Why Vote Pro Life?

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Fr. Simon Esshaki

Fr. Simon Esshaki

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Пікірлер: 177
@sardarchess 4 жыл бұрын
While abortion might be bad, there are some people who dont believe in christianity/ might have other opinions should have the right to abort. Plus many pregnancies can lead to complications and death, explaining how i am pro choice
@sardarchess 4 жыл бұрын
But i respect your opinion
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
I agree I just avoid abortion myself for my religious beliefs but I feel like other people should choose
@sardarchess 4 жыл бұрын
@@topazthetopaz8235 ya man i agree
@slimcatandme 4 жыл бұрын
Amen! Pro Life!
@hi-vq2rh 4 жыл бұрын
Yes father Simon! ❤️❤️ I agree with every word you just said
@StarTrailMedia 4 жыл бұрын
Happy Sunday, brothers.
@julia2 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Father
@ashiraclifford1014 4 жыл бұрын
Anyone did the schuyler sisters dance
@patriarchofbabylon6354 4 жыл бұрын
@curiouslykristina 4 жыл бұрын
Amen 🙏🏻
@joeljames9383 4 жыл бұрын
Amen father
@younany6 4 жыл бұрын
@dominickyeo 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your ministry Father! New subscriber to your channel and love the content. Unrelated question: Why do Chaldean priests wear a Roman collar?
@jorgejesusmaravillamarron1351 4 жыл бұрын
Éxodos 20:4. I am catholic but can I get some answers it just confuses me. Thank you
@niketv9078 3 жыл бұрын
God said idols , not an image of a real person
@jordantrask2005 4 жыл бұрын
Pray up 🙏🙏🙏
@marczambrano6438 4 жыл бұрын
I am pro choice because I believe that it is a woman’s choice(I am Catholic). But also because “abortion is not allowed” is mainly part of what most Catholic believes. It shouldn’t be a law to ban it because that deals with religion and there are laws placed so that doesn’t happen. Although I think people shouldn’t have an abortion, I don’t believe the government should be controlling what a woman does to her body. I hope others understand too.😊 I understand ur opinion though.
@spandrewd 4 жыл бұрын
Don’t get angry about this truth, but considering “being Catholic” is how you live and not a cultural trend, I have to say this. When one is Catholic, they have to accept all teachings of the church (most found in the catechism). There is no cherry-picking like other religions. It is literally all or nothing (unlike the secular society where you make up your own function that suits one’s needs). That being said, the church since it’s establishment in the 1st century has emphasized and re-emphasized its position on being against abortions of any kind. Therefore, like it or not, in order to be a Catholic in communion with the Catholic Church, one must follow the same teachings. Otherwise, they are either: 1) A Catholic that is out of communion of the Catholic Church, which makes it a mortal sin to receive the Holy Eucharist. Or, 2) A “Catholic by Name (CBN)” which holds no moral standing and is more of an insult to practicing Catholics. Both of these makes a person out of communion with the Catholic church “excommunication latae sententiae”. The only way to get “back in communion” is to truly repent and see a priest for confession. Also, I can’t stress this (respectfully) enough... do your research. Planned Parenthood has continuously changed their mantra throughout the years. Why? Because time and time again their claims are proven to be wrong. “Not alive”... science says alive. “Not conscious”... people not outside of womb. “Clump of cells”... so are we. Now it has become “Our body our choice” but considering humans don’t have 4 arms 4 legs 2 hearts and most importantly 2 unique sets of DNA that will never be naturally recreated. Science has proven it is not “your body”. There are two distinct human beings. “Pro-Choice” is ironic by the fact that you are literally stripping the choice to life. All in all, you don’t need faith to prove that a human being’s life is worth protecting and the people in general, in addition to government, should protect the right to life. Murdering an innocent child isn’t a right, it’s a crime. God Bless.
@marczambrano6438 4 жыл бұрын
@@spandrewd Sorry to tell u but no one in any religion accepts all the religions ideas and teachings. And I am very much Catholic and was baptized when I was a baby and go to church every Sunday and receive the Eucharist. And just because someone doesn’t believe in one thing that their religion says, doesn’t mean they are not part of that religion. And as I said before I don’t think that anyone should have an abortion, but it also shouldn’t be up to the government to control what a woman does to their body. And I am almost certain ur a guy like me and don’t know what it is to be a woman. Please respect women and oh one more thing; BEING PART OF THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY IS NOT A SIN. Which even though u didn’t talk about it in your 10 page essay, u probably needed to hear it because u may not admit but, u probably homophobic.And no it is not a choice to be gay. And Jesus loves everyone no matter what. Also u prob one of those Trump supporters so BIDEN 2020 and also I am 12 so guess I am a lot smarter than some older people(I am assuming). Also I am sorry if I Hurt u in any way or offended u in any way. 😁
@spandrewd 4 жыл бұрын
@@marczambrano6438 Nice to see you make up multiple statements and no rationalization. Mate, again Catholicism isn’t cherry-picking. It is not founded by man, it is founded by Christ. So your statement just because someone “doesn’t believe in one thing that their religion says” is useless. That is exactly what Catholicism is. It is all or nothing. You being young and not understanding that is fine. I suggest you read the Catechism... Jesus doesn’t say listen to some of my teachings and forget the ones that trigger you. Jesus does love all people. We are all sinners in the same light. At the same time, having SSA isn’t a sin. Committing acts against nature, which has been spoken against in the Bible and the Catechism is. You’re ideology of “I can not agree with this teaching and that” is literally the opposite of what Catholicism is. If you don’t like it, then you don’t like Catholicism. It isn’t that hard. Also, you’re 12 so with the little biology experience you have, I’m going to give you a quick lesson. Two different unique sets of DNA means two different bodies. Two bodies incline two choices. If I want to drive my car off a bridge, I have no right to take the passengers with me. It doesn’t matter if it’s my car. Also, I’m assuming you had someone older write this because even a 12 doesn’t make bold and utterly useless accusations about homophobia and political preference. I’m centrist and independent if it mattered (you probably too young to know what those mean without googling). Read the catechism it’ll help you understand the what’s and the whys of the Catholic faith. You can be a baptized Catholic and not in communion with the Catholic Church. There are 1.3 billion Catholics in the world, not all are in communion with the church. God Bless. (Maybe the length of these messages will get you to read more like the Catechism and what the Catholic faith REALLY is rather than what you WANT it to be.)
@marczambrano6438 4 жыл бұрын
@@spandrewd First of all, just because am I am 12 doesn’t mean I will back down and that I am not as smart as u think or am not mature. I love being Catholic and I do agree with Catholic Church that abortion is bad and like I said before, I don’t think anyone should do it. What I don’t like is that the government wants to control that. No one should be in charge of what someone does to their body. Yes as being Catholic u should follow most of the ideas and teachings. But that doesn’t mean u can’t disagree with ideas and teachings that the Church says. I know that accusing u of being homophobic and a Trump supporter was bad and that was bad on my part. And yes I have had the talk and I know it takes more than one person to make a child. But as men we should be more open to what the women who is responsible for having the child wants, and be supportive of what she chooses. After all, she is the one that is having the child and we will never know what that feels like.
@spandrewd 4 жыл бұрын
@@marczambrano6438 I don’t care for you to back down. You are 12 and showed yourself to have little to no understanding of biology in your first response. That being said. You also have some kind of misunderstanding with Catholicism. It is exactly “u can’t disagree with ideas and teachings that the church says”. Church teachings are dogmatic meaning infallible. You saying ‘I can choose not to believe in certain things’ is literally against the church whether you intended for it to be or not. Again... read the Catechism. Understanding the teachings, you can then decide if you truly want to be a part of the Catholic Church. Because even the support of abortions removes you from being in communion with the Catholic Church. This isn’t a debate for a Catholic. As a Catholic, you have to be against abortions. It is literally in the rule book of being Catholic. If you don’t follow all the rules, then you are not a Catholic in communion with the church. Simple as that. And that is not up to me or you or your mom or the Pope. It is and always will be just like that. As men, don’t do stupid things like get a girl pregnant, but to support killing a life is one of the MOST anti-Christian, let alone anti-Catholic, things one can do. There is no difference in saying “I don’t support it” and the “government shouldn’t stop people from doing it”. That is illogical. If I was to say “I don’t support a psycho going into a pre-school and shooting 200 toddlers. But the government shouldn’t stop people from doing it.” Then I would be just as moronic as the shooter. If you want to be a Catholic in communion with the church, then one of the many things it requires is being against the murder of the unborn. Period and end of story. Again, read the Catechism! I guess you’re too young to understand the common delusion “Catholics” have about life. I don’t need to know what being pregnant feels like to know that all life has worth and killing it, supporting killing it, or even not wanting government controlling one’s decision to kill it, is all against the Catholic Church whether you like it or not. For your own sake, at the end of the day just understand this... Being Catholic means you accept and believe in all teachings of the Catholic Church. It is part of the rules in being Catholic. If you don’t believe in all the teachings, then you are not in communion with the church. Abortions has been something against the teachings of the church since before during and after the time of Christ. It was one of the first teachings that was established as part of the Catholic Church that Christ founded. Read the Catechism!
@karinajaneconolly7531 4 жыл бұрын
@ethanbrummund6808 4 жыл бұрын
That’s not an argument but ok
@karinajaneconolly7531 4 жыл бұрын
@@ethanbrummund6808 i know. i’m not tryna argue. i’m just saying “no❤️”
@anthonyramirez8367 4 жыл бұрын
Burn in hell
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
@@anthonyramirez8367 bruh chill
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
I completely agree with you father but my perspective from it is no Christian should do abortion however those who aren’t should have a choice because it’s not bad to them. I personally believe that the true test in the belief in god is for you to do what he says and not force yourself to do it because it’s illegal
@spandrewd 4 жыл бұрын
No Christian should shoot up a pre-school and kill all the toddlers and staff. But... if they are not Christian than it’s not bad to them. I am following your logic, am I not?
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
@@spandrewd you are but the point of it is if you go up to someone and shoot them then that’s directly and obvious killing and even non Christians can think that ,but if non Christians agree that they don’t think it’s murder then I would just be pro life with my own body.
@spandrewd 4 жыл бұрын
@@topazthetopaz8235 I can pour bleach into a water dispenser and think that it isn’t bad and won’t kill those who drink it. That doesn’t negate the fact the I just did something that effectively led to killing someone. Serial killers enjoy and find no problem in torturing people that doesn’t change the disgusting nature of what they did. And more important to the fact, science proves that the baby is alive with a beating heart and can feel pain (proved through tests). I can go against and say I don’t believe in the science but it doesn’t negate the fact that facts are facts regardless of my personal or religious belief. Native Americans and Egyptians believed in human sacrifice as sometimes being an honor and sometimes being torture. Doesn’t make it less murder regardless of how you (or they) view it.
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
@@spandrewd Trump supports the death penalty which is just as bad as abortion and Biden doesn’t. If you guys are so pro-life we need to have the energy for both
@spandrewd 4 жыл бұрын
@@topazthetopaz8235 Personally I don’t agree with death penalty. That being said abortion kills those completely innocent and having done nothing wrong. The same can’t necessarily be said about the death penalty. Idk if you are into scripture, but Leviticus and Deuteronomy talk about those who directly offend God being stoned, exiled, or swallowed by the earth. With confession and Jesus’ sacrifice, those practices are no longer needed but have never been dogmatically disapproved. Abortion has been deemed wrong and immoral before, during, and after Christ. So much so that with the establishment of the Church in the first century, it was one of the first rules reiterated and established in the Church (the immorality of the killing/sacrifice of children). One cannot be honest with themselves about being Christian and support abortion because it is literally the most anti-Christian thing you can do besides blaspheming. As far as Catholics, supporting abortion in any light removes that person from being in communion with the church. Catholicism isn’t a culture. It’s a way of life. You can either accept all teachings and be apart of the church, or not accept the teachings and not be apart of it. No cherry-picking with what you like and don’t like. It’s all or nothing. God Bless.
@audreythepiggy6628 4 жыл бұрын
I’m pro choice but I support ur opinion
@villatv7379 4 жыл бұрын
Fr.Simon, thanks for explaining why to vote prolife, but regarding the many (for many years past) so-called pro-life people WHO DON’T LIKE TRUMP, are they going to vote for him anyway, since he’s prolife? The video at kzbin.info/www/bejne/bWSnZ4imobRjd68 explains this SO PERFECTLY! It’s like a test to see if prolife is as important as you’ve been making it out to be. Less important things should never be at the mercy of more important things, it’s like God is asking you, “how important is prolife to you”? I think that video with this one here makes a complete picture. Thanks Father.
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
Um doesn’t the Bible approve of abortion. Numbers 5:11-31
@Lummington1337 4 жыл бұрын
Even if that was the case the Catholic Church isnt based on Sola Scriptura (By Scripture alone), it regards scripture and tradition as equal and traditionally abortion is a sin as it holds conception to be when a soul first comes to life and abortion is murdering that soul, therefore it is a sin.
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
@@Lummington1337 There have been abortions in the Bible so I’m sorry I’ll have to disagree with you
@Lummington1337 4 жыл бұрын
@@topazthetopaz8235 and like I said, the Catholic Church isnt based on Scripture alone, you can take up that argument with protestants or evangelicals as they are based primarily around Sola Scriptura
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
@@Lummington1337 Then why do we say the Hail Mary that’s not scripture that’s a story. Why do we take Eucharist thats not scripture thats a story
@Lummington1337 4 жыл бұрын
@@topazthetopaz8235 ? The Eucharist is based off the new testament and the events of the last supper. The Hail mary is used because the Catholic faith dont view venerating saints as idolatry unlike protestant denominations who view praying to saints as intercessors as idolatry. And ye like I said Catholics are not based on Sola Scriptura, some Protestant denominations are.
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
Also ppl this election is hard too because Donald Trump is not pro-life either so none of them will stop abortion
@StarTrailMedia 4 жыл бұрын
Amy Coney Barrett is pro-life and she will likely contribute to repealing Rowe vs. Wade in the supreme court.
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
@@StarTrailMedia Yes but if I can remember Trump has to accept or veto it before it can get to amy
@karinajaneconolly7531 4 жыл бұрын
uhm so- pro-choice but i mean ur kinda cool?
@pinkypomsquad4905 4 жыл бұрын
Happy Saturday aboona
@supremeleadersmeagol6345 4 жыл бұрын
Amen✝️ 🙏 Trump 2020
@rosethompson5524 4 жыл бұрын
I’m a Christian but I don’t feel that you should use your stance on abortion to vote Trump because to be quite honest. Jesus and Trump would probably be enemies. To start Trump has 26 sexual assaults allegations (7 of which including children). Has been married 3 times and has cheated on all of them with p*rnstars. I truly believe that Jesus would not support Trump. Now I’m not saying he would be a democratic (he’ll most likely be 3rd party) but he would not approve with Trumps lifestyle and personality. I have other reasons but I truly believe you shouldn’t vote Trump based on that reason.
@rosethompson5524 4 жыл бұрын
Omg your Smeagol, yeaa that makes sense why you would vote Trump lol
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
Trump isn’t pro-life either
@marczambrano6438 4 жыл бұрын
@BoofamOrbital 4 жыл бұрын
@@topazthetopaz8235 Bruh...
@f.abiangarcia 4 жыл бұрын
Trump 2020
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
@BoofamOrbital 4 жыл бұрын
@@topazthetopaz8235 Imagine replying to every comment but it’s been three days and I’m still waiting on a source
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
@@BoofamOrbital imagine having nothing to do but argue with people
@BoofamOrbital 4 жыл бұрын
@@topazthetopaz8235 Deflecting again?
@topazthetopaz8235 4 жыл бұрын
@@BoofamOrbital your president lost
one year of studying (it was a mistake)
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