V: Subtlety at its Finest (an Analysis)

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Blanter Dang

Blanter Dang

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After a long wait I have finally decided to talk about my favorite character of all time, V from murder drones. She is written in a way that is so beautifully subtle, and just so perfect. I really enjoyed making this one and really poured my heart and soul into this video, so I would appreciate it a lot if you liked and subscribed to help this video get spread around more. also, thank you so much for the tremendous support recently, it means a lot to me.
also, here's another V analysis that I mentioned in the video that was really good: • Serial Designation V, ...
0:00 intro
0:27 overview
1:04 maid V
2:30 disassembly drone V
3:00 Episode 1: Pilot
5:27 Episode 2: Heartbeat
6:50 Episode 3: The Promening
10:48 Episode 4: Cabin Fever
14:40 Episode 5: Home
19:09 Episode 6: Dead End
21:55 V's sacrifice
25:05 Episode 7: Mass Destruction
25:42 Is V Alive?
26:51 conclusion
#murderdrones #glitchproductions #animation

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@ryderadams8575 10 күн бұрын
I'm gonna' be honest here, V was acting like a big sister or even mother trying to protect N from the past. The tone she used when Tessa (Cyn) said "It's okay N, I haven't been honest with V yet..." her reaction wasn't what I was expecting. She looks at N dead in his eyes and asks "What did she tell you?" like when my dad took me hunting and my mom didn't want me to see blood or gore at 4 years old. (I'm fine it's nothing new even then) She really wanted N to stay oblivious to all of it while he had no memory so that he would stay happy.
@blanterdang6112 10 күн бұрын
Yeah definitely like a big sister kinda vibe I got
@cacheyuvu9866 10 күн бұрын
I have the same feeling. With that idea, I think V did not eNVy the NUzi relationship at all. V expressed some type of "love" that transcends typical romantic relationships.
@ryderadams8575 10 күн бұрын
@@cacheyuvu9866 What I said had nothing to do with romance, it was about how she hid the truth from him for so long. By the way you misspelled envy.
@cacheyuvu9866 10 күн бұрын
​@@ryderadams8575 Oh, yeah, I see you didn't. I got your point and just included some of my own thoughts. Thanks for pointing that out, I've edited it.
@ryderadams8575 10 күн бұрын
@@cacheyuvu9866 Cool, so we're on the same page!
@justarandomdude797 10 күн бұрын
I really like V, she's been my favorite for a long time now. Her arc is very subtle. But my only gripe is that it was too subtle. I think more hints or in your face moments would have done wonders to transition V from hating Uzi to trusting her to carry on the mission against the solver. But great video. This made my like her character even more, and helps bridge the gap of her hating Uzi, to her trusting Uzi. Good job :) Also I think she could come back as an eldritch, maybe. But unlike J she will have control of herself, instead of just being a pawn to the solver.
@blanterdang6112 10 күн бұрын
Glad you liked it, i tried my best with this one
@TheOriginalStarwalker83 9 күн бұрын
Honestly this was a really good video, very well understandable and it definetely gave a much better insight into V's personality
@blanterdang6112 9 күн бұрын
Thanks man I really tried my hardest with this one to make it as good as possible so the support means a lot
@cacheyuvu9866 10 күн бұрын
More objective reasons why V is a perfect character, I believe, are as follows: firstly, her distinct personality (even if psychopathic, still distinct) makes a strong impression on the audience. Secondly, her mysterious background story is compelling, with the show providing numerous subtle details (movements, lines, or scenes) that suggest she is concealing something from others. Thirdly, she has a relatively well-developed arc which makes it easier for ppl to empathize with her. And also her voice is perfect (credit goes to Nola)XD. And now I reckon that the purpose she was hiding in ep 1 to 5 is to eliminate all the zombie drones who's at risk of being assimilated by Cyn and rescue humanity and her kind(?). She tried to kill Uzi cause she knew Uzi gonna be part of Cyn and wanted to protect N, but ended up sacrificing herself for them.
@cacheyuvu9866 10 күн бұрын
And I want to talk more about the details. At the end of ep4, on the bus, following by V's words "Yo I'm hunger, idiot" and her subsequent act of crossing her arms, the subtle nervous twitch of her claw is just remarkablely well-detailed
@blanterdang6112 10 күн бұрын
Great analysis, goes well with what I’m trying to insinuate
@viciousworm1784 10 күн бұрын
The character are easily my favourite part of the show, they are all so interesting and fun to analyze. The only characters I dislike are ones that I feel are ment to be hated (Rebecca and Darren). Also, great analysis, everything you said seems accurate and well thought out. Video is very quiet though, and it was a little hard to hear you at some parts.
@blanterdang6112 10 күн бұрын
Yeah thats my bad. I was talking and I didnt even realize how quiet I was until I actually watched it myselr
@Damian-03x3 6 күн бұрын
Great video, V is by far my personal favourite. At first she was just the hot psycho girl, but after that chain scene, I knew she was much deeper and she became to be my absolute favourite. I really hope she'll get the happiness she deserves so badly. Honestly, I would be more excited for a rom-com spinoff/alternative timeline/whatever with N and V than for Episode 8 or mayeb even Season 2. They've been through way too much already, let them be happy. 9:54 I get that people are dumb, but this is clearly 100% intentional. She's most likely having severe Solver PTSD flashbacks (similar to12:39) and would blow Uzi's head off is she made any CYN-like movements or seemed aggressive. I'm pretty sure V has most of her memories. With CYN using that (all the trauma and probably some manipulation) to force V to lie to N (and go with CYN's plan) without even being there directly. Because otherwise, V might be forced to torture and kill him again, and that's the last thing she would ever want to happen (which is also the reason why she's being mean to him, so she doesn't get too clsoe with her or get too attached to her). The psycho act is there to protect N, even if she hates V for it (and it might also be V's way of coping with insane amounts of trauma, more than any other character has because of her memories and being tormented by the AS even long after the mansion incident or landing on Copper-9) 17:47 V in the background here is also an important part of the scene. 18:16 I disagree on that. I think she had those memories all along, or at least most of them. The reason why she isn't aggressive towards Uzi anymore is largely because there isn't much of a point in keeping that part of the act up when Uzi already saw V's past. Also seeing that Uzi really wants to protect N too. The thing that ruins the episode 6 scene for me is the absolutely idiotic choerography. She was standing there, pointing a gun at a dino that is actively trying to kill her and her friends. But she's just standing there, doing absolutely nothing, just waiting to be distracted by something because the plot needs it and the creators screwed up instead of making proper choreography. (There was a similar case in episode 1 with J being idle when N is staring at the branded pen, but that didn't lead to anyone dying and it has the excuse of being the pilot episode) She has more than enough firepower and reflex to tap that one dino instantly and take care of the ones on the elevator in less than a second or two at most. But suddenly, the dinos get insane plot armor because somehow the creators can't manage to kill V off without it being completely illogical and forced. This scene could've been so beautiful, it still mostly is, but because of this one stupid and completely unnecessary mess-up, all I feel when I think about V's (probable) death, is frustration. I'm sad because he was handled so poorly, not because of how emotional the scene was. I'm just disappointed and annoyed, instead of grieving. Even if V actually died, DDs have backups. So as long as AS doesn't mess with those, V should be back.
@blanterdang6112 6 күн бұрын
I actually read all of that lol. Anyway about the her standing idly while the dinos attacked her, yeah she probably couldve done something, but she didnt want to risk it, plus likely had her own reasons as well. If she does come back, which I think she will, also to make tessa think shes dead, someone she probably was skeptical on. Plus, the sentinels are no joke. Theyre quite literally made to destroy the bots, and we see multiple disassembly drone corpses in ep 6 that the sentinels bodied, so theyre no pushovers. Especially the red one which is in an extra insane mode. However I do think V would be able to fight them off, not without struggle though. The reason she gave the salute to N was a sort of “if i dont make this thanks for everything buddy”. Plus also obviously the writers wanted ppl to be sad idk. Aaanyway, thats my take on that. Glad you enjoyed the video, took a lot of time and effort to make this one
@Damian-03x3 6 күн бұрын
@@blanterdang6112 Most people would stop after like the 2 first sentences, respect. I don't see what she could've risked. If anything, she was risking everything and everyone by just standing and doing nothing, waiting for the dinos to do something dramatic. It's just completely illogical from my point of view. It makes no sense and it doesn't even fit her character or the situation. It's just a shoehorned way to kill her off that ruins the whole scene for me. V would almost defintiely sustain significant damage right after the screen goes black, but she might be able to deal with them, assuming the insane plot armor the dinos had wears off. She could possibly survive, but with heavy damage. This would also be helped if she lowered their numbers earlier, instead of going AFK for painfully long when pointing her barrel at the dino's head. Even if she just fired right then and did absolutely nothing more than that, it would've been much better. Still stupid and illogical, but a bit less. The salute was cool, I don't really mind it. Doesn't make much sense survival-wise (it will result in unnecessary damage and lower her chance of survival), but at least it makes sense story-wise and is more emotional. My issue is specifically with 20:03 to 20:22 (episode 6 timestamps). *Almost 20 seconds of her doing absolutely nothing while she should be doing everything she can.* Even the way I've seen that scene handled in fan comics was unironically superior to what Glitch made. Including the Ironman 2 one (not only a cool reference but it's actually a very efficient and logical thing to do in her situation).
@cacheyuvu9866 5 күн бұрын
1. " With CYN using that (all the trauma and probably some manipulation) to force V to lie to N (and go with CYN's plan) without even being there directly". Beg to differ. I think she is not scared or threatened by Cyn. She managed to kill Uzi who's potential host for Cyn, a situation which Cyn would not have allowed her. In ep4, V confronted Uzi and disgustedly said "New body, same horrors uh, Cyn", which also shows V's attitute. 2. "My issue is specifically with 20:03 to 20:22 (episode 6 timestamps).". I understand your disappointment. I acknowledge that the absence of a serious vibe at this intense life-and-death moment in the climax of the episode is a weakness. As to why, one of my opinions is there is a meta humor in the show about people dying from talking too much and they probably applied that in this scene but turned out unfit. Another thought of mine is that it is a kind of montage skill, where those events (executing the red dino, pulling up the elevator and emitting the blue ray) happened within one or two second, but were presented in 20 seconds to make the audience's brain process easier. Yeah, there are more disadvantages than advantages to do in this way (Maybe compress those events into an instant would be more logical cause there would be no time for V to react). This skill maybe is more suitable for relaxed atmosphere scene rather than a critical scene like this. Although I personally think the words "stupid and completely unnecessary mess-up" is kind of strong. XD
@deleteduser3455 7 күн бұрын
I like how in the pilot she intentionally misses N with her first attack and never actually aims for anything vital just his head to probably reboot him
@blanterdang6112 7 күн бұрын
Yeah i doubt she was actually tryna kill him
@deleteduser3455 7 күн бұрын
@@blanterdang6112 when n hits boxes the attack v launches is far too high to hit him but makes him panic duck Also great video
@blanterdang6112 7 күн бұрын
@@deleteduser3455 thanks 🙏
@Thym- 6 күн бұрын
V was actually my favorite character since the first two episodes and didn't change til today and now there is a video which basically says that Vs the "perfect" character.
@blanterdang6112 6 күн бұрын
She is :)
@AlexisAlicea-fg4ev 6 күн бұрын
The murder drones pilot I first saw V she's was my favorite character Episode 1 through 5 it tell episode 6 ending broke my heart in sadness 😢😢
@EclipseVenexus 10 күн бұрын
A video on N and Uzi’s dynamic?
@blanterdang6112 10 күн бұрын
Theyd most likely be covered under N and Uzi’s analysis if or when that happens but yeah maybe ill do that too
@EclipseVenexus 10 күн бұрын
@@blanterdang6112 cool beans
@IrtazaFNAFPro 10 күн бұрын
I love V she's the greatest. I love how the voice actress for V sounds so good that it made me fall in love with her 😍😍. she made a great sacrifice for N and uzi she is the greatest character of murder drones and my favourite, in my opinion
@blanterdang6112 10 күн бұрын
She is objectively the best character
@IrtazaFNAFPro 10 күн бұрын
@blanterdang6112 Thank you. You're right she is the best
@gdude2775 8 күн бұрын
Honestly before this video i never put much thought into V but now she is definitely one of my favorites. I really enjoyed the video thanks 👍
@blanterdang6112 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for liking it! Glad I could make another fan of V, that and getting my opinions out there was my main priorities, so I’m glad it worked out.
@lylareinhard9880 11 күн бұрын
Can we get a video on Uzi?
@blanterdang6112 11 күн бұрын
One day I will make one
@LucyLoud_Fan 11 күн бұрын
V’s my favourite character in the show too
@blanterdang6112 11 күн бұрын
@Baldus-the_bald_guy 7 күн бұрын
@blanterdang6112 7 күн бұрын
Tsk tsk. Oh well at least you got here eventually
@Baldus-the_bald_guy 4 күн бұрын
@@blanterdang6112 hold on i just realized i have nearly the exact same screenshot as the one you used in your thumbnail
@blanterdang6112 3 күн бұрын
@@Baldus-the_bald_guy fabulous
@gameplushproductions561 11 күн бұрын
you sound a bit quiet
@blanterdang6112 11 күн бұрын
Yeah sorry about that it was pretty late and it was difficult to tell my volume hopefully its still ok though
@leah3435 4 күн бұрын
bg music is a bit too loud
@blanterdang6112 4 күн бұрын
@@leah3435 yeah i know the audios a bit bad on this one sorry
@UnKnown-xl1iy 4 күн бұрын
legsss 🦵🦵🥢
@blanterdang6112 4 күн бұрын
@@UnKnown-xl1iy …
@UnKnown-xl1iy 4 күн бұрын
@@blanterdang6112 👁️👁️ 😏
@Oblivious_catalyst04 7 күн бұрын
Stop whispering!
@blanterdang6112 7 күн бұрын
Yeeeeah sorry about that lol I didnt realize how quiet I was
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