Why Genji is the worst hero in Overwatch 2

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🔴Discord: Greed#8173
🔴Twitter: _TheGoodVibes_
🔴Main steam: steamcommunity.com/id/emOnKZbin
Feel free to contact me on Discord with any questions at all, aim related or not.

Пікірлер: 183
@nightshade3115 Жыл бұрын
the problem with Genji (at least for me) is that while yes, i could play Genji and do okay, i could also just play sojourn and get twice the result for half the effort.
@brotherjin2747 Жыл бұрын
skill issue
@thundergod7344 Жыл бұрын
@@SpiritedFalconjust plat tracer
@RayZ-Sama- Жыл бұрын
Genji really is an experience to play, the goal by playing Genji is to have the mental to still playing good with a really skilled but very bad hero. This hero is way to prove to people how good you are mechanically
@officialregirock4021 6 ай бұрын
comparing genji to soujourn is like comparing season 2 hog to season 1 wreckingball
@hadowreid9033 Жыл бұрын
It’s honestly such a huge slap in the face to the take time and effort to learn the technicalities of Genji, only to be countered by characters that take little to no effort to play.
@arbalest327 Жыл бұрын
Literally me against mei in a fucking nutshell
@hungry_khid1007 Жыл бұрын
me looking at moira
@nuketnz7801 Жыл бұрын
"He's balanced you just suck" -Widow main hard stuck plat
@ReverieSamedi Жыл бұрын
-Sojourn/Cassidy being pocketed by a Mercy*
@arbalest327 Жыл бұрын
Widow main lmao, what a "fun" and "totally" not overpowered character, am I right guys? 😄
@Sillyboi05 8 ай бұрын
Of course! Dealing 300 damage with 0 cd across the map is very balanced.
@rizengansenpai8433 Жыл бұрын
The devs just love Cass and hate Genji. They don't want genji to be good, and nerf him every time he starts to see play. Meanwhile Cass can be meta for a full season, and actually receive another BUFF instead. It's just sad.
@hunt3r_OW Жыл бұрын
They’ve always had a huge hitscan bias. So fucking boring
@RolagLondevert2563 Жыл бұрын
ikr! that buff didn't even make any sense.
@user-ke9eb9zf5z Жыл бұрын
Here after the new Cass buff 😔
@thundergod7344 Жыл бұрын
100h on genji I am plat 3 and I am realising if I put that time into any other hero I would literally be in high masters
@GeosNotHere Жыл бұрын
and yet no matter how much people point out how bad genji is, we will probably never see him reverted because of support player cope
@thundergod7344 Жыл бұрын
All supports are overtuned literally importable to kill as genji
@arbalest327 Жыл бұрын
​@@thundergod7344every support now can pretty much 1v1 genji and have a decent chance except mercy, literally everyone. But that doesn't even matter as they are probably pocketing a busted AF hitscan who is instantly going to deck your shit as soon as you dive. Or worse no aim, no brain, must be carried mei player just holds W and left click like always to delete any form of dive or push. It's insane how busted mei is to counter about half the roster.
@minionedifier7776 Жыл бұрын
They think that just bc ppl play genji means he's good
@fabiocapitulino1930 Жыл бұрын
I main this character because in my opinion it's the most fun. I like his play style more than all the other characters and I like the challenge of playing a super hard hero and getting rewarded for that. Plus he is cool af. But honestly, for any normal human being who cares about their sanity, it's just not worth it. He is dogshit.
@insultlk 9 ай бұрын
Same. I totally agree; genji is objectively bad, but he's just so fun and cool to play that I still use him anyway
@ramonsmith3706 Жыл бұрын
It's really sad that blizzard haven't done anything. I'm a genji main in plat nearly diamond and I've littrely had to put in an insane amount of effort to climb from bronze. It's ridiculous how much effort and concentration it takes to judt do decent as genji where as just play almost any other dps and you'll get more value. Even when the enemy team has a genji, your never worried. It's always you're worried when bastion is in his turret mode, or that theres a reaper behind you. Or a hitscan on high ground. But genji it's only when hes using his ultimate combod with ana that you actually get a bit worried
@brotherjin2747 Жыл бұрын
another skill issue
@otterpoppin Жыл бұрын
*Literally, not littrely. Yes, I guess I'm being THAT person today lol
@ramonsmith3706 Жыл бұрын
@@otterpoppin * I'm being that person today, not THAT person. Go back learn some grammar!!
@brotherjin2747 Жыл бұрын
@@SpiritedFalcon u bad
@arbalest327 Жыл бұрын
​@@brotherjin2747 bet this is a Widowmaker main
@freddiegibbsintern345 Жыл бұрын
the devs think that blade is this broken allfight winning ultimate when its just a relic of the past it doesnt help that it feels like im playing reload simulator instead of ow2
@ramonsmith3706 Жыл бұрын
Dragonblade is the worst ultimate in the game. There's a 50% chance it's gonna get u killed
@arbalest327 Жыл бұрын
​​@@ramonsmith3706 so true, it's most of the time some op support, mei (who is straight up busted and oppressive now), and someone like symmetra to just look at you in blade and you die instantly. It's such bullshit
@connor.chan.jazzman Жыл бұрын
This video is so correct. You have to use your entire kit with perfect execution, and even multiple times in a row to secure one single kill when Cass can just unga bunga his stupid fucking one shot grenade. It doesn't matter if I can kill him within 2 seconds using near perfect execution; his whole entire kit will either not kill him or it'll trade for his stupid grenade. Even if you win the duel, you lose.
@ilikeanime1610 Жыл бұрын
Blizzard: hmmm this video is valid, time to nerf Genji again
@Megggazap Жыл бұрын
I dont get why they cant just small buff him. Who cares if people don’t know how to deal with him when he’s actually viable? It’s ridiculous
@minionedifier7776 Жыл бұрын
Fr I just want them to give him his shurikens back
@cheesegod5393 Жыл бұрын
I think that a decent buff for him would be making the spread of his shurikens a bit tighter so that it's easier to hit shots but then it isn't a big buff but it's just something that makes him get more possible dps
@paullucas9536 Жыл бұрын
People don't know how to deal with him when he's viable because he's really never even been viable.
@Megggazap Жыл бұрын
@@paullucas9536 fr. Why pick Genji when you can just use Tracer, Hanzo, maybe even Echo
@LiterallyPaulGeorge Жыл бұрын
It’s cuz supports are so needy they won’t ever buff flankers too much. Even tracer can be dealt with by any support in a straight 1v1. Even tho when I play support I mostly die to hitscans like widows
@devindavon6615 Жыл бұрын
God believe you me,I'd rather have tracer with 6 damage a pellet again and get 1 clipped by her as Ana than deal with ANOTHER Widowmaker. It's such an L take the devs have not nerfing her into the ground. Imagine leaving a character who warps the entire game around them alone outside a slap on the wrist. Awful.
@blitz8425 Жыл бұрын
The ultimate irony is supports flaming Genjis asking for healing (it's literally their job but that's fine) but also wanting the character to be so bad he requires the existence of supports in the first place.
@lastvanderwerf9841 Жыл бұрын
I have been trying so hard to reach Diamond as Genji, learning all these combos for him, learning the correct positioning for him, and learning how to use his ultimate. All of that work pales in comparison for when Dva presses one button and gets a multi kill. As a Genji main, I waist away at putting all this effort into him. But lamfo he looks pretty sick though 👌🔥
@upsidedownpyramid7617 Жыл бұрын
I was a genji main for the longest time but in the last year or so I just gave up, he isn't even remotely fun to play anymore, why should I be sweating my ass off swiping my mouse across my entire desk and mashing ability combos just to get a single pick when I can do the same with a headshot or two from a soujourn, cass, widow, etc. When I am playing DPS I would rather have anyone else for any situation, Genji went from my primary hero to one that I never touch simply because he's too much effort to just be mediocre at. I am no overwatch pro by any stretch, I have played since release on console and for the last year or so on PC but I was also fairly casual. I play almost exclusively competitive but that doesn't mean I am working my ass off to be GM, I am just gaming. I like having a challenge but unnecessarily crippling yourself in a competitive game is useless. You can hate on the meta characters all you want, I hate them too, call them broken all you want, but if you refuse to play them and call other people bad for playing them, you aren't the better player, you are the dumber player. Work smarter not harder. Soujourn is boring in my opinion, but if I can one tap squishies all day and provide value, I would rather be a braindead carry than a "chad" feeder who thinks he's better because his character takes more skill. When I am losing in lower ranks I tend to fall back on the ole reliables, Junkrat and Pharah for instance, I can body entire teams multiple times without dying once on those guys because they are simple if you know how to lead (oddly enough sometimes I am better hitting a mercy out of the air with pharah than landing hitscan shots) and very very effective against bronze monkey brains who can't aim.
@FUNGUSMAN920 Жыл бұрын
I have like 150 hours on console with genji, hes my most played hero, but i swear, he takes more aim than every sniper. If you miss even ONE of your shots, you die. It’s so damn annoying. You use every single cooldown, and every single ability, and you just die. Edit: you can’t really even hit your head shots with his BETTER primary fire. His secondary fire is so ass. He litterally does like 29 damage per shuriken, so if you only hit one shuriken and you’re fighting a t like mcree, liek he said, that’s already like 130 of your health gone. I’ve literally had enemy’s down to MELEE and haven’t been able to kill then even with all my shurikens hitting them. I think blizzard is just against all the heroes who take some amount of skill. Look at shadder2k’s video about his nerfs. He does good, but that’s because he’s one of the best genjis in the world. In the first 30 seconds he uses every cooldown and secondary melees 200 health players, and you don’t kill them.
@anandmahamuni5442 Жыл бұрын
Moira out here getting buffs while a actually skill ceiling character doesn't even get noticed because his data says he is fine
@NeutronStar792 Жыл бұрын
Next video title: why should you even waste time in overwatch
@willtune7101 Жыл бұрын
I love when i pull out a blade hand crafted by the shimada infused with a dragon get completely denied by a lady with survivors guilt who froze herself in ice
@SpxnZ01 Жыл бұрын
Reapers core is easy but his actually positioning to get value and when to engage or not, whether you should be flanking or tank busting makes it so that if there's a higher skilled reaper you'll notice
@LiterallyPaulGeorge Жыл бұрын
Yeah reapers not nearly as brain dead as people would like to believe
@arbalest327 Жыл бұрын
​@@LiterallyPaulGeorge the most braindead are Widowmaker, kiriko, and mei. They are so incredibly busted at stopping dives and widow usually has a pocket up her ass to make her immortal. Mei is just anti dive but counters half the cast and is embodiment of hold W and left click easy win because of slow cc. Literally mei is for people with skill issue. Kiriko is just heal and spam kunais into chokes or anywhere get random kills, pop ult and win team fight, cock block every ultimate in the game with suzu, the most busted ability in the game that needs a nerf.
@goku_blackrose7638 11 ай бұрын
Now a support hero can two tap better than genji now 😑
@Champfosho Жыл бұрын
I love how u still call him Mcree. I'm never calling him Cassidy fuck that.
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
McCree will always be his name
@paulbinet3033 Жыл бұрын
True about choosing between duelling Genji or a support. Trying to 1v1 a Kiriko or Zen is scary even as a Tank.
@paullucas9536 Жыл бұрын
Zen is so overturned that it's crazy. This glass cannon is more cannon than glass. Removes 25% of your hp just by pressing e. To put that in perspective, every squishy now has baby dva hp from an instant, no cooldown button press. His kick makes him very hard to dive, and he can often out dps the dive dps while still having an immortality ult that charges so quick he can get it every other team fight basically. How he hasn't been nerfed yet is beyond me
@Zevulus Жыл бұрын
I'm one of the best console Genjis there are, and I'm currently masters, but I have to play like I'm in top 500 in order to have any impact on the enemy team as well as my own. It's quite unfortunate they won't revert the shuriken nerfs.
@ty-xq7bl Жыл бұрын
also i think genji's niche is contesting high ground hitscan/snipers as a DPS with his kit, idk tho
@Myselfsama Жыл бұрын
So sad. The insane amounts of power creep on every one else, as well direct counters is insane too. And unlike Sojourn, he never gets "compensatory buffs" for all the braindead ways they've created to counter the hardest hero to play in the whole roster. Been playing him since day 1, though I quit for like 2 years. And he manages to get a buff at start of OW 2 and feel decent, only to get it taken away in a month. Mean while Phara / Mercy continues getting easy value, Sojourn one shots people, every Junkrat now knows the left click, shift click combo. All of them require near 0 game sense to get so much value out of. I seriously dont know how Blizzard sees their stats. How do wins count? What if you switch mid match, what win stat does that go to. How on earth does genji have a positive W/L ratio, is this stat being buffed by OTP who main him. I'd generally consider myself one too, but holy fuck the game is so incredibly unfun to play if every time I do remotely well, the enemy team just swaps to cancer comps like brig/torb/moira and the game feels impossible to play. Also the fact that now all supports except maybe Mercy, are essentially dealing DPS levels of damage, while also healing begs the question, wtf is even the point to having roles anymore. Just give everyone a heal and call everyone a DPS.
@exodus_ow Жыл бұрын
I agree with everything u said. Even in high masters, I still cannot reliably get nano'd by Anas.
@_tudward1042 Жыл бұрын
The only reason i play this stupid game since 2016 is legit genji. I just love this dude and it makes me so sad that i cant even remember a season were i had fun playing him while being usful. I just want one good season with him, pls blizzard just one fcking time
@conrad03 7 ай бұрын
i had to quit overwatch because i was a top 500 genji player and the game just became too infuriating and unfun for me, decided to pick up aim training instead and found your channel because of the aim video. hilarious to see this pop up in my recommended
@yoo912 Жыл бұрын
I remember genjis old play-style was to assassinate supports, especially mercy players. But now every support has some sort of cooldown that makes 1v1s impossible to win. I genuinely shit my pants trying to fight a kiriko or moira or even mercy because they are impossible to kill if u manage to mess up the one shot combo. Genjis new purpose is to dive certain dps characters, specifically soldier hanzo mcree widow and a few others. BUT U ABSOLUTELY NEED TO 1 shot them!! Thats the best advice anyone can give for this character. You need to become mechanically insane and never mess up the 1shot and you might see value. Either that or only play with a pocket support either ana or mercy
@ramonsmith3706 Жыл бұрын
Yea and that completely defeats the purpose of Playing genji when you can play reaper or solider and not have to deal with any of those problems
@yoo912 Жыл бұрын
@@ramonsmith3706 exactly :(
@neodaltiair8624 Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile Bap has 2 get out of jail free cards and mobility. Half the roster can invalidate a naked blade with 1 CD.
@bananasoul3206 Жыл бұрын
It's not even the fact that he is terrible that bugs me. It's that he's not even fun anymore. I still play him alot, more than any other character, but it sucks so often.
@TTG99942 Жыл бұрын
2:00 bro said time to become cringe then Switched to Cass Grenade💀
@frozhq5899 Жыл бұрын
i think the devs are not buffing Genji cause they themselves hate fighting against him lol
@Ropewatch 3 ай бұрын
As a plat 3 genji player I agree with everything you said. You literally cant do anything with him. You try to anything you instantly die. I have won many games by just switching off him. Literally the only way I can win is if the enemy team picks characters that arent impossible to kill/hard to shoot. like ashe or kiri. This character requires you to literally feed!! You jump down to deal damage but then you get killed so fast you cant dash to safety. And if you dont get a kill fast enough your team gets rolled. You cant just rely on your team not to get rolled! And we all know what happens if you try too hard to get a pick as genji.
@ag0ny2191 Жыл бұрын
I think one thing you could have mentioned is nanoblade, how it's absolutely broken and it SHOULD be nerfed to the ground But on the other hand, dry blade should be giga-buffed to compensate, it's a shite waste of ressources for 2 kills at best, and the coordination required to enact it is plat/diamond level
@arbalest327 Жыл бұрын
This isnt even mentioning the fact that mei, genjis hardest counter, is on the rage right now and desperately needing a nerf. Literally hold W and left click win fight, slow cc everyone to death, low hp stall with heal with one click, need escape or punish dive with no skill involved? Just wall them off! Not to mention the single best dps ultimate in the game. Literally its as if blizzard wants all the most unfun characters to be op, an example being widowmaker.
@kimdetran342 Жыл бұрын
i want to send this video to the dev-team so badly, great video.
@aaronaharonian6512 8 ай бұрын
Bro when I play genji half of game I’m just reloading
@Tantemify Жыл бұрын
genji's mag size reduction to 24 hurts him the most.
@Zane12ai Жыл бұрын
After seeing this blizzard has no choice but to come to there senses and nerf genji
@Nortio Жыл бұрын
I still don't understand why wall climb isn't on a meter system where once you begin a wall climb you have a set amount of distance you can cover and you're allowed to disconnect and re-connect to the wall as much as you want until you cover said distance or run out Said meter. The other thing about genji is he requires too much help from other dps or dmg boost from supports to even make work where if you put those same resources into a different dps like Cree, ashe, soldier, pharah, echo you get infinitely more value and they're all easier to play.
@KnivesTV Жыл бұрын
It is funny you brought up how Apply would try Genji then switch after 2 minutes. I told Apply a few months ago that Genji is a weak and terrible hero while he was streaming. He disagreed with my comment and told me how dumb I was for thinking that. But actions speak louder than words. If Apply doesn't even commit to Genji for an entire game, then that just proves my point -- Genji sucks, and his actions of swapping off just proves that he agrees with my statement. But it is trendy these days to not acknowledge the truth when someone speaks it in order to seem cool and more knowledgeable and all that crap. Agreeing with others is seen as a weakness somehow yet I don't understand why. Maybe Apply is just an oppressed and neglected kid that got rejected from society. It would explain why he chose to be a full-time streamer.
@owenlee7146 Жыл бұрын
I feel like they are making the game more tank centered that dive arent good unless u r running a dive comp. Rn if u solo dive , u may get a lucky pick but most of the time u probably just force a support cooldown then die. While hitscan can do the same but just will way less risk. Tho i have to say it is kinda the problem of map design too , since the current map pool is just too hitscan favoured
@crack-man4071 8 күн бұрын
3 slash blade moment
@countdooku9521 2 ай бұрын
Bro should one shot with his ultimate
@freddiegibbsintern345 Жыл бұрын
genji is just a noobstomper thats all it is give me 30 ammo and fix my bugs, make him C tier idk just anything is better than right now
@Boneyds Жыл бұрын
Please buff genji he's one of he few fun dps heros
@johnfortres Жыл бұрын
i dont think its hitscans being broken, its just genji being that garbage
@raeemtalukder2343 Жыл бұрын
10:50 (sorry I talk alot) I can definitely see this take being annoying (as in the game is the most balanced when it is not). This is mostly because the meta is wildly different in high elo than low elo. in high elo it seems like genji is good but in coordinated dives with ball while in low elo if you have no coordination with your team (which most low elo people solo queue) you are actually useless. I wish they would give back his damage and ammo as I feel like that would make him just perfect in the meta as most dive hero's (besides winton) are good to practically meta.
@lazyturtle967 Жыл бұрын
whats your resolution and gpu brand + do you play on low setting or mid or hight
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
I play low everything, I have a gamerock 3090TI, upgrading to the 4090ti/titan when it releases. I'm on 1920x1080, but planning on getting a 1440p monitor or higher soon as well
@lazyturtle967 Жыл бұрын
@@GREED_EU thanks man i apreciate
@Ironbaby08 Жыл бұрын
Sadly genji the type of character that's it's almost impossible for them to buff without nerfing him since he could be a menace if he ever got a buff
@isaac6414 Жыл бұрын
Literally just revert his damage nerf and if blizzard is nice, his ammo. Please
@smartguyjaja Жыл бұрын
tracer and reapers have ways to take care of themselves when they're on their own lmao
@NoNanoGM Жыл бұрын
blizzard knows everything you said, it's just that they've hated genji for years now jeff kaplan said he regretted giving genji the cyber agility passive because "it felt like he could be anywhere" and they actively have inserted heroes that ignore all of his defenses, deflect: most new heroes have abilities that ignore this like beans or aoe damage, the mobility? heroes that don't need to aim or have boops and stuns, genji has nothing and blizzard randomly decides to nerf him, and now randomly decides to buff 2 of his coutners (moira and brig), I was main genji and thank god I quit thai dumb game
@Scorch000 Жыл бұрын
yeah genji is just terrible like u can do good plays with him sometimes but if u are not insanely good with him u are just trolling and there is not debate for this like an assassin hero who can not deal enough dmg to kill any supports, while they have survival abilities like like lamp, suzu and not at last passive healing is just poor game balancing...
@yeetthefetus 6 күн бұрын
the fact that pharah and junk rat now do more or the same damage as GENJIS FUCKING DRAGON BLADE is just crazy to me and its even harder(in my opinion) sense i play on nintendo switch
@drewc1738 Жыл бұрын
Seems like what you mean by risk reward is like skill floor by what u meant by the mcree comparison, genji is easy to be broken due to the hugh skill ceiling but a game with a op genji is one I want to play i still can get to plat with him tho so ehh
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
I peaked 4781 one tricking him in brig meta, he's been borderling unplayable since the original nerfs back near the start of overwatch 1 when they killed dive comp. What I'm saying is, Genji players need to play perfectly for even a crumb of value, but most other heros can be braindead and get infinitely more value than him.
@xysio4340 Жыл бұрын
8:10 holy shit u went crazy
@superstars7880 Жыл бұрын
Genji is a Flank hero yes but he is ment to take download. He hero's or target the easy Heroes to deal with then move on to the harder ones I know I am a genji main with a win rate above 50%
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
I peaked 4781 one tricking him in brig meta. neither of mine nor your statements about how successful we are on him change the fact he is terrible
@tarangatan8119 Жыл бұрын
god i miss the flashbang, so much more fun than magnetic grenade
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
Actually true. I would rather flash. Another thing I hate about the new nade, is that when you deflect it, it doesnt magnetise to enemies like it does when your throw it as cree, feels so unrewarding to time it properly or react fast enough. That entire hero is just dumb as fuck though
@tarangatan8119 Жыл бұрын
@@GREED_EU how do u think blizzard should rework mcree?
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
@@tarangatan8119 hp to 200. remove nade and replace it, extra falloff damage, or damage down to 60 instead of 70 per shot
@inserthandsomefacehere9401 Жыл бұрын
I disagree as a genji main with about 100 hours it’s about switching between dive and not dive just farming ult when ur not diving
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
Peaked 4781 one tricking him, almost 4k+ hours on him. He is dogshit lol
@fabiocapitulino1930 Жыл бұрын
@@GREED_EU ''Genji main with about 100 hours'' That just prove the point that if you think genji is ok you probably don't have as many game knowlege as you may think you have. I'm also a genji main and every time I switch to Cassidy I get 3 times the value with 1/3 of the effort.
@arbalest327 Жыл бұрын
​@@fabiocapitulino1930 same with me I am a genji main, not as many hours but I can 100% agree I get way more value out of reaper or bastion along with half the cast counters genji. Not to mention how oppressive mei is right now, like badly needing a nerf, there is no reason to play genji. Why play him when a mei can hold W and left click, slow cc you, make you easy target for enemy team, wall off targets with ease and trivializing positioning, and having the single best ultimate in the game on dps. Literally mei's entire kit is meant for people who can't play the game and want to be carried by their character slow cc'ing people so their teammates can do their job for them.
@leojaeger4462 Жыл бұрын
on the rare occurence i play ow these days, I have been playing more dps than i have in years. two tricking pharah and soldier in the dps role and i genuinely find it comical watching a genji get picked against me and just get fucked endlessly.
@kirbybro64_ow87 Жыл бұрын
Wdym I love putting in 8 times more effort on Genji than Little Jimmy playing Cassidy only to get the same amount or less value.
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
I love when I'm fighting someone, beating them in every catehory, and then mercy starts holding M1 and then it means my hero literally cannot do enough damage to kill them. So fun
@milkman6685 Жыл бұрын
It is your opinion and I agree that characters should be good at the highest level but blizzard know new players are bad and new players get destroyed by genji so it’s unlikely he will get buffed
@troutking6542 Жыл бұрын
What do you think should happen to buff him, give him back his dmg and ammo, or give him the dps speed boost passive back. I think that dmg and ammo would be the way to go, everythng else is fine. I am fine with blade being bad if his kit was better, but he is like doom rn, they do so little dmg that they are countered by everything
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
Reverting damage and ammo nerfs are a good start, then see how he feels. if he still feels bad to play, probably just giving him extra fire speed for poke would be more than enouhg to put him in line with other heros, or reverting blade nerf, so damage back to 120 like it used to be
@troutking6542 Жыл бұрын
@@GREED_EU and maby tweak his projectile speed
@leojaeger4462 Жыл бұрын
I think dooms problem is more that bap comps and bunker esque comps (not even going to talk about how mcree just instant kills him through block) are just so difficult to dive into or dent in any meaningful way if your team isnt in sync that he becomes shit into the current meta. It also doesnt help that suzu not only cucks him out of his big plays, but can commonly cause him to suicide whilst making the optimal play
@troutking6542 Жыл бұрын
@@leojaeger4462 but he is still just as ass as genji, and has one of the lowest power levels
@leojaeger4462 Жыл бұрын
@@troutking6542 at a base level sure, but one tricks can make him work, and him being "weak" is because right now they balanced his entire kit around empowered punch. The way blizzard tends to buff him is by making only the least interactive parts of his kit even less interactive. The game needs more nerfs and less buffs. If mcree and the other characters who oppress the shit out of every dive character outside of sombra and tracer, doom will be fine.
@blanedashiell4150 Жыл бұрын
agree with everything except the last statement, bronze to plat players should get just as much say in stuff as other players do, just cause theyre bad doesnt mean they should have no say in how the game gets reworked, just because your better at the game doesnt mean you should have to suffer against a broken genji
@overdose7645 Жыл бұрын
what are you smoking? the game has always been trash because devs listen to low tier crybabies LOL How can someone who can't even shoot a standing still target, talk about balancing, Hilarious
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
The point of me saying that lower level players shouldn’t have a say is because lower level players can get better to overcome what is “OP” in their respective ranks, since so many mistakes happen, and no one is actually paying well, or optimally, that can make terrible hero’s actually very good in that elo, not because they are actually good, but because all the players are so bad. Meaning if we start nerfing or buffing because of that, then we get hero’s who were fine, getting buffs or nerfs, not because they were actually too strong or weak, but because lower level players simply aren’t good enough at the game. Meaning high level players who are good, get punished, the same reason support is so op, and why hitscan is so op, is because of metal rank players getting catered too
@Ghilliez Жыл бұрын
Braindead take
@RandomAusFan Жыл бұрын
Blaine what are u on the reason ow1 Died cuz they listened to metal ranks and let brig be top 1 and kill the game along with BAPTISE And killing genji after a week of the games release and then Buffing Supports like mercy and Kiriko and bascially making hitscan the onky playbale dps class since flank heroes are dead in the shitter Like yall the reason ow1 died due to shit balancing
@damianateiro Жыл бұрын
Worst of all with the last thing you said, the pros have no idea about balance either the worst balance ideas I heard came from grandmaster and pro players hahahahaha
@eliteotaku Жыл бұрын
wasnt OWL meta genji ana almost every match in OW1
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
In very very early Overwatch when dive was hard meta, but back then Genji wasn't turbo nerfed and he had less competition to deal with on the enemy team due to a lack of powercreep, after the original nerfs that killed dive though, he died with the comp and was essentially never played again until june/july of 2020 where he received some buffs, he wasn't "overpowered" but all the cardboard 5 players were upset by the fact they actually had to their brains so he was nerfed to being worse than he was before the buffs even happened, making him even more of a throw pick
@ty-xq7bl Жыл бұрын
is that crosshair effective? I always wanted to try that btw ur echo is sick
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
I should make a video on the importance of crosshairs and what different ones do and how they effect your aim because it turns out your crosshair is actually very important, and changing it can increase aim effectiveness massively. I would be a fun video to make
@ty-xq7bl Жыл бұрын
@@GREED_EU That would be awesome tbh. I keep switching around my crosshairs. Did you know that the widow default crosshair is massive?
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
@@ty-xq7bl Yes I saw it lmao
@catgirlow Жыл бұрын
@@GREED_EU you should definitely make a video on it! I’m intrigued
@TiresAreForCars Жыл бұрын
@@GREED_EU that would be awesome
@rhenanbanner Жыл бұрын
when i enter in amateur ow team to scrim on console i was surprised because me is the only genji they saw that is good i dont remember exactly the nerf his get on season 2 but i continued to playing genji but its is hiper frustating that on high rank other genjis are fullpockted and dont know how to protect his own mercy and i have to klll someone literally perfectly to get any value against people that use mouse and keyboard on console(without crossplay)
@WeinerDefender Жыл бұрын
Comment for your algo bro
@thatspella Жыл бұрын
The only thing that makes genji strong is nanoblade
@jace_519 Жыл бұрын
“No counters” sym
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
Sym is not a genji counter
@arbalest327 Жыл бұрын
Sym not all the way, mei? FUCK yeah, mei is the premium no skill counter to genji.
@KrappyKillz Жыл бұрын
every single support in the game needs some fuckin' turbo nerfs.
@BeastmanRage88 Жыл бұрын
The genji takes are fair enough if you just don't mention the 95% of the game that blizzard has to cater to it's funny you say bronze has no say on game balance when they have more say than people who understand the game...but your other takes like saying 5 DPS are the only picks and anything else is throwing is wild to me support are strong sure but kinda has to happen for health of the entire game otherwise no one picks support even in top 500 the game is in its best state because it's better than having the same 4 guaranteed picks ie. Hog sojourn mercy orisa which we had for a full season also a lot of characters are map specific picks now which is good other than Symm on control F that and before you say 'hardstuck' look at the metrics she and torb are picked a lot masters and up again genji stuff fine but the rest of the takes are pretty tone deaf/straight up false
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
I have over 6 accounts in top 500, 90% of games have, cree, widow, ashe, tracer or torb. almost every game has mercy. and there is actually a nice variety of tanks being played, but since you keep ult charge when you switch, it encourages you to swap and counter pick, so most tank matches are just rock paper scissors. It is very rare to see anything else played other than widow, cree, mercy, kiriko, (ball, rein, or ram)
@BeastmanRage88 Жыл бұрын
@@GREED_EU 100% agree im only masters 1 and have only played OW2 and get put get in a lot of GM lobbies the tank rock paper scissors is bad take into account that some DPS flat out shut down certain tanks and you're absolutely right unfortunately it seems were stuck with that with how overwatch 2 is played it's just up to the devs to look at the roster and see where they can tweak it to make it less punishing to play against counters wanted to also add I don't think the opinions you have are not to be said because the questions you're bringing up are valid it's just no one including the Dev team have an answer / they won't be answered due to then catering to the medal ranks which I believe is a good thing for the longevity of the game
@AutistRapper Жыл бұрын
Yet another reason to nerf genji
@fromnothingtoeverything1419 Жыл бұрын
They should switch his katana to be a cool down like ramatra stance
@fromnothingtoeverything1419 Жыл бұрын
Dash in slash kill get out
@TiresAreForCars Жыл бұрын
bruh he'd be turbo S tier
@WhiteuELYA Жыл бұрын
how can u say widow is brain dead
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
You don't need good mechanics, positoning, cool down rotations, good ult usage or anything to be effective with her. 1% accuracy widows are still doing a shitload because their presence exerts a huge amount of pressure by denying rotations and site lines, making her braindead, you can be terrible at every single game mechanic and have no game sense, and still hard carry because of how easy and overpowered she is, thus, making her braindead
@Zipperskull_ Жыл бұрын
​@@GREED_EUThat's reasonable
@arbalest327 Жыл бұрын
​@@GREED_EU this is so fucking true its insane.
@cheesegod5393 Жыл бұрын
I saw something about a dev saying that balancing the game isn't about having all the hero's be equal but it's about what would be more fun in meta. No one would like a sombra symetra meta because it would just be annoying and no fun. Just like if Genji were a bit better a lot of people would play him even if he wasn't the best still and the meta probably wouldn't be that fun. Just something to think about
@Zipperskull_ Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 LMFAO naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, genji has a good amount of personal utility to get out of any situation, he has a good amount of damage headshotting you with his fan blades, and he can get his ultimate in minutes. He should be encountered since he can deflect almost every ult, projectile, and bullet in the game. Genji is only good and annoying in the right hands.
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
I peaked 4781 playing him in brig meta and hit rank 1 dps with him last season, he is still terrible
@bestmate24 Жыл бұрын
Another Gold Player thinking he knows the game. If you actually Think genji is Good something is wrong with you
@Zipperskull_ Жыл бұрын
@@bestmate24 *drinks tears*
@pcxPOT Жыл бұрын
Naaah dude, a widow who can't hit shots does not have any impact i'm sorry, that statement is just wrong. Every hitscan basically is useless if you can't aim.
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
A widow with low accuracy is still threatening, because of the power she olds on the sight lines she takes, even if she rarely hits a shot, challenging the angle can still be too risky depending on her accuracy. Even low accuracy widows hold sight lines so hard it can difficult to walk through them
@GhassanTheBomb Жыл бұрын
Do a ball one
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
Ball is great. I love ball, and he's healthy for the game
@GhassanTheBomb Жыл бұрын
@PaldBenis Жыл бұрын
Who is McRee?
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
Cassidy, his name used to be McCree so I still call him it
@TheDevilEdo Жыл бұрын
I drink the tears of genji players every day, I love it
@Zipperskull_ Жыл бұрын
You got my respect 😌
@box2231 Жыл бұрын
The game was so much better when he was amazing. The hog takeover wouldn't have happened
Honestly In my opinion I think he’s balanced
@titanuix555 Жыл бұрын
just get good
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
4781 peak one tricking him in brig meta lol
@arbalest327 Жыл бұрын
Ok sojourn main
@yorimz8807 Жыл бұрын
0:18 I think doom has the worst in the entire game. Atleast on genji, you can get away versus doom its really easy to counter him.
@Eric_Nguyen. Жыл бұрын
Who can give Blizzard the *Benefit of the doubt* of "Overwatch 2 has been around only for half a year." In actuality, can you really say Overwatch 2 is different from the very first Overwatch?
@zento8695 Жыл бұрын
This really just sounds like copium to be honest genji requires skill and you saying a genji playing perfectly may still lose a 1v1 is blasphemous
@GREED_EU Жыл бұрын
At the time of this video and to the last time I played Overwatch, I was highly ranked in top 500 one tricking him. He is and was terrible
@Levi_Void Жыл бұрын
I DONT GIVE A YAM , I will play this cybernetic beast until this game gets shut down 🫡.
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