Why I Left the Mormon Church (& Why I’m Talking About It)

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Exmo Lex

Exmo Lex

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“To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”
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UPDATE: This video got a lot more attention than I ever expected it to. I did start making videos consistently and the quality gets better after the first few.
Email me: exmolex@gmail.com
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@Rcplanecrasher 9 ай бұрын
Coming back after 3 years out to say that this very video is what finally snapped me out the drone mindset of Mormonism and I began to study and study and study. So glad for you sharing your story when you did.
@Rockinashy 3 жыл бұрын
I’m 18 and last night I told my parents I don’t believe in the church anymore. It was truly heartbreaking and hard but I feel so good. Yes, my parents are gonna judge me and be confused for a long time, but I no longer have to hold onto this deep secret and pretend to have a connection to a church that I know isn’t true and has done horrible things. I watched your tiktoks yesterday, and you’re the reason I could come forward. Thank you so much for being honest and sharing your truth. It helped me so much.
@kennethgorman5524 3 жыл бұрын
Just tell them they worship a pedophile. It worked for me.
@Rockinashy 3 жыл бұрын
@@kennethgorman5524 bro they already know lmao I wish I could get them to leave
@robertwiley3098 3 жыл бұрын
I left the Baptist , then the non denominational churches @21 because I knew the Joseph Smith testimony was true. I knew it and I wont ever recant my testimony. Im forever grateful that I believe. I died in April 1973 and when I was told by a being who looked similar to Angel Moroni, that it was not yet my time and that i had a mission yet to fulfill. I was deathly ill in the hospital for 30 days and I refused surgery because id have an ostomy and was proud. Im grateful i listened to the big guy cause I'm 71 yrs. old now and have had really amazing blessings and seen miracles for 50 yrs. The most important miracle is the infinite atonement of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his infinite love and mercy to all of his children. God be with you dear one. Candy
@Rockinashy 3 жыл бұрын
@@robertwiley3098 it is legit proven that the Book of Mormon is fake, that Joseph Smith created multiple “first vision” stories all contradicting each other, that he didn’t translate the book of Abraham, etc. Joseph Smith was a fraud. God be with you, Robert, but the Joseph Smith we’re talking about is definitely not a prophet.
@cowpoke02 3 жыл бұрын
I just joined but for the members and wife . They trained to be good . More educated. To pushy and religious jealous. To fast.. middle man jesus or god they do ... your journey ... my church is open to other aspects... basically book mormon is more testimony... Just yo help you spiritually, avoid contention and trouble ... We all blessed and teaches to accept opportunities and focus on relationships healthy ones ... You learned enough . Temple pamphlet and information I loved ... learned a lot ... Ever get married you go back to religion so be less stress trauma . They be committed not drinking at bars and cheating. Lol.
@dalegardner9038 2 жыл бұрын
I've never been Mormon, but have lived in Utah for 16 years. Your videos provide education for me to better understand my Mormon friends and neighbors. I hope you find much happiness and peace in your new journey.
@medb8882 7 ай бұрын
Not a Mormon here either, christened catholic, did my communion and confirmation. I felt like my ancestors and God were watching my every move, through a looking glass from above. It kept me awake at night but I never found any answers By the time I was 12/13 I couldn’t get rid of the thought that if I was born in the Middle East, I’d be Muslim. If I was born on a different street in Northern Ireland, I’d be Protestant. Doctrine is ridiculous. Who tf needs religion to be a good person? Who cares about what comes after when there are so many different ideologies. Being a good person on earth is all that matters. Who cares what comes after if there is no definite answer? Love those around you
@bowrudder899 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you and your husband discovered it at the same time. That is a blessing. In so many marriages only one person will find out and it destroys the relationship. :-(
@deutschmitjeff5299 3 жыл бұрын
We Ex-Mormons understand believing and faithful Mormons because we have have been there once ourselves. But they don’t understand us. They have never been where we are now.
@angelenapulis9083 3 жыл бұрын
That is spot on. I do try to respect the orthodox and true-believing Mormons for their faith. I wish they would do the same for me.
@jeffcarr6853 3 жыл бұрын
Well said
@Ether-pb5gb 3 жыл бұрын
@@angelenapulis9083 I am a believer. And you, no. You are free to live your life, and I am free to live mine. But when as a church, we are attacked through falsehoods and half-truths or truths taken out of context, we have a right and obligation to defend it. Sorry that you feel bothered by the faithful. When someone shares their faith with you, especially if they are family or friends, it is a sign that they care for you. I have catholic family that tries to convert me to catholicism all of the time. They care about me. I have evangelical friends who say I will go to hell if I continue believing in the restored church. They care for me. Don't take somebody sharing their faith with you personally. Just my thoughts
@Ether-pb5gb 3 жыл бұрын
Do you not think that us faithful do not understand doubt? Do you think that Jesus doesn't understand doubt? "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Us faithful have experienced doubt, and our personal Gethsemane's. We have experienced the "midsts of darkness" spoken about in 1 Nephi 8. Many have chosen to keep running our hands along the rod of iron, in faith. Faith is more than a feeling. It is more than a belief. Faith is also a choice. I've been a member since age 18, and for the last 15 or so years. Served a mission. Read all pro and all anti literature out there. It wasn't until a couple of years ago where I started to learn about what "faith" really is. And why faith? It led to many thrilling discoveries in both the Bible and BofM. It also led to about 5-7 great talks from Elder Anderson. Keep your head up. Whether you come back to church, or remain distant, your life is important, and has value. You are a VIP to our great Creator. You are not some accident of the cosmos.
@angelenapulis9083 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ether-pb5gb I appreciate you reaching out. I can tell you are devoted to the church, and I remember being on that side of that. You want to share your faith and you do it (I assume) out of the goodness of your heart. I used to do that, too. To the faithful, inactive, non-members, you name it. Here’s the thing. Unless you have gone through a faith crisis that has shattered the way you viewed yourself and the world, you can’t quite understand what we mean when we say we don’t feel understood, respected, listened to, or supported for our choice to leave the church or for our change of beliefs. Not by everyone. There are some amazing people in the LDS church, and sometimes they shower us with love and acceptance. It’s not always the case, though. We get judged, we get shamed, we get labeled as sinful, faithless, ignorant, angry, offended, and so on. Mormons value the conversion process so much for investigators that join the church, but they tend to act the opposite for people who investigate elsewhere and have a faith transition OUT of the church. I know what you mean about people of any faith trying to share their beliefs or convert you, etc. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but it can be done for the wrong reasons, or it can cross a line. For me, I have a necessary boundary for my Mormon friends and family: I don’t want to be preached to. It feels unsafe and uncomfortable. Leaving the church emotionally and mentally and even physically has been painful and scary. The things I learned about church history devastated me. I felt lied to and betrayed. I am allowed to feel this hurt-and I am allowed to tell people to stop trying to bring me back, because I don’t want to go back. It’s a toxic place for me. It’s not a good spiritual fit anymore. People should be kind enough to respect that, in the same way that you would respect the wishes of a soldier with PTSD or an abuse victim or an eating disorder survivor to NOT talk about the things that trigger them if they ask you not to. I mean, you wouldn’t tell them to go back into a harmful situation, would you?
@nico3641 4 жыл бұрын
an organization's true character is revealed not by how they treat you when you join, but how they treat you when you leave.
@donnavaughn9409 4 жыл бұрын
actually they don't do anything...and that's a fact, I've seen a couple millennials leave and they basically feel awkward and distance themselves and some are angry and from then on talk badly, it's sad
@mylesmarkson1686 4 жыл бұрын
Good point Nico... "You've chosen Satan's path instead. How dare you! Don't worry--We'll keep nagging you night and day until you see the error of your ways and come back. You're so lucky that you have us to look out for you."
@evoman44 4 жыл бұрын
You could say that the Church of Jesus Christ which ever one you believe it to be so is true and perfect. But the members will never be perfect because of human nature. Therefore if humans were perfect there would be no need for a church or organization to guide people to christ. Here is a good short story to show what I mean. "A lady went to her Pastor/Bishop and said 'Pastor, I won't be going to your church anymore.' The Pastor responded 'But why?' The lady said 'Ah! I saw a woman gossipping about another member; a man that is a hypocrite; the worship team living wrong; people looking at their phone during service; among so many other things wrong in your church.' The Pastor replied 'OK. But before you go, do me a favor: take a full glass of water and walk around the church three times without spilling a drop on the ground. Afterwards, leave the church if you desire.' The lady thought: too easy! She walked three times around the church as the Pastor had asked. When she finished she told the Pastor she was ready to leave. The Pastor said, 'Before you leave I want to ask you one more question. When you were walking around the church, did you see anyone gossipping ?' The lady replied 'No.' 'Did you see any hypocrites?' The lady said 'No.' 'Anyone looking at their phone?' 'No.' 'You know why?' 'No.' 'You were focused on the glass, to make sure you didn't stumble and spill any water. It's the same with our life. When we keep our eyes on Jesus, we don't have time to see the mistakes of others. We will reach out a helping hand to them and concentrate on our own walk with the Lord.'"
@Idrathernot13 4 жыл бұрын
@@donnavaughn9409 wasn't my experience.
@LunarBastet 4 жыл бұрын
When I left, the woman who was my YW leader told others “she must have sinned pretty bad” a lot of people I was close with shut me out of their lives. It hurt but I did what I thought was best.
@r41nb0wbr1t3 3 жыл бұрын
I have been ex-mo for over 20 years now. Was born into it and always felt something was off about it. I totally get how you felt because even though I didn’t believe it fully, my whole life still revolves around it and it was a shock and heartbreaking to lose this piece of your identity. I just wish I could wake others up out of this Mormon fog. I didn’t have any support group going through it, I was on my own, I didn’t even consider that those were a thing.
@mylesmarkson1686 2 жыл бұрын
I agree 100%. There was definitely something off about it. I remember even as a kid when when I first found out about Joseph Smith's vision in the woods, I was thinking "Oh no, we don't really believe that--Do we?" I wanted to believe in a fair God, and that out of all of the billions of people who have lived, he's only gonna give that special treatment to ONE person? And then you find out that he was only 14 when he had that vision, and I remember red flags going up non-stop in my head. If I was a 14-year-old having that experience, I'd be looking around and thinking "Me? Are you sure you want ME to restore this gospel? Surely, there's got to be many people older and more qualified than I." And yet did Joey Baloney ever ask this question? No, because putting any seeds of doubt into the validity of his claim would have completely gone against his plan to brainwash everyone, and I don't think he had any idea at the time just how successful his con would be almost 200 years later.
@angelenapulis9083 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for creating this video. I was raised Mormon and, as my mother put it, lived and breathed the gospel. I am right smack in the middle of my faith transition now, and it is so healing to hear other people speak up about this. I hate it when members tell ex-members to keep silent. It’s hypocritical and rude.
@roxannebowers4955 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not Mormon but I have two friends that are. I don't understand why they won't tell me things when I ask. They just say "it's sacred." If they truly wanted to convert somebody it seems to me they would want to share everything with you. Keeping secrets just makes the whole thing seem shady. Also, telling people who leave that they have to keep silent just tells me they know they are steering people wrong. Just my opinion from an ex-Catholic. Lol.
@angelenapulis9083 3 жыл бұрын
@@roxannebowers4955 I hear you. I have been feeling that way, too, for the past several weeks. There are so many things that don’t get talked about in the LDS church, and that includes its problematic history and the covenants that you’ll be told you have to make in order to get into the highest part of heaven-and let’s not forget they will have you commit to keeping the covenants before you know what they are... There are so many kind Mormons that I know, and I had a lot of positive, meaningful experiences in the church... and I want to respect other people for their religion/faith... but I also need safe spaces like this to be able to express my anger and confusion about my experiences, too.
@brentwooden1219 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video,a lot of people are leaving the Church.It is business,a billion dollar Corporations in one with many more off of it.It is not a Church,
@Barbie-rd2mi 3 жыл бұрын
@@roxannebowers4955 but you wouldn’t understand without study first
@richarddick2955 2 жыл бұрын
The Bible reveals Joseph Smith as the solution for the 666 beast He had to be a true prophet to have known this! .kzbin.info/www/bejne/eYrGonSCabCHiLM and also this video likewisekzbin.info/www/bejne/p4LOlot4adacqck
@aubreywarren4094 3 жыл бұрын
I am a direct descendant of Parley P Pratt, my dad left and as I grew up I saw why. Leaving is so hard and talking about it openly is so much more difficult. Thank you, the truth sets us free ❤️
@foxtrottaa 5 ай бұрын
I too am a direct descendant of Parley P Pratt. I guess we're cousins. I come from his 4th wife, Mary Wood; Mathoni Pratt; Harold Sheets Pratt; and my father Harold Anderson Pratt. All of my immediate family, 7 siblings and mother are still active and believers. I've been inactive for over 30 years but am just now truly considering whether it's true or not. Nice to 'meet' you cousin 🤗 what a history we have...
@kaijessen3654 4 жыл бұрын
Your bravery and intelligence at such a young age is inspiring. I just stumbled on this video and I’m thankful for you sharing your story.
@kaipoland3174 3 жыл бұрын
Kai gang 😎😎
@richarddick2955 2 жыл бұрын
The Bible reveals Joseph Smith as the solution for the 666 beast He had to be a true prophet to have known this! .kzbin.info/www/bejne/eYrGonSCabCHiLM and also this video likewisekzbin.info/www/bejne/p4LOlot4adacqck
@jimbomanzano5743 2 жыл бұрын
She seemed honest by telling why she left the Church. I didn’t get what her beliefs are now. Has she joined another church or has she turned atheist?
@kaijessen3654 2 жыл бұрын
@@jimbomanzano5743 Atheist or something along the Atheist to Agnostic spectrum. She has described herself as an Atheist. The world needs positive role models that believe in tolerance and acceptance as well as having no need for organized religion. It’s not an easy road because people are, on average, more willing to accept having beliefs in god and magic than having a willingness to believe that an Atheist can be a moral and loving person. We all have to believe in something because that is a way of simplifying the overwhelming need of consciousness to have a focus and an override to suppress all of the sensory input coming from our bodies and interactions with other people. She believed that simply being honest about her journey and tolerant of her friends and family still in the church that she could continue to have loving interactions with practicing church members. The church makes that impossible, in my opinion, and she has been severely tested in holding onto that belief. I call that a belief because it isn’t logical or practical to continue loving people still in the church because they are propagandized and pressured into rejecting anyone that doesn’t conform and it is heartbreaking to see it happen to her. It is however totally predictable from my perspective and experience. A belief in god is a ascribing tangible qualities to something that isn’t present in reality. The unknown and indescribable nature of being is a constant journey and infinitely revelatory no matter what you believe or don’t believe. The main problem that I see with the church is that it uses petty and arbitrary rules to reveal a path to enlightenment that actually only comes after death. I want to seek enlightenment in the here and now. For me that necessitates rejection of the church and its members because it is just too painful for me but I can also imagine why someone would believe that it is possible. I once did and I can also vaguely remember the free thinkers and spiritual seekers, that I once knew as a church member, but since the seventies the church has become increasingly authoritarian and inflexible. I only care about the issues of religion because christians are a minority that are increasingly demanding political power and they are getting it. Every intelligent and ambitious person that I ever knew in SLC, who isn’t a member or a believer, has had to leave the state because of the intensity of social ostracism that one must endure in mormon Utah. I watch the ExmoLex channel because I like her positive post mormon attitude. Personally I don’t have any love for the church because it has broken my relationships with my brothers and even till the end of my working days I was haunted by it’s presence because I lost work opportunities, even in Hawaii, because the HR person in charge of staffing jobs was mormon and showed preference to other mormons when recruiting for the best jobs. I get why people stay in the church whether they believe or not. It keeps them in the club. For someone who believes that spirituality matters it is particularly painful to stay in a church that believes in conformity and authoritarianism above all else. Above family, above love, above community and above the intellectual traditions of thousands of years of human evolution. I believe that people can change but that is as crackpot a belief as anything. People don’t want to change anything and they aren’t built for it so humanity plunges headlong into one disaster after another because we can’t change to a paradigm where we love ourselves and others equally. Isn’t that what the Jesus of the Bible wanted? It was impossible for his lifetime and it remains impossible now. Still, I have to try and I take some comfort in knowing that I am not the only person who is willing to change everything and risk everything in order to strive for a better world. That is why I appreciate ExmoLex. She is trying with all of her heart.
@stevedone1958 4 жыл бұрын
Good for you Lexi. I started asking questions when I was 13 and the elders would get mad at me and try to intimidate rather than explain. That is why I left at 14. Everything I have learned since, has just solidified my early knowledge.
@Jeanskirtsgirl 2 жыл бұрын
I left when I was 14 as well!
@kurt666morris Жыл бұрын
Very heartfelt and on the mark video. You express very well what so much of us have come to feel and know over the years.
@jlamothe2 4 жыл бұрын
"When I was leaving the church, one of the biggest things for me that helped was listening to other people talk about it. So I hope that this can help someone else out there that's going through the same thing." Believe me, it has.
@richarddick2955 2 жыл бұрын
The Bible reveals Joseph Smith as the solution for the 666 beast He had to be a true prophet to have known this! .kzbin.info/www/bejne/eYrGonSCabCHiLM and also this video likewisekzbin.info/www/bejne/p4LOlot4adacqck
@joetaylor8687 3 жыл бұрын
My personal experience has been that "the Church" cares a heck of a lot less about what I have to say . . . than what I have to PAY.
@drsamlyman 3 жыл бұрын
Lexi: I have been listening to your interview with John Dehlin. I am so sorry for your pain and so grateful for how you have turned your pain into compassion and support for people going through this journey. Thank you! PS - I left the church 23 years ago and am still processing the pain. I accept that this process may go on for me the rest of my life... the deception hurt that bad.
@catherinehawkins3302 Жыл бұрын
Deception confusion reblion. So sad i once thought the church of jesus christ. Was hard work.. but i have never been a mormon.. But do have a testimony that jesus christ was the son of god.and will come again .. a second time. To issure in the millennium.peace... Babylon will fall..
@TheBlondeBarbie99 5 жыл бұрын
I think it's really admirable that you read the CES letter because you wanted to help lift someone up and be a friend, despite the fact that they believed different than you and I'm sure it was uncomfortable to explore. Your videos are really great, thank you for having the courage to share your perspective to help people again.
@sc766 4 жыл бұрын
Then you will know the truth and the truth will set up free. So wonderful of you to share your story. You should share it on Mormon stories as well:)
@richarddick2955 2 жыл бұрын
The Bible reveals Joseph Smith as the solution for the 666 beast He had to be a true prophet to have known this! .kzbin.info/www/bejne/eYrGonSCabCHiLM and also this video likewisekzbin.info/www/bejne/p4LOlot4adacqck
@Cessna8057F 4 жыл бұрын
You articulated so well what so many others have / are going thru. So great you and your spouse out together. Thank you!
@cydnilisette 3 жыл бұрын
I'm 57 years old, and only found the courage to examine all of the things about the Church that have bothered me all my life. I haven't gone to church for a couple of years, but felt guilty about it. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I have chosen to "not be Mormon" anymore, and I'm OK with that now.
@rodburris8811 4 жыл бұрын
I found out the truth even before the CES letter, had the same emotions, keep speaking the truth, you are doing great
@xopowo1979 3 жыл бұрын
I understand you and support you! I discovered that Islam was wrong when I was 20! My family kicked me away, friends hated me, police arrested me... spent days eating rubbish and sleeping in parks, ... truth prevails!
@stevebeary4988 3 жыл бұрын
So brave
@Xochiyolotl 3 жыл бұрын
You’re very brave. I hope you’re safe. I have heard terrible things about what happens to people when they leave Islam. May God protect you.
@taulagoioane3865 3 жыл бұрын
May God bless and keep you ❤️
@robertbarney8635 3 жыл бұрын
I disagree. History is proof lies have frequently prevailed.
@DMichaelAtLarge 3 жыл бұрын
What Mormons go through to leave their religion is nothing compared to what you had to go through. I honor you for your courage and integrity to follow truth in spite of the great price you had to pay to do it.
@OscarL4229 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you ♥️ I'm an ex mormon from Italy. I left at the age of 18 and now that I'm 21, I'm happier than ever.
@Ms.Stephanie.C 3 жыл бұрын
I saw you on Mormon Stories. I think you’re doing really good things! I left the church in 2005 when I was 32 and pregnant with my 5th child. I had 3 callings at the time. I had read “An Insider’s View of Mormon Origins” that was sold (at the time) at the Desert Book store. I was in an abusive (temple) marriage, and when I left the church I lost 90% of my friends, including my childhood friends, because I tried to share what I had learned with them. I am glad that you and others are speaking out. In 2005 I didn’t have any online support groups, and I didn’t know about Mormon Stories until quite a few years after I left. I am happily divorced and I am doing well now on my own. I have never regretted leaving the church, in fact it saved my life to do so because I was able to change my beliefs around divorce. It was really hard - I am not trying to sugar coat anything. However, I can truthfully say that it was all worth it. Keep sharing your videos and speaking out! ♥️♥️♥️
@Ms.Stephanie.C 3 жыл бұрын
@Amber R. Thurman the closest short answer is Agnostic.
@marjoriecheadle6052 2 жыл бұрын
Did you get to keep your children when you left the church?
@Ms.Stephanie.C 2 жыл бұрын
@@marjoriecheadle6052 It’s a long story. I left the abusive ex in 2007. He stalked & terrorized me until 2012. We technically have joint custody of our daughters & I have primary physical custody. He hasn’t been here to see our girls since June of 2016, which is a good thing for all of us. (He abused all of us.) He’s been remarried now for several years & lives in another state… thank goodness. He needs to stay away from us. He caused a lot of damage. (Our 2 youngest ones are now a Sophomore & a Senior in high school for age reference.)
@trishmorton2465 4 жыл бұрын
I just watched this AFTER seeing your more recent videos. I cannot believe how you have grown in confidence since making this video and I still think this video is amazing. You have blossomed since leaving that church. Just wow!
@michoasalways6762 3 жыл бұрын
I left the church more than a year ago and found so much joy in finding spirituality my way. I no longer have to hide who I am. You can tell me I'm misguided or miserable but I'm happy I left.
@Ether-pb5gb 3 жыл бұрын
there is more to life than fornication and sexual fulfillment. I don't see anywhere in the scriptures where it says "thou shalt orgasm". If you want to follow the Burger King Bible, and "have it your way", that's your choice. But remember, "wickedness never was happiness" Alma 41:10
@michoasalways6762 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ether-pb5gb ????? i know that????? I'm not constantly having sex i just don't have to hide the fact that I'm gay. I'm happier just doing my best to be a good person. BTW Burger King Bible is my band name now.
@Ether-pb5gb 3 жыл бұрын
@@michoasalways6762 I am happy that you don't feel like you have to hide it. I deeply sympathize with you. I know what it is like to have skeletons in the closet, and then bring them to light. I am happy for you in that regards. Just because you have gay inclinations, doesn't mean you have to choose that path. You can still choose the path of faith. And if your band ends up being successful, I want 10% royalty on all sales/concerts ;) Burger King might want a piece of the pie too.
@cheetahman859 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ether-pb5gb And just because you think have the right to go around sitting in judgment thinking you know how people are supposed to live their lives, doesn't mean you have to choose that path either. I don't think the hereafter is going to go the way you think with that piss poor attitude... You may want to work on that log in your own eye instead of worrying about the lives of others, Physician heal thy self. I always find it funny how people like you who think they speak for God, seem to always have a God who hates the same things they do. Also, the so called skeleton is in the closet because of people like yourself. So in the end you're the cause of the problem, you may want to ponder that and pray about that. I must have been absent that day when they discussed Jesus stating go forth and make others lives as difficult as possible. What chapter is that from?
@Ether-pb5gb 3 жыл бұрын
@@cheetahman859 I don't speak for Christ. But Christ is the way. Learning to trust in Him is the quest of a lifetime...and we all have various degrees of trust and faith in Him. One theme that seems to prevail over and over again as I read the New Testament is that He is constantly trying to encourage us to believe in Him. That alone tells me how much doubt/distrust we have to battle through. I don't try to be a part of the problem. I am sorry that you viewed my comments that way. Personally, I think it is better that we put our trust in God instead of in own understanding.
@IITaDHGdALToNII 4 жыл бұрын
Not a mormon but I have been reading the CES letter since I watched this video. It is an absolutely astounding document
@candil6531 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, proud of you. I was baptized Catholic but later to the LDS church at 8. I cannot believe that they allow 8 year olds to make such a big decision! When I was 8 I could barely tie a shoe and write legibly. “Accepting the savior” at 8 such a big responsibility. Don’t get me wrong, the church has helped my family throughout the pandemic but they have become extremely pushy. I’m still in high school and feel a great responsibility in everything despite explaining my situation various times. I have a plan to leave when i’m 18 because I cannot be in a church with homophobia, racism, and guil tactics to keep their members to stay. Whenever I tell my parents I don’t want to go to church they said it’s because I can’t to do what the devil does but it’s because I don’t want to be around superficial people who do not care about my well being! I am the only mormon in my school and cannot talk to my other friends because they aren’t Mormon nor active so they wouldn’t get it. I feel sad because when I leave I don’t want people to think it’s because I want to live a sinful life, leaving the church does not mean renouncing God or Jesus, to me it means leaving a toxic place. I hope one day I’m as strong as you! Much love ❤️
@KristiLEvans1 Жыл бұрын
You’re already doing pretty well. Hang on to the Jesus of the BIBLE. Get one and read it, prayerfully. The structure of the Mormon Church actually comes from Freemasonry. That’s why their rituals, handshakes, constant works and the like, you will not find anything like that in the Biblical Jesus. Rock on. Prayerfully. Wisdom will come
@LB-ec4uf Жыл бұрын
The REAL Jesus is not in the Mormon church. Get a bible that is easy to understand. Jesus is excited to meet you! He is love. He is kind.
@messianichebrewshawnkawcak1550 4 жыл бұрын
It takes a lot to have the strength to leave things you spent your whole life believing, but the truth is important.
@carlduffin 3 жыл бұрын
"It takes a lot to have the strength to leave things you spent your whole life believing, but the truth is important." A popular analogy is the sparrow is never afraid when the twig it is resting on breaks, because it puts its trust in its ability to fly, rather than the relative safety of the branch.
@dorismarlene5842 4 жыл бұрын
I left the church too and I completely understand. Thanks for sharing.
@AlizzaSpeaks 5 жыл бұрын
❤️ I’m so happy you did your research and followed your heart! Haha the same thing happened to me, I started focusing on self love and got fit. So many people are leaving the church right now because he Mormon God isn’t a god of love.
@stacytacycy 3 жыл бұрын
Imagining how it must have felt, realizing that something you believed in for 25 years was a lie, made me cry. Nobody should go through anything like that. I truly hope you managed to move on from this trauma.
@kellynorman7452 4 жыл бұрын
Your a strong very brave person doing a video like this i really admire you for speaking how you feel. You have a bunch of supporters stay strong
@Charon58 4 жыл бұрын
It takes courage to examine one's beliefs and even more courage to set them aside for the truth.
@ruysen100 4 жыл бұрын
Very interesting, thank you for sharing this. I also been an mormon for 10.years now.
@tylerbarney11376 4 жыл бұрын
It doesn't take much courage to leave a belief system that requires lots of work and dedication for a belief system that requires nothing of you. Usually it just takes an ounce of confirmation bias.
@bonnieshaw7324 4 жыл бұрын
Well said
@bernymoroney88 4 жыл бұрын
Tyler Barney what’s that suppose to mean??
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
@@ruysen100 hopefully you don't take counsel from the faithless. Have you read the books "Saints", volumes 1 and 2? Very faith promoting. Especially the account of Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner. Absolutely stunning. Keep the faith, and remember that the voices from the Great and Spacious Building (1 Nephi 8) are going to get bigger and louder. But let's heed them not (1 Nephi 8)
@amyfuller7345 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Lexi, I know you get a lot of comments so I don’t expect you to read this but I just wanted to say thank you for uploading this video. I am in an interfaith marriage and have been struggling for years to make Mormonism work in my household. We had a baby last year and I started taking him to church (I have struggled with being active because of the problems it’s caused in our marriage) but my husband expressed his desire to have our son go to a non-denominational church. I kept brushing it off until last week he said we needed to make a decision about how we were going to raise our son (in the church or not). I was searching KZbin on how to hear God’s voice because I really needed to know what to do for my son as well as how to not make this contentious with my husband. Your video popped up in my KZbin queue and I thought about skipping it because leaving the church wasn’t on my mind. I let it play since I was in the car driving. I had never heard of the CES paper or any of the things you mentioned (even though I had grown up very active in the church). After reading the letter and reading other things, I was able to make the decision that my son will not be raised in the church and I will never be going back. It’s absolutely heartbreaking learning this information and I am trying to navigate figuring out who I am without the church to define my morals/values/lifestyle etc. Even though I am devastated, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest and I can stop feeling the shame caused by the church’s standards.Thank you so much for making this video!
@ExmoLex 4 жыл бұрын
I remember feeling exactly like what you described. I promise that feeling goes away with time. Wishing you the very best going forward!! Thank you so much for sharing your story ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
@idasapp8007 3 жыл бұрын
As an ex evangelical I would caution against going to even a non-denominational church. I was a very earnest, devoted Christian and years ago started to deconstruct my faith. I am not Christian or religious at all anymore. And (surprise!) I have more peace, hope and love than ever before. It really helps when you realize that you have these things inside you along and don't need it from an outside source. I have read a lot about recovering from religion and the trauma it causes and am so grateful that we are raising our children without all that. Contrary to what we were told they would be without god, they are conscientious, compassionate and have the ability to think critically. They also own their bodies and their lives and live without the constant fear of judgement.
@BoyMama87 3 жыл бұрын
My husband left after we had 3 kids. I left a few years after him. Best decision! I'm proud of you for this decision- not that you need anyone to be- but I remember someone saying "I've never heard anyone say they are proud of me for leaving the church" but it still feels nice to hear. Hope you're doing well!
@amyfuller7345 3 жыл бұрын
@@idasapp8007 thank you for sharing this, it’s good to know that kids can be great people without the indoctrination of god.
@mikew2656 4 жыл бұрын
Not n ex mormon but I have recently left my chosen church after 40 yrs. Your pain and struggle was very real for me. I could feel the loss you felt and the life void it left for you. I'm still working through it. So much to work on as I journey towards God without the religious abuse and "we are the only true church". Thank you for being Raw and Real. It means the same for even those of us that are not ex Mormon.
@freshair6695 4 жыл бұрын
My name is Heidi. This is actually my husbands account. I really wanted to comment on your story. Just saying I totally feel your pain. I’m 58 and was completely immersed in the LDS church. It is so painful leaving and finding out the truth. It was my whole life
@Cate7451 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that Heidi. Can I give you a hug.
@carlduffin 3 жыл бұрын
"My name is Heidi. This is actually my husbands account. I really wanted to comment on your story. Just saying I totally feel your pain. I’m 58 and was completely immersed in the LDS church. It is so painful leaving and finding out the truth. It was my whole life" I may be speaking out of turn but just wanted to say - it wasn't your whole life - you have much life to live in your new found existence - enjoy it!
@marilynclawson 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for doing this video. As I listened to you, i was reliving what I went thru during my journey out of the church. I was a member for 35 yrs. I, like you was so grateful to know that my family was eternal ( I’ve lost a lot of loved ones through illness and accidents) That is why I loved the church, did Temple work. It was heartbreaking when I found out the truth. I went through a grieving period. I felt like someone kicked me in the gut and I lost my breath for sometime. It’s been close to 5 yrs now since my husband and I left. A lot of our extended family don’t know. Our grown children know, one daughter and her family are active and don’t have a lot to do with us. We’re apostates😉. Our other 3 children aren’t active either.. But like you mentioned, I’m a better person, not judging people or trying to make everyone a Mormon any longer. I was a good person as a member and I’m a good person now. I agree that we should talk about it when people ask. I wish I would’ve had someone to visit with during my faith crisis. Life is wonderful, lots of weight off our shoulders and my self esteem is back. It’s hard to live always striving to be perfect.....when that’s impossible in this life. God Bless you and thank you again.❤️
@cupkittenaudiobooks3595 5 жыл бұрын
I'm 14, and I am finally beginning to uncover the truth. I always went to church mindlessly, never asking questions since they were dissuaded by leaders and teachers. I realised how judgemental and rude Mormons could be once my mom got divorced. People treated me and my family with less respect, and would often give us the cold shoulder. The members would give my mom a hard time because she drank coffee and beer and wore "revealing" clothes, even my mom's sisters and relatives would get mad at her for it. Even I was upset at her for a time since I felt so ashamed by everyone. Now, I am uncovering thing I had never learned, and the truths about my church. I'm so scared and upset about how I am going to live, especially since I might get even more hate for leaving. This opened my eyes to my church, and I hope this can help others. Thank you 💕
@ExmoLex 5 жыл бұрын
You are an incredible person to have already seen through the lies so young! Good luck to you on your journey ♥️
@joelgonzalez5901 4 жыл бұрын
Good! For you!! May the good lord keep on open your understanding....
@Jancel3333 4 жыл бұрын
We are happy because you opened your eyes! 👏
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
don't be fooled by the faithless. can the blind lead the blind?, Jesus once asked. www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/new-era/2020/01/the-last-witness-of-the-three-witnesses?lang=eng
@Silver-ts6wg 4 жыл бұрын
When we discover truth we are set free . 🙏🙏🙏❤️
@Leoleonpd 3 жыл бұрын
She thought that Joseph Smith had done one bad thing, and then found out every single little thing. That CES stuff is like undeniable
@uzielvazquez8001 3 жыл бұрын
Where can I find that CES stuff?
@irenevasquez2984 3 жыл бұрын
@@uzielvazquez8001 type on Google "CES Letter"
@ntokozozondi6637 2 жыл бұрын
I thought there was something wrong with me to feel this way. It's been 4yrs we have left the church but I struggle to let go, my garments hold me back, I got used to them and bonded with gospel principles. It's a purely programming that is so deep. I cry a lot and feel depressed sometimes, even when I know the truth, it's all been a lie. Finding your video makes me see it is normal to feel this way, I will need to seek for help to attend to this as any other trauma like loosing a loved one etc. Thank u so much for this message.
@kyleemaestas3891 5 жыл бұрын
Hey, thanks for posting this. I just read the CES letter 2 days ago, and it’s been so hard. I don’t even know what to do now. It’s good to hear other people talk about it, and say it gets easier!
@ExmoLex 5 жыл бұрын
Kylee Maestas it is so hard in the beginning, but it definitely gets better with time! Explore your world without those limits and you’ll start to realize you can be more your authentic self than you’ve ever been. I’m enjoying my life happier than ever! I hope the same thing happens for you, too ♥️
@goingindie24 5 жыл бұрын
Please look at my post in the main thread. The CES letter has so much wrong. I just covered a few things but others have made more full responses. One is here: ..kzbin.info/www/bejne/r5_QfopqrNOHfLc
@Jupiter_Crash 5 жыл бұрын
Kylee- Be patient with yourself. You don’t have “to know” what to do now because in essence you’ve lost your bearings. The key is that this loss is only temporary. You’ll come out on top with greater understanding of yourself and the world around you. You’ll be going through the grieving process so brush up on the steps involved. That way you’ll understand the anger and processing required to come out a healthier person. There are plenty of people supporting your journey just make sure you’re supporting yourself along the way too with forgiveness and patience.
@aluf2567 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Kylee, conflictofjustice.com is a really good source for looking into responses that the CES letter imposes. Since you are looking into church history, it's important to look really deep and not just the tip of the iceberg like anti's like to do if you wish to do so. Good luck in your quest and remember that you aren't alone!
@six1nyne 4 жыл бұрын
Nothing on the ces letter is new or revelatory. Very old old arguments about the church. Do your hw, and stop thinking gods gift comes in a perfect box with a red bow., it doesnt make it any less of a gift cause its not what you expected. The jews didnt expect jesus as a babe born in a manger. What happens to these members testimonys? Stay close to the spirit and dont let someone ever convince you that the spirit is false or some chemical reaction akin to adrenaline. Its nothin like that its a connection to your creator that is unmistakable unexplainable and otherworldly. It burns so hot so intensely and only comes when we testify of christ or our thoughts are centered around him or he is encircling you about with love and reassurance. Come back! We need u god needs the work needs you. Many are falling by the way side and its heartbreaking to see. Develop your faith each and everyday put god first and build upon his son. We all sang it the wise man and the foolish man but did you enternalize it or plant it and see what tree it sprouts into. Foolish generation so easily misled and untrusting of the god who gave them life. Smh man. Sad emoji.
@craigholman1161 4 жыл бұрын
Well done. I have been away from the LDS church for 25 years. I is liberating. I also try to teach my children to still be kind and not speak with anger or hatred toward the church. There are many good people in the LDS church. And I enjoy them. I just don't believe as they do. I also have opened up to exploring all kinds of philosophies regarding life. I have decided that I don't want to spend my days trying to prepare for the next life. I prefer to enjoy this life. I actually am beginning to better understand the Muslim religion. I don't agree with it but I am better educated. My current philosophy is one spoken by Thomas Paine where he said, "My country is the world, all mankind are my brethren, and kindness is my religion." It gives me peace not to dismiss others. I still enjoy many of the teachings of the Bible. Life is worthwhile. I enjoyed your comments and am happy for you. Don't let people discourage you or censor you. Be happy.
@curelom 3 жыл бұрын
This is the first video I encountered after recently discovering the CES Letter. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Your channel has helped me navigate this excruciating experience of leaving behind the only "truths" I've ever known.
@TheCaphits 5 жыл бұрын
This was so perfect.Thank you so so so much for sharing.
@robmullin1128 4 жыл бұрын
I wanted the church to be true, I tried to convince myself that it was true. I have a relationship with Jesus and our Heavenly Father,just apart from the church. I read the Bible only.
@bentonvillefamily 4 жыл бұрын
Amen. Most become atheists. So glad to hear you hung onto the real Word of God
@kathleenstillman4364 4 жыл бұрын
I’m so very glad you have a relationship with Jesus.... keep your eyes on Him, He is the way💕 God bless you and protect you Rob.
@BAM2384 4 жыл бұрын
Hebrews 10:25, KJV: "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."
@brianprince1649 4 жыл бұрын
The thing is Jesus said he would restore his church just like the one Jesus establish when he was on the earth.
@longnamenocansayy 4 жыл бұрын
@@brianprince1649 jesus said he would restore his church? i would like to read that in the bible. did jesus say that he is the foundation of the church, or did he say there is no solid foundation, and all mankind is left up to their own devices? did jesus die for good for ever never to raise again? did jesus say when i go the holy spirit will come?
@gailbennett963 2 жыл бұрын
It’s tough leaving the church. I went through it too. Blessings to you and your family. I’ve been out 10 years and don’t regret it at all.
@jobie105able 5 жыл бұрын
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Thank you for shining a light on this belief system and sharing your common but underrepresented story.
@sydnibartschi2643 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like this video was one giant hug that I needed. Thank you. ❤️
@brandonscottsanchez 4 жыл бұрын
The definition of irony: When a beautiful young woman is pouring out her heart on why she left the Mormon church only to have a commercial from the Mormon church explaining to people why the temples were closed during this pandemic and that they are opening soon.
@ruthsmart2577 5 жыл бұрын
By the way. Your story just helped me. Thank you and goodnight.
@ExmoLex 5 жыл бұрын
Ruth Smart I’m so glad!! Thank you for watching ♥️
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. Can the blind lead the blind? Don't you know that the 3 witnesses saw an angel of God? Haven't you read about all of the miracles surrounding this latter-day work? Don't you know that the mountain of the Lord's house has been established in the "tops of the hills" (Isaiah 2 prophecy) !!!!!!!!!!!
@janetspiritofthelivinggod6328 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ether-pb5gb If you think Lexi is blind then it is you who are afraid to see and seek the truth. I am praying for you, Ether 12:27
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
@@janetspiritofthelivinggod6328 thank you for praying for me. I need all of the prayers that I can get. Please include my wife, my children, and my physical health. Thank you and God bless you. I am not afraid of the truth. The truth shall make us free.
@janetspiritofthelivinggod6328 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ether-pb5gb I will indeed! I've been in a prayer and healing ministry and do a bit of armchair research for what ails me, so if you want to share any details I'm here, but God knows, most of all. Glad that you are interested in having eyes open to the Truth, most importantly He who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, the great "I AM" which is the same as Jesus saying He is God - that's why the Jews wanted to kill Him! Jesus was God incarnate while on earth, not a man willing to show us how to become a god, as I believe the LDS church believes.
@JoshuaLaDeau 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story. I left the Church roughly 12 years ago, but just resigned officially this year. Your story sounds a lot like mine. I served a mission and all. I'm glad you've found a supportive community. They didn't really exist when I left, or at least if they did, they were not easy to find. But even back then, I was watching a lot of KZbin videos, which helped. I'm happy you have found the truth and that it has set you free!!
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. Can the blind lead the blind?, Jesus asked...It wasn't just Joseph Smith. www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/new-era/2020/01/the-last-witness-of-the-three-witnesses?lang=eng
@JoshuaLaDeau 4 жыл бұрын
@@roberttrefcer86 I didn't decide to leave the church based on KZbin videos. I left the church because I discovered it was all based on lies and that the evidence that the church and Christianity, in general, are not true is overwhelming. The atheist KZbin community was there for me when my church friends and family abandoned me, but had nothing to do with my deconversion.
@JoshuaLaDeau 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ether-pb5gb My doubts came because of lack of evidence for the truth claims and loads of evidence that the truth claims were false or lies. If you have doubts, you should explore them. J. Reuben Clark said that if the Church is true, an investigation cannot harm it. If it's not true, it ought to be harmed. The truth can and has set me free.
@roberttrefcer86 4 жыл бұрын
@@JoshuaLaDeau bt that rationale you might as well leave Earth which is a hotbed of lies and corruption
@JoshuaLaDeau 4 жыл бұрын
@@roberttrefcer86 That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard in my life. There is a lot of truth and beauty in this world, and if you're too blind to see it, that's your loss, and I feel sorry for you.
@eltooyo2 2 жыл бұрын
You're very sweet and I truly admire the very difficult road you've chosen and the decency with which you tread it. My heart goes out to you and, as someone who struggles with many of the same issues, I wish you well.
@yintercept4612 5 жыл бұрын
Nice video. This game where Mormons shun ex-Mormons and non-Mormons creates a polarized society. The work that you are doing to build community in your post-Mormon life is making the world a better place.
@3ittybittypiggiesstorytime547 5 жыл бұрын
No, the church tells you to Not shun (to sound christlike) but they also tell you that you Must shun, and you cant' get your temple recommend if you don't shun (never mind that you pledge to worship Leaders and you must never sustain Christ first nor do leaders have to be honest in their dealings....). If you don't pay and Obey Leaders you will suffer forever and your family will be taken away. Families are forever, held hostage. Just the official first vision alone (forget the other 9 versions) contradicts history and early church teachings of the godhead which are in the original BoM, BoC and LoF... And why would JS and his family disobey Christ and join the Methodists, etc...? You can't see that nor thousands more lies and contradictions if you are in robot "Obey and don't question Us!" mode. "These are not the Lies you are looking for." The foundation is Wholly Holey not holy. Their whole great and spacious building is built "Lie upon Lie, Decept upon Decept." Sad but true. Warn others, but be careful how you do or they will dig in deeper into their delusions.
@yintercept4612 5 жыл бұрын
@@3ittybittypiggiesstorytime547 Both the Book of Commandments and the Doctrine and Covenants say that people who do not obey commandments given by the church are to be "cast out." The words "cast out" and "shun" are synonyms. Casting out is actually more aggressive. It is easy to prove that casting people out is a doctrine of the Church because it is in the "Doctrine and Covenants." I used the term "shun" because the same technique is used in other cults. I dislike all harmful cults equally. It is also fun when a Mormon claims "We don't shun people" because then I can draw them into trying to describe the difference between casting people out and shunning.
@3ittybittypiggiesstorytime547 5 жыл бұрын
@@yintercept4612 Yes, they cast out, fer sure while teaching not to, while requiring you to shun to get a temple recommend......... Both bases covered.... Plus a whole dogma crapload of other made up BS and contradictions including those books having the "christian" Trinity contradicting what Joseph "officially saw" and had to change his mind on after he too found out that the Trinity was faked and was BS added to the bible much latter as well as the rest of the changes and mythology adopted to make human sacrifice a good and saving thing.... (catching my breath...) Oh, well, he like those before him knew that they would be long gone when most figured out their Con games piled high, starting well before "christianity."
@vendingdudes 4 жыл бұрын
About the same rules to the game as how Non-mos and Ex-Mos mock members, right?
@W09W09 4 жыл бұрын
I have to admit I have a hard time sympathizing with people who leave the church. It's not because they left, but how they never stop talking about it. I say just go away and do your own thing. What is so tramatic that people need support groups? Just leave and get out of Utah. I hear stories coming out of Utah that I have never experienced or even heard of that would make me want to leave the church as well. I had the unfortunate experience of living there for 2.5 years and I could not get out fast enough. My 10 year old daughter caught her grandfather drinking coffee on one of our visits and then he went to work in the temple. She asked me why church members in Utah think the rules don't apply to them? Not sure what my answer was, but it was probably along the lines of "I don't care". I believe the way I do because of personal experiences that I have had. I personally don't care if any of those who choose to leave the church go or not. I have seen so many people leave the church and then come crawling back like whipped dogs. That's great for them and I am glad they are happy and are doing what they feel is right for them. Believe it or not most of them came from Utah. Living in Kansas City we get a lot of Utah members that claim how inspired they were to move here especially to Independence because you know we can't handle things out here by ourselves and they were inspired to move here without jobs and sometimes even a decent place to live and then wonder why things are so bad for them? My ward and even my stake is full of loving and serving people, but they like me generally just wave good bye when someone leaves the church. We are sad to see them go, but we are not going to come chasing after them because they made their own choice. By the way we don't have support groups out here. If we did I would be the first one to volunteer to run it so I could hand out the forms to "resign" from the church and then make baby crying sounds until they left. My confusion mainly lies within the reasons people give. Instead of just leaving they always have to bring up the same old stuff ( Joseph Smith had a lot of wives, no one can find archeological evidence of the Book of Mormon, Some of the writings in the B of M are similar to another book written in 1810, there were no horses, and then my favorite reasons are supposed quotes from Joseph Smith. If anyone knows history Joseph Smith died in 1844 by a huge mob of black faced and hooded men that shot him and is brother in cold blood while they were locked up in a tiny room and had no where to run. A dead man cannot defend himself from lies and malicious accusations yet people want to believe only what they hear. Just maybe if Joseph Smith was not murdered in cold blood leaving a wife and children behind he could have explained why he did some of things he did and also defend himself from any lies or accusations. Just one more. I also like the one about Brigham Young not liking black people. Maybe it is true that he didn't like them. Do we all not have our biasis? I work in law enforcement and I hardly like anyone no matter their color, but I will defend any innocent person with my life if necessary. Just maybe Brigham Young felt the same way? Also the CES letter that seems to be such an influence on people, I have read it and I can argue everything the author wrote about. Bottom line is this. The church is either true or it is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on human kind by a man who gained no wealth, was constantly running for his life and then was murdered. (By the way I am a little biased because I am a direct decendant of the Smith family.). None the less each one of us needs to make the decisions we feel are best for us and if we are wrong then God will sort it out. For me I would rather live with the church than without it. I will take my chances. BTW if Utah Mormons want to find out what church members are like elsewhere then leave the comforts of Utah. BTW I am not being sarcastic. I am just telling like I see it just the rest of you.
@shawnipolanibovee63 5 жыл бұрын
Proud Of you! I was born and raised and left the church, you have a community that supportive of you and your journey.... THANKYOU !
@ExmoLex 5 жыл бұрын
against anti-Mormons I checked out your channel-very nice. Exactly the kind of Christlike person that will ensure that those who feel ostracized from the church will never return.
@SRLowther 5 жыл бұрын
@against anti-Mormons I love it! Please keep posting! I can feel the Spirit!
@SRLowther 5 жыл бұрын
@against anti-Mormons you bet! So much healthier and happier emotionally than the sewage that you exude! Dark and loathsome comes to mind
@SRLowther 5 жыл бұрын
@against anti-Mormons Oh, you mean the beverages that Joseph Smith used to drink?
@mrknarf4438 5 жыл бұрын
against anti-Mormons dude, what's your problem? Do you really think belittling others is a good Christian's way of life and you will get to heaven for being a snobby brat? If it were so, heaven would be full of snobby brats, terrible place really.
@tamrajames9926 3 жыл бұрын
I have just discovered these truths myself and I’m shocked. Thank you for putting out this video. You found out a year before me. As I’ve been researching our world during The pandemic our reality isn’t going to be what we think. God bless you and thank you!!
@nekomancerx 5 жыл бұрын
I just wanted to say how much this video means to me!!!! I was born and raised in the church as well. My father converted my mom before they got married. When he died, we stopped going to church so my mom could raise my four brothers and I AND support us. So we went without the church for awhile. Fast forward I ended up attending BYUI and the experiences I had there are leading up to me wanting to remove myself from the church as well. Thank you thank you thank you Peace and love to you and your family!!!
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
sorry about your difficult experience. dealing with the death of a parent is not easy, and neither is dealing with college-aged years. I believe that the church is true. Too many witnesses. Too many angels. Too many divine manifestations. We all have trials of faith. Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/ldsorg/media-library/ebook-pdf/Saints-v1-English-PD60001624.pdf?lang=eng
@mrknarf4438 5 жыл бұрын
As a personal trainer and fitness enthusiast I know how hard it is to lose that much weight and keep it off, especially while taking care of children. You're amazing, I'm glad you've been able to improve your life both in physical and spiritual aspects.
@active6302 4 жыл бұрын
losing weight is a very small part of self-improvement.
@mrknarf4438 4 жыл бұрын
@@active6302 ..is it though? It's mental fortitude that you can see changing your body
@TheVerosyv 3 жыл бұрын
30 mins of spiritual stuff and you focus on her body.
@nora_nayeli 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. I use to be a ex Jehovah witness and I enjoy hearing stories like these from ex jehovah witness and ex Mormons. These types of videos do help people out there. I know KZbin videos have helped me a lot and it’s nice to hear about people’s experiences that make me feel like I am not alone. Thank you so much. Keep doing what you are doing. ❤️
@leoinsf 3 жыл бұрын
Exmo, I loved everything about your video. I really got your sincerity. I really got your sadness in leaving the Church. After a life-time of Catholicism, I dropped our of the Catholic Church due to the breakup of an 18 year marriage. After two years, my daughter was baptized into the Mormon Church and I decided to join the Mormon Church. I was happy in the Church and stayed with it for 15 years. The glory of the Mormon Church is its people: truly good, truly loving, truly interested in having a close relationship with other people in a helpful, holy way. (I miss them every day!) Unfortunately, I was a Protestant Mormon: a Mormon who based their life on the Old and New Testament, not the Book of Mormon. While I read the Book of Mormon, I was not convinced of the complete validity of it. Even Joseph Smith was tolerated, not venerated for me. Somehow, due to my ability to give interesting talks in Church, I was able to get away with a non-Book of Mormon approach to my religious belief. (Weird???) I dropped out when my daughter needed financial help due to a marriage breakup and asked the bishop to accept less tithing. His answer: "You give to God first and everything will work out." Well, it didn't and I suddenly realized that the tithing requirements of the Mormon Church is their one failing in charity. You cannot get "blood out of a turnip" and instead of understanding that I needed to give to my daughter my tithing money, they became deeply selfish. It has been many years since I left the church and have never looked back.
@healthybyhilary 4 жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed hearing your story. I can't imagine how hard it was to turn away from your entire identity and indoctrinated beliefs. You are very smart and brave! The world needs more people like you.
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
read 444-445.............quite a controversial subject, why not listen to Mary Lightner herself? www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/ldsorg/media-library/ebook-pdf/Saints-v1-English-PD60001624.pdf?lang=eng
@armenespera4542 4 жыл бұрын
Flaterry that is how Satan is baiting his victims. The Church has done more good than any bad things been spoken against it.
@Cate7451 4 жыл бұрын
Armen Espera no church is that good. All churches and secular organizations do good things. But you don't need to follow false doctrine.
@armenespera4542 3 жыл бұрын
@@Cate7451 some people who live the Church is mostly because they wanted to be more liberal. But it is not the way it is. Denouncing Church is equally the same denouncing Jesus Christ.
@sk8er_90 4 жыл бұрын
hey thank you so much for this video. I was also devastated when I came to these realizations...my world was turned upside down for a while. (I grew up mormon and I'm not anymore)
@janahopper6373 5 жыл бұрын
Bravo for using your beautiful brain and listening to your intuition to get yourself to your greatest good. No God or higher being would ever be exclusive rather than inclusive.
@Ex-LDS 5 жыл бұрын
“Last thing I remember, I was Running for the door I had to find the passage back to the place I was before 'Relax' said the night man, 'We are programmed to receive. You can check out any time you like, But you can never leave!'” With a TBM wife and daughters! THANKS for sharing your story!!👍 Greetings from Amsterdam.
@Kristina-cw2do 5 жыл бұрын
My heart goes out to you
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
greetings from New Mexico !!! Church is true www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/ldsorg/media-library/ebook-pdf/Saints-v1-English-PD60001624.pdf?lang=eng
@sialeinukihaangana9821 4 жыл бұрын
@shelliewilliams9840 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you on everything you are saying.. it's not easy leaving the church. Its traumatic and very sad but then one day you have what I call a blue sky moment when everything feels better and everything looks brighter. And you see your better off. Thanks Lexi for your videos
@venturesintoglory5353 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Lexie, for opening up your heart and sharing your story. Your journey into a bright new life has just begun!
@longnamenocansayy 4 жыл бұрын
for me, finding out the mormon church is a cult was a great relief. there were so many things that looked like lies, but i always told myself, "it doesn't make sense because i'm not spritual enough". then when i found out the book of abraham is a big fat lie, i had this big ah ha moment. so that's what's happening. mormonism is just a big patchwork quilt of lies. well that explains a lot. i guess you felt the same thing. i like to join in comment sections like you have. i feel like i can answer some questions. but i don't have my own channel, because i feel like talking to mormons is like a trip to insanity a lot of times. i don't like that feeling. but i do understand your desire to talk to them, some people will say why don't you leave the mormons alone? that's like telling someone, from this day forth you have no childhood, no mother no father, no siblings, you never went to high school. you didn't spend every waking minute devoted to something you thought was right. where i live now, we have a lot of amish. you gotta know it's hard for them to leave that lifestyle. jews are the same way. when you leave just pack your bags, leave your heart behind when you close the door behind you. start a new life if you can, or no, that's up to you.
@Cate7451 4 жыл бұрын
This is true. The Amish can join in with the Mennonites as they have close roots. There are a lot of secular Jewa. But it's still hard to leave your family.
@TheeOldest 9 ай бұрын
I love that you talk about how speaking up about this experience is something you can do for others who are going through what you have gone through. I can understand the compulsion you feel to right the wrongs of something you wholeheartedly believed and gave to. I know this was posted a few years back I can see you are continuing to learn and grow from more recent videos you have posted. It is awesome. It is helping me to understand my own experience. Thank you!
@rhondamoore1577 4 жыл бұрын
I was baptized as Mormon also raised as catholic. I feel your pain. I have some issues with most religions. You can take a Bible and study. Every church can take a scripture and change it to fit the needs. But i am friends with all religions. I was told once that God does not live in any building, he lives with us in our heart. He wants us to do our best with the gifts we are given, and treat others the best we can. I still pray everyday and love having my faith in God and Jesus. Take care.
@42274907 4 жыл бұрын
You are an amazing women, you speak SO WELL! So clear/kind/wise AND NO JUDGEMENT! Great job!
@aubrensummer 3 жыл бұрын
I was born into a Mormon family and I'm 15 now and already want out. I've done countless hours of studying and researching and don't want to be trapped for the rest of my life. I've tried explaining my feelings to my parents but they refuse to let me leave. They told me if i wanted to have an A lifestyle and wanted to live under there roof I have to attend seminary, I have to participate in church related activities, I have to do all these things that I do not believe in. I understand they're doing it because they want the best for me but I don't want to be a member anymore. Do you have any advice for me? I really need help.
@scrub3359 3 жыл бұрын
Hey I'm 18 and recently told my mom I don't believe any more. Here is some advice I got a while ago. You are a beautiful flower accidentally planted in the wrong geographic area for your unique species of plant seedling. Up until this point, you have done OK. Basic soil, water and light let you initially sprout some roots and stretch out and green growth starting to reach up towards the world. But for reasons largely beyond your control - you now need different gardeners, water, soil, nutrients and better lighting. Basically - you need to TRANSPLANT YOURSELF INTO A BETTER ENVIRONMENT. Now. If you rip any plant out by the roots, and just throw it someplace and hope it will grow, it probably isn’t going the survive. So...lets be patient. Do our research, preparation, and make this a successful transplant! I want you not to just live, but to THRIVE! Reality sucks sometimes. My first point sucks. Warning you now. Stay with me until the end. 1. As a minor in your parent’s home, or anyone still financially dependent upon parents, you are subject to their rules. 2. Quit hitting your head against the wall - you are just going to get a head ache and bruised forehead. Fake it. Go to school, chores, church, seminary, firesides and all the other crap. Smile. Just go with the flow and DON’T MAKE WAVES! Make mental notes of all the crap - you can use it against them all in the future! 3. Make school a priority. Get good grades. This will give you options later - hopefully great colleges on grants or scholarships far, far away from home! 4. Work. If not in school. Babysit, mow lawns, get a job and make as much money as you can. This gives you options later. No money = few options. 5. Speaking of money. Don’t make a big deal about your accumulated money, ever! If asked - saving for college! On your 18th Birthday, open your own account, in your name only and put your money in there where only you can touch it. 6. My high school years sucked. I hated them. My TBM friends deserted me and nevermos didn’t give me a chance. However - I loved college. While you wait, develop yourself. Read interesting books and articles. Develop hobbies. Dive into theater or music. Volunteer at charities. Interesting and knowledgeable people attract other cool and interesting people. You don’t want to be free of LDS and have nothing to talk about except the LDS church. Gag! You also may gain new friends as you dive into your interests. 7. Keep off everyone’s radar. Drinking, Smoking, Drugs, Sex, Porn and other vices may seem like they shouldn’t be a big deal. But they attract attention if caught. If caught you will be under a microscope. You may be calm as a cucumber- but if your are friends with someone who gets caught. Guess what, guilt by association and you are now on everyone’s radar. I won’t lie. Some are fun and some are terrible, and some terribly terrific. But none are worth being under the microscope of your parents, teachers or TSCC. I promise away at college or post college there will be plenty of time to explore any or all of these. Girlfriend’s/Boyfriend’s grandma dies and suddenly they think grandma can see the two of you having sex from heaven, feel guilty and confess all to the Bishop/Stake President. If you are going to test anything “radar worthy”, at least don’t do any of it with another Mormon!!! 8. Notice above, I didn’t say no masturbation. Just no sex/porn! Too easy to get caught. Instead, use your imagination. Figure out what you like and don’t like. Your whole body is a sex organ, not just your genitalia. You’ll be a better lover later if you know and can appreciate your own body, and communicate likes/dislikes to partners. Just start doing your own laundry. Don’t ever leave ‘evidence’ behind - and YES, everyone touches themselves. Everyone! Male/Female! 9. Not my most popular point - but not everything LDS taught you is wrong. Fasting teaches you self control of your body and mind. W.oW. teaches moderation in all things. Too much of anything can kill you - including water. So don’t toss out all your learnings. Once you do leave TSCC, be mindful of alcohol and drugs. I’ve seen too many EXMOs go hog wild and become alcoholics or addicts because they threw everything away. 10. Seek out or at least make a mental list of EXMO mentors. Is it that 2nd cousin who came home early from mission, that aunt who is a lesbian, friend’s older brother who got excommunicated? Have some trusted people you can call/go to when it gets rough. 11. Make sure you have/can gain physical control of birth certificates, SS#, passport. Also good to know your parents info for certain forms, like maiden names, birthdays, place of birth, ss#, etc. 12. Emergency Planning! Give some serious thought if it all came out tomorrow what would you do? If pre or post 18th Birthday? Where can you temporarily stay? How will you get there? Can you pay your car insurance, credit card payments, mobile phone(or get your own plan), youth or homeless shelter, soup kitchen. Rainy day cash? Plan ahead so if it goes south you don’t have to figure it out last minute. 13. Learn to cook, clean, laundry, balance checkbook, monthly budget, etc. 14. Become an Academy Award Winning Actor or CIA spy! Until you have everything in place to be completely independent- suck it up. Don’t rock the boat. Stay calm. Don’t lose your temper. Don’t give yourself away. Stay in control. 15. Realize anyone in your situation would be STRESSED OUT. Be kind to and loving to yourself. If Depression gets bad/worse seek help. You just haven’t had the right conditions yet to grow and be supported. Soon you’ll be in a better situation. Great new people and environment and you can become your best self and THRIVE! In the meantime, all the EXMOs are here if you need to talk, bounce ideas or just vent. Come on over to reddit.com/r/exmormon/ and feel free to post stuff there, we will help you get through this!
@salaltschul3604 3 жыл бұрын
Play pretend until you're 18 and get out.
@richarddick2955 2 жыл бұрын
The Bible reveals Joseph Smith as the solution for the 666 beast He had to be a true prophet to have known this! .kzbin.info/www/bejne/eYrGonSCabCHiLM and also this video likewisekzbin.info/www/bejne/p4LOlot4adacqck
@mitchdillon623 2 жыл бұрын
As a parent, I think your folks look out at the evils of the world and they are concerned about where you might land. The Mormon church seems like the safest place for you, so I'm sure they are motivated by love. What you can do to assuage their fears is to draw near to the true God. Let them see that you want God's best for your life, and part of what's best is to not live a lie.
@downy1202 Жыл бұрын
@@mitchdillon623 any religion that would consider a 15 year old child an Apostate is a cult. You obviously are still in the church. For a child to fear losing their family for speaking their truth is a cult. You don’t have to agree with all your child says or believes but it is still our jobs as parents to care for our children and that means, financially and emotionally as well. Anyone that chooses a church over their child is a cult. It’s truly a sad day when a child can’t come to their parent and be honest with retribution of being kicked out or ex-communicated is a cult. OP I hope you are ok. I hope you can get out , if that is still what you want, and still have safety on your side. As a parent I love my children unconditionally and there’s not one thing they could say to me that would make me turn away from them. If that I’d not hint case find others that will. Two to three years sounds like a very long time but you will still have your youth and your adult life to life in your truth. For the record I am a Christian and I’d never let anything separate me from the love of my Children as ling as I have breath in my body. My God knows me and my children would be understanding. I don’t care ever other parents, families, would think to be very honest. I hope you are well.
@greggillis1703 5 жыл бұрын
I just want to thank you for sharing your journey out of mormonism. Seriously, I am made to feel strong in my conviction to leave the church, having heard your story of struggle and ultimately having seen how strong you are. I think it takes a lot of courage to stand-up for yourself, as I am currently in "the process of leaving" and know of the great pressure the machine exerts on keeping its members and keeping them dumb. That was probably a run-on sentence, but I really do feel stronger when I see such strength, Lex. Thank you
@ExmoLex 5 жыл бұрын
Greg Gillis thank you for your comment! ♥️ I’m glad you’ve found your way out and I’m happy you found this video helpful!
@exjwborn-in2134 5 жыл бұрын
Very caring to share part of your testimony. I was born/raised in another "restorationist" religion-the Jehovah's Witnesses. It's foundation is all based on untruths & deception. It hurts many-even kills/killed many. Of all the beliefs I have researched, Mormonism is the most interesting for several reasons. Ex-Scientology activist KZbin channels woke me out of the JW's & Ex-Mormons taught me how to understand & grow beyond. Thanx for sharing! 👍🏽❤️👍🏽❤️ I help others to with my activism videos-we can/are helping each other-no doubt!
@angelaadams722 4 жыл бұрын
I understand what you're saying I too left the Mormon church. I'm now a born again christian . Praise God I know the truth.!
@ericlemonde5830 4 жыл бұрын
You don't know the truth the church is true it's the only true church
@lynnlast9272 4 жыл бұрын
Mr. Lemonade, if you knew what she knew, you would never say that
@ogarzabello 4 жыл бұрын
From one cage to another...
@catherinemembreno5444 4 жыл бұрын
@@ogarzabello that’s the point we aren’t caged we are free we know who the real mighty Lord is the one who gave his life for us
@fayelewis5476 4 жыл бұрын
@@ericlemonde5830 Jesus Divides Families Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law - a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ (Mat 10:34-36) The God of truth (Isa. 65:16) is the God of the Bible. Since truth divides, then Jesus would naturally divide his followers away from those who reject and hate God’s truth, even one’s natural family members. Remember, Jesus divides families: Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” (Luke 12:51-53) To be worthy of Jesus and eternal life, one must side with God’s truth even though it divides his own family.
@lawwithmegs 5 жыл бұрын
the “maybe i could just pretend-but i can’t” feeling is so prevalent when your whole heart and mind has been fully immersed into the church! it really is heartbreaking! i’m still on the road to figure out how to build a new outlook and a new life after leaving!
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
no !!!! don't let go of the iron rod due to the midst of darkness !!!! did you know an angel of God helped Mary Lightner, who was a married woman, decide to enter into eternal marriage with Joseph Smith? We as members are criticized for plural marriage but WHY DON'T ANTI-MORMONS CHECK OUT THE FACTS AND AFFIDAVITS FOR THEMSELVES???? Check out pages 444-445. the church is true www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/ldsorg/media-library/ebook-pdf/Saints-v1-English-PD60001624.pdf?lang=eng
@tasm829 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ether-pb5gb uh. What.
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
@@tasm829 Facts are facts. It wasn't just JS claiming visions. It wasn't just Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, Joseph Fielding Smith, Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Martin Harris, Samual/Hyrum Smith, Sydney Rigdon............and the list goes on. Continue in sin/unbelief and reap the consequences. Press forward in faith and reap the blessings.
@tasm829 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ether-pb5gb LOL you can list the whole damn church roster. It still doesn't make it true. People are capable of lying. Do you know how many others had visions for their religion? Why is it that your religion is true and theirs is not? Religion does not dictate morality or "sin" in any way. People of all colors do things good and bad.
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
@@tasm829 Mohammed is ONE person with a vision. Buhda is ONE. Elaine White is ONE. Rutherford, to my knowledge, did not have one. I know that believers of all faiths have had gifts and miracles in their lives, and they are for their personal benefit. I don't believe God only loves those or speaks to those of our particular faith. God works through those of different faiths as well, and inspires them to do good. But when it happens to more and more and more and more people......it becomes more than just ONE person's convictions, and it becomes more than just a coincidence. Christopher Columbus was inspired, the founding fathers of the USA were inspired, the Reformers were inspired, the OT prophet Isaiah was inspired. God is the author of morality, the author of what is right and wrong. Are you saying that you are not interesting in learning more about the people I mentioned? Are you afraid of discovering the truth?
@skippy1961 3 жыл бұрын
I came to your page thru Jimmy Snow, who has helped me to make it out of, not a Mormon life, but a literalist, fundamentalist, young earth creationist, Baptist upbringing. Dad was a pastor, still a true believer . You see the truth,speak your truth...thank you.
@garywright9715 3 жыл бұрын
I’m curious, what about your dad’s faith is leaving you wanting?
@skippy1961 3 жыл бұрын
@@garywright9715 all of it, to quote Carl Sagan "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence " there was NONE, bit of a lack thereof.
@JeremiahA40 Жыл бұрын
I am Japanese, and American missionaries taught me lessons. I converted to Mormonism and was baptized. After I became a member, I had to pay tithing and help with church activities. I was very surprised about this but I thought I had to accept them. After a while I went to America to study English so I stayed at a Mormon member’s house. At that house I made mistake. I don’t want to talk about it. I had to meet a man from church. After I came back to Japan, I had to meet the leader of the missionaries (I don’t know how to call him exactly) and he told me that our conversation would “just be you, me, and God.” But the next week, there was a missionary conference (or something) and the leader talked about what we talked to ALL of the missionaries. I was so angry and embarrassed so I stopped attending church. Years later, the mission president passed away and one member posted about it on FB. I couldn’t be patient and I wrote one sentence which was not nice at all. Then one return missionary came to say very mean things to protect the mission president. I really do not respect him and I really dislike Mormons and Mormonism.
@Kelceejay13 4 жыл бұрын
Just found your channel. And wow... you get it. You get EXACTLY how I feel. I want to speak up and I want to share my story because I feel like it’s the only way I can truly move on from all the trauma. But I’m so scared, because I know I could lose people. I know how everyone would react. I wish I could show them what I’m really trying to say without the veil (ba dum tsss) of judgement being placed over me. I’m hopeful one day I’ll be brave enough to share my story. Thank you ❤️
@bernymoroney88 4 жыл бұрын
Get yourself a good support group that can help& encourage you & when you are ready then speak
@DoeVan 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your amazing courage and vulnerability! I myself have had to do a lot of deconstructing from the religion of my grandparents. It's hard, and when you talked about being heartbroken by it, I felt that so strongly. God bless you and your family! You're awesome!
@sandykay2311 Жыл бұрын
Wow, what a profound awakening for you and what amazing strength you have shown. I was also raised Mormon with both parents born and raised in SLC and a long church heritage…..From the time I was very young, I just didn’t fit in to their program and felt deep inside that what I was being taught was just crazy! It just didn’t make any sense to me…when I went to college at UCLA I made the decision to leave the church altogether and have never looked back….of course my parents were very upset, but I stood my ground. An interesting thing for me was that I read the book The Mormon Murders by 2 Harvard educated writers for The NY Times in the 1980’s. It was a true crime story about the bombings in SLC that were traced to a forger who was blackmailing the church authorities over the Salamander Letters that were linked to the early church. The amazing thing for me was that these writers of a crime story had heavily researched the history of the church to put the crime in context and the history that they reported was absolutely nothing that I had been taught! The twisted narrative that the church spin was was just shocking…..that, and how eager the church authorities were to hide historical documents that exposed the church as fraud, was just jaw-dropping….It validated everything that I ever intrinsically felt……Now I consider myself so fortunate to not be a part of that cult…..So, dear girl, you are on a path to the truth and how fortunate you are….
@mattbeall6484 4 жыл бұрын
Your story has given me more insight into this religion. 2 years ago I met a beautiful lady from Utah, she and I were becoming great friends and hoping to have a future. She visited me in Ohio, when she returned home her family's pressure and anger because I was not a member of the faith they told her I would ruin her life. We haven't spoken since. That type of control is ridiculous. Thank you for sharing. What made NO SENSE to me was that her father paid for her trip so we could visit with each other and enjoy getting to know each other because she shared her feelings about me. When she returned home they told her if she chose me she would be forgotten by them and God. What a horrible way to treat your own child and that type of control is disgusting. She to left the Mormon church, but we lost touch and I only hope she's well and happy. Best wishes to you and your family.
@graciescott706 4 жыл бұрын
That's really common in Utah Mormon culture. Most people do not control their children that way, my family has never done that. It's disgusting and there are parents like that in every religion and/or culture.
@janetspiritofthelivinggod6328 4 жыл бұрын
My Mormon boyfriend in high school was told to break up with me because I did not convert. Decades later I still thank his mother for doing that and I pray that they all might one day know the true peace, grace and mercy of the real Jesus of the Bible - God himself who paid the debt I owed to him for my sin. May you heal and be able to move on with your own life too, enjoying the true peace that God gives. BTW, this was in California, SF bay area, so it happens outside of Utah, too.
@AGDinCA 5 жыл бұрын
It is fortunate that your husband took the journey with you.
@principleswise9749 4 жыл бұрын
@donuwilson7192 4 жыл бұрын
There's nothing more devastating then finding out you've been made a fool of by something or someone you trusted and the LDS Church has done this to so many people since the 1830s it's not even funny. From Joseph Smith to the current Prophet it's all BULL.
@AGDinCA 4 жыл бұрын
@@cocopeah6169 Well... um... no one can say you lack passion. That's for sure.
@kendagarner5734 4 жыл бұрын
@@donuwilson7192 1h
@ingridfinlay543 4 жыл бұрын
Very judgemental people and give the “holier than thou” attitude when really there is a lot going on behind the scenes. Not all people are bad but It seems to me they are quite brainwashed!
@kyleegarcia5569 4 жыл бұрын
Your courage to come out of this and speak about it is really amazing! I hope and pray you can find a true relationship with God and assurance of your salvation through His word!
@tracydoverspike5255 5 жыл бұрын
You're so very brave to share and to make such a big life change. Best wishes to you and your family.
@radiovikings2713 5 жыл бұрын
I so relate to SO much of your story. I served a full-time mission, married in the temple, served in every position - even as a bishop in the LDS Mormon Church. Then I too read the CES Letter and etc. It's been 5 years since my faith crisis. My question now (and I don't expect you or anyone to have the silver bullet answers), but my question now is "Where do I go now?" I know it is different for each person. I'm speaking generally. So many people I know and love are still in the LDS Mormon Church. I've shared much of the same things you share on this video, and many of my "traditional believing Mormons" (TBMs) loved ones still feel that the LDS Church is of God. Ugh... This is a very difficult time for me. Anyway, thanks for your video.
@ExmoLex 5 жыл бұрын
Radio Vikings I am actually planning on a video in the near future where I discuss this-I was planning on going over where I’m personally at and talking about my journey, but you’ve inspired me to also shift some focus on to your question: “Where do I go now?” And talk about that. I don’t have all the answers, that’s for sure. But I would be happy to add my perspective. Thank you for your comment, congratulations on learning the truth, and best of luck in the future! 😊
@CrustyRusty366 5 жыл бұрын
I think it is safe to say most Mormons believe(as I did) that ex-mormons must be unhappy. It is not true. You move on, explore other beliefs, you open yourself up to a world of opportunity outside of the .002 percent. You don't lose the "spirit". This is just elevated emotion that everybody in all cultures feel. I used to be a Bishop as well and I am confident that you will figure it out. I wish you the best on your journey.
@Hanleia1 5 жыл бұрын
@Radio Vikings. That is a very good question. And the answer is unique to everyone. I can only offer from my own personal experience of leaving the LDS church. Hold onto good honest memories of the church. Don't spiral down the "what if" staircase. It does no good. I am still having trouble with that one. kzbin.info/www/bejne/rKLMhH6nrtGEgJo I have watched this youtuber a lot. That is a new video I have not watched yet. It might help you. Focus on you. Your self worth. Be kind to others. Live life how you want. Do what you want within reason of it being safe and making you happy. I have been officially out of the church this past May. Stopped going March of 2018. I still have issues with the low self esteem and programming I received. I know there are tons of you tubers who talk about their experiences and those might help.
@Hanleia1 5 жыл бұрын
@UCjwC_zuvHtb6WTefZ6hqx3g "Set Joseph Smith aside" “Not everything in life is so black and white, but the authenticity of the Book of Mormon and its keystone role in our religion seem to be exactly that. Either Joseph Smith was the prophet he said he was, a prophet who, after seeing the Father and the Son, later beheld the angel Moroni, repeatedly heard counsel from Moroni's lips, and eventually received at his hands a set of ancient gold plates that he then translated by the gift and power of God, or else he did not. And if he did not, he would not be entitled to the reputation of New England folk hero or well-meaning young man or writer of remarkable fiction. No, nor would he be entitled to be considered a great teacher, a quintessential American religious leader, or the creator of great devotional literature. If he had lied about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, he would certainly be none of these...If Joseph Smith did not translate the Book of Mormon as a work of ancient origin, then I would move heaven and earth to meet the "real" nineteenth-century author. After one hundred and fifty years, no one can come up with a credible alternative candidate, but if the book were false, surely there must be someone willing to step forward-if no one else, at least the descendants of the "real" author-claiming credit for such a remarkable document and all that has transpired in its wake. After all, a writer that can move millions can make millions. Shouldn't someone have come forth then or now to cashier the whole phenomenon? Jeffrey R. Holland | True Or False According to that one can not set Joseph Smith aside. So much of what Joseph Smith said he did is factual proven false. "The doctrine of Christ" Yes The Doctrine of Christ. Not the Doctrine of a man and what he said happened or did called Joseph Smith. Not the Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that has been proven to have not told the full truth about its history. That teaches things against what Christ teaches. ".. it is the gospel of Jesus Christ!!" Same answer as above "...and remember there is only one faith..." noun: faith 2. strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. ap·pre·hen·sion /ˌaprəˈhenSHən/ Learn to pronounce noun 1. anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints uses apprehension or fear. Here are some examples: www.exmormon.org/d6/drupal/Fear-in-leaving-Mormonism "which for historical reasons is desperately frightened of public opinion and societal pressure, even more than most churches - can be pressured into changing its positions. And its rigid hierarchy means that an institutional decision to change can have wide-reaching effects, for good and ill." www.politicalresearch.org/2012/12/01/combating-the-mormons/ With the Me Too movement all of a sudden the church changed it's policy on how interviews were done with minors. Earlier this year the Prophet changed what he said about the LTGBQ. If a church changes that much based on public opinion how then can one expect it to be the true church? www.rationalrevelation.com/library/bite.html
@musicdev 3 жыл бұрын
This video is amazing. This topic is tough for me, as I have many friends who have been hurt by the church (and thankfully have since left), but I cannot be an effective advocate against the organization. I find that as an outsider (again, thankfully), I'm not taken seriously at all by those in the church currently, so this kind of content is the best I can give them. You're doing amazing work!
@dawndimeo3650 4 жыл бұрын
It's so great of you to speak out to others. I've been a Christian ALL my life, a life committed to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. But met a Mormon and considered changing. I was SO glad to hear your new testimony, to know I would have made the biggest mistake of my life. Thank you so very much. I never thought that Joseph Smith's testimony was up right. But my new man said how can you believe the message but not the messenger?? Thank you for speaking out. Your a very sweet person, and have helped SO many others. May God Bless you and your family
@evoman44 4 жыл бұрын
I recommend watching this video of someone that did years of research searching for the right church. He came to realize that all the clues led to only one church. kzbin.info/www/bejne/aZvIho2be89madk
@vanirlima2687 4 жыл бұрын
Once you take the red pill you cannot go back. “Unfortunately no one can be told what the Matrix is, you have to see it for yourself “ glad you decided to join us on the outside.
@Sejjica 4 жыл бұрын
Love this comment
@evoman44 4 жыл бұрын
Its ironic how you make reference to the Matrix. In reality everyone that is here on earth is in a type Matrix. Except it is for our own good as we could only keep growing from our own experiences. I recommend seeing this first video of someone that pretty much describes the Martix concept in a spiritual way who used to be an atheist at 8:20 kzbin.info/www/bejne/o5-oqXidnreZfKc Then I recommend seeing this video to get the big picture. kzbin.info/www/bejne/aZvIho2be89madk
@vanirlima2687 4 жыл бұрын
@@evoman44 I remember trying to refute everything That seemed to weaken the church’s position just as you seem to be doing here. The problem is that there are too many holes to try and plug up all at once to keep the belief afloat. This is not exclusive of Mormonism, all religions do it to some degree. The fact that you are reading materials like this is a great indicator that you are at least open to outsiders point of view which thing is discouraged by the church. Stay open, ask questions, and eventually a few things will click. Best wishes always on your personal journey.
@evoman44 4 жыл бұрын
@@vanirlima2687 I understand your perspective. But when your faith is elevated from just a believe to an undeniable knowledge of the truthfulness of things because of spiritual experiences there is no doubt left. Because you have come to really feel for yourself the truthfulness of things that's when you aquire a firm testimony. Case in point. I was once guided to the middle of a parking lot of a grocery store by the holy ghost right next to this strangers car. Thinking I was just there to get groceries I got out of my car and the man that was parked next to was looking to talk. As I was taking to him he invited me into his car because it was cold and rainy. As I went to get in on the other side the holy ghost confirmed that I was there for that reason. As I talked to the guy he told me of all his problems and dismay he had in life. So I counsoled him. Towards the end of the conversation the holy ghost told me to leave him with a prayer. All I can say of what happened next was that the spirit of the Lord descended on us with such power that the man was paralysed and I struggled to just keep praying. But in the middle of it all I could feel the Lord's love for both of us. I have also had spiritual encounters because of blessings of the sick I have given. So as you can see I have a firm testimony of the holy ghost and the priesthood because I have actually experienced the power they have to bless others. But this can only be understood through spiritual eyes. 1 Corinthians 2: 13. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. ; )
@vanirlima2687 4 жыл бұрын
@@evoman44 it is impossible to argue about a belief. Some people believe the Flying Spaghetti Monster and all of its glory and promptings. How do you convince them it’s nonsense? You can’t because they believe what they believe. To them, everything happens because the spaghetti Monster willed it. Which brings me to the original point. “No one can be told it is nonsense, you have to see it yourself”. All other religions believe their way is correct and everyone else is in error. Again Mormons are not unique in this aspect. I served my mission in Salt Lake City, saw and spoke with “apostles” on a continual basis ( we covered 20 to 25 Stakes at a time depending on the area) I had plenty of opportunities to ask direct questions about some valid questions my investigators would have. I got a lot of deflection, excuses, and scoldings for simply asking the ones who would have the final say, the apostles. I’m happy you see meaning in what you chose for a religion and believe you serve as a useful vessel to help others. It’s not the case for everyone. This blog is meant for those who came to a different conclusion. Not because of sin, or lack of faith, or being offended. We learned your heart and feelings are not a reliable measure of truth at all ( Jeremiah 17:9, and Jesus himself in Matthew 15:19). In the end, the evidence showed the church not to be what it claims. But you my friend, you do you. If it works for you, then god speed! Best wishes always!
@awakenhawk4056 3 жыл бұрын
My god i'm ex catholic (now an agnostic) and I find it hard I can't imagine what you went/are going through. Congratulations and Best Wishes.
@BonnieKHunter 5 жыл бұрын
I am 12 years out after leaving...I was in the exact same place that you are feeling the same things on every level. You said exactly everything I was feeling. I still sometimes struggle when it comes to TBM family members. But one day at a time.....
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
@franklybenjamin2718 5 жыл бұрын
Your video here contains more TRUTH than the entire history of the LDS church. I’m so glad you’re sharing your story. Shout it from a mountain top if you feel inclined. That which can be destroyed by the truth, should be.
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
the truth will set us free www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/ldsorg/media-library/ebook-pdf/Saints-v1-English-PD60001624.pdf?lang=eng
@thomasparkinson99 4 жыл бұрын
@@Ether-pb5gb shut up dumbass
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
​@@thomasparkinson99 those words lead to multiple marriages and decades of child support bills. Choose kindness, brother. Your wife and kids will appreciate it.
@thomasparkinson99 4 жыл бұрын
I am not your brother. I was calling you a dumbass. Quit spamming her board with propaganda you dumbass.
@Ether-pb5gb 4 жыл бұрын
@@thomasparkinson99 the merciful shall obtain mercy -Jesus
@exbrotherbryce5029 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your cander. This one video has probably moved mountains of faith struggle towards authenticity 🙌🙌
@mylesmarkson1686 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Bryce. I've seen some of your videos, and they're pretty good!
@exbrotherbryce5029 3 жыл бұрын
@@mylesmarkson1686 Hey thank you! It's so therapeutic to get all of this out in the open. The other route is silence cause i can't talk to anyone else about it. lol
@hikingviking859 5 жыл бұрын
I love these videos of people who are waking up whether it’s JWs or Mormons. Thanks for sharing your story
@1616dave 4 жыл бұрын
Or catholics.
@brashreligion683 5 жыл бұрын
The CES letter is a list of questions Jeremy had for his CES Director. If that director had answered the questions rather than blow it off then it’s possible Jeremy would have gone back to church and we wouldn’t know about the letter. But of course no one can answer these with any confident answers. Just church apologetics which aren’t good enough. Even if half of those points are true it’s too much.
@stevenpictures1 5 жыл бұрын
give this a try: canonizer.com/files/reply.pdf
@johnjoiner8102 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I read the CES letter. Now I can do drugs and watch porn without guilt
@aluf2567 5 жыл бұрын
@@stevenpictures1 Also conflictofjustice.com is probably the best one I've seen completely ripping the CES letter apart.
@stevenpictures1 5 жыл бұрын
J B I’ll check it out. Thanks!
@huffpappy 5 жыл бұрын
@@aluf2567 True believers always find ways to disregard reality and facts, and make excuses for contradictions and anachronisms. I feel sorry for true believers.
@jurekz 3 жыл бұрын
What a wonderful message! You are so genuine and sincere! You really touched my heart and I had tears in my eyes watching you open your heart. I am an old man who has left the church decades ago and I was amazed with the maturity of your thoughts, feelings and moral stance. You are wise well beyond your age. Lucky is your husband and truly blessed are your children. I bookmarked your video because I will be passing it to many others.
@kylepederson9420 4 жыл бұрын
I've just recently discovered your videos and have mostly watched your newer ones. Your "countenance" or whatever you call it, looks so much happier and well adjusted compared to this video. Despite the TBM narrative to the contrary, you seem to be thriving as an exmo. (Btw, you seem fine in this vid, you just seem to be even happier now)
@lfcwilliamson5825 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story. I’m going through it right now and can relate to so much of what you felt. It’s just really lonely because my husband doesn’t even want to hear why I left. It helps to hear from others who have left.
@mariotijerina6822 4 жыл бұрын
I’m praying for you and the truth will set you free
@glendagiroux397 Жыл бұрын
You’re the sweetest girl. Thank you for helping us understand.
@markmath2883 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I am a Bible believing Christian who has a Mormon friend. We discuss, but don’t argue about it. Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh onto the Father, but by Me.” I happen to attend a Baptist church, but I am “saved by faith, through grace, and not of works.” The Bible is true, it is God’s Word, and I hope that you and your family are Believers.
@rainbowbrite3353 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing. Well spoken. You have courage my friend. Keep being a beautiful soul. ❤
@PacoArce1 4 жыл бұрын
Lex, I really congratulate you. One of your latest videos (July 2020) fell on my Facebook timeline. You talked about your hate mail. And at the end, KZbin sent me to this one, that it's a lot older. I can tell you, the change is amazing! In the first, newest video I heard, you look so much merrier and fresher and more comfortable in your own skin than in this one. I'm so happy to notice so obviously how your life changing decision has worked for the best. You have great intelligence and great courage. The best for you and your family! Greetings from Mexico!
@snivelinj7612 2 жыл бұрын
Well said Lexi ! My family and I left the church as well. The one overall feeling that we now live by is RELIEF ! No more guilt, no more fear, no more regret, no more obligations, no more allowing people in the church telling us we're not doing enough. That heavy cloud of smiling tyranny is gone.
Leaving the Mormon Church TOGETHER ♥
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