Why Lawmakers Are Trying to Increase Penalties for Protesting (feat. Alicia Garza)

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America From Scratch

America From Scratch

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1 in 5 Americans have participated in a protest since 2016. Protests have dominated national news headlines for the last few years, but what if these protests were illegal?
In this episode of "America From Scratch" Toussaint talks to Alicia Garza the cofounder of Black Lives Matter on whether or not protesting can go too far. He also meets with local lawmakers on both sides of a bill that would increase penalties for protesting on the highway.
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@Cordial_Lump 5 жыл бұрын
3,000 dollar fine AND up to 12 months in jail? Yikes
@Himewna 5 жыл бұрын
I think this is also related to a point abt how sometimes the law isn't ethical. We think of the law as a Good and Just thing but sometimes it wanders in the area of dubious morality. In which case, what's the right thing to do: follow the law or break it? (ps those Justices in the Brandburg v Ohio case were doing some hardcore logic gymnastics 🙄)
@Gunbladefire 5 жыл бұрын
So I'll get to part of the core of this argument with the one line you presented at 4:57 "One one hand, in order to be effective, they need to be noticed. And on the other hand Law and Order need to be maintained". The logic of this sentence encapsulates the entire problem the society faces when they must protest. Law and Order are the very things that *should* protect people and maintain that they are able to live life freely. However, Law and Order is what forces protests to happen. When Law and Order are corrupt or refuses to represent the people it no longer must be maintained, but directly opposed. The position that Law and Order are necessary is only true when it does not take away freedoms and use violence to maintain itself. A protest is more than about being noticed (although that helps); fundamentally it is about change. People call for change when Law and Order have failed them. Protests like Nazis walking through the streets must be met with counter protests by the community and should not be given a platform. Thus, when people who are Antifa move against Fascist and stopped from doing so under the pretense Law and Order their voice is silenced and the Nazis get to speak their calls for violence. When policies and systemic issues bar people from making meaningful change they will rise up against them.
@Peter_Siri 4 жыл бұрын
i can barely argue with that
@emaceratus 5 жыл бұрын
This channel deserves way more views !
@AmericaFromScratch 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks emaceratus!
@willythemailboy2 5 жыл бұрын
The obvious answer is that your right to protest ends when it infringes on someone else's rights. The ability to travel is a constitutionally protected right and should be protected from protesters the same way we wouldn't allow a protest to shut down a polling place during an election or to block access to an abortion clinic.
@abramillsaps6789 5 жыл бұрын
I keep hearing Batman whenever Rep. Zerwas speaks.
@s02229 5 жыл бұрын
I am from Hong Kong. If you want to see the effect of illegalising protests and taking away the right of protesting have on society, look no further. We had always been very proud of the fact that we were the only place in China where our right to protest was protected. violent crackdown by the police and the state terrorism that comes with it is far more terrifying than anything protesters can do is what I have learnt the past 3 months. I now live in fear that I may be arrested for no reason and be tortured, raped or killed. And all these, in the name of law and order. (Seriously, look up what the Hong Kong Police Force has been doing the past few months. Of course orders ultimately come from China) as they say, targeting protesters is silencing people who point out what’s wrong with the system instead of actually solving the problem.
@abrahammekonnen 5 жыл бұрын
I think it's always important to realize that people who have power tend to want to limit protesting to perpetuate their power and people who don't want protesting as a means of having their message heard when they feel liked they aren't listened to. Tbh I agree with the supreme court that the 1st amendment should be really powerful. People will always disagree with each other about ideas and the easier it is to start meaningful conversations about problems rather than sweeping them under the rug the better.(Essentially it is better to have constructive debate than disingenuous harmony)
@razzterizzi5128 5 жыл бұрын
As long as emergency services like ambulances can get through, I don’t think there should be anything else that hinders the right to protest. Most of the big civil rights we have today came about as a direct cause of protests, which are themselves proof that the system needs to be changed and people are tired of waiting. For a lot of people it’s the only way they feel they can speak and be heard. That shouldn’t be taken away.
@AmericaFromScratch 5 жыл бұрын
That's a good distinction about emergency services!
@djcsavato100 5 жыл бұрын
In our country, it’s just sad that some people think that protests and rallies are just a waste of time and that “we should just study and actually contribute to society”. I do believe that these things are legal, provided that they don’t hurt or kill anyone (pertains to both sides).
@AmericaFromScratch 5 жыл бұрын
I agree, important to remember that protecting the first amendment pertains to people you agree with and disagree with. -Scratchy
@Millionsofpeas 5 жыл бұрын
@@AmericaFromScratch But we only have to protect the first amendment from the government and the government only attacks certain kinds of protests. We don't need to stand up for nazis. Our government doesn't pose a threat to them and it likely never will.
@torche72 5 жыл бұрын
It crosses the line when it becomes violent and tries to violate the rights of those that they are trying to protest or the public in general, I.e. trying to shutdown an event you don't like.
@christophermm23 5 жыл бұрын
A protest is a lawful expression of rights, as long as it is not "calling people to arms" to cause physical damage to a person or property and/or a mass carrying inherent weapons (swords, machetes, guns) during such times. At that point, it's inciting a riot and border line terroristic. Before that point, it's letting my rights and beliefs be made known.
@SOC-sj8vr 5 жыл бұрын
Btw, it’s the Skokie affair (with a k) not the Stokie affair
@corawood2353 5 жыл бұрын
I think that as Americans and as people we have the right to express our opinions and the right to protest. I think that yes of course we don’t want to hurt anyone by protesting, therefore there should be some kind of restrictions. I would say, no protesting in residential areas, no violence (ie holding signs, being loud, and marching, is all okay but no throwing rocks or doing anything that could result in hurting other people physically). But the thing is you can’t raise awareness for something if you don’t make yourself heard, which usually involves doing something that will interrupt someone else’s day. I also think that the police getting involved often escalates the problem, making the situation more dangerous than it was in the first place. I know they are doing their jobs but I think we should work together to devise some kind of different way of calming and rerouting the people, than the ones we currently have in place. But I think the real thing is that we as a people shouldn’t have to resort to protesting to get these serious issues fixed I think our government should give us a better way to make real change in our society, we wouldn’t have to go to such extremes, as blocking highways and closing airports, if they would try to just listen to us and work out a way to fix the issue in a civilized manner. I think the system is broken, the government is trying to put a band aid on a bullet wound and hoping it’ll solve the problem.
@cjthibeau4843 5 жыл бұрын
To criminalize protesting is to therefore also try to criminalize people's rights to try and take autonomy and freedom in places that they are denied such freedoms. People loved the Tea Party movement in the early 2010s, but complain about all other forms of minorities protesting for their simple rights to live and just exist,
@BruceMagnus 5 жыл бұрын
The Tea Party wasn't violent. The only people that want to outlaw non-violent protest are the far-left who claim free speech is violence and their physical attacks are "self-defense"
@cyandragon4038 4 жыл бұрын
As Spaniard , I'm very embarrassed about that law. A few days ago we were protesting in Jacinto Benavente (Lleida and Barcelona) because Dani Gallardo- 22 yr old kid who was in a protest the last October in the plenary conflict of sovereignty- is in preventive prision as hostage of the state, in a police ambush to avoid solidarity with political prisoners and the Catalan people. #DaniLibertat #AmnistiaTotal
@AmericaFromScratch 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story with us. It's very meaningful
@RupaniJuvell 4 жыл бұрын
I don't feel remotely prepared to answer all those questions and I don't have an opinion on all of it because it's simply too complex of an issue but if I narrow the field it down to that one single perspective where a protest has shut down the highway, then I feel that as long as emergency Personnel can get to where they are needed, I'm fine with it, at least for now until a potentially better solution is found. Protesting is important and it's very important that people are bothered by the protesters because if they weren't it wouldn't be a protest! However, emergency personnel have to get through.
@AmericaFromScratch 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your careful and thoughtful response!
@sarahclaasen4317 5 жыл бұрын
First, Chaos is needed so Order will not stagnate into tyranny. This can come from protests or from Nature itself. If Order stagnates into tyranny it brings suffering, and thus if Law and Order opposes Freedom and rejects Mercy, Empathy, and Prudence they both will cause evil upon others. However, if Chaos needs to be brought to ensure Freedom, it needs to be brought with just as much Mercy, Empathy, and Prudence as Law and Order need to bring or else Chaos itself will cause evil upon others. Second, this is off the topic but I was thinking of something about Bills (the things Congress passes not the stuff you pay), and it seems to me that a number of Bills are very long and include multiple statute. The AHCA (Affordable Health Care Act) itself was written in a good 900 pages or so. I was wondering that if we were to re-write the constitution, we would make it so each statute for an Act comes in a separate Bill, and then the Bills are each voted in separately? Or am I a little misinformed on how the Bill/Act process works?
@61026040 5 жыл бұрын
Protesting in Hong Kong is now unofficially illegal and became police state. Police are just arresting who do not support them.Please help.
@mikeg9b 5 жыл бұрын
7:57 “Without that [protesting], I think we have lost part of democracy.” Democracy is what we should do *instead* of protesting.
@ZiggyGrok 5 жыл бұрын
Are you sure you want a democracy that only works for you if the vote went your way every 2-4 years?
@mikeg9b 5 жыл бұрын
In November 2016, the vote didn't go my way. There were protests, and as long as they were conducted within the law, I think they were okay. They were a good way for people to let the world know that the United States just made a terrible mistake. But ultimately, the way to get the government we want is to encourage like-minded people to run for office and to vote in elections. I don't like the electoral college. I don't like gerrymandering. I don't like that civilians can own guns. I think the U.S. and the world should transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy in a reasonable time-frame. Am I going to protest about any of that? No. Am I going to vote? Yes. Will I get everything I want? Probably not, but that is something that comes with living in a society -- you can't have everything your way.
@ninajefferson4018 10 ай бұрын
How are the masses suppose 🎉to speak truth to power? The largest protest march has been the Women's March 2017 in Minnesota. Protest for BLM have shut down highways, airports, shopping malls. In reaction Minnesota lawmakers introduced a bill H.F. 390, basically saying protesters don't have the right to jeopardize they're own safety and the safety of others. Protesters responded that they are already in jeopardy due to police violence. Representative Steve Zerwas who initiated the bill says his goal is to disincentives dangerous behavior. The bill wouldcost a person up to 12 months in jail and a $3000 fine.
@daveotuwa5596 4 жыл бұрын
Protests may sometimes be punishable if subject to looting after smashing windows. The incident induces days of curfew. Hong Kong is super crazy with protests and riots. 'Tis deeply high crime!
@daveotuwa5596 4 жыл бұрын
@insidius3593 4 жыл бұрын
i could have sworn this video was uploaded this year, untill i saw it was not. crazy how much that escalated
@AmericaFromScratch 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah it feels very relevant right now.
@crod3989 4 жыл бұрын
We have lost the right to protest already. When the police refuse to see themselves as citizens first, in the same situation a protesting people are in. and their only function is to enforce unjustified laws and in some cases have other cops in the crowd inciting violence, with the purpose of having a reason to beat, arrest and sometimes kill protestors. There will be no peaceful protesting as long as the authorities don't allow citizens to practice their right to protest. The same as back in the day in Montgomery Alabama, When people were beaten and killed for practicing their right to peacefully protest. nothing has changed, the only difference today is the invention of camera phones and that doesn't do much. the racism is so invested in our society that the idea of protesting is illegal and violent in the eyes of the authorities.
@Sgt-Gravy 5 жыл бұрын
Time & place seems to be the issue between legal & illegal protests. There seems to always be apathetic people in the population that don't have the power to change anything even if they wanted to, & don't want to be subjected to the protests in their pursuit of happiness, liberty, & life. The only way some issues effected people is because it is not a choice of experiencing the protests, it's forced on us, irrationally at times by Extremists.
@sasabnis 4 жыл бұрын
This series needs to make a comeback. How do we crowd-source pushing for it again? So many discussion that have yet to take place!
@dan_sharafutdinov 5 жыл бұрын
Lol it’s illegal to protest in Russia.
@Dorian_sapiens 5 жыл бұрын
@mikeg9b 5 жыл бұрын
I think breaking the law should be against the law.
@PowerHouseProdigy 3 жыл бұрын
I'd say keep freedom of speech should be kept as is. It requires some thick skin sometimes, but I think it's worth it.
@Lexi_Zone 5 жыл бұрын
Good video, but I'm kinda put off by how is uses 'anarchist' like it means The Joker from _The_ _Dark_ _Knight_ or something. "Anarchy = chaos" is a swindle that we need to get past~
@AmericaFromScratch 5 жыл бұрын
That's a fairpoint Lexi.
@mikeg9b 5 жыл бұрын
9:30 “When is a protest a lawful expression of your first amendment rights and when is it something we should punish?” It becomes something we should punish when laws are broken. The best legal way to protest is to vote government representative(s) into office that will make the changes that you want ... or to run for elected office yourself.
@ZiggyGrok 5 жыл бұрын
The sit-ins were against the law. The protestors got arrested. Rosa Parks refusing to get up and go to the back of the bus (or stand) was against the law. She got arrested. Should they have not protested?
@mikeg9b 5 жыл бұрын
@@ZiggyGrok It is never okay to break the law. There were and still are stupid laws, but imagine a society where people could get away with only following the laws that they agree with. The first thing that comes to my mind is that so many people would stop paying taxes that the government would collapse.
@HarryJayx 4 жыл бұрын
0:00 new content cop lookin weird
@khaledf3 5 жыл бұрын
It isn't a metaphor, it's a simile. 1:38
@khaledf3 5 жыл бұрын
@noahcarroll8962 5 жыл бұрын
similes are types of metaphors
@tylerl.2268 5 жыл бұрын
I'm all for our right to protest but, c'mon, why would you do it on a highway or an airport, especially an airport? People paid for those tickets and people have places to be. It's just so unthoughtful and selfish to protest at these locations, There are tons and tons of other places were people can protest and be seen.
@daveotuwa5596 4 жыл бұрын
2:15 ceighm 4 George Floyd 5:02 NO LIGHT SABER APPLICABLE
@aidencortinas17 4 жыл бұрын
Protesting should be illegal
@crimson90 5 жыл бұрын
If you think shutting down a major highway to march for your cause is a peaceable assembly, I'd urge you to check the definition of peaceable.
@PaulsPubAndBrew 5 жыл бұрын
Protesting by blocking a random freeway? What did the drivers on that freeway do? You want to protest police violence, then picket outside a damn police station and not in the middle of traffic. Doing what BLM does doesn't win them any sympathy.
@jameslittrell5189 4 жыл бұрын
I very much enjoy the videos from this channel but if you guys want to be successful here on KZbin you got work with the algorithm and post more frequently. I don’t want to see this channel disappear
@AmericaFromScratch 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you James! We are currently working on more episodes so please stay tuned. We've got a lot coming this year :)
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