ALPHA 17 TERRAFORMER NA KZbin, a tak naprawdę wygląda wojna , dron rozpoznawczy wykrywa cel daje dokładny namiar i cel jest zniszczony w KILKA MINUT , czy to przez dron kamikadze czy to przez artylerię , większe zgrupowania wojsk dostają z ISKANDERA
@circuitd94210 сағат бұрын
Fact is Poland is spending more on military than any other EU country. Is the only EU country that has been massively reducing it dependency on Russian energy making deals with Saudis and US. Poland is so determined to stand on its own if needed be that they are opening their first nuclear power plant. Has regular military training exercises with US. Had allowed US to put their anti ballistic „cannon” right in the border. Has been criticized by the EU for their increasingly close connection to US and support for US. Has taken in more Ukraine refugees than any other country (this is a different debate and not a central point so don’t get too hung up on this one). Poland was the only country in the recent Russian invasion that was not sugar coating what they think and they have not been the most diplomatic or even trying to appease Russia. Both France and Germany had diplomatic calls. Poland has not been shy about their sentiments. I don’t think Russia is scared of Poland, but they are also not entirely stupid. Unlike their Western neighbors Poland’s history shows they rather fall and rebuild than make deals if push comes to shove. It’s not a country know for historical amiable nature and has been quite verbal about what they think. When world war 2 was around the corner Poland was the only country that wanted to preemptively hit first. That said it’s not a country that will take shite even if on brink of destruction. That has to have any leader considerate and weary. Why go after a country with a much lower tolerance for bs and higher propensity for conflict that also has been arming itself and keeps powerful friends. Russia is many things and logistically challenged but they are not stupid and just like Poland know their history. Poland as it stands now is far better prepared than in the past and they were always a pain in the ass. It’s not a strategic target. They are stubborn, armed and willing to fight if they need to. Underestimated through history. When Poland joined EU they were told that they will be the keepers of the Eastern Border and they taken that job seriously.
@piotradamczyk39454 күн бұрын
WBREW CENZURZE na KZbin a o to toczy się ta wojna , KASA , KASA i jeszcze więcej KASY dla koncernów z USA
@januszw270713 күн бұрын
Sram z powodu Rosji i na Rosję. Sic.!.
@magdalenapaola465412 күн бұрын
Janusz i tyle w temacie
@zuzauramek98509 күн бұрын
A ja sram na to co masz do powiedzenia.
@januszw27079 күн бұрын
@zuzauramek9850 I super.sic.!.
@magdalenapaola46549 күн бұрын
@@zuzauramek9850 O boże jaki groźny, ojeju xD
@RegTarg0116 күн бұрын
she's really not... Whole world can disappear. You all seem to forgetting that.. I hope we'll ALL soon be educated. F it, we L'd enough.
@adrian82ful13 күн бұрын
My Polacy nie zamierzamy walczyć za ukraine.
@malakandar12 күн бұрын
zamierzamy. Nie wypowiadaj się tchórzu za wszystkich.
@adrian82ful12 күн бұрын
@malakandar Nie jestem tchórzem służalczy śmieciu. Polska jest moją ojczyzną, a nie upadlina. Chcesz za nią walczyć to legion upadliński czeka. Co tu jeszcze robisz?
@adrian82ful12 күн бұрын
@@malakandar Nie jestem tchórzem służalczy śmieciu. Jeśli myślisz, że upadlina walczy za Nas to jesteś głupcem. To Polska jest moją ojczyzną, a jeśli chcesz walczyć za upadline to ich legion czeka. Co tu jeszcze robisz? I jeszcze jedno wypowiadam się za siebie i polskich patriotów, a nie za wszystkich. Zabieraj sobie podobnych, służalczych kretynów i jazda na front. Szybciutko was zutylizują i może w końcu w Polsce będzie normalnie.
@infeltk12 күн бұрын
@@malakandar nie zamierzamy i to nie oznacza być tchórzem, jest dużo Ukraińców w Polsce, na Zachodzie, w USA, Kanadzie, na plażach, w klubach w Kijowie - niech walczą o swój kraj, niech krwią udowodnią, że pragną wolności. Tak jak to robili Polacy w czasie II Wojny Światowej, gdzie walczyli na wszystkich frontach Europy. A jak jesteś frajerem to idź ginać za wynik działania ukraińskich oligarchów, 30 letni brak rozwoju Ukrainy z braku reform.
@malakandar12 күн бұрын
@@infeltk Ci Ukraińcy są takimi tchórzami jak ty, dno spierające sie o dno. Lepiej walczyć na terytorium Ukrainy niż ponownie dać zrównać z ziemią nasze miasta.
@Unknown-hq4cp15 күн бұрын
They are so terrified of Russia that they had to make all those videos to reassure themselves. But in reality we all know who’s terrified of who, otherwise you wouldn’t be build all this stuff
@OK-sy7dh13 күн бұрын
russia can't even beat Ukraine after 3 years. Keep crying
@tefes678012 күн бұрын
Russia is thrash country with people shitting in the forest man...
@Adam-lz6fh12 күн бұрын
Looks like we need you to remind you 1610...but not for just 2 year. NOT for just 2 short years as for this time, blo.ody russian ban.ditz.. Much, much longer YOU could ever "wetdremnt" about...
@Unknown-hq4cp11 күн бұрын
@@OK-sy7dh you saying like if beating it was the main goal. It was called an SMO for a reason. Cry more
@Unknown-hq4cp11 күн бұрын
@@OK-sy7dh also, Ukraine was beaten 3 years ago, when after couple days of fighting it already got ran out of ammunition and people. Now it’s just the West’s war with Russia