Why Nobody Plays THESE CLASSES In Guild Wars 2

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Caffeinated Dad Gaming

Caffeinated Dad Gaming

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@atcho5029 Жыл бұрын
One important thing to consider about the Rev is that it's locked for the free to play core game. Many players (including myself) started from there and are maining the 1st/2nd character they've created before bying the expansions. There are probably also many other players that are just sticking with the free to play model, thus never getting the opportunity to play Rev.
@garkoskrakos8165 Жыл бұрын
also rev only existed from hot on
@FelipeArthurferpa Жыл бұрын
That would be a valuable argument if there were more characters from other professions. They simply try the rev and say “oh cool” and thats it, only a few main it
@ostrakrewetka7604 Жыл бұрын
@@FelipeArthurferpa well I think that was very valuable argument cause statistics depends of all players even those who play for free. Im shocked that any vanilla class still looses with Rev. This could mean that if we considered buy to play players only, we wouldn't see Rev in top 3 less playable class in the game.
@FelipeArthurferpa Жыл бұрын
@@ostrakrewetka7604 Actually you would be surprised by the number of players who actually plays for free. Which is extremely low, not to mention people who tried and didn’t like the game. So playtime is waaay more relevant than character creation
@RatnoonTV Жыл бұрын
How people play this game Free To Play just blows my mind. I understand starting out as F2P, but sticking to it for years and years. That I will never ever understand. PoF+HoT bundle literally cost the same as ordering a couple of pizzas.
@dpv007 Жыл бұрын
Engineer was my first class, and also one of the main reasons I grew to love GW2. I really love the flavor of tech being able to bridge the gap when it comes to magic/super natural abilities.
@Cabrito11 Жыл бұрын
Its the last class i have played, and i love it, but it scares me. I think that will take a lot of hours for me to play it well
@mase9975 Жыл бұрын
Engineer was the whole reason that I even bothered to quit WoW and go with GW2 when it came out in 2012 and now that we have a mech I started playing it again. I also play a Necromancer and a Mesmer but, I dabble in all the classes. Jack of all trade and master of none.
@DahBurt Жыл бұрын
@golden9551 Жыл бұрын
I started today and went engineer for this reason aswell
@Cabrito11 Жыл бұрын
@@golden9551 good luck and have fun
@PrincessYolda Жыл бұрын
As someone who became an Ele main after avoiding the class for 10 years, here is a open world pro tip: Build a celestial Tempest with Dagger/dagger or warhorn You can just button smash and get used to the different attunements and not be ineffective on any of them. Also you are tanky enough that downstate is something you will not see often. Then you can ease into Catalyst or Weaver or a more squishy Tempest with time.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
Actually this is fantastic advice!
@Seraphim09x Жыл бұрын
as a new player i started with tempest because it looked the coolest....that was almost a decade ago ...😅😅 i still play fire condi build with inbuilt survivability. My burn damage is almost 30k ..and thats just fire..i rarely die, and once u master the elements...it has alot of versatility and satisfying gameplay..
@shivag73 7 ай бұрын
I love being a healer if I'm in a group. Tempest with Septor/Horn is the best combination. Otherwise I mix the elements. Weaver is awesome to use more than one at a time.
@VMSelvaggio Жыл бұрын
Revenant is incredibly cool, especially for someone like me, who played Guild Wars (1) from launch and remembers all of the character lore for most of these legends. Plus the things they say to you while you're standing there or fighting have some humor. Overheard from Jalis: "Age no longer affects us dwarves, EROSION however..." Your character: "So you get smoother instead of older?" (or something like that. It's my favorite interaction with Jalis!
@jaroslav3905 Жыл бұрын
Oh yes it's in the little details like that! I'm trying to pick up my alts and revenant is the most appealing to me right now, hope it'll stick because the visuals are amazing and I want to be finally more than a mesmer main (don't get me worng I love it, just ain't the best class for pve and raids)
@unnamed2737 Жыл бұрын
Elementalist was my first main. I never saw it as a mage. I played shaman in WoW and wanted something similar and ele was the closest I could get. Both had a million skills to manage based on the 4 elements.
@leeprosser4682 Жыл бұрын
Me, who’s pretty much only played a revenant… “wait… what… there’s lore behind those legend dudes…”, you learn something new every day lol
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
I mean I only knew Shiro because I played gw1 loool
@MatLinnett1 Жыл бұрын
Another thing to take into account, GW2 Efficiency only counts accounts that have registered on GW2 Efficiency, and I would guess that the vast majority of players haven't.
@ChaoticNeutralMatt Жыл бұрын
@_XR40_ Жыл бұрын
"...I would guess that the vast majority of players haven't...." I started with GW1 about 15 years ago, moved to GW2 a little after it came out. Never heard of _GW2 Efficiency._ Never seen it mentioned in chat. Think that assuming most players haven't "registered" is a pretty safe bet....
@DoamBot Жыл бұрын
Thats how all polls work you take a sample of the greater population. Thus gw2 eff is perfectly fine and in fact the standard to see the greater picture.
@dclegends8689 5 ай бұрын
So what? You implying that Rev, engi and ele players don't like GW2efficiency? lol What makes you think it's gonna be any different with the total of players?
@minor_2nd 3 ай бұрын
Revenant due to being locked behind an expansion, is not a class many new players will gravitate towards, but might once they have more experience in the game. Similarly, new players will have no idea about gw2efficiency, but will eventually hear about it in due time and probably register. Because of this correlation, it's not unfair to assume that there's proportionally fewer revenants than other classes; the sample does not exactly represent actuality.
@Kantharr Жыл бұрын
This makes sense in terms of how difficulty each class could be for beginners. When I first played Engineer I went with the simple build of running all turrets with rifle and that made it pretty fun to play.
@aid4nski215 Жыл бұрын
not really related to the topic of the video but i just wanna say that you sir have a really great and friendly speaking voice
@oceanman4413 Жыл бұрын
I just started playing Guild Wars 2 and my profession is Mesmer. Your vids really helped me, keep it up! My experience with the players so far are pretty positive. There was one time where I was K.O'd by a mob, because I was AFKing and a player just revived/healed me out of nowhere without even me asking. I also love the events that would happen wherein random players currently in the area would help each other to complete it. I'm really enjoying the game.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
Hey, happy I could help! The game certainly does a lot of things right. The mesmer is my like back up profession if I didn't do elementalist lol
@TruePermafrost Жыл бұрын
Just a word of advice for those out there, If you are looking for a class and you only play the least played classes to try and make something of it, please at the very least try the class that suits you're particular niches and playstyles. I've fallen for the trap many times before, but maining a class based off the fact its not played a lot will lead you to becoming an altaholic, since classes come and go by the patch. I remember when Engi during LWS3 was not played very much untill Lake doric and its leather farm happened, then everyone had an engi, but things rise and fall, so go play what scratches your class itch first
@wynkuroh585 Жыл бұрын
This was me, Guardian appealed to me from the start for the class fantasy and aesthetic, but I avoided it because it was most played and I didn't really want to jump on a bandwagon. Six or so classes later I decided to try it and I really enjoy it despite having success with the other classes because it fits my preferred character style and in the end I don't feel like it mattered how popular it is.
@mattstacey6058 Жыл бұрын
"why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?" Lol
@Roxzes Жыл бұрын
Idd recomend playing some rounds in pvp so u fan figure out what class and skills u wana play,i dident do this my first time and made a Reaper i sucked at it and went hunter that became my fav for 3 y and now im reaper again xP
@ChaoticNeutralMatt Жыл бұрын
Playing the class, trying to find stuff you might enjoy. Finally did that with guardian. Surprisingly good.
@DrDuckMD Жыл бұрын
Revenant is my favorite class, so much utility. I usually run a boon dps spec for raids, but you can also heal with it or pure dps. It’s great.
@trollerbladdering Жыл бұрын
Engi has always been my favorite class. The versatility of it was always attractive to me right from launch. I know that lore wise they're the polar opposite, but if gave me the same feeling I got with Druid in WoW, where no matter what, I had a way to adapt to whatever I was facing.
@LordSoth41 Жыл бұрын
My friend started with Engineer and always loved it, Engineer has always been one of my favorite classes even before Mechanist dropped because Scrapper is just amazing to play
@shivag73 7 ай бұрын
Engineer with turrets is awesome.
@velkanzi Жыл бұрын
As you say, a bit of fun. When you look at the chart you displayed I personally am impressed at how close the spread is across the nine classes.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
True! Actually it's quite impressive how well distributed the classes are!
@velkanzi Жыл бұрын
Wow, finally you show the graph ... All of the classes look fairly close. Anet has done an amazing job. Please, please keep the diversity of classes. Keep them different. Keep the game interesting.
@Tessa_Ru Жыл бұрын
As someone dipping my toes in from FF14 (which is infamous for streamlining the classes into samey-samey roles), I have to agree. I feel like it should be ok if not a lot of people play a class, so long as the people playing it love it.
@Dojan5 7 ай бұрын
​@@Tessa_Ru Starting FFXIV from a GW2 perspective was _rough_ man. I still think they should overhaul the levelling experience because it's so disjointed and weird. All tanks get a gap closer, why not make that a role action? Short of that, why do they all get it at different levels? Ranging from Dark Knight's Plunge at at level 54 to Paladin's Intervene at 74. Meanwhile Red Mage gets their gap-closer, Corps-a-corps at level 6! My FC buddy thinks it's fine and that not all people can pick up class mechanics that fast, but I personally think the job should have all core bits and pieces at latest by 50. I don't see how a Red Mage is "capable of handling" a gap closer at level 6 if a tank is unable until level 74. It makes no sense. The jobs sure are rather samey. It took me a long time to start appreciating the nuances between them. I think Squeenix has done a good job on that, but none of them are as drastically different between one another as professions in Guild Wars 2 are. I mean you can slap an elite specialisation on a job and suddenly it changes completely. It's kind of insane.
@jimmynguyen9104 7 ай бұрын
I rock the engineer scrapper. And I love your videos! Very informative. Just started gw2 a few months ago
@CaffeinatedDad 7 ай бұрын
Hey thanks! Engineer just overall has a cool aesthetic to it. Lots of fun ways to blast things away.
@velkanzi 11 ай бұрын
Thank you, I really like your style, your flow. I find myself rewatching your content. Prolly helps that I am one of the crazies that likes playing the Catalyst ( badly ). Keep promising myself to take time to practice HOW TO play , rather than tackling the insane amount of content. Damn you new dailies ( and skritt ) that keep forcing me to play content I have never seen before. Keep up the good work.
@CaffeinatedDad 11 ай бұрын
Haha! Thank you! Oh and I know the content sink of this game I find myself wondering around doing every other thing and not focusing on one thing. Lol
@biggsdrasil Жыл бұрын
I think it's warrior as least played. Maybe it's that it's the least "unique" take on a class theme, or that it's almost entirely physical. I uses to prefer mages all the way, but funny enough, recently I've had a craving to focus on my warrior. Warrior was the first class I had on my old account back in the old wow days. Barbarian was the first class I played in diablo 2. Playing a full (or mostly melee) class that depends on themselves and not magic makes me feel more fulfilled, in a way. On a personal level, it also reminds me to take care of myself in real life. I used to convince myself that I needed to play magic classes or healers because I needed to be able to help people and depend on class mechanics to save myself, but being full melee and physical forces me to learn the limits of my class and dance on that edge more often. I enjoy the paladin, as well, since it's mostly melee with some support built it, but warrior has a soft spot in my heart, too. Being a savior for others while doing everything in my power to help myself is my gaming power fantasy. (People say to play guardian for paladin vibes, but it doesn't feel the same to me)
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
Honestly, the warrior fits the engineer thought too! It doesn't have any gifts or magic, just brute strength!
@tchoythao5579 Жыл бұрын
@@CaffeinatedDad pretty sure warrior is the least played. The metrics sight had it listed as such.
@_XR40_ Жыл бұрын
Warrior isn't easy - But you get some of the most exciting battles that way. Not being able to stand back and blast someone with fire produces a lot more adrenaline - And satisfaction with victories....
@Rabidconscience 3 ай бұрын
I really expected revenant to be the least played profession because it not existing at launch (and the HoT paywall after it was added) meant that would-be revenant mains usually found their main before they got a chance to try it.
@Celine-kn5wv Жыл бұрын
I’ve always played my elem as a mage, I love my staff and nothing in this game makes me happier then throwing fire balls and summoning stormes. Do I spend a lot of time on the ground ? Yeah sure, but I do it with a lot of style 😎
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
THATS WHY YOU'RE THE 🐐 LOL I felt this on a personal level
@TheRealTimeline Жыл бұрын
I can tell you why people don't play engi as an Engi main myself, there are no weapons! You have kits, but kits are like the poor mans weapon, no one wants to use them.
@dollarbr Жыл бұрын
First profession I chose was an engineer, before Heart of Thorns expansion, second was elementalist, then i stayed in them like..... A LOT, learn everything that i could (learnt wrong, but still learned them) and in Path of Fire i started trying other stuff, what i tried? Revenant, lol.... Yeah, i have problems Now my main is Revenant, mostly vindicator and renegade for instanced content when needed dps and herald for instanced content needed of support
@SimplyDawn Жыл бұрын
i used this video as inspiration & made a Charr Engineer (Charr is listed as the least chosen/played race on the same site you used). we're lvl 30+ & not doing too badly so far. thank you!
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
Let's goooo! Char engineer is a fantastic choice!
@_XR40_ Жыл бұрын
More Charr Engineers for the Iron Legion....
@cuellas1338 Жыл бұрын
Hey! I just got back to GW2 after a year and a half of not playing it and I'm loving it so far, and getting to enjoy your vids is a big part of it! Great info, good memes, chill ambient (great to watch while you "caffeinate" yourself)... Overall, great content! Keep it up!
@cuellas1338 Жыл бұрын
Also I want to add I start to feel a trend in my decision making: Back then I mained Holosmith, now I'm playing Ele (trying Weaver before I buy EoD cause Cata looks tons of fun), I was planing on making a Thief and the heavy armor class I like the most is Revenant. Help (the only outliar here is my Reaper, but who doesn't like a good dead-boy with a big ahh sword).
@CarnaghSidhe Жыл бұрын
In terms of most played to least played, I think you are much better off using "playtime" which puts the elementalist as #5 out of 9. In the middle basically. Rev is #9 out of 9 by playtime, coming in last. You appear to be using number of characters created, which really doesn't reflect what you're going to see in game... If I'm misspeaking I apologise and welcome being corrected.
@MG_ Жыл бұрын
Playtime is kind of unfair for the Rev because every other class had at least a 5 year head start in playtime. i think using in characters created is fair because people deliberately make the choice to create the character, thus gathering data that can approximate exact amount of interest in the class.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately if I use playtime, the data gets skewed due to revenant not showing up until HoT. When I chose characters created it leads to people creating those particular classes. I wish we could have more in depth data to work with however
@Matt-sk6hi Жыл бұрын
​@@CaffeinatedDadAnyway to find play time since a given time? Like since the start of HOT or EOD?
@leafcatcher4802 Жыл бұрын
@@Matt-sk6hi possible but not from the most easily accessible data site gw2 efficiency
@Matt-sk6hi Жыл бұрын
@@leafcatcher4802 gotcha
@schrenk-d Жыл бұрын
Love my main Ele. But your right. It is a challenge to play Ele. Weaver is my jam.
@boutch1993 Жыл бұрын
One fact i love about the rangers is that they can be simple or complex, all in one class depending on which profession you choose to use. And, with the ginourmous variety of pets, it can offers a lot more utility than elementalists in general, especialy with the traps, commands, untamed natural tankyness, especial pets like the smokescale or the jacaranda etc. And soulbeast is super simple, but the mechanic to become one with the pet, combined with the quantity os pets, brings A LOT to the table. Plus, we have one of the best healers in the game (if not the best).
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
I think the Ranger versatility is fantastic and honestly underrated. It can fit many different roles and playstyles depending on how deep you want the rabbit hole to go
@boutch1993 Жыл бұрын
@@CaffeinatedDad Totally. And is very simple to adjust the ranger to diferent roles in no time.
@lordb3423 Жыл бұрын
I like the thief, few buttons to worry about and is a high skill high reward class. It's all about positioning, eye frames, and game knowlage. It's easier to learn boss move sets on this class because i don't have to be staring at the skill bar all the time. And it's utilities are useful in some areas for taking shortcuts if you know where they are.
@ZachC-130 5 ай бұрын
If GW3 ends up being real, I think simpler class mechanics would go a long way in retaining players. I can’t count the number of times (years) I’ve stopped playing because I don’t feel like inducing carpal tunnel during my free time.
@alex3909 3 ай бұрын
I have played Engineer for 12 years since release. I thought we were so rare I remember I was criticized for having an engineer in one of my old guilds I am happy to know there is 337,558 people who may also have felt my pain.
@missk1697 Жыл бұрын
Actually engineer does incorporate a bit of magic. The jade bot is effectively powered by dragons energy, and your signets are basically "i spawn a massive blast field with this magically enchanted ring".
@MaiseNow Жыл бұрын
Question for you: would you be interested in doing a video on elite specs that DON'T require the player to "play the piano"? I've been maining Untamed and discovered it aggravates my autoimmune joint condition, so if I want to keep playing I need to switch to a less intense button-mashing build.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
This is not a bad idea...
@PureRandumosity Жыл бұрын
Play power soulbeast that uses a sword/axe and longbow with a red Moa. You can literally just camp sword/axe and still do a bunch of damage and not even touch the longbow unless you need it
@wcocytus Жыл бұрын
I think you should use "builds" instead of e-spec. Since there are some builds stem from an e- spec that have very different playstyle. Example could be power Mech vs condi Mech or condi Virtuoso vs power Virt
@user-yh8ce7tg8l 6 ай бұрын
The subject of this video is meant as a catch title, but the context and the statistical graph at the end of the video (10:34) are a completely different story. There is only a 2.92% difference between the most played and least played classes in GW2. TL;DR the least played classes are only played marginally less because of either complex rotations or simple rotations that certain gamers avoid. Other than that, play a class you enjoy and don't worry about this.
@michaelgray371 Жыл бұрын
I feel like engineer would be a lot cooler if they had themed it as a more advanced engineer. If more of its abilities were themed like the holosmith and not a guy living in the woods.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
That... that actually makes a lot of sense....
@Warcrafter4 Жыл бұрын
@@CaffeinatedDad Thematics are also a large part of the popularity. Guardian and Warrior are both very strong thematically. Meanwhile Engineer and Revenant are both weak thematically. Engineer is actually a "Junker" as their turret and kits are literally made from junk as shown by the skritt. So the class name is a misnomer. As for Revenant. If you didn't play GW1 you're just kinda stuck with a generic "Ghost"/"Haunted" class. I mean the Herald Elite spec probably got more people playing it in PoF despite being a HoT elite spec. Simply because people actually found out who Glint actually was and got a massive thematic boost. Aka for Revenant's thematic issue boils down to : "Who are these people and why should I care?". As if you only played GW2 the only one you really learn and thus care about is Glint.
@wcerasmus 7 ай бұрын
Me watching this while started with engineer and ended up as a engineer Holo and Scrapper main due to its versatility to all content, groups and team skill.
@CaffeinatedDad 7 ай бұрын
Loool this may have been targeted!
@JamesMiller_ShadowWalker Жыл бұрын
Remember the invasion of the bots? Millions of Engies all over the placed, stacked, annihilating krait.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
The world remembers...
@pirateFinn Жыл бұрын
I actually found Rev fairly easy to play, since you typically don't swap weapons as part of a rotation, and the utilities arent too hard to use.
@saiter6010 Жыл бұрын
Yea, Rev is pretty simple and i risky to say spammy sometimes(boon herald)
@pirateFinn Жыл бұрын
@@saiter6010 Herald changed some with the latest balance update but overall I agree
@dirtyfatnoisegaming Жыл бұрын
i play almost with all the classes in game, it depends on what im going to do :) nice video
@vidaliver1447 11 ай бұрын
Bro i love your hard work you put into this video, all the talking, all the montage. Really do, amazing job! But the sad part is that to my knowledge you've made a drastic mistake in the very beginning. You see, when you open that efficiency statistics, why in holy name of the Six Gods do you pick the left table (characters) over the right (playtime)? Do you realize that half of the players in the game have made a mandatory mesmer to portal people around? And also like 90% of the people in the game tried every single character and the ones they have at the moment are defined not by what they liked more but by the fact what character they've deleted to empty one of the slots for another? I personally have a thief, a guardian, a warrior and probably 5 engineers picked because they were the fastest to go through the entrance story - and while my main with like 80% uptime is a thief, my 2nd highest played is a revenant that i don't even have anymore!!! Should i mention an ungodly amount of afk engineer and necromancers farmers? It's exploding amount of "characters" and "playtime" at the same time, which are essentially not played at all. So, the least played professions are actually: revenant, engineer, mesmer and thief. I put mesmer over thief for obvious reason: half of the mesmers are just parked afk on jumping puzzles to portal people around and are also mandatory picks for commanders who lead Hero Point trains, meta in Drakkar etc. Thieves are not easy to find in open world too, the engineers are most likely outscaling them by far, the main thieves playtime comes from sPvP and WvsW. Again, thank you very much for your honest effort and for trying to show people the least played spec. I highly appreciate it as i have already developed sort of an allergy for meta sluts. Hopefully more people would remember that the game is about fun. Love, and glhf!
@MILDMONSTER1234 Жыл бұрын
I agree with the statement on rev, the wiki and the in game description are just too vague on what the class even is. At first glance it looks like your standard dark knight style class but the way its described makes it seem like some type of summoner. It wasnt until i saw some videos when i realized it what it does and that it might be worth looking into I do like how each armor class has its own "edgelord" type. Heavies have Rev, Mediums have Thieves, and lights have Necros
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
Oh for sure, that was done on purpose loool
@evilkamatis542 Жыл бұрын
Revenant was one of the most played class before. It is one of the highest dps class before. Then Anet, as per usual, nerfed the heck out of it to ground that people are now only mostly using their revs as a parked character to a treasure chest. Its sad.
@saiter6010 Жыл бұрын
Yea pretty much my heralt atm
@dclegends8689 5 ай бұрын
My main is a ranger cause I've always enjoyed the archer archetype. I created other 4 characters at the time, but never gave them much attention other than casual gameplay just to open maps. After being away from the game for pretty much 7 years, I came back to it last year and now I'm tying out these other characters. Two of them being my rev and my engi. The rev's energy system still throws me off a little bit and engi got a bit more streamlined with condi mech for me. That specialization really made engi more popular and I can totally see why.
@donosborn9899 Жыл бұрын
11 year engineer main here. I've loved (and struggled) with the class for years, but now with the Mechanist, it's just plain fun though it was more fun with the Sup Runes of the Golemancer prior to the switch to the Relic system.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
I am so sad at the nerf to the runes! I loved the unique summon relics!
@donosborn9899 Жыл бұрын
@@CaffeinatedDad Yep, I surprised a lot of people when I'd roll up onto the scene with not 1 but 2 golems and mow through mobs. If I didn't need them for a particular mob, I just had to unequip the pauldons and put away the Mech and I'd be good to go. Anet needs to give me back my Mk I Golem.
@trenchtierstudios554 Жыл бұрын
Engineers are some of the best zone controllers you can ask for when leveling. Their turrets allow you to get free damage and CC while you dance around the battlefield. In the end you'll also get a green mech.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
Agreed! Really underutilized for their capabilities. Especially for the turrets!
@trenchtierstudios554 Жыл бұрын
@@CaffeinatedDad run healing, rifle, net, and thumper turrets on my utility bar. (free player here) Rifle gives ok ranged damage in both turret and belt damage. Net gives two net ccs. And thumper is gold standard pb cc. Don't use flame turret due to a lot of monsters having prot from flame. Also rocket is too fragile.
@Veechii Жыл бұрын
A bit of personal insight as to why the engineer is the least played profession, especially before EoD came out, was because it was extremely unforgiving. What i mean by that is that the rifle was WAY, WAY worse before it's rework, did less damage, the leap wasn't what it was now and the CC abiltiies had very little damage on them. Also using both grenade AND bomb kit was required because of the lower potencies on rifle making it just as piano'y as the elementalist. Also mechanist wasn't a thing and scrapper didn't apply quickness until fairly recently (3+ ish years ago) so the only viable spec for most content was Holosmith, which is considered the hardest of the 3 elites as of now. The last 3 years have been absolutely fantastic for engi players!
@stiwardaraya6700 Жыл бұрын
I'm a Weaver and sometimes I just stay with water using a staff to heal in fractals cuz my fingers are hurting, that 14352 f2 345261 f3... combo is like playing guitar honestly
@uniquename111 Жыл бұрын
What pissing me off about Elementalist is that when the game came out over 11 years ago Elementalist had the highest dps build, and Anet explained that we got this because we also will have the lowest hp. At that point when power creep was not a thing this was ok to me. It was a trade off. Do good dps but god damn it make sure to time your dodges. I played Berserker support ele (back then healingpower did not scale well if at all) in WvW and it was tough but also fun to drop meteorshower and watch people die. If they focused me i was pretty much a one hit. Anway fast forward. Over the years Ele have taken so many hits and have so many weird cooldowns in wvw. Like meteorshower who will hit you hard then hit you less hard and then not at all and then if it is thursday and sunny outside and so it went. Now before people start hammering on the keyboard Ele have a lot of good dps specs and if you are the pianoplayer you will get very high dps no doubt. But Ele is no longer the top dps as it was supose to be in the past, but we still have the tradeoff. We still have the lowest hp in game, whilst other classes can shit out their dps and not get one shotted. Arena Net keep on refusing to remove the trade off and give Elementalist higher base hp and there is LITTERALLY no reason for that, because other specs can do more dps and they have a shitton more base hp then ele do. So that if anything is my annoyance towards Arena Net. Their constant refuse to remove the low base hp that was there as trade off, a trade off noone else have but they can also do high dps.
@GuiperMattos 6 ай бұрын
I've been playing Engineer (Core) for more than five years now. Unfortunately, the expansions are very expensive for my reality, but the most fun I have in this game is with my beloved engineer Meckapim. Anyway, the video was very good and well explained.
@ashleyanne2056 11 ай бұрын
Revenant is least played for one reason: It is locked until you buy an expansion. So no one makes it for their 1st character that they fall in love with.
@OrochiFlamez 10 ай бұрын
My main character is an Ele and honestly switching between the elements has become second nature to me after so long.
@Jollux2124 9 ай бұрын
Started playing almost 2 months ago, choose revenant herald, qpds, love it so much that i have not tried any other class, just got my fourth leggy! loving the game so far !
@CaffeinatedDad 9 ай бұрын
Oh man you are crushing it! Glad to hear you are having a great time!
@RoseDragoness Жыл бұрын
As a new player that been playing games for ages and now prefer things not super complicated... I first made an elementalist. Then I get overwhelmed with all four different elements and how the position of the spells cant be changed. Say, there is a dodge on fire spell on slot 3, something similar to that dodge on lightning is on slot 4, that is where it is confusing. If I can arrange the first five skills as I want to put where is my damage, where is my cc, and where is my evasion, I would keep playing it. Now I go to simple ranger.
@gailbrookhart1777 Жыл бұрын
Least played profession as a whole: Engineer Least played race as a whole: Charr Least played toon gender: Male This all fits together with a theory I heard from a friend when we were playing LOTRO: "If I'm going to be watching a butt run through this game, I want it to be a pretty butt." Testing his theory versus Guild Wars 2, it seems to fit. Engineer is a medium armor class and many people consider medium armor options the least attractive. Charr butts wouldn't typically be attractive to humans. Charr have the weirdest medium armor in medium armor toons as well since they struggle with where that tail belongs. Male players would typically prefer female anatomy as their eye candy. From listening to chats, there are more male players I'm encountering than female players.
@Kuhmuhnistische_Partei Жыл бұрын
Well, it seems like I'm just drawn to the least played classes (and races) in Gw2. My first character back then was a norn guardian, I only played him up to lvl 40 or something and then didn't play the game at all for multiple months before returning, deleting him and creating a thief instead. I used that thief to play through the entire personal story and then went into WvW (a friend of mine who played Gw2 a lot longer basically gave the game to me so he had someone to scout in WvW back then when people still did stuff like... scouting. We were hardcore Mendon's Gap fanatics and once scouted it for 24 hours). My next character was a charr engineer and I mostly liked her because of the flamethrower. She then became my main and still was my main when Hearts of Thorns came out. I also had another thief as my main for a while, because I mostly did WvW and there was a German streamer who played a lot with thief and I wanted to get good with it. Basically went on a whole spiritural journey where I started playing thief with double shortbow just because I was determined to master the shortbow to the point where I could kill people consistently using only that weapon. But I mostly just played with double staff, because that was super fun and really op. Shortly before the End of Dragons DLC I also created a (second) rev. Never played much with the first one. Mostly served (and still does) as storage. Same as my ele. But I went all out with that one, I really wanted to play a female charr renegade for the whole Kalla Scorchrazor aesthetics and I just made her my canon "commander" char I would do all the new story with. Although I skipped her personal story, because I roleplay her as a follower of Kalla back in the old days and she just came out of the mists for some reason to continue the fight against any threats to the free charr. I insta-leveled her to 80 and then used a Twisted Watchwork Portal Device to teleport her to a random place in Tyria and roleplayed with friends as if she just came out of the mists. And hey, my next project is to finally learn ele after... well, quite a few years.
@Seraphim09x Жыл бұрын
played tempest elementalist for almost a decade ...still love it... salute fellow ele mains...
@simonholmes6473 Жыл бұрын
I played a backstab thief and it was fun and effective But the sheer level of concentration you need to keep up just to fight random mobs wasn't something I could keep up for long periods. Was my first character when the game came out, too, and going through Orr back before the mob density there got nerfed to be reasonable was pretty draining.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
True even my thief i feel like sometimes can't take on multiple enemies at the same time. Couldn't imagine it with tons of zombies
@simonholmes6473 Жыл бұрын
@@CaffeinatedDad It got...............busy and the waypoints weren't plentiful.
@ac833 Жыл бұрын
People don't play engineers. They play mechanists. I'd like to elaborate on the ele issue though. First, a class so complex should be rewarded in output but unfortunately it's not. It's the feral druid of GW2. You can do everything right and benchmark on par with everything else for triple the work. Secondly, at least for me, the element changing feels more like a tax than skillful game play. I wish they'd make it feel more impactful to rotate through elements in specific ways. Take concepts from the weaver and make them core.
@blackcitadel37 Жыл бұрын
mechanist and holosmith but in a proportion of 10 to 1 for what i've seen. scrapper is trash so i won't even count it.
@jonpierredelacruz9603 Жыл бұрын
Ele doesnt have downstate rotation anymore when they took out lesser lava font from persisting flames
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
I know, now we have now mist form....
@JamesMiller_ShadowWalker Жыл бұрын
Mechanists are the new Necromancer. LOL
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
I mean it'd not untrue!
@rhailex4727 Жыл бұрын
I think you should've shown the playtime for each profession because a lot of people who just park their alts may just make a profession they don't have yet "just in case". Playtime shows more clearly the differences.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
True! The main issue I ran into was the revenant not being introduced until hot. The data was a bit skewed :(
@ihaveaplan.ijustneedmoney.9777 Жыл бұрын
I was a condi Scourge when I started out, after I finally got my alt to Scrapper and researched how to actually play it, my world was flipped over its head. (Hammer 2 > Grenade Kit > Grenade 2) Being the simplest bread n butter combo was so alien to my smol necro main brain. Needless to say, jumping immediately into Scrapper helped me wrap my head around combo fields/finishers that were mostly absent in Condi Necromancer. Also, free carpal tunnel! 😁
@CaMOOflage207 Жыл бұрын
Congrats caffeinated I remember watching your streams when you were a small KZbin man. 1.3k views in an hour I’m so proud and you deserve it bro!
@9186737467 Жыл бұрын
I'd imagine people only think there's a lot of Machinist because it's one of the most identifiable classes.
@rhombedrum Жыл бұрын
well i've seen meta squads having 1/3 of them just being mechanists lol, like literally 10 out of 30 players on Drakkar were mechanists a few days ago, for example
@rhombedrum Жыл бұрын
To stay on topic tho, I presume that engineer is still (even now) the least played profession because people who main engi main it for a reason: engi offers a lot of utility, engi specs are each unique and valuable for something specific, as soon as you know the proffession and spec you can pull out pretty much anything you need to survive all game mods. I presume the majority of engi mains choose different classes for their alts just because one or two engi characters cover the most of it. Also yes, it is demanding during the learning curve, and some just don't stick with it after levelling an engi. The phenomen of mechanists all around is just that simple: firstly, it's very effective, and secondly, it's very good in terms of accessibility features (especially prior to june 27th patch), you can practically build it so that you can have any type of disability and still access high-end content like raids while also being very useful to your team. So, people who are into casual gameplay choose mechanists because of this feature too: you can have the simplest playstyle in the game without lacking effectiveness and efficiency. Note edit: funny that we don't see many mechanist players switching to holosmith after June 27, mainly because other engi specs require you to know the core class utilities and demand way more from the player. Both holosmith and especially scrapper after the patch need you to pay a lot of attention to what you are doing exactly. That just proves that those who play mechanists do it because of it's simplicity, even after all the Mechanical Genius updates.
@deekds Жыл бұрын
Dagger/warhorn Tempest myself, Love it! Never before have I wrecked entire armies in seconds while at the same time that knife edge feeling of knowing I'll be dead from one shot at any time. All risk, All reward!
@nautilaz Жыл бұрын
Human Female Elementalist-#1 most logged hours according to the site you mentioned...
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
Most logged hours, I looked at character creation as it is a deliberate attempt to play the class versus playtime
@etiennea.4707 Жыл бұрын
The way that boons are applied leads to ZERO ranged class, it's never a good idea to be far from your boon and heal supplier
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
True, I'd like to see more of the ranges increased, boon application range is 1200, healing is 1200 etc
@etiennea.4707 Жыл бұрын
@@CaffeinatedDad sabetha kiters would so greatful !
@tbone9474 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love my , in essence a more difficult guardian who offers identical flexibility in boons. My engineer is my main though and I play all 3 specs for different roles. Love them both equally, especially the holomsmith burst
@Shortay1325 Жыл бұрын
Oh man.. where do I start. My overall favorite has to be Elementalist. I mained my guardian since release day and didn’t even create my Elementalist until 2 years ago. But after more practice with tempest and catalyst, I’d say it’s a lot of fun. It’s starting to win over my main guardian as of lately. I also just dusted off my Mesmer last night and updated my condi build to some latest builds. My Mesmer was my 2nd ever created character and I leveled it to 80 back when there were no mounts or anything. I have to say, my condi mirage surprised the heck out of me even with all the nerf talk against mirage lately. I was able to basically cheese one of my hardest testing places in HoT that normally makes my Guardian really struggle. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t have a problem with that place with my Elementalist, Reaper (no surprise there lol) and now Mesmer. I can do it on my guardian more times than not but I have had to escape or died more times at my testing place on my Guardian than the others I listed. Least favorite.. I would have to say Ranger. It’s great damage with pew pew and survivability with pet, but I just never got into it. I given soulbeast a honest effort a few times but I just never loved it so I now just park it at a chest. I don’t mind thief but it’s not playstyle I vibe with. It’s fun in WvW since you feel like an assassin running around, but I don’t like it in PvE.
@sms.2301 Жыл бұрын
🥲🥲🥲 RIP... Me who started off GW2 with an elementalist because I used to play an ele back in GW1.... When I finally created a mec engineer with a jade bot, I shed a tear..."WHYYYYYYYYYYY"
@UndeniablyMac 7 ай бұрын
I just started using Elementalist, using Scepter and Dagger rn, its going great, I love it
@nessus90 10 ай бұрын
Thief has been my main since the game released. I always enjoyed thief/assassin type classes in mmo's so it felt natural. But yes they can't get eaten alive but once you understand how to utilize their evade/stealth skills it definitely increases survival. Also knowing when to step back and change to range is important! I've gone thru so many different builds but right now I am enjoying being a daredevil with staff. Good AOE type damage
@CaffeinatedDad 10 ай бұрын
That's the mini game, you have to be good at evasion and dodge timing to do well as a thief. And when you pull it off it's golden!
@Relhio Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry people, this joke that Elementalist has a piano rotation and them being always downed is getting kinda lame. First of all Ele has the most intuitive rotation that doesn't focus on 3 buttons like 90% of builds out there and being pretty slow overall, especially for Tempest. Secondly, the rotation doesn't even come close to the spastic playstyle of Chronomancer, Untamed or kit Scrapper. Also, if you want to stop dying, trading 250 Precision for Vitality and swapping a 10% damage trait for a survivability one won't be end of the world; the meta police won't be at your door, I promise. Not to mention Ele has the most access to Protection and you can have 100% uptime in any build.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
True, but picking up the elementalist as a new player whilst learning the mechanics of the game and everything else puts off players because it's more then they typically enjoy to have for a casual game
@DemethVLK Жыл бұрын
You're seeing revenant so low because it wasn't out until 3 years in the game, not because it's not popular
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
Oddly enough I thought of this! I looked at how many characters were created versus playtime. Because less people create say for example the ele versus how much gametime they have!
@TheTolnoc Жыл бұрын
I only ever see Charr and Asura engineers. Which is probably for the best, given what happened with Scarlet.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
@DreamskyDance 9 ай бұрын
Personally i started Guild Wars 2 few years ago and my first character was a Revanant. Yeah, i struggled a bit and still do to learn the rotation of Renegade ( which that Revanant became ) properly ( i kinda always run into everything at cooldown at times so i must be doing something wrong )...and tend to veer of off it and just use parts of it as some "high damage combo" that i can unleash in a few seconds. It was hard to play through the story and open world while learning the game with it, but when it clicked it is awesome to play this class...imho. So much fun. But i tend to play it more like i would play my character in Elden Ring than like how i would play an mmo character... Stamina management ( or in Renegades case stamina for dodges and energy as well ), finding perfect positioning while jumping over and dodging attacks ( but far more conservatively than in Elden Ring because you dont have much stamina here ), and having specific weapon abilities / combos in back of your mind that you can unleash at the right opportunity. I love this class now, tried to play with other character, a Soulbeast, and it is considerably easier but slower and less intense..fun still thou XD But, the least of other classes i saw during my journey in Kryta were the revenants and their Renegade specialization, i see Vindicator specialization from Revenants most often. I see every other class now and then ( ( Edit: because i typed this comment before end of the video...i meant Engineer, so rare class that i cant even remember its name ) except Mechanist or what it is the class's name, those i also see rarely or maybe just dont notice ) but my class almost never. And every time i see another i am like "nice another Revenant or Renegade", so it is noticeable how rarely that happens.
@AHHHb0bSaggot Жыл бұрын
Staff Thieves and Engineers used to be the BANE of my existence...Especially holosmiths. Havent played In years though
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
Engineers have that easy mode now with the mechanist. It is fun but can be annoying to play against!
@thehopelesspragmatic6701 Жыл бұрын
I only play as Engineer, ever other profession feels "off" to me. The closest profession I like is the Elementalist.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
I think you may enjoy a bit of complexity! I played the engineer for a while until I played the ele!
@huna7a 7 ай бұрын
Jeez I must take shirt like that, stating "downstate is a part of my rotation", its really cool! Im not much of an elementalist player, I hit alot of metas with it when im bored just to throw condis and smash the heads of the adds with double fire attunement sword skill 2, and then leap with dagger 5 on earth attunement (my favorite elementalist skill!) My second weapon set is scepter warhorn for mid to close range, its not very efficient at long range, but I still love it. My knight gear uses scepter focus as ranged weapon offset weapons and I again use sword dagger for mainset. Even doe you dont have condition damage in knight gear, it still does some low but important damage, which is really cool! Some metas and bounties really require a toughness gear, and since knight gear has approximately double the toughness the celestial gear has, I prefer it for survivability. The amount of damage reduction effects you get as elementalist from food effects, traits, skill passives and auras is unsane, and when you pack this with knight gear it becomes way easier to survive and keep beating stuff. Dealing damage comes second when you have not enough tools to survive, and the knight gear might be meh in damage dealing, its awesome in terms of survivability, and since im not a fan of trailblazers gear on elementalist, I have build knight gear instead, the things it allow you to do in fights is uncomparable with anything else!
@shivag73 7 ай бұрын
Elementalist is by far my favorite profession. In loo of a monk, with GW2 doesn't have, if you are a tempest using water, then you can be an awesome healer. That's the best to do in meta events. My least favorite is thief, was a big disappointment from the assassin in GW. I didn't play mine until I mastered the Deadeye. Another is Guardian. I find it rather weak, though Willbender mastery is the best elite. Though I don't see ANet adding another profession after all these years, but I would love a Ritualist. I could do Rit/Monk secondary and play GW solo .
@CaffeinatedDad 7 ай бұрын
I miss the mixing of professions and splitting them back and forth... unfortunately I think we haven't gotten the same taste as we did in GW
@SealFormulaMaster 7 ай бұрын
I started as Mesmer, but switch to Revenant. I know, new player choosing the most difficult class to play and has no clue what the lore is is kind of a bad idea. But, it's been really fun. I'm a traditionalist when it comes to MMOs, two of my firsts were FF11 and Vanguard SoH. I like my 12 slot hotbar, with a backbar to switch to, so I felt pretty comfortable with Revenant compared to Mesmer and overall enjoyed it more. After Revenant, I switched to Engineer. Not as complex as others make it out to be. You can easily go Kitless as a new player. Strap on a bunch of turrets and you'll be good. Maybe use the Flamethrower as well for a bit more damage, since you really only need to auto attack with that thing. I personally enjoy Holosmith, once again because I like my 12 slot hotbars, and it feels pretty close to what I'm use to. Wish I could weapon swap, but eh. I guess having 30 gigatillion skills to use at any one point would be a bit much.
@mattheusspoo Жыл бұрын
you know what's funny? I have 4 leveled characters, and they are, in the order i made them: a deadeye (thief), a renegade (revenant) and mirage (mesmer) and a tempest(elementalist) altho i use a staff on my elementalist and play it as a real mage calling meteor storms all day.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
Hahaha this video was for you then! And I think staff is super underrated!
@mattheusspoo Жыл бұрын
@@CaffeinatedDad you gonna love to find that mt fifth slot is a engi that i planned to be a mechanist but dropped after a while. Lol
@melinnamba 5 ай бұрын
I don't care about being efficient with my builds, I just care about what feels the most fun. And ever since a friend got me to try engi with double pistol and granade kit, that's been it for me. It was my main before I stopped playing 8 years ago and now that I am playing again I am back to my engi. I added the jade mech to give me some breathing room in solo pve and I can not imagine anything being more enjoyable. She is a tiny Sylvari, btw and peppering everything with granades, combined with that wonderful joyful and exited Sylvari energy is everything I want out of a video game.
@saiksaikatai594 9 ай бұрын
I will say this again. The engineer needs a rework of the mechanic specialization or a new specialization where he merges with the robot or builds an IronMan armor, gets in it, pilot it and even flies in it.
@CaffeinatedDad 9 ай бұрын
Agreed! I like the mech but i think it takes away overall from the engineer
@erichess4279 Жыл бұрын
least played class turned out to be the one I used the level 80 boost on 🤔
@Blood_Ronin Жыл бұрын
Rev is my fav. Surprised I don't see more.
@dyrinn45 Жыл бұрын
female charr engi is least played I believe. I think most people don't like ele because you have to work really hard to do what guardians can do very easily lol
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
I mean... that's the dang truth of it. You must work super hard to get moderate results lol
@Kingneo0053 Жыл бұрын
@joro148 Жыл бұрын
There are two prof which i have played very little - Necro and Ranger. Not sure why , they never clicked for me.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
I mean for me I'm the same way with revenant. I can understand it but I've never wanted to just play it
@g-lix7702 4 ай бұрын
Core Engineer is so much fun in my opinion. Swapping kits lots of utility skills, boom every thing
@JustPixelNoIDontWantAnyNumbers 10 ай бұрын
As someone who has been playing rev as their main since they first bought the PoF/HoT bundle after completing the Personal Story on my Necro, a couple things come to mind (some of which you mentioned in the video itself): 1. Its an expac class. Unlike with the elite specs where you can play the baseclass in f2p, rev is locked behind a paywall. Also, a lot of people usually stick to their first character, maybe switching it up later down the line. And unless someone bought gw2 for you or you won a giveaway or something, you wont exactly be starting with rev as your first character. 2. Often times, when people list the hardest classes in the game, its usually Mesmer, Ele and Rev. Some also say engi which might also contribute to its place in the ranking but eh. The truth is, I personally find Rev a lot easier to play and to explain than a lot of other classes, exactly because of the legends. You basically have toolkits from engi for a class mechanic, and they can be summarized easily. Want Power damage? Shiro. Want Condition Damage? Mallyx. Want to heal your allies and also carry every single Wing 7 run? Ventari. Want to be unkillable in open world? Jallis. And amazingly enough, the traitlines are basically designated to the legends, so if you understand the legends, you understand the traitlines. Devastation is for power damage with some light lifesteal. Corruption is for Condi damage and general condi fuckery. Retribution is for reducing damage on yourself and allies. Salvation is for healing and supporting. I just flows so nicely together and makes it (In my opinion) one of the easiest classes to get into and to make your own builds with. Also people that say energy is hard to manage havent played the class, the only case where this is true is on Heal herald because you need to balance out your energy consumption to have enough for emergency heals. Um, I just realised that 2 pretty much sums up my thoughts for the class so no third point. Anyway yeah im kinda obsessed with rev because I really like its integration into the lore and also rytlock just blew me away when I first started playing the game. good stuff.
@user-ob1fx9lp2l Жыл бұрын
Elementalist is really fun to play but the moment you get on one after other classes the first thing you notice is that 'glass cannon' thing, and it starts feeling like you're dying alot. after awhile i get tired of not being able to solo stuff i can solo on necro so i just switch back to harbinger who can go almost forever and never die. even when soloing events in jahai bluffs etc. necro is TOUGH. And Flamethrower with eternal stability is awesome on engineer, especially on fights like the giant wurm world boss who throws everyone all over. 3 of the 5 possible flamethrower skills are cc so it works pretty good.
@coffeeScryer Жыл бұрын
Earth/Water Ele can solo stuff in a tanky condi way. But I've always liked Air/Fire power Ele, which does suffer the way you describe :c
@RandomBJJGuy 8 ай бұрын
For ele, if you want to faceroll, run sword focus weaver, celestial stats with rune of divinity, do the specs that guve barrier for stances. I think i do water/earth specs or water/fire
@MegaVydra Жыл бұрын
I'm basically a new player and casual. I have a lvl 80 Reaper but based on your videos I tried Ele and I have to say it's surprisingly fun and I'm good at it. But I'm lvl 35 so far. But I have to say that as a newbie, when I tried it, it didn't work for me. Now that I know the game better it's easier.
@notpc3070 Жыл бұрын
Elementalist is my main and I enjoy playing it. I'm old, and my reactions aren't what they used to be. I still find Ele fun to play, and I don't have to really play a piano to enjoy it. Do I get out of it what I should? No, if I played it correctly I would pump out more DPS, but I have never died. If I have one gripe, it's the one thing you brought up about weapons. I use Scepter and dagger. I have a staff as my other weapon, but seldom use it unless I'm fighting an open world boss and then go into zerg mode. It has taken me a long time to warm up to using a mid-range/close in weapon.
@justcallmetere3435 Жыл бұрын
My three worst, ugh, is elementalist, so damn squishy, thief squishy, revenant just because I just got her to 80 and need to go condition damage and it just might work. I love love love engineer.
@CaffeinatedDad 11 ай бұрын
Honestly you cannot go wrong with the engineer. It is such a solid class!
@Sero9 Жыл бұрын
There used to be a pay off to playing the more complicated classes (highest dps as an example) but the onslaught of new elites and balances has made it not worth playing at all. Why would you play something more complicated when another class can do as good or better with much simpler way to play it. Personally I think ele needs a complete rework, all core classes were not made with intention of elites and I feel some of these classes are in a design corner they cannot get out of unless they remake the class entirely
@etchieSketchie Жыл бұрын
Based on the graph, I’d wager to say since there is only a 3% difference between most played and least played, I’m not surprised that it’s hard to tell based on anecdotal experience.
@CaffeinatedDad Жыл бұрын
There's actually a pretty decent spread! It's awesome!
@garyhill5250 Жыл бұрын
Howdy Dad, as you requested: 1.) your 3rd least played is one of my favorites for all the reasons you shared, and I say scratch the idea it ain't a mage, do people really think the targets of mages are gonna let mages blast them in thier face to smithereens? wrong answer. 2.) Your 2nd least played I tried and THEN saw the full skill list... channeling a demon? seriously? never and not only no but... you get the idea. 3.) Your honorable mention... no thanks, not even if I can be a pirate. Not my style, I like to play the good guy (I also play a few other professions) 4.) Your 1st least played profession... is my 1st favorite, hands down no contest, love the Engineer, loved it in 2016 (quit) and now in 2023 still love it (came back after 7 years and purchased HoT, PoF, and EoD to say thank you to Anet... you were right boy has this game changed). One thing I don't like... so much of the skins for stuff ingame is flashy, sparkly, star **** style and not enough gritty oily Steam Punk like my favorite Engineer just oozes everywhere... wished there was more Steam Punk to chose from for skins, I have already found all the skins I am interested in, which is about 3% of everything. Like 2 of your 4 least played classes I don't seem to fit. Oh well, can't have everything. Back to Engineer and Elementalist.
@mizaru84 Жыл бұрын
Rev makes this list just because he's not a free profession, and that's about it.
@piuli95 6 ай бұрын
can still confirm that non-mechanist engineer classes are really rare sight. I played two metal events with 50 people and then other again with 50 people. And let me tell you, i was the only scrapper in their horde.
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