamiTenshi 7 ай бұрын
This popped up in my recommendations. This was well articulated in conveying what must be a largely murky, undefined mess to untangle! This needs more views!
@TheBaseballBros 6 ай бұрын
Me: "Wealth distribution is at an all time high, housing is practically unaffordable, the job market is atrocious, I'm one missed paycheck and surprise expense away from being homeless, and instead of the taxes I pay going towards anything to actually help mitigate literally any of these issues, they go towards endless wars overseas so that billionaires can profit off of slave labor and exploitation." Ameer: "Have you tried not caring?"
@snehanshu6228 6 ай бұрын
Have you tho? The root cause of some problems will take decades to be fixed. You can just patch it up for a year or so and get yourself a shovel to dig it to the core. Sometimes we are way too weak to do anything substantial, but we are always strong enough to buy some time and wasting the strength in pursuit of something substantial will just lead to disappointment.
@TheBaseballBros 6 ай бұрын
@@snehanshu6228Damn dawg, that’s depressing af
@timevaporwave 6 ай бұрын
I was really impressed with the analysis of the societal factors leading to hopelessness. I was severely let down when it came to the "solution", which is basically just to turn off the noise. That only allows the systems in power to continue unabated and doesn't address general societal unrest about the situation. We want a different world, not one where we bury our heads in the sand when uncomfortable.
@twowheelseatingmeals-motoj8080 6 ай бұрын
You want to provide the solutions to the hard issues but can't find solutions to your life.
@Elemblue2 6 ай бұрын
I've got a bit of advice for you thats less dumb. Only care about what you can possibly be responsible for or control. If its totally outside of your ability to affect, its the same thing as reading a book. Dont let it get to you.
@SuperCosmicChaos 4 ай бұрын
The Smart phone was just a gate to more information, and when you learn more about how things operate in life, you get depressed.
@jibaro833 3 ай бұрын
You also waste more time starring at this screen and you load yourself up with doom and gloom, while you could spend that time being creative, with your friends and family, or just in relaxing silence. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. I am a 90s kid and my childhood was amazing. Its the reason I am somewhat sane now. The world was crazy back then too, but we just didnt had all those limits instilled in our heads by the media and we did not compare the things we had and did with the rest of the world...cause we didnt see it. There is an agenda that makes us run on fear and worry....media is addictive and I get it...but its your choice. People also lack spirituality.
@heyyou322 Ай бұрын
⁠@@jibaro833 kinda have to agree with you cause I’m a small bubble it looks like that. Why don’t kids play outside more? Cause all there friends are online Want to apply to a new job? Gonna need access to the internet to find some postings Wanna get news about something fast? Just look it up online. In a vacuum yeah social media is the problem, but if you look at it more then you realize it’s not that social media is the problem itself but rather what’s on it. I’ll just make a small list to show what I mean Ie.) Teachers saying that they don’t get paid enough while looking at a man who makes millions by scamming older people Woman (who genuinely need serious mental help) basically tell all younger men that they are monsters and will grow up evil, with other men trying to use insecurity to harm them Men (that have never felt the touch of a woman) constantly giving unrealistic body standards to women and saying that it’s their fault for being “ugly” Hell I follow a person that explains what new bills and laws get passed and how they affect the people. It’s soul crushing to see some of the stuff that gets passed How much the cost of living is compared from place to place. I’m not saying that everyone wants to pay NYC apartment prices, but if someone with a medical condition like my friend who needs insulin wanted to live alone around where I live. He would need a second job just to stay alive cause instinct cost 200$ and (just giving a fair round amount) rent would cost 750 a month. And just to end off I’ll also say this. Ignorance is bliss, but in moderation. I don’t want my brother to know about all of the worlds problems, but he deserves to know something
@hellohola24-ge7mq 5 ай бұрын
being super stressed just to be a little less poor... or just stepping back, having your time, and not feeding a broken corrupt system.
@johenderson3742 4 ай бұрын
Agree. Try not to cooperate with the system.
@MC-wm1ob 4 ай бұрын
You can't if you are not rich, a criminal or a homeless.
@Lesrevesdhiver 2 ай бұрын
Like the band Rush says in their song "subdivisions", "some will sell their dreams for small desires".
@Bobby_T_ 12 күн бұрын
Instead of stepping back forever you can use that freedom learn how to position yourself at the top, otherwise being poor working for someone isn’t much worse
@Alan7997 6 ай бұрын
I'm 44 and I have not dated once since 2012 and trying to get women to look in your general direction is an impossibility. A chad I never have been, but dating when I came of age in 1997 to 2012 I experienced a relatively decent degree of success with women and dating with a few dry spells, but all dating ended in 2012. If I had been born in 1999 rather than 1979, I believe I would still be a virgin at 44 in 2043. I can't even imagine how awful it must be for young men today; dating is a rite of passage for teens and the dating game is seriously screwed up for young women and teen girls and virtually nonexistent for young men and teenaged boys. The serious long term mental health and socialising consequences for both the individual and society are not truly going to be felt for some time.
@spacemandan7971 6 ай бұрын
Getting women to look at you is not how you find love, my man,
@Microtonal_Cats 5 ай бұрын
It's the end result of 3 generations of telling kids "You can be anything you want to be, you just have to dream it" and telling them they're all winners.
@rustyhowe3907 5 ай бұрын
This, so much this! Participation trophies don't exist in the working world, it's about time the kids realized this.
@stephenvoss6092 5 ай бұрын
@@rustyhowe3907 The problem was not telling them they were all winners the problem was your implied assumption that only winning matters in the working world. In the working world not everyone can be a CEO or President. Many many people have worthwhile careers without obsessing about winning.
@rustyhowe3907 5 ай бұрын
​@@stephenvoss6092 To clear this up I'll give a little insight on my original point with your observation in mind; Winning is not solely about top tier top dog positions, it's about accomplishing. A win is actually getting employed, becoming a useful worker, networking yourself with good influences and becoming a good influence among the employees and from there branching off to your own personal goals. Not one drop of this is easy, it takes guts and perseverance. By no means an easy task, which is where my resentment for participation trophies comes from as it gives the "win" without the work *to* win. Kids now parade themselves for just showing up to work, they don't have the ambition or drive to do more than that but a huge chunk of them seem to expect benefits and better positions just for being present. Like in endurance sports pacing is incredibly important with smaller goals (like getting employed in the first place) to accomplish along the path of marathons but no-one taught the kids even that much it would seem and now they suffer burnout. And it's a crying shame a random like myself needed to point that out when it was drilled into me merely one generation before.
@rustyhowe3907 5 ай бұрын
​@@stephenvoss6092 I *did* have an answer for you which went deeper into your point and my stance on mine but youtube decided to play the no-no magic word game on me and deleted it, how fantastic I guess the truth hurts youtube's feewings. A fitting irony indeed.🤬 In short; (let's hope THIS doesn't get deleted) Participation trophies aren't teaching the effort behind the "win", and "winning" is what you make of it. People dream of top positions, and people are happy to have smaller goals and all of that is 100% valid. In fact a lot of people would consider a win to be employed at all and to be honest that IS a huge accomplishment. It's very sad the kids of today haven't been taught to be a good influence in the work force, to become a useful employee that's hardworking and approachable, a real pillar of support amongst their peers. Participation trophies taught them showing up is good enough and no ambition, drive or strain or even a positive attitude is expected in order to "win" at sustaining a job. I'm not surprised it crushes them when they enter the workforce.
@rustyhowe3907 5 ай бұрын
@@stephenvoss6092 I did have an answer for you which went deeper into your point and my stance on mine but youtube decided to play the no-no magic word game on me and deleted it, how fantastic I guess the truth ruffles youtube's feewings. A fitting irony indeed. In short; (let's hope THIS doesn't get deleted) Participation trophies aren't teaching the effort behind the "win", and "winning" is what you make of it. People dream of top positions, and people are happy to have smaller goals and all of that is 100% valid. In fact a lot of people would consider a win to be employed at all and to be honest that IS a huge accomplishment. It's very sad the kids of today haven't been taught to be a good influence in the work force, to become a useful employee that's hardworking and approachable, a real pillar of support amongst their peers. Participation trophies taught them showing up is good enough and no ambition, drive or even a positive attitude is expected in order to "win" at sustaining a job. I'm not surprised it crushes them when they enter the workforce.
@jephbennett 5 ай бұрын
Perspective from an older (52) GenXer: 1. This is video, from production to philosophy, is BEAUTIFUL. So well done. And 90% of it is SPOT ON. 2. The only part I would disagree with, is when he says "the economy is entirely out of your control" and "wars will always happen". If 98% of us sit and watch 2% of us protest, boycott, and speak out/demand change, then YES, we will continue to change NOTHING. And this slow slide into wage slavery, climate disaster, wide spread poverty and endless war WILL get worse, until we all live in a global hellscape. To everyone under 40: Part of the legacy and promise of most previous generations, was to ensure a better future and quality of life for the next generation and future generations after that. Boomers HAVE FAILED YOU. They forgot the lessons of the 60's/70s protests and union struggles once they had theirs, and smugly judge you from their homes purchased at a 10th of today's prices. GenX HAS FAILED YOU. We grew up watching these protests but never learned the grit and determination to push for the changes in the 90s that would have mitigated Climate Change. And we are the most partisan idiots on the planet, quickly dropping our professed values when our tribe and propaganda/media tell us it's time to blame the other side. We also largely failed to instill the required tenacity and drive in our kids (you) to stand up and make change for themselves. Your Govt and institutions HAVE FAILED YOU. They are a cesspool of corruption, obeying corporate masters who care more about the next quarterly earnings than YOU, their community, their country, or our planet. But YOU, Millens and GenZers, have also failed EACH OTHER. You stand by and watch bullies harass others without stepping in. You KNOW hours of phone time and social media are bad for you, but you are ALWAYS staring at your damn phones. You were never taught to lean into the struggle, and you seem to have little desire to adapt on your own. You feel hopeless, defeated, pointless, and lonely. And you feel powerless to change anything. Well guess TF what: YOU DO have power. And not " the power to be happy in the now" (although you do have that too), but collectively, as 2 generations of the strongest species on this planet, YOU are a sleeping GIANT, with world -changing power you don't even know you have. STOP. You have the power to stop. Stop working. Stop paying rent. Stop buying new things (grow food, stock up on supplies, buy used). Stop participating in their corrupt shitty system that's rigged against you anyways. JUST STOP This only works if a MASSIVE percentage of citizens all do it at once. Like 40%+. And we know most Boomers aren't going to help, but lots of GenX will jump on board (we're all getting screwed by this economy, in varying degrees) if we see millions of "the cool kids" finally standing up to this corrupt capitalist BS. There are 72 million Millennials in the US. and 70 million GenZ. Add in half of the 65M GenXers, and that's 174 MILLION AMERICANS. That's 52% of all Americans. That's enough to force every single greedy shareholder, corporate fuckwit, and their political puppets to shit their collective pants, with just ONE MONTH of stoppage. This will NOT be pretty. Chaos in the streets. Trash will pile up, thousands of businesses will fold, and you'll see hundreds of Boomers on TV, crying about how the youth is "ruining our great nation". FUCK THEM. Within a month of STOP, we can deliver an ultimatum: remove ALL money from politics, fire EVERY politician from the state level up, dismantle this corrupt 2-party system, and start clean with 3 or more political parties and a new bill of citizen rights for every American: UBS (free universal basic services, like housing, food, energy, healthcare, transport, education) and 51% of all corporate board seats in EVERY corporation (occupied by worker reps voted by the employees). NO COMPROMISES. NO DEALS. Comply or we LET IT ROT. And if they fight that for more than a month, we have to rise up and surround every state capital and major bank headquarters in the country. Nobody gets in or out. They flipped out over 10k yahoos storming the Capitol, let's give them 174 MILLION determined people, united in saying FUCK THIS BULLSHIT. NO MORE. They will cry. and use tear gas. Hundreds of us may even be shot , thousands jailed. But we WILL WIN. Imagine that new America: no rent, no grocery bill, no healthcare costs, free public transport and education....and veto power over any corporate BS at almost any company you work for. Legislative decisions based on OUR will , not donor $. Imagine that kind of change. The weight off your chest, the end of hopelessness and helplessness. An actual FUTURE. And it will ignite an awakening around the globe. This is within our grasp. They are already TERRFIED of you. That's why they are trying to ban TikTok, the only popular news source they can't moderate with propaganda to control you. YOU are the future. YOU are the change you seek. We just all have to fight for this together. IMAGINE the possibilities... #organize #prepare #spreadtheword #UNITE
@Lone_Vaquero684 Ай бұрын
I feel as though this might be our only hope, is a new revolution, however I am also concerned what other countries might try to do if one of the global powers diverts its attention to fighting her own citizens, what might her enemies do while she’s most vulnerable?
@ryan6600 11 күн бұрын
WELL SAID! Unfortunately it will not happen. People are cowards
@HeidiCavalier 6 ай бұрын
As a 41 year old who still doesn't own a smart phone, I can tell you with 100% certainty that those things make people less happy. I spent my late 20's feeling like my friends were abandoning me for their new phones -- they were interrupting dates, taking precedence over conversation, keeping people up late and making them forget to look at people and smile as they passed on the street. People stopped asking one another for directions or the time, which was actually a surprisingly easy way to make friends sometimes. I wasn't alone in my dismay either -- there used to be an etiquette where if your technology got in the way of human interaction it was considered rude. I now live next to a college campus, and probably 75% of the students walking around are staring at screens as they walk around -- not the trees, not the sky, not one another -- even when they are walking side-by-side with friends. No one is interacting. In the early 2000's, when I was in college, walking with a friend who was completely ignoring you would've been heart-breaking, confusing, infuriating. Subconsciously, I think it still feels that way, we've just made it normal.
@JLa7257 6 ай бұрын
You are awake. ♡
@wafflingmean4477 6 ай бұрын
Riiiiiiiiiiight. It's those damn phones! Them kids just need to talk to each other again and get outside and kick a ball around! Give me a break. Maybe Gen Z's giving up because previous generations have done everything in their power to hoard as much wealth as possible leading to a new generation sooner or later being left with NO CHANCE of ever having financial security. I will never own my own home. EVER. And given landlords are free to increase rents as much as they like, I will spend an ever growing percentage of my income on rent. I already spend about 50% on rent. Within the next two years it'll be 70%. We are being forced to become serfs and watch as boomers and billionaires vacuum up all the wealth and land and laughing at us for not being smart enough to buy homes and invest 30 years before we were BORN. Have you ever considered that the reason people prefer to be on their phones instead of talking to you is because you simply were not worth talking to?
@Lilliathi 6 ай бұрын
@@wafflingmean4477 What a ridiculously hostile response. Of course the larger problems in the world are part of the problem, but there's people living in very poor hopeless regions of the world who are actually happier than people in western nations, exactly because their need for social interaction is satisfied, and they're not confronted with a bunch of rich beautiful people flaunting their "better" lives on social media every day. Not to mention, the guy you're responding to is a millennial, most of us can't afford homes either. Most of my friend group is just saving endlessly as the housing prices keep drifting out of reach.
@notinthemoodfornames8033 6 ай бұрын
well your conclusion seems obviously biased and invalid cos 1) 100% certainty is never something you can achieve, and 2) you don't even own a smart phone. This is akin to saying "as a hamster who never tasted fish meat, I can tell you with 100% certainty that this is the source of all of humanity's suffering"
@Lilliathi 6 ай бұрын
@@Desmond-Dark I'm not sure what you mean.
@rolex3560 6 ай бұрын
I'm a GenX single dad with a GenZ teenage son. I feel so bad for my son's generation. He is becoming all the negative things you mentioned. He was such a happy child up until 12 y/o. Then I got him an XBox and a cell phone and everything changed.
@theyellowarchitect4504 5 ай бұрын
Read "Industrial Society and Its Future", that power process, and surrogate activity parts. Predicted 3 decades ago (including this vid)
@Abbyyena 5 ай бұрын
Consider enrolling him or attending in an in-person community group if you haven’t ( sports, church, martial arts, etc.) This can help.
@lateblossom 5 ай бұрын
On that note, if I ever have kids, I refuse to get them a phone until they turned 18. No phones. It ruins them. No gaming, none of that.
@johenderson3742 4 ай бұрын
Sell up and build an off grid cabin somewhere warm?
@Olivia-W 4 ай бұрын
​@@lateblossom 1). What about them communicating with friends? No phone will leave them ostracised at school, for one. 2). I tutor kids. I know 10 and 11 year olds who do very well with phone access, because their parents are active and engaged in their upbringing. One of the kids even got interested in electronics repair, and their parents got them several old phones to experiment on. The kid does not use any kind of social media, and is impressively good at online safety.
@DarkSansTV Ай бұрын
While it’s true that they feel a sense of hopelessness I have it for a legitimate reason, at 14 years old I was diagnosed with autism, and throughout high school my growth was stunted by the schooling system not knowing what to do with me, so here I am, 22 years of age with no job, no career, just playing games while living in my moms house, no dad because of course not, why would someone like me have their dad? But yeah, needless to say, I’m pretty hopeless right now
@lenny7228 Ай бұрын
haha autism
@EastGermany-pc2lw 6 ай бұрын
im 16 and i noticed how much sadder people were when i moved out of my city into its suburb. people tended to spend more time inside and on their phone and its honestly rubbed off on me
@5060northernmama 4 ай бұрын
Go and start walking around the block every night. Greet the neighbors you do see, stop and chat.
@EastGermany-pc2lw 4 ай бұрын
@@5060northernmama I’m legit the only one that does that. Although I do it in the morning and the afternoon. I’m also a teen so i really only see older people never people my age ://
@theguitargalshorts5032 4 ай бұрын
Everything is meaningless without God. Post modernism tried to kill God but God is far bigger than all of that. You can't invent an iPhone come up with a scientific theory and say that there is no God! That is a lie from the enemy. The fact the Christianity is still so large in the world tells us that. Yes the faith is declining but that is not because of the lack in belief in God it is the lack of wanting to involve yourself in community anymore. Hebrews 10:25 (read it) Also read Ecclesiastes. This Generation is hopeless because of the new outlook on life and yes because of the screens because the overload on lies from the enemy. It is not that God is not real because when you look into history it is proven time and time again that there is a God and His name is Jesus! (Also Yahweh) People want to act like there is no God and His concept is just something that held us together, but you must all realize that this is a lie! God is our creator! God gives us the greatest love! Jesus did exist! The prophecies were proven and there is no reason to be hopeless! God is GOOD!!!! DONT DOUBT GOD AND HIS PLAN!!! Romans 8:28 says "All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes" DONT LOOSE FAITH! FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT WIN THE RACE!!!
@EastGermany-pc2lw 3 ай бұрын
@@5060northernmama they don’t go outside. And yes I do frequently go outside I physically can’t stay inside. I get around my town by bike. As of writing this, the last time I was in a car was 2 weeks ago. In a suburb. I have a life especially involved in my town board and am working on getting a job at the local water station. And yes it is absolutely horrible compared to the city
@Insomnia19101 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, because of car dependent infrastructure and transportation, third spaces are far away, or they’re expensive or etc. If you don’t have friends living in the same community or have something to do outside, there’s not much to do other than taking walks outside, which is also boring if it’s a cookie cutter suburb with barely any natural scenery to look at
@HarrisonKing 10 ай бұрын
All the things I’ve been thinking about too, pretty interesting how these feelings seem to be mutually felt across a whole generation. Love these explainer videos!!
@AmeerCorro 10 ай бұрын
thank you :)))
@Ash-mu2ho 3 ай бұрын
As an older millennial, I feel for ya guys. You have it rough. My generation suffered in different ways; the transition from no Internet, no computer, to suddenly being instantly connected to every other person in the world has been a crazy ride. The ways in which we suffered, we kept bottled up. Whenever we tried to advocate for change, we got accused of being entitled, that all of our problems were caused by avocado toast (which by the way, is cheaper than bacon and eggs but don't bother engaging with boomers on that one). We were told to shut up, and be thankful for our minimum wage jobs. The great recession only reinforced that view. So we sat on our hands and stopped talking about it. We were afraid to speak up. But I see all the things that Gen Z and Gen A are doing and I gotta say, y'all are a courageous bunch. Keep doing what you are doing because it might not feel like you are making change happen, but you are doing something that my generation did not; you are talking about it. Keep on truckin and keep on touching grass guys!
@FDR_progressive_liberal 6 ай бұрын
I was forced to get a smart phone a couple years ago when my flip phone went belly up. I leave it home.
@erykando 6 ай бұрын
@@sammyjoe2390 its called "smart" because it combines the functions of several devices, such as a computer, a camera, a music player, and a telephone, into a single device, not because it takes any intelligence to use. jeez how old are you
@ribriddler8114 5 ай бұрын
get another flip phone
@LeventhaShiborga 5 ай бұрын
@@erykando flip phones also are computers with music players and cameras. it's 'smart' because it is internet-connected and networked to extensive infrastructure for data collection. 'smart fridge' 'smart thermostat' 'smart doorbell' 'smart tv' what do they all have in common? internet-connected and piped to data collection/transmission infrastructure.
@oahts5906 5 ай бұрын
@@erykandoit’s called smart cuz you gotta be dumb to buy it
@erykando 5 ай бұрын
@@oahts5906 crazy how convenience equals dumb to you, you prob walk around with your groceries around the store instead of taking a shopping cart because it would be "dumb" if yall expired assed are not ready for change then dont be a part of this world
@fivefootelevenstories 10 ай бұрын
Considering we mostly joked around and trash talked at base camp, THIS was the last thing expected you to create. And yet you've created a masterpiece. Good work ding ding!
@AmeerCorro 10 ай бұрын
LMAO thank you ding dong- I mean Nico haha
@diyaa14159 4 ай бұрын
"The fact that something will end is not a case to say that it does not have meaning. Because things have meaning while they are here. So be here… now." That's the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.
@theguitargalshorts5032 4 ай бұрын
Everything is meaningless without God. Post modernism tried to kill God but God is far bigger than all of that. You can't invent an iPhone come up with a scientific theory and say that there is no God! That is a lie from the enemy. The fact the Christianity is still so large in the world tells us that. Yes the faith is declining but that is not because of the lack in belief in God it is the lack of wanting to involve yourself in community anymore. Hebrews 10:25 (read it) Also read Ecclesiastes. This Generation is hopeless because of the new outlook on life and yes because of the screens because the overload on lies from the enemy. It is not that God is not real because when you look into history it is proven time and time again that there is a God and His name is Jesus! (Also Yahweh) People want to act like there is no God and His concept is just something that held us together, but you must all realize that this is a lie! God is our creator! God gives us the greatest love! Jesus did exist! The prophecies were proven and there is no reason to be hopeless! God is GOOD!!!! DONT DOUBT GOD AND HIS PLAN!!! Romans 8:28 says "All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes" DONT LOOSE FAITH! FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT WIN THE RACE!!!
@alansegura5953 7 ай бұрын
I don't remember ever agreeing with wage labor, imperialism and a world dominated by capital in general.
@Greatwhitesloth 6 ай бұрын
I'd rather bleed green than red.
@cocothepumpkin256 6 ай бұрын
Well, back in the fifties most people didn't agree to systematic racism
@kanjonojigoku8644 6 ай бұрын
@@Greatwhitesloth then youll live your last days in a dying world, nothing will change as long as we allow unchecked capitalism to destroy everything we hold dear for a line to go up.
@russv.winkle8764 6 ай бұрын
Nobody asked you
@Pholoxo 6 ай бұрын
That's like saying "I didn't asked to be born" No chicken ever asked to be served to be on my plate or someone agreeing to have cancer in their 20s but it is what it is. Its how humans are that came to be this way. Restart the world a million times and we'll arrive to this situation in a little bit different conditions but very similar
@EvanH2000 6 ай бұрын
It's hard to put into words how I appreciate how well-written this is. There are a lot of videos that are just talking heads for 20 minutes about this kind of topic, but you actually researched and wrote about it, and edited it well. I'm a 2000 kid, and growing up in the world since then I've lived a lot of what you've described. I'm not sure we're "quietly giving up" like the title suggests, but we are realizing how dysfunctional these ways of living are. Our generation will age, we'll get more power as the old people die, and then change will come. Slowly, almost unnoticeably. But surely. It has to. Good video
@Gjakdjruknownhpjs 6 ай бұрын
Uou think you're not giving up, but that's not the case with 2004 onwards people.
@Man-ej6uv 6 ай бұрын
@Gjakdjruknownhpjs incorrect.
@jgrab1 6 ай бұрын
"Our generation will age, we'll get more power as the old people die, and then change will come." I'm old enough to know that every generation since at least the 1960s has said this exact thing. Every one.
@candicraveingcloude2822 6 ай бұрын
Let's make a world gen alpha and the next several generations a livable, place where they can connect with each other.
@solsystem1342 6 ай бұрын
​@@twoods90 The thing is, stuff does change. Just look at the accepce of LGBT+ people over the last 50 years. It's not better everywhere all the time and it's far from a sure fight but people have made substantial changes. Going even further back the fight for bipoc rights has made tremendous progress over the last hundred years (here in the US at least). Tldr: things are not as static as they seem. They can get better or worse based off the actions of people and, even when wider change is beyond your reach you can work to carve out a positive space for the people around you❤
@GunslingerPanda 20 күн бұрын
I am completely captured by you, sir. I am a millennial and I think that you just healed about 4 of the things I have been dealing with.
@dimitrioskalfakis 7 ай бұрын
'post-modernism' found the people unprepared for the 'burden' of being free to choose. unfortunately the collapsed/sabotaged education and the greedy consumerist society did not help a bit.
@Titbitist 6 ай бұрын
go back to your cave then
@Dirty_Dumb_NAFO_Scum 7 ай бұрын
Gen-z got screwed, as a millennial I didn't think it was going to get worse than what happened to us. I'm sorry you guys, I really do feel bad for you.
@GreggyMcfly 6 ай бұрын
Oh we got screwed as well, buddy. Don't ever forget that.
@Dirty_Dumb_NAFO_Scum 6 ай бұрын
@@LogiTech-qi2ug More than Millennials for sure. If gen-x'ers played their cards right.
@dave23024 6 ай бұрын
Millennials robbed Gen-X, then had the nerve to call themselves "self-made success stories."
@MW-dg7gl 6 ай бұрын
@@GreggyMcfly You misread their comment. They are a millennial and see that Gen Z got screwed as well
@amgis5218 6 ай бұрын
Really? Perhaps you should acquaint yourself with history. If you were born in the early 1900s or before-that is, for most of humanity's history-you would had roughly a 50% chance of making it to your fifth birthday. That also means anyone who was lucky enough to be a mother or a father would have lost almost 50% of their children. Life expectancy was well below 45 years of age. Health was always bad, with constant chronic infections, rotten teeth, nonexistent hygiene, malnutrition, etc. You would have worked from sunrise to sunset in grueling physical labor. You would have little to no wealth, and no chance of ever developing wealth. You would have been illiterate. You would have always been exhausted and tired and sick. And yet, our ancestors struggled on against all the brutal cruel odds, built families, built communities, built nations, discovered the world, and just accepted the fact that life was tough, brutal, cruel, and unfair. They just got on with living and enjoying life the best they could. You Gen Z and milennials have the easiest and most coddled existence ever. And that's the problem. You don't struggle for anything. You are all self-centered nihilistic narcissists: "O, woe is me! My life is so tough with all these modern luxuries and conveniences! How can I possibly live like this!" Grow up, you spoiled br@ts.
@_taxman_ 6 ай бұрын
Well put together! This is so true. Cards are stacked against us. Housing is unaffordable and you'd be a fool to try and buy something if you could get rug pulled (i.e., layed off) in a moment's notice then can't make your mortgage then good luck finding a new job with your anxiety causing a nervous break down and then ultimately end up moving in with your parents or just saying your ultimate goodbye. Scary times.
@radioweebdx7680 6 ай бұрын
And you wonder why doctors prescribe (hand out) Antidepressant pills like they are sweets.
@BuildNewTowns 3 ай бұрын
Let's just build our own new self sustaining walkable towns with healthy organic food. The Boomer world is collapsing. Printing trillions of dollars has consequences.
@thatrandomproject6652 3 ай бұрын
Yeah good luck getting my generation on board with building a sand castle let alone a town!
@BuildNewTowns 3 ай бұрын
@@thatrandomproject6652 lol, People are willing to work in the right environment. As long as it feels like ppl are working towards a purpose and having fun
@user-mc6vi8yd7l 7 ай бұрын
Honestly a very underrated channel. Im glad i got recommended this, great job dude.
@rakastellar8955 6 ай бұрын
I'm a millennial and I feel the exact same way, especially with what is going on in Gaza right now. I also feel worthless because everyone else is so much better at everything than I am. You nailed this video.
@phillipreese6272 6 ай бұрын
The vast majority of people in Gaza have wanted all people in Israel to be killed. They even teach it in their schools. Its a tragedy for sure. Very sad to watch. Let this be a lesson about what communities should allow to be taught in theri schools. We should teach love and acceptance, not extermination.
@cannotwest 6 ай бұрын
@@phillipreese6272 Why do we even care? There are million bad things going on around the world at the same time. It's not my problem.
@benthomas9776 2 ай бұрын
​@@phillipreese6272 Maybe you should read up on why Gazans have a gripe with the state of Israel. I'd suggest reading about the First Intifada and the Oslo Accords.
@nolananderson6139 3 ай бұрын
"companies aren't evil, its just economics"
@bensear 6 ай бұрын
We need a revolution of political, economic and philosophical thinking and organising worldwide.
@roflchopter11 6 ай бұрын
Maybe, but probably in the opposite direction of what you think.
@bensear 6 ай бұрын
@@roflchopter11 agitate, organise and educate my dude 😎
@patriciac.3020 5 ай бұрын
Nope to late
@spacebibba8984 4 ай бұрын
Revolutions in thinking don't happen because some enlightement happens. It happens because all people thinking "the old way" just start to die.
@vila777_ 3 ай бұрын
then read political theory. these problems were unfortunately predicted two centuries ago. hell, even tocqueville knew that america’s pursuit of the material over the theoretical would cause problems down the line. all of us know these problems exist in the material, but we have no concrete theory of their cause or any idea how to solve them.
@chrisbanion 6 ай бұрын
Any time someone says, "so and so is THE go to expert" alarm bells should start going off.
@theglowcloud2215 6 ай бұрын
Jean Twenge is a self-promoting grifter.
@randomviews59 Ай бұрын
The inability to improve one’s circumstances despite your best efforts (the notion you’ve explained about working hard or harder and seeing little to no improvement from your efforts) is the predecessor to a concept called “learned helplessness”. Learned helplessness plays a huge part in the development of depression, because you have exerted all of the energy and control you have in facing your hardships, and things still do not improve. This leads people to feel like nothing can improve or change, as they are already attempting to resolve their difficulties with everything they have accessible to them. Treating cases of depression or individuals with high rates of suicidal ideation often involves patients who have sound rationale and logic behind their feelings of depression. Everywhere they look, they are reminded that things cannot change despite their best efforts. In an attempt to preserve energy from the basis of survival, people stop exerting that same energy that does not change their circumstances Edit: Omg, I hadn’t gotten to the point where you described learned helplessness when I wrote this comment, but I’m glad we’re on the same page!
@tomasviane3844 6 ай бұрын
I was sitting in a waitingroom with 6 other people today and everyone was watching their phone... The moment they sat down, the phone pops out and there's no more engagement with their surrounding. I love talking with strangers, I find it exciting. I did not always find it exciting, but had to learn it by feeling uncomfortable. I hope the new generation learns this as well.
@samgould8567 6 ай бұрын
I think that people are just tired from the stress of their lives and see phone usage as easier than talking with strangers, so people see it as more relaxing. The funny thing is that even when it’s uncomfortable (and I have a speech impediment, so it’s doubly so for me), have good conversations with strangers can be more rejuvenating than just about anything else. It feels like work at first, and there is risk, but it’s worth it, as you know. I feel like each new generation is getting a bit worse at conversation, which makes social media seem even more fake, because who are you if you can’t or won’t represent yourself in person?
@Adam444Tv 6 ай бұрын
They won’t and therefore their kids won’t
@EmeraldView 6 ай бұрын
That's not the phone, that's people. Back in the day we'd rummage through the magazines, grab one, and take a seat. If you didn't bring your own waiting material.
@TommyZeus-i8n 6 ай бұрын
One day, maybe on their deathbeds, people may realise that they should have lived and appreciated the moment more, instead of stressing themselves out with endless information and data that did not contribute to improving their lives and happiness of themselves and others that are important to them.
@michaelwaterman8925 6 ай бұрын
Travel too has changed with this.
@meisha_jean 10 ай бұрын
Okay, this is truly phenomenal. Thank you a billion times for making such a beautiful, wise and inspiring video. Please never stop creating, Ameer ! ❤
@AmeerCorro 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Meisha! I appreciate your kind words so much :)
@JorgeL721 5 ай бұрын
Freedom is not chaos, freedom is freedom and chaos is chaos. Being governed by law is freedom. Everyone is mutually subscribed to a set of rules that keeps everyone from being infringed upon. The means to an end and success as well as a guarantee to preserve safety and financial security are equal for every participant of a free society. Removing rules and standards does not create true freedom, it creates anarchy. Other than that, this is remarkable content! I will share this. It's a poignant reflection not only for Gen Z but for all of us.
@proxycat9539 5 ай бұрын
I can definitely believe this. When i was around 11-17 I grew up in a girls grouphome which is far different from the boys . We were not allowed outside, internet , anything that can connect to the internet , any music that wasnt godly or instrumental , any clothing that isn't godly. To say the less it was strict and it was an awful way to grow up. There was so much conflict at the house. When I would go to school I felt lost I felt more comfortable hanging out with my teachers and couldn't understand anyone's clothing trends or social media . Everyone was so different from me and it made me feel depressed because I couldn't connect. With all of that I don't have a positive outlook on the future I have had front row seats to how awful the US government can be and even then I can tell you I haven't seen it all . Did you know all those unhomed kids are stock piled at certain location . Hundreds upon thousands of kids are group together in trios in office cubicles and basically forgotten its not a lie. I got to spend some time there and the amount of luggage and trash bags filled with kids belongings is sickening . They have a gated parking lot so no one can see .The one in arizona is at least 10 stories tall with almost every floor filled. I am hopeless for the future even unfortunately more scared for my daughter. I believe there is nothing but destruction and control in the future. Sorry about the word vomit ...
@Lin-vh7uv 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for adding the calming section at the end. I really needed it after thinking of the state of the world. But I'm surprised that climate change wasn't a major topic in this video. Did you just not want to be too depressing? Everyone I know is going through a lot of pain knowing that life will be really tough in a few decades. If we choose to have children, those children will probably have a really bad life and there's nothing we can do to change that. IME, this perspective is universal among my generational cohort. (I'm 26)
@kanjonojigoku8644 6 ай бұрын
this video sucks literaly climate change, late stage capitalism, collonialism and the feeling that your goverment does not care for you are way bigger issues than "phone bad"
@thehtehteotheithe 6 ай бұрын
@@kanjonojigoku8644 in order: climate change is a fear tactic to reduce industrial production, late stage capitalism bad, whodafuq is colonizing nowadays, and the government is actively malicious, but phone is still bad.
@sonjamae 5 ай бұрын
He writes off climate change as being a contributing factor beginning at this timestamp: kzbin.info/www/bejne/mWrQp5aci8uVn9E (this was also the timestamp where I downvoted the video) It's obviously a gigantic factor, it's just that he's pretending it isn't a gigantic factor.
@bungeepete7393 5 ай бұрын
you shouldn't think of climate change in this way, like some inevitable disaster that we are 100% sure is gonna destroy earth. It's pointless, people like to pretend we know the future when in reality nobody does. Yes, we can predict events to a certain degree but it's not 100% accurate every single time. People have been going on and on about the world dying for decades yet here we are, still living on earth. Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. You, I , and the smartest most knowledgeable person on earth will still never know what exactly the future holds or when exactly we all die. That just isn't knowledge we have. People have to quit acting like we know the future. It might get worse, it might get better.
@theyellowarchitect4504 5 ай бұрын
climate change lmao Do you think the climate 400 years ago was the same as today? Or that it will impact you more in 10 years, than the bs goverment laws which will use it as an excuse? (eco-timer on showers, water limit for personal consumption, unable to use it for herds or crops without license) Phone bad, technology brings slavery, capitalism wants to extract your lifeforce (money = solidified lifeforce), yet you care about climate change which is the only thing you cannot influence at all
@zelbelreader 5 ай бұрын
I am not Gen Z (more of a younger side millennial). And I've got to say learning eastern philosophy and mindfulness helped me navigate a lot of the challenges that come with living in our modern age. Great video!
@Elibel77 5 ай бұрын
I love that you're bringing philosophy and Camus to this conversation. I'm a Xennial, I discovered his work in the 90's, but he's a 1940-50s man. He cornered this 'life is absurd' narrative in a way that's still relatable today (wether its the existential version or the 'I'm watching too much news' version, which also brought people down, in any era where you had news to spread), but he's of course not the first one to observe how life can seem meaningless (his solution is action and revolt...). This question is Humanity-Old (we all die and life can feel absurd...) and every generation deals with it in its own way. The fact that GenZ and younger Mills were left alone with social media at such a young & crucial age (while older generations were barely getting a grip of it themselves...) is what makes it unique here: sharing with the online world whatever it makes you feel like and whatever solution you come up with to fill the void. ie: the difference is Zs coping with the problem the same way as what causes it (in big part): more social media........ But I feel you guys. It's so hard to disconnect. And it's cruel because the gafas have invaded every -EVERY- area of life: work, play, community, commerce, relationships... and it blows everything in huge proportions, precisely because it's the addition of what most people feel, instead of creating a community discussion. And it makes us dissect every aspect of it in intricate ways, on multiple platforms, but not always with the best guidance. But the pre 2012 world left us alone too (Xennials like me often quote the late 90s Daria cartoon to summarize this, and 19th century Romantics certainly feel you), and every generation says the one before or after them, is stupid. As for layoffs of the 80's, some heavy industries suffered it as early as the beginning of the 70s (oil crisis no.1). The matter of power balance in the workplace is also age old. And as you said, although the world we live in provides for beautiful freedoms, the set of trials that we face today (revenue gaps of all kinds, eco-crisis, lodging crisis, political dishevelment, seemingly immoveable capital forces, etc) is uniquely gloomy... Meaning original solutions are in our hands (they cannot be in anyone elses's). I say 'we', because even though I'm not Z, my personal situation places me on your side. Let's also remember that revolutions and social turmoils historically happen when & BECAUSE social contract is broken by elites and authorities. It's been smelly for some time now..... Courage, people. Things have meaning because you give it to them.
@Mattbat64 Ай бұрын
"Become so very free that your whole existence is an act of rebellion"-Camus
@Xturnia 6 ай бұрын
no one talks to each other anymore. whenever I go in public everyone keeps to themselves and pulls out their phone in any situation where a social interaction might happen. there is so much social anxiety and fear. deep down we crave human interaction but don't want to put in the effort to create those bonds.
@xenisssz 6 ай бұрын
definitely! I believe we need communities where we can support each other and just have fun
@AngelGiurov 4 ай бұрын
Nah, whenever I go outside and look at people all I feel is disgust. Parents in the grocery stores buying a whole stack of cigarettes' but telling their child "I don't have money for that toy". Mothers allowing their daughters to dress like they are prostitutes. Drunk losers in every corner who are traumatizing children because "drinking is fun". Car crashes from incompetent drivers who are trying to drive QUICK because they are late for work. People who mistreat their pet because they are much weaker than them and they need to vent. And so much more... Incompetence, arrogance, envy, greed, abuse, betrayal etc. . You see all that in people nowadays, you rarely every see a person worthy of your respect. That's one the biggest reasons why people nowadays prefer to not interact as much as they used to in previous years.
@saadkhan8308 4 ай бұрын
"Surprisingly it's not because Gen Z is more open about their mental health" is such a critical point and such a dig at... most people. I love it.
@WoozieGuy 7 ай бұрын
This video is so underrated and deserves more views of what it’s worth in explaining the most complex generation in human history.
@planetmullins 5 ай бұрын
CNN and FOX need to air this video with no editing. every night for a year.
@Crisjola 9 ай бұрын
What you said in “Be here now” I believe is why for a group of millennials and Gen Z have stuck so doggedly to the idea and principle that Unus Annus laid out. That you can do anything, strive for anything, but even with that fire under, remember, nothing is forever, so this moment is so important, just as important as striving. That this came out only two days before the 3rd year anniversary of Unus Annus is… so fitting. The clock is ticking, but that is okay, it will always be ticking, and that doesn’t mean that we must fear it. Momento mori.
@labcoatreads 7 ай бұрын
I hear the clock.
@planetmullins 5 ай бұрын
"be here now" was the tag line for Erhard Seminars Training (EST) in the 80's. still true as Ameer points out.
@niceapes 3 ай бұрын
Brother, you gave me hope by voicing all the external problems we experience but implying that we cannot change the environment, the only change is within ourselves. Love from all over the world, brother, we need people like you.
@humanp4th 6 ай бұрын
This was incredibly well made! The quality is in line with Vox and Bloomberg Shorts, all while being way more grounded from a younger person's perspective. I can't wait for your inevitable success, keep making these sorts of vids!
@cheryllee81 6 ай бұрын
I'm old and I get depressed thinking about the future too.
@mattspintosmith5285 5 ай бұрын
I'm a Unitarian minister; I have criticisms of my own church. Yet I feel the human family desperately needs solidarity, spirituality without excessive dogma, and taking care of our planet. We need to experience the simple joy of face to face interaction on the basis of mutual respect.
@psychodelichrecords6971 7 ай бұрын
Raise wages, give us more cash idk....we can barely buy ourselves a used car thats pretty much it
@htejjke2228 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, but then money would be worth less
@SupraSav 5 ай бұрын
@@htejjke2228 NO IT WOULDN'T. Stop that bullshyt. When the CEOs are taking MASSIVE bonuses, does that make the money worth less??? You could give their bonuses and spread it across 40 people and they would be the happiest employees.
@htejjke2228 5 ай бұрын
@@SupraSav I'm just saying there is normally a downside to a solution. The greedy will always try to keep the money for themselves
@paskaalisaapaskaa5354 5 ай бұрын
@@htejjke2228 It already is. That's just what happens with fiat currencies, usury, and financial system that is based on endless growth with limited resources. It will collapse at some point, maybe in 10 years, maybe in 200, but it will collapse and if you thought shit is bad now, just wait until that happens. You better buckle your seat belt because it sure as shit wont be getting progressively better as can be observed from the last 2 decades, no matter what the men in suits and their economist dogs tell you.
@calistafalcontail 5 ай бұрын
Also, spend less money on junk. I am not saying everyone has to go full minimalist but so many people complain about not having enough money but then you see them ordering crazy online, drinking in clubs, blowing money on a product they can get for 3 times less but they just want a certain brand and dont get me started on student loans for absolute bs fields. Nobody needs to cry about being in debt with a gender studies major.
@miezeken 6 ай бұрын
This kid is so young. Slowly learning about the world it sounds
@unstablesyn1306 6 ай бұрын
I want to say thank you for this video. I was born in the 80s and the first 20 years of my life were amazing, I had friends, I dated, I was treated like a human at my job, and the best part, nobody really cared about politics on either side unless they were older or involved in politics. Race relations were at an all time high after 9/11 when it felt like there was a boogeyman to rally against and internet 1.0 introduced us new cultures. Then I watched every point you made in this video happen in real time. It was really slow, starting with my friends drifting away to either become attached to devices or develop anxiety so bad they didn't want to do anything outside of work (which I get). Then suddenly I wasn't just competing with people within driving distance for jobs, I was competing with people from other states. Then people in other countries. People decided that having disposable online friends was better than the hassle of having friends they had to meet up with, because meeting up was too much work and they couldn't just drop conversations like you can over text. Women suddenly had the attention of hundreds of men and men stopped treating women as "someone to bring home to mom." Then the focus on politics pretty much alienated people from 50%+ of the population and taught them to hate, treat others as subhuman, and completely lose any semblance of empathy, respect for opposing opinions, and focus on things that literally do not matter. We can never get back in the jar. We can't close Pandora's box. Even the inventors of half the technology we're bound to today have come out to apologize, including the inventor of the smartphone. Good luck future generations, you're gonna need it...
@brad_radio 10 ай бұрын
really fantastic work man :) I used to feel so heavily obligated to feel a type of suffering, or express it, because it was so prevalent through social media. but like you said, worrying accomplishes so little, and learning to let that concern secede has done my mental so well. love love the sound design in this too, great track picks, really supported the tone. also! don't know if that was an intended match-cut at the end between you at the lake/you at the train, but sooooo sick haha cheers!
@AmeerCorro 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Brad :) and thanks for noticing the match cut hehe
@Regnskov Ай бұрын
As a 31 year old I can tell you this is not just an american phenonomom, I am quiet quitting currently here in Europe. Companies do not give a fuck about us.
@HE360 6 ай бұрын
Compared to when I was growing up, there was the rise of Facebook, social media, reliance on dating sites and not getting picked with dating and relationships becoming more non-traditional. Plus, there were more phones and computers instead of people going out. And these are some of the things the caused of depression, anti-social demeanor, lack of motivation, hopelessness and all kinds of other negative things that are STILL going on today!! And by the way, we now got A.I. So, get ready for more problems!!
@elliotross3217 7 ай бұрын
this is such an eloquent, well-executed video that speaks so precisely to the issues that i feel everyone our age and beyond is dealing with right now. amazing job, and thanks for phrasing these ideas so clearly
@commonsense5555 3 ай бұрын
People weren't like this in 2007 when it was actually harder to buy a home. A victim mindset has been instilled into people's minds which is why they whine and beg the government (who's well known for their ability to screw over it's people) for help. They've stopped trying to overcome their circumstances and chose to whine and cry instead. I'm 22 and me and my wife both grew up poor and we're no now far from poor because we became financially literate and changed our circumstances through hard work starting at 18 without crying about it on reddit.
@emotionalsuccess 6 ай бұрын
So young and yet so full of insight and wisdom. WTF? This is the best of KZbin, where master communicators can reach a wide audience.
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