Why Some Zelda Fans Are Really Mad About This 2D Breath Of The Wild...

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@hichaelhighers 2 ай бұрын
What made us buy Zelda for all those years since the beginning was always the combination of an incredible overworld with high-class dungeons. They decided to concentrate more on the overworld while intentionally letting dungeons take the backseat, which makes it feel incomplete for a lot of people.
@pubertdefrog 2 ай бұрын
Exactly, I really don’t understand why they can’t make the dungeons more linear compared to the overworld. Honestly, I’d be fine if they made dungeon puzzles have 2 solutions to keep that “open” gameplay style they seem to be swooning over. One solution to a puzzle that’s the “intended” way and another that’s the “cheesy/tricky” way
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
I've always seen the dungeons as the main attraction, and the overworld as mostly side content and the way of getting from point A to point B. IMO, the more time you spend in the dungeons, or on scripted quests to get to the dungeons, the better. BotW and TotK completely threw this out, so not only are the dungeons vastly inferior to what came before, but there are only 4 of them, and they are incredibly short, so the amount of time you spend doing anything dungeon-related in those games is tiny compared to the amount of time you spend just wandering around collecting Koroks and the like.
@asmongoldsmouth9839 2 ай бұрын
I still have my original LoZ cart, manual with map and box from 1986. I own every Zelda game. There was never flack over Ocarina. We always wanted 3D and it finally happened. The games that got flack was M.M. for the countdown timer and resetting every 3 days. Also, Wind Waker for the cartoonish step back from the advancement of OoT and M.M. And, finally, Skyward Sword. No one. I mean, NO ONE!! wanted to exercise to play a video game. Those two things do not mix. But all of those games received awards for their sales and achievements in inovation and popularity. People need to stop overcalculating. If you don't like a new game. Don't play it. You aren't owed ANYTHING. Us true fans will love these games regardless the changes. Nintendo games are makde with love and passion. Not greed. But everything must evolve and change over time. Quit living in the past. We all grew up and changed. We evolved. Games do too.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
@@asmongoldsmouth9839 I’m not completely opposed to change, so long as it respects what the series has been about for the last 30+ years. What I don’t like is how the series has almost completely abandoned what made it great in favor of chasing the open world trend. It’s not blind nostalgia to want more of something you liked that’s been stripped away by its creator in pursuit of profit.
@pubertdefrog 2 ай бұрын
@@asmongoldsmouth9839 “us true fans will love these regardless of the changes” 1. When did you get to decide on what a “true fan” of the series is, all fans are equal if they played the game regardless of their take on it 2. Some fans are complaining BECAUSE they love the series, if they didn’t care they would just be quiet and let things go by as they are now. I see the style of the new games akin to how somebody might change who they are for a crush, yes you might end up with them in the end, but what did it cost, are you really “you” anymore?
@TaliesinMyrddin 2 ай бұрын
My disappointment comes from a place of love. I've always loved the Zelda series from when I started in OoA to Skyward Sword. But BotW, while impressive, was not the kind of game I was looking for, and Tears only doubled down (quite literally) on what I didn't like about BotW, while not fixing any of the issues even most diehard yet reasonable fans of BotW agreed were issues. I was really hoping a future 2D Zelda would be more traditional. Even with Zelda as a protagonist with a different playstyle, you could still make the game feel traditional by keeping to the series' older staples: thematic dungeons, linear story, focused and clever puzzles. But from the trailers it looks pretty much like they've turned BotW into a 2D game with all the non-linear trappings. Side quests which barely feel worth doing, from what we've seen. Total freedom to go anywhere, so there's unlikely to be any epic setpieces or story moments as you progress. Little to no story outside the opening and ending cutscenes, I fully expect. I AM glad the second trailer confirmed other abilities for Zelda, though. Just echoes looked like it was going to make most of the game too passive and easy, so having Bind too makes it a bit more interesting. But they could have the most interesting mechanics in the world and it still wouldn't feel like a good Zelda game without a decent Zelda story. It doesn't even have to be a stellar, strong story, it just has to feel like it's a part of the Zelda continuity and have the sense of an adventure as you work through a linear hit of story beat to story beat, as opposed to an open-world sandbox where the stakes 10 minutes in are exactly the same 300 hours in, only finally raising as you enter the final dungeon. And yeah, as much as I try not to care about graphics, the presentation of this game looking like plastic toys makes it hard to imagine even if they DID have a decent story that I'd be able to take it seriously. Despite wildly different art styles, most every other Zelda game has felt like they were really happening in a shared world. This one looks like like we're watching the Wind Waker figurine collector playing out a story he once read with his toys.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
My thoughts exactly. What we really need is a game like TP: Dark, linear, epic, with real dungeons.
@Jdudec367 2 ай бұрын
I mean Tears fixed some stuff like making getting weapons feel more worth it really. Well this 2D Zelda does look more traditional really. Eh...no it looks it has thematic dungeons, linear story, and it's especially focused and has clever puzzles too from what we've seen. They really haven't turned BotW into a 2D game at all and this game isn't as non-linear as BotW is. How? The side quests look fine really. Eh no it isn't as much freedom as what BOTW and TOTK have it looks more like on the level of ALBW really, no there will likely be epic setpieces and story moments as you progress I mean even BOTW and TOTK has those to a degree. I'm sure there will be more story then just that really. I mean no...not every Zelda game has a really good story but I do get where you're coming from really. I mean....the stakes don't always change in Zelda games to be fair, like really what stakes changed in Majora's Mask for example? I disagree I can still take it seriously even with these graphics just like how I can take Wind Waker and the Paper Mario games seriously. Really? Wind Waker and Twilight Princess felt like they were happening in a shared world? Well ok then then this game shouldn't feel any different then. I mean no it looks kinda like plastic toys but it also does look like a legitimate Zelda adventure really.
@Jdudec367 2 ай бұрын
@@TheRealPSKilla502 The kind of zelda game Nintendo didn't want to make?
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
@@Jdudec367 Sure, you could say that
@TaliesinMyrddin 2 ай бұрын
@@Jdudec367 I didn't say Tears didn't fix anything, just it didn't fix the main issue most people had with the game, which was the lackluster story compared to every other facet. Honestly, I don't think they really fixed the weapon durability thing either, but they did at least improve it. I'm not sure where you're getting the impression Echoes is going to be more linear than BotW/TotK. The developer comments make it sound like they're making it a 2D open world, and the way they say players will be able to come up with their own solutions to puzzles is just reinforcing that the puzzles won't be clever as they were in traditional games, but will be brute-forceable Scribblenauts style obstacles to overcome instead, as in Tears. I'd argue the stakes in Majora's Mask came from the moon getting closer every day, and crashing into the planet at the end of a tense time limit. That game took place over a three day looping cycle, so you could excuse the world itself not updating terribly - but even as I type that, every NPC had a schedule they'd go through as the days progressed, so the world always felt like it was changing in Clock Town, at least. It made every NPC feel a lore more interesting than the ones in BotW/TotK, at least. And no, the difference between WW and TP versus Echoes is that those games looked like they were an actual world depicted in wildly different art styles, but Echoes looks like Pokemon Rumble, a bunch of little dolls running around a diorama. It's the difference between two games showing a story that takes place in a world and one game showing a story a child is playing with toys. So far we haven't seen any epic moments, even with Link defeating Ganon, so I'm not hopeful they'll be able to pull off something as cool as the end of TotK with :O faces and limited movement.
@joeschmo6637 2 ай бұрын
Not mad, just less than excited b/c I don’t think the open world will capture the Zelda magic. I wish there were at least some traditional elements, since the “powers” seem that they might make Echoes of Wisdom too easy, not enough puzzles that can’t be easily solved, or dungeons that will be too easy, and not enough secrets or collectibles that we have to work for.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
At the minimum, this game needs to have at least 7 full length dungeons that don't do the whole "activate 5 terminals" thing
@andreplante8741 2 ай бұрын
The only reason why I don't want to play this one is because there's no sword combat.
@icesonic358 2 ай бұрын
How I see it Echoes of Wisdom is just that one step to having a mixture of linear design for dungeons and expanding on the powers or tools you have and open design with the world. The next Zelda game I feel will be a more compact and denser world the mixes old and new perfectly. People gotta understand that the Zelda Team are ever expanding and only gets better with time and criticism the fans spout at them.
@QnjtGWonQNqVsbYyzjx4 2 ай бұрын
I think it’s better for this game to pick sides. Linearity kinda breaks away openness in tears of the kingdom, I think this is why they don’t commit to linear dungeon in tears, balance don’t mean good. I believe there will be a tutorial section that teaches all of creation, bind and reverse bond, as well as one or two unrevealed abilities, before going to the world like the great sky island. Wisdom fit zelda, and this game will have less cheesy solutions due to inability to move in 3D. There are equivalent mechanics like smoothies and water cubes corresponding to cooking and climbing. Therefore the player is not losing freedom
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
@@QnjtGWonQNqVsbYyzjx4 I think EoW is a step in the right direction for reintroducing linearity, but I still want a 3D game to fully commit to bringing back the old formula with modern quality of life improvements. I want to spend the majority of my time in dungeons, with item-based progression, weapons that don't break, and a real story that isn't told in the form of memories.
@QnjtGWonQNqVsbYyzjx4 2 ай бұрын
@@TheRealPSKilla502 I doubt there is much linearity in EoW. What suggested this besides being a wish? This game isn’t in the wild era so it wouldn’t have exactly shrines or korok seeds, but replacement will be there like the rifts. It’s like saying twilight Princess is stepping away from the ocarina formula because it doesn’t have the “travel through time” mechanics or navi despite twilight realm and Midna being the same thing gameplay wise.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
@@QnjtGWonQNqVsbYyzjx4 We can only hope. I'm really getting sick of the current BotW formula!
@QnjtGWonQNqVsbYyzjx4 2 ай бұрын
@@TheRealPSKilla502 I just don’t think this particular set of mechanics lends itself to linearity. At least there isn’t ridiculous dungeon-breaking like in ToTK. (Which can be fun or deal-breaker) I would assume that the rock is in the tutorial sequence. Prediction: dungeon have the terminal shtick like tears of the kingdom. I think the hope for THIS game is linear is kinda dead. This is a ZELDA game, not a link one, maybe next time they will commit true linearity. 2D zelda only take 2 - 3 years to make so you do not need to wait long. Item progression is also done so in a link between world and not botw, so that is not likely to return. Weapon breaking is probably not integral in the formula(only belongs in the wild era) and no way the tri rod have durability, that have a higher chance of removal.
@JitterBob 2 ай бұрын
I’m glad we’re exploring new ideas… but I do want more traditional Zelda back at some point. I don’t care to play at Princess Zelda either personally. Just doesn’t interest me. Echos doesn’t really give me the feels like other Zelda games. Something just off about it… but I will give it a try regardless because I love the franchise.
@SonicTheCutehog 2 ай бұрын
By that logic, Ocarina of Time is just 3D A Link to the Past. God forbid a series has reoccurring gameplay elements.
@lukebytes5366 2 ай бұрын
It goes even deeper knowing the original idea for zelda 1. It's almost like subsequent games are supposed to build on eachother.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
Who would've thought that keeping things people like about previous entries and iterating upon them would be so successful? It's what basically every successful media franchise does. But apparently Nintendo feels the need to completely reinvent the wheel in order to keep the series "fresh", completely throwing out much of what people liked about the series in the process!
@hist150project5 2 ай бұрын
3D A Link to the Past is a perfect way to describe Ocarina of Time. And that's why it's so great. The same way that Metroid Prime is 3D Super Metroid.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
@@hist150project5 Exactly! We can trace a clear lineage from ALttP through OoT and TP in the sense that ALttP established the formula, OoT brought it into 3D, and TP gave a darker, more mature take on OoT with what were modern graphics for the time. MM and WW sorta did their own thing, but they kept the linear story and dungeons the same. I would like to see the next traditional 3D game to take an approach similar to TP, with a darker tone, modern high-fidelity graphics that show off the power of the Switch 2, a major focus on dungeons, and a proper LOZ soundtrack.
@Jdudec367 2 ай бұрын
@@TheRealPSKilla502 Wdym? They are trying to improve that both in TOTK and especially with Echoes of Wisdom. They didn't completely through out much of what people liked about the series it really wasn't a lot.
@ct2xperience749 2 ай бұрын
Zelda fans just wants back the usual dungeon designs you see in the older 3D and 2D Zelda games.
@jarde1989 2 ай бұрын
Exactly… And it doesn’t have to be every game, we just don’t want it left in the past
@megaman37456 2 ай бұрын
@@jarde1989 EXACTLY! I don't mind a new BoTW or ToTK style game every now and then but we need NEW titles, not remakes, in the traditional format alongside the Wild style games.
@HotAI-1990 2 ай бұрын
@@megaman37456 THIS IS NOT A NEW TITLE?? playable zelda, complete new way of combat and traversing the world? yu fans are ridiculous. always exoect the unepected with nintendo
@Atlessa 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, just get rid of the "shrines" and put proper dungeons instead. And by that I mean instead of 100 shrines which are more or less just one room each, make 10 dungeons with ten of those same rooms. And for the love of Hylia vary up the tileset!
@megaman37456 2 ай бұрын
@@Atlessa Yes, 100% agree with you!
@ginpachi1 2 ай бұрын
I know none of us basically know anything, but little man in corner with a parachute didn’t confirm gliding for me, it was when Zelda made a Keese echo, picked it up, rode an air current up with the Keese, then “glided” across a pit. But like I said, little man with a parachute in the corner of the Japanese art, yep mhmm 😅😂😂
@SmileyTrilobite 2 ай бұрын
My fav Zeldas use nonlinearity to evoke a sense of discovery, but developed dungeons and new item discovery can still figure into a largely ungated world by generally not requiring any one core item in order to obtain another. The ALBW item shop slightly stratified its items by price and at least one unlocked elsewhere, and BotW’s basic abilities were all in the required starting area. In EoW, the abilities appear to be objects and creatures, meaning you can both explore in all directions but also discover new “items” by exploring throughout the game. Perhaps this will please most fans.
@JD-xd4sy 2 ай бұрын
Since this game obviously features the Eastern Palace and the same locations as in a Link to the Past, I'd go bananas if they don't give us some real dungeons! I also hope the game does not become repetitive like BoTW and TotK, with Zelda visiting four races in four places of the world, with exactly the same goals. But... having an open world from the get go may unfortunately lead to a similar layout. It takes away from the story building imo.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
I miss the games where the world slowly opens up as you progress through the story, so there are always new areas to explore with your new abilities, and you get the sense of progression from gradually unlocking the world
@nintyprince 2 ай бұрын
I kinda get why most Zelda fans are mad and feeling betrayed by Nintendo. They want the first official Zelda game starring the Princess herself to have beautiful high fidelity graphics and deep mature complex storytelling. Yet all they get is an outdated 2d game with weird gameplay. We've seen amazing female protagonists like aloy from ps, while Zelda keeps losing popularity among core gamers worldwide.
@TaliesinMyrddin 2 ай бұрын
Pretty much how I feel. I wish Zelda's debut starring role didn't look like an eShop spin-off title.
@nintyprince 2 ай бұрын
@TaliesinMyrddin i think the game is gonna be disappointing in sales just like Peach showtime
@ikagura 2 ай бұрын
"have beautiful high fidelity graphics and deep mature complex storytelling". Tell me how high fidelity graphics make it a good game? I'd rather have a simpler looking game with a good and original art direction over a boring realistic game that is only realistic for the sake of it without any kind of soul nor love put into the graphic design. What does "deep mature complex storytelling" means? It is a video game not a movie. I am fed of these video "games" that are more glorified interactive movies than making them good to play. I'd even argue that Zelda still tackled deep and mature themes without going overboard because mature and complex don't equate good storytelling (in fact when a game is bloated with cinematics and tries too hard to be "deep" it can often become jarring and makes the gameplay meaningless). Doom's creator said it well that it's expected to be there but isn't that important. Also Zelda has always been about "gameplay first story second" as per Nintendo's game design philosophy, not story focused. "We've seen amazing female protagonists like aloy from ps" Yet Alloy looks so generic as a protagonist compared to the classic ones like Samus Aran, Alis Landale, Chun-Li, Lara Croft, Jill Valentine or even more recently Bayonetta and 2B. Aloy looks more like a generic medieval fantasy game character and Horizon is yet another Open World game. 'Outdated 2d game" I dislike how people think that 2D is "outdated" when some of the best game ever made were in 2D (and some of the most popular like Undertale is 2D), it clearly show how short sighted people are. Yet this game shows more potential and depth in its gameplay than most 3D games.
@nintyprince 2 ай бұрын
@ikagura i get what you mean. Im so sad Zelda and Samus keep losing popularity to aloy or elie or eve all 3 are ps games :(
@XanderVJ 2 ай бұрын
Thanks to people like you the game industry is going down the drain.
@rafaeldoraguille9169 2 ай бұрын
There are so many issues with modern (post-BOTW) Zelda progression. Game design has almost always been about giving the player the feeling of freedom but not really handing it to them, and the reason is simple: give them too much freedom and you end up with unstructured and unchallenging gameplay, like letting someone complete a Rubiks cube by moving the color stickers and calling it "creative problem-solving". That's precisely why they're sticking with this new formula after it sold so well. It's much easier to just give the player everything and let them do whatever they want than work on thoroughly handcrafted dungeons and puzzles.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
I also hate how Nintendo seems to be chasing trends with the newest games, like trying to appeal to the whole open world fad after Skyrim popularized it, and adding in build mechanics in TotK similar to what is found in games like Minecraft and Fortnite. If you want an open world, go play Skyrim, Witcher, RDR, GTA, or literally anything made by Ubisoft. If you want sandbox building mechanics, play Minecraft. But don't force those mechanics onto a game series where they don't belong just to appeal to current trends.
@asmongoldsmouth9839 2 ай бұрын
Guys..... I know I'm a lot older than all of you, but I don't understand your need to dissect the life out of stuff like this. Just play the game. You aren't being constructive. You are prematurely being pessimistic. Chill.... Be happy. Enjoy life. Don't overthink things. 👍😊👍
@rafaeldoraguille9169 2 ай бұрын
@@asmongoldsmouth9839 That's rich coming from "Asmongold's Mouth 9839".
@Jdudec367 2 ай бұрын
I mean it's giving it to them still...not really a difference. I mean eh....there is still a structure and challenging gameplay though. It isn't quite like the Rubik cube example in BOTW and TOTK not when the multiple choices are intentional and not always that easy or simple. I mean the puzzles are still thoroughly handcrafted though.
@diamant_2dot0 2 ай бұрын
​@@asmongoldsmouth9839 I think it's worth thinking about whether the game will be worth my $60 or not. I'm sure from a quality perspective it deffinatly will be. But for me personally, I just can't stand the open world. I alreaddy felt like totk's $70 were a bit of a waste of my money. I'm not doing the same with EoW again.
@Shutwig 2 ай бұрын
I just hope there isn't a way to cheese all the puzzles. And no kolog or shrine equivalent, so I hope the purple zone are more limited in number and aren't that isolated. I think 2D Zelda is the one more suited for change and the one that will benefit the most, as these simulations and physics are way harder to develop in a less confined 3d world and they need too much care for them to work, leaving them with little time to figure out what to do with the game itself (and thus recycling everything a hundred times like they did with totk)
@wifi961 2 ай бұрын
I hope there is a way to cheese puzzles, as long as it's not easy.
@AgapeGaming17 2 ай бұрын
This is a great take. 2D is definitely more viable when it comes to more drastic changes. I would love to see a return to ocarina/twilight form for the 3D games and let 2D go wild with open world stuff. I loved BOTW but my problem with TOTK is that they introduced all this crazy cool stuff like ultrahand, the depths, and the sky islands, but only implemented them to like 70% of their potential. They failed to give the player a reason or desire to return to explore those places or use ultrahand to craft things consistently.
@wifi961 2 ай бұрын
@AgapeGaming17 This game will probably be better because the world has the abilities in mind, unlike in TOTK, which used BOTW's world.
@Shutwig 2 ай бұрын
@@wifi961 that's not cheez in my book. Also some people didn't find "easy" to just move and recall things in totk and yes, it was easy and you could cheez 90% of puzzles with it, and do it faster than most other solutions
@Shutwig 2 ай бұрын
@@AgapeGaming17 exactly, also there are A LOT more 2D zelda likes than 3D likes, and many of them do improve the combat or item uses, so conventional 2D zelda has "less to offer" to the table, while now there really aren't that many attractive "classic 3D Zelda" clones. (Metroid is in a similar position too, so I hope they change things in the new 2D games and stick to the uniqueness of Primes for 4)
@rafaelmoura2103 2 ай бұрын
i think they gave link his main abilities in the begining of botw because the world is so big and people could take forever to get all abilities, but in echoes the world is not as big, so they might not need to introduce all abilities right away, giving the game a more traditional feel
@theoaremevano3227 2 ай бұрын
The one drawback I hope they can avoid this time is with the Shrine progression (if those rifts ARE meant to function in a similar way). It would be to make them load in sequences, where there are, say 5 with one mechanic as the central element, and whenever you find one of those 5, you'll get number 1 in that sequence, regardless of which one it is. Later, you'll get the 2nd, 3rd and so on, each building on the last. This way, they can have more involved progression with separated puzzles like these. With 3D Zeldas I think there's a lot more to discuss when it comes to what they need to avoid Breath of the Wild Rerun Syndrome. Lots of large and small things can help or hurt in that category. People may talk about the series' '25 years' of older Zelda, but the 3D entries prior to BotW weren't all of that history, and Breath of the Wild and Tears are very similar and also VERY long, so people have had enough of that too, for now. I think what you pointed out there is true, and people want other aspects of the series to have room to shine as well, and I think doing that may be invaluable for Nintendo as a way to make the next Zelda feel new again. I'd be extremely excited for a Zelda with some extra combat focus someday.
@Queenofthesevenseas 2 ай бұрын
Appreciate the video as well as the points you touched on❤ Ironically this pirate was not really a fan of breath of the wild or tears of the kingdom 😓 as for me both games were incredibly boring. So I’m looking forward to echos of wisdom
@djjoycie27 2 ай бұрын
Such a great way to close out the Wild Era. 2D games have a charm to them. So excited for this game!!!!
@a.jthomas6132 2 ай бұрын
There’s still parts of Zelda’s journey in the Era of Hyrule’s Founding that has yet to be explored. Especially the AOC alternate timeline which Ganondorf may exist in this reality. So the Wild Era is not over just yet.
@djjoycie27 2 ай бұрын
@@a.jthomas6132 agreed! I hope we get that story one day. Idk if they’re going back to Wild Era style but Zelda’s time with Rauru and Sonia can be explored/explained in another game. But knowing Nintendo…we’ll never know 😂😂
@a.jthomas6132 2 ай бұрын
@@djjoycie27 A story like that would also give more in depth to the lore, give characters more cutscenes, make the Ancient Sages fleshed out, themes (the horrors of war, ideology leads to ignorance, etc) and provide more background to Ganondorf’s character. Twinrova has been absent for over 20 years, and I think she would of been a perfect boss for Zelda before hers, Rauru’s and the Sage’s Ill fated confrontation with the Demon King. There’s so many possibilities that Nintendo could’ve done to make the story better since it has seen in multiple perspectives/storytelling point of view.
@firenze6478 2 ай бұрын
We want the metroidvania progression that’s been in zelda since zelda 1 that botw removed. Openness and dungeon skipping is fine, just let us make progress again
@AndresRestart 2 ай бұрын
@alecamp5369 2 ай бұрын
Who is we?
@radiorah768 2 ай бұрын
Well said.
@diamant_2dot0 2 ай бұрын
​@@alecamp5369Op and me.
@Trianull 2 ай бұрын
Aonuma has wondered "why would you want to go back to a more restrictive gameplay style?" The answer is simple: untangling, breaking through, and/or alleviating those restrictions as you go throughout the game feels satisfying. This was half of the foundation the series was based on, the other being exploration. Seeing the series' structure lean to one side is what's leaving long-time fans disappointed.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
Also, in prior entries, there was a clear balance between overworld exploration and more linear, scripted experiences, like dungeons and story sequences. IMO, the more time spent in dungeons the better. But the new games have almost completely discarded this balance in favor of you spending 99% of the game wandering around looking for Korok seeds, doing meaningless fetch quests, and the like.
@theoaremevano3227 2 ай бұрын
I definitely think that for some people, immersion is more about what you 'can' do, while for others, it's your limits that define the world and make it feel alive. For some people, a barrier that's too easily bypassed is unsatisfying to break through, and a world that has no hard barriers can start to feel 'plastic', like it's just yielding to your actions instead of pressing back.
@Jdudec367 2 ай бұрын
@@TheRealPSKilla502 The balance isn't really that discarded though, and I mean discovering new stuff to find in the overworld is pretty fun though to be fair. u
@ZayaMillis 2 ай бұрын
I think this will be their first game that tries to mix open-air Zelda and traditional Zelda. I hope it's not exactly like BoTW or ToTK but in 2D. To me, It looks like it will be a hybrid of the two....hopefully
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
I thought 2D was supposed to focus more on the traditional linear gameplay with dungeons and the like. Besides, I would rather they commit to one style or the other instead of trying to please everyone.
@lukebytes5366 2 ай бұрын
@@TheRealPSKilla502 Zelda 1 and Link to the past are some of the most nonlinear games in the series second to modern releases. Not to mention the dungeons kind of suck in those games?
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
@@lukebytes5366 Those are part of the main series, since they released on console at a time when there weren’t any 3D games yet. The 2D games are commonly understood to refer to games on handheld systems which don’t have the technical capabilities of the consoles of their time, so instead of focusing on cinematics and story, they focus on gameplay and level design, which is reflected in their complex dungeons. Think Link’s Awakening, Minish Cap, the Oracle Games, and ALBW.
@diamant_2dot0 2 ай бұрын
​@@lukebytes5366You can't acces the upper half of the dark World without the hookshot. You can't open 2 of the dungeons without these special attack medals. (And that's just what I remmeber without research) Alttp is definatly not as openworld as botw or totk. Also, this is a personal preference but I love alttp's dungeons.
@Benjamin.J.Holliday 2 ай бұрын
Dang, every video ends like you're ending a call with Grandma 😂"taks care, bye" is for telephone calls.
@hichaelhighers 2 ай бұрын
@Benjamin.J.Holliday 2 ай бұрын
@@hichaelhighers he ends every video with "take care, bye" that's what you say at the end of a phone call.
@diamant_2dot0 2 ай бұрын
@@Benjamin.J.Holliday I see what you mean and I like it 🤣 it's a funny quirk 🤣
@Benjamin.J.Holliday 2 ай бұрын
@@diamant_2dot0 I think it would be hilarious if he ran with it and took it further, and say, for example, end a video with "my love to Grandpa"
@cleverman383 2 ай бұрын
love you bye bye
@plagueseer 2 ай бұрын
Call me crazy but IMO this actually seems like a better use of the formula than BOTW/TOTK.
@trixxy9566 2 ай бұрын
not ridiculous to say
@Sam_T2000 2 ай бұрын
I’m much more interesting in _EOW_ after the second trailer, but I still wish Zelda just had a sword… seems like always having to dig through the menu and spawn something every time you come across an enemy seems tedious 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️
@AndresRestart 2 ай бұрын
I prefer they treat Zelda like a mage and Link like a warrrior. I think its better they have different roles and can distinguish themselves. I understand your point about the menu navigation though. Really hoping Switch 2 introduces the scroll shoulder buttons to help with this stuff. Of course, a lot of us will probably have played Echoes of Wisdom by then.
@tamerkoh 2 ай бұрын
@@AndresRestart I can kind of get what he means, in that Zelda definitely should have some sort of offensive magic she can just use, without having to rely on echos. We see her using offensive magic in other games, and even a bow. Seems odd for her to be otherwise defenseless without the echoes, which I get. I do hope this game is the nice in between both styles of Zelda though. My favourites are still the Oracles; I wished they were a bit more open and less linear like A Link to the Past or Zelda 1, but they've had a lot of character and customization through the Ring system.
@larshoremans4348 2 ай бұрын
The problem is that the 2D games could have been a way for the clasic formula to coexist with the new one, but instead they insist on abandoning what came before because they don’t, and refuse to, understand that the new games aren’t objectively better than the old games and some people are just going to prefer the old games because that’s how opinions work. If these games wheren’t Zelda games people that don’t like them wouldn’t care in the slightest that they exist, they simpily wouldn’t play them, but this is what Zelda is now, it replaced the original formula and now there will never be a clasic game, that is why people are upset. There’s a reason New Super Mario Bro’s was as big of a deal as it was back on the ds, it was the first clasic Mario game in years after the 3D games basicaly took over. Imagine if instead of BotW existing Nintendo just decided to only make Hyrule Warriors after the first one released. If you’re a Musou fan, sure, that’d be great, but to anyone else it’d be a betrayal of the series’ name, which is why HW is a spin-off that exists seperate from the main games. I’m sorry if this comment came of as snarky or anything, but TotK fans have a bit of a tendency for not really trying to understand why some dislike the new games and/or what they represent.
@diamant_2dot0 2 ай бұрын
I think you said it perfectly. You definatly weren't to snarky!
@tbpbTB2010 2 ай бұрын
I find it funny that a plant based race like sweets given how photosynthesis works.
@XanderVJ 2 ай бұрын
Well, to be fair, photosynthesis consists in using sunlight to produce glucose, which is the main component of sugar. So it's not THAT far off.
@tbpbTB2010 2 ай бұрын
@@XanderVJ Yup that's the point I'm making lol. It's a cool reference!
@jarde1989 2 ай бұрын
I just don’t understand why this game had to drop the Classic Zelda style… I don’t care that we play as Zelda rather than Link… but I do care that this isn’t a “proper” Zelda game at all. Seems like nothing but a 2D BotW.
@itsasecrettoeverybody 2 ай бұрын
Zelda fans: Zelda needs to be open world more like the first game.... Nintendo: breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom Zelda fans: Zelda needs to become more linear like the classic games. Nintendo: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
@amarhastings6849 2 ай бұрын
@56ty_ 2 ай бұрын
Nah Nintendo is set on the open design lol they multiplied the sales 5-8x
@JCurry1123 2 ай бұрын
BotW and TotK are sick. This doesn't look like a proper 2D Zelda game. I hope I'm wrong, but idk if I can get over how much I hate the graphics
@TonyJenn 2 ай бұрын
What's a proper 2d Zelda game?​@@JCurry1123
@a.jthomas6132 2 ай бұрын
If there is one open world Zelda game I would like is a TOTK story expansion of Zelda’s journey in Hyrule’s distant past
@Timebuddi2 2 ай бұрын
My biggest problem with BotW(to some extent), TotK and EoW, IS the freedom to solve puzzles however you want. I think too much freedom in a game can make the game less fun! Games in general, like card games and board games for excample, don't have "rules" for no reason. Only the rules of a game make many games more fun. All the recent Zelda games just feel like we're playing Dungeons and Dragons where you make up your own rules. And I don't know many people personally that like that kind of game. And in this case, me neither.
@megaman37456 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, it gets old fast.
@diamant_2dot0 2 ай бұрын
That's one big thing that kept me from enjoying botw and totk, sadly. They call it "creative" when for me personally I don't really see the creativity in not having to think at all. I love the time I spend with a puzzle because it stops me in my way. Demanding me to thing about it for a longer period of time. Botw' and Totk's puzzles don't do that because I don't have to think at all. The puzzle looses it's fun aspect and just turns into a "move that block there"-obsticle which feels a bit more like a chore than something actually worth my time. That's just my personal experience with it though.
@XanderVJ 2 ай бұрын
​@@diamant_2dot0 "Creativity" in the BotW era is nothing but an empty PR buzzword that caught on. It doesn't hold any water because it's not really true. These games allow creativity, but they don't incentivize it at all. Which wouldn't be so much of a bad thing if the vast majority of puzzles didn't break so goddamn easily. But then Nintendo uses "creativity" as a get out of jail free card to justify their lazy puzzle design.
@diamant_2dot0 2 ай бұрын
@@XanderVJ I don't really know whether you agree with me or not 😅 I definatly do not like the multiple solutions puzzle style. I much preffer the puzzles where ypi actually had to think about what you are doing.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
@@diamant_2dot0 "Creative puzzle design" basically means "Make up your own puzzle cuz we're too lazy to do it ourselves"
@Pauete007 2 ай бұрын
I think some of the inspiration for Faron's jungle, specially its denizens, may also come from Majora's mask. Come to think about it, the mention of Eldin Volcano (Skyward sword) and both types of Zora (Oracle of Ages) show that the inspiration for this version of Hyrule comes from different prior incarnations, apart from the BotW/TotK clear influence. Great vid and food for thought! PS: Well, that's what I get for writing a comment mid vid... Getting to the same points as you in the end xD
@zelatoth 2 ай бұрын
When Paper Mario stopped being an RPG I just came to the conclusion that I'm not a fan any more. If you don't like the newer Zelda games then don't buy them and find other games to play.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
What would you suggest? The problem is there are basically no 3D games out there that do anything close to the traditional LOZ formula.
@zelatoth 2 ай бұрын
​@@TheRealPSKilla502 I'm not telling you to find a Zelda alternative. Branch out and try different things, Play a genre you normally wouldn't. I've found so many games I thought I'd hate but ended loving cause I just tried them.
@kirbystarvsganon5480 2 ай бұрын
I believe that Echoes of Wisdom is going to stand out from BOTW, and TOTK, in some way. I’m not entirely sure what it may be, but I still feel like people should Try Echoes of Wisdom before they complain how it’s similar to BOTW/TOTK. Cuz we have like a month before release.
@awakenedcrowl 2 ай бұрын
I think it's awesome. I mean, it literally already breaks with one of the biggest traditions, by letting us play as ZELDA. In fact, I feel it would've been weird if it DOESN'T go and do a bunch of different things from the "regular" 2D Zeldas. I completely get wishing for a new, more traditional 2D Zelda tho. I too would love that. But that doesn't stop me from being all in for this!
@burgesswaz 2 ай бұрын
Great video Andres, keep the quality up mate as you surely will reach your 40K goal.
@AndresRestart 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, im going to keep at it!
@PixelPikmin 2 ай бұрын
I can understand not liking EoW when at a first glance it looks very similar to Totk. I mean bond visually looks like Ultrahand, the echo ability looks like Auto Build, the menus look the same, and the worst part the glowing points on the map. The game looks good imo but I hope the next game isn’t this similar to the previous games
@ash8244 2 ай бұрын
Sooo many fake Zelda fans
@diamant_2dot0 2 ай бұрын
Preferring what made Zelda Zelda many years ago makes you a "fake Zelda Fan" now? It is a fact that Botw and Totk are drastically different to what Zelda used to be. Preferring one or the other doesn't change whether you are a fan or not.
@craziscoth 2 ай бұрын
It looks good from what's been shown. Dungeons are what's gonna make or break it for me
@facepwnagewtf 2 ай бұрын
I Just want a zelda game with a bit of challenge again. After Tears I was tired of how easy the game became and how easy every fight was to win or cheese your way through.
@rebeccahannah117 2 ай бұрын
Great video as always Andres!
@Julio3324 2 ай бұрын
I personally enjoy both styles of Zelda. My two favorite games are Wind Waker #1 and TotK #2, so one of each.
@KittysCat-j7x 2 ай бұрын
How is this game design more creative than pre-BotW? They’re just recycling ideas into a formula again. The puzzles will be so easy they’re non-puzzles.
@Ray-dl5mp 2 ай бұрын
Nah. Reverse bond has never been done before. Plus the tri rod stuff hasn’t been done before either. Just the menu reminds people of the other game. You’re also forgetting how creative the gameplay is. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it isn’t creative. The work and creativity that goes into a game like this is insane. You’re actually making the complete wrong point. This is a perfect example of creativity. What you probably want is no creativity. Or puzzles that have one answer. That is a different argument.
@n1nj4l1nk 2 ай бұрын
​@@Ray-dl5mpyou're blind af. They're reusing a map again and adding a little bit extra that basically just copies areas from the newest 3d games. They're forcing the new gameplay style into a 2d game. As for reverse bond never being done before, it's just an upgraded dominion rod. Do you even know Zelda at all? Echos is just a simplified ultra hand and bind is dominion rod/magnesis/ultrahand.
@Ray-dl5mp 2 ай бұрын
@@n1nj4l1nk nah I disagree completely. I think you’re coming off as a hater actually. The gameplay is super creative. Just because there is a thing you put in the world doesn’t mean you can say it’s the exact same as another game. That is a reductive surface level point. You’re making kid segments. Oh look the color and menu reminds me of something. I’m a smart person. They are not creative! You’re coming off as surface level. Also you must not understand game development at all. I’m making the deeper point. And you’re calling me blind. You’re all visuals and colors and map focused. I’m focused on gameplay. I’m better. You’re not. Ha. That blind comment was silly man. Do better.
@n1nj4l1nk 2 ай бұрын
This is what I've been saying. Participation Trophy design. I can very much see EoW being my final Zelda game which is kinda heart breaking as Zelda is something I've loved, something that started and kept me gaming for 30 years and on occasion something that kept me alive. To see the current team shii all over the legacy of the series (especially when each turd actually has such a great core) is disappointing af.
@elapindral8191 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Kreskin I’m so happy for your insight 😂
@Jillleigh97 2 ай бұрын
I think people forget too that 2D Zelda is often a sandbox for 3D Zelda! Some of the elements in this game that resemble Tears may have been the first iteration of the idea tested by the developers, and we know Nintendo likes to sit on games for long periods of time
@asmongoldsmouth9839 2 ай бұрын
You are 100% right. All cut content dating back to the early 80s was used to go into other Zelda games. They aren't being "lazy" , as some say. I think this is a super fun concept. I am excited.
@WAEVOICE 2 ай бұрын
To those upset over something beyond their control: Remember what led to the development of Freedom Planet.
@TheGamersState 2 ай бұрын
Honestly I'm happy the Zelda series went in this direction. I've been playing Zelda for over 30 years and the only game that really stuck with me was The Wind Waker because I loved the freedom it gave me so when Zelda BOTW and TOTK gave me that but on steriods, I've been loving it. The only thing I personally think older games did better was the story, I'd adore a game like BOTW but with the story of Twilight Princess.
@metroidfighter90 2 ай бұрын
It looks amazing. My biggest concern though are the inconsistent frame rates. Link's Awakening had the same problem.
@kaitlynblount7683 2 ай бұрын
Why do I not remember links awakening having this problem. I mostly played on my big tv and definitely don't recall that much if any. But maybe I'm just being biased cuz I loved that game.
@dinar8749 2 ай бұрын
I hate the new botw direction the series has now. So I am disappointed.
@DRCx_ 2 ай бұрын
You hate the improvements or the dungeons? Because it sounds like you hate the dungeons
@dinar8749 2 ай бұрын
@@DRCx_ I hate the freedom and nonlinearity. My favorite zelda is skyward sword and I want more of that style again.
@DRCx_ 2 ай бұрын
@@dinar8749 I genuinely have no words for this. Freedom is something humanity strives for, and you actively want less of it (albeit in game). If you want linear gameplay, don’t play Zelda, go play Mario
@dinar8749 2 ай бұрын
@@DRCx_ So different game taste is enough to trigger the "I genuinely have no words for this" bruh chill it's an opinion. You don't understand linear games are often more challenging and have better stories than open world games, which skyward sword had the latter. Botw and Totk's stories were complete ass.
@DRCx_ 2 ай бұрын
@@dinar8749 I'm more shocked by the fact I've never met someone who dislikes freedom and prefers restriction. Also linear games don't really challenge creativity, since you always know that the solution to a problem has to do with the new thing you just got. That's just more boring to me.
@lukebytes5366 2 ай бұрын
I don't think people are sick of open-ended design, i think they're just sick of BOTW/TOTK. An enhanced focus on worldbuilding over captivating dungeons, fragmented storytelling you must go out of your way to experience, power that rarely ever lasts, and an overall experience that encourages you to experiment rather than adapt. THESE are the things some fans don't like, not necessarily the core philosophy these design choices are birthed from. Especially after two very similar games along with a spinoff derived from those games, it gets old. I feel like people forget just how open the majority of the 2D games are. Sure, you couldn't do literally everything like how you can now, but there are so many different paths you can take in zelda 1 and link to the past despite your limited moveset starting out. This is why randomizers are so much fun to do with those games in particular, you can have progression without completely gutting the player's options to a linear path. I still think that's an aspect of zelda that BOTW/TOTK partially lost, and i hope this new game rekindles the reward of exploring the world (which heart pieces suggest). As for fan discourse however, i wouldn't be surprised if people saw a full on remake of zelda 1 and thought: "Nintendo is still sticking to the open world from BOTW when it's the DUNGEONS that matter! ugh". Regardless of the game's quality, TOTK dropping has been disastrous for discussion in these parts.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
IMO, the best experience in LOZ is the dungeons, so the more time spend in them, the better. I don't see how more traditional dungeons, item-based progression, and a linear story is too much to ask for. Hell, I'm OK with an open world, so long as it doesn't become the sole focus of the game, like in BotW and TotK.
@JohnDemetriou 2 ай бұрын
Nah, those rifts are rifts in the multiverse leading to a merged NEW timeline
@kennycarter5682 2 ай бұрын
the ? is how is the dungeons?
@aricruz_ 2 ай бұрын
That’s what I care about the most As long as the dungeons are traditional I don’t mind the over world
@pablofernandes_art9348 2 ай бұрын
@@aricruz_ there is no way the dungeons can be traditional with these Zelda abilities, if you can solve them in countless ways the designer has to be free
@aricruz_ 2 ай бұрын
@@pablofernandes_art9348 yeah you right but I just want some sort of traditional element in the game
@ggkg3197 2 ай бұрын
​@pablofernandes_art9348 This is an assumption, it still could be
@Ax3lotol777 2 ай бұрын
I cant wait for this game, it looks fun, and is a great way to brink BOTW fams into this new style.
@Normal-Lad 2 ай бұрын
I'm so excited for this game
@Atlessa 2 ай бұрын
Petition to stop using "2D" for these games, since they're really not 2D anymore. I suggest "TD" instead, for Top-Down.
@Cosmosis-86 2 ай бұрын
EOW looks awesome, I’m very excited for it!
@MrOverlordSir Ай бұрын
im overwhelmingly not interested in this game, it makes me genuinely sad seeing people liking lesser content to the better originals
@mistertc73 2 ай бұрын
Yes, this seems to very much go the way of totk & botw and i'm not at all pleased with that for one because i think both those games are not at all zelda games for me, they are just named like that and haven been given a superficial zelda sugar coating but there is nothini actually zelda about these games and now they will do the same with this I truly hoped the 2D games would at least be spared of this fate, that at least actual zelda games would still be made but truly all hopes are completely lost for that now, or otherwise said merely confirmation for what was already a certainty Overworld and dungeons, the second part is completely thrown overboard for the first part, though both part for sure have their merrit dungeons were and are always the far more important parts (dungeons in some sort of way they were always known simply can not be made in this new way they chose to go with, it is absolutely and completely impossible) How can they completely ruin my favorite game serie of all time
@pubertdefrog 2 ай бұрын
If I had a nickel for every time they made an alternative version of magnesis, I’d have three nickels. which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened three times
@a.jthomas6132 2 ай бұрын
Sure you can do creative puzzle solving, but I highly doubt EOW is like a 2D version of BOTW and TOTK.
@habibk.2423 2 ай бұрын
Can we stop calling it a 2D Zelda at some point? 😅 It's clearly 3D with a fixed camera. I like the new term "top-down Zelda game".
@thelastwindwaker7948 2 ай бұрын
It's not so much core concepts being carried over from BOTW/TOK. It's the mindset that Zelda is going to be defined by _freedom_ and Garry's mod-esque creativity. I'm glad you bring up ALBW cause that game's dungeons disappointed me and I feel like the same is going to happen here if there are actual dungeons. That game's item rental system and any-order-do-ability meant that all of the dungeons had to be on a similar level of complexity, with no dungeon requiring an item that's meant for another dungeon. My main concern is the limitations on echos. How you obtain more charges for it and how you quickly you can obtain the items themselves.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
The "complete player freedom at all costs" thing has really run its course by now. What I hate most, though, is the whole "let the past die" mindset that has accompanied this radical change of direction, and how it seems like the devs want people to forget that games like OoT and TP ever existed to begin with. Maybe that's why we still haven't gotten WW and TP on Switch, because they want people to leave those games in the past?
@a.jthomas6132 2 ай бұрын
While I am excited for this upcoming 2D Zelda game (since a playable Princess Zelda is what fan have been asking for years), I hope Nintendo could reconsidered their decision to either make a TOTK story expansion for dlc or as a spinoff. Fans really wanted to know more of her time travel journey in the Era of Hyrule’s Founding. Plus, a sequel to Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity wouldn’t be a bad idea as well (Ganondorf exist in the alternate timeline due to the butterfly effect Terrako has caused).
@stevenedwards8353 2 ай бұрын
Being able to play as Princess Zelda isn't enough. And no, the majority of Zelda fans WEREN'T asking for her to be playable, I mean if it happened cool, but we weren't acting like just including her was going to magically revitalize the series.
@ikagura 2 ай бұрын
Because Zelda fans are simply entitled children that are never happy about whatever Nintendo tries to do: If Nintendo kept the old formula they'd be called "lazy" and "doing the same thing all the time" yet people are also upset they are trying something new with "this is not Zelda, it does not have the soul of Zelda. I want my old formula back!". You can never win with them.
@XanderVJ 2 ай бұрын
Those are two different groups of people, genius. You are the one who's a child if you can't understand something as basic as that.
@ikagura 2 ай бұрын
@@XanderVJ What proves that there are only two categories of fans and if they don't overlap in a Venn's diagram? I'm pretty sure there's a consequential amount of Zelda fans that would've complained in both cases. I am still aware that there are plenty people that don't know what they actually want. Gamers are often acting entitled and always whine about the most meaningless details in anything ever made.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
@@ikagura I have nothing against people enjoying BotW and TotK, and hell, I can enjoy them for what they are, but what I hate is the whole "let the past die" mentality expressed by Nintendo and much of the fanbase these days with respect to the old formula. Because of the change post-BotW, the series I grew up with and loved for years has essentially ceased to exist, and many people seem to wish it never existed in the first place. I don't have a problem with getting more games like BotW and TotK if it doesn't take away from development resources going towards more linear games in the old style, but knowing Nintendo, this is highly unlikely, so their development really poses an existential threat to LOZ as I know it.
@megaman37456 2 ай бұрын
I'm tired of going into New Zelda's with an open mind, I want SOME traditional zelda games on switch that AREN'T remakes. I'm tired of the open ended nonsense Zelda games that feel as Hollow as a deku nut. I just want a simple game with neat mechanics, I'm tired of BoTW and ToTK because the reality is they aren't that great as Zelda games. Sure they're fun, but as Zelda games they are VERY mediocre. In fact I'm 100% convinced that if those games didn't have the Zelda brand attached they wouldn't sell a fraction as well as they did. Don't get me wrong I think changing up the formula every now and then is good, but we have had nothing but the BoTW formula for TWO Nintendo console generations now and it's stale as moldy bread. At least with the traditional formula they could make new equipment, new abilities, but ToTK barely did that. Sure we could build, but it was so restrictive that honestly it's not worth it. Half the charm of the older Zeldas was the Dungeons and Dungeon themed equipment, without that charm, I don't care for newer Zeldas. I don't mind if the playable Link revel is just a new game + mode, but seriously, I'm not getting this game unless I see Zelda getting some of her own weapons, not just abilities, she needs to be able to fight by herself. I don't care how, magic, throwing stars, don't care, just SOMETHING other than that lame ass trirod.
@TheHaddonfieldRegistry 2 ай бұрын
Ignore the vocal minority. Most Zelda fans are excited
@rafaeldoraguille9169 2 ай бұрын
Let's see for how long. How many Zelda games will adopt the BOTW formula until more people start complaining and it becomes more than a "vocal minority".
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
@@rafaeldoraguille9169 It's funny how people were complaining about the OoT formula, which supposedly got "stale" after SS despite every game before it adding its own unique twist, only for it to be replaced by the BotW formula, which already got stale after 2 games, and which will definitely be stale after a third game. I don't have a problem with people liking games like BotW and TotK, but I really hate when people say this new formula is somehow a breath of fresh air when the old formula worked perfectly well, and the new formula is really just taking the current open world fad and slapping LoZ characters on it.
@asmongoldsmouth9839 2 ай бұрын
​@@TheRealPSKilla502Since 1986, LoZ has always been open world. So that point is out the window. Secondly, any TRUE Zelda fan (meaning the entire catalog. Not just a few titles) will appreciate the influence. Burning bushes, pushing against stones or blocks, using a bomb on a crack, is this all stale? Because that formula came from 1986. Almost 40 years ago. With your perspective, all of that should be worn out by the end of A Link to the Past.
@asmongoldsmouth9839 2 ай бұрын
​@@rafaeldoraguille9169Most of us are the core of Zelda. We are the children of the entire series of Zelda. We grew up playing Zelda on NES, watching the Zelda cartoon after the Super Mario Show every week. We had the sticker/activity books with the 3D glasses. We went out for Halloween as Link. Our mothers were awesome enough to custom make our tunics. LoL!! No boice will overpower we, the TRUE fans. People took a dump on Wind Waker for the cell-shading. Most people took a dump on Skyward Sword because the idea of video games was not getting exercise. But they were all received well after everyone tried them out.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
@@asmongoldsmouth9839 LOZ NES was not open world. There were areas you couldn’t access without certain items from the dungeons, and the dungeons had an intended order. Ever since then, with the exception of AoL, the series has traced its identity to the formula established in ALttP: A strong focus on dungeons, metroidvania-style item-based progression, and a linear story, with collectibles hidden throughout to reward exploration. To claim otherwise takes some serious historical revisionism.
@julioangel6474 2 ай бұрын
Personally I love the old zelda formula. But from a business perspective it needed change, it needed growth. Botw/Totk did well and put the series on the spotlight, if it aint broke don't fix it
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
We got change and growth, sure, but at what cost? It feels like they've completely abandoned what LoZ was about in order to cater to the Minecraft and Fortnite crowds
@julioangel6474 2 ай бұрын
@@TheRealPSKilla502 like I said I prefer old Zelda. Im a long fan of the series, love it for what it was but unfortunately, we were only a few and were not making numbers and for companies, that's priority. They can still fix it, just add old zelda elements (dungeons , items, music etc) to the huge open air world and done. I still have hope
@asmongoldsmouth9839 2 ай бұрын
*From 1986 Zelda until now, ALL games in the series have contributed to future Zelda games. Pushing against blocks to see if they move, lighting bushes on fire, bombing walls or cracks, using magical items in empty rooms, etc. So, BoTW was so influential. Why wouldn't Exhoes of Wisdom Zelda be as influenced by BoTW as A Link to the Past was by 1986 Zelda?*
@TheSpeedfoever 2 ай бұрын
People need to fuckin change thier minds already! First you want Open world then you want linear back! Which is it you want?! You want both then?! Lets go with that instead! Still I can't wait to get this!
@theterribleclaw4285 2 ай бұрын
I never wanted Zelda to be Open World I'm one of the only people who loved Skyward Sword when it came out.
@aricruz_ 2 ай бұрын
I’m one of the few that didn’t mind the linearity of Zelda games Botw Totk made me not buy those games since their different from the rest of the series
@basil4860 2 ай бұрын
I agree lets have the best of both worlds and it seems that EOW is gonna do that
@jinyboi 2 ай бұрын
We want linear Zelda but not echoes of wisdom, which looks too much like totk. Again, The issue is that there will be so many ways to solve a puzzle it ends up trivializing everything
@aricruz_ 2 ай бұрын
@@basil4860 yeah I don’t mind if is open world just keep the dungeons very traditional if they do that I don’t mind the over world
@gangstasenpai1049 2 ай бұрын
Breath of the wild was boring. This seems like somewhat decent but i wouldnt get my hopes up
@TheBradleyBliss 2 ай бұрын
People like complaining
@sciencey2858 2 ай бұрын
@jackconey5948 2 ай бұрын
Great video as usual 😊
@ayanabeads1614 2 ай бұрын
I think this new game is made to appeal to a younger audience, it looks like a moving play set with little action figures.
@kennycarter5682 2 ай бұрын
one thing people dont talk about much is that this game allows us to see the graphical style of links awakening used in a full sized game to its fullest potential. not to mention 2D sections are back
@k0lpA 2 ай бұрын
more zelda is always good imo
@kennycarter5682 2 ай бұрын
@@k0lpA of course. the game is a day one buy regardless. a zelda game have to be flat out awful to not buy
@cristiany140 2 ай бұрын
People complaining that Nintendo is doing the same formula for years. People complainig when Nintendo changes that formula. Hahaha is like people wantin TP/WW remasters but when they got them people will complain that they are only re releasing old games. And that is why is important for nintendo to do whatever they want and then look for feedback only if sales goes horribly wrong. (Except with pokemon, they really need to do something lol)
@ikagura 2 ай бұрын
And people whined when WW changed the art style and way of playing. Then TP was also kinda bashed for being "well, it's just OOT but fancier".
@XanderVJ 2 ай бұрын
Hint. Those are completely different groups of people. You are not as smart as you think you are with that comment.
@TureModder-l9k 2 ай бұрын
I don't think the formula was ever the problem. and that Zeldas have become easier and more linear over time. if there was one thing I liked about Zelda it was when I got stuck I started exploring the accessible areas looking for a way to continue or I talked to the NPCs looking for clues and in the meantime I discovered secrets and pieces of heart. all this is not possible in a free open world.
@rafaeldoraguille9169 2 ай бұрын
Of course there's always going to be people complaining. But I'm not the one who asked for Nintendo to change the formula. Neither did I complain about the TP/WW remasters. So I stand by my word when I say I don't like the path the series is going down
@illuminated_crown 2 ай бұрын
I might play it as a zelda fan. But truthfully this is not on top of my list
@Thanosferatu 2 ай бұрын
6:25 Triforce Heroes erasure
@AndresRestart 2 ай бұрын
I kinda slot it along the 4 swords games into a different category. Multiplayer Zelda.
@XanderVJ 2 ай бұрын
​@@AndresRestartFour Sword Adventures had a single player mode, though. And it was pretty good.
@WindMageMaster 2 ай бұрын
@@AndresRestartFS & TFH I’d agree with. But FSA is a solid single player Zelda game.
@successanimation 2 ай бұрын
This game is exactly NOT the direction I want the Zelda franchise to go in. First of all, I want Link not playable Zelda. I also don't want all these weird BotW and TotK mechanics and game structure. I won't buy this and focus on Metroid instead.
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
I don't especially care who the playable characters are, I just want a return to the old formula. More dungeons, better story, you know.
@namelessbag 2 ай бұрын
It just looks really garbage. It's as if they took Scribblenaut's main gimmick and made it objectively worse. In scribblenauts you wrote anything and you caused that thing to spawn. In Zelda, you slide through a slow ass menu to pick what you want to spawn. No one would give a single crap about this game if it didn't have "Zelda" in the title
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
You could say the same about TotK with all its zonai devices
@michaeldelloro3148 2 ай бұрын
I just want less grinding As less stuff like zonai batteries and less korok seed stuff
@anthonynelson3536 2 ай бұрын
Mr Restart
@TheGoldenPhoenix-nm8qe 2 ай бұрын
I like the idea of it's celebrating All Zelda games. I'm excited for the Deku Scrubs return!
@rockowlgamer631 2 ай бұрын
"complained about" goddess hylia above, gamers can't just enjoy things nowadays can they> How about they can complain about it AFTER they play it? Can't judge too much before playing a game.
@firenze6478 2 ай бұрын
It’s more worry after not having a proper zelda fix in over a decade. Older fans are starving and have been burned twice now.
@athorem 2 ай бұрын
I mean if a person thinks the game looks like it's going in a disappointing direction then it's probably a smart decision to save their money on buying the game and buy something else instead. Just like how there wasn't really a reason for people who didn't like BotW to buy TotK
@megaman37456 2 ай бұрын
@@firenze6478 FACTS! The best shit I've got to work with is the Link's Awakening Remake, it's like Nintendo can't pull their heads out of their ass long enough to realize you gotta give the older Zelda fans something worthy too, and no, Skyward Sword HD doesn't count, that game was mid when it came out, and it's mid now.
@megaman37456 2 ай бұрын
@@athorem Actually I greatly disliked BoTW, but adore ToTK. ToTK feels more alive, has more music, and has decent boss fights, and the exploration, especially in the depths feels enjoyable.
@rockowlgamer631 2 ай бұрын
@@firenze6478 I mean sure, BotW and TotK weren't that good when it comes to puzzles, exploration was decent though in BotW at least.
@boomini5606 2 ай бұрын
You played Majora's Mask music while talking about the Deku scrubs! I love it 😁
@AndresRestart 2 ай бұрын
That was my inspiration for it!
@ShiggyMomo 2 ай бұрын
The return of heart pieces gives me hope that some old elements of linear Zelda are coming back, which is a good thing. Some fans just need to calm down and let Nintendo cook because it looks like they're trying to strike a balance between linear and open Zelda and it'll take a few games before they find that sweet spot that everyone can be happy about.
@cristiany140 2 ай бұрын
Yes. I think that it is great that they are trying new things
@rocvan8190 2 ай бұрын
If Nintendo fans are insatiable, Twitter users are 'impossible'. No matter what you present to them, they will always have complaints 😑
@SuperJoselink 2 ай бұрын
Cause they are not here for the Zelda games. They are just here to keep playing the same things over and over again.
@XanderVJ 2 ай бұрын
Dude, if you are going to strawman, at least try harder. This is just boring.
@SpencerDrummer 2 ай бұрын
Looks fun. That’s what matters.
@SkySwordsAlisa 2 ай бұрын
Im curious about the amiibo support. I do think nintendo will announce an eow zelda amiibo. What if we can get cool outfits, echoes, and or different horses? Im so excited for this game and all the different possiblities with echoes and bind!
@TheRealPSKilla502 2 ай бұрын
I feel like amiibos should be phased out soon. They were cool back on the wii u, but now they're just a worse form of microtransaction due to their rarity.
@brightya 2 ай бұрын
I’ve been hoping for a TOTK2 and now it seems we are gonna have a BOTW trilogy. I don’t care who is mad. All I cares about is who is excited about this fantastic game. Don’t take me wrong. I love Wind Waker and looking forward to playing Minish cap and spirit of track one day. I am sure the old Zelda is the base formula of the BOTW trilogy. That’s why I love both the old and new Zelda games.
@asmongoldsmouth9839 2 ай бұрын
This reminds me SO MUCH MORE of A Link to the Past. Just playing as Zelda and using items to build like BotW.
@BlondeBarbarian 2 ай бұрын
If this game has no dungeons, or if the dungeons are lame cookie cutter dungeons like the last two games, i won't be buying it.
@AdrianBigyes 2 ай бұрын
Idk.. Modern zelda requires creativity and gives developers motivation and growth. I wouldn't trade that for nostalgia.
@russellcunningham-yk4gr 2 ай бұрын
I think this is going to be the best 2d zelda game ever to play and sales
@megaman37456 2 ай бұрын
Nah. The Oracles Games, ALttP and Minish Cap will forever hold those titles.
@ikagura 2 ай бұрын
@@megaman37456 ALTTP is legendary but it clearly shows its age. The Oracle games and Minish Cap are not made by Nintendo and are built on top of existing games.
@russellcunningham-yk4gr 2 ай бұрын
@megaman37456 so u don't think this game will sale more then 3.9 million I guess we will see
@megaman37456 2 ай бұрын
@@russellcunningham-yk4gr I don't judge a games quality by it's sales, I judge it by it's gameplay loop and replay value. Just like Scarlet and Violet are bar none the worst pokemon games in the franchise, just barely beating out Sword and Shield, I judge them by their quality, not their sales. Sales mean nothing to a games overall quality because Gamers these days will buy up whatever slop is put in front of them with very little taste for quality.
@russellcunningham-yk4gr 2 ай бұрын
@megaman37456 but I specifically said sales. But what ever just hope it's a fun game
@SuperMetalyrics 2 ай бұрын
I understand people want original Zelda games back, but please don't scare this up: I WANT TO PLAY AS ZELDA proper. Not phantom, not in smash bros, I want to play as Zelda in a Zelda game. Please don't ruin this😭
@shanestevick679 2 ай бұрын
Does it matter. The legend of Zelda Echoes of wisdom is going to be a really fun game. I'm looking forward to playing Echoes of wisdom next month Andres.
@danieltinsleykhvsff9622 2 ай бұрын
Honestly let them be mad I'm enjoying this
@kit76149 2 ай бұрын
I love what we've seen of the game so far and can't wait to play it. If people want to be miserable about this game then they can waste their time doing that
@dumbguychannel445 2 ай бұрын
Zelda fans are the worst, nobody knows what they want
@cwega2463 2 ай бұрын
different people want different things. the more annoying thing is when people online take the thousands of different opinions and comments from different people wanting different things and try to lump them together as one collective (here everyone as zelda fans); so when there’s contrasting opinions, people like you declare they’re indecisive and don’t know what they want. no, you’re just seeing different opinions from different people. it’s not like you’re reading one guy specifically commenting one day “i hate old Zelda i wish everything was like BOTW and open”; then another saying “EoW sucks because it’s like BOTW and not the old zeldas”. that isn’t how this works.
@ct2xperience749 2 ай бұрын
Probably because you're not listening. I'm not a Zelda fan but it's not that hard for me to understand where they're coming from.
@asmongoldsmouth9839 2 ай бұрын
​@@cwega2463You literally just expalined what "generalizing" is. Why the need for the definition? I'm sure he understands what generalizing is. It's frustrating when you see a large congregation of cynics. Negative energy spreads like a cold virus. We don't need that in this day and age. Since 2020, the world has become more bleak and ominous, thanks to people's terrible attitudes and negative demeanors.
@asmongoldsmouth9839 2 ай бұрын
​@@ct2xperience749All people have to do is not play the game. Now THAT is easy to understand. "I only like raspberry candy." You get a strawberry candy. You know what you do in this situation? Don't eat the candy.
@cwega2463 2 ай бұрын
@@asmongoldsmouth9839 yep i did… that was the point of the comment… wow your reading comprehension and media literacy is insane.
@HylianBull 2 ай бұрын
Andres makes some excellent points in this video. Every generation is going to cry about what Zelda "Should" be. As someone who was playing OG Zelda at release, Ive been pleased and dissapointed by releases over the years. In the end I have learned to appreciate each entry for what it is.
@Dewdrop0-6 2 ай бұрын
@DouglasEasley 2 ай бұрын
The only thing that matters to me is that you play as Link not Zelda! So because of that is why I'm not going to be purchasing it!
@cjb1373 2 ай бұрын
I don't think it's right to compare modern post botw Zelda to original. It drives me nuts when I see people comparing the divine beasts to twilight princess dungeons. This is not a sound comparison. They are very different experiences at their fundamental levels. The beasts should be judged on their own merits. They should be praised for their originality and how they fit into the breath of the wild world design.
@XanderVJ 2 ай бұрын
People judge the Divine Beast on their own merits. And they still suck, even if you don't compare them to traditional Zelda dungeons.
@theterribleclaw4285 2 ай бұрын
No no no it's not 2D BOTW, it's 2D TOTK and that's why I'm not getting it when it comes out.
@morrison22 2 ай бұрын
Your loss
@goaliegains6396 2 ай бұрын
@@morrison22my thought exactly! Lol
@sabo8662 2 ай бұрын
what's the difference?
@TheSpeedfoever 2 ай бұрын
@@theterribleclaw4285 still get it it's amazing already
@padmoch2207 2 ай бұрын
interesting, because for me it's an argument to buy this game and on the first day 😅
@thegreenthunder5416 2 ай бұрын
TOTK is perhaps the best Zelda game they’ve ever made, and they are perhaps the best selling Zelda games ever made. It would make sense why they would try and capture that gameplay and put it into a 2D top down Zelda. Plus imagine the whiplash you’d get from having so much freedom in TOTK to a rigid linear Zelda game. They want Zelda’s first outing to not only be fun but also familiar and approachable, and I’m down for that
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