Why Gen Z Is The Most Gay Generation

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Amir Odom

Amir Odom

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@Ruprecttt 4 ай бұрын
You can't make someone gay, but you sure as hell can confuse children into believing things that aren't true. Even things about who they are.
@vibrantchill7212 4 ай бұрын
Except reverse gay and straight. Gay conversion camps don't work. Gay propaganda isn't making the kids gay. I have different feelings about trans propaganda, but that's because it is just body mods based on extreme self insecurity. Your sexuality, aka who you're attracted to, is fairly set in stone. Certain things like personality traits you prefer can change, but the bits you want to be intimate with probably won't change lol. I've known since 4 or 5 years old that I have 0 romantic or sexual attraction towards women - that hasn't changed one bit. Not even a lick of interest in women ever. There are hot women out there, but I just think they're cool, I don't want to date them because I'm a straight woman.
@ReginaTrans_ 4 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie this is why I LOVE GEN Z, I’m a millennial and I’m like mid 30s, never in my life had I interacted with Heterosexuality like I have in the last 4 years that Gen Z came off age, and im OBSESSED, being feminine or gay you do require a straight man energy in your life, not just casual s.x and Gen Z provides the emotional side that we also need, my boyfriend is 27, I was done with dating for years now, almost a decade, with Gen Z they opened a paradigm I didn’t know existed, now I dream about having kids and getting married, things I never even cared about, Gen Z nurtured that feminine quality in me that I thought I didn’t have, I love Gen Z, they’re natural and brave honest people
@intheredcold9216 4 ай бұрын
Which makes an interesting case against "born that way"
@TyranoTortoise 4 ай бұрын
I think you cant MAKE someone be gay, no more than you make someone religious. However you can convince them they can be anything when they are confused, yes you cant convince a straight man to sleep with another man but I am SURE (and have seen) women sleeping with other women to “experiment” or rather its not as big of a deal if a 2 women have sexual relations as it is for 2 men. There are people that are only attracted to same sex but I dont believe that all of them are for it to shoot up as exponentially as it has.
@gerald4384 4 ай бұрын
That statement is too general. I know over 10 gay couples with kids. None of the kids turned out to be gay. They are now open teen or adults. Only one of the kids was upset that the biology father did not tell him when he was younger before become a teenager.
@kevinmccabe7263 4 ай бұрын
If in ten years 20% of Gen Z still identifies as LGBT then we'll know it's legit and not just a bunch of kids trying to be fashionable
@maychongli5863 4 ай бұрын
Just wait
@russtytan8080 4 ай бұрын
@kevinmccabe7263 4 ай бұрын
@@maychongli5863 yup, exactly
@Attmay 3 ай бұрын
Drop the t and that number will go up exponentially.
@kokostyuba7586 3 ай бұрын
What drives people to become this way
@katttttttpaige 4 ай бұрын
The number of Straight men claiming to be non binary just to get onto the lesbian side of tinder is so gross
@greatsageamane1984 4 ай бұрын
It is
@Zipperskull_ 4 ай бұрын
Wtf? That's disgusting
@bretbuckley704 4 ай бұрын
The problem with identifying as non binary is that it makes your sexuality completely meaningless. Because sexuality is biological, you can only be attracted to men and/ or women, there is no alternative. Non binary effectively tries to ignore or erase biology by selling the idea of gender being a concept you make up in your head, which is just utter nonsense. Whether you're straight or gay, non binary makes absolutely no sense.
@pavanraj4125 4 ай бұрын
Im gen z, glad I don't use tinder lol. Id rather get my girl from natural interaction rather than pretending to be someone online.
@zachrohler1047 4 ай бұрын
Modern problems require modern solutions
@yelsahblah3270 4 ай бұрын
Shoving sexual stuff at young kids is influencing them, that's hard to argue against. But I think the bigger issue is the world is just over sexualized in general. There is way too much emphasis on who you're attracted to. It's being treated as a personality trait rather than a preference. It's hedonism and it never ends well.
@divineLove1111 13 күн бұрын
Wow! Truth bomb right there 💣
@Bubboe 2 ай бұрын
Being LGBTQ was a trend in tween and teens since 2019 I noticed that everyone wanted to identify with being anything, there was a trend that showed everyone’s sexuality over the months and oh boy did they switch up. A girl in my class went from being bisexual to transgender male that was asexual, and pansexual going by some Japanese name all in the span of 3 weeks!
@orwhynotrandom Ай бұрын
It's attention seeking she's probaly none of those people have a craving to be an outlier and theres an arms race on who can be the furthest from normality its why zim/zer pronouns exsist
@abelhernandez2381 4 ай бұрын
It's the current trend. It's cool to be alphabetical. When it falls out of fashion most of them will fade away.
@dumbbumsc5329 4 ай бұрын
And we’ve seen the ones that get tired of making it their whole life get completely ostracized from the group. It’s gonna take care of itself
@banedon8087 4 ай бұрын
I think you're probably right on that, particularly when western societies stop putting LGBT people on a pedestal (whether they like it or not).
@Ann-op5kj 4 ай бұрын
Well said
@FANTOllVll 4 ай бұрын
@ItsDaveyDuhsure it’s offensive, it’s also true.
@DD8842 4 ай бұрын
Once its not cool anymore its over
@benadams3569 4 ай бұрын
I met a woman online a few years ago who was divorced. The reason she divorced her husband because she discovered he was gay. She made this discovery because he was over at a "friend's" house, and they were doing more than playing PS2. A female friend from high school had been married to a man for more than twenty years. When I would see pictures of him, for some reason, I would wonder "is he in the closet?" He was just sort of effeminate...even in still photography. Guess what? This friend has an acupuncture clinic where I live, and my mother is a client. She asked why the divorce. My friend said that her husband finally told her that he is gay. They have two children, and were married for more than twenty years. I'm Generation X, and from a very small "hick town" where being gay definitely would have gotten someone a beat down while in high school. I knew/suspected a number of people were gay, and a few do live outside the small town, are on Facebook, and are openly gay. At one time, it was trendy to be bisexual as Amir said, so a high number of women identified as such while in college. Some men found that "hot" but I didn't lol. I think the reason Gen Z is "so gay" is because it's trendy. Just as being on the spectrum or having ADHD is right now. TikTok has everyone thinking they are a homosexual with ADHD and on the spectrum
@benadams3569 4 ай бұрын
Amir: "Craigslist was still a thing....lawd we gettin' old." Me: When I was in high school, we didn't even have the internet. lol
@benadams3569 4 ай бұрын
I believe you are right about the majority of Gen X and Millennial being closeted. HOWEVER, there are still Baby Boomers living, and my parents are two of them. lol Neither is gay, and I'm 99.99 percent certain of that... HOWEVER, I do know of men from that generation who probably do have thoughts about being with a man if they've not acted upon it...while being married to a woman. Those men are mostly religious and "can't" come out.
@OhDontMindMee 4 ай бұрын
Yup lol that was a trend big time in 2007. So many girls in school were saying they were bi. Girls I knew for damn sure weren’t. They were doing it to seem more attracted and appealing to men. To be more lusted after and they compete with other girls for boys attention. If Kelly was doing it then of course Sara was going to start saying she was bi then so many of the girls were suddenly bi that year. Many of these girls got married to men a couple of years later. Had kids. So many of them. I always knew it was a trend and it’s what girls do. Compete for men’s attention.
@justinbell5421 4 ай бұрын
I've been struggling with adhd since the 3rd grade I fucking hate seeing people use it as idk a joke like haha my adhd kicked in, oh I have this kind of adhd for any illness it's fucking annoying remember when people were pretending to have tarets what a joke
@imdva 4 ай бұрын
to be fair, i genuinely think tiktok has developed adhd for many people. or at least the main symptoms.
@espinabrau6672 4 ай бұрын
I am a millenial lesbian from Europe. Had a happy childhood, my parents never talked to me about LGB, went to church on the weekends, at high school we were briefly told about the AIDS crisis but gay people weren't even mentioned, only straight people (I didn't find out that the AIDS crisis affected mostly gay men until I was in my mid twenties). At 6 years old, even when I didn't know what "lesbian" meant, I had crushes on girls, dreamt about living with a woman when I grew older, I wanted to kiss girls and hold hands with them. Once I hit puberty, I only wanted to date and have s*x with girls. The idea that kids can be influenced to "be gay" is wild to me, because you can't change people's sexuality. A lot of us tried via therapy and it didn't work; conversion therapy used to be a thing and it didn't work. But people have forgotten those atrocities and feel comfortable saying that you can be "influenced to be gay" despite the fact that they tried to make LGB people "pray the gay away" not long ago. Pure hypocrisy. I'd bet that the increase in "LGBTJJIGIJ++" people is due to the following: teenagers can lie for attention, and some of the new TQ+ identities are very easy to fake: you can just say you're "non-binary" and then bam, you're part of the LGBTQGUJG+++ without having to do anything. A lot of those new identities are trends and almost like a fandom. It's not bad to teach kids to respect others, but things like drawing pride flags in the classroom, etc are unnecessary. Being LGB is not "cool" or "special", it's just being part of a minority sexuality. My relationship with my wife is not very different from the relationships that my straight friends have, we are just as "boring" as straight people (we go to work, do the dishes, buy stuff for the home, go to the movies). I don't understand why schools are talking about this so much, we go to school to learn things like math and literature.
@aussieoutlaw504 4 ай бұрын
Hi Amir I'm a young (17) lesbian, and I agree, it's honestly really difficult to for young people like me to be myself, especially around other LGBT+ people. When I was first becoming comfortable with being myself, I shared a lot of the same values as the mainstream liberal gay peers at my school, but then I realized that I was wrong and I was soon cut out. I share a lot of your views and I honestly don't like being around LGBT+ peers because of the differences we have. Quite frankly I don't tell a lot of people my sexuality because I don't want to be lumped in with those other peers, while at the same time feeling like I'll be rejected from that community because I don't share those same views. It's so exhausting. Hopefully things will get better as I get older.
@SomeYouTubeTraveler 4 ай бұрын
Sounds like trying to be a "normal" Christian around Trump fanatics. Everyone lumps you together, whether from the outside or the inside of the group, and you have to either play along with the cult or be ostracized as a traitor.
@TickyTack23 4 ай бұрын
Don't worry about it, no one your age has an identity. Everyone is trying to find an identity, without realizing what makes your identity is your actions and what you give to society, which comes with age.
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
See who you are in Christ 😢. Sadly our people perish for lack of knowledge. The world is ran by the devil, it's this demonic activity and influence that exists around all of us. God is love, all love is not good. We are to guard out hearts. Our hearts are wicked, if we don't look within and want the correction we will be lead astray 😢. I will pray and preach the Gospel, it's good news, no matter what you do, you can turn to Jesus ❤
@CelynAnimation 4 ай бұрын
@@jernisharichard5032 Please stop mentioning religion this person did not mention it anywhere.
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
@@CelynAnimation Being a follower of Christ is not religion. The word of God is truth, until we understand that we won't be delivered. I was doing things that were not making my life any better, it's when I heard the truth I was able to be set free. I'm just trying to help others know it to, being a light so people know who the real battle is with, and what we do can lead to our destruction. May your eyes be opened.
@Lavendermama2 4 ай бұрын
Back in 2008 I knew kids who were "gay" because it was cool. Girls kissed girls because it got them the guys. Guys were flamboyant because it was trendy. It's absolutely a trend. You can absolutely convince impressionable young kids they are something they aren't
@hopeintruth5119 4 ай бұрын
It's definitely not trendy. Lol like people need to get on gay dating apps once. You can see a lot of closeted married gay men that are 30+ under taht you'll see less of them married to straight women. It was legal to be gay in the U.S in 2003 and marriage and lgbtq protection has taken till 2016. This is the first or second generation where lgbtq stigma isn't big. Peopel don't have to hide anymore and explore instead of trying to sneak in a guy at the age of 30 or 40 to get a fix in
@JoakimOtamaa 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely. I was a glam rocker and got plenty of hoes n groupies. I can't stand seeing pics of myself from that era.
@timsmith8506 4 ай бұрын
Too bad we can’t convince a few more to get off social media and hit the books for a bit!
@armymarshal13 4 ай бұрын
Yep, back when "metrosexual" was a thing
@arefallout 4 ай бұрын
No you cant lol those girls were bi and that boy was zssty
@wellted 4 ай бұрын
It seems like being gay is like how being emo was in the past, its just the current trend, only the problem is the younger people arent being told that they will regret this "phase" in the future.
@backdoorsluts_9 4 ай бұрын
And being trans , it’s like the new emo
@wannabe_scholar82 4 ай бұрын
Maybe we live in different parts in the world but in my school LGBT people are picked on, like a lot. It’s popular to hate on them, also trans people as well but like it’s 10x more popular to see them be bullied at my schools and made fun of. I’m confused on how it’s both a trend and yet at the same time so ostracized at least among the communities I’m around (I’m 17 btw).
@danteshollowedgrounds 4 ай бұрын
Unfortunate that history repeated itself in the worst way possible because back then not every Emo was gay or straight but yeah it's whatever now.
@Ruprecttt 4 ай бұрын
The lgb isn't this, but the tqia++$#7 is absolutely the same thing as emo.
@CyclonezTheSage-vf8ps 4 ай бұрын
​@@wannabe_scholar82 It definitely matters where you live because mine had a class president who was a lesbian,nobody cared, she was just funny
@gimiwanmemengwaa 4 ай бұрын
being a real gay in a sea of fakes is crazy
@JasonMoore-lx6py 4 ай бұрын
What 😂
@moon-pw1bi 4 ай бұрын
what? 😭😭
@gimiwanmemengwaa 4 ай бұрын
Did you guys even watch the video 🤣
@mr.weaboo1368 4 ай бұрын
As a bisexual i feel ya there haha
@niini01 4 ай бұрын
real brother
@francoisdutoit5811 4 ай бұрын
Wonder why all the Straight people on the TV when I grew up didn't "influence" me to be straight. 🤔
@LodesDipper 3 ай бұрын
Exactly, I spent the first 20 years of my life knowing straight to be the norm, it was everywhere (and still is), I also tried to convince myself that I was straight. Did it work? No. I do believe that someone’s sexuality can change over time in certain instances, but I don’t think it can be influenced by outside sources.
@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame 3 ай бұрын
​@@LodesDipperI'm 14 and I realized I was bisexual not that long ago despite not being attracted to guys before the age of 12. I read something about homosexuality and bisexuality being a result of genetic and environmental factors that "evoke" those genetics.
@LodesDipper 3 ай бұрын
@@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame I went through a similar experience actually, it wasn’t until middle school that I realized that I was actually attracted to dudes and that’s why I was always so awkward around them (I had no problem communicating with girls like a lot of guys do). Looking back I realized I was always gay but never really understood it. And going through puberty definitely made my attraction obvious lol.
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
THIS. like the double standards are crazy
@barneybowler4695 2 ай бұрын
Out on a limb here but, the 'straight' people on TV were gay actors?
@RainRemnant 4 ай бұрын
If a man (or woman) is gay, and married to the opposite sex, get out of the closet and don't ruin your spouse's life. If someone is bi, then don't look outside of your marriage (or serious relationship) or else it's just plain cheating.
@notyourbusiness4254 Ай бұрын
Incredible Sherlock, who knew that cheating is cheating :O
@psychoticscorpion7911 4 ай бұрын
As an ACTUAL gay gen z in highschool, most of the people who are gay still get bullied (im glad people arent getting beat up for it tho)😭 but I do agree that some of these kids say that they’re gay (mostly the girls) as a popular thing and then a year later theyre with a guy😭
@X3nophiliac 4 ай бұрын
the "i had a bad bf so now im a lesbian" pipeline 😂 (im a girl btw, even i see it so much)
@kcmac9298 4 ай бұрын
Ha, I can already tell you those girls future relationship path. Once they start going to bars, a few shots of Henny or Fireball they will sleep with whoever (man/woman/gay/straight, etc), probably mess with a couple black guys, before deciding to settle down with a white dude around 27-28 for family sake.
@shemeon 4 ай бұрын
Yup, all the girls in my kids’ Junior high and high school classes are “bi” or “gay” or “trans” and yet they only ever date guys.
@JoakimOtamaa 4 ай бұрын
I got beat up because I was a glam rocker. I was more feminine than any gay guy in our school. Well, I got the best ladies so who won?
@katiebakic6815 4 ай бұрын
Or they actually do date a girl once for fun and end up married lol doesn’t really make you bi. Also all the married ladies that have never actually dated a lady but maybe they were attracted to a girl once. It doesn’t really make you bi lololo
@failpip4235 4 ай бұрын
I say they're being influenced. My GF has a niece. 13 years old and she's having an identity crisis because she's being pressured to put a label on all this. Sometimes she says she's a guy, then she says she's a girl, then she says she's nonbinary, then it's bisexual, then it's pansexual. Constantly changing. Then there's her friends that SHE says is pressuring her to take on one of those labels Then there are the households where one person is trans, then all of a sudden, 3 more are trans. Or the ones where 2 trans parents just so happen to have 4 kids that are ALL trans There is DEFINITE influence going on, and it's those trenders who have hijacked the actual LGBT community. As Blaire said, it's the new emo
@greatsageamane1984 4 ай бұрын
Yeah. The influence is extremely and very noticeable at this point. I can't believe people don't think this stuff can be influenced. If it can't be influenced, then what about people influencing children to do drugs? Is that also not influence by your "logic"? I grew up in a generation that was influenced by all sorts of people, and here you are trying to say influenced "sexuality" and "gender" can't possibly be real, but drug influence is? Say that to all the people who were manipulated and emotionally abused by people trying to influence them to be lgbt, I was one of them and a couple of people in this comment section were some too. Prove us wrong! They always try to twist it around so that they aren't exposed for influence and don't look bad, and a lot of lgbt people ARE. Not all of them, but many are, and more and more of them are starting to come from my generation. I believed Blaire when she called out the Trenders, she wasn't wrong!
@twinkletoes6290 4 ай бұрын
@@greatsageamane1984I agree w everything you and OP said in your comments!! I’m really sorry you had to endure ppl trying to pressure you into identifying as something you weren’t, esp at such a young age, where EVERYONE is vulnerable, confused, just trying to fit in and be accepted, just starting to figure out who they really are, etc. Those tweens, teens and even college years are really rough just as it is, in general. But right now, w all this craziness going on, all this indoctrination, propaganda & BS, it’s making what’s already a difficult & confusing time in life, that everyone goes through, way worse than it should be or needs to be! I feel bad for the younger generations having to deal w that on top of how confusing & difficult those years already are w/o all this other sh!t on top of it!
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
Yes, and it's plain old sin. We have to look within, and without the word of God, and someone trying to help you see it, 😭 this lifestyle will become so appealing. Some people are strong enough to resist, but not all are. I had 3 cousins, other in-laws go through this 2 have turned back, 1 is still deciding, 1 has always had those tendencies and the other just following whatever is being taught. Deep down they know what's going on, they are just demonically influenced and are blinded by the devil "the god if this world". We are in spiritual warfare, this is just like Sodom and Gomorrah 😮. All things go, whatever you feel, and desire is the new life now. People don't want to be told hey... this is not right, all the sex, sexualization that goes on in the world. No accountability, no morals, no natural affection anymore. We have to stand for TRUTH, don't let them say it's homophobic. The reason is they didn't want to acknowledge God so he gave thrm over to their unnatural desires 😢, and whoever does it, give approval to all to do it. Why someone has to accept you, if not you're going to off yourself, no the truth is sin leads to destruction, whether we accept it or not These problems will still exist. 😢 Teach your children the word of God, so they'll be able to stand in this battle of the mind. ❤
@Karen-tr8jo 4 ай бұрын
I’m going through same thing right now with niece
@MemeLordCrusader 4 ай бұрын
​@jernisharichard5032 Sorry, but you shouldn't teach the Bible to kids
@Ktakahashi18 4 ай бұрын
My great grandparents were born in the 1920s and never discuss touchy topics. EVER. Not politics, gay people, even death. They are part of the generation that "you don't talk about it". Most of that generation had/has that mindset and their kids have it too. Born in the 40s and 50s. You keep it to yourself and don't every tell anyone your business. Married problems, cheating, babies out of wedlock, your partner possibly being gay. Nope. Don't talk about it. So even if someone knew they were gay they were raised to "not talk about it". Even in 2024. They will not talk about it because that's how they were raised.
@ClementineDaydream 4 ай бұрын
Yes, agreed, this describes my family’s lineage as well.
@xfile1966 4 ай бұрын
I heard this yesterday: “Stop telling people everything. Most people don’t care and some secretly want you to fail” People have gone from “don’t talk about stuff” to putting EVERYTHING out on Tik Tok. Cheating, who’s the baby daddy, a herpes diagnosis, etc…Personal problems are best discussed within the family or with a close friend or two. People have forgotten what discretion is.
@willybe6427 4 ай бұрын
Good… stop telling the world your problems. 8 billion of us have our own to deal with.
@heyo80 4 ай бұрын
I agree not talking about it is fine but the way gay people were treated when your great-grandparents (my grandparents) grew up was pretty horrible. People didn’t mention being gay because it would come with some pretty bad consequences, almost all of that is gone now. This dosent mean mentioning it is not necessary.
@joyfulhomemaker8053 4 ай бұрын
My grandparents talked about all of that. My hubs grandparents are in their 90s and still talking about those things
@ani-ma-tion5326 4 ай бұрын
I’m glad you talked about this Amir, I’m an older gen Z, born in 2005, homeschooled, raised with moderately conservative Latino parents, and I look around now to be extremely confused at my generation, I really do think it is a trend, and a byproduct of social media like TikTok. I have absolutely nothing against people who are truly gay, I’ve met plenty who are just normal people living normal lives who happen to be attracted to the same sex. Those are the people I believe, not these kids who are changing sexualities by the day and posting about it online. It’s like what my mom always told me “If you’re cool, you don’t say you’re cool, you just are.”
@narwhalocean791 4 ай бұрын
straight media didn't turn me straight
@DandyXandy36 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for not being ok with cheating. Doesn’t matter what your orientation is, just be a genuine human 😊
@whoareyou3571 4 ай бұрын
I think it is important to take these things into consideration. 1 - the LGBT+ community has increased its influence massively throughout media, Hollywood, the education system, etc, all things that affect children. 2 - there is now a massive selection of genders, sexualities and personalities that now fall under the LGBT+ spectrum, it’s not just LGB anymore, they’ve essentially combined every thing they can think of into this one collection, which would coincide with more people identifying with that same group, for example, imagine I made a group that only had brown eyed people, now imagine I add more selection that allows for people with green and blue eyes, the group would have a lot more people identifying with it, B has now increased to BBG. 3 - LGBT+ ideas being taught in school, and this is where PBDs argument kinda makes sense, it’s extremely easy to influence children, older generations were taught outside and inside of school to be patriotic and uphold Christian values, new generations are not taught this and are now also taught LGBT+ lessons and material, that also plays a part in why so many young people are LGBT+ and why so many aren’t Christian or patriotic, it’s all to do with influence and teaching at a young age, hell we all thought Santa was real. 4th - trending, yes the LGBT+ community has essentially become a trend, kids used to be Emo, now they’re LGBT+, It’s especially attractive to kids who feel out of touch and lonely (which is a lot), it gives them a sense of importance to be apart of a community, even if they aren’t literally gay, Lesbian, bisexual etc. Edit: just wanted to add that I doubt people being in the closet would account for a 15% increase over the last couple decades.
@akemiflameborg 4 ай бұрын
This is such a good comment! I think the major problem is we are leaning one side and pushing the other away. Like you can only have one, either religion or LGBT. It seems we cannot have both. And kids see that and are easily influenced, especially considering how schools aren't teaching them how to think. I'm not even from the US, but I can see the same problem everywhere.
@whoareyou3571 4 ай бұрын
@@akemiflameborg Unfortunately US societal problems tend to spill over into other western countries because we are so closely aligned, and yeah I 100% agree, there definitely seems to be some sort of effort to push people into choosing a side, you’re either on our team or an enemy, it’s sad.
@nelsongonzales1263 4 ай бұрын
Only issue I have is thinking Christian values are the way to go with schools. It’s indoctrination just as much as what the lefts doing. How about we move away from forms of control, and instead teach things that benefit society. Business skills, math, science, home skills, survival skills, mechanical skills, reading and writing, ect. None of that should involve gender ideologies, or Christian values.
@justinm2697 4 ай бұрын
You're number 2 point is what I've been saying for years. If there is an umbrella term that includes everyone who isn't 100% straight in the most strictest of religious definitions, you catch a lot of fish. You like outdoor sex and you're straight? That's a Q card for you. You're a straight guy who likes to paint your nails, you get a Q card. You have a foot fetish? Q for you! It's not simply about sexuality any more, by design. When it comes to the sexuality side of things. Back in the 90s everyone was bi for some reason. They weren't but they said they were. it's easy to say, looks good on paper and requires no proof what so ever.
@JoakimOtamaa 4 ай бұрын
Christian values aka how to abuse boys? Creepy.
@valhalla3566 4 ай бұрын
I feel like it's actually harder being a gay man these days on the premise that there feels like there's a checklist now in order for people to see you as a gay man. If you aren't overtly feminine, don't have a slight lisp in the way you speak, and don't dress "fabulous", you're almost not allowed to be gay. From my experience, 9 out of 10 times, most are still surprised that I'm gay. I'm told I don't "look" gay or "act" gay. And this has effected relationships I've had with other gay men. Or rather, lack there of. That's where the checklist comes in. Most gays in normal everyday situations rarely approach me because I don't give off the appearance or vibe of a "normal" gay man. And it makes it extremely difficult meeting people now because of that. It feels like years ago, it wasn't as hard. Now that people feel a lot safer and secure with themselves, it feels like there's been a huge shift in perception. Now, if you're slightly masculine, but into men, you're "closested" and "acting". It's so stressful.
@beastycool 4 ай бұрын
I feel that, and 100% agree. People get shocked when i tell them I'm gay all because I dont dress or act femininely. I dress how i want which is a basic jeans and a t-shirt. I don't like these people because they are changing the way gay people are seen versus the way gay people actually are and i question if half of them are actually gay and aren't doing it because it's quirky, for a trend, to hide their terrible personalities, or to try to get into the circles of women.
@kyledodson2992 4 ай бұрын
That’s got to be annoying. My old co worker was a gay man, and he was always expressing a similar sentiment. He also just wanted friends that weren’t girls or other gay men. I always tried to have him come chill with me and my girl sometimes when we had a cookout etc and he seemed to enjoy it because he could just chill with us and watch sports etc. moved away years ago, miss that dude
@Zipperskull_ 4 ай бұрын
I can definitely relate, I have no gay male friends around me in a diverse area that is open to lgbt people. When I'm out in public I don't give off a gay vibe, I'm more introverted and mind my business when riding the bus or walking. It's super difficult to find friends in my area, I am trying my best to get to people but work just been a pain in the a**, getting me worned out.
@xanander4693 4 ай бұрын
No, being gay today is much better than it was in the 1900s. Believe me
@JoakimOtamaa 4 ай бұрын
I prefer masculine men. I also love feminine women. I'm the worst nightmare for the left.
@MLE222 2 ай бұрын
That phone call was everything 🤣😭 props to him for his honesty about what he’s encountered.
@just-russ-83 4 ай бұрын
☁️ The stigma of bisexuality and how people who are get accused of being greedy or in gay denial.
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
IT is sin, it's demonically influenced. We are giving into evil desires of the flesh. Our hearts are wicked and hardened by what we're doing or taught to do. 😢
@just-russ-83 4 ай бұрын
@@jernisharichard5032 Lady why are you literally watching a gay man if you think that way?
@CelynAnimation 4 ай бұрын
@@jernisharichard5032 Get out here, no need for your negativity and views.
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
@@CelynAnimation Sadly there is a need for truth, Christ saves. Be transformed by the RENEWING of your mind.
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
@@just-russ-83 To spread the Gospel, which is good news. We are all sinners in need of Christ. Your identity is who you are in him. Being born again is life changing. Sin leads to destruction. The world shapes your mind, it's ran by the devil. Having PRIDE in sin causes all the things we experience. Our hearts are hardened by the things we go through. Get healed and set free. Be transformed 💖
@robinthrush9672 4 ай бұрын
I think it's mainly 3 things right now: 1) it's trendy and "makes one stand out". Like goths and punks who all dress the same 2) People have been brainwashed/confused/indoctrinated to think they're things they aren't.I don't even need to point out specifically what I mean by this 3) The alphabet soup has been watered down to the point that anyone can fit into one of the endless categories. Not interested in "relations"? Asexual. Don't always want sex? Demi-sexual. Only interested in a person after getting to know them? Sapio-sexual. Being normal falls into the soup a lot.
@twinkletoes6290 4 ай бұрын
To your # 3 point….. My husband & I were talking about how crazy this ish is these days. He was floored when I told him that by the new “rules”, “guidelines” and definitions these nutcases have come up w, that I would qualify as part of the LGBT!! I went through and explained how that would be. He was like “wtf??” and was absolutely floored bc I’m straight, now two ways about it. I can’t remember what the new term was that I used. It’s the one where you have to be romantic, have a connection and deep feelings in order to have and want to have sex w that person. I want to say it was maybe Demi-sexual or whatever, but I can’t remember now bc it’s too confusing (& this conversation where I used this example was like a year or two ago)!
@robinthrush9672 4 ай бұрын
@@twinkletoes6290 Yeah, I think it's demi
@Joe-Przybranowski 4 ай бұрын
I guess you've never known any goths of punks.
@robinthrush9672 4 ай бұрын
@@Joe-Przybranowski Punks were before my time. There were some goths in my high school and the South Park commentary was pretty accurate.
@voodoovixen666 3 ай бұрын
I am a goth like person I can't blame the commenter. I mean everyone dresses in black. I had my thoughts about this phenomena of wanting to be special. And a lot of us get told we were when we were kids because everyone is so unique. Here are my questions: when everyone is unique is that special anymore? And what is special since I never met a person who's number 2 is made out of gold.
@LarissaDawn 4 ай бұрын
As a Christian, I don't want my kids learning about God at school at ALL. If I did, i would enroll them into a private RELIGIOUS school. _I_ want to teach my kids about God, that's MY responsibility at school. I'm fine with sex ed (strictly how the body functions). I'm NOT fine with LGBTQ+ ed. There's a difference. I want my children to be comfortable enough to ask me their questions. Not their friends or schoolmates. And DEFINITELY not the internet... :)
@bay2683 4 ай бұрын
Yes exactly👏🏻
@twinkletoes6290 4 ай бұрын
@sammieg8641 4 ай бұрын
Yeah well since they’ve removed prayer from school it has gone down hill.. interesting enough they can learn about Muslim, Buddhism, etc but Christianity and the Bible in school and the lefties are screaming for injustice Schools should offer options in Jr High and High school
@ridleyroid9060 4 ай бұрын
I hope that when you teach your kids about god that you don't compulse them to accept the religion or teach them that they'll burn in hell for not following its tennants every day. i am an atheist, so I don't believe in the christian or any god, but you have the freedom to practice how you want to, and I hope your kids will have the freedom to as well.
@loka-chan6695 4 ай бұрын
We learned about diffrent religions. The basic about mostly biggest religions and a little history and stuff. Small on other smaler ones just to get the idea these big ones are not the only ones. You chould take up sexuality breafly in sex education but mostly sex education is to understand puberty, how babies are made, be carefull. You chould add in stuff there but not as the main subject. The best way to learn it’s okey is to be open. ”In puberty stuff happen, you get attracted to maybe boys or girls or both and that’s okey” Pushing stuff is bad.
@itsladykit 4 ай бұрын
As someone whose algorithm has shifted significantly from left content to right content, you are quiet literally one of the one channels I still watch simply because of your nuanced approach
@cryalot378 4 ай бұрын
A lot of people say that this is just "a phase" and that it will go away after a while. As a pessimist I do not think so and quite frankly I am afraid what kind of damage it will have on humanity.
@RyuBateson218 4 ай бұрын
Your channel is great my friend. I like how you are able to critically examine your own group. Not a lot of people are able to do that.
@amirxodom 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! And yes, it’s always irritated me so I had to show a different perspective lol
@MTHEDGEHOG 4 ай бұрын
​@@amirxodom Agreed you are good at these topics.
@DB-rp2gj 4 ай бұрын
Tbh pbd's question... I don't think ANY religion or religious belief should be in school PERIOD. Kids should be learning math, science, english, etc. Let parents be the ones to teach that stuff to their kids if they truly want to.
@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame 4 ай бұрын
​@@Liz-be1wq agreed, I'm 14 and at my school teachers don't mention any of that. Unless they hear someone say h*mo or f*got, in which case the teacher yells Rodney, Nuh uh, that is s*xual harassment, detention!!
@justinm2697 4 ай бұрын
@@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame Name calling is sexual harassment now? How far we've fallen.
@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame 4 ай бұрын
@@justinm2697 f*got is literally a slur 💀
@ryanmccafferty8196 4 ай бұрын
@@justinm2697Well saying sexually explicit things to someone to make them uncomfortable is sexual harassment. If I say that I want to perform certain sexual acts with you as a means of making you uncomfortable, then yes that is sexual harassment.
@moon-pw1bi 4 ай бұрын
and philosophy and the ability to critically think and gay people in sex ed
@Mary.Petrie 4 ай бұрын
I also would ask if Gen Z is so gay is because they have been exposed to more p*rn and possibly sexually abused and I say this someone with years of working with kids, most of who came out to me had been abused in that fashion. When that happens sexual relations can be confusing.
@user-kw6wb8gn2u 4 ай бұрын
I agree it also has to depend on the sexual abuse that has happened more so in our generation than ever
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
Yup, and thst kind of stuff and trauma leads to this lifestyle. Some see it some don't. Thus is spiritual warfare of the mind. If you look within and ate able to take accountability you have a chance 😢. The Bible says in the last days people will become lovers of self you see it happening now, sadly our youth ate being manipulated, mislead, and confused because they want to fit in. Some think there's love in it. Sin leads to destruction. God wants none to perish, his word is just trying to lead us in the right direction ⬆️ vs 👇🏽
@thegalhorowitz 4 ай бұрын
sexual abuse is not more, its less, monitored more and data reveals more, just like muslim countries having technically less sexual abuse, which isnt true, they just dont collect as much data and prosecute crime. Also people dont report it. These days everything and anything can be sexual abuse, therefore data bias. Since the beginning of time people abused women, kids, exponantially more, now with technology monitoring everyone and social response being more severe, it puts offenders off.
@poogissploogis 3 ай бұрын
That's the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. Gay people have a concerningly higher rate of being sexual abuse victims than straight people.
@barneybowler4695 2 ай бұрын
How about hetero relationships have become a toxic lottery and alternative relationships are easier if you're bored or just want to get your rocks off?
@fuosdi64 4 ай бұрын
Social contagion. Most of Gen Z aren't even having sex so it's mostly performative
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
u dont need to have sex to know ur sexual preference are u slow? also u would be surprised how many people in gen z have sex
@orwhynotrandom Ай бұрын
I know I sound like a boomer but it's social media and the craving to be seen as an outlier
@timelapsega 4 ай бұрын
I think if you take non-binary out of the equation that % is much lower, and that's just essentially a nickname and a bracelet.
@moon-pw1bi 2 ай бұрын
the vast majority of people in the lgbt community are the LGBs. this is just biology and no one is influencing them to be like this. conservatives just need to drop this talking point it makes no sense
@lindalochirco2921 4 ай бұрын
I don't think he's saying people can make you gay I think what he's saying is because of social media we have a generation of confuse people that can be swayed.
@meowmixaly937 4 ай бұрын
He literally asked the boy in the interview "How can I make you gay?" And he responded "You can't" as Amir said they can't actually make you gay
@Bodoques-mx1pr 4 ай бұрын
Soooooooo hes saying that people can make you gay
@michelewierzbicki2853 4 ай бұрын
@@meowmixaly937then please explain how so many young boys sexually abused by an older male live as gay?
@meowmixaly937 4 ай бұрын
@@michelewierzbicki2853 What that supposed to mean? Where's the statistics about that and what about Amir or myself I was never abused nor Amir or one of his friends and none of us are straight saying that I was talking about the guy in the interview he contradicts himself...
@michelewierzbicki2853 4 ай бұрын
@@meowmixaly937 he stated you can’t make people gay. I disagree.
@D-S-G. 4 ай бұрын
Petition to rename Gen Z to Gen G
@jojo_roseanna 4 ай бұрын
Gen LGBTQ+ 😂
@JohnTezlaNFS 4 ай бұрын
Gen G=(Gen Gone)/(Gen Gay)
@justinbell5421 4 ай бұрын
​@@JohnTezlaNFSgen g(onna kill myself)
@erikag7334 4 ай бұрын
Gen Gayyyyyyy
@kenj0165 4 ай бұрын
Gen V
@josephhaak4804 4 ай бұрын
I'm straight and proud of it hahaha, even if it seems "boring" or "normal" lmao
@bcgaming4236 4 ай бұрын
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
Same. Sin leads to destruction. This is a sin just like the others. We have to speak the truth, and not be scared of anything. The Bible says in the last days people will become lovers of self, that's why this world is lost. We have to help our children see a better way. Watch who they hang with and what they watch and hear. The god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers 😢. This lifestyle has so much promiscuity, perversion, and confusion. Some turn to it because of SA, sexual abuse, trauma, and no father or good upbringing. Christ is the only way, spread the good news 😊❤
@lasagnawithfries4980 4 ай бұрын
Same here lol
@LesserDemon-tq7cg 3 ай бұрын
@@jernisharichard5032I agree. Us humans are a failed species. Why else would there be so much corruption and sin in our hearts? Why is there so much war, violence, and cruelty on a daily basis? We were made by God as a prototype, a test for a much better, perfect civilization. We convince ourselves that God is perfect and that he loves us to cope with the fact that we have been abandoned and are doomed to destroy each other.
@KingKong-od8nn 3 ай бұрын
You should. It's normal.
@autumnaki725 3 ай бұрын
I almost fell into this mess too by labeling myself Demi-sexual in college. I got out of college, I got my head screwed on right, and I realized that having sex with people you’re emotionally invested in is healthy and the right way to go. I don’t need a flag to represent loyalty within a relationship when that should be the standard.
@atomic_monik7605 3 ай бұрын
My husband is a closeted bi. He has been on gay dating apps but never fully engaged in any acts. I feel bad that he never felt comfortable in his sexuality to even try. We are an open couple with boundaries. He’s given me the option to see women as long as I’m open, and I even have given him the openness to experiment safely or at least fantasize without any judgement because of his own personal shame. But the repression runs so deep with him, I would probably have to be in the room for him to feel safe enough to try haha. He has said he would not experiment with another man unless I am present and I have to be into it as well…who knows. I am glad we talk about it. I feel bad he been scared his whole life to even try.
@Courier_Eris 4 ай бұрын
12:27 I'm sorry Amir, but he's right. My daughter was pulled into an Gay Straight Alliance club in school and come home at 12 and told me she was pansexual. She didn't even fully understand what that meant. She hadn't even had her first kiss yet. These kids are being influenced.
@amirxodom 4 ай бұрын
No for sure-some kids are being influenced to all the different identities but I’m more so pointing out how gay we already are lol
@Damoclz 4 ай бұрын
That doesn’t prove your point at all. Just because she didn’t have her first kiss doesn’t mean she can’t still feel attracted or understand what she finds attractive. You don’t have to kiss someone to know what you find attractive, it’s just a feeling.
@antoniocarlosoliveira9146 4 ай бұрын
​@@Damoclzyeah but like the op said , their daughter didnt even know what panssexual meant .
@ChuckNorris36999 4 ай бұрын
I'm with you on this one Friend
@ChuckNorris36999 4 ай бұрын
I agree people can be influenced to be LGBTQ , if I had kids I wouldn't like them to be influenced to be LGBTQ,I would of course teach them to be respectful and other positive approaches though.
@kacpermroz3096 4 ай бұрын
i love the way straight men talk about being gay
@saltykitty9215 4 ай бұрын
I hate to be that person, but I highly believe that 70% of the zoomers identifying as alphabet are doing it for the trend. Heterosexuality is considered boring and 'compulsory', some even say that it is a social construct at this point and we're all naturally bisexual or something like that...
@Dead_Again1313 4 ай бұрын
Totally agree
@JohnTezlaNFS 4 ай бұрын
You don't have to believe it, it's just true, sadly
@ChuckNorris36999 4 ай бұрын
I agree with you friend
@DrAngelKins 4 ай бұрын
The point of the relationship is supposed to be private. It's sad that people think relationships have to be public.
@dazzlingdexter5060 4 ай бұрын
I think it's a mix of things. I think that generally they are more freindly becuase it's more mainstream to be open and accepting. I do think some are trending, but I also been noticing that some of these trenders are low key homo/Transphobic. I also think that the gay community being more accepted means stuff that's part of 'gay culture' is being adopted outside the community. So it might look like there is more gays when in reality there just a good degree of the mainstream community is adopting gay culture. It's kind of how Wednesday made everyone want to dress goth, it doesn't mean there's MORE GOTHS. it just means it's more mainstream.
@Dead_Again1313 4 ай бұрын
"If you dont at least try it, youre a homophobe" Where its rightfully called out if a man calls himself a lesbian woman and tries to pressure actual women into being intimate, its overlooked and no one cares if its young men being pressured into a trend.
@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame 4 ай бұрын
I'm 14 and some of the kids at my school who act gay are actually straight and just do it as a joke.
@SaberNeumayer 4 ай бұрын
WHO HAS SAID THAT??? Sorry but I never heard someone say if you don't date the same sex then you are a homophobe
@ziggyzoo9335 4 ай бұрын
Yea lesbians are being called transphobes for not wanting to have sex or be in a relationship with a “trans woman” when they’re basically just men in dresses and wigs. It’s crazy
@heathhenderson7765 3 ай бұрын
Unfortunately Gen Z is the most lied to generation of all-time.
@Cashhhhew 4 ай бұрын
What I’ve been noticing as a woman is a lot of my friends “coming out as bi” even when they’ve never been with women before. I actually do consider myself bi as I’ve had a pretty consistent split in relationships between men and women. My first relationship was with a girl in high school, first kiss with a girl. But I had a serious relationship after that with a guy for two years. Since I’ve been on dates with both and now I’ve been with a man for a year and a half. It’s quite annoying to hear long term friends say they’re actually bi after getting married etc. Sure I can’t say what goes on in their mind but it’s like… since when? Are you sure you don’t want to just feel like you belong to a trend? In being with a man I rarely even bring up my sexuality because it doesn’t matter in a monogamous relationship. Of course I can’t actually press my friends on this. But to me it was just natural and I feel like my friends would have at least explored if they really felt that way. Like I’ve been open about having crushes on girls since I was young. But a mid-late 20 y/o “just realizing now” doesn’t make sense to me. Especially because these ones in particular weren’t raised in a way that would force them to need to closet themselves
@_tripalong 3 ай бұрын
I'm one of those "mid 20s married woman who are discovering they're bi" Fortunately, my husband is supportive and even encourages me to date girls bc he doesn't want me to be deprived of this part of myself. Please don't invalidate us. Many people don't have the opportunity or the guts to explore their sexuality in their teen years. Some people only get to do that well into their 50s or 60s. It's no one's place to question anyone's sexuality. A person coming out later in life is not hurting anyone. If anything, they're trying to heal themselves.
@Cashhhhew 3 ай бұрын
@@_tripalong your husband does that because he doesn’t see W/W relationships as valid and probably gets off to the idea of you with a woman. I’m sick of you attention seeking and invalidations. He wouldn’t let you see other men casually because he’d see that as cheating. But he thinks women with women are only there to be sexually pleasing to his gaze. Your husband is a 🚩🚩🚩
@trash3042 2 ай бұрын
Don’t turn bi
@asylnbola1445 Ай бұрын
​@@trash3042She is bi
@Femfemio 12 күн бұрын
About 90% bi women nowadays are truly just spicy straight. And statistically speaking even the real ones are about 80-90% likely to end up in heterosexual relationships/marriages. Funny enough this poster confirms the stereotype. You use women as toys before settling down with men.
@johnspence5689 4 ай бұрын
Sometimes I really hate being grouped into gen z.
@amysymiltongamequeen6292 4 ай бұрын
As gen Z (Born in 2002), I hate most of the kids from my generation. They're annoying and few are decent
@greatsageamane1984 4 ай бұрын
@greatsageamane1984 4 ай бұрын
​@@amysymiltongamequeen6292 Me too
@twinkletoes6290 4 ай бұрын
I can name you all honourary Gen X, if you’d like?!? I’m on the very tail end of Gen X, I’m the baby Gen X, lol! I made one of my beet friends an honourary Gen Xer, as she really doesn’t make sense as a Millenial and fits the mould of a Gen Xer way better!!
@greatsageamane1984 4 ай бұрын
@twinkletoes6290 yes please
@CdrDrew 4 ай бұрын
The big problem he's missing is his overuse of the word influence. He's insisting its A or B as an influence. Ideologies and religions can be influential. However, despite that, you can educate on both without influence.. Thats called education. The problem is focusing on influence instead of education. And not the education itself. There is respectful moderation for both sides.. and neither should be fully embraced (with exception of personal choice to do so), cause Influence is not the same as educating on many topics..
@katarinabrunk8698 4 ай бұрын
Very true. My dad talks about religion with me a lot but we're not religious, it's mostly conversational
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
Good point, in the end though it's relatively good vs evil. The devil exists, some are being Demonically influenced. Some are just going along, some are being mislead. We all have to be born again so it doesn't matter what you were are how you identified 😅 we're all sinners in need of a Savior, Christ 🤌🏽. The Bible says in the last days people will become lovers of self, I know y'all see it's happening 😮
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
@@jernisharichard5032 girl im a believe in christ and im gay. it aint a sin and we are born this way. im not evil or demonic bc of it. ik i will go to heaven bc ik God loves me. dont ever call me or someone else evil bc they are not 'normal' like u think u are. what happened to love everyone for who they are. baby believe me if i had the choice id choose to be straight without hesitating
@jernisharichard5032 2 ай бұрын
@@Kai1028-ol2gt Stop the lie, where in the Bible does it say this I'll wait ? Stop the deception adulterers, homosexuals, drunkards, thieves, ECT.. will inherit the kingdom of God. Sin is sin, that is why you must be born again. So continue being transformed by the RENEWING of your mind, because if you think that you are sadly mistaken. Repent and turn from sin Jesus says not continue in it.
@HyperionZero 4 ай бұрын
I think it’s more of about people being louder than they should be and letting people be what they want without feeling focused.
@A_Gonna_Gaming 2 ай бұрын
I respect the heck out of the work you’re doing. Clarifying all the misinformation
@sherrylovegood 4 ай бұрын
The misogyny of certain men is troubling.
@LuciidDreamz 4 ай бұрын
Tho the question was poorly constructed, I actually do agree that younger kids could 100% be influenced to be gay, bi, etc. While I do agree that most people’s sexuality is something they naturally come in to, kids can definitely be influenced to think they are gay just as much as they can be influenced into believing in god. I think you are vastly underestimating how impressionable children are and they will immolate the adult structure they see as they mature. That being said, I don’t think it’s as absolute as the guy is saying. Just look up how many children and teens that identify as gay that have gay parents. They are clearly being influenced by a certain lifestyle. Can’t just ignore that reality but it’s definitely not as cookie cutter as he’s making it seem.
@Ruprecttt 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely spot on. I'm a father of 2 and children are sponges. I don't know think you can actually make a child gay that isn't gay, but you can make them believe they are.
@meowmixaly937 4 ай бұрын
Yeah but he's not talking about children
@LuciidDreamz 4 ай бұрын
@@meowmixaly937 I mean grown people convinced themselves the earth was flat after being in school for 15+ years so I think you’re average person is much more impressionable than you think😂 But it’s def not as much as kids
@meowmixaly937 4 ай бұрын
@@LuciidDreamz Dude are you talking about a sexual orientation, you're comparing two totally different things. Tell me "How can I make you gay?" Ofc they can confuse labels but I can't make you like bananas I CAN'T no one can't.
@LuciidDreamz 4 ай бұрын
@@meowmixaly937 you can make someone believe something is a reality even if it isn’t one. Look at any cult in the 21st century. I’m not saying it happens to everyone but it’s 100% possible. You can be persuaded to believe you are something that you might not actually be even as an adult. It’s literally proven in modern psychology.
@liaml.e.5964 4 ай бұрын
I think their crisis of identity has led to them identifying as whatever label fits them to feel... special 🙄 Also: concerning the second... panel. That interviewer lacks a fundamental understanding of how the psyche works. One has character (obtained through learning and example) and one has temperament (inherited traits), both come into conjunction to form personality. If one could be "influenced" to become gay, I would have grown up straight simply by watching ALL the straight media that's everywhere! But I do grant him that there is a predatory quality to today's media that is swaying many people to IDENTIFY as LGBTwhatever because of a social contagion...
@livierae95 4 ай бұрын
I think you made some really valid points, but I also think two things can be true at the same time. Are there still tons of people in the closet? Clearly. Is Gen Z also being pressured into identifying as gay to feel validated and fit in? Absolutely. I have many friends who are younger than me as well as a bunch of sibling-in-laws who are younger than me, and, from my experience, lack of good fathers and good parenting is the true catslyst.
@OhDontMindMee 4 ай бұрын
Yup! This girl I know had no father figure for some time step out. She became part of the gay community. The father returned !!!! She went back to being straight and actually got a boyfriend! It’s been years now. She’s still straight. She was going through a lot since her dad was absent.
@alex-yf9zp 4 ай бұрын
@@OhDontMindMeethat never happened
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
Yes, and absolutely to the first comment. But it's also just our sinful desires, the nature in which we are flawed. Sin is what brought the world into it's fallen position. The battle is good vs evil. God vs the devil. Truth vs the lie. Being born again, by being transformed by the RENEWING of your mind vs loving the sin you do , conforming to the lie of the devil. We are in a spiritual battle, and it will destroy you if you're not able to see the truth. No one looks within anymore, no one takes accountability. Everything has to be something else or someone else's fault. The god of this world wants you to have Pride in your sin. Having private thoughts played out.
@LesserDemon-tq7cg 3 ай бұрын
It’s like how people identifying as left handed increased when people stopped demonizing it.
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
@@OhDontMindMee what if she was scared her father would be homophobic.... i dont think u can go back to being straight girl...
@christyavalos9201 4 ай бұрын
Oprah did a show many years ago on married men on the down low. It disgusted me, the betrayal of their poor wives and children.
@twinkletoes6290 4 ай бұрын
I remember that show!!
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
at the same time yes it is sad for the women and children, but them women and children should also try and accept their father. the father can still very much love the children and still be by his ex wifes side as support for the children
@asylnbola1445 Ай бұрын
​@@Kai1028-ol2gtbut how can they have a child if the man of this family is gay? Lol where is logic 😂to make a babies you should at least be a bisexual not gay
@Floopthepig46 Ай бұрын
Good on your bff for saying he’s not gonna be a home-wrecker. He’s a real one. Cheating and lying is wrong no matter what your sexuality is
@Jim87_36 4 ай бұрын
I was in high school when the "gay fad" was a thing in the early 00s when it was a bigger issue. There were SO many jocks who were "gay" to have an easier time to talk to the girls. It was seen as an "in" to get a chance to get more girls phone numbers and such. I didnt think much of it myself at the time.
@Kylesico912x 4 ай бұрын
Was this a thing? Definitely wasn't when I was in high school. Never struck me as the kind of guys who would need an easy in when it comes to girls. I do remember tropes of nerds pretending to be gay in media because it was trendy to have a gay guy friend though.
@alex-yf9zp 4 ай бұрын
Cool, but your anecdotal evidence doesn’t represent what the majority of kids went through back in the day. Most kids didn’t start coming out in high school until the late 2000s-early 2010s
@Jim87_36 4 ай бұрын
@@alex-yf9zp oh not at all. More as an example of an equivalence between then and now. “Gender identity” is the modern version and teachers as well as parents pushing this idea on their children actually makes it worse.
@Jim87_36 4 ай бұрын
@@Kylesico912x oooh yeah. Sure there were guys in school who had some of the stereotypical personality traits and genuine but I did see a lot of faking.
@xxxmelissatacionxxx 4 ай бұрын
True but there's a difference between a straight man "chatting sh*t" to women and men actually engaging sexually with other men and putting themselves down as gay on the census. I can guarantee you those men were still putting themselves down as straight on the polls lolol
@aaliyahbeeby 4 ай бұрын
I think more people are falling victim to their desires and feelings. Some people got bored of “regular” ole seggs and chase the sensation rather than genuine connection. Some were SA too young and liked the feeling without understanding it and sometimes trauma does warp your sexuality. Some have done everything they want and don’t know how to control every desire that comes to mind especially if the availability is constantly poking at you. Some despite a certain parent so much due to abuse or neglect and refuse to be intimate with that sex or the opposite and seek that void in sexuality.
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
Exactly..... it's also just plain old Sin, we all have it and do it it's just in one form or another. No one searchs fir God, they have to hear the word. Then they either look within and see they need a Savior which is Christ. Or they turn to the world and enjoy being in their darkness. Sin is just being promoted now, so why not try it everybody's doing it. Our youth are being misled to be promiscuous, perverted, and depraved. Tbe battle for our minds is outrageous. Goid vs evil, right vs wrong, snd God's spirit vs the devils. Which one do you go with, it depends on how much knowledge you are willing to learn. My people perish for lack of knowledge, through knowledge shall the JUST be delivered. No one wants accountability, Pride in sin is the new love. People don't want to answer to GOD, they love their darkness 😢. Teach and preach the Gospel our Loss souls need it.
@Frankenburger 4 ай бұрын
I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle - Children are very impressionable, and they will typically try to mold themselves to be accepted into various groups. Even if a kid/young adult isn't gay, I can honestly see them refusing to admit they aren't gay or bi because of the current climate around identity politics - that there could very well be a fear of being ostracized from their cliques and social network. We live in an era where, for many people, being LGBT is their whole identity, and that is equally damaging as being straight identifying LGBT.
@Frankenburger 4 ай бұрын
@@Liz-be1wq It also went from "Please don't label me" to "Please give me all of the labels"
@hopeintruth5119 4 ай бұрын
You live life in an extreme. Where this isn't happening and I'm pretty sure homophobia still is very prominent in many schools. Especially since I do have family within the school system and it's clear from teh waybthey speak that is not going on or not in the mass peopel reallybthink but tbh adults who haven't been in school for long don't even understand what goes on in school or the social fabric kids live in besides hyper extremes. Like scene in movies and media made by adults
@Frankenburger 4 ай бұрын
@@hopeintruth5119 What do you mean "this isn't happening"? Of course it is - kids and young adults absolutely try to fit social molds as to not be considered outcasts or be excluded from certain groups. That doesn't mean it's the majority of situations, but it's absolutely happening. And of course homophobia is still happening, as is racism, anti-semitism, and other forms of prejudice. The existence of prejudice doesn't mean young individuals can only swing one way on a given topic. If it wasn't happening out of fear of homophobia, then the number of people self identifying as LGBT wouldn't be doubling generation over generation, let alone the fact that one of the easiest way to get clout is being pro LGBT in social media.
@tarathoughts13 4 ай бұрын
Exactly - but I 100% disagree that being gay or queer is gonna make you ‘more popular’ it may give you a support system or a community to some extent, but knowing that many gay and queer kids are constantly bullied and harassed at school (there are literal studies about this) so even if a kid wants to be ‘gay’ bc they want to feel validated, coming from someone who is questioning, if I came out, yea sure I may get a bit of a community, but I wouldn’t by any means become popular. I would get bullied like hell. I think it’s just that nowadays since there is a more of a mainstream lgbt culture, and it’s more well known, more people might question theirs sexuality. But I ask you, what’s the problem with say a 13 year old questioning theirs sexuality then realising they’re not actually queer? If it gives people more space to explore themselves, it’s not that big a deal i feel.
@Frankenburger 4 ай бұрын
@@tarathoughts13 I never said anything about claiming to be LGBT to be popular. Though I will admit that claiming to be NB is a popular thing to do among the younger crowd. Also there's nothing wrong with exploring your sexuality. The problem is being told what to think and glorifying what is normally a characteristic and pretending it has to make up a person's entire identity.
@LunarAscending 22 күн бұрын
my ex husband was one of these men. it already wasn't a great relationship, my counselor (he used to see us as a couple) has used the word narcissist many times to describe him. getting ready to leave him and finding all the chats and different apps he used to, at minimum, sext anyone from women to trans women to traps was honestly a blessing. he's not the standard, but 100% this man used me and our marriage to get a free easy ride in life.
@user-qh6nf2ev9s Ай бұрын
Trust me, I have never really liked Patrick's style, I tried for many years gave him a chance from back when he had lower subs but the way he doesn't let people on his show express their opinions without him interrupting or interjecting is a major turn off for me.
@Enzo575 4 ай бұрын
Social Media is a major contribution to this analysis
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
Our sinful desires as well 😅. We are all in need of a Savior ❤️ Christ. And until people take accountability, by looking within trying to get right with GOD. They'll forever be demonically influenced. 😢. Lgbt, trans, whatever else they make uo are just ways that they're sinful desires appear, this lifestyle brings promiscuity, perversion, and confusion. Look at all the depravity that happens at the Parades, all intbe name of PRIDE. People avoid the facts, the truth, and the light. They don't want to be accountable anymore, it's do what you want, the biblical teachings show us this. The Bible says in the last days people will become lovers of self, you can't tell me this isn't happening 😢
@moon-pw1bi 2 ай бұрын
most influencers on social media are straight so therefore most of the influence would be straight, not gay
@zombies4evadude24 Ай бұрын
@@jernisharichard5032 Tell me you're a heartless Calvinist without telling me you're a heartless Calvinist.
@BluVR 4 ай бұрын
I would not say that the influence is happening with being gay or lesbian (because numbers of those people stays kinda low) but the problem is how the TQ+ abuses bisexuality what had gained a masive rise. From my personal experience I've seen that a lot of Gen Z people who identify as bi (or pan) are NOT attracted to opposite sex. So why they do it? My assumption is how the gender ideologs are trying to redefine what sexual orientation is. For example now if a guy is attracted to a girl who claims to be non-binary, they won't say to the guy "you are straight because you are attracted to the opposite sex" but they will say "you are bi because you are attracted to more than 1 gender (which is new definition for bisexuality) - girl and non-binary". Even tho this is not at all how sexual orientation works. And than there is ofc the fact how being LGBTQ+ is now a fashion trendy thing.
@BubblesChika 4 ай бұрын
You can just say gay or homosexual. Gay just means same-sex. It's not exclusive to men. Lesbian just means gay girl.
@Lilies240 4 ай бұрын
Honestly I can see how claiming to be bi seems to be the best/safest option. Bc then you get the perks of the trendy/quirky title while also having the flexibility of liking who you like. Then if someone tries to call your bluff for only dating one sex or someone not dating someone trans you at least have an excuse of “haven’t found the right person yet” or “they weren’t my type”. Not saying it’s the right thing to do, but I get it, especially if there’s peer pressure to “be different/unique”
@moon-pw1bi 2 ай бұрын
yes but the vast majority of the LGBT community are the LGBs and the TQ+s are literally just gay people anyway. still doesnt mean the number of gay people is inflated
@lindalochirco2921 4 ай бұрын
I tend to agree with PDB on this one. Because right now the LQ+ has become a religion for a lot of young people that don't know who they are yet so they just turn to that because they think they have all these friends. So on this I'm agreeing more with PBD than I am with Graham and that's okay. It's okay to disagree.
@TheYoungMontana 4 ай бұрын
Yup, it's also a tribalism/victimhood sort of thing. Many young straight white females who are left leaning do not identify as straight just because that's the "dominant group that is in power". And I believe "allies" is also a part of the alphabets.
@Dead_Again1313 4 ай бұрын
I agree with YOU. Its filling a void that young people are seeking.
@meowmixaly937 4 ай бұрын
@@TheYoungMontana Yeah, but sexuality is not a religion you can't make a gay, you can't make a straight, lesbian or bisexual you can't.
@meowmixaly937 4 ай бұрын
@@Dead_Again1313 The same guy in the interview contradicts himself...He asks to the boy next to him "How can I make you gay?" And he responded "You can't" then start to talk about social media I think Amir is right about the acceptance between us as humans and I think he's right about the children and the social media but most of that children who are saying they're gays at the end of the day they would realize that they aren't because you can't make a gay as you can't make a straight. You like bananas or you like papayas or you like both lol.
@lindalochirco2921 4 ай бұрын
@@meowmixaly937 no you can't but if you're confused about who you are you can sway their behavior.
@joyfulhomemaker8053 4 ай бұрын
Remember the episode of Friends when Phoebe’s secret husband (married for green card) came out as straight? He pretended most of his life to be gay to fit in w his theatre crowd lol
@hugoumero9723 4 ай бұрын
and that why i would not doing some thing for attentions
@andromedaunsure72 4 ай бұрын
Omggg that’s what I was thinking of too
@lordgeanon 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. I've been straight my whole life however my father, who has always been a little flamboyant, I was told he was bi a few years back, and I was like yeah makes since. He's been married to my mother for 20 years they've made arrangements and made it work. But the kind of shit like in the video where there's somebody going around saying people are being influenced to be gay NO I CALL BS because I guarantee you if every generation was honest that number would be pretty much the same across the board. Anyway, I love the content and keep up the good work.🤘
@kygaly 4 ай бұрын
My ex-husband is a closeted bisexual ---always been. Since he was military he REFUSED to admit it and yet would be turned on for "Femboys or Tomboys" as I watched the type of things he searched for. He admitted that two men rubbing their /stuff/ together was hot. Yet? He simply refused to admit he ever was bisexual. Nobody is turning anybody gay, people are not more gay, people are just more open to their sexuality and there is a rampant porn addiction problem that nobody wants to address.
@wescarter3494 4 ай бұрын
Porn addiction really is a scourge on the modern day internet
@TheSwauzz 4 ай бұрын
I think so many things are "hot" but I'm still straight. I can find myself turned on by literally everything on Pornhub (including super weird shit like furries and urine play for goodness sake), but again, still normal and straight. Being turned on by things of taboo is NORMAL for literally EVERYONE. It is literally a normal biological response to visual sexual stimuli and is not something we can control. It doesn't mean anything about our sexuality. I think people are seriously confused/ignorant.
@bcgaming4236 4 ай бұрын
Yeah I wonder if porn could influence your level of homosexuality
@twinkletoes6290 4 ай бұрын
@@wescarter3494it really is.
@broidkanymore-zc4lt 4 ай бұрын
u are still with him after he searches for that stuff?
@blizenby 4 ай бұрын
14:29 ok, this guy is trying to compare apples to oranges. Speaking as a Christian, bisexual woman- I chose my faith, and had it long before I figured out my sexuality. The fact of the matter is that religion and faith IS a choice. True gay, bisexual, legitimate transsexual people (those who experience gender dysphoria, or are medically intersex) DO NOT choose such a thing, it’s just who they are. Sure, plenty of people can pretend or choose actions to appear heterosexual or gender conforming, but it doesn’t erase that truth of who they’re attracted to or what mental or physical disabilities they’re dealing with. I certainly believe that there are also many confused folks who use sexual exploration or presentation as a replacement for mental therapy, but that is not to be confused with actual LGB and TI people.
@SenkkoAnon 4 ай бұрын
Jude 1:7 ~ Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. Romans 1:26-28 ~ For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. 2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
@chandleryoung9515 4 ай бұрын
I’m gonna be honest, in my experience I know I was not born BI and I’m not saying that’s everyone’s experience. But I do think environment and upbringing plays a lot bigger of a role in sexuality than people want to admit. I was sexually abused as a very young child by a woman, this most definitely contributed to me liking men and being afraid of women. I have always had more feminine facial features and from the time I was very young I was bullied and called gay in school by everyone. I grew up with ONLY girls, no males and I know that all of this played a role in why I ended up bi sexual. My environment was one without someone to teach me masculine roles, and that played a part in my development. I’m not saying this is EVERY gay/bi persons experience I but think when people put a blanket statement saying everybody is born that way it completely ignores tons of people like me that know that their environment played a role as to why they ended up attracted to one sex or both. I’ve met SO many gay/bi people that went through very similar experiences as me (being sexually abused) and feel it did contribute to them liking the same sex. I absolutely do think sexually CAN be influenced by upbringing and traumatic experiences like being sexually abused, though I’m not saying everyone has that experience. But there are people that invalidate people like me that do feel that our environment and upbringing contributed to our sexuality and it is something that needs to be looked into more, and this might not be everyone’s experience
@twinkletoes6290 4 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry you endured that. You were so young and innocent. I’m sending you love and well wishes in life! ♥️♥️
@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame 3 ай бұрын
I'm bisexual and I didn't even feel slightly attracted to other guys until the age of 12.
@AndreaWhy-ky3zj 2 ай бұрын
I feel Christians have been saying it is influenced by environment for years while being shouted down.
@BlitzKrieg-fc8up 3 ай бұрын
I had a Gen-X gay friend.. His "type" was Married Straight men... He always seemed to manage.. SO this viewpoint is spot on
@DramaQueenMalena 2 ай бұрын
I am almost 60 and queer. We weren't influenced, and it wasn't a trend. And I surely didn't choose to be non-binary and I tried everything to get rid of it incl. therapy and religion. LGB know a lot of closeted people. But so do I. Even 30 years ago there were a lot of people at our parties, dressed as the opposite sex. Men or women that had sexual relationships were the role was inversed. People that dressed up as the other sex when nobody was at home. I went shopping clothes for so many men. These are people nobody suspected. People I met at church, at work, neighbors. I once met the father of a girl that went to school with me (years later).
@acrawford8571 4 ай бұрын
I had a very religious coworker. She, within a two year time span had her married son who has 4 kids with a woman come out as gay. Then her married daughter gets pregnant by the pastor of the church. The same man teaching her from the pulpit that being gay is a sin screws her married daughter. Unfortunately she didnt get anythng from all that. She still attends the church. Her son faked his sexuality until he was nearly 40 because it would break his mother's heart. I'm going to take a wild guess which of her kids she thinks is "more wrong." Religion has many people lying on that poll.
@Damoclz 4 ай бұрын
I’m sorry but I don’t understand people calling gay a trend or people claiming that people are becoming gay because it’s “cool”. Why on earth would I decide to like a gender I don’t find attractive, Make it harder for me to have kids, and risk being shunned by my family just to get some “cool points”? You like what you like, no amount of trends will change that and I feel like the people that say gen z is being trendy are people that don’t understand just how hard it is to be gay in the first place. It’s definitely not sunshine and rainbows…
@tarathoughts13 4 ай бұрын
Exactly, I mean, I can’t understand maybe if the conversation is ‘I want to find a community so they come out as gay’ but still, being gay, even questioning youself, is NOT easy. Even kids who have supporting family members still face difficulty coming out bc figuring yourself out is hard. And even if it is more mainstream or ‘rebellious’ trust me, no kid will want to experience the fear of almost getting disowned, or being called the f slur, or being made fun of 24/7, or being treated like a disease or a ‘sin’ by religious family members ‘for fun’.
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
Because of peer inclusion, Love, lust, sin, hell 😅 there might be more just like there's twenty more. We need a Savior, Christ is that. Our youth are crying out for help, the ONLY person that came to save us, died for our Salvation. Our minds are blinded by the god of this world 🌎 the devil 👿. Be transformed by the RENEWING of your mind. ❤ Turn to Jesus receive the Crown of everlasting life 💖🙏🏽
@Damoclz 4 ай бұрын
@@jernisharichard5032 those beliefs are exactly why we suffer enough as it is. I’m good thanks
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
@@jernisharichard5032 bby 9 times out of 10 its gay people pretending to be straight bc they feel they will get bullied
@noah1502 4 ай бұрын
because most are lying about it. thats the simple answer
@Cherri_Cola 4 ай бұрын
@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame 3 ай бұрын
I'm 14 and most kids at my school act gay as a joke, I knew these 2 guys who acted like they were into each other as a joke even though they were straight and have girlfriends.
@Gwenpoolthegoat 3 ай бұрын
​@@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame nearly all the boys at my school who sit on eachother laps even though they have girlfriends
@moon-pw1bi 2 ай бұрын
more people are lying about being straight than being gay
@nasalmucus6569 2 ай бұрын
fr bro that's why i don't approach women who label themselves as "wlw"
@serpentinious7745 4 ай бұрын
It's one thing to acknowledge an unmeasurable data point (closeted gays) as a confounding factor. It's another to assert that that factor accounts for the entire observed change so that you can ignore the findings. It's absurd to assert that an increase this big and this fast is just due to natural gays coming out of the closet. Plus, there IS a way to measure this. Survey older gays and ask if they were ever "in the closet" and when they came out. Graph the results and you'll have a decent idea of what percentage of gays were hiding it in past decades and how that percentage has changed.
@twinkletoes6290 4 ай бұрын
@ernesthamm1813 4 ай бұрын
"Why is Gen z so gay" As someone from Gen x, I've asked myself this same question, although it's got nothing to do with who they are sleeping with. 😂
@BloodSweatandFears 4 ай бұрын
That pendulum is swinging, we can thank the tq+ for that. 🙄
@twinkletoes6290 4 ай бұрын
The pendulum is starting to swing. This pendulum swing is going to be a very big one, you can tell that already from the swing that’s already started to happen and when you factor in a lot of the aspects that will be affecting and causing that swing. I honestly think a whole hell of a lot of ppl aren’t prepared for just how big of a swing it’s going to really be. One must only look back in history to see previous pendulum swings that were really big ones where it drastically changed everything and what was going on at that time, factors that caused the pendulum to swing as hard as it did, what was going on in society & the world, etc, and you can very easily see the resemblance and similarities in things now to be able to recognize this time the pendulum is going to swing, it’s REALLY going to swing!! You can see it coming from 10,000 miles away at this point!! The younger generations have no idea, aren’t prepared and are going to have their worlds rocked bc for some reason, the younger generations are unaware the pendulum swings in the way it does and just what that means, how much life, society & the world around changes as a result of that swing. They either don’t know and realise the pendulum always swings, they do know - but are deciding to actively & intentionally ignore it or pretend it’s not going to happen and is, in fact, already starting! Or, they’re obtuse & ignorant enough to somehow think that from here on out, the pendulum will never swing again and things will just keep carrying on in the direction they want them to and how they have been the last however many years! Thinking something that has continually and repeatedly happened throughout all of history, all across the globe, will somehow suddenly cease to exist and will no longer operate that way anymore, just bc they want it to be that way and that’s what they believe. As a result, they really have zero idea what’s about to happen and just how much things are going to change! If they actually paid attention, were at least slightly observant and didn’t have their heads either stuck in the sand or stuck so far up their own arses, they’d see that the pendulum has already started to swing & that things have already started to change. If they actually took a step back to where they could really observe things and do some critical thinking, they’d be able to see & recognize the momentum that’s starting to gather and will only grow bigger and stronger from here on out, think of the various aspects that will be major factors in the pendulum swinging - just how it swings, how hard, fast & far it is going to swing (which doesn’t require super heavy or deep critical thinking, as a lot of these aspects that will factor in to the pendulum swinging are blatantly and glaringly obvious!!), changes as a result of the pendulum already starting to swing that we’re seeing across the world - esp in fellow developed western countries that are very similar to the US (or to the country they’re living in), etc. If they actually did that, they, too, would see what’s coming from 10,000 miles away and have a pretty good idea of what to expect and then wouldn’t be so shocked and surprised when that actually happens!! The fact they’re not capable or willing to do that, is just yet another symptom of the younger generations not being taught how to critically think, having to learn about, accept & respect things they don’t like, agree w, aren’t the same stance & ideology as they have! They’re also clearly not being taught actual history and being taught about history correctly!! If they were, they would know all about the pendulum swinging and would have had many lessons & deep discussions about all the times the pendulum has swung throughout history, what brought on that swing, what aspects played a factor in the swing, how it swung, how hard, fast & severely it swung or not, all the changes brought on by that pendulum swing, etc, etc! Instead, they were only taught the current narrative, agenda & ideology……….everything & anything being confirmation bias!! 😑
@BloodSweatandFears 4 ай бұрын
@@twinkletoes6290 KZbin comments have no business being this long 😂 😂 (I’m kidding) but you’re absolutely right. It’s a very interesting subject in terms of anthropology also.
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
trans people are the reason the lgb have rights and are able to exist xoxo so lets not ridicule them
@cynthiainezgonz6906 4 ай бұрын
I'm a old Conservative Christian White American and my oldest daughter is gay and I've had a real trans friend for over 25 years. I live my life how I chose why would I judge anyone else for doing the same? Christians we love you no matter who you love! But all of this new noise is just hurting that community! Trans activists organizations recieved a very large chunk of that $90 Million dollars that was donated to BLM. There are perfectly straight people taking hormones to look both male and female or as in between as they can get. All just to say that they are quiet or trans! This is just making people really not care for that whole community!
@livingfortheplot 4 ай бұрын
Also, there are men transitioning to be women to be loved or get laid. (I think they are called Transmaxers) Amala Epenobi just did a video about them. So you have to admit some people can “become” gay. Bc that’s exactly what their play book is telling them to do.
@narwhalocean791 4 ай бұрын
transmaxxers are not even talked about in lgbt communities, its mostly a thing in fringe 4chan and incel communities. they were told to be trans by fellow incels, not the trans community
@broidkanymore-zc4lt 4 ай бұрын
transitioning into another s4x? thats impossible
@livingfortheplot 4 ай бұрын
@@broidkanymore-zc4lt I mean, yes, technically you are correct but that is what they are being told by the trans maxer community
@SuperCosmicMutantSquid 3 ай бұрын
There is one very 'famous' internet person that sadly fits that bill.
@therealajnelson 4 ай бұрын
Experimenting with sexuality or wanting to be part of the crowd aren't true indicators of innate sexual preference. Everyone can't be in the closet bro. Being curious isn't being in the closet.
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
Right, but we need to know all love isn't good or love at alm it's ❤️‍🔥 lust. Do to our sin. We need to be transformed by the RENEWING of our MINDS. If we can look within that's the first step, i oray for those who are bewitched, and blinded by the god of this world, the devil 👿. Our hearts are wicked, we need to seek deliverance, through knowledge shall the JUST be delivered. The pastors and some churches are ran by lost people who want to get rich off of people's pain. Sound doctrine is needed, and reading the word ourselves 😢. Our defense is to protect the sin because we think that's who we are. No It's what we choose, we all have a choice to either turn to Jesus and live right, or tuen to the god of this world and take pride in all the things we do whenever indulging in this sin. There's promiscuity, perversion, depravity, and confusion. I wish we could have this much commitment In Christ using the word to get better.
@iseayou6790 3 ай бұрын
"Pick me, love me, choose me"
@jessicapulver6246 4 ай бұрын
I find him saying “you have to pick one or the other to show your kids” bc my friend was adopted by lesbians and raised Christian/ Catholic. She is still very religious AND very accepting. I don’t think it’s ever a one size fits all.
@johnnoreau3570 4 ай бұрын
So it’s okay for the queers to argue “do you want a dead kid or a trans one?” It’s literally the same argument.
@twinkletoes6290 4 ай бұрын
Was she Catholic or not?
@jessicapulver6246 4 ай бұрын
@@twinkletoes6290 she’s Catholic
@jessicapulver6246 2 ай бұрын
@@twinkletoes6290 raised Christian converted to Catholicism
@greatsageamane1984 4 ай бұрын
/Personal story sharing time/ I'm part of Gen Z. I am aroace but I am not lgbt. I was brainwashed by people I thought I could trust, and they influenced me to think I was a gay nonbinary person. That is automatically against my religion and, of course, rightfully so, I was terrified that I was identifying this way against my own personal/religious beliefs because it can put my life at risk. Years later, in early 2022, I removed myself from these people and accepted the truth about myself. The truth saved me. People would tell me that because I hate being a woman and wish I had a male character's voice sometimes and want a flat chest makes me trans. I'm not trans at all. Me wanting a flat chest is a personal thing I've always had since I started puberty very early. And let me tell you, starting puberty earlier than normal can mess you up, and it did for me. The male voice thing is just because I like the way the voice sounds, and I hate my own voice, especially when it makes me sound girly or younger than what I actually am. I have a very androgynous sounding voice, so I can sound male at times. I just don't like sounding girly or super young when my voice goes higher. I don't hate being a woman because I'm trans or want to be a man. It's a common thing with women and men for a multitude of reasons, and they are not trans(unless they identify as trans). I hate being a woman due to the unjust stuff that has happened in the past couple of years, especially the past 2-3 years, and some incredibly personal issues I have with myself being born female. I still identify as a woman, only if I'm comfortable in that moment. Not wanting a gender doesn't make me nonbinary either. This other person I thought I could trust, who had the most impact on my self esteem and emotional well-being and I still struggle with it to this day, brainwashed and manipulated me into thinking that I was gay and that it was okay for me to be gay, despite me telling them everything about my religion and myself as a person. They claimed to respect me, my boundaries, and my religion, but they didn't, and I found out they allowed people to spread lies about me and my people behind my back all the while saying "You're gay". Not getting further into details, but to keep it short, they controlled and infantilized me, and made extremely sexual comments about my body and voice during those years of our "friendship"(there's a lot more and this comment is pretty long, so I'm not including those details here). I didn't "pray the gay away", at that point, the lowest point, I was already realizing what was going on and left. It was destroying me mentally and emotionally to the point of becoming physically sick, and I was already affected by a disability that made me feel sick all the time, so that was awful. They made me think I was attracted to women just because they looked beautiful or cute or attractive in the way I found them attractive (not in a romantic or sexual way). I find male characters with cool designs aesthetically attractive, but I'm not straight or attracted to them in a sexual/romantic way. The same goes for female characters, which doesn't make me a lesbian or bisexual, and the same for androgynous characters. I have witnessed other people in my generation and my age become influenced by all kinds of people. I say all of this to say, I think part of the reason why my generation is the "gayest generation", has to due with influence and even manipulation from peers and adults we are supposed to look up to and count on, and they make us think and believe what they do almost like a disease or hive-mind thing knowing full well that we don't and make us think it is okay to identify as whatever despite us barely starting puberty(unless you had it early, but still), and disregard our morals and boundaries as the people we are. In no means am I throwing hate at anyone, and no one has to agree with me on anything. I love listening to other people's perspectives, and I respect that. I know not every LGBT person is like the people I mentioned. I am drawing attention to the members who are in relation to this topic. Remember, everyone has different beliefs and experiences, and I wanted to share my thoughts and experience here today. I apologize for any grammatical errors, I have very bad eyesight and can't see every mistake, I'm so sorry. I hope you have a wonderful day, everyone!
@twinkletoes6290 4 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry you went through and endured that. Sending you love and well wishes! ♥️♥️
@greatsageamane1984 4 ай бұрын
@twinkletoes6290 Thanks, I appreciate it. Seeing others tell their stories helped me find the courage to tell mine. Honestly, it's scary opening up about this stuff since it's such a vulnerable moment and a lot of the internet sucks, but it is nice knowing there are still some people around who care enough to listen.
@Caioknight 4 ай бұрын
So, which religion are you part of anyway?
@greatsageamane1984 4 ай бұрын
@@Caioknight Islam
@parading_panda1210 4 ай бұрын
Gen Z is so gay, because we all know Z comes last and they need to feel valid at all costs.
@aristobrat4987 4 ай бұрын
are you actually this stupid
@DeToxik 4 ай бұрын
Only if thinking about the Latin based alphabet. Z (zeta) is the 6th letter in Greek Alphabet. 7th, if including Digamma Ϝ ϝ, now Stigma Ϛ ϛ in 6th place, for numerology reasons, as the Greek Alphabet (and Hebrew) used the letters with a numerical value in place well before the Decimal system was introduced from the Arabic, for maths. Now we're in Gen Alpha (← Greek A)
@twinkletoes6290 4 ай бұрын
This comment made me laugh so bloody hard!! 🤣
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
gay people are minority. if u think most of gen z are gay then ur so dumb. im a gen z and its very evident gay is a minority from my school alone and how others my age are like
@adorimonroe1 Ай бұрын
I’m not okay with the friend playing around with married men even when the wife is around.
@Jinxx9081 4 ай бұрын
I think there are some people who pretend to be gay, but I think it’s pointless to talk about it because there’s really no way to know so it doesn’t really matter.
@linkonabe220 4 ай бұрын
The issue with this is you’re coming from the perspective of being legitimately g@y vs kids and adults jumping on it for a trend. Which happens so frequently. Which is why the charts so high. It’s not that difficult at all to convince people to be g*y, try it out or wear the mask if someone who is. This is why it’s being compared to other influences and such. People are concerned and it’s disregarding that influence because you’re not of the straight mindset. If kids and adults are easily sold in to discarding their body parts, what exactly makes you think it can’t happen to someone’s orientation?
@TheSwauzz 4 ай бұрын
Well said. I was frustrated watching this video because he missed the whole point with his extreme bias.
@moon-pw1bi 4 ай бұрын
no, what he is saying is far more gay people are pretending to be straight than the other way around. that is true for every generation, although it occurs more in older ones. "If kids and adults are easily sold in to discarding their body parts, what exactly makes you think it can’t happen to someone’s orientation?" because sexual orientation is real and gender identity isnt. you can manipulate someone into believing they should be a different gender, but you cant change who someone is attracted to.
@gachamansama3703 4 ай бұрын
​@@TheSwauzz do you have no biases against gays?
@gachamansama3703 4 ай бұрын
It's weird how we've been listening to the straight mindset for thousands of years but now a difference of opinion and perspective is all of a sudden bad.
@moon-pw1bi 4 ай бұрын
the biggest and most continuous trend is heteronormativity
@Omegateck16 4 ай бұрын
I don't necessarily agree fully with you Amir. Sure there is more nuisance to this generation being more lgbt, but I don't think there are these mass amount of people that are in the closet to influence the percent to being 22%. Influence is definitely a big factor and its also the "cool" thing to do now is become lgbt. I also dont agree fully with the dude on the first video either. Social has definitely increased it as well, but we should definitely strive for a balance of loving god and saying the pledge of allegiance, with a health course for all students in high school or middle school.
@hopeintruth5119 4 ай бұрын
It's literally not influenced. 2000s were not a beacon of lgbtq besides maybe 2003 where it was legal. I don't expect generations that lived through the 2000s and before hand to have a massive gay population when there was massive stigma and legal battles occurring. Like people think. Do you really think older generation who lived through anti Sodomy laws, discriminatory laws amd business practices that made being gay and owning a house, having a job, and even marriage hard would be coming out. Like you guys really think generations that lived before the before the 2010s when we had a heavy or still conservative culture that fought tooth and nail to slow down lgbtq progress would have a large lgbtq coming out. I have met more gay men over 27 that re married and cheat on their wives still to this day than guys under the age of 27. Like it is mind blowing how people forget how gays were treated as if history of lgbtq folks were never taught or given a heavy hand
@NekoKurui-Chan 4 ай бұрын
​@@hopeintruth5119 There is no way in hell that 22% of the population is gay, bisexual, trans, whatever. Sure, I'll take 10% of the population being LGBT, but even then, I'd say that's stretching it a little.
@Omegateck16 4 ай бұрын
@@hopeintruth5119 That doesnt mean it goes from 3%-nearly 25%.. Thats an absurd jump..you cant tell me 20% increase is from people in the closet and not moslty from some sort of influence.
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
IT is the promotion of this sin, and the Pride they have in it. The Bible says they give hardy approval to people around them. They didn't acknowledge God so he gave them iver to their unnatural desires. The young ate easily manipulated, and are being misled by the new fad. Kid's are impressionable. Our battle is spiritual it's a battle for our minds. The god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers 😢. So when you show them the truth they get offended, label you homophobic, get mad you're trying to show them that sin leads to destruction, and that's why so much bad is happening in their lives. They think if we accept and approve them those feelings of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and confusion will go away it won't. You have this from the sin that makes you feel this way. God wants none to perish. If we don't look within and try to be born again our minds will never be set free, we're just a slave to it. 😢 Turn to the word of God, and don't let anyone teach you, this is why so many are lost, no sound doctrine. Read the Bible for yourself, match what they say to it. .. be transformed by the RENEWING of your MIND.
@_tripalong 3 ай бұрын
It's either pushing prayers and the pledge of allegiance in schools, or religious freedom. We can't have both. If I had kids, I wouldn't raise them religious, for many reasons, and I'd appreciate if the schools respected that. Schools are not the place for religion at all.
@nartnugget 4 ай бұрын
I'm with you all the way, but also I think part of it is widening of the definition of LGBT. (Ie. Non binary). I also think social media is convincing kids to believe they're something they're not.
@maryamseraj8663 4 ай бұрын
Im a 19 year old girl who’s hovering somewhere between bisexual and lesbian (I don’t know and I don’t really care), and yes some of us are real lgbt. I’ve been in a homosexual relationship, love being intimate with other girls and in fact there were times I wish I wasn’t this way and just wanted to be normal, the opposite of wanting to be a “victim” or seek attention. It’s not even something I consider disclosing to people unless they ask me directly. However I know several gay or bisexual people who just dated heterosexually and it was obvious they are not actually gay. So yeah a lot of teens and young adults hide behind this label, whether they realise it or not. But I’m just saying there are some of us who are actually lgbt and don’t want attention at all, rather just love who we want in peace. Add to that my dad is a muslim and it was incredibly hard to tell him I was into other women, as I said wish I could change myself but I guess some of us are actually born this way.
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
Freewill, but don't act like it's not sin, it's lust at best. You said exactly what i was going to talk about all the promiscuity, perversion, and debauchery that goes on. You said it to they give hardy approval for others to do it, and when you call it out, now you mad, or you feel like defending yourself. The battle is spiritual and is for your mind. The devil has blinded the hearts of unbelievers. We have to choose what side we're in.
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
God is love. His word is not going to hurt us, it's there to guide and change us from our evil ways. 😢
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
@@jernisharichard5032 girl bye can u leave already..... loving the same sex is not promiscuous HELPPP or pervy
@jernisharichard5032 2 ай бұрын
@@Kai1028-ol2gt so you say, stop the lie, that' is all it's about.
@LizzardKing3636 Ай бұрын
I love your content, so refreshing to hear a person that is down to earth and isn’t dictated by the extreme rhetoric from either side. The media is so divisive today, sometimes I forget there’re other people like this out there.
@urbansetter1 4 ай бұрын
I dont believe 21 percent of gen z is gay but i think 1000s have a lack of self and traumA
@theanimeunderworld8338 4 ай бұрын
the worst part are the tiktok parents who try to make babies gay for woke points
@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame 4 ай бұрын
Wokeness is being alert to social injustice (basically helping the poor and disadvantaged) raising a child to be 🏳️‍🌈 is just… i-i-its just… words cannot even begin to describe… what?
@ms.wilson6439 Ай бұрын
Which is disgusting and disappointing.
@theanimeunderworld8338 Ай бұрын
@@ms.wilson6439 yeah I remember a twitch stream when the person said "Oh if that baby is a boy, we're turning him gay"
@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame Ай бұрын
@@theanimeunderworld8338 no they don't
@gurahl616 4 ай бұрын
All I am going to say is one of my best friends who is flamboyantly gay and was my roommate in Portland Oregon for 6 years I saw the gauntlet of what religious, conservative pro jesus, gay bashing dudes that are in the closet would say, and do. It was bonkers to see the levels of it. We always laughed cause I am straight, and the experience on dating apps for me is a different world. It was truly sad how many were just dug in with religion and self guilt, and eye opening as fuck to how many have 0 idea how big of an issue it really is. Just shows that more people just need to accept who they are, and realize that's okay.
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
its so sad to see how many down low and closeted people there still is even tho the world is becoming better with it. people need to realise it is normal and who they are
@Footwater Ай бұрын
It’s the same with millennials and being depressed being a trend. All the self hate jokes and the whole “you wouldn’t understand 😔”
@deejackster 4 ай бұрын
Brother Amir back with another banger! Appreciate the insight. Happy every time I see youtubers with sense and fair on these topics
@JumpCutThis 4 ай бұрын
Some discussion topics for you!! 1) sexuality is not an identity 2) escaping abusive relationships and how to recognize it 3) building better peer groups 4) self care and respecting self 5) stereotypes are real but not everyone fits into the mold 6)recognizing the little voice in your head and listening to it That’s all I have for now.
@amirxodom 4 ай бұрын
Thank you!!
@hopeintruth5119 4 ай бұрын
Sexuality is an identity. I'm sorry we don't get to choose what is and what is not an identity. I find that the weirdest take. Sexual identity is culturally recognized everywhere
@JumpCutThis 4 ай бұрын
@@hopeintruth5119 no- who you see as a mate is not an identity. Being a parent, a volunteer, an activist, a doctor, a content creator, those are identities. Nobody but you cares what your sexuality or gender is.
@alex-yf9zp 4 ай бұрын
@@JumpCutThisexcept, people from religious countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran DO care about your sexuality and it is a problem. I’m sorry that you live in your first world country bubble and think homophobia isn’t real anymore. Now I remember why I left the libertarian party lol
@alex-yf9zp 4 ай бұрын
@@JumpCutThisthis guy probably comes from a country filled with suicide bombers, for fuck sake his name’s Amir. Since when are Muslims not homophobic?
@sophiasawyer7475 4 ай бұрын
Like, I def agree with 99% of this vid BUT I GUARANTEE that if the poll question was changed from identifying as “LGBTQ+” to just identifying as “LG” it would look a LOT different. I would be willing to bet that at least 10% of the Gen Z claiming to be “LGBTQ” are just trans-trenders. No doubt a LOT of older people are still in the closet about their sexuality but WAY MORE kids these days are “coming out” as some form of trans/non-binary. Def a big missing piece to the puzzle.
@moon-pw1bi 2 ай бұрын
bisexuals dont count???
@Skarb10 4 ай бұрын
It doesn't help that nonbinary and transsexuality are now considered the same thing, a fad and a medical condition are now identical (by LGBT+ views). It also doesn't help that you no longer need a clinical diagnosis to be considered trans anymore, the majority are all self-identified. Anyone can label themselves trans now, we need medical gatekeeping.
@greatsageamane1984 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, it's crazy
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
We need more standing against this confusion. Standing on the word of God. ❤
@MeMe-zq7qd 4 ай бұрын
I think there are multiple factors at work making Gen Z “more gay” 1. The obvious.. there have always been a certain percentage of people that were born gay but years ago it wasn’t socially acceptable to be gay so most people who were born homosexual never “came out of the closet” so to speak. So some of the increase isn’t actually an increase. 2. There’s social conditioning. Not only is it socially acceptable to be a gay now, it’s actually glorified and considered “cool” or rebellious. So some people that weren’t born gay may have been socially conditioned to be gay or falsely report they’re gay to fit in. 3. I have a theory that hormone disrupters maybe contributing. Hormones play a role in sex drive and most Gen z ers have been heavily exposed to hormone disrupters from in utero. They’re finding that men these days have much lower levels of testosterone compared to men years ago so it makes me wonder if that could be part of it..
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
No one is born gay, it's influence, environment, and/or trauma. We have a choice to do it or not. We can follow God, looking within, taking accountability that we are sinful creatures in need of a savior, or be influenced ny the devil. I pray the veil is lifted from people's eyes, until then i will help them see the light, by being the light, because he first loved US 😢
@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame 3 ай бұрын
​@@jernisharichard5032no, people are born gay it's just the environment evokes those genetics.
@jernisharichard5032 3 ай бұрын
@@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame No, God made everyone to be what he made man or woman, and to be with the opposite, it's the environment, our sin, the sinful desires, SA, ECT... You have a choice not to do it, even I tried some of those acts, you can do whatever and maybe like it, the question is, is it right, does this lead to this, or that; like our destruction.
@Lord-of-the-frenzied-flame 3 ай бұрын
@@jernisharichard5032 not all gays lead a promiscuous lifestyle. I'm bisexual and I'm not just looking for money or s*x, I just want to find the right guy or girl for me.
@Kai1028-ol2gt 2 ай бұрын
@@jernisharichard5032 yes they are honey. the genetics get turned on once u grow up bby. its natural and it aint leacing
@mattgonzales774 3 ай бұрын
honestly i kinda think everyone is at least a just a lil tiny bit gay 🤷‍♀️
@scarlett8782 4 ай бұрын
as a lesbian myself, I agree that anyone straight cannot be converted to gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and vice versa, and that there's really no benefit that isn't outweighed by negatives to a rational, mature person when it comes to pretending to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual. however, I think (and you probably agree Amir) that the TQ+ side of the community is very trendy, and that Gen Z is using these TQ+ identities as a form of beneficial social currency on social media, since socials tend to skew very liberal in general. since many in Gen Z often live 70% of their lives on the internet anyway, even more so than some millennials, this social currency is very valuable - when you live on the internet, the benefits of adopting a random TQ+ identity are much greater than the negatives that one might face in real life, since most people coming out as TQ+ aren't really mature about life in the first place, and since most average people will probably see a TQ+ as just a weird type of straight in real life anyway. I mean, honestly most of the Q+ people are actually straight - there's no doubt about that. so there's really no downside to "coming out" as TQ+, especially the Q+ part. people that are actually trans are a different story - that life can be a real struggle, and I'm not at all naive to that truth about living as a truly transgender person, but there are also a lot of people claiming the trans identity that aren't even close to being transgender, so that's really more what I'm referring to in this instance. there's nothing better for getting views, going viral, and "coming up" on social media than "coming out" as trans, non-binary, pansexual, queer, ect. mental illness identity adoption is also another popular form of social currency on social media - ADHD/ADD, DID (formerly known as multiple personality disorder), Tourette's syndrome/having tics, or any form of "neurodivergence" is seen as trendy and beneficial to a person's social media presence. these fake TQ+ and mental illness identities give younger people with nothing to lose in real life (career, professional image, serious partnerships) many benefits, including: 1. a sense of community where they before had nothing of the sort 2. instantaneous friends on the internet who pop up out of no where the moment you declare such an identity 3. random strangers (mostly straight liberal white women) who will defend you to the ends of the earth no matter how f-cked up you act, so you get qualified immunity on the internet regardless of your behavior toward others 4. a voice to speak on matters that you really know little about and shouldn't be speaking on, but your pretend identity instantly qualifies you to "have a voice" on these topics so that no one can shout you down because you're given immediate authority to speak without fear of social repercussions due to your fake identity 5. a license to openly hate straights, whites, religious people, and anyone else deemed "inferior" by the liberals which makes a person feel powerful, even though these fake TQ+ identity people are, in reality, mostly straight white religious raised people themselves 6. a massive celebration where even total strangers are following you, liking and favoriting your posts, and blowing smoke up your ass just for existing the moment you "come out" which can feel very validating and exhilarating to a young socially awkward person 7. a feeling of security and social superiority to others on the internet to the point of feeling very safe, defended, protected, and welcome almost everywhere you go online 8. a sense of purpose and direction in life due to the militant nature of TQ+ ideology, and a feeling of knowing "special secret information" about life (gender ideology/liberal politics) that "normies" don't understand; i.e. a feeling of fake enlightenment and false intellectual superiority. these are where the cult claims about TQ+ ideology come from, rightfully so. there are many social benefits to declaring a TQ+ identity, especially on the internet, and many reasons to fake a TQ+ identity, which for the youngest in society with the least to lose in real life, can be very attractive, especially when a TQ+ identity is basically just another version of being straight anyway, as far as anyone in real life is concerned. if the chart that you showed includes the TQ+ side of LGBTQ+ I think it's very possible that those numbers are inflated, in part, due to the closeted issue that you mentioned (which I have also discussed with other gay friends IRL many times), but also in part due to the social benefits to declaring a TQ+ identity to the youngest in society, especially since the downsides to declaring a TQ+ identity on the internet/around friends are basically non-existent because the youngest people in society have the least to lose by parading a fake TQ+ identity around on the internet.
@jernisharichard5032 4 ай бұрын
It's sin, and people being demonically influenced by the devil. No one wants to be told anything, it's me, me, me mentality. The battle of the mind is real, and God is trying to show us the way, through knowledge shall the JUST be delivered, My people perish for lack of knowledge 😢. The world teaches PRIDE in sin, do whatever you feel, love is love. This lifestyle has more promiscuity, perversion, and confusion than anything else. 😢 No one can talk about because fear of offending. The truth will prevail. The Bible says in the last days people will become lovers of self, this is more prevalent than in any other time in history. Sadly our youth are being mislead, manipulated, and cohearced into trying all these unnatural devices. The devil has blinded the minds of unbelievers, and we have to be the lighy in these dark times. I will not be ashamed of the word of God 😭 it's what pulled my soul out of destruction. God is love, he sent his only begotten son to die for our sins even though we didn't even know him, or wanted to know him. ❤
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