WHY THE SDA CHURCH CAN'T SAVE YOU | We Respond to Negative Comments | 3ABN Danny Shelton

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With The Chablals

With The Chablals

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So you are probably wondering what we mean by why the SDA church can't save you. You are going to want to watch this video until the end to understand the full context. We have been in the SDA church our entire lives and there is a common misconception that being in the SDA church means that you are safe or in some cases even saved. We explore why the SDA church can't save you, salvation is not through a church, organization, or institution. We have also included a clip from Danny Shelton of 3ABN sharing his thoughts on the SDA Church.
As in our previous SDA video we see that this is a topic where many agree and disagree. We would love to know your thoughts in the COMMENTS BELOW, please comment in love ❤.
Danny Shelton 3ABN FULL Video:
• If Not Now, Then When?...
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@DonnaMitchellDMM Жыл бұрын
A lady went to the Pastor and said👩... "I won’t be attending Church anymore." He said, "May I ask why??" She said, "I see people on their cell phones during the service, some are gossiping, some just ain’t living right, they are all just hypocrites." The Pastor got silent and he said, "Ok... But can I ask you to do something for me before you make your final decision?" She said, "What’s that?" He said, "Take a glass of water and walk around the Church 2 times and don’t let any water fall out the glass." She said, "Yes I can do that." She came back and said "It’s done." He asked her 3 questions: 1. Did you see anybody on their phone? 2. Did you see anybody gossiping? 3. Was anybody living wrong? She said, "I didn’t see anything because I was so focused on this glass, so the water wouldn’t fall." He told her, "When you come to Church, you should be just that focused on God , so that you don’t fall.That’s why Jesus said 'Follow me.' He did not say follow Christians. Don’t let your relationship with God be determined by how others relate with God. Let it be determined by how focused YOU are on God." 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼.
@polinangwenya2056 Жыл бұрын
The church doesn’t save anyone. You seek The kingdom of God and everything shall be added to you. As a matter of fact the SDA church never said it will save you. You must know God for yourself, study the Bible. The church is vehicle for you to learn the word and understand what you need to do to go to heaven. It’s sad that when people face difficulties in the church, they leave the church and start being negative. If anybody has a problem with their church, I man any organisation. Why not discuss it with the leaders. Some people are being used y the tempter/ devil. Is there any need to bash the church. Why don’t you preach the word and bring people to God, rather than criticising. Go ye therefore and preach to all the nation. I don’t think God said we should leave the church and scare people from learning about God. I don’t care which religion people go to, just spread good news to others.
@nathanielhutauruk197 Жыл бұрын
@heismyshepherd7109 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you. This is the works of the devil to undermine God's chosen channel of truth. Be careful in approaching certain issues.
@rayray4192 Жыл бұрын
Adventists leave at a rate of 300,000 per year. They leave because the doctrines are gross error. 90 % become agnostic and are lost forever. Adventists have a ministry of condemnation and death. And you lie when you say the church doesn’t save anyone. Mormons are the Latter Day Saints and Adventists are the only remnant church of God. Exclusivity is a key component of all religious cults. If you aren’t an Adventist you aren’t in the club and you are apostate, Babylon, and the daughter of a whore. Your daughter of the devil prophetess declared no man would enter heaven without God’s government seal, which is fantastic Sabbath. You are a disgusting liar and you have no part in the body of Christ
@rayray4192 Жыл бұрын
@@heismyshepherd7109 you are a deluded fool
@DonnaMitchellDMM Жыл бұрын
I totally agree. The church isn't perfect and will never be. When we have issues with the church bring it up with the leaders. Pray to God, don't curse the church lift it up in your prayer, you be the change that the church is looking for. The church is the people which is you as well Adriel and wife 😢😢😢😢
@christwisdomhisgrace1620 Жыл бұрын
I dont brame your decision at all but some of us found what we wanted and Jesus transformed my life completely in studying the teachings of the bible through SDA so as long as your doing His commandments so good and well were you are. *1 Corithans 2:14 * The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the spirit. Jesus is the center of our salvation and He says if you love me keep my commandments.John 14:15-24.
@rayray4192 Жыл бұрын
You are a biblical fool and bible illiterate. There is no Sabbath in the new covenant. Why would there be?
@ChildofGod-dm4sr Жыл бұрын
No denomination will save you but your faith and Jesus Christ is the truth the way and the life.
@bslspeaks Жыл бұрын
Acts 5:29 - "You ought to obey God rather than man."
@wararamong Жыл бұрын
Im one of the gays who didnt wanted to be gay...in my younger years I was violated by older guys and my childhood friend..and I grew confused and in my teenage and adult years I struggled a lot..I become secretly immoral homosexual until one day I prayed to God that I wanted it all to be over..and after 3 years He answered me..I got out of that situation and gradually He changed my heart..my lusts and desire are leaving...I got renewed personal relarionship with Him..and Jesus is the talk that I would always love to share to my co workers... Especially about the free gift of salavation thay Jesus can only give .
@umabrijmohun6720 Жыл бұрын
As a former Adventist I am cheering you guys on, your salvation is not linked to a denomination or their beliefs but it comes from Christ alone God Bless your ministry as you share the Gospel of grace
@waynecharles5331 Жыл бұрын
Hi Uma long time,do you believe just as I stumbled upon pastor Francois video 7 MTHS after its airing the same happened here.amazing how similar the response of the godly church folks are... Can't hide truth bro it's like a light....
@rovetsenior9869 Жыл бұрын
Well first of all SDA go deep into the truth and believe in the Ten Commandments . While Other Denominations refuse to still believe in the existence and consistency of keeping the sabbath the ten commandment, they say it’s done away with because we only get to be saved by grace now and a lot more scripture make many people uncomfortable so they Not going to stay . many people cant be a SDA member because God Bible and his word should be in their and if they want to do whatever they want to do then they will run away. Even the Bible tells you that in the last day people will turn away from their faith and cause a lot of conflict.
@MrKennyblv Жыл бұрын
And so your salvation is in your new church is it. If it’s truly not from a church then why switch. Adventist church is not attractive enough .. they don’t have the celebrity gospel artist and pastors ?? Right.. God is not mocked . You are not fooling anyone. There are many churches in the world .. no once call claim to be the right .. if you want to be a true Christian of faith then be one and focus on what you are called you do.. it’s not a competition to mislead people and tell them to leave the Adventist church .. how desperate can one be to create a whole content and make people feel the Adventist church is probably a wrong side. …
@shelosalac8867 Жыл бұрын
That's why God always remind us to read bible every day..
@nyarkomala Жыл бұрын
Thy hand, O God, has guided Thy flock from age to age; The wondrous tale is written Full clear on every page; Our fathers owned Thy goodness, And we their deeds record; And both of this bear witness, One church, one faith, one Lord.
@ShakibahFanus Жыл бұрын
I do not believe that the organization is straying. We all do things that are wrong. Let the change begin with you. I learnt that at my church. I wasn't pleased with how things were running in the church but we spoke and tried our best to do better. Things are still not perfect but let the change begin with you. God will guide and inspire you to do what is wrong. All He wants is for us to be saved! He loves us! Let us hold on!
@rayray4192 Жыл бұрын
Christians don’t hold on. Ellen’s first vision ( December 1844) from the devil featured Christians walking on a path to the city of God and falling off the path into darkness because they took their eyes off Jesus. It’s a lie. Redeemed saints are on a firm foundation- the rock Jesus Christ. The Adventist organization has been a disgusting abomination to God since they were the little flock of shut door of mercy freaks. Adventists are conspiracy theory weirdos in an asinine demonic cult. Adventists have no part in the body of Christ
@DonnaMitchellDMM Жыл бұрын
Amen sister. Be the change to help the church grow
@rovetsenior9869 Жыл бұрын
Lol first of all if anyone have a problem with SDA church they have a problem with the Bible because they go by the good book. Also if anyone becomes a seventy Day Adventist and then turn away it means they wasn’t fully into that religion from day one because seventy Adventist go in depths of the Bible , and therefore is someone was not living right in that church our duty is to not step away but to make it right. And don’t care what denomination you in you best believe that Gods words still stand .
@janecarollissen145 Жыл бұрын
@doreen9710 Жыл бұрын
Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, meaning the new Sabbath is rest in Christ, not a day of the week
@nicholastoo858 Жыл бұрын
Here are a some thoughts to think about... (Long post) The reasons that you gave for leaving are that worship is not being conducted well or being rushed, or mishandling the youth, how Christian standards are being taught and talking too long maybe during announcements (if I'm not mistaken). You also mentioned some things that are not being done well in the conference. No church is perfect, as it's a place where fellow sinners meet. The problems that you've mentioned are nothing new. Every church exhibits one or multiple flaws. What happens if every member of the congregations picks out flaws that they have with their church, and then use that as a reason to leave? Because as after all, it will be their truth, just as you have set the example with your truth. You say that you're leaving, then at the same time, you say that you're not calling people to leave the church, that it's just you guys who've been impressed to leave, that it's your truth. The title of your video is why you've left the SDA church. Believe it or not, without you saying it, the video acts as a call for people to leave the church for the same reasons that you left. Then let's say you leave, then form or join another group of people who have left the organization, there's no doubt that you will see some of their flaws, some things that might not meet your standards, do you then leave to find another group? Or what if some of your flaws show up? Or if you don't meet other people's standards? Do they leave you guys to find others? There's nothing new under the sun, if you want to learn how to deal with a flawed church, simply look back in history. There's no better example than during the time of Jesus. The church was so flawed that they didn't recognize Jesus as the messiah, and went as far as getting Jesus killed by the Romans. Unless the church chases you away or getting excommunicate, use every opportunity to share the light that you have with fellow congregants as well as the leadership. Then just as probation closed for the Jews, the event being marked by the stoning of Stephen, the gospel then went to the gentiles. So also there will be a time when probation will close for Adventists, marked by the event known as the National Sunday Law, then as the gospel went to all the old world with power and manifestations of the Pentecost, so also, after the NSL, the time for the loud cry will come, which will take the final message to the whole world. I totally understand the grievances that you have, but how you decided to handle it is not the best way. Exercise the patience of the saints and seek wisdom.
@waynecharles5331 Жыл бұрын
Do you realize that the world isn't aware of a nsl plot untill sdas brings it up. I'm a born again believer baptized in the apostles doctrine,and the cross of Jesus ,I don't know what biblical evidence you have to support that SDA doctrine but if you can show me from the Bible I'll greatly appreciate it.thanks
@niecybrunson8404 Жыл бұрын
We will continue to pray for you two couples.
@heismyshepherd7109 Жыл бұрын
Leaving the church is not Godly or Biblical solution. That is going into the trap of devil.
@waynecharles5331 Жыл бұрын
Explain why please,also what is the new relationship between the GC and the Catholic church...
@Kayy18 Жыл бұрын
22:20 You can be in any church and do all of what you was saying.
@wararamong Жыл бұрын
There are things best kept lowkey... Faith is not something just about one thing..its always about deeper things and leaving a denomination is not just something about what the couple had said..there are things deeper than that which is better kept unsaid..they might have left their former church but not their faith that salvation is in Jesus Christ's Grace alone.
@stephenodhiambo0007 Жыл бұрын
Thanks,,, I am now aware of the kind of Christian I am.We are still saved by God's grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ...My salvation is not dependent on my SDA church, obeying Law or any good works....it is all on upon Jesus Christ,my Lord.
@rayray4192 Жыл бұрын
Testimonies to the church volume four page 294 paragraph 2: “ Man must be reconciled to God by obedience to his law and faith in Jesus Christ.” - Daughter of the devil Ellen White.
@seekthingsabovetv Жыл бұрын
Amen fam! Praise God for bringing you out. I'll be doing my story soon about why I left. May the Lord bless you and your family!
@MrKennyblv Жыл бұрын
God does not bring you out of anything. You probably don’t know why you worship God. If you did you would know your idea of an encouraging comment is irrelevant. But what can I say, there is a lot of problems in the world already than to bother about who left one church for the other ..
@seekthingsabovetv Жыл бұрын
@MrKennyblv I know why I believe In God. I wasn't a Christian for most of my life. Strange that you assume people have some sort of blind faith. It's actually quite sad that you have an issue with someone celebrating another person coming to know the truth.
@emilelesbott3211 10 ай бұрын
It is sad to see my brother and sister turn away from their calling, John 6:44. It is not one's decision to enter into God's service, it is God's decision. This is truly sad because it is not their fault, the fault falls upon the Leadership who has fallen into apostasy with the Word of God. As it stands my brother and sister stand in more trouble than they might think as Adventists who left the SDA Church's faith.
@missidljkingofkings9063 11 ай бұрын
The Bible tells us that we are saved by grace through faith. Nothing else!!!!!. Worship Christ in spirit and truth, don't exalt anything above Christ, Nothing!! Worship on Saturday or worship on Sunday, do not make the day Lord over you. Salvation came by believing Jesus is God in the flesh, died for the sins of the world, and rose again on the 3rd day, so whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. My brother and sister, please continue to do the work of the Lord and continue to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Too many Pharisees practices among the body of Christ, they don't truly love what the Lord loves and hate what he hates. They are pumped up on legalism but no truth.
@kadi2476 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, You went to the church for the wrong reason. You were too focused on people and not Jesus. So I agree stay home. Just remember, The 4th commandment acknowledges God as creator of heaven and earth. But if you violate this, your basically done. Remember the devil is subtle and he will use those people to draw you in.
@ShakibahFanus Жыл бұрын
We do not have the right to say who is going to hell or heaven as only God knows the heart. The church should be ready to receive everyone no matter who they are. Everything you do must be done out of love and kindness since we call ourselves Christians and God IS LOVE. I believe that the SDA church is the remnant church. Things will always go wrong in the church, however we must keep our eyes focused on Christ. Going to church is a way of encouragement for you as an individual. At my SDA church we had a lot of these issues however we spoke about it and found ways to do better. We are all human beings we will slip up but we should not stay down. We should get up, shake of and keep moving forward with God by our side. Hold on to God! He loves you!
@waynecharles5331 Жыл бұрын
May I respectfully ask how is the SDA church the remnant church.thanks for Ur answer....
@rayray4192 Жыл бұрын
You are going to eternal hell with a bible in your hand. You are a sinner who must be prepared to stand before God without a mediator. You are a member of a demonic cult that God hates. You are not saved. You have a fake investigative judgment Jesus and a perverted cursed gospel that saves no one. You are bible illiterate and a biblical fool. Other than all that you are doing fantastic.
@rayray4192 Жыл бұрын
“ Through the grace of God and their own diligent efforts they must become conquers in t😢battle with evil.” Great Controversy page 420. Your daughter of the devil prophetess was a visionary in the Shouting Methodists which was a hyper legalistic and charismatic sect of religious freaks. You must reach sinless perfection and stand ready to stand before good without a mediator. Are you ready?
@johnstevenson8487 Жыл бұрын
The Holy Spirit is in our lives to lead and guide us into the truth. He's not going to lead us wrong because He is the truth. Stay with the Holy Spirit and you'll be alright.
@monicaseoketsa813 8 ай бұрын
May God lead you, every step of the way. It's true that a relationship with God should be priority more than a church building or worshipping the day(creation)... The belief that SDA members are the only ones going to heaven is a lie....deception.
@NaturalMomma12 Жыл бұрын
I normally do not comment on videos, but for this one, I could not not reply. I have been an Adventist all my life and have seen people come and go and many core things we believe remain the same and many things get modified. I have been to so many Adventist churches throughout the United States and overseas and we are not on a united front. We are vastly different and those differences are influenced and rationalized by differences in culture, geography, etc. when we SHOULD be on one accord in Christ and His Word alone. Every Catholic although different in culture, geography, or attend Mass every week or only on major holidays they genuinely believe the same exact thing and adhere to the same things, I am not saying any of their beliefs are right or wrong, they are what they are (e.g. Baptism of their babies, first Communion, Lent, Anti-divorce, etc.), but SDAs are all quite different. Our attitudes, our beliefs, or are values are not the same. I am not speaking from a perfect place nor do I claim that my religion, SDA, is a perfect denomination. I am and will always be a Christian first and SDA second because I follow Christ first and the SDA church has given me a framework that I use to GUIDE me on how to live my day to day life. When i see distinct differences in the Adventist church across the globe it just confirms the hunanity of our leadership, which doesn’t make it right nor is it an excuse, but it causes me to remember just how much we all need Jesus. It reminds me that the ultimate goal is to follow God and follow its word. It also convicts me to SPEAK UP and demand different because God wants different from us.He calls us to be Holy. Will we ever be Holy like Him? No, not while on this side, we're not in heaven yet, but we should strive daily to be like Him. In my journey with God, the SDA church has had a lot to offer that impacts my life and that of my family in a profound and positive way, but it also has its discrepancies. If God were to tell me, to go though, that's what I would do because if He says something I believe His word. I have received no conviction to leave and I am not forced to stay. Trust me there have been many opportunities for me to leave as I have seen and been to other churches or took a journey of no church just time in and with God and His word. That did not work because everyday i felt like there was no standard, no boundaries, and His Word says that God is a God of order so there is no wrong with wanting that, I believe the Holy Spirit actually puts that in our hearts hence what happens when we are convicted. In those moments of conviction we feel torn and in need of clarity of what we should do, say, think, etc. Many of the churches I have experienced say grace is enough, God loves you and that is enough, no need to change who you are with Christ compared to who you were before you knew him and chose to love Him. Because He first loved us just believe He is the son of God, love Him and you have a guaranteed ticket to heaven. Please don't get it twisted, I don't believe that works will save you, salvation is a gift from God, again from His Word. However, after healing people Jesus would often say, "Go and Sin no More" which tells me after an experience with Jesus you can't live the same way as someone who hasn't experienced Him, there has to be a difference, if there isn't supposed to be a difference then what are we really doing people of God?!?!??? God also tells us to not forget the assembly, which means he calls us to gather with other believers, so being at home in my Word is one thing, but I am told to GO TO CHURCH. What church should I be going to? I can't answer that for anyone but myself and until my children have the capacity to make a well informed decision for themselves I answer for them as well. The Bible says that, We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. There is a reason why it says "We" and "Our". Someone else needs to hear your testimony, my testimony, God believes in community. If you feel called to attend a community of believers, a church, that follows the word of God, believes in a lifestyle set apart from the world and not based on the world and what's trending, and spreads the message to all the world as He commanded us to, then by all means pray about it and be there. I know and hear the remnant talk on a regular basis as an SDA and I also know that God's word also speaks to having sheep in other/many folds. In heaven, Baptists, Pentecostals, SDAs, Methodists, Catholics, Non Denominational folk, and others from other religions will ALL BE THERE. The devil wants us to get distracted and focused on many things except the most important thing which is, the end is near and Jesus is coming back so why don’t WE ALL get ready, Baptist or SDA or Non denominational or whatever you identify as. Study to show yourself approved, that's His Word. I agree with a previous comment that this convo.on SDAs from this couple and others I have seen, make me feel like their church hurt drives them to take some of their experiences or things that a few people have said of their own experience with SDAs and run with it and then declare that all SDAs are screwed up, in a cult, have no basis on truth and the list goes on. I think people should have the right to get to know every denomination for themselves and choose for themselves because these types of videos depict the Adventist church in a light that is quite concerning when there are leaders of the SDA church who are focused on being bible based and genuine in working for the Lord, and you have mothers of the church who will pray for you and love on you, not judge you, etc. When you have met 1 Seventh Day Adventist, you have done just that, met only 1. I promise you the SDA person/SDA church in Jamaica, London, New York, California, Peru, or in Canada have vast differences. Some of us don't buy on the Sabbath and some of us do, some of us lead with Ellen G.White as if her words are the Bible and some of us may never read more than 1 of her books if any at all, some of us follow a Vegan/Vegetarian lifestyle to the full extent and others of us won't let go of our oxtail and mac'n' cheese🙃, some of us wear hats in church and some of us don’t, some of us wear jewelry and some of us don’t, etc. Do people get legalistic and judgmental yes, but are people also liberal and radical as well in the SDA Church yes. Is either right?? I don’t think so because I believe again God is a God of order and being liberal or legalistic has no order or place with Him. That is my conviction and my perspective. In the end, i believe every believer of Christ and every denomination deserves a fair shot to have an individual decide for themselves if they can stand behind it or not. Your title, in my perspective, was PURE click bait as it already had a negative connotation to it. It implied that SDAs as a whole, every single 1 of us, have said that only SDAs can be saved and go to heaven. I do not adhere to that belief and many others don't either. I just would request that videos made about an SDA, Pentecostal, Jehovah Witness, or any other denomination be made in a way that is more tasteful, less bias, and less cynical. That is what i felt watching this, that was MY EXPERIENCE of the video. All of what I wrote is my humble opinion and I wish you as a couple, your family, and every believer reading this an open mind and heart to receive and know the Word of God for yourself, trust God, and He will lead you to the community of believers that tou should be with. Blessings to you all🙋🏾‍♀️🙏🏾.
@ltai-now Жыл бұрын
I am a former SDA, I left over a year, and I never looked back. I lost all my friends and almost all my family, but I never lost Jesus, He never lost me, I never regretted my decision, and I am so happy and at peace, resting in Jesus.
@rayray4192 Жыл бұрын
You are better off without your friends and family. Make a new family.
@mvurwimainsdachurch Жыл бұрын
hey you stop to lie that yoy never lost Jesus. if you worship on sunday give me a verse that prove its right
@rayray4192 Жыл бұрын
@@mvurwimainsdachurch today is your golden calf idol day. Happy sabbath heretic!
@rayray4192 Жыл бұрын
@@mvurwimainsdachurch give me a verse that teaches it’s wrong to worship on any day. You are incredibly deluded and foolish. Of course everyday is a good day to worship God. There is no scripture in Holy Writ that teaches new covenant believers are Jews. As an ignorant Adventist demonic cult member you enjoy judging the bride of Christ. God’s wrath is waiting for you wannabe Jew. Eternal hell is your home unless you repent and are born again. Then you can apologize. You are disgusting
@rayray4192 Жыл бұрын
@@mvurwimainsdachurch imagine the wrath of God for a man calling another man a liar because he’s seeking God and following scripture. You are of the devil your father, the liar of all liars.
@lynnethlerr9119 Жыл бұрын
God sees your faithfulness, faith and Believe and he will lead you. What ever church you are, yet the bible quote in exodus 20 : 8,9 10. Thank you for your discussion really blessed
@rhuleg09 Жыл бұрын
Agree being a 7th day won't save you, but it is Christ alone. We are all human many are not fully let go of sin and cause disharmony within the church itself. We need to pray for those who need Christ or need pray for those who are lost within the church. We must be mindful of negatively portraying the church. Because at the end of the day I believe God word is the truth and I'm glad u are still honoring the Sabbath. Amen. We can see the conference both is sad we need to pray for those in leadership. So I guess it how we Title things to cause contention. Strife riseth strife. Let's pray for those who got upset. Are we behaving Christ-like in how we respond to these very needful debates. I agree that we tend to stay with in the for walls. I agree our commission is to invite people to Jesus not "to church". And this is my desire. To me Sabbath is being out in nature and share His gospel. We need to support, guide and love those living contrary to God's word. I agree it is not our place to condemn anyone. We must show compassion and love Amen. The Bible will open those people's hearts. I agree. God bless you both. And I pray for those people with negative responses. I don't get it all. We are to humble ourselves and have these needed conversations, and this is why many leave the church also. Mercy And people need to realise we are not the final church or the end-time church we all will become one church for many who will see the truth about Sabbath worship and leave various religions to worship God. God bless you.
@lilianadufont9133 23 күн бұрын
To anyone reading this, Jesus is able to save you from sin. Jesus died for you because he loves you. To the KZbinr, thanks for sharing. May the Holy Spirit lead you in into all truth.
@jenniferbell7494 Жыл бұрын
I understand because I've experienced what you've been through for years. Only God can save us.
@paraquepossamos Жыл бұрын
I have tons of "Prophet Balaam" in my channel wishing me the worst in my channel... I am sorry for the experience you're having with these "blessed" people on your channel, but at the same time, it always show that for an Adventist, is better for you to leave Adventism and go live a life full of sin and mistakes, than just leave the SDA and become a Baptist, a Methodist, a Presbiteryan or be part of a non-denominational church. Because in their minds, they are ALL enemies...Lol... Keep sharing guys...is not easy...
@thinkcentre2974 Жыл бұрын
You are totally right. I am starting to understand. Our family doesn't get very involve with the corporate side of this church. We keep the commandments, attend divine service, pay thithes, and extra dues, and avoid to get involve any further. We have seen many, young and old, going from totally devoted and involved to fade and disappear. While there is a constant stronghold, of self righteous old men who have appointed themselves as judges of whomever dares to question anything. Doesn't the Lord calls us to be ready to give reason of our faith? To answer about our belief when asked ? Why then some get offended ?
@aguyawaiyaveri8170 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for waisting your time producing this video. None of your talks makes sense. All of us are fulfilling bible prophecy. I edge you two's to deeply study Gods word then never before and pray endlessly for the Holy Spirit. You guys find supportive bible text to support your experiences and also using your experiences to interpret the scripture. I think we all need to study God's word seriously to distinguish between right and wrong coz "even the very elect will be deceived." (Math 24:24) No hurt feelings! God is always good.
@waynecharles5331 Жыл бұрын
You said to the brave couple to pray earnestly for the holy spirit, but their are many ministries of the holy spirit,he comes like a mighty rushing wind,he gives tongues of men and angels,he baptiszes with fire as John the Baptist said,he convicts of sin,he directs he gives power to heal,to cast out demons I can go on and on so what do you think they should pray for the HS for their are so many...
@monicakayombo4770 Жыл бұрын
Sending love from Tanzania
@thinkcentre2974 Жыл бұрын
I agree, if as Christians we don't make a difference right there where the Lord have sent us. We are just another social club. What you have started in the Community, is very commendable. And is causing a ripple effect. 👏👏👏👌👌
@monicakayombo4770 Жыл бұрын
Keep doing what you do.....
@xylem3822 Жыл бұрын
I can empathize with you both. Can you please make a video on what really the conference should be doing? Thank you.
@joellakoslowski5397 Жыл бұрын
The spiritual church are the people and their relationship with the Father. The earthly church is the building and it’s relationship to traditions.
@obedpaina758 Жыл бұрын
The greatest enemy is within than without.
@johnstevenson8487 Жыл бұрын
Here's the problem with most who say they christains. They are more denominational than they are Christian. I know that because of the constant acknowledgement of their denomination when they talk. Like their denomination is the denomination above all. You're not attending your former church but you are clear about your alliance to the SDA. You talk about God but he's not First SDA is
@byluckyde-peige8938 Жыл бұрын
The bible speaks much about worship. Worship is very fundamental in us. We come to worship and share Gods word to the chief of sinners. We are chief of sinners. The sabbath was a gift given to us. Worship is a therapy of whoch rejuvinates our energy and makes us close to God. God is truth and believing God means you must worship God in truth and spirit. Leaving church is never something to be proud of..i pray God to give you eyes so that you may see..Our church will still stand and contribute to the work . please read.Hebrews 6:4_6.
@sethbardu1119 Жыл бұрын
Listen here, your truth is your truth. You need to drown all the noise and stay focused. Majority of the comments you received shows how unconverted we are. The only thing that should come out of our mouths and fingers should be love. We can never proclaim hate in the name of Jesus. NEVER. Every word of hate should tell you whose camp we belong in. There is lot of hate that finds permanent residence in the pew. Remember, the remnant is not a denomination, it is a people. Choose God. Let us pray for each other
@sethbardu1119 Жыл бұрын
I am a Seventh-Day Adventist
@olinadsaibo9926 Жыл бұрын
how do you call your self?
@shelosalac8867 Жыл бұрын
Genesis to Revelation
@andresolang Жыл бұрын
There is a second and third video of this testimony.
@champaingne1 Жыл бұрын
I have an idea what you guys are saying. I too noticed some stuffs since God put me on fire Himself. I do not like when they sing songs in praise and worship that almost the whole congregation don’t even know. When the Holy Spirit gives me a song it’s in my spirit singing for the whole week. Why then would they not sing familiar songs so all could worship and see the move of the Holy Spirit. I’m sure nothing is wrong with repetition since the Holy Spirit been doing this on a frequent with me. I want to be engaged and sing my all out to God. I want to worship God as well and not just only the praise team. I think too much time is spent on talking about self than using the time to glorify God. Ive encountered Christ and I just want to glorify Him as I go in and when I am leaving. Next thing is the Spirit just getting started in me and they just end the praise and worship abruptly singing just the 1 song I know. I told my wife this reminds me of her teasing me in the day and then when it’s time to get into action she is asleep. That’s how I’ve been feeling majority of the times. It’s like they have to work with a schedule. The Holy Spirit spoke to me many times through spiritual songs, Scriptures etc so when I see they work with this schedule all the time, I’m wondering to myself, where is the room for the Holy Spirit to move. I have a lot of questions. I don’t follow religion though, I follow Christ. I encounter demons in my dreams(which I didn’t know they were the real enemy) but God showed me and I want to cast out demons but I’ve never seen it in all my life going to church and I know for a certain the gifts are still for today because I’ve been continually experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit.
@waynecharles5331 Жыл бұрын
I hear you but what is it in Ur heart to you think the holy spirit is telling or leading you to do. Also I know the Sunday worshippers are "the Mark of the beast" but have you been brave or faith lead enough to visit one.would love to hear Ur response...
@zakila2cute Жыл бұрын
Preach guys! We are saved by believing in JESUS CHRIST! I am single, and I don’t care to be bonded with an Adventist man, I want a man who believe in Jesus Christ, a man who is living a kingdom life. May God continue to guide you both into all truth. Blessings to you guys!
@jimmystoner3352 Жыл бұрын
I think it's great that you want to be in a good relationship with a man who loves the Lord and serves God but you still need a relationship with Jesus based on the fact that you got your feelings hurt that's going to happen in any denomination. I am a man under the same circumstances it's hard to find a good companion who will be faithful, but we're supposed to have personal relationships with each other and the personal relationship with Jesus bring the unity together in the community of love, true love is based on truth but be careful where your source of truth comes from the Bible and Bible alone led by the Holy Spirit and not by our opinions and I am and will always be a Seventh-Day believing Christian
@RickeshaMarriott Жыл бұрын
Only God alone can change us and save us ❤🙏🏼
@rohanwilliams2750 Жыл бұрын
Rohan Jamaica D of A chapter 23 those who are willing to live and teach truth can't be regulated the truth makes you fee 1sm page 203-206 be strong keep growing i was there it's a system the church revelation 14 1-5 God is more in mi now than then
@keshiasteele8207 Жыл бұрын
Truth is the truth and it must be told stand in your power God has called you out of the darkness and into the light continue to speak your truth, I love you guys much love , kindness and blessings ❤❤
@coolwoodentv Жыл бұрын
This is enough. This is pure hate on sda church and on real truth
@roonique1761 Жыл бұрын
Do you guys know Roger Morneaus testimony ? If not.. please watch it 😃
@esthernabaggala4700 Жыл бұрын
Enemies of God's true church. Great controversy taking place
@CenterPorchNP Жыл бұрын
No church can save you. The denominational entity has only one purpose, to preach the Gospel. So that one can be saved through the shed blood of Christ.
@veno7864 Жыл бұрын
I am a SDA, those who are bashing you guys are just confirming that the decision you made to step away from the organization is the right step. God bless you on your journey with Jesus.
@rovetsenior9869 Жыл бұрын
First of all SDA is not an organization it’s just a bunch of people who truly believe in the Ten Commandments which includes the Seventh Day Sabbath put aside for a day of rest. Those people not running away from the church because they are the church. We are the church when they go after Seven Day Adventist that going after God own words . So they the one with the problem lol 😂
@jimmystoner3352 Жыл бұрын
Will to me it's a good thing that you got focused on your personal relationship with the Lord, Timothy speaks of study to show yourself approved unto God, your relationship is supposed to be with God where you go to church is your choice, the so I would be careful about trying to drag people from One Church to another or excusing your cells from going to church because the book of Hebrews God counsels us do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as in these last days many will do. So my advice to you is to make sure you are reading your Bible have a personal relationship with Jesus and go to a church where they preach the truth but be careful also about how you judge other organizations
@ziyandadewa6247 Жыл бұрын
Happy Sabbath. What is your understanding of the 7 churches in the book of Revelation chapters 2 & 3? Do you think those who stayed in those God approved while flawed churches were misguided(not guided by the Holy Spirit)? Is Jesus coming for His bride the church(who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus? If you trace the reformation movement it was the flawed church that excommunicated reformers. Look at the history of Israel and the kings, I don’t see them jumping ship if and when there was idolatry. In fact those who listened to counsels to go to Egypt when God said they would go into captivity for 70years ended up dead. Those who stayed were brought back to rebuild Jerusalem after 70 years. But I read of prayers, fasting, confession and repentance. Sometimes it would take years for this to happen. Your titanic example missed the mark- that ship had abominable claims and so one should not have even gone into it. I love that you still verbalize your decision process, I pray you’re also open to addressing your decision using biblical examples. I love your professed love for Jesus and we know He never lets us down but leads us back to Him. He is coming back for His bride the church which He Himself describes its credentials. Maranatha ❤❤
@harveyharris9251 Жыл бұрын
I think that a LARGE part of the conflict is directly connected to STANDARDS and Ellen G.White. The problem is that often the implication is that love of the world fashion, dress, lipstick, diet, worldly entertainment etc... These things have corrupted the individuals, making them incapable of understanding that salvation is in the God of HIS church.
@ShakibahFanus Жыл бұрын
I understand that there are issues in your congregation that you are not pleased about the bible reminds us that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. (Hebrews 10:25) We are there to encourage each other and to help each for Jesus is one His way!
@MrKennyblv Жыл бұрын
So my problem is that nobody said that being a SDA would take you to heaven. You focus on SDA is the problem . Any false Christian can miss heaven. The thing is using this Anti institution to get your KZbin views is desperate. People go to church to share and worship not to count who would go to heaven or not. And so you lot need to give it a rest. If you want to talk about God and you are truly sincere about it , then preach about God and do not use SDA or any any institution to make misleading content. DOING ALL THIS CONTENT ALSO WOULD NOT TAKE YOU TO HEAVEN . How about that. ? Be honest with yourself and make your message about Your spirituality without all the attack. There are a million people who done even know Christ yet and you focus is on the SDA… the society is loosing spiritual values and your focus is on SDA. What’s the agenda. I advise you guys get your act together .. looking into the world and see carry out the mission Christ sent you if you are truly Christians and preach the gospel instead of being the judges leave that for God on the judgement day !!!
@melval4135 Жыл бұрын
23:05. What did Donny say that was wrong? You did not explain. You just shook your head.
@ziyandadewa6247 Жыл бұрын
As I watched Danny is agreeing with them that he’ll leave the church organization if it endorses falsehoods.
@olinadsaibo9926 Жыл бұрын
do you still call yourself an adventist?
@johnstevenson8487 Жыл бұрын
No denomination can save anyone because Jesus Christ is the Savior. He's the way the truth and the life and no man cometh to the Father but by me. Jesus is the only savior of the world.
@LethoHali Жыл бұрын
6:54 Does this person actually believe this!!?? 🙊
@lynettebeckles9842 4 ай бұрын
If you preach some of the gospel other than what's preached in that scripture that's falsehood. The scripture says. Also, if you left it was because you were really never a part of it. Anyway, you like the seeds that were planted but did not stick.
@youlandacharles455 Жыл бұрын
I'm inviting you to Advent Ministries
@mvurwimainsdachurch Жыл бұрын
l have problem with people who worship people not God . they look on what people in SDA do not what bible says about SDA YOU CAN'T PROVE IT BAD WITH BIBLE. Even Jesús walks with evil people like Judas, so its possible to have people like Judas If you have a church which has no sinners please reply. The church which right only do what is in the bible Reply
@LethoHali Жыл бұрын
These Adventists are really offended aye Hahahah. Now they’re hating lol.
@esthernabaggala4700 Жыл бұрын
I think this couple are angels. They are 100% perfect. Actually instead of judging,, let revival and reformation start with us before we blame others
@eternity_dabu Жыл бұрын
Wearing makeup? Whatever you do, do it to glorify God.
@RedeemedSon144 Жыл бұрын
When I got out of the Adventist church, I went to the Baptist church because it was more Jesus-centric (God and Jesus is preached and Jesus does not 'have to compete' with a false prophet). The Baptist church is made of PEOPLE and so it (i.e. the denomination) is not PERFECT either. There are some people in there who are loving (wheat) and there are some people who are TARES. It took time for me to get used to going to church on sunday/"Son-day" over Saturday but now I am totally aclimitized. Jesus is more important, not Saturday - or Sunday. I feel really close to you guys because your journey is my journey. But Ellen G White is a FALSE PROPHET (2 Corinthians 11:13-15; 2 Corinthians 11:4; Galatians 1:6-9). I do not eat pork or shrimps because it is UNHEALTHY and when people (other Christians/Baptists) are eating pork, I don't 'judge' and I don't care. God has not called me to judge other people to be like me. Jesus has called me to follow Him and His Father and the only person that I need to judge is MYSELF (Philipians 2:12). Nowhere does the bible say that I have to go to church on Saturday (i.e. the sabbath) and Jesus was breaking the Sabbath (Saturday) because in the New Covenant, Jesus is the Sabbath - and you rest with God through Him 24/7 - Romans 5:1,2. Do not LISTEN to the NAYSAYERS. I am rooting for you guys! God bless you both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@waynecharles5331 Жыл бұрын
God bless you sir but you can speak with the members about them using their liberality that may offend a brother.a nice talk can help...
@MichaelMckamieHunger4truth 8 ай бұрын
Why do you think you have to tell the world that you left the SDA church?it seems to me that you are putting down the church to lead people away from the SDA church. They is bad apples in ever church not just the SDA.
@coolwoodentv Жыл бұрын
This is what i call the bad side followers, how cant the real truth save me ? prove it that sda is false religion. Btw stop posting hate on religion, hate me and also make video how you swear me but dont judge people and dont spit on god
@doreen9710 Жыл бұрын
From my understanding, the new Sabbath is rest) salvation in Jesus Christ and we should keep it holy by following the other commandments. Bcoz He is the Lord of the Sabbath and even Him and His disciples picked grains on the Hebrew Sabbath. It was changed bcoz pharisees were 'holy' on their Sabbath but continued their evil ways other days of the week. Apostle Paul went to the synagogues on the Hebrew Sabbath to preach to the Greeks who were not converted but the believers gathered on the Lord's day, that is Sunday. So I can say SDA have it very wrong
@waynecharles5331 Жыл бұрын
What's even more glaring but is missed by even sdas is that the Sabbath has more relevance to them than Jesus BC with out it their faith is destroyed...
@polinangwenya2056 Жыл бұрын
@@waynecharles5331 how’s it destroyed? Explain
@waynecharles5331 Жыл бұрын
Bc their faith is built on "keeping "the Sabbath and not so much the law.Some how one of them who I worked with before could of to lied, commit formication,gamble but would always "keep"the the Sabbath.maybe it's BC they have been indoctrinated to believe that if you break the Sabbath you're going to hell. Maan that Sabbath seems to replace accepting Jesus as the basis not to go to hell...
@prodbyMJ Жыл бұрын
@@waynecharles5331 now you are confused. Jus bc we emphasize keeping the sabbath doesn’t mean we don’t emphasize keeping the law. Keeping sabbath is meaningless with keeping the law. We must keep both
@prodbyMJ Жыл бұрын
The sabbath will never change
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