Why PRO Advice Can Leave You HARDSTUCK!

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Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

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@skillcapped 13 сағат бұрын
FULL COURSE Mentioned in the video can be found here! 😎 www.skill-capped.com/lol/browse/course/yq7r957f1j/q63pgq8y44#hectorguides
@Scudmaster11 9 сағат бұрын
My team just loves doing IT.. (wondering around the JG doing litteraly nothing) (abandone me when i show up to help and the fight hasnt even started) (exc)... it doesnt matter how good you are if your team cant help you
@64Talon 15 сағат бұрын
I'm in masters elo and I just watched 3 of my replays and found at least 5 examples of me being late by 2-5 seconds that cost me substantially. This is actually insanely good advice and a good focus point for myself and everyone else. Thanks Hector!
@dad4378 16 сағат бұрын
Is the thumbnail a smack at the Proguides channel 😂
@SmickyD 16 сағат бұрын
That would be pretty dumb because they are literally clones of each other.
@joshw.s8096 15 сағат бұрын
I always thought they was the same thing lol
@sagirem 14 сағат бұрын
@@SmickyDIt seems they’ve leaned more and more into clickbait, that used to be the difference between proguides and them
@einfachiggi 11 сағат бұрын
i thought more about the wanna tell us they are making low guides :D
@Yobbyyyy 11 сағат бұрын
thought the same thing too
@Splatenohno 16 сағат бұрын
Skillcapped has started war with pro guides
@Zyyloh 16 сағат бұрын
“Are guides not helping you? Watch this GUIDE”
@horizon146 16 сағат бұрын
it's not a guide tho lol
@crazyyoru 15 сағат бұрын
@@horizon146 it is 5:31
@horizon146 15 сағат бұрын
​@@crazyyoruso we're just gonna ignore the entire video and cherry pick this or what
@DreadnThis 14 сағат бұрын
​@@horizon146 guide = to direct or influence a path.. this is literally a guide 😂
@horizon146 13 сағат бұрын
@@DreadnThis yes every advice is a guide in the technical sense stop being a pedantic lowiq it's obv what he meant when he said guide as in the usual format of the youtube guides not the fact an advice is a form of guidance you have no friends irl
@michaelyang838 12 сағат бұрын
The thought process for coaching hector verbalized is perfect. You don’t coach nuances, you coach things that are simple and repeatable.
@darkmastex7652 14 сағат бұрын
Yes, yes, thanks Hector, climbing is more difficult every season thanks to you, I used to get Diamon without seeing it, now I also have to learn all these nuances just to get back to my usual elo. Now its a real grind cause everyone knows a ton of stuff
@raphaelnej8387 16 сағат бұрын
As a master garen, I often am pushing a wave to crash in into a tower. I used to push waves like jungler monsters, positioning myself naturally in the direction I want to go. Eventually I realized I was faster than my minion wave, even including the time spent to push the next wave, and that I would wait my minions once I reach the enemy tower. This led me to understand that sometimes, rather than being fast yourself, you want your minion wave to be fast (same concept apply after an ace when you push a lane to take towers or end the game). In this scenario, rather than pushing as fast as possible, you want your minions to keep walking as long as possible. So you must often reach the enemy melees and burst them, then kill the enemy casters before your wave reach them. If you are ahead of your wave and planning to clear an incoming wave, you can also rush to take agro of the enemy minions and block them as early as possible, so that your wave can keep walking a few steps further than they would if you did not block the enemy waves. That way when you are done clearing this wave, your minions are closer to the enemy tower than they would be.
@Flame1500 14 сағат бұрын
Last week I played quinn non-stop with the simple goal of constantly pushing, using my R to fly round the map and clear waves endlessly. I won so many games that felt lost simply because every time the enemies got a kill they had to clear 2-3 waves before they could make it to a tower/objective safely
@fishstks9677 14 сағат бұрын
The coaching service beef is real, take your side and make your bets boys, the war has begun.
@nuruhu5122 14 сағат бұрын
I can’t even lie, the split pushing strat works with ADC works. I also started focusing more on my CS and really low elo players don’t prioritise farming. Also picking and learning strong champions helps a lot but try not to learn them in ranked 😅.
@johnrupertcabredo280 2 сағат бұрын
The greatest advice I ever received from a high elo player is to "NEVER HESITATE, AND EVERY MOVE MUST HAVE A SOLID INTENTION"
@ParaquatSC 16 сағат бұрын
I wish I read more about how a 4 drakes soul can be bad if they have a team that has a good combination of champs for stealing elder. You can lose so many games because you rush a hex soul then lose to elder. Better to keep it off the map if they have a comp that could actually pull off a good elder steal
@kevinh3238 16 сағат бұрын
This sound like horrible advice tbh. I take any soul for free anyday. You can't base a comp of the stealing potential and then not do objectives lol
@horizon146 15 сағат бұрын
​@@kevinh3238except you can what you can definitely pressure and get more off the map while they get their first drake
@64Talon 15 сағат бұрын
This is a 1/100 game scenario and not worth thinking about.
@mastnova2676 15 сағат бұрын
yeah! I'm not afraid of the baron or the soul, but the elder can destroy your game. The enemies are just running in core and you cant fight and stop them.
@TheDragon3200 2 сағат бұрын
these guides are getting so much insanely better i think as a diamond i know nothing. (i actually know but the video is fed up with insanely good info that really opened my eyes to the importance of the macro play)
@860usmc 13 сағат бұрын
Huge fan of your content hector. I’ve also watched many of your Smurf commentaries and appreciate the videos you’ve created. Thank you, I’m glad to know of you.
@mmameenbayg3992 16 сағат бұрын
Thank you. This really helped.
@JessicaMorgani 15 сағат бұрын
I got banned from this channel's server talking about this (also trolling someone) but everyone in that server just repeats 10 years old advice and blames you for being below diamond (they are all below diamond). You know the cherry on top? I'm emerald 2.
@davidj9977 53 минут бұрын
one of your best videos. i do think about this, and i "feel" the push speed difference between champions im better at vs learning, but i never considered how much those small delays affect game outcomes - even to the point of having better outcomes with champs and itemizations that push faster without realizing that advantage fully. (and im sure my "better" pushing is still too slow)
@SmickyD 16 сағат бұрын
Are guides not helping you? Watch this guide!
@Monkeydew1o2 12 сағат бұрын
Bro you got to credit the plat Darius who slapped you around with name on at least.
@joshabrogena1240 13 сағат бұрын
This is actually exceptional coaching content
@Vincentlabz 15 сағат бұрын
Dude, this is absolutely me... I'm midlaner, average 9 Cs a minute win or lose, I crush my midlane, but I just CAN'T carry 55% of my games, there is just too many smurfs adding to the feeders and hard throwing mates that wanted to carry the game, and because they lost lane, they just want to throw as hard as possible... I'm peak Plat 1, and i'm currently stuck in gold 4/ Silver 2 in my smurf account. I just can't carry enough games, and it's so hard to figure out why ! I even got coaching, hetold me to play even more perfectly, all game...
@phillipemeca 5 сағат бұрын
Hey man, no flame, but I guess a good advice for you is to stop thinking about what your team does wrong, on your coment you made only coments about your teammates, none about yourself, remember, the only constant on your games is that guy on your teams midlane, everything else changes. I hope you wont feel ofended by this, just a reminder. GL and HF
@cgibbs011 13 сағат бұрын
Ty Hector. Very nice video, the examples really hit home how important just a few seconds can make. Will try to work on this in my games.
@metalmagerin3 13 сағат бұрын
Okay, so I like maining tank supports like Thresh. If you've ever played one, you would know we don't push waves. Thresh has dinky baby noodle arms. What happens if I'm doing vision control, there's a wave, I _should_ get it with this mindset, but I can't? Just ignore it and do the next thing? Let it push to us and ping, I guess?
@manuelbonelli3690 6 сағат бұрын
It's not the support that has to do the push. Unless it'a particular situation and you have a good champ for clearing the wave
@HallidayASR 6 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately this guide in particular is aimed at any role but support. Supports are not meant to handle the waves, they help in other ways, theres a few supp picks that can contribute to wave control like ziggs or lux but Definitely none of them are tanks. They do have other guides designed for your role tho
@MaryseBarbie 16 сағат бұрын
I find that climbing is better in flex, especially if you have a full team with coordination! Solo queue is a cluster dump! You can climb in it sure, just much harder to do!
@Piememekia 15 сағат бұрын
Flex is full of bums, hardly can call that actual ranked
@MaryseBarbie 15 сағат бұрын
@@Piememekia 💯 that’s why it’s better to climb in! 🤣
@arashshafie5077 5 сағат бұрын
@bobincognito 16 сағат бұрын
27 min ad for their service inbound
@unfortunatepanda1827 16 сағат бұрын
Interesting way to look at it!
@JessicaMorgani 15 сағат бұрын
This whole channel is an ad. You can close your eyes if you're bothered
@HallidayASR 9 сағат бұрын
I don't see why that's a problem. They are giving you a FREE, functional sample of what they sell. The strategies they teach are legitimate, and they WILL help you climb. They can produce this level of content thanks to the income from their website, so tell me why the hell wouldn't they advertise their own product?
@alisaeidian8344 12 сағат бұрын
What a great guide, I didn't know this after 4 years of playing lol
@anthonynguyen7818 16 сағат бұрын
why does nemesis start dorans ring and only 1 potion?
@xandy5567 11 сағат бұрын
my support lux after seeing this guide pressing R on my wave to make sure we push it fast: 👁👄👁
@dadedduse5465 14 сағат бұрын
What about freezing? Is fast pushing more for mid to late game? Thanks mate. I realized those thinks but this video helped me for better understanding what I noticed.
@БарриЛомов 11 сағат бұрын
"If the guide does not work - it not because something is wrong in the guide, it is because YOU BAD". Step 1. Show the pro match, where the best player do what you say and it FAILS hard for the whole team. Say that what he did was right, Try to prove doing it was a good thing, even if the whole situation prove the opposite. One more time: You show how the best player in whole LoL follow what you say and doing it lead to a big fail. Faker makes a decision: "I will abandon my team because i want to get more farm" and that decision leads for his team losing A LOT. Step 2. Say that "timing" is important. Sometimes it is very important to be in a specific spot on the map at exact moment in game. But leave out of the guide, that to do so sometimes best way is to NOT farm. NOT spend time to clear the wave and directly move to the designated spot to be there at the moment it is important for you to be there. In video show that it was very important for Chovy to be on herald - due to him coming to herald fast his team was able to get an objective fast enough before enemy could interfere. So yes, the most important thing was that chovy came to herald and helped to kill it fast, before enemy team came (which brings another question - why didnt enemy team come sooner? Were they slower in clearing the wave? :)) What if Chovy had to CHOOSE between "clear the wave" and "come to herald"? In video we see there was no choosing - he wont go to herald before his team came there, there was nothing to choose. The speed of clearing the wave had no effect here. We are not shown what happens after Chovy cleared the wave - what did he do after that? Did he really walk streaight to the herald or did something else. Step 3. "I`m on a time crunch..." So let me lose time to move away from fight - i dont care about team losing without me - and farm a little. Let enemy get those 1200 from killing my allies, while i get 150 gold from getting one wave of minions. It was a hypothetical scenario, but in reality - that is just the repeated example from step 1. Team is in position for a fight - and you move away to farm the wave. In addition, let`s not focus, that in this step ahri could have just used Q on range minions and quikly get back in fight, without clearing ALL wave. Let`s not focus, that a pro-players Chovy in a video fragment later only proves it - you DONT have to clear all the wave and sometimes it is important to let it go in order to move to another destination - the repeat of step 2. "How it all comes together". Where do i even start? First, let`s show how a player do EVERYTHING how we teached in the video and call it "bad". Kog position himself for a good aoe from his W to hit both big minion and range minions, in fact - we see how kog "finish" minions exactly with his ult, while at the same time starting to move toward mid. We see kog, who want to push wave and kill tower. Than there is a fight start on mid - enemy caught his ally. Kog immediatly started to move toward mid, probably moved his camera there to see situation more clearly. Kog unerstands, that him moving mid wont do anything - hwei will probably die and 2 other allies are moving toward the mid. More fighting on mid will be a rather bad fight. So kog makes a decision to continue pushing top. I am pretty sure I saw some other skill-cap videos, where they will recomend kog TO PUSH the wave on top in this kind of scenario. But in this case - kog is doing everything wrong. Funny, right? Well, I am pretty sure it`s not Kog who is commenting it. ;) "Ok, ok, that`s a bit of a stretch though..." Yep. "a bit of a strech". 23.00 The mf example... So much to say here. Why did mf waste her big aoe ult to kill 1 low hp enemy hero and not wait 1-2 seconds till her speed on W or slow on E reacharge? Why not chase aurora on feet (thus "posture" herself toward bot much more) and then move toward the fight on bot? Why didnt mf go to bot together with lux? Why did mf decide to go for a kill, (alowwing enemy team to zone her into no-escape) instead of joining the rest of the team near turret? Maybe that way she could save her allies. "A bit of a stretch" you would say, right? The way how mf played in here... well, you can see it for yourself. But what about the wave? That perfect wave, that mf pushed that will give gwen such a great opportunity to push? Would gwen even BE able to get inhibitor? NO. when gwen tp - wave is already dead, gwen get hit by T2. Gwen cant push futher - the allied wave is only near T1, so gwen clears enemy wave and have to wait near T2 waiting for wave, losing time. By the time it reach T2, even if mf killed hwei, enemy team would be moving in this way - either chasing mf or on their own. Almost same result it will be if mf DIDNT clear the lane at all. Both wave would crush on the middle of mid lane, gwen would probably tp to it and push NEXT wave - whichi in this scenario she have to wait under enemy T2. And mf would have A LOT more time to do "a bit of the stretch" - move to team and not protect them, maybe kill enemy team near turret or something else. 24.00. Hwei example. "Hwei see everyone on the map and he should move and push now". Sorry, did you mean hwei should move into position, where enemy hero with almost unavoidable skill can slow him and then emey team move toward him from mid, cutting off his ways of retreat? Instead of the bullshit you suggested. hwei just plays it safe. He waits till mf backs down and, while monitoring the movement of enemy team, he safely moves on lane to push wave. "He should be posturing left, becaus of vision from before". What he does - is following his other skill, which says - dont stand near walls with no-vision behind them. "Let`s pause here.". Sure. Lets pause and talk. Why did hwei took this path walking toward mid? If he wanted to play it completly safe - he could walk on a river. At the moment of the pause hwei is standing near the cone, which he can use to move faster than just walking. If I am not mistaken, from where he stand - cone will throw him right into the river side of bush, providing both vision and a good position to run if needed. There is also a possibility for him to muve ABOVE bush, providing him the best vision, without putting him in a spot where he would not have limited vision even for a fraction of second. Hwei knows graves is moving toward him, he should expect him. And what do we see? Hwei miss his cc ability. THAT is what was critical here. Graves evades every skill hwei throws at him, like he is scripting. Bad timing? Yes. Could have beed avoided by other means, instead of faster wave clear? Double yes - a lot of ways to play it other wise AFTER we pressed "pause" - starting with hwei actually hitting graves with cc ability. Please consider what I did here - i observed ONE video and found so many contradictions and other ways how players could have played better in the scenarios shown in the video could have played better without the "fastest farm" - starting from "dont waste time on farming if the fight is coming". P.S. If you cut all the contradicsions I pointed above, there will be several minutes left about the "overkilling minions" "look what % oh minion hp your hits do", which i find actually a very good part of the guide.
@checkyoursixgaming 15 сағат бұрын
And for supports that really don't push or have champs capable of pushing "faster" out there? Or if as support you pick a mage with wave clear you end up tilting your team because no one wants to pick up waves but you do. Then your team see's your CS score, freaks out, and ints blaming the whole game on support taking too much CS. Yah.. that happens way to often in lower elo I've seen. Truth be told, this is why I hate solo climbing as support because it is the hardest role to climb with as you have very little agency in the game compared to the other 4 roles. Most good high elo support mains all say the same thing. Then you see high elo players claim support is broken because supports roam mid on them at 4 minutes into a match to gank a kill off them causing them to scream support is broken from a single roam. Another thing I see too often. However, I will say this video is great for every other role in the game. Even junglers. While junglers have their own thing to know when it comes to jungle clears, they do need to know how to pick up waves effectively. Many don't in lower elos at all.
@HallidayASR 6 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately this guide in particular is aimed to any role but support. Supports are not meant to handle the waves, they help in other ways, theres a few supp picks that can contribute to wave control like ziggs or lux but of course they are very situational. They do have other guides designed specifically for the support role tho
@omarhossam9200 15 сағат бұрын
One of the best tips I actually watched
@БарриЛомов 8 сағат бұрын
0.50. "Look at this platinum jinx" How about instead of showing us this jinx you show us what happened before and after jinx`s team was moving to dragon? On mimimap I dont see any of the enemies (for a brieaf time only one enemy showes on map, and can only see 3 of allies - where is 4th?)- maybe they are all dead? Another question is - how did the fight on dragon go? Why nobody is near enemy T2 to stop jinx? Does that mean that Jinx`s team just kill all enemy team in fight 4v5 and THAT is the reason why no enemy comes to stop jinx? In best case scenario Jinx`s team can safely take dragon by themselves and jinx is free to roam aroung the map, taking each source of gold jinx can find. On another hand, let`s think of a worst case scenario - jinx did all this, while jinx team was totally crushed. Enemy got 4 kills - 1200 gold, a lot of exp, enemy can now push all 3 lanes, including - coming and killing jinx, thus making all the gold lead jinx earned into a NEGATIVE one. In best case scenario - it is jinx team who carried and allowed this moment. In worst case - it is jinx fault for not being there with team, but if jinx is able to bring team to victory using that 1700 gold? Then sure, it was worth it. I dont know what happend before the video fragment we see. I dont know how the game went after it. But commenting as "what she did was good no matter what" - is highly irresbonsible from you.
@perinamer1 13 сағат бұрын
Most smolder players i meet in plat-emerald elo play really bad, NOT FAKER TOO.. >.
@ArtXploud 7 сағат бұрын
Holy, one of your best videos ever.
@YoBoyRMoy 6 сағат бұрын
Smurfs. The answer is actually it's a smurf epidemic. The ladder is just not real now.
@ViciusOffical 10 сағат бұрын
this some nice info, much appreciated!
@frerdy 14 сағат бұрын
Iron/bronze has some very good players. They only problem is afk, tilting and feeding. When a Kayn with 17 kills hits you (I am the other jungle, generaly late game like Shyv ou Lillia) its just IK. This Kayn is in Iron/Bronze, but he is not bad. He is farming too, but some of your teammates are inting/trolling and gave him 17 kills. Its geeting preety hard encounter other players that you see clearly dont know what he is doing. I am not complaining being bronze. What I realy dont like is scoring ACE 10 games in a row (opgg scores) and losing this 10 games. Its frustrating.
@TheMoon-rj9rp 12 сағат бұрын
U must have some critical flaws in your skillset if you are iron/bronze for substantional amount of games. Afk tilting and feeding will happen with more or less the same frequency to both teams.
@frerdy 10 сағат бұрын
@@TheMoon-rj9rp Several flaws for shure. But this isnt the point. The point is that players even in lower ranks has good knowledge about the game. Seems that almost all are playng this game for years.
@Fexx123 14 сағат бұрын
ok so why exactly does nemesis start ring + 1 potion?
@OKIGorgon 13 сағат бұрын
Skimmed through the video and nothing for me, unless you expect support Soraka kill minions solo. There should be some indicators to show, which roles the advices help the most, so I can skip to relevant parts, or just not watch it at all.
@Andreas-fn8mo 7 сағат бұрын
What do I do as a jungler tho? I feel like I need to be at the objective to secure it if needed, how can I walk off into a side lane to push? if its the lane next to the objective then yes, of course but if thats already being pushed or my team starts the objective, what do I do?
@phillipemeca 5 сағат бұрын
Damn, that was such a good video, I never tought of that, too bad Im a support player and this can't help me at all... sadge
@leearnie 14 сағат бұрын
How can you do this as pyke mid and pyke support?
@jasonchangdalekrule 8 сағат бұрын
Skillcapped in a nuthsell: 9 in 10 videos are worthless, and the 1 in 10 is the most valuable stuff you can find.
@ΙωαννηςΠρεντζας 16 сағат бұрын
If league create a voicechat for the whole team. I am sure the game will improve
@DreadnThis 14 сағат бұрын
This is sarcasm.. right? Please tell me this is sarcasm..
@ΙωαννηςΠρεντζας 14 сағат бұрын
@DreadnThis no I mean it because the most players trash talk all the time behind a machine. Only cowards act like that
@DreadnThis 14 сағат бұрын
@ΙωαννηςΠρεντζας for all the toxic chat I've seen in league, it's still pales in comparison to games with active voice chat. It would just make things even more toxic.
@onlyjuanss7934 14 сағат бұрын
thank you sensei
@wepster 13 сағат бұрын
were gonna see some bronze demons in masters now
@Yokai_Yuri 11 сағат бұрын
All these advices are on point and make sense. However, all these micro managing just tells yoy that if you wanna climb, you need to pñay like a sweat.
@quasar4072 12 сағат бұрын
18:00 but i am perfect at my asol E Q combo to clear wave
@joy1723 13 сағат бұрын
Thanks ❤🔥
@jl3039 2 сағат бұрын
Watching videos doesn't help. Even this one. None of skill capped helps. Watched it all, Iron 2-4 for years.
@Tonylaces 37 минут бұрын
A question for you might be… Do you understand English? Otherwise those videos are useless :)
@kingbod2075 12 сағат бұрын
This was a good one
@NotLerro 7 сағат бұрын
@vasu2005s 10 сағат бұрын
You really want to say mekaniks matter?
@morgenlane2972 14 сағат бұрын
Still waiting for the guide to not have shit teamates
@DreadnThis 13 сағат бұрын
@morgenlane2972 it's not about avoiding the shit. You can't. All you do is brace yourself for the shit storm, and try to wade through it to victory!
@SkillSeeker 11 сағат бұрын
Smurfs are the biggest problem in League. No learning curve. You can watch all the Videos you want, you can't apply it in the actual game anymore. League is losing players atm and I hope Riot crashes hard for catering to Smurfs all these years while cynically dangling a Summoner's Code in front of our Faces.
@meiu_x5145 17 сағат бұрын
I'm hardstuck gold....
@raphaelnej8387 16 сағат бұрын
Have you tried stop trying to win and trying to improve. I improved a lot by having a clock ticking once every minute to remind me to try to improve. That would make me focus on how to play better. I eventually got master, from hardstuck plat.
@anasadel1741 14 сағат бұрын
do you want a cheap boost
@ACCALLONATO 14 сағат бұрын
FIX THE AUDIO PLEEEEASEEE. The dry mouth is killing me....
@БарриЛомов 11 сағат бұрын
A click bait name with a very low connection to what the video is about.
@katieholvast4726 13 сағат бұрын
Swifties op
@gvbee8066 11 сағат бұрын
now just imagine if they had some micro too, mind blowing ik, mf with W movement speed can't dodge that hwei E and hwei panik flash, yet u still say master it's highelo xd i understand u wanna sell ur guides and make some bread but stop spreading false info
@ShadowQrow 17 сағат бұрын
@Blueprint4Murder 13 сағат бұрын
Taking credit for people starting with a starting item and a potion seems desperate.
@jaymilo8425 12 сағат бұрын
Does this include your guides? Everything is always soooo MASSSIVE😂...and funny how past 6 months or so you have changed your tune from improve to climb outta low elo to now its your teammates fault you are hardstuck😂 what a joke.
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4 Star Warwick is a BEAST! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ with 9 Multistriker
The Shocking Midbeast Situation
Рет қаралды 177 М.
大家都拉出了什么#小丑 #shorts
Рет қаралды 95 МЛН