Since we're getting some pushback from optometrists in the comments: I'm happy to have you on our podcast anytime, to explain your position. This isn't conspiracy theories, or an echo chamber. If we're wrong, tell us exactly why and how. However I'm less excited about ad hominem attacks or just general vague "he doesn't know what he's talking about, we went to school, bro" arguments. BRING SCIENCE AND ON-TOPIC DEBATE, and I'm 100% open to having you share you take on our platform. Contact me via Facebook, Twitter, or e-mail if you are an optometrist, you think I'm wrong, and you want to explain what you're doing. 😉
@aditirajbhar72284 жыл бұрын
Every optometrist is gangster until jake arrive 🤣🤣🤣
@anaya.shorts4 жыл бұрын
Ur the best 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
@Bernardo-mt8ho2 жыл бұрын
The main problem is the ophtalmologic practice is always overcorrecting people 20/15, 20/12, 20/10. Your eyes under a overcorrected lens will adjust to this condition over time. Got it? Your first wrong pair of glasses is the root of the vicious cycle and it was prescribed by an "authority". Every time you go to OD office you'll get more than you need and your eyes will adapts to this.
@dfcx1 Жыл бұрын
My experience has been that ever since I started showing active interest in my prescriptions optometrists have been happy to tell me what's on my face and to err on the side of undercorrecting rather than overcorrecting. I might've been just lucky, repeatedly, but I can't imagine trying to be friendly and explaining my perspective hurt either.
@dipsomania02 жыл бұрын
Jake, I measure myself as -5. I can see very clearly a font size 12 at 20 cm. My optometrist measures as -7. I asked her why there is a discrepancy. She told me she does not know. Your explanation makes sense!
@IdanAzulay-f5c6 жыл бұрын
I think this is true in most cases. Before several years I saw in the news about a survey they made in Israel to check the reliability of optical shops. They sent some people to check their eyesight in different optical shops, after a thorough eye test done by both eye doctor and optometrist. Most of the shops gave too much correction, up to -1.5 diopter error! No single one gave less correction then needed. Moreover, some of the clients didn't need correction at all, but the opticians gave them -0.5D. In comment the shops said that the test result is dependent on the client's answers. In other words, thay simply blame the customer.
@savvasgamingchannel50623 ай бұрын
So the shop is basically saying that the customer is dishonest in their answers.
@ShaniAvraham5 жыл бұрын
Optometrists actually perscribe the most plus that your eye can tolerate. When we begin we actually OVER plus by 0.50D to make sure that you can actually tolerate the plus instead of going on to higher powers. We are really against over “minusing” and instead when you are UNSURE we actually keep you at the most plus. After each eye is separately measured, we BALANCE the eyes, trying to make sure that with BOTH eyes you can acutally accept them being a lower power. IF you can get better than 20/20 vision, we try to keep you at the 20/20 vision in light of not over minusing. There are standards in light illumination. When we do a distance and a near acuities, we have to have full lighting illumination. There are standards for that. Your “prescription” is just a small part of the eye exam. Just because you “see healthy” does not mean you are healthy. Optometrists do ALOT more than just a simple Rx. Many eye conditions are asymptomatic and so you do not realize the state of the health of your eye. There are many preliminary tests that are done before the prescription part, and a lot more after. Some of which are crucial!! If you have any questions I would be happy to answer.
@IMadeOfClay5 жыл бұрын
Hi Shani, I am an optom also. I just stumbled across this today. Oh boy! Where do I begin? I am going to make a detailed reply but this is not for the benefit of the person who made the video (as I think he is set on his path) but for the benefit of anyone who stumbles across this page and wants to know more. I hope the video poster will have the decency to leave this post and not delete it. Watching this video makes me very sad that there are people like him out there who spread such misinformation. It is certainly true that there are some dodgy optoms out there but that isn't an optometry thing. That's a life thing. There are dodgy doctors, dodgy lawyers, dodgy builders etc. To smear the optometry profession due to a few bad apples is unfair. I don't believe for a second that this person went from genuine 5 dioptre myopia to plano without some secondary cause (e.g. a significant change in blood sugar levels - just one of many possible examples). I have been in this profession for fifteen years and have never seen that. I consider myself a decent optometrist and will not recommend glasses to anyone who doesn't need them. This will come as a shock to the video poster but most optometrists are good folk. Ordinarily I would be more forgiving but this video cannot be explained away as anything other than intentional misinformation. Here are the main ones: [3:50] He claims optometrists increase minus power until the patient can't take any more. I am not even going to call this a misunderstanding. This is a blatant lie. He will not be able to reference this claim anywhere. The best he can do is say he's heard optometrists say this is what they do but he won't give a name because he knows it's not true. [4:00] "This so-called exam room looking all fancy and complicated". What is the point of saying that? There is no need to say this if you have a good argument. If someone employs a tactic like this I start wondering what their real motives are. A major red flag. [4:05] "A lot of the time they turn off the light (when finding your prescription)". Not when we are finding your prescription. We turn off the light when we are examining the health of a patient's eyes. By turning off the light the patient's pupils are bigger and we have a better view inside the eye. Another untrue statement. [4:10] "They give you glasses for the worst case scenario." No, we give glasses because a patient came to us with a problem and we fixed it with the smallest prescription that would do the job. Honestly, this person must have had a bad experience with an optometrist when he was younger and is now on a crusade. He is very unfair to most optometrists who are decent people doing a good job. [4:20] There is nothing wrong with projected charts. I have used 'normal' and projected charts for years. They both give the same final result. All charts have to meet lighting standards. [4:40] "If it's a darkened room and a projected chart". It isn't. You're making stuff up. If there are any optometrists that do that, then (i) they are in an extreme minority, (ii) I agree, they don't know what they are doing. [5:25] "They don't tell you what they are doing while they're doing the exam." Most optometrists will happily answer any question that a patient will ask them. Once we finish the exam we explain our findings to the patient. Who would do running commentary during the refraction? Optom: "I'm now going to replace the -1.50 lens with a -2.00 lens." Who does that? And for every/most of the lenses? It's actually weird to do that. It's also very cumbersome to do that. You do the whole thing (which only takes a few minutes) and explain what you found at the end of the refraction. It's just being efficient. It would just make things drag to do running commentary during the refraction. The patient trusts the optometrist. And they are right to trust the optometrist. Like they are right to trust their dentist or doctor. [5:30] "I've asked optometrists to tell me what they're doing and they refused to." I very much doubt this. Almost all optometrists I know will happily answer a patient's question. It's true the odd one won't but, again, that's not an optometrist thing. That's a human being thing. Some humans just don't like talking with patients and only show up to get paid with no interest in their job. That's true of any profession so it's not an optometry thing. I also wonder if this person walks into an optometrists' office with a bad/accusatory attitude. That's likely why the optometrists he sees don't give him the time of day and try to get rid of him quickly. If someone is giving you a hard time wouldn't you want to be done with them quickly? [5:40] "If you have a -3, the first thing they do, they never go down, they go up." That's not true. Again, this person has no evidence for this. His best evidence will be a claim that he knows optometrists who have admitted this but, again, he won't give any names because if he did he would get sued into the stone age for wrongfully defaming someone. [6:40] "If you're not sure, that's still where they continue." Again, completely false. If the patient doesn't see any better we stop going higher with the minus. And then we go back to check if we can reduce it. [7:55] "The optometrists just won't do it (tell you what lens they are trying) which, that's when you run into problems." It is actually better not to tell the patient during the refraction otherwise it will influence the outcome. This is basic scientific methodology. Why else do scientists do blind trials? So there is no bias in the answers. Once I finish I show the patient the difference between their current glasses and the new prescription. [9:20] "If you walk in there and say, hey, this is what I want. I want a normally lit room, I want a printed chart, I want to correct myself to the 20/20 line... and I want you to tell me what dioptres you're putting in front of my eyes..." I rest my case. This person walks into the optometrist's office with all these demands. Imagine you are a doctor and a person walks into your office and says, "I want you to check me for diabetes but I want you to use this method and not that method". That's actually very insulting. You are telling a trained professional how they should do their job which they know MUCH better than you. It is an immediate red flag from the professional's point of view. If this person doesn't understand what's wrong with that then I have a feeling he might have Asperger's or something. And I don't say that as an insult, I am serious. I have people in my family with Asperger's and they will really act like this and not understand that it's not the way to behave in front of others. [9:45] "Why should you not be allowed to be involved in assessing your eyesight?" Because the professional knows what they are doing. They will discuss the findings with you and encourage your input for the things where it will help. [9:50] "You can step on a scale, you can check your weight. It's not any much more complicated than that." Ouch! He really hates optoms lol. I am quite sure anyone who heard him say that knows that conducting an eye examination is much more complicated than stepping on a weighing scale! Anyway, I hope that anyone who made it to the end found this informative. Optometry is a skilled profession with, mostly, decent ethical optometrists. If you want to get the most out of your visit to the optometrist then don't be rude to your optometrist and certainly don't tell them how you want them to do their job! If you have had a bad experience with one optometrist then change to another. That is true of any person in any field!
@endmyopia5 жыл бұрын
@@IMadeOfClay You obviously care, and for sure it's good to have a dialog (even if we disagree). It won't matter that much for long since a whole of of lens sales are going to be online, and measurements done by phone apps. As for my points, 99% of optometrists who "treat" myopia only encounter ever increasing myopia - what kind of treatment is that, making the symptom worse? It honestly boggles my mind how we continue to go to see people who cause us worse vision - and this is very much scientifically proven. Just go to Google Scholar and type in "lens induced myopia". This all coming from a guy who went from -5 diopters to natural 20/20, has been watching thousands of people do the same (much of it documented), all while being mocked and derided by retail optometry. Not much love lost on that profession, thanks for making my childhood and teenage years completely awkward, for absolutely no reason. Myopia is refractive state, not an medical condition.
@naduyn5 жыл бұрын
MadeOf Clay, your points are valid and unfortunately so is Jake. His ideas in reducing myiopa makes sense to me because is logical. Most diseases are reversible which includes myiopa without the intervention of professionals.
@nestorenriquez32845 жыл бұрын
Currently studying optometry. And yeah 21 visual tests are so damn hard to master most specially retinoscopy. So yeah, someone who doesn’t even know how to perform refraction is giving you advice. Clap, clap, clap!
@thetraveler35624 жыл бұрын
MadeOf Clay thank you.
@sprocketsgirl Жыл бұрын
This angers me so much. I've just discovered I'm 0.50 over "prescribed". I'm beginning my improvement journey after 4 corneal "infiltrates" or ulcers from contact lenses and encouraging my 12 yr old as well, following the endmyopia protocol. I've just rec'd the 3rd email today and did the steps - I'm so so mad. I've had glasses since I was 12. This (our current view on eye health and improvement) is such B.S as I could have avoided years of eye damage from contacts and wishing i could just wake up one day and "see".
@mr.morningstarplays3188 Жыл бұрын
I have fhd tv that is 144 cm wide so it is 65 inch, I use it with 100% text scaling, And I am 3 meters away from where I see clearly without glasses, But at 4 meters it takes me sometimes 5 to 30 seconds till my eyes can focuss with my astigmatism, No eye doctor will wait 5 to 30 seconds for you to read the eye-chart from 4 to 6 meters away. I will need to keep training so it will take me only 1-5 seconds to read at 4 meters on my 65 inch tv.
@vision7476 жыл бұрын
I have been wearing corrective contact lenses of -1.75 without the astigmatism value (-0.75) I have on my regular eyeglasses during the day and I get a lot of active focus activities. Two year ago I was wearing -2.5 *-1.25 5• in both eyes and now can see 20/20 line clearly with -1.75*-0.75 5• As Jake says, just keep finding that "sweet spot" where the blur is just that bit that the active focus magic happens...too much blur will disappoint you every time guaranteed.
@d2vid55 жыл бұрын
doesnt it damage your eyes when you wear glasses/contact without the astigmatism value?
@gilbrook6 жыл бұрын
Excellent presentation. Love your “long” videos. Not rushed. Shows your humility & rational (evidence based) view point.
@ericsilva74304 жыл бұрын
Last test i had, Doctor test me on a room with light off and project chart, the glasses he prescribe, give way better than 20/20 vision, i could actual read the final line on chart with easy on my home chart, the glasses really gave me absolutely perfect vision, even on night on worst case scenario. The ''best'' part is, the day i came back with that glasses to talk to him and remove the glasses to read he say ''why you removing your glasses to read you don't need to do that''. Don't know if he that bad of a Doctor or just evil...
@endmyopia4 жыл бұрын
They do as they’re taught. 🤷♂️
@savvasgamingchannel50623 ай бұрын
Most optometrists tell you to always wear your glasses.
@pennydutra42916 жыл бұрын
Fantastic video. Your description of what happens, including the withholding of information, during an average consultation aligns 100% with my whole family's experiences over the years. Which is why I am now determining all our measurements and requirements myself. Thanks for the empowerment!
@peerzadamunaqib72996 жыл бұрын
Really true and when i first was introduced to an opteramist, the scene that came to my mind was being introduced to an fortune teller seems funny cos it is as the room that i entered was dark, curtains on and a bulb near snellen chart and one bulb near opteramist. How could the prescription be accurate as my eyesight was tested inside a dark room.
@Sasha8pancakes Жыл бұрын
The equipment has lights
@pixma11166 жыл бұрын
Great stuff Jake. Question for you if I may. I have very high myopia -9.50 each eye. It's so high that I have to avoid head trauma because my retinas are exponentially more likely to tear/detach due to my axial length being longer. When one improves their myopia through active focus does it decrease the axial length of the eyeball or does it improve the vision through another way? Thanks.
@J_X9993 жыл бұрын
Man, you are a legend. This all makes sense!!!!!!! Thank you, you are providing us all this insight. Keep going, you are doing God's work
@mohammedfaizan.v37836 жыл бұрын
Hi Jake, your points are true optic shops aren't transparent - they do not tell the changes being tried. But relating to accuracy, I recently found my diopters increased in one optic shop so I went to another optic store to confirm, what they did is ask me to look into a hand held equipment and readings showed the exact increase & later on the eye chart ended with same results.. I have started reading through your blogs a bit everyday, it's hard for me now as it's been few weeks now trying to understand the whole thing and if you are reading my long comment (sry for that) I want to thank you coz I think you make sense.. REQUEST : IS THERE ANYONE FROM BANGALORE INTO THIS? , I NEED HELP.. PLZ 😐
@ameen4746 жыл бұрын
Not banglore but india so we could relate
@channel1channelone5 жыл бұрын
In case you did not see, there is also a mini free email course on the site - good starting point; also find Todd Becker’s video about myopia (smth like Myopia is reversible) - this is how i found out about Jake - they use similar principles, but Jake has way more content
@glynemartin6 жыл бұрын
@ 9:16 - 9:20 _..."This so called "test" isn't honest and isn't _*_transparent."_* If they are taking your eyes from clarity into blur by over correction how the hell can it be "transparent"??...the test is therefore *blurred/opaque/fuzzy* etc...(smile)...
@xcicciobox9326 жыл бұрын
The vision test i always do in the oculist, they conferm that my vision this year are not get worse, and they say to not use smartphone, computers, tablet and useless close up activities. Fortunately in est Asia country they try to prevent myopia in babies, they reduce indoor activities, australian oculist say that kids neee more outdoors time to prevent myopia or slowly the process, in China they start to research the really cause of myopia, probably is caused by lack of sun light, not tu much by close work (oblivious is a important factor).
@xcicciobox9326 жыл бұрын
@Felnatien In reality this happend by a few of years, but sadly a loot of people think even today that myopia is a mistery, oblivious the there is a loot to know and there is no a ufficial medicine method to reverse myopia (escluse the Jake stainer method, tood becker and other interessant method, but oculist don't wanna believe cause they are not doctors and they don't know what is the print pushing) but they know that myopia can be slowy or even stop the process, a research say that children whit myopia that play in the park the progression is of only 0 25 for year and kids who stay at home by 1 for year, some oculistit don't even belive in the genetic factor by simple logic, it make no sense
@xcicciobox9326 жыл бұрын
@Felnatien Some time glasses help to calm down myopia, but other time worse the myopia
@Sasha8pancakes Жыл бұрын
@@xcicciobox932 yeah if the glasses are over prescribed they make vision worse if they are under prescribed they make vision better. You can see super clear when it's over prescribed but it's bad for your eyesight. Glasses are a tool and must be used appropriately
@Vamp8982 жыл бұрын
At least in germany, Optometrist use more measurements. At least the ones i have been to use multiple measurements and some very modern ones even scan your eyes with lasers to have an 3D surface scan of your eye. Maybe you should go to an Optometrist using more modern technology. Funny thing though, in germany, everyone is telling me to use lower numbers. They are telling me, that me dpt/cyl is too high and that i am seeing much better that i need to and this could cause headache :D maybe you should visit one in germany. But glasses are not an treatment, that is the reason why it doesn't get better. It is an aid to help you, nothing else, nothing more. Maybe that is a lack in the English language but in Germany, we dont actually call it a treatment. We call it an aid. A walking stick for blind people doesn't make blind people see. An hearing aid wont improve your hearing and so glasses neither treat nor improve your eye sight. But we also don't use the word prescription either but maybe thats due to an difference in our healthcare system. Here you just go there and the card that does have your information about your dpt/cyl is just called "Glasses id card"
@clearbrain6 жыл бұрын
You are doing the rarest thing... Giving knowledge which everyone needs
@JohnSmith-yi9cp6 жыл бұрын
@@otiebrown9999 why from 20/50 tho
@evertdecae90566 жыл бұрын
Incomplete truths, lies and slaing off optometrists... yeeeaahhh
@evertdecae90566 жыл бұрын
@TheLogical Fellow Comments like this make me more determined. Thanks :)
@nahfoo.4 жыл бұрын
This guy sounds beautiful and logical if you don't truly understand optics, human physiology regarding the eye, and the guidelines optometrists follow.
@endmyopia4 жыл бұрын
Except if you do understand optics and biology and also the 1000% markup on lenses and the lobbying to call clear plastic “prescriptions”. I keep saying it .. come on the podcast and we’ll see who knows more about all of this. 😉
@treeofwolf45392 ай бұрын
Optometrist guidelines includes getting paid to afford groceries. And to do that they enslave kids to expensive face-torture devices, instead to lose a client by telling the parent that the child is just tired & need more vitamin C to build eyes, and need to be taken to the park to learn to focus far away, instead of abandonned in front of a tv. I was.
@okancolak39042 жыл бұрын
How can you calculate the myopia diopters if you also suffer from astigmatism(-1.50)?
@Rugrat003 жыл бұрын
My optometrist said "your prescription will by 0.25 every 6 months till you turn 27". So I can relate to Jake and I pretty much hate the optometrists
@person-un7qu3 жыл бұрын
really? did u ask him why?
@lashes28842 жыл бұрын
In India they do the same ... completely true ☹️ Edit: and yes I remember the doctor once scolding me for telling him I see worse this time while he simply rotated the lens back to it's previous position😂😂😂😂I was's honestly difficult to tell them how good or bad it is wish I knew this earlier😭
@HyHwua6 жыл бұрын
Ur right, my optometrist said I’m slightly nearsighted even though I saw the 20/20 line @ 20 ft clearly! Now I was slightly nearsighted (20/50) for the last year and my ciliary was still relaxing at the time. I also needed (but didn’t use) weak glasses to see the whiteboard. Maybe that’s why, because I remembered that weekend that I had/have natural 20/10 vision (indoors as a child, it’s fully recovered now) and 20/20 is half of that. I was a little suspicious of what they told me.
@HyHwua6 жыл бұрын
Just shows you to not always 100% trust your eye doctor...
@Sasha8pancakes Жыл бұрын
@@HyHwua don't 100% trust anyone ever.
@stickshiftdriver1832 Жыл бұрын
In 1987 when I was 22 years old and wearing a high script since I was 8 I had asked this new eye doctor whom was from Africa why is my right eye always have a higher script than my left. He paused for a second and said that I wasnt using my right eye. I ssked him to explain for I had never heard thst before. He told me that I had not neen seeing through my right like I do my left and that I should start looking and focusing through the right eye more. I jad done it and my right eye began to improve a little. Years later in the year 1999 after reading a book titled Take off your Glasses and See I had found an eye doctor willing to lower my prescription but with a written promise that I dont drive with those glasses. My eyesight started to improve up until I had a rectinal detachment in my right eye in 2014
@--..__2 жыл бұрын
My optometrist never did this, they would go back and forth . Seemingly finding out where the edge was and then made it a bit worse than that. It sucks you had such a bad optometrist
@endmyopia2 жыл бұрын
@sharoncaverlee2803 Жыл бұрын
I have a ? I have been doing my close up measurements on my computer using the endmyopia calculator my left eye 3.25 and right is 5.50 how do I calculate my diopters for long distance.
@eyatoujani22426 жыл бұрын
hi jake steiner is it okay to start wearing my old glasses again i have -3.5 in left eye and -3.25 in the right . My old glases are like -3.25 in the left and -2.75 in right . i hope you answering this sorry for my English :)
@eyatoujani22426 жыл бұрын
Sorry Im new here . Thanks I will measure it
@savvasgamingchannel50623 ай бұрын
@@eyatoujani2242 Sounds good to use your slightly lower glasses for distance vision, if it is just on the edge of blur. But you will need lower strength glasses for closer vision.
@rema439 Жыл бұрын
3:00 How do you convert distence to opter?
@ironwithin3875 Жыл бұрын
using the formula F=1/f (f= focal distance in metes)
@7horizon5 жыл бұрын
how true. All you are saying is so true. I had same question. Why should I go to the doctor who says your condition is going to get worse. Whats the point.
@BrianThrives4 жыл бұрын
Wow, I did not know that that was how optometrist exams went. That they were going for maximum diopters. That made my blood boil.
@endmyopia4 жыл бұрын
Well, not all. There are some good ones. But largely that seems to be the education they get. Makes sense in a way, people want the quick fix.
@Susanna79.2 жыл бұрын
I ask my optometrist what she was starting with she didn’t want to tell me but then told me after 😡
@Sasha8pancakes Жыл бұрын
They probably look down on their patients and see them as inferior and lacking intelligence.
@anaya.shorts4 жыл бұрын
Who is better? Jake Steiner=like Optometrists=comment
@treeofwolf45392 ай бұрын
My glasses got destroyed in a car accident and holds with tape. But I still don't want to see an optimetrist! Those manipulative salesmen never told my mother to FEED ME! I was born with perfect eyesight but couldn't focus from malnutrition. They kept increasing my prescription, now I'm crippled and half blind, almost -10 on 20. I never needed to read tiny text on a far away mountain, so my eyes kept adapting for reading close. At some point my vision got worse but then got better on it's own. When I started eating healthy I could feel my vision get better but my glasses wouldn't let me. I wear them on the tip of my nose. I bet they'd try to see stronger anyway. I shopped for confortable glasses for 10 years but it was only some huge bling. I don't want nose pads, I see between the glass! But plastic frames have huge sides that blocks periferic vision. I need thin metal on the sides. They made them so tight people have metal embeded in their skin! Glasses aren't fashion to me, it's between a wheelchair and medieval torture device. When I saw you become free of glasses by lowering the prescription progressively, it confirmed my hopes, and my anger: OPTOMETRISTS CRIPPLED ME!!! it hurts so much to change prescription, and i didn't understand how you did it exactly. I can't afford 700$ glasses twice a year... Or endure shitty ones that weren't thinned and with anti reflects... Optometrists shouldn't exist. Especially not in malls, at walmart, costco... They just sell fear & fashion... They prey on malnourished kids. A parrot who memorize lies 100% perfectly is still a mindless parrot. I hate you all. You crippled me when I was just a starving tired child. I'll never forgive you. Please save us
@rifkyharin18306 жыл бұрын
That's right my optometrist gave me over prescription - 1.75/-2.75 to me even though my prescription is - 1/-2.25 that why I bought it online. Iam wearing glasses when iam truly needed and i don't wearing it for close up work
@lehas.6 жыл бұрын
How would i help improve vision in my weaker eye as i have a dominant eye which is my right? Would i close my right eye which is dominant and do active focus with just my left?
@mdmuntaharul67953 жыл бұрын
This is aa big business industry
@Sha-wo4ep2 жыл бұрын
Are there lenses that can do the opposite and force your eyes to strain it into getting better vision?
@justicecrying6 жыл бұрын
I pay $85 for eye checkup and they don't offer a proper service.
@jasonmerth51214 жыл бұрын
That charge isn’t only for a refraction, they check the health of your eye as well, your intraocular pressures as well as your field of view, your ocular muscle control and your retinal health. Those are very important tests, it’s also important to note that optometrists (most at least) DO NOT sell glasses as that is the job of an optician.
@faction524 жыл бұрын
There is a lot of misinformation here. Refraction is done in good light conditions. Optometrists give the least minus possible for clear distance. Optometrists also check the health of your eyes and visual system. Eg someone with latent hyperopia or central serous retinopathy will change your refractive error. I always tell my patients what im doing during each stage of my exam. This man is dangerous he is misinforming the public.
@endmyopia4 жыл бұрын
Forget the mall clerk retail lens-sellers for "eye health checkups". Go see a proper ophthalmologist, not a fashion frame sales person! 😉
@booboo26964 жыл бұрын
@@endmyopia that’s so disrespectful. You should really be ashamed
@StatusWorld-gl8gy4 жыл бұрын
In this hurry world everyone need short videos
@lehas.6 жыл бұрын
Being a student its difficult to always go outside and do active focus would i be able to do it through a plain glass window? Any help would be much appreciated 😅
@multistannerbitch71096 жыл бұрын
Felnatien Thank u
@evertdecae90566 жыл бұрын
@Felnatien *stop the progression of the myopia. This is not the same as progressive myopia.
@paramjeetthakkar70884 жыл бұрын
Did u try active focus? Did it help
@malkashayna6 жыл бұрын
I guess that explains why my prescription (-4.25/-3.75) according to my optometrist hasn't changed in the last 2 years, but I have reduced my diopters so currently using normalized lenses of -3/-2.75. However, my right, weaker eye, seems to be stuck at 20/30. You mention here to measure from the side of the eye, but I have the tape measure under the middle of my eye. Does that make a difference?
@malkashayna6 жыл бұрын
@@brennannelson1655 The glasses I am currently using original were 20/40, both eyes. My left eye can now read the 20/20 line, but my right eye is still stuck at 20/30. Was I not clear, or do you not understand the whole concept?
@malkashayna2 жыл бұрын
@G E T R E K T Oye, I had a major setback when moving and for several months using a small laptop instead of a large monitor and it also being raining season so not getting enough outside time. I am slowly getting back to where I was, or at least my left eye is. My right eye is being very stubborn
@malkashayna2 жыл бұрын
@G E T R E K T I am still wearing the glasses that I was before the move started, but did have to step back the differentials. However, I am also sitting further from my monitor. My sight is improving a little bit every day, with occasional set backs
@Sasha8pancakes Жыл бұрын
Maybe try a sleeping mask, not only can it put some pressure on your eyes at night but the pitch black darkness is very good for your eyes if you don't already get that every night. Also spend the whole day riding a bike or something if you can and just active focus all day, I did that one day and my vision was better at the end of the day. Also maybe do exercises that help the eyes work together. Just some ideas
@hreemshreemkleem Жыл бұрын
What about the Autorefractometers? Are they accurate ?
@endmyopia Жыл бұрын
not really
@thereschenschwarzer5 жыл бұрын
Jake, I'm sorry you had so many bad experiences with Optometrists. Any good optometrist will do retinoscopy before the subjective test and will start "from scratch' and not put current prescription in the pheropter when start with the refraction (that is how we were taught in South Africa) . I liked your video, gives a great persepctive
@nayanmehta73524 ай бұрын
Do i need to wear differential for distance vision?if not,then how would i do active focus?i am having -3.5D spherical and 0.5 cylindrical so the differential would be -2.0 for reading right? I don't have enough information so correct me if i am wrong and also thanks for bringing me hope 😅
@MunimCompany10 ай бұрын
PERFECT OBSERVATION!! Thank you sir for putting this out in the best possible words...beautifully said! 👍
@erichmuench69645 жыл бұрын
Not using any glasses is every uncomfortable to my eyes, even with a low -1,5 myopia(if i try to watch tv, etc), i wonder using something like -1,25 or -1,00 is gona feel fine or is gona burn my eyes the same way?
@myouyi3795 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info you share in your channel and website! Wondering what’s your comment on machine testing at specialised eye hospitals? I somehow have a bias trusting the machines over manual testing.
@endmyopia5 жыл бұрын
Autorefractors, I'm less a fan. Look through a specific diopter lens, check acuity. It's as simple as it's fool proof.
@2Lobster26 жыл бұрын
Almost all people i work with ( help do the endmyopia suggestions) have been over prescribed i remove 0.25 diopters in the lens kit they still see the 6/6 line sometimes i reduce whole diopter, usually its abot 0.25-0.75 less, anyway with good active focus habits they can clear 6/12 20/40 easily
@TechGuruCan6 жыл бұрын
My optometrist puts drops in my eyes to dilate them, after 15 minutes, then checks for the diopter correction follow with other checks. Is it normal to get the diopter number with dilated eyes? My gut feeling is not because after the test, I have trouble focusing.
@jamielovesyouuu3186 жыл бұрын
Dilation drops paralyze muscles from over accommodation to a near stimulus. The refraction process is very complex and is catered to every patient. Please don’t doubt the four rigorous years of schooling your doctor has taken by listening to 16 minutes of false accusations.
@TechGuruCan6 жыл бұрын
After returned home with dilated eyes, I could not see things clearly that I normally could. So common sense tells me it is incorrect to dilate the eyes prior the Snellen chart, for me anyway.
@jamielovesyouuu3186 жыл бұрын
whisperyck yes. It affects your near vision. This is what accommodation to a near stimulus means. However your eyes can accommodate in the distance as well even if you do not realize it. Dilation ensures a proper distance refractive Rx without accommodation affecting distance vision
@saikoushik50053 жыл бұрын
@@jamielovesyouuu318 Shut up ya fool. Get your eyes dialled and go out and drive at night. I am sure you would return with few injuries. Even far vision will be affected because of those drops.
@hanijan4806 жыл бұрын
Great vid jake😄 I'm thinking about getting my first reduction and I'm not sure if I should reduce more cyl (astigmatism) on differentials than normalized or to keep the same reduction. I haven't got a reduction yet but I have an idea of what i am going to reduce it to. Thanks, Hanijan
@EconaelGaming5 жыл бұрын
Optometrists aren't equal. I've been to competent ones (who still try to sell you stuff), and to incompetent ones who mixed up left and right multiple times and charged me fifty bucks for a 0/0 lens.
@sam-h5r6j4 күн бұрын
Looks like the eye charts link you included in the description is now behind a pay wall. Unfortunately the link doesn't lead to charts but just different courses.
@endmyopia4 күн бұрын
Sorry about that. Over a decade of content, things get moved and updated. Don't expect complete support for free DIY resources, go download or buy an eye chart, lots of them out there. :)
@sam-h5r6j4 күн бұрын
@@endmyopia No problem. Just pointing out that more of your info is outdated or flat out wrong. Your content clearly has the poor quality one might expect of a free DIY resource so obviously no one expects support from you or even a coherent website. Nice try trying to make a buck though. :)
@endmyopia3 күн бұрын
@sam-h5r6j Half a million regular visitors a month. Three university research partnerships. An incredibly consistent way to reverse myopia, now 20 years in the works. Thanks for the support, this is why I spend a lot less time on free resources these days. ;)
@ameen4746 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the knowledge you have spread using this channel , i have read through your 7 day guide and im starting today with my vision improvement lets hope i can reach 20/20 by 2022 at -3.00 left and -3.25 right 🙄
@gilbrook5 жыл бұрын
amn jr hd Nice low diopter ratio. Equalizing should be a piece of cake.
@paramjeetthakkar70884 жыл бұрын
How's your eyesight now? Did active focus help u to reduce Dioptres??
@miiraducale8204 жыл бұрын
in the uk when optometrist are measuring someones best vision sphere they usually keep the lights on if they are using the Snellen chart and would turn the lights off if they are carrying out retinoscopy
@ildsc4 жыл бұрын
Not strictly true., it must vary. I'm in the UK and my optician (one of the largest chains) turns the lights off for snellen chart. Its also a projected snellen chart.
@EloiseG2333 жыл бұрын
That's interesting because I've been to specsavers for 11 years. They've NEVER had the light on...
@bobbytirlea6 жыл бұрын
ell, when I had my very first and last prescription, for I only used them glasses (-1,50 L, -1,75 R) to read the blackboard as I sat indeed in the back of the classroom, I, well, chose to say to the optometrist when the measurement was taken (some 5 years ago) that with these lenses I see perfectly.... They should have been at least some .25 or .50 diopter at least for clear vision. Anyhow, I have now one year in progress, one year and 2 months to be precise since I am strictly following the rules, embedded the routines, and in day time I am 20/20, so thank you a lot, Jake, you know your lore as many ought to ! Of course, I still have some minor double vision during the night, but that's because I must sit for 5-6 hours daily in front of the computer... Anyway, keeping the fair distance from the screen, and breaks while looking at a chart, compensate. Them minus glasses are still lying peacefully in the vitrine of my room for more than two years now. Cheers!
@lehas.6 жыл бұрын
Ive never worn glasses in my life and when i visted the optometrist for a eye exam my prescription for both eyes was 0.0/0.50×5 and they said that i have slight astigmatism can i cure this with active focus or is it genetic
@glynemartin6 жыл бұрын
What about macular degeneration or presbyopia? have a skeptical attitude to these "diagnosed conditions" as well?...
@puneet77825 жыл бұрын
He is a clown blabbering about any random shit he thought last night. Being an Optometrist, I am confused whether to laugh at this clown or educate him well.
@glynemartin5 жыл бұрын
@@puneet7782 As an "optometrist" what do you laugh at the most???...
@navidahmedshaikh89564 жыл бұрын
This fellow obviously went to a person who called himself an optometrist and coincidentally the intellects of both people matched!!!
@ashbieri4 жыл бұрын
Is it harder to measure when you have astigmatism? I’m little confused when measuring
@boocchihitori44506 жыл бұрын
Hey I have glasses with power of -17D and would like to talk with ppl with same problem as mine.... Help me find ppl I can talk to
@multistannerbitch71096 жыл бұрын
shashi thapaliya u can talk to me
@cherrybopbop4 жыл бұрын
I know I’m late to the party here but it’s a lot more complex than your making it. So, about me, I’m a brutish optometrist. I appreciate fully that the standard of eye test you will receive won’t be the same everywhere. We were taught all about communication. It is imperative to explain what you are doing at all times. Secondly unfortunately sales pressure is a downfall aspect to being an optometrist HOWEVER, the points you are trying to make could mislead other people into thinking this applies to them. Firstly you talk about just measuring the distance in which things become clear. You are assuming nobody has astigmatism. Let’s say you are -2 but at 180 degrees you need another -1 spherical lenses will not work. We also must push plus since this has many other effects . I do see it works for you and you did mention you still get ocular health checks so that’s good.
@cherrybopbop4 жыл бұрын
Pushing the plus essentially prevents the eye using accommodative demand to produce a clear image. You would also need binocular balancing to check the eyes are both working the same as some prescriptions need adjustment for tolerance etc. I hate the persona that is attach to the field but it’s really not all like that. That’s before I start talking about binocular vision
@cherrybopbop2 жыл бұрын
@G E T R E K T where did you read most kids don’t have astigmatism? It’s common to see astigmatism. I don’t prescribe unless I need to. Small cyl’s I don’t bother. I get nothing out of making people buy glasses. If kids are between 4 and 8 years old it is imperative to correct their astigmatism. Ever heard of amblyopia?? Probably not. Meridinal amblyopia can develop from uncorrected cyl. One bad experience is not a reason to spread false/bad advice.
@cherrybopbop2 жыл бұрын
@G E T R E K T amblyopia is made up 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 you are an angry man. Amblyopia is not made up. If untreated the eye becomes less effective hence the patching required to force the lazy eye to do more work. There’s even a department at the hospital called orthoptics that specialize in this field. It’s very real and some of my patients live with that as they hadn’t undergone correct management before 8 years old. Cyl’s do change. At least learn about what’s going on with your eyes before coming at me with “proof”. I’ve already said to you your optometrist has no place prescribing these silly small changes. Doesn’t mean they aren’t there. No one makes you buy it. Check the difference and go from there. Challenge them. Put them on the spot. Just because you’ve had a shite experience you can’t tar all optoms with the same brush. I genuinely care about my patients we aren’t all rogue.
@Yaoisboring6 жыл бұрын
Yes, i'm from Indonesia and i've been wearing glasses since 11 years old (now i'm 30). My prescriptions have always overcorrected. Everytime i do eye exam is like a guessing game and i hate those periods when my eyes suffered to adapt to the new prescriptions. Well, now i'm following your advice about active focus and changing habit thing. I'm trying to decrease it 0,25D gradually so i won't suffer too much😂. Thank you for sharing Jake, cheers!
@zinccharlie3050 Жыл бұрын
Are your eyesight improve now?
@legendary_ehsaan67686 жыл бұрын
Nice video jake
@tuiguy-williams70876 жыл бұрын
So if myopia is just a refractive state, what is your opinion on the risk of high myopia.... such as detached retina, optic nerve damage. Who even says myopia can’t be reduced.
@endmyopia6 жыл бұрын
Not even a matter of opinion. Plenty of clinical science showing significant risk increase.
@RicardoSeifert6 жыл бұрын
Can someone explain to me that does that machine? You look at a ballon and this gives u directly the values.
@kurniawanapriyanto12956 жыл бұрын
hi, jake. I come from INDONESIA Maybe just me. I always watch all your video, subcribe and give thumb up. Now I have myopia - 3,5 both my eyes. A year ago I had -4.00 and astigmatism -0,5. Because of your video, I will not do LASIK. I collect many indonesian book about eye. Someday if you visit Indonesia for travelling maybe in Bali we can meet. I follow your IG.. TERIMA KASIH.
@endmyopia6 жыл бұрын
Sounds good. I visit Bali sometimes.
@paramjeetthakkar70884 жыл бұрын
How's your eyesight now? Did u improve more?
@doctorcool31146 жыл бұрын
You are a pioneer! People will know this in 100 years. This will be a movement
@JohnSmith-yi9cp6 жыл бұрын
Probably not simce the amount of people with myopia will only increase statistacly. Its sad tho
@doctorcool31146 жыл бұрын
John Smith Which is why people/society will start to look for solutions otter than glasses. Like Chinese schools for example.They are doing a lot to prevent it. Since myopia is not only annoying but also can cause retinal tears in highter myopia
@evertdecae90566 жыл бұрын
Wrong. He lacks scientifical backing, and is spreading lies and incomplete truths.
@bibimohamed36026 жыл бұрын
I have a weak Len's on my right eye is that good I am seeing blur
@multistannerbitch71096 жыл бұрын
Bibi Mohamed keep up the good work
@paramjeetthakkar70884 жыл бұрын
Did active focus help u
@booboo26964 жыл бұрын
This is ridiculous. We do not refract like that - you’re not even an optometrist how would you know? All throughout university we were DRILLED to give MOST PLUS. we will NEVER push minus. I am in Australia so maybe that’s why, but wow.
@endmyopia4 жыл бұрын
I need to be an optometrist to know what ya'll do for refraction? Not exactly rocket science. And ... after doing this for 20 years and being in long term contact with many hundreds of optometrists worldwide, and having dealt with tens of thousands of myopes getting refracted - I can tell you with absolutely certainty that maximum minus is what most optometry shops do. Also what do plus spherical diopters have to do with myopia? Perhaps you're just trolling ... 🤔
@booboo26964 жыл бұрын
@@endmyopia wow how rude of you to undermine my career and passion. I’ve worked so hard throughout school and university to get where I am and I’m not going to let you take that away from me. I’m actually a -5.00 myope myself thanks so I think I understand... I actually really care about my patients and will never overcorrect more minus that is needed to provide safe and comfortable vision. So you really need to quit being such a know it all 🙄
@thimoty19924 жыл бұрын
Really ... i can not speak for other optometrists but i do refract in a lightened room with an LCD screen and i NEVER even adjust the so called prescription if my patient is seeing 20/20 i agree with certain things you are saying but some of the things are just not correct. I
@Cristian-lo1pc4 жыл бұрын
Someone who has no idea of the profession is giving advice. It is sad to see people misinformed.
@endmyopia4 жыл бұрын
The profession sells glasses at 1000+ % markup and creates myopia in millions of people. I do the opposite. If anyone has no clue it’s them and also you kind sir, leaving this sort of thoroughly uniformed commentary.
@Cristian-lo1pc4 жыл бұрын
Jake Steiner there is your fallacy assuming optometrist only sell glasses.
@Cristian-lo1pc4 жыл бұрын
Jake Steiner ok. What actually do you do? And what is your preferred method of treating myopia? And your credentials? Are you trying to sell your method?
@jasonmerth51214 жыл бұрын
Jake Steiner not all doctors sell... it’s a medical practice. Years and years of schooling not only to check your refractive error but also to find real medical conditions that can cause blindness... would love to see your credentials though.
@korouphaiszphairembam99844 жыл бұрын
Can only exercises and palming reduce our prescription
@shwanpool81704 жыл бұрын
This is kinda unrelated but my eyes hurt whenever I use my phone or pc Even reading most of the time. Does that means I need to wear glasses?
@GemilyMez4 жыл бұрын
Nope. It means you need to give your eyes a break from all that close up. Wearing glasses will just start you on a slippery slope to ever worsening vision. Listen to your eyes. They are saying they don't like looking at phones or pcs just now. Let them get some distance vision and some proper 3D vision. Listen to your eyes - they are telling you what they need you to do (use phone screens and computer screens less).
@JohnSmithAnythingChannel3 жыл бұрын
No! Gemily Mez is absolutely right. Also, with laptop, try downloading a blue light filter, such as Eye Saver. And on your phone, download Lux Lite to control the brightness better for the brightness of your environment and to prevent display flickering (often unnoticeable, but can cause eye strain and headache). For the blue light filter on your computer, if you want to eliminate blue light completely, keep the color temperature below 2000.
@adobdebunkology56716 жыл бұрын
I can't access your website.
@juliauwanto3 жыл бұрын
Dude i just do this in indonesia,and its happen, about content you are telling in this video
@lehas.6 жыл бұрын
Anyone know what i can do to improve vision in my less dominant eye?
@etiennevandervelden99735 жыл бұрын
Sahel Akbar with glasses of contacts:)
@fromanicfroncais14854 жыл бұрын
Go to ophthalmologist and be happy:-)) Let them check your eyes decently and then decide what YOU want to do with your eyes. What acuity you really need for staying active. The problem is not only with optometrist but more with the patients themselves they love being prescribed something which gives them full comfort thinking thus they are taking care of their eyes. Accepting the truth is always hard. Changing the way you think is painful so I understand the reaction and I personally like the video and keep on pushing. I want the result I want to be cured. Eye doctor failed to cure me. But my health is my responsibility. So I stick to Jake's method. Hope he won't be burnt on fire for 'heretical views' 😂
@MeriemHadji-cq6ql9 ай бұрын
Thank you jake steiner 💐
@JunglebuddySlaVa6 жыл бұрын
Is going outside and practicing active focus without any glasses a good idea? Also, what's the one habit you were practicing every single day? Respect.
@barrmelvharrglenbarry65044 жыл бұрын
Nailed it !!
@jasonmerth51214 жыл бұрын
There is far more to myopia then distance to blur... you failed to talk about complex myopic astigmatisms (lenticular or corneal) these are very important standards. And you also talked about the Shellen chart which is measured specifically (whether it’s projected or printed) in arc minutes of light measured at optical infinity. Active focus is bogus to start off with.... its smooth muscle (not controllable by the brain) you can’t control your heart rate anymore then you can control your ciliary muscles...
@endmyopia4 жыл бұрын
Corneal astigmatism. Aka voodoo nonsense to sell people clear curved pieces of plastic at 1000% markup. Also yea, myopia is really just distance to blur. 🤔👍🏻👍🏻
@jasonmerth51214 жыл бұрын
Jake Steiner there are two types of myopia, corneal myopia might be reversible, but true myopia (your eye getting longer) is not reversible, quit misinforming people and discrediting an entire profession of people who tirelessly work to allow people to see clearly every day. Astigmatism is not a made up thing... if it was then there would be no need for me to wear cylindrical lenses. During my time in a lab I tried both Plano spherical lenses and astigmatism correction lenses and one worked but one didnt 🤷♂️.(clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about)
@jasonmerth51212 жыл бұрын
@G E T R E K T do tell how contact lenses and optical vision lenses cause lenticular astigmatism without having any contact with the crystalline lens
@jasonmerth51212 жыл бұрын
@G E T R E K T bare in mind that the burden of proof falls on you, science supporting the use of optical lenses has been supported and clinically proven for over 100 years
@jasonmerth51212 жыл бұрын
@G E T R E K T you’re basically a flat earthier
@bibimohamed36026 жыл бұрын
Hey I have a full correction on the left eye but I have a weak lense on my right eye Is that good
@faction524 жыл бұрын
This man does not account for astigmatism either.
@lydiaingram33064 жыл бұрын
Looking at your webpage I notice none of your pages have links to any actual research pages and studies that have been done. Shouldn't what you say be evidence based rather than based on your own opinion and experience? I want to see figures and numbers and graphs!
@endmyopia4 жыл бұрын
That's right. The home page doesn't have a whole category for science, including link to science section and quotes. And people don't give me a hard time constantly for boring them with explaining the biology, causes, optics, etc. Hey, it's not even the channels main video, explaining the science! 😂👍🏻
@Shantanu_986 жыл бұрын
Can you please make a video proving that you have 20/20 vision.Im also -5 and Im 20 years old!What to should I do?
@channel1channelone5 жыл бұрын
shantanu saxena how would that look? :)) if someone wants to fake smth, he could fake it in a video as well - you just need to read the scientific stuff on the blog or elsewhere and make a decision for yourself and not be lazy about it
@Ben-pk4cv2 жыл бұрын
Wifey windsurfs too!
@ItsOneInAMillion4 жыл бұрын
Note he doesnt speak about astigmatism or accommodation. This guy has no idea what optometrists do 😂😂
@endmyopia4 жыл бұрын
Most astigmatism is lens induced and created by optometrists. Sadly I appear to know vastly more about biology and peer reviewed clinical science than chain store lens sellers, aka “optometrists”.
@despinavelanis26823 жыл бұрын
I know! He has no idea, but how could he... HE NEVER WENT TO OPTOMETRY SCHOOL! LMAO
@ahmedhilmi49962 жыл бұрын
@@endmyopia Do you have any evidence for this claim? Astigmatism is actually caused by different refractive errors in different planes of the eye, most likely caused by an asymmetrical cornea. There's no way this can be caused by an optometrist. Your courses seem really expensive.
@endmyopia2 жыл бұрын
@@ahmedhilmi4996 Wholesale cost $5 lenses marked up to $400+ to unsuspecting public? Retail optometry still wins.
@ahmedhilmi49962 жыл бұрын
@@endmyopia I noticed you just simply dodged the question about astigmatism, will you try again? Also, what's the mark up on your courses you sell ?
@rajeev_kumar6 жыл бұрын
Hi brother 😎
@rashpalsidhu4 жыл бұрын
Never seen so much bs in my life 😂
@endmyopia4 жыл бұрын
We aim to please. 👍🏻
@rashpalsidhu4 жыл бұрын
@@endmyopiaGive yourself some knowledge and get a degree in optometry then rewatch this video
@endmyopia4 жыл бұрын
@@rashpalsidhu Glad to have a recorded public debate with any optometrist, see exactly who knows more about optics and vision biology. Bring it on. ;)
@rashpalsidhu4 жыл бұрын
@@endmyopia I'm sure there's plenty of optometrists or optometry educational institutions near you that would gladly answer your questions to prevent further misleading of the public. Or as I said, apply to study for an optometry degree yourself. I'm sure it would be easy for you 😉
@endmyopia4 жыл бұрын
@@rashpalsidhu Luckily it isn't you guys misleading the public. Google Scholar, "lens induced myopia". Well isn't that weird, glasses cause myopia. 🤔 (Or LA Times, "glasses ripoff scandal". Or The Atlantic "lobbying lens prescriptions". So much fascinating stuff out there!)
@jurgengolak75276 жыл бұрын
Hello Jake, first, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!!! I just startet doing active focus and it works for me at natural light. My question, is active focus possible at night? Thanks a lot!!!
@AJCzarkowski5 жыл бұрын
In my experience it only works during daytime. It's theoretically possible to do active focus at night though, but the vast majority of times you try it will not work.
@paramjeetthakkar70884 жыл бұрын
Did active focus help u
@paramjeetthakkar70884 жыл бұрын
@@AJCzarkowski did active focus help u? Please reply :-)
@MadMaXxFx6 жыл бұрын
@ahmedhilmi49962 жыл бұрын
this video is really misleading and wrong. The thought that optometrists will give as much minus as possible is really nonsense. Refraction principles are actually the opposite, if it was really as you suggest so many people would be getting major issues with their glasses. I guess you have to push the agenda that optometrists aren't telling the truth so you can sell more courses. Do you have any peer reviewed data showing any improvement at all from your expensive courses?
@endmyopia2 жыл бұрын
Google Scholar: "Lens induced myopia". That's all we need to know about optometry treatments right there, in peer reviewed studies. Time for exploring other ideas than ones that literally give people more myopia.
@martinjott10406 жыл бұрын
That video is sooooo helpful. Thank you Jake.
@gilbrook5 жыл бұрын
Nice. No tow boat. Had not know how this was done. Great instructional video.
@kittendivine16 жыл бұрын
I'm assuming this thumbnail means you just got rid of your braces and would like a compliment. So here you go: nice teeth dude! (yes I noticed the difference. And the slight lisp in one of your other video's lol).
@endmyopia6 жыл бұрын
😂 Thanks! Still wearing the Invisalign thingies but yea the snaggle tooth factor slightly reduced.
@kittendivine16 жыл бұрын
@@endmyopia Well I'm glad they're not getting snagged on anything anymore. ;P
@etiennevandervelden99735 жыл бұрын
I am an Optometry student and qualified optician and this video blows my mind. Measuring your own presciption at home is NOT possible, how would you measure astigmastism combined with myopia..? “How much diopters we add extra beyond the point of blur” this is also not true. If we add more diopter it results in accommodation, witch leads to headaches and blurred vision. I stopped this video after 3 minutes, I can’t listen to this made up story. Go see your optometrist please, this is really just sad...
@endmyopia5 жыл бұрын
Actual astigmatism is quite rare. It’s usually just lens induced. And you can measure myopia with a ten cent ruler. Or pay a few bucks for an EyeQue.
@etiennevandervelden99735 жыл бұрын
Jake Steiner about 90% of all people has astagmatism in one or both eyes from C0,25 or more so actually quit al lot. Most astigmatisms are induced in the cornea, not the lens...
@endmyopia5 жыл бұрын
@@etiennevandervelden9973 Hope you're not having to pay tuition at that school. (and definitely don't go on Google Scholar and look at actual incidence rates of astigmatism - or use some amount of common sense .. you really think 90% of people have a defect in their vision?! - they don't, actual astigmatism affecting vision, before optometrist intervention, exceedingly rare)
@PrinceNxz5 жыл бұрын
@@endmyopia oh for god sake I hope you suffer from keratoconus