Why I Don't Wear a Bicycle Helmet

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Terry B

Terry B

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@TerryB 2 жыл бұрын
I wear a helmet 90% of the time. Wear it or don't it's your choice.
@applegater355 2 жыл бұрын
So many benefits to not wear a helmet. Great post.
@kanyequest8776 8 ай бұрын
why do you wear a helmet 90% of the time?
@kanyequest8776 8 ай бұрын
@@applegater355 what are the benefits of not wearing a helmet?
@fatrobdouble 5 ай бұрын
Do you wear it in the shower? To bed? To church? 90%, mang.....that's excessive. At least take it off in sexual situations.
@PoserBallin 3 ай бұрын
@@kanyequest8776 Did you watch the video?
@HollowedGlass 2 жыл бұрын
Helmets aren't to protect you from impact with motor vehicles, they're to protect your head from impact with the ground.
@Korina42 2 жыл бұрын
They are, but when they test helmets, they drop them square on the top, which is weird, because most of us are going to hit on the side, back, or front, not on the top. Makes you wonder how much protection we're really getting.
@tinycmo 2 жыл бұрын
Bingo, clark
@rider65 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah the ground, maybe a tree in the forest, maybe part of the concrete at a skate Bike Park. Maybe a telephone pole, etc. It all depends on the velocity, angle and or height which a helmeted rider hits an object. It'll be registered in G-Forces. Variables include deflection and the angle of the contact. Drop test don't really mean much. I think the biggest protection a helmet offers is keeping the skull from being gashed open. The reduction in brain injury and rotational injuries is limited even with mips technology. As a former racer I can tell you many a rider & driver have died from head - brain injuries with some of the best helmet technology ever produced. In one respect it is a sense of false security, a helmet offers limited physic protection. The science of physics proves this along with the untold amount of death of people wearing helmets on bicycles, motorcycles Etc. I usually don't ride without a helmet but I am completely against helmet laws it should be an individual's choice. Like everything else in life and this world, it should be each persons choice. Fuck the collective and their groupthink. 👍✌
@radiocontrolled9181 2 жыл бұрын
Bingo! As per my experience relayed in my other comment here. Happened to me, I am living proof.
@NISHIAKI 2 жыл бұрын
@@Korina42 There is a clip of a helmet being impact tested at about a 45 degree angle on the rear right section of the helmet in this video at 2:26. They may *also* drop them square on top, but they don't *only* drop the square on top.
@asork 2 жыл бұрын
I was hit by a car from behind that i wasnt expecting. I was really bruised and away from my bike for a couple of weeks. When i recovered i saw my helmet cracked and crushed from the impact. I didnt even knew i hit my head that day. Im thankful i was wearing a helmet
@roycampbell3433 2 жыл бұрын
Same thing happened to my brother and his friend years ago, I don't like wearing helmets but I do because they can save you , I still think it should be up to the individual and not forced.
@TheMADC999 Жыл бұрын
Basically, if you live in a car-centric environment like the US or AUS, then maybe consider wearing one at least once in a while. But if you live in a bike friendly place like the Netherlands, just wear a sock.
@meYogii_ Жыл бұрын
exactly it could've been your head.
@elcapitan6126 Жыл бұрын
it's more often than not the fact we share the roads with cars that's the main danger. riding fairly slowly around quiet parks with no motor traffic is pretty damn safe. no guarantees but hey nothing in this life is safe if we really think about what we do everyday.
@yejiz_nuts Жыл бұрын
A week ago I saw a poor guy who was involved in a bike collision, I think he was hit by a car. His head was bleeding out and he wasn't moving. Other people were already there with him so I didn't come over but one of them laid a blanket on him, so I suspect he died. It was so terrible and sad to see, and he wasn't wearing a helmet. I am always going to wear a helmet because of this.
@Flako-dd 2 жыл бұрын
Murphy's law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." - This means that anything will *eventually* go wrong. I certainly had enough crashes where the Helmet prevented head injuries. I highly recommend it for everybody that rides daily and with an above average speed, or any type of Sport Cycling. But still I am against mandatory Helmet Laws, since it will prevent people who are just getting from A to B at party pace to ride a Bike.
@TerryB 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with this 💕
@dr.comtedetarde 2 жыл бұрын
I am an urban bike rider and I also have a helmet . But when I ride my bike in circumstances with low risk of falling from it, then and only then ( which is most of the time) I don't wear it. A fall may happen even inside your own home or when walking to the drugstore. If I were so neurotic like some exaggerated helmet advocates, I would have to wear a helmet as soon as I get up from my bed or my chair
@schneidebrett 2 жыл бұрын
Which is kinda the wrong way around. Falling while on a slow pace can crack your head already. Wearing a helmet can mitigate most risk involved while going slow-medium which makes it highly effective IF you do get into an accident at low speeds. A helmet will most probably not protect you on hard slams after going fast though..... If i'm going 40-ish km/h in the city my helmet will most probably not protect me from a car-crash to the head. But it will protect my head if i slip while going 15-ish and hit my head on the street. That said, do whatever you want. I don't see any benefit in not wearing a helmet though. Also: studies do suggest that helmets can effectively mitigate head injuries vs. cars, at low-medium speeds. Helmets are tested against speeds of about
@MarioLorenzo 2 жыл бұрын
@@liamkaloy So you believe in censorship. Wow. Bad move
@dr.comtedetarde 2 жыл бұрын
@@liamkaloy This is an erroneous interpretation of the video, sir. It doesn't promote anything but the cause of nonexaggeration, of not being dogmatic regarding helmet, be it for biking, jogging or walking
@Lehmann108 2 жыл бұрын
The main reason this clown doesn't wear a bike helmet: He's never been in a serious bike accident. All it takes is one serious bike crash where you smack your head on the ground to change your mind about helmets or make you thankful for wearing one. As the emergency room physician said to me a few years back, "It's a good thing you were wearing a helmet otherwise you'd have a skull fracture along with this concussion. And by the way, it doesn't matter how safely you ride, accidents happen so fast, so quickly, so unexpectedly.
@acbenepe 2 жыл бұрын
My mantra with the whole helmet thing is, it only has to work once. (in my case twice)
@UenoLocker54 2 жыл бұрын
It's the same as a seatbelt. 99% of the time you might find it uncomfortable but wear it anyway and that 1% it does the job like magic. I've lost 2 loved ones to not wearing their seatbelts because they were "safe drivers who never crash", well they crashed.
@mrmaniac3 2 жыл бұрын
Things like helmets are designed to be good for one impact. For the kind of cycling that benefits from that safety improvement, like fast and rocky riding, it's absolutely worth it. When you have that impact once in a blue moon, you're glad you have it. It's not something that should be necessary for on safe separated cycling infrastructure, but it has its purpose to serve, so it should serve that purpose.
@randommtbridr Ай бұрын
@@acbenepe bicycle helmets are made to protect you only once.
@KenWoodsNL 2 жыл бұрын
Hi from The Netherlands. It's incorrect to say "nobody wears a helmet" here. It's not common for the dutch upright bikes, (the standard bike), because they go 20kph and bikes have the right-of-way everywhere. Those of us who ride "racefiets" aka, "road bikes" wear helmets because we ride at 40-60kph and ride with cars. In the end, it's personal choice. Wear one, or don't. Is it just an American thing to poke your face into somebody else and if they wear a helmet or not?
@batlin 2 жыл бұрын
No, it seems to be a thing here in Ireland as well. I was stopped in the street by a guy roaring in my face that I must be insane to ride without a helmet, because some guy died a few days prior from a head injury when being hit by a car. I was like "I'm sorry about your friend, but 1) you don't know that a helmet could have saved him, and 2) you're actually putting MY life in danger by forcing me to stop between buses and cars in town during rush hour". To be honest there's been a bit of a popular culture anti-cyclist vibe here for many years and it's only improving slowly -- the government is starting to listen and look at some of the cycling infrastructure changes made by the Dutch over the last 50-60 years as a good example to follow. But it's been car first for years, and outside of major cities like Dublin, it's often narrow, bendy roads with no space to walk even, but with 80 km/h or 100 km/h speed limit signs. So everybody outside the cities is basically forced to drive.
@AndyLeeJordan 2 жыл бұрын
I think this is the main point of the video. In the USA we’re told that every single cyclist on every bike MUST wear a helmet or they’re a danger to themselves and society…but the reality is if you’re cruising on an upright bike at 20kph not mixing with car traffic (that is quite possible in some places here) it’s just not true. That nuance is simply not recognized by the state and it leads to to fewer people cycling.
@salatsol3e 2 жыл бұрын
Germany is pretty much like Dublin and the US. Most people drive cars and if someone wore a helm or not is even mentioned often in police reports some accident happens.
@triggamusician 2 жыл бұрын
Hi from somebody who lived in NL for 8 years. Nobody wore a helmet where I lived and jokes about those stupid Germans wearing helmets even for the shortest rides were plentiful. Infrastructure in NL is just superb, maybe even the best in the world. I never had to ride on the road together with cars and it kind of felt like it was seriously frowned upon if you actually did. And your point about road bikes is not about speed. I am 100% it's the road bike community. "Since it's mandatory for riders in the TdF it must be somewhat mandatory for us." It wasn't always like that. I usually grab a bandana, wrap it around my head, have my little goatie breathe the air and feel like Marco Pantani. Others on road bikes feel like they need it all. Have the fancy bike, fancy shoes, fancy jerseys, fancy glasses and yes, they all need their fancy helmets, too. After 10 years on road bikes I have only fallen over while standing still, never because of cars, pedestrians, potholes or other influences. Always assume the other ones are oblivious and they don't see you.
@420redpandaproductionsllc2 2 жыл бұрын
actually we live in a simulated reality and you are interacting with an NPC of sorts. a way to tangibly understand this is in the film the matrix where agent smith can override any individual plugged into the matrix.
@VeloObscura 2 жыл бұрын
2 Years ago I had a severe bike crash in which my head hit the ground HARD and I was knocked unconscious. I was in a fairly remote area, so I was taken to hospital via helicopter. I suffered a severe concussion and had some memory loss, but thankfully I was fine. Even if my helmet was 90% less effective than they're touted to be - I'm still glad I had that 10%.
@lucasrodillo6739 2 жыл бұрын
I crashed against a car and my head went straight to a roadside reflector. The helmet had a 2 cm indentation in the side of the impact. That could have been my skull.
@educationalvideos4151 2 жыл бұрын
This happened to me when my cheekbone hit the ground. None of the helmet made significant contact except for scraping. Unfortunately it was aerodynamic and tapered near the bottom; if the helmet shape had stuck out more at the sides it maybe would've taken some of the impact. I had simply bought was was available that felt like a good fit. So I'd say not only are helmets good, but dorky bulky helmets are a plus.
@d3kr 2 жыл бұрын
I was riding recently and a freak gust of wind blew me over when I was adjusting my backpack strap (hands off the bars) and my head hit the ground hard. My helmet surely kept me conscious and uninjured. Inversely, I know people who are afraid to ride because they know of people who received serious head injuries as a result of helmetless cycling accidents.
@savvageorge 2 жыл бұрын
I've ridden thousands of miles without a helmet I've never had a serious accident. Not sure if maybe not wearing a helmet makes me concentrate more and pay more attention to the road.
@DeanGl 2 жыл бұрын
@@savvageorge You should be paying attention to the road and concentrating with or without a helmet anyway. I've also ridden thousands of miles but with a helmet without any serious incidents but accidents can still happen and I'd rather have a helmet on when it does. It doesn't matter how careful you are because there are a lot of factors out of your control.
@wematanye533 Жыл бұрын
7 minutes and 57 seconds of pure unfettered confirmation bias.
@j030977 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 45, I mostly ride trails. I fell off of my bike on a route I ride almost 3 times a week. My 32" gravel tires slid perfectly into a gap between 2 pavers on a shared walk/bike path as I was trying to avoid peds and this large uneven portion of the walkway. My knees, hands, right shoulder & leg hurt for weeks (my age). I hit my head near my brow bone and dented my helmet... I was probably going 6mph. My head was the only part that was without a scratch and not in pain.
@kevinlinares9060 Жыл бұрын
I hope you learned your lesson, you need at least 50mm or more of tire width.
@elcapitan6126 Жыл бұрын
tsk tsk should have worn full body armor
@travisgoesthere Жыл бұрын
45 and you think age has caught up to you? lmao
@5skdm Жыл бұрын
​@@travisgoestheresome people already grow a little gray hair at that age
@travisgoesthere Жыл бұрын
@5skdm OK what does that have to do with anything?
@Shifter_Cycling 2 жыл бұрын
The world I dream of is the one where those who truly care about the safety of cyclists put as much effort into advocating for safe infrastructure as they do shaming people who choose not to wear a helmet. I hope we can move past helmet fundamentalism and see the true path toward safer urban cycling.
@GermanGameAdviser 2 жыл бұрын
nah mate thats too logical and big effort lets just shame on
@cynthiamolenaar770 2 жыл бұрын
Just visit The Netherlands and see for yourself. Bikers that do so for sports (mountainbikers etc) are wearing a helmet, the rest of us who just use bikes to get from here to there don’t!
@mikebronicki8264 2 жыл бұрын
Than you Shifter. Well said.
@DanielDroegeShow 2 жыл бұрын
People shame people for wearing helmets too, ya know?
@paulgentile1024 Жыл бұрын
@@DanielDroegeShow I've been riding in NYC 40 years no helmet.. can't tell you how many times people tell me to wear a helmet with an attitude.. just mind your business and worry about yourself
@misaelmoreno537 2 жыл бұрын
I personally don’t feel safer wearing a helmet, but my wife and my mom are a little less worried about me, so I do wear a helmet most of times now!
@ninetendopesaitama2107 2 жыл бұрын
The false sense of safety is utterly bs. I never risked more bc of the helmet. You are already at a much higher risk as a biker.
@markuskani7190 2 жыл бұрын
Never took more risks bc i wore a helmet. Thats the most stupid argument ever. I was already under great risk being a biker on the Street would be more accurate.
@martijnheil8825 2 жыл бұрын
@@markuskani7190 Almost noone conciously takes more risks because they're wearing a helmet.
@Exgrmbl 2 жыл бұрын
@@markuskani7190 well, the tricky thing here is that the effect that is described is subconscious, it's not like the rider that is taking more risks is aware that he is doing it. That is why you need to study things like that scientifically.
@markuskani7190 2 жыл бұрын
@@Exgrmbl there is no scientific proof. Send me a link should be easy. But i already know you cant. ☮
@Pikminarecool 2 жыл бұрын
helmets dont make cycling safe, they make it less dangerous
@FELENATOR 2 жыл бұрын
They make it more dangerous.
@noddy7215 2 жыл бұрын
@@FELENATOR huh? In what concept?
@FELENATOR 2 жыл бұрын
@@noddy7215 they provide a false sense of security. They encourage apathy in cycling infrustructure. They make people take more risks, they make motorists assume they are less fragile (when they aren't at all). My main gripe is that they are totally pointless for commuting. Mountain biking and bombing hills as fast as you can, yeah I totally agree with helmets. For regular commuting? Bike Lanes are the only thing that actually helps.
@radiocontrolled9181 2 жыл бұрын
@@FELENATOR When I wear my helmet I never fool myself into believing that I can take more risks just becase I'm wearing one. And I think most people don't. To me what you stated in this regard doesn't make any sense. Pointless for commuting? Not at all. If there is a possibility that at any point and for some reason you can be thrown off your bike and hit your head hard on the ground (like it happened to me - read my other comment here), which there is, then wearing a helmet is not pointless at all for commuting. On the contrary, it is the logical thing to do.
@noddy7215 2 жыл бұрын
@@radiocontrolled9181 exactly. I had an accident on December where a motorcycle hit me and I flew a few meters away. My helmet saved me from concussion as my jead hit the ground so hard. If I had no helmet that time, I'll probably had a serious head injury or worse, died. Helmet wont save you 100% but it CAN save you. @David, making it more dangerous is very freaking non sense to me.
@bait3027 2 жыл бұрын
When I got knocked unconscious, I awakened to a new understanding of helmets.
@thombloom3713 2 жыл бұрын
I remember being tackled by a police officer here in Australia for not wearing a helmet, somehow he didn’t get the irony of pushing me to the ground for not wearing protective equipment.
@glennoc8585 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in Australia too. That's exteme
@grey.7828 2 жыл бұрын
Australian police and politics are Nazis.
@the_hambulance 2 жыл бұрын
I remember this.
@pthomas776 2 жыл бұрын
Do they still require face diapers?
@winstonpoplin 2 жыл бұрын
@@pthomas776 Go to a surgeon or industrial worker in a hazardous area that uses a mask of some kind and call their personal protective equipment a "face diaper" and see how they look at you.
@marwanitoh 2 жыл бұрын
wait, im from europe and i had absolutely no idea what people's views on helmets were. Nobody wears one here in italy and we dont look down on who does or who doesnt, we dont really notice at all
@NicolaDiMarco 3 ай бұрын
I wear an helmet.
@iamnotyourmate 3 ай бұрын
We dont care either in hungary if someone is wearing or not i think this whole shaming thing is not true
@Horus-Lupercal Ай бұрын
Italy has it wrong then, what's your point?
@ibanez2010 Жыл бұрын
Went OTB last year and the visor on the helmet was completely destroyed and the helmet mashed up. I still ended up with a nasty concussion. Wearing no helmet would have 100% been brain damage/bleeding/fractured skull. This was after 15+ years riding without a single major crash. I don't care how safe you think you are, you WILL hit a random pothole and go OTB at some point. Maybe you'll get lucky and walk away with a couple of fractured wrists. With all that said, life is short, ride how you like!
@lain2600 Жыл бұрын
You can see alternate time lines, wow never thought id meet a psychic
@user-oy9zy4ds9m 9 ай бұрын
How fast were you going and what did your head hit? Pavement? Etc
@LittleLionRawr 8 ай бұрын
@@user-oy9zy4ds9m Does not matter if you don't wear a helmet. Go 15 kph → hit a pothole → fall → hit your head → you WILL have a concussion. If you're lucky it's minor. If you're unlucky you crack your skull. You can have 100% control 99.9% of the time. But when you lose it in that 0.1% moment you will have a high chance you're going to hit your head during the fall. Just for comparison: Go 15 kph → hit a pothole → fall → hit your helmet → you will probably have a light concussion. You're lucky if you don't. You're unlucky if it's a worse concussion. You're unlikely to have a more severe injury.
@evangaltier1761 7 ай бұрын
@@LittleLionRawr I hit an immovable object doing far greater than 15 kph, broke collarbone, stitches in my head, but my brain was fine. If my head was a bit larger with a helmet perhaps I would have broken my neck! Don't know what it is about rabid pro-helmeters. Ride a bike with or without a helmet and lives will generally be prolonged. In Australia when helmet laws were introduced cycling dropped off 30% overnight. And interestingly around 30% of riders don't wear helmets where they are optional in similar places (UK/US).
@LittleLionRawr 6 ай бұрын
@@evangaltier1761 Helmets reduce and deflect the impact force so if you didn't break your neck you wouldn't have wearing a helmet. So that's a very illogical assumption. Concussions are on a spectrum, the lighter ones are less noticeable. Since you hit your head hard enough to got stitches chances are high you did have a light concussion after your fall - unless your head didn't hit the ground but scraped over the object. In any case if you got stitches in your head you were quite lucky you didn't have worse than a possible light concussion. By the way, individual stories like yours are just anecdotal. If you look at bigger amounts of data, it's clear that helmets make a huge difference in preventing brain injuries. Improving cycling infrastructure has a bigger impact by the way, by preventing accidents in the first place. But even if you reduce the amount of accidents with great cycling infrastructure and lots of people cycle and have plenty of cycle experience as a result, you can see from the data that if helmet wearing percentages are low, the brain injury percentages of the accidents that do happen are significantly higher. Also, if you don't have great cycle infrastructure your chances of being in an accident are significantly higher, so in that environment it would be smart to be extra careful if traffic is busy, and to protect your brain from the stupidity of other road users. Also, if you know you generally ride faster than 20kph it's advisable to wear a helmet..
@tarjr94 2 жыл бұрын
A $20 helmet might not save your life, but it will certainly help. You could have a lifelong brain injury even at modest speeds. People need to understand what’s at stake when they go out riding. Being safe is sometimes not enough. And on the point of them not being designed for accidents with cars - most riders who get hit by cars are rear ended. The impact is hardest on the back of the head where the skull is not very thick. Just because they are not designed for that sort of incident does not mean they aren’t effective. Wear your helmet, or don’t, and if you do, definitely don’t shame your fellow rider but instead encourage them. Also I love painting designs on my helmet and I wear mine with pride
@Anonymous-vh6kp 2 жыл бұрын
But wearing a helmet comes at the cost of convenience, abuse for some, and a miriad of other things. Taking the scope outside of cycling, there are many choices that we make (or don't) in life that could improve our chance of survival, but an acceptable balance must be found. The most effective way to prevent injury from cycling is to simply not ride at all! Yet we still choose to roll the dice. IMO, the only way to improve safety is for the environment to be improved. You wouldn't store an oxygen tank next to an open fire, the risk is too high, in the same way, having soft squishy fragile human beings next to high speed heavy metal objects just doesn't make any sense.
@nickedname7048 2 жыл бұрын
Had I not worn a helmet 8 years ago, I wouldn't be here watching anti-helmet videos like this now. Even having worn one, it took me two months to get over the concussion. The ground can be very, very hard... My face looked like a war zone, broken lips, broken nose, also a broken finger, jaw creaking, but my head was intact, I was alive. My helmet is my friend forever.
@joeydevit Жыл бұрын
Glad you survived. That said I didn't get anti-helmet video from this video. I got anti shaming and hope for positive progression in safer cycling to make helmets not seem so necessary. Did we watch the same video?
@myfrequencies1912 Жыл бұрын
Yeah this wasn't anti-helmet in the least. It's pro-do what you want to do if anything.
@Rollersox Жыл бұрын
seems like you missed the point of the video
@barzun8 10 ай бұрын
so sad that people have to have a crash or someone close to them have a crash to realise the fundamental safety rules of the activity. i will always wear a helmet
@MBandC103 2 жыл бұрын
I crashed a few years ago. Concussion and broken helmet. The helmet took the brunt of that fall. I'd have split my head open if I wasn't wearing it.
@AardvarkDK 2 жыл бұрын
Did you break your neck?
@cjreeve79 2 жыл бұрын
I've split my head open before. I still have the dent in my forehead. I don't recommend it. However, I was not riding a bicycle at the time and I never wear a helmet. A 20m fall smashed my skull. Perhaps I should wear a helmet all the time.
@AardvarkDK 2 жыл бұрын
@@cjreeve79 I thought you fell off a horse? ;)
@cjreeve79 2 жыл бұрын
@@AardvarkDK maybe I fell off a horse next to a cliff 😉 Anyway, I can confirm that I can't fly.
@bicycleutopia 2 жыл бұрын
how do you KNOW youd have split your head open??? another useless anecdote...
@HGZie 2 жыл бұрын
Good timing. NorCal cycling posted a video 15 minutes before this one about how wearing a helmet saved his life.
@rupert8650 2 жыл бұрын
Yup, that would've been very scary without the helmet.
@kaite8371 2 жыл бұрын
No, not literally. That's not possible.
@niktoten 2 жыл бұрын
I will just add, that it was in race crash, 40 km/h. Risk/freedom ratio is obvsly very different in race than on a weekend ride with grandma. Other than that, nasty crash, head right on curb, f.
@HGZie 2 жыл бұрын
@@niktoten That's true as well. One can still be cycling 20km/h on a road and have an accident with a car going double the speed or more. Point being that a helmet shines in situations where one can't control what others are doing, especially when they're driving 1500kg metal cages.
@ando.niyuen 2 жыл бұрын
@@HGZie statistically it doesn't.
@scottbachmann1962 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I ride a really stable Townie 7D with more substantial tires and I ride almost exclusively on rail trails and riverwalks. So these are flat trails. I don’t ride on roads with cars. I have assessed the risk and I think there’s an extremely small chance that I’m going to crash on a nice, flat rail trail. No helmet for me. Besides, when I was a kid they didn’t even make bike helmets; you couldn’t even buy one in a store if you wanted to. 😂
@miket.220 Жыл бұрын
Haha. If you were a kid in the 70s like me, we all did tricks on our 'muscle' bikes and BMXs with no helmets. 'Safety' wasn't really part of the thought process, it seemed.
@RonDevito 3 ай бұрын
Last year, in Mexico City, I collided with another bicyclist on a side street while on their version of CitiBike (EcoBici). I was wearing a helmet. When I fell, I hit the right side of my head. The helmet was cracked rendering it unusable, but my head was unscathed. Without the helmet, my skull would have taken the direct impact to the asphalt. The helmet did its job. I immediately replaced it. I would never ride a bike without one, especially now with my 55th birthday coming. The old don't heal as fast as the young. The helmet is for protecting you from pratfalls such as I took, so I cannot go along with the presenter's line of thought.
@M1gas 2 жыл бұрын
When I am commuting in my city - where nobody rides bicycles and drivers are texting or speeding - i mostly wear a helmet. I understand the arguments of not using helmet, and i agree with most of them. But in my situation, its probably a little safer to wear a helmet.
@jackellsworthsavage5384 2 жыл бұрын
what's the harm?
@M1gas 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackellsworthsavage5384 A helmet can give you the sense of false protection - cyclists tend to risk more when they are wearing an helmet. (And I will not even talk about "fake" helmets, low quality helmets that doesnt protect much) Same with drivers - There are studies that show car drivers give less space to cyclists wearing an helmet, drivers tend to give more space to people not wearing helmets, as they look more vulnerable. (Same with a children chair, drivers tend to give more space to bicyclists with children seat.) In a lot of places, it just doesn't make sense to wear a helmet. I was in Amsterdam as few weeks ago, nobody wears a helmet there, because people just dont need them, its safe to ride bicycles there. You dont need a helmet to go get bread in the morning in a cycle lane... What about bike sharing services? Would you share a helmet? Or just bring helmet everywhere in case you want to rent a bike for a mile or two? There are more injuries to the head to car drivers than cyclists. If cyclists should always wear an helmet, car drivers should too, because car drivers are more at risk. Helmets in car drivers would save more lives/more serious injuries if they all wore helmets than if all cyclists wore helmets. There are also studies that say that mandatory helmets makes people ride less bicycles - because its a hassle, or just because helmets looks cycling looks dangerous. If we want a world with more cyclists/people riding bikes, mandatory helmets is not the way to go, it scares people away from bicycles. This being said, i will repeat - i wear a helmet 99% of time in a bicycle and i think most people in a situation like mine should also use it. I dont acre about people not wearing helmets. (The only thing that "annoys" me is when cyclists are doing dangerous stuff, with no regard for traffic laws or other people and they are not wearing a helmet. That kust looks dumb.)
@singletona082 2 жыл бұрын
Well my thinking is also 'people are more likely to see a bright assed helmet than my head of dark hair.' that thing isn't' gonna protect me from an automotive strike, but it might be that little bit of visibility that wouldn't be had otherwise.
@yurimccoy7094 2 жыл бұрын
​@@M1gas I mostly agree with what you are saying, and I almost never wear a helmet. I take issue with suggesting that cyclists are doing dangerous stuff. Riding through a city on a bike, even while ignoring stop signs and red lights (which are timed/implemented for cars, not bikes) is not the "dangerous behavior" we should be curtailing. I'm dumfounded by the people who look down on cyclists as "maniacs with a death wish" from the seat of a 4,000 lbs SUV. Cities that prioritize the violence and carnage associated with motor vehicles over the safety and convenience of a bike, are the real problem. Cars are dangerous by their very nature, no matter who is driving. Don't you think people should be able to freely move about a city without having to stop at every intersection or wait for a crossing signal?
@M1gas 2 жыл бұрын
@@yurimccoy7094 Of course Yuri. Fuck car culture and fuck carOwner virus. I get much more annoyed at cars drivers, and i rarely see cyclists commuting anyway. But there are assholes everywhere, even on bicycles. (Im not talking about just ignoring red lights, im talking about ignoring red lights and making other people have to brake or change direction to avoid collisions). As a cyclist, i even get annoyed at pedestrians! (in a city with few bicycles, pedestrians tend to think cyclist dont exist, and its not uncommon for pedestrians to jump in the way of a cyclist in the road or at cycle lanes.) I mean, it annoys me to see cyclists doing dumb stuff without a helmet,. But it also annoys me to see that when they are wearing a helmet. so, helmet probably has little to do to it, you are right.
@arturomolinamacias8989 2 жыл бұрын
It depends 100% on the situation and the style of riding. I ride almost daily. When I'm going with a friend in a casual and slow ride that's just 1-3 km in roads with little traffic or bike lanes, I don't wear the helmet. But when I'm commuting longer distances (normally 15-20km) I use the helmet because in those rides I go pretty fast and go between cars, motorbikes, trucks, etc. I've had a couple of incidents in those rides, nothing serious but in the moment I was glad I was using the helmet. Meanwhile, in those casual and slow rides I have never had any issue. So yeah, depends 100% on the particular situation and riding style.
@ynotnilknarf39 2 жыл бұрын
You got faster because you wear a helmet and this increases the chances of you actually being involved in an incidnt. I've ridden in big cities, in the Alps at 60mph and will never wear a helmet. Firstly it oiffers virtually no protection, and wearing increases risk taking both of yourself and those around you. It's a totally false thi nking that the faster you go and the supposed more risk that donning PPE equals more safety, it doesn't. This is proven in som many facts of sport and in the home/work place. 25 years in Health and safety industry and many thousands of documents and research I have more than a grasp of the situation, and the 40 years of road (and off road) cycling
@juanpecan7089 2 жыл бұрын
Commuting puts the "numbers game" more in play. Like, those are rides when the roads are usually busier, doors are popping open into the bike lane, and you might be a little rushed/distracted/tired/overconfident. When I switched from a flat black helmet to ones with extra visibility like neon color, reflective tape, and integrated lights like the Lumos, drivers seemed to be more aware of me. It also makes you look like a law abiding safety dork when cops see you do some sketchy shit.
@ynotnilknarf39 2 жыл бұрын
@@juanpecan7089 Wearing helmets increase chance of death or injury, all the global data proves this. I've been in Health and Safety for 25 years, studied thousands of documents, thousands of data sets from around th world both in workplace, sport and leisure. Helmets only ever make outcomes worse at population levels. They also push onus to not getng harmed onto the vulnerable instead of focusing on the criminals/those foing the harm. This victim blaming NEVER works in any environment to make people safer, not ever in human history. If you beleive in helmets, please wear one for walking, driving, walking down stair, getting out the bath, also wear a stab and bullet proof vest when outside the home. PPE is a compete lie!
@inkpick6153 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone does as they want. Evolution will determine those who made the right choice.
@Eagle-zl4gz 2 жыл бұрын
If if makes you feel better I say go for it!
@jazzcabbage666 2 жыл бұрын
I've ridden bikes all my life with no helmet until my last major accident where I suffered a pretty good TBI. My mental health has since been a struggle, I get mood swings and have hearing loss/really bad tinnitus in my right ear and have some muscle and nerve damage. As much as I've been shamed for not wearing a helmet, I only wear one now JUST IN CASE I find myself in a specific situation where a helmet works they way it's intended. Otherwise, I understand they don't make *that* much of a difference in your ride safety.
@Snoupity 2 жыл бұрын
I’m in Australia. I subconsciously feel an anxious feeling in my chest when I think of going for a ride. After years of being fined, and after countless goody-goody pedestrians yelling “WHERE’S YA HELMET, MATE?”, I now subconsciously ride less. I mean this sincerely and after a lot of consideration: fuck this country.
@MarcoTheGreat2008 2 жыл бұрын
I find it funny how Aussies paint themselves as the laid back, anything-goes culture but then you have helmet laws and jaywalking fines. Ridiculous! Bit of a nanny state you've ended up in.
@Snoupity 2 жыл бұрын
@@MarcoTheGreat2008 Yeah the laid back ‘oh haha you guys are so chill!’ is as real as the american dream is. If there ever was an American dream, it’s as lost as the Australian one
@m0rShh 2 жыл бұрын
The fines are there to discourage people from riding without a helmet. I fail to see the problem, it seems like it's working as intended! And after YEARS you'd rather risk a $200+ fine every time you get on your bike, instead of just going into a shop and buying the cheapest helmet they've got? You sound like a real glutton for punishment.
@Snoupity 2 жыл бұрын
@@m0rShh Oh, they’re there to discourage people? Why’d I never take that into consideration bro?! Australia is basically the only country in the world which enforces this stupid fucking law (I have stopped paying the fines and they seem not to care). Does that not tip you off that maybe it’s a stupid one, or do you truly believe that Australia is two steps ahead of everyone else?
@ChrisCoxCycling 2 жыл бұрын
Hear hear. I live in Australia, so apart from "is this bike ride a risk of me crashing and hitting my head" you also have to ask yourself "is this bike ride a risk of me coming across a cop that wants to give me a fine". For most, like me, you just wear a helmet so you don't have to deal with the latter. What happens is you see a lot of people wearing very cheap helmets, poorly fitted, flopping about all over the place, which in the case of a crash is more likely to cause them more injuries than prevent anything. Helmet laws have many unintended negative consequences, but in this day and age of absolute terror of litigation, once they're in, they're almost impossible to repeal. Don't make the mistake Australia made. Helmets are OK. Helmet laws suck.
@TerryB 2 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the inside line on that. I’m with helmets but not making people wear helmets. Let the people chose.
@ziggypi4813 2 жыл бұрын
love this...ive done delivery work Seattle, SF, LA..for 10 years...never worn a helmet..never had a wreck. I've noticed biggest flaw in city biker mentality is they think, they have 'the right of way' ..and dont look. Awareness is number one safety mechanism and there is no shortcut for that. I bike mostly in 25mph zones, so reaction time is much better. I'm not anti helmet but in my risk analysis I just don't put myself at risk very often.
@joaquinherrera5851 2 жыл бұрын
@bikingchupei2447 Жыл бұрын
you can only control your own awareness.
@stuartcampbell4626 Ай бұрын
I have biked in North America for 20+ years, 90% of the time without a helmet...but 100% of the time with the assumption that I am INVISIBLE to others. That means always having a bail-out strategy in mind (a technique I was also taught back in the day driving a car), checking my shoulder inccesantly, taking a full lane at higher speeds (when not actually impacting car flow), keeping adequate distance from parked cars, being aware of shadows, being aware of sun glare in driver's eyes, nearly always using bike lights, even in the day, assuming any moment in a driver's blind spot will be catastrophic, assuming drivers dangerously run yellow and red lights regularly, assuming drivers have failed to signal (even more regular, of course), assuming fellow cyclists do stupid last-minute stuff sometimes, and never donning headphones. I have done this for so long that it has all become subconscious, and the remaining risk for me is judged minimal enough that I choose...my little bit of freedom. ❤ That said, when I go out riding with my daughters in the future, I suppose that part of me that has lived in Europe and Asia will have to die a little bit inside, and sacrifice that freedom to avoid "do what I say, not what I do." 😉
@jasonhochman3750 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of this. Many aspects of safety are up to rider behavior, being alert, controlling speed, and following traffic laws. BUT, I do wear a helmet all the time, in that I have learned that accidents can happen very quickly and easily. I have hit edge traps that snagged my tire in a street seam and tossed me over unexpectedly. I've also known people who managed to fall over in their own driveway while mounting a bike. Plus, if you get hit by a car, your head doesn't necessarily strike the car, but may hit the ground. but it is true that bike helmets don't provide that much protection. On a motorcycle I wear a full face helmet, which is DOT certified. According to the motorcycle safety class I had to take, most impacts are not on the top of your head, which is the area that bike helmets protect. At the end of the day, I feel the freedom of bike riding, and a helmet doesn't interfere with that for me.
@titaniumismagical8643 2 жыл бұрын
I never ever wore a helmet back in the 90s, I didn't even own a helmet, but I do now. A helmet is a must now for me. Too many distracted people on cell phones these days, to not wear a helmet.
@biggibbs4678 2 жыл бұрын
If you expect to get hit by a car should you be riding on the road?
@darriusholt Жыл бұрын
@@biggibbs4678 prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
@miket.220 Жыл бұрын
This is a good point. More distracted drivers out there. If you are riding where you are exposed to car traffic, I'd say a helmet is a must.
@titaniumismagical8643 Жыл бұрын
@@biggibbs4678 I don't expect to be hit by a car. I keep right. I have a small drop bar fold in mirror. As a retired trucker, I have eyes behind my head at all times. If I end up hitting the pavement, I'll have some protection on the most vulnerable part of my body.
@Fxd_bean Жыл бұрын
as someone who rides without a helmet a lot it’s a personal choice i have one i wear it when i feel i need to but i do a lot of fast paced tricks when i’m riding and the feeling of a helmet is restricting along with the fact that you don’t push it as much with out one because you don’t have the false sense of security also you learn how to protect your head i actually got hit by a car the other day and instinct kicked in and i dropped my shoulder into it and rolled over the bonnet avoiding injury completely
@TylerMumford 2 жыл бұрын
No judgment here. I wear a helmet when I ride the streets and go without on the weekends (city vs beach). You do you, man! Stay alert and be safe out in the streets
@drumist101 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t think he’s doing justice to how much testing they do for helmets. They test as many configurations as they can. The issue is there are so many variables that we can’t test for in a real accident. The only way to really know is to study the outcome of actual accidents. Helmets are doing as much as they can to slow the rate of deceleration in an impact. They will protect your head in a direct impact. The better argument is that requiring helmets discourages people from biking.
@juliocampos8416 2 жыл бұрын
This is all anecdotal but I've gone over my bars, cracked my helmet, and still got a concussion. I was riding pretty casually and went over the bars when another rider got tangled up with me. I'm pretty sure I would've ended up with a cracked skull or at least stitches if I weren't wearing a helmet. This happened RIGHT after I starting wearing a helmet because my wife convinced me to.
@J.P.1. 2 жыл бұрын
On last Xmas Eve I was riding to work, kind of hammering, and my chain jumped, caught the gear and bucked me head/shoulder first into the road. Broken collarbone, broken helmet. I didn't even lose consciousness. I'll take the broken collarbone and helmet any day over a head injury, and I've had 8 staples in my head from a slow ride fall.
@bsenka 2 жыл бұрын
I've gone over my bars without a helmet and did not hit my head. A helmet is a larger target that is more likely to make contact.
@juliocampos8416 2 жыл бұрын
@@bsenka I whiplashed. My headed was 100% hitting the ground.
@gattmolson 2 жыл бұрын
I only wear my helmet when I do something dangerous like racing, fast group rides, intense training, and technical trails. When I got out to simply ride my bike I don't think I need a helmet.
@BrianRouse 2 жыл бұрын
Rarely is it mentioned by folks like this that personal responsibility to your spouse, kids, family just might supersede the “inconvenience” of wearing a helmet.
@PhilKulak 2 жыл бұрын
Then why don't you wear a helmet all day except when you sleep (unless it's a bunk bed)? Head injuries can happen any time. Why would you ever get in a car, for any reason? Why take a shower standing up? Why drink a beer or eat a piece of bacon? To say that literally anything you do that could make you any bit less safe is some betrayal of your family is a terrible argument.
@crisnguyen571 2 жыл бұрын
@@PhilKulak people don’t go skydiving everyday. Even those who love it passionately. If you’re riding at 20mph on a bike several times a week, a helmet is probably a good idea. And the more dependents you have in your life, the more important it is to protect yourself from entering a vegetative state. If you’re commuting to the grocery store or something low risk at low speeds, then forgoing a helmet seems acceptable.
@steveballzack1409 2 жыл бұрын
@@PhilKulak I don't wear a helmet because I just don't, but most of the activities you mentioned take place at a normal, human speed, and when you're in a car you're surrounded by metal and airbags and wearing a seatbelt, although you're entirely correct that driving a car is pretty goddamn dangerous either way you put it because of the speeds involved. Normally when you sleep or shower it happens while stationary so there's much less risk involved. Bicycles can travel at a speed that can easily crack your head if you hit the ground. What I'm saying is that it's probably a good idea to wear a helmet when you're exposed to the environment and traveling at unnaturally high speed.
@Anonymous-vh6kp 2 жыл бұрын
@@PhilKulak I agree completely, with everything in life comes a risk, even sipping beer, to not risk at all is to not live at all. This debate strikes a level of philosophy that deserves some pondering.
@chickenfrend Жыл бұрын
Do you think the same thing when you get in your car? Do you put a helmet on when driving?
@Greatestofalltime7219 2 жыл бұрын
I was hit by a car. It threw me backwards and the back of my head hit the street hard. I didn’t even feel it. I’d say I might’ve died without it. But when I’m casually riding with the family I don’t wear one. Road cycling? Yeah. Just wear it.
@hellishspeeder 2 жыл бұрын
1. I was upright, long wheelbase, not too fast, but i could not control the driver of the car that hit me, when i was riding through a green light on a bike lane as the car was turning right on a lane that had no traffic light just merging with my lane, it only had a priority sign, but did not stop and hit my back wheel. 2. The helmet protected my head perfectly, because exactly that happened that it was designed for, as my back wheel was hit a wave shape went through my body started at the back wheel, and as i fell on my left side this wave ended at my head like a whiplash and my head hit the road, broke my helmet in 8 places which is good cause it absorbed the impact. THE HELMET SAVED MY LIFE! 3. Helmet wear for motorbikers is mandatory. Are there motorbikes scooters on the road? Yes. It does not hold back Europeans. Many many scooters. 4. Netherlands has a huge infrastructure for bikes. They do not wear a helmet because they are separated from the cars. If you do not have the proper infrastructure, wear a helmet, it protects you. 5. The comparison between the safety belt and the helmet is ridiculous. You have a whole 1,5 ton metal cage around you! 6. Alert rider. And this exact moment you ride closer to the cars as their door width. Only one careless driver who push the door open wide with the left hand without looking in the mirror or back and you hit the ground in a blink of an eye. That is how alert you were. You can not control other people on the road. That is why there is a saying that you should ride your bicycle like you were invisible. 7. I have never shamed anyone not wearing a helmet and no one should, BUT when you say this you encourage people to NOT wear helmet to avoid the shaming. 8. Enjoy your freedom! But do not promote not to wear a helmet. I do not promote to wear a helmet. That is freedom. And we are even. When you ride a bicycle or get hit by a car there is no disadvantage to wear a helmet, when you hit your head against anything it is always better to hit the helmet than your bare head. Peace.
@dr.comtedetarde 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoy my freedom of NOT having to ALWAYS wear for FIFTY YEARS and I have had no falls that hurt my head. I have only used helmets in circumstances that really called for it, which, where I live and due to my riding style, means two thirds of my riding time. If I am dogmatic and exaggerated about head gear, I feel I should wear it even when I walk to the corner drugstore 👍
@bicycleutopia 2 жыл бұрын
thanks for another useless anecdote. next youll tell me, without any evidence, how great masks area at preventing covid...
@mrmott44 2 жыл бұрын
You’re wrong. Period.
@eto2352 2 жыл бұрын
Though well spoken and appreciate the viewpoint, it's full of inaccuracies and false logic. This is a debate gone through by motorcycles. The flipside of the "freedom" argument is the cost of medical to everyone. Taxpayers flip the bill for their "freedom". What is it when society pays the cost for one person's choice? That's not freedom, that's social welfare. Do I agree? Maybe not, but that's the road you are on with these arguments. Cycling in other countries without a helmet is safer because they have cycling infrastructure. It is false to say "other countries don't wear helmets and they are still safe" as a direct comparison to the USA. Anyone that has cycled in the NL and any city in the US will instantly tell you that. Cycling in the NL is safer because of infrastructure. Same reason Aussies don't have it and have issues like the US. It's not helmets, it's because the cities are designed for bicycles. Look at your own clips- bikes in numbers, but on roads clear of cars. Comparisons to cars is also very misleading. edit- *The highest risk auto driving sectors all wear helmets: Racing. Helmets work and they would absolutely not wear them if they didn't work.* No, you don't wear a helmet in a *passenger* car but a car has a entire steel cage rated in crash testing, multiple airbags, seatbelts, passive safety electronics such as auto braking, abs, and a host of other safety systems in lieu of the operator wearing a helmet. A bicycle has none of that. Of course there are more injuries in a car. There are literally millions of everyday users of cars that put on avg 15,000 miles per year. Cycling statistics are not comparable. Literally the only piece of safety gear a cyclist can buy is a helmet. The main thing cities need to do is move away from car-centric roads and people need to push for PEOPLE-centric city planning. We need to get rid of the adversarial relationship with cars and have roads that reflect equal footing for everyone using shared roads. I don't shame cyclists for not wearing a helmet. And, we do have a choice to do what we want. We are free to ride how we want and that's what's great about a bicycle too. But throwing up these false equivalency arguments or saying a helmet doesn't protect you is ridiculous. A helmet does protect your head. It's not even debatable as so many people have shown after accident videos of the protection afforded. Does that automatically mean you have to wear one? No. But you don't make misleading and false statements about helmet protection to bolster not wearing one. Pads and giant spot lights all over your body makes you safer. Does that mean you should wear them? Of course not. Wear a helmet or don't. I don't always wear one. That's up to me. Like any other piece of gear, a helmet is a tool. You use the proper tool for the job. Do you look at a wrench and say, "No, I'm against wrenches. Freedom."
@dr.comtedetarde 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly ,the proper tool for the proper circumstances and style of riding, avoiding tool superfluities. If the circumstances don't call for a helmet y use just a hat And following this policy ,I have ridden bikes for fifty years and so far I have had NO head lesions whatsoever.
@TheDiplomaticAcademy 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly what I wanted to say. Also, I think it's completely not tolerable to choose to not wearing a helmet and trying to justify it by providing false/misleading information. It can be personal choice - yes, without law regulations, but it absolutely must be an well informed choice with proven statistics and facts not speculations! Because, actually it applies to everyone to some extend (we are example for others).
@JAHinHK 2 жыл бұрын
Spot on. Thank you for going point by point. This should be the top comment.
@SteezeMcWilliams 2 жыл бұрын
You've explained my comment better than I ever could. Definitely a lot of misleading info/misinformation in this video and a lot of points that didn't actually look at the detail or whole context. the video also missed that the dutch have a much better attitude to cyclists and learn cyclists interaction when learning to drive and neither of those things are true for US and AUS. Having this great relationship with cyclists makes it safer for them and hence even less of a need for helmets when paired with great infrastructure.
@biggibbs4678 2 жыл бұрын
The cost of obesity is far greater to society than people having fun outside was
@thunkstream Жыл бұрын
I wear a helmet often but not always, and I suffered a concussion from a bike accident last year when I was wearing a helmet. The helmet didn't help because I didn't even hit my head. My brain apparently slammed against the side of my skull hard enough to incapacitate me anyway. I had to rest my brain in a dark room for a week. Lots of people asked if I was wearing a helmet, I'm like, "yeah... but..." 🤷‍♀
@timrathbone Жыл бұрын
People need to hear these stories as well as the other kinds of 'anecdotal evidence'
@mokujinsan9946 2 жыл бұрын
Mate, I live in Berlin. Its a fucking war on the roads and cycle lanes. Tourists that can't ride, E Scooters practically everywhere sometimes with two people on at a time. The Taxi drivers are fucking crazy cutting you up whenever they can. Huge BMWs, Mercedes etc everywhere racing each other to the next traffic light. Very dangerous indeed. The helmet has saved many in this crazy city.
@perpetuated 2 жыл бұрын
I'm curious why this is on Terry's channel and not Eben's? Because controversial clickbait drives up engagement? Most of this doesn't make sense..
@kitaporta 2 жыл бұрын
He didn't even mention the risk compensation hypothesis. There are theories that increased feelings of safety caused by wearing a helmet can result in cyclists driving less cautiously. In addition, some studies have shown that drivers give more room to cyclists without helmets.
@peterlang5047 2 жыл бұрын
Have you done any research into how helmets are designed and tested, and the technology of how they work?
@TerryB 2 жыл бұрын
The pull quotes are actually form a real article from Forbes mag.
@peterlang5047 2 жыл бұрын
@@TerryB so you only read 1 sentence. Gotcha
@fahrradmittelfranken8207 2 жыл бұрын
@@peterlang5047 You have a channel full of sports biking and you think you are a cyclist. We are not the same. You drive your truck to work, and on weekends you throw a bike in the back and head for a trail. That's why you wear a helmet, because you might fall down. I'm not wearing a helmet because when you drive on your phone and take a right hook and run me over, a helmet isn't gonna do anything. You just think I should wear one so you can be careless when in a car, because you wear one in the forest. You are not a cyclist. We are not the same.
@peterlang5047 2 жыл бұрын
@@fahrradmittelfranken8207 you are right I do not ride on the roads because I am scared of drivers. But there’s no denying a helmet will help when you slam your head on the concrete. You seem to think if you get hit by a car you die immediately. I personally know many people who have been hit by cars and walked away without too much injury
@fahrradmittelfranken8207 2 жыл бұрын
@@peterlang5047 and I know of cases where people died BECAUSE they wore a helmet.
@safekeeping2923 2 жыл бұрын
I saw a little news blurb years back that was talking about helmets. Basically said that they gave you a false sense of security and that you would try things you normally wouldn't or go too fast at a spot you didn't feel safe doing so without a helmet. And I always think of that when riding. I avoid the group rides and stay off downhills.
@Inkushu Жыл бұрын
It’s like choosing to not wear a seatbelt. One day that belt or helmet could be the difference from you remaining so independent to having to blink 3 times to be fed through a straw. You protect your brain with the bucket.
@alvinmu6284 2 жыл бұрын
You make some valid points, but some claims are ridiculous. "The equivalent of a helmet on a bike is a helmet on a car." Wth? One is a 2 ton metal frame with airbags! Do you really want to risk your head? This video really frustrates those of us who benefited from wearing a helmet. You never know when you'll need one. Watch this guy's short on how his helmet saved him kzbin.infojmagCOT5zBc?feature=share
@J.P.1. 2 жыл бұрын
@@miatomi however, I have recently begun watching American dash cam videos and there are some shocking accidents that people walk away from in which 15 years ago they would have certainly been seriously injured or died. People can recover from a concussion, but not death.
@alvinmu6284 2 жыл бұрын
@@miatomi if pro riders with world class handling feel the need to always wear a helmet, us mortals can be bothered. I live in the DC area. Police won't fine you for no helmet or no bike lights, but almost every ride I see wears a helmet. You have no idea if a driver is distracted, don't take the chance. Simply not worth it. You can cite other countries, but this is where we live.
@matthewbenson9471 2 жыл бұрын
@@alvinmu6284 they're going at race speeds in a bunch. Some perspective required
@joeymacme 5 ай бұрын
I watched this video following a recommendation from @BikeFarmer. Great points. The weird obsession around helmet wearing for every bike ride is not only an american mindset, but the loud "shaming" and false "caring" is. Improving infrastructure, driver education and attitudes are far more important factors, and should be predominant in every discussion around road safety. Don't forget about bike maintenance, personal behaviour, and flashing rear lights too if I may say so.
@sbl17jackson37 Жыл бұрын
Years ago, I forgot to wear a bicycle helmet on a military base and this asshole MP started yelling at me and finally told me to walk my bike. I guess I was lucky he didn't give me a ticket, but still the way he was yelling at me was really frightening and insulting. He could have just told me that I have to walk my bike without a helmet, and I would have agreed with him, and he could have left. The truth is that building protected bike lanes that separate bicyclist from cars, is much more important than forcing people to wear helmets.
@bryanlabchuk 2 жыл бұрын
You don't need them until you do. Especially when walking or driving, where you are more statistically likely to get an injury that a helmet would help prevent than when riding a bike. But wear one while riding a bike if you want, its not harmful - just don't be helmet police if its not actually your local law to wear one.
@dr.comtedetarde 2 жыл бұрын
If I believed that so-called Murphy's "Law", if that was really true, I would have to also walk with a helmet to the bakery or to my corner drugstore 🙂
@permagnusandersson6052 2 жыл бұрын
even IF it is the law, you still are not the po-effing-lice! Mind you own goddamn business
@m0rShh 2 жыл бұрын
You're more likely to be injured while walking because people, on average, spend a LOT more time walking than they do cycling. That doesn't mean walking is more dangerous, you just have a lot more opportunities to get hurt while doing it because it's something you do all the time. There's a LOT more things that can go wrong while riding a bike than while walking, but people spend less time doing it so those things don't happen as often. Stats are meaningless without context.
@arvidfahlander5364 2 жыл бұрын
Been working as a messenger for about 5 years, rode without a helmet for about 2.5 years. I've had about 10 crashes over those five years, self-inflicted, such as ice-spots in the winter - pulling out the cleat from the pedal when accelerating - sliding on wet leafs/mud. However in the last 12 months I've been hit by cars 3 times, I was riding at controlled, low speeds, sometimes on the road, sometimes on the cycling path. One of those incidents left me injured for two weeks. Wear a helmet, the unforeseen moments of injury often comes from outside of your control.
@pauloborn8067 2 жыл бұрын
You're a bike messenger who has had a lot of crashes.... so everyone else must wear a helmet? How does that work?
@SuperCJification 2 жыл бұрын
Regardless of the arguments made, I think the most important thing to remember is just like with seatbelt laws and how you could say the same thing; "if I am going under 20mph I can't die in a car wreck so therefore I should only be required to wear a seatbelt on the highway". Remember; Nobody heads out in the morning with the intention of wrecking. Wear a helmet, not because it's gonna prevent 100% of all jackasses on the road, not because it's gonna save your life 100% of the time, but because when you do happen to find yourself an unwilling participant in an accident, that's a bad time to think "gee maybe I shoulda wore my helmet today". Why not be both careful *and* safe? You don't have to put your mortality at stake just to be a little more situationally aware.
@AardvarkDK 2 жыл бұрын
"Why not be both careful and safe?" But only when cycling, right? There's no reason to be safe when not cycling.
@anyways4438 2 жыл бұрын
Nobody's ever picked a bus instead of a car because of the seatbelt. Helmets are just straight up too inconvenient to wear on a daily basis for most people to the point of it being enough to discourage people from cycling like in the Australian example
@chazlyle41 2 жыл бұрын
When I ride a 250cc Dual Sport in an empty field I wear different protection gear than a 700 lb 1900cc bike 80+ mph down the interstate slab full of traffic. When I rode my bike in a big city I wore different gear than now leisurely riding with my wife on closed bike trails… Just makes sense. :)
@silentdiscretion2657 2 жыл бұрын
I can't remember the last time I wore a helmet while riding. I personally don't think it's really going to do much if a car hits me. I mean, they're a big metal box and even going only 15mph would likely do more damage than what a helmet can protect. I'm not saying don't wear a helmet, but I think it's more important to pay attention, always watch your surroundings and avoid situations where you're in the most danger. As that is the best form of protection. Also something can be said about the fact that I've ridden bikes for almost my entire life, and not a single accident or wipeout I've ever gotten into has included my head getting injured among the various other injuries received
@ashleighmason4982 2 жыл бұрын
Now they ask where is my helmet, but if I put on a helmet, they will ask where are my brakes. It's just never enough 🤦🏼‍♀️ 💙💛
@HappyHands. Жыл бұрын
@miket.220 Жыл бұрын
Too many busybodies in the world.
@zloboslav_ 2 жыл бұрын
As a pedestrian I don't wear a helmet while walking and I still have the risk of being hit by a car :(
@IAN_Mirante 2 жыл бұрын
I use helmets almost every time, and when I leave the bike, I keep using it if I don't have where to put it. It never bother me, but people use to make fun 😅 I'm against mandatory helmet or breaks laws, and shaming people, but now I'm curious if we will get a "Why I use helmets" video. I would answer that I'm not the "Mrs Safety" when I'm cycling and I'm afraid of hitting my head on the floor, and I hope people don't shame me for not being the safest rider as we see sometimes on the internet.
@Simte 2 жыл бұрын
I wear it all the time, no matter if I'm sending it, or on some gravel grinding or in the commute. I almost died using a track bike and the helm did a helluva job protecting me.
@Curi0u50ne 2 жыл бұрын
Ok girlie
@singletona082 2 жыл бұрын
And that's great. It worked for you when it needed to. However a lot of people just assume it's going to magically save them from situations a thin sheet of plastic sure as hell ain't gonna help with. Like... oh. getting sideswiped by a car.
@jaykudie 2 жыл бұрын
@@singletona082 do they or do people just wear it because they don’t really know what situation their going to get into? I’ve never heard anyone say that
@YungStinkyWinky 2 жыл бұрын
Wear a helmet though.
@AleMunjas 2 жыл бұрын
I’m all in for freedom as long as it does not affect others, but I was kinda expecting this was a helmet commercial where you see a crash at the end of the video 😅
@danw8012 2 жыл бұрын
I live in Australia, I think the government bought in the helmet law here to appear like they were doing something about cycling accidents without actually paying any money do do so. It would have helped the head injury statistics I'm sure. They were thinking of making the law just for when cyclists and vehicles mix. Data showed that people hit by a car have head injurys from when the head hits the windshield, however people riding in a park or elsewhere have little need to wear a helmet falling off the bike has only a small chance of brain injury. Do I wear a helmet?.....No, I never have. I like the wind in my hair and the feeling of freedom. That's just fir my mental health.
@kron009 2 жыл бұрын
I never have worn a helmet with the exception of BMX racing in the early 80s because they wouldn't let you on the track without it. Growing up in the 70s wearing a helmet anywhere else would get rocks thrown at you and words we aren't allowed to say anymore. I've been an avid cyclist all my life and at age 52 I've been in my share of wrecks including a full on over the handlebars at age 48 and never once have the injuries been head related. That said being we don't require helmets on motorcycles where I live I will not be wearing one on my bicycle anytime soon. Also never once has anyone said anything shaming to me out riding in fact helmets are rare here except on children.
@waynecremlock 2 жыл бұрын
Its crazy how times have changed, I miss throwing rocks at lollipop heads
@batlin 2 жыл бұрын
There were some observational studies a few years ago that suggested that when cyclists wear helmets in traffic, not only do they take bigger risks, but drivers tend to overtake them with less clearance. They called it "risk compensation". A similar thing was observed when cyclists wore high-viz gear -- the hypothesis for the underlying behaviour was that drivers thought "okay, that guy is wearing a helmet and safety gear, he _knows his place_ and will not flinch or move suddenly when I overtake him even though there's almost no space to do so".
@Souzaphotos 2 ай бұрын
Falling, whacking your head and becoming a vegetable doesn't make the news the same way someone getting hit by a car does...helmets make sense...I probably could have avoided a few concussions when I was a teen if I had worn mine more often.
@bonannos 2 жыл бұрын
All I know is that while biking in a city once, I was cut off by a car and landed on the pavement. When I was finally able to get up (with just a few scratches) I noticed that my helmet was cracked. Could have been my head.
@DutchCherokeeXJ Жыл бұрын
I’ve been riding my bike in the Netherlands for 30 years without a helmet. I continued to do so in Toronto for 2 years and now in L.A. since 2005. I don’t run red lights like fellow bike riders who are wearing a helmet and think they are invincible. I ride my upright Gazelle, made in NL and always be alert while riding on busy streets. Of course I can’t control drivers coming up from behind who are distracted but I ride as far to the right as possible. I watched my fellow Dutchman Martijn Doolaard riding his bike from Washington State to Patagonia w/o wearing a helmet. He’s still alive. He’s got 4 great episodes on KZbin. I don’t mind people wearing bike helmets but please don’t shame those who decide not to. Keep riding!
@Blbbbb Жыл бұрын
Count yourself lucky to date.
@southfloridaarcheryguy114 2 жыл бұрын
I wear a helmet. But I respect the right of others to decide for themselves what’s best for them. I have no wish to decide what’s best for others……
@solidyel7398 2 жыл бұрын
Good helmet - safe head stay safe dude
@Mkm0ka 2 жыл бұрын
i understand helmets are nice to have and CAN make a difference in bad situations, but here in italy we grow up without them, now is kinda more accepted to wear one but still you almost only see cyclists in lycra wearing them and you dont see people dying on bikes every day, in fact the vast majority of bike accidents where people get injured happens among that lycra crowd that DO wear helmets. i'm not arguing against helmets since you can never be "too secure" but to me the way you ride has a lot more to do on what could go wrong than what safety you wear. also, the day they will force me to wear an helmet on my bike they better allow me to legally put a rollcage and a 5 point belt seat in my car otherwise i riot.
@bukkaratsuppa6414 2 жыл бұрын
The only time in my 20 years of city cycling when i got injured seriously, the injury was on the opposite end from the helmet. That's when i stopped wearing it.
@hugorodrigo2323 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you. I wear a helmet when I ride my road bike fast because I feel safer in case I fall or crash with another cyclist in the group ride. But I hate that I have to wear a helmet when I bike commute to work on my hybrid bike just because I don’t want people to blame me if a car runs over me.
@redrocker1055 2 жыл бұрын
"When anyone asks me how I can best describe my experience in nearly forty years at sea, I merely say, uneventful. I have never been in any accident... or any sort worth speaking about. I never saw a wreck and never have been wrecked nor was I ever in any predicament that threatened to end in disaster of any sort." ~ E. J. Smith, Captain, RMS Titanic
@johnr8820 2 жыл бұрын
Helmets have saved countless lives...it’s not rocket science...it’s cool until you find out the hard way
@stuartcampbell4626 Ай бұрын
I have biked in North America for 20+ years, 90% of the time without a helmet...but 100% of the time with the assumption that I am INVISIBLE to others. That means always having a bail-out strategy in mind (a technique I was also taught back in the day driving a car), checking my shoulder inccesantly, taking a full lane at higher speeds (when not actually impacting car flow), keeping adequate distance from parked cars, being aware of shadows, being aware of sun glare in driver's eyes, nearly always using bike lights, even in the day, knowing the surface well, assuming any moment in a driver's blind spot will be catastrophic, assuming drivers dangerously run yellow and red lights regularly, assuming drivers have failed to signal (even more regular, of course), assuming fellow cyclists do stupid last-minute stuff sometimes, and never donning headphones. I have done this for so long that it has all become subconscious, and the remaining risk for me is judged minimal enough that I choose...my little bit of freedom. ❤ That said, when I go out riding with my young daughters in the future, I suppose that part of me that has lived in Europe and Asia will have to die a little death inside, and sacrifice that freedom to avoid "do what I say, not what I do." 😉
@juanpecan7089 2 жыл бұрын
Fair points - live and let live, we're all taking calculated risks to get in our s/miles. In about 15 years of riding, helmets twice protected my head from concussive bonks on the pavement. Worth it those 2 moments, but a bit of a pain in the neck all the others!
@halfhuff976 2 жыл бұрын
The second most sensible safety talk I've ever heard and I've been to a lot of safety meetings ,my job had too ,respect from Ireland
@bike.breath 2 жыл бұрын
This might be unique to me as I’m currently living in an area just north of the New York border in Canada occupied by far right anti vaxxers, it’s a literal state of emergency in our city and to that point - This guy’s argument is giving me real “but you can still get the virus with the vaccine” vibes. I too agree that bike helmet laws shouldn’t exist. But some of his arguments don’t hold up I find, like how he doesn’t mention airbags in the helmet in a car bit. I think a lot of people enjoy your channel because of all of the riding in more aggressive styles. I’m sure without a law the majority of us who follow you are the type that would still gravitate towards wearing one. I wish he focused more on the law and not the whole ‘they don’t work’ thing.
@nebacanzer 2 жыл бұрын
Gives off antivax sentiment
@MyDemon32 2 жыл бұрын
Ppl like you are the reason why Canada is a shithole nowadays.
@bike.breath 2 жыл бұрын
@@MyDemon32 you seem nice!
@spencercharlotte297 2 жыл бұрын
I stopped wearing a helmet last summer because I eventually found it more thrilling to ride around the city with that “Freedom”. No regrets….. but in September 2021, I was hit by a driver head on (unavoidable and unattentive driver taking a turn) where I thankfully DIDN’T sustain any *serious injury… but I did scrape the very top of my head on the cement, leaving me with my beloved “short spot”, that’s now growing in, and probably a concussion based on fogginess for the following weeks. After getting hit by a car like that…. Ooof. I’ll take the helmet lol. With pride. I kinda crossed the “what if” off my bucket list and now I’m satiated.
@MarcoTheGreat2008 2 жыл бұрын
I think I’m the same tbh. I’ve ditched the helmet for a few years now and I reckon I’m tempting fate
@spencercharlotte297 2 жыл бұрын
@@MarcoTheGreat2008 like I said, no regrets. The fun I had, oooufff. The way I feel nowadays with a helmet on my head in the hot sun, meh. Not as sexy or liberating … but then I remember my CLOSE CALL and I know it’s for the best. There’s something just so endearing about tempting fate.
@mountaintruth1deeds533 2 жыл бұрын
The two concussions and one fractured skull, which happened in a parking lot fell on my temple on a concrete parking stop
@SyLens1 2 жыл бұрын
In my 17 years of riding a bike everyday, over 150km a week ive never wore a helmet and never had an accident. I’m sure many people have done the same
@NaCHoeNFoRCeR 2 жыл бұрын
Un amigo empezó a usar casco desde hace muchos años. Un día, volviendo del trabajo, se olvidó el casco y se rompió la suspensión delantera... de esta forma, él pegó directamente su cara contra el asfalto. Por 1 día sin usar casco, tuvo un accidente que le llevo a una cirugía de lóbulo frontal con placa de algún metal que ahora no recuerdo, y le abrieron el cuero cabelludo desde la mitad de la cabeza hasta la frente. Quedó con cicatrices por todos lados, de por vida. Él se salvó, pero su cara no se recupera nunca más. El casco salva vidas y la estética. No usar casco es de necio y tener poco amor propio. Tal vez a vos no te importe tu vida, pero seguramente hay personas que te rodean (familiares, amigos) que les importa tu vida. Quedar con cicatrices no es la muerte de nadie, pero es un recuerdo que te queda para siempre, por ser un pelotudo, inconsciente y necio.
@SyLens1 2 жыл бұрын
sorry mate i dont speak spanish
@xavierderck3910 Жыл бұрын
I'm 56, cycle since I'm 5 and guess i did a 200.000km in total. Never wore a helmet and don't plan to wear one. I got one for my birthday and went to the charity shop
@NoGoodHandlesComingToMind 2 жыл бұрын
Not relevant but I love the little van in the back left at 1:25. Does anyone know what that thing is?
@peterlang5047 2 жыл бұрын
Helmets don’t protect you from impacts with cars. They protect you from the ground after you impact a car. They are specifically designed to protect your head from major concussions or worse
@axMf3qTI 2 жыл бұрын
I never wear a helmet. Almost nobody does here, research says when making a helmet mandatory people are less inclined to take a bike. Mandatory would be the only way to get us wear a helmet. We do have bike infrastructure now in the Netherlands that for the most part keeps you away from cars but that's not always been the case. As a child/teen I ended up on some hood of a car plenty of times.
@charlesbroccoli4899 2 жыл бұрын
Quick storytime. I ride fixed in SF and was riding down a street with no helmet and hit a pothole in the dark and tipped over. it was the most insignificant fall but didn't feel great. Anyways, I went onto the curb and a person came over that saw me crash and asked if I was alright and had all my bones together. They later saw that I didn't have a helmet and said I deserved to crash and I should die on a bike :/, the second he saw that I didn't have a helmet, he switched up and didn't give a fuck.
@bengaliinplatforms1268 2 жыл бұрын
That’s San Fransisco for you, full of twats
@huehuehue-x3c 2 жыл бұрын
If you don't care about your own safety, why should someone else?
@Anth1963 3 ай бұрын
Australian cyclist here; Yes, initially it was 30%, but since then however cycling in Australia, (especially now with E-bikes n Scooters), is on the INCREASE, EXPONENTIALLY!!! BTW, cycling without a helmet is a $200 fine, I know this becouse I was fined. As for me, I still will make fun of, (and berate), ppl that DON'T wear helmets while cycling.
@xe140 3 ай бұрын
I wrecked bad when i was 19. Bad concussion. Wont ever go without one now. Dont care how stupid it makes me look, once you wreck hard you will too.
@omarsrigs7480 2 жыл бұрын
I agree but once I hit the trails I want my head protected. At first I began to disagree but further into the video he made great points. Great message overall.
@TerryB 2 жыл бұрын
I'm with ya!
@colindavis2113 2 жыл бұрын
Helmets +mountain biking = absolutely essential. Street riding I’d wear one, riding paved trails is pretty safe no helmet though.
@ichbrauchmehrkaffee5785 Жыл бұрын
*riding paved trails without elevation and with no crossing traffic on a calm day without rain
@texabara 2 жыл бұрын
Good for you! But the first time I fell to the pavement from my bike I landed head first and the helmet broke like an egg, NOT MY HEAD. In Puerto Rico there are NO BIKE LANES, and there is a car-centered culture. So I need to add the protection of a helmet. I do not ride fast. I just commute to work every day, the same 5k route. I ride on a Schwinn Discover, step through bike with a milk crate for my stuff. I will wear the helmet. Greetings from Puerto Rico! I love your channel!
@meredithsdg Жыл бұрын
Have you noticed how many NFL players get concussions even though they wear the most technologically advanced helmets in existence? The helmet provides a false sense of security. While it may protect you from breaking your skull, the danger of brain damage is still very real. The reason is this: a concussion occurs when the brain gets bruised. It gets bruised when it slams up against the side of your skull. This happens when there is a violent stop or change of direction to your head. Until someone invents a way to cushion the inside of your skull to protect your brain, there is only so much that a helmet can do.
@Mars-fu8wb 2 жыл бұрын
I think it really depends on what kind of bike you choose to ride. I wear a helmet on my track bike usually but imagine wearing a helmet on a city bike 😂😂 might aswell wear a helmet walking then
@Granpire Жыл бұрын
I just fell off of a 5 foot drop last month on my city bike, fell on my head, and fractured a vertebrae. If hadn't been wearing a helmet, my skull would have been broken instead, and I probably wouldn't be writing this comment. So yes, I would encourage you imagine wearing a helmet on your city bike. I've ridden probably close to 100k kilometers, but all it took was one stupid misjudgment at 10kph, and all of a sudden I was in an ambulance...
@Mars-fu8wb 8 ай бұрын
⁠@@Granpireciti bike as in the ride share bike service in nyc. they weigh about the same as a Toyota Corolla and top out at like 15 mph. The electric ones are a different story. But even that being said citi bikes are pretty much used on the whim so without pre planning, so almost no body where’s a helmet while using them for that reason
@dannyize 2 жыл бұрын
No one ever shamed me into wearing a helmet. After my over-the-handlebars accident, I started wearing a helmet. I "shamed" myself into it. I was lucky: no injuries other than sore wrists. My bike was ruined, having a bent frame. Another reason people -- especially older people -- should wear a helmet is in case you crash as a result of a heart attack or other medical condition. You will have enough to deal with, why add the misery of a head injury. I'm calling BS here with no shame attached.
@47f0 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a kid, my dad's best friend killed himself, tuning his Honda 750 in his driveway. He was sitting on the bike, leaned over with his left hand on the throttle fiddling under the tank with the carburetors with his right hand - and he bumped the shift lever. The bike wobbled out into the street a few feet, did a sharp u-turn and he fell, hitting his head on the curb. If you could plan for them, they wouldn't be called accidents. I used to race bicycles wearing what was fondly referred to as a leather hairnet. (Yes I just dated myself badly). I feel fairly confident that today's helmets are better than those, but I would like to see some actual testing and standards for bicycle helmets. Decades past my racing prime, I still wear helmets bicycling to the store. Any small loss of freedom I might experience is completely worth the freedom from having some protection against even minor scalp lacerations, let alone brain trauma. Because brain trauma is no kind of freedom.
@joangregg4378 2 жыл бұрын
I've ridden with and without helmets for many years. Suffered concussions with helmets (false sense of security?) I ride motorcycles. Where is the seat belt? The best safety equipment is the kind you don't need. Be safe out there Ya'll. P.S. I wear helmets most of the time.
@stephenhumble7627 2 жыл бұрын
Good presentation - thank you from Australia. The government and police here have become progressively more fanatical and extreme in their helmet law enforcement. Initially the fine was like only $20 to help get the law approved - those fines have since grown to over $200 in many places. The police view anyone not wearing a helmet as a challenge to their authority - an intolerable act of political dissent that must be harshly punished. There are regular incidents of brutal enforcement of helmet laws by police. I was issued a helmet infringement and challenged it in court for medical issues. The police prosecutors threatened me with charges of over $2000 and to have criminal charges laid against me which would disqualify me from working in many jobs - unless i pleaded guilty which i did not. The judge threw out the charges and reduced the fine to $0 even though it was technically a guilty verdict. I still had to pay a victims of crime compensation levy of $240 fixed in state legislation. In south Australia the victim of crime levy is applied to all laws even bicycle helmet law's which are a victimless crime. Some politicians, public and media here act like little self righteous prison guards who scream out whenever they see someone not wearing a helmet and try to censor images of people without helmets in the media etc.
@bicycleutopia 2 жыл бұрын
wow. the situation you describe is pathetic. when are they banning alcohol?? -- which is FAR MORE DANGEROUS...
@proxyproxy3951 2 жыл бұрын
As an Aussie I agree. I used to go riding all the time, without a helmet in my local suburbs because it was largely unnecessary. Got pulled over once by some cops and they told me it was illegal. Luckily didn't get charged and was told to walk home etc but it did make me paranoid.
@jimrockford2947 2 жыл бұрын
Australia sounds like a totalitarian nightmare..... I hear it's a beautiful country, though.
@stephenhumble7627 2 жыл бұрын
@@jimrockford2947 It's got plenty of good things as well like profitable mining industry and agricultural industry, high living standards etc.
@EzraM5 2 жыл бұрын
We wouldn't need helmet laws if we redesigned cities to be more bike friendly and less car dependent. But so many people really wanna avoid that conversation...
@pedrobarros4837 2 жыл бұрын
A helmet isn't going to protect me from other's stupidity, but it *might* protect me from my own stupidity.
@mauricewilliamsjr7248 2 жыл бұрын
Shaming or no shaming, helmets help. …I agree with Ken Woods, too often people in the U.S. spend too much time making others feel bad about their personal choices. …Doesn’t matter if we’re talking about helmet use or another’s insatiable love for Big Macs. Enough with the judgment-It’s America’s bad habit.
@lost68er1 2 жыл бұрын
I'm generally concerned about safety, but just like it's been said in the video, there are many safety-related things that I as a cyclist can control myself. And quite honestly: If wearing a helmet when cycling were to become a legal requirement in my country (Germany), I would probably consider using a different vehicle...
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