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Why would a Brit move to Russia?

  Рет қаралды 967

Unglued Brit

Unglued Brit

15 күн бұрын

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@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for the support guys, if you have any questions for next Q&A please do add them below and I will endeavour to get back to them in the next one!
@dmitryg9838 13 күн бұрын
Your students are lucky to have a teacher like you!
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Thank you very much Dmitry, I try my best!
@olgaolenka7430 13 күн бұрын
Спасибо за видео. Продолжайте снимать видео. Было интересно послушать вас. Мы всегда рады хорошим людям в нашей стране! 😊
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Thank you very much! I certainly will and do appreciate your warm comments, if you have any questions that you think that I should answer in the next one please do ask! :)
@alexkachur6358 11 күн бұрын
Interresting experience with that lady in the restaurant. I met quite a lot of Russians in UK/Ireland/US who left Russia to find milk and honey in the West. In most cases these people took their mindset with them and their lifes were as miserable as back home. After a while I even started to evade people like this because I personally, relocated for different reasons. I just wanted to live abroad for a while and that gave me lots of pleasant impressions an experiences. I love Ireland, I love the UK (but not the govt). And I love Russia where I was bourn and where I came back.
@UngluedBrit 11 күн бұрын
Well this is the reason why I left the UK, not because I was running away, but because I was "Going to", seeing the world is good for all, you learn new things that you would have otherwise not been exposed to, it broadens your horizons and makes you overall a well rounded individual based on newfound experiences in life. It's absolutely true what you said, wherever you go, you take "You" with you, many are not comfortable under their own skin and it seems that wherever they go they will find problems but sometimes the problem is them. I think that sometimes before we travel outside it is wise for us to travel inside, inside our minds to ensure that we're wired up correctly first, we can't escape ourselves, Someone could drop me anywhere on planet earth, I will somehow enjoy it because it's me going with me haha.
@TheFreeGreenChannel 12 күн бұрын
I just adore British accent, can listen to it for hours. Wish to see tons of videos in the future! Hope you will achieve everything you want with on this platform.
@UngluedBrit 11 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for your kind words! Hope to see you again very soon, more videos in the pipeline! :)
@Dixis 13 күн бұрын
Brit is drinking coffee 🤔 Definetely a not so well-masked KGB agent
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Haha! I've got to cut down on the coffee consumption... I get through barrels of it, pretty sure it can't be good for my kidneys.
@zloychechen5150 11 күн бұрын
I used to read western media sometimes, mainly, the russian and the global bbc news sites, circa 2012-2014, and i, as a russian, always felt insulted somehow. The news were predominantly of something bad happening, or about how there's no democracy and how all the navalnys are being oppressed, and if they were about neither of those, but just general happenings, they always had some sort of twist or attitude of "haha, they are just silly". And i was like "hang on a minute, it's definitely not how i see it with my own eyes out here". But still, it's the BBC, it's supposed to be IMPARTIAL, so on it went for a couple of years, until i finally came to the conclusion that it is just plain propaganda, because of the twist being the polar opposite of the twist in our media most of the time. Then the special military war happened, and for the first few days, some european media's coverage seemed legit. There was an information vacuum on our side, so you looked elsewhere for just something. Up until the point they started referring to the ukranian media, which had been a shitshow for years by then - a big source for memes, jokes, and the like. Because while russian outlets will omit some information to make it seem nicer (ok, they can omit a lot), those just make it up out of thin air, and it's WILD. So i guess the sense of patriotism which i always had since early childhood made me not hook onto that liberal agenda that is not actually liberal. Some people just don't happen to have it for whatever reason, let them leave, it's better for them and better for us.
@iljabendik1636 8 күн бұрын
I do not know who can leave Moscow. In my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful and livable cities. Excellent transport infrastructure . Safely. There are a lot of magnificent parks. There are many places where there is nature right outside the city.
@hipopotamus2625 13 күн бұрын
Hey guys comment something? Wake Up from your sleep 😊
@user-nt9dv3ld2e 13 күн бұрын
Отличная жизненная позиция!
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
I am always "Positioning" and continue to position, I like positioning, it leads one on adventures.
@hipopotamus2625 13 күн бұрын
You moved to Russia because the people are quite more normal with family values! Also I think they have healther food's without GMO's Etc..etc.. tons of reasons....
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
The food is way healthier, from the vegetables to dairy to meat, everything is "As it should be.", of course it's possible to find unhealthy options though if you want to find grass fed beef and pasture raised eggs it's easy!
@SvetlanaVoikova 13 күн бұрын
that's right..
@hipopotamus2625 13 күн бұрын
England used to be nice! Been there quite a few times! Not anymore...
@reveren007 9 күн бұрын
It's really a pleasure to see an honest Anglo-Saxon experiencing the Slavic culture.
@UngluedBrit 8 күн бұрын
Thank you, though, I am of Celtic-Scandinavian origins according to my DNA tests, but either way I love it!
@reveren007 7 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit point wasn't that much about the ethnicity but more of mentality, the way you behave and express yourself. It's the same as in Russia - there are more than a hundred nationalities but they all have the Russian way of thinking. May God bless you abundantly!
@AnunahPriest 13 күн бұрын
Well, you're off to a good start, definitely! It was quite interesting to follow your thoughts about Russian reality, and you have a very eloquent way of speaking. It's a pleasure to listen to you. Subbed and looking forward to a new video. Glad you're here. Cheers from Saint Petersburg!
@hipopotamus2625 13 күн бұрын
I read that about a million so called maybe Russian's left at the SMO but over 6 million have moved from the horrible dangerous areas of the friendly neighbour that somehow turned against it's Slavic brothers! Sick ideas
@expatamerican3234 13 күн бұрын
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Thank you very much!
13 күн бұрын
Hi James! Greetengs from Moscow! I have been to England more than 10 times, studied in Cambridge and London. I will not conceal that England was the best country in the world for me. It seems that there have been significant changes. Anyway, I am glad to welcome you in Russia and I am glad that such wonderful people are coming to the country. Don't stop and keep making new videos! I would like to meet you personally and show you the most interesting (including the most British) places in the city :)
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Hi there! Thank you for your comments, it's been through some quite incremental changes over the last decade which have turned it into a slowly boiling pot with frogs in. Some of us notice the pot boiling despite us all being told that we shouldn't notice as noticing is bad. I certainly will keep doing so and if there are any questions in which you want me to answer please do ask them. I want to check out more pubs and do videos on them I find them quite fascinating and it would be good at some point time willing of course to do something around family life, may we keep in touch!
12 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit You know, for me, Britain has always been one big family (except of the Éire, ofc, thats the different story), I felt at home. I haven't seen such a concentration of open minded people anywhere in Europe. I'm nostalgic for the old days. Sometimes such signs of the times can be found here, especially in sothern parts of our country. I would be glad if you would tell us more about your job in upcomming videos :) As for pubs, here is my personal list: Connolly Station, White Hart Pub, Lion's Head Pub, for example. For a musical pastime, it's worth going to The Hat at the end of the week. I'm sure you won't regret it :)
@duaneclark9005 13 күн бұрын
I watched your interview with the Expat American, and followed the link to your channel. This was a very good first video and I hope to see more. You have some great views of life and are still young enough to make a difference in future generations, being a teacher. Keep up the good work and keep sharing your ideas with the rest of us, so we can learn different ways of looking at the world. It’s getting really bizarre in a lot of places. I live in the USA in the state of Wyoming. It’s the least populated state in the lower 48. I like how it’s not as affected by the rest of the country, if they start moving in, Russia is looking like a place that isn’t affected by what the rest of the world is doing. They seem to have their own values and take care of their own needs before worrying about what others are doing. I’m going to stay in Wyoming and will be looking for more videos about your new life in Russia.
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Thank you very much! I think that there are certainly still some places of hope in the US away from the cities, it's a big country with many different places and some areas of it still completely normal which is good. In the UK it's a small landmass and the land was entirely settled long ago, it's hard to get away from all that's going on in the UK without leaving really, if a law passes in London you will see it overnight in Manchester whereas in America you can have states that just say "Nope, we're not doing that" and I hope that it continues that way, does make me wonder though if Texas and some other states will eventually split off though as there is quite a secessionist movement over there, it's interesting to see. I'll make sure to upload as much as I can, do let me know if there is anything you think I should do next, I'm open to good ideas, God bless!
@hipopotamus2625 13 күн бұрын
Thanks ❤ and best wishes to you 😊
@hipopotamus2625 13 күн бұрын
Yes! Free choice
@hipopotamus2625 13 күн бұрын
Aha! Great 5 of us showing ❤
@vladz6202 13 күн бұрын
Люди эмоцианальны и западные СМИ хорошо работают с эмоциями людей. Они не скрывают, что выделяют миллиарды долларов на "продвижение демократии" в России. В наших социальных сетях есть группы, посвящённые каждому городу, каждой деревне, где тебе рассказывают, как тебе на самом деле ужасно живётся в России и кто в этом виноват. У российских СМИ нет такой возможности влиять на западную общественность. Но, я даже рад, что недовольные уезжают, а хорошие люди приезжают жить к нам. Всем хорошо от этого. Кстати, многие уехавшие когда-то, уже вернулись или возвращаются. Некоторые люди осознали, что у нас довольно хорошо жить по сравнению с другими странами
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
They truly have become the masters of whispering lies into the minds of the masses using specific strategies in which aim to strike fear and hatred into them against their fellow man. Some fall for the tricks and don't know about them therefore are incredibly susceptible to them whereas for others it clicks and grow distrustful of those doing it, not everyone realises that they're being tricked, this is further enforced by normalcy bias, even those who have been tricked for a long time don't want to stop being tricked and would like to ignore the fact that they're being tricked all together. The Optimist in me wants to say that truth eventually rises to the top, though lies travel faster than the truth. I think that in order to live in Russia fundamentally you must like it here, I think that a healthy country is one in which its people love the country. So at least those who are coming back have seen the other side and will now have a newfound appreciation for where they're from. A common complaint of those who I have had the chance to speak to is that they're paying 3 times as much to live twice as bad or at least no better. I believe that 90s Hollywood hammered an impression into peoples minds that we all have big houses, 2 cars and everything is just fine and dandy, many find out that it's not the case.
@vadimrzhavin3740 13 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit I totally agree with everything especially with two last paragraphs.
@user-iw4up4gi9s 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story
@nicholasthebest9993 13 күн бұрын
Actually most of those who left Russia returned, but for some reason they don’t talk about it.
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Yeah I've heard about this but I don't have the exact figures or any info on it, I don't know why they don't, it would seem like something worth talking about to me 🤷🏽‍♂
@Enfield.Sicilian 13 күн бұрын
Great vid. Hi from Roma
@user-ry8vc3xw5r 12 күн бұрын
С какими сложностями ты столкнулся при изучении русского языка? Что шокировало или удивило в русском менталитете? Что британцам можно перенять у русских и наоборот? Как ты пережил первую зиму в России? Что хотел бы улучшить а России? Я думаю пока хватит 😊 с уважением и любовью из Перми ❤️
@UngluedBrit 11 күн бұрын
These are all great questions! Will be noting them down and answering them in the next Q and A! :)
@hipopotamus2625 13 күн бұрын
If we would be younger we would move in a jiffy!!!
@hipopotamus2625 13 күн бұрын
What? Only couple of us!
@100radkat 12 күн бұрын
@UngluedBrit 12 күн бұрын
Thank you! :)
@AnunahPriest 12 күн бұрын
As for the question: quite a lot of people from Western countries say that they feel much safer here in Russia in terms of walking on the streets at night, using public transport, sending children to school alone, etc. I was wondering, is this the case with England too? And if it is, could you please tell, from your perspective, what went wrong? Thank you :)
@UngluedBrit 11 күн бұрын
I have noted this down and will be answering this in depth in a video!
@zloychechen5150 11 күн бұрын
What went wrong is quite simple, because when you are a government, you can choose how much crime you want.
@alexandrasokolovskaya8422 9 күн бұрын
That was very interesting, thank you! How about freedom? Would you say that you feel more free here in Russia? Free to express your opinion for instance, free to do what you want?
@UngluedBrit 8 күн бұрын
I will make a video on this exact topic thanks to this comment!
@user-ts2ok1bb1j 11 күн бұрын
@hipopotamus2625 13 күн бұрын
@hipopotamus2625 13 күн бұрын
Evidence of the last days! God created man & women and that is that.
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
That's absolutely right, I can't believe it's even up for debate these days.
@zloychechen5150 11 күн бұрын
Which god?
@SvetlanaVoikova 13 күн бұрын
I'm surprised that more and more people from Western countries are moving to Russia. The only thing that is probably difficult for you is that Russians speak almost no English, does this confuse you? :) Greetings from Siberia, Russia, Novosibirsk👋
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for your comment Svetlana, Удивительно, но я могу говорить по-русски и учусь каждый день, моя цель - довести свои языковые навыки до уровня С2, что займет, возможно, еще 5 лет. It's absolutely fine that not many Russians speak English, it's my responsibility to learn Russian and integrate into the culture so it's okay! )
@SvetlanaVoikova 13 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit Oh, that's great:) I wish you success in all your endeavors!
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
@@SvetlanaVoikova Thank you very much! :)
@SvetlanaVoikova 13 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit 😊
@Alexander23005 10 күн бұрын
Ну здарова! )
@janefowler6852 13 күн бұрын
Found your video really interesting. Just one question if I have you found the language barrier ?
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Hi Jane, I've been learning Russian now for about a year and a half, there was certainly a language barrier at first, it's definitely the case that most people don't speak English in Russia and it really does open up doors when you can speak the language, it's certainly not a walk in the park. In comparison to when I learned Spanish, it felt much easier to "Crack the code" with the language, whereas it seems with Russian it has many many more layers to it and aspects in which I have no relative foundation to in English that I just need to understand as a new way of thinking. All in all, the best experience in Russia is found when one can at least attain an A2 level of spoken Russian, can you get by without it? - Yes, but with difficulty and only to a limited extent.
@janefowler6852 13 күн бұрын
Thank you. Yes I know what you mean...even if you can't speak Spanish, French etc you can have a stab at it as the alphabet is similar, but with Russian you just don't have a scooby how the letters are pronounced. Well done you for learning ! I follow another couple on KZbin, " Russian Travels " I've learned so much about Russia from them, lovely couple. Really has opened my eyes to all the false info we've been fed in the west Look forward to your future videos. 😊
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
@@janefowler6852 Well I'm going to be doing more and more videos, got 200 followers now, I feel like it's become an obligation, I can't let everyone down haha! What do you think I should do next?
@janefowler6852 13 күн бұрын
Well I can't speak for anyone else, but for myself I just love hearing about everyday life in Russia. The customs, the people, the holidays...not forgetting the food too. 😊
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
@@janefowler6852 Will bare that in mind for future videos! :)
@CheFollett 13 күн бұрын
adore your opinions guess why subscribed, let us see your wife if can Thank You for your honesty
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
That will happen at some point! :)
@klarkkant7371 13 күн бұрын
Почему люди хотят уехать из РФ? думают что за рубежом все лучше, чем тут. этому способствует соответствующая картинка в СМИ, всякие неполживые рейтинги "демократий и свобод". Никто не хочет ехать в Китай, который даже лучше РФ, все хотят понюхать навоз на улицах Парижа. А за этим следует осознание ошибочности их релокации и рационализация совершённого выбора.
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
It is on purely ideological grounds only that they make such a move, because realistically on all fronts it doesn't make much sense in 2024 economically, spiritually, culturally or for anything else for that matter. I often do wonder about people who make the move, do they become disappointed? Because if I was here in the 90s watching Hollywood and my entire perception of the west was built on this amazing place that's idillic in nature and has people enjoying life sitting around in cafés all day perhaps I would be really bothered to show up there only to find out that it was all a sham.
@pantyukovk 13 күн бұрын
подскажите, кто чем кормит своего медведя, мне кажется мой плохо набирает вес
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Bears feed themselves, they're wild animals, I've heard one shouldn't poke them.
@zloychechen5150 11 күн бұрын
драг квинами
@hipopotamus2625 13 күн бұрын
You mean Plandamic unless you don't know?
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
It was one big plan, they have more to come undoubtedly.
@luchikvcarstve 13 күн бұрын
I commented and now can't see my comment
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Hmmm, not sure why, hopefully it appears!
@ruslanemelyanov290 13 күн бұрын
Дорогоие Россияне покупайте больше земли сельхоз назначения, сейчас будут приезжать из западных стран и будут покупать ооочень большие земли для себя и своих со братьев. У них есть деньги и т.д будут приезжать ещё очень много англоговорящих, будут созданы сперва деревни потом городишки с англоязычной комьюнити. Это с одной стороны хорошо что к нам приезжают, но с другой не очень. Палка о двух концах.
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Hi Ruslan, I think that you should buy Land and work the land, a country with a strong agricultural base is a strong country, this is also encouraged by the Government, no farmers, no food. Ruslan, sadly many of us are poorer than you think, most of us don't have big pockets these days, More than 11 million Britons have less than £1,000 in savings, 34 percent of the population has absolutely no savings pot at all. Russia at this point enjoys the 4th greatest purchasing power in the world which puts it ahead of every single nation in Europe. Westerners are quite individualistic and rarely work collectively to buy such things for other people, they don't even see each other as Brothers sadly. In fact this is why the Indians who move to Britain do much better than we do because they do things for each other. I think that once farming is eradicated in Europe through pro green anti farming laws in which they're currently protesting, which is the plan, then you could certainly see in the future more farmers starting farms here because they're allowed to farm here, I think farming is a net positive though for any society and ultimately makes this country stronger as a result. At least you are attracting people that are fundamentally normal, are creators not destroyers and those of which will act as net positive people for the country as a whole.
@ruslanemelyanov290 13 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit я это понимаю по этому говорю лучшее вложения это земля а в России земли много и оно дешевле чем на западе и в Азии. Я против приезжих ничего негативного не имею. Просто поделился с мыслями о будущей России. Вот недавно видел видео где семья из Канады купили 190 гектаров земли в нижнем Новгороде. Семья и Австралии купили 250 гектаров земли на Алтае. Семья из Техаса купили ферму и землю. Семья из Америки живёт на Алтае тоже купили землю в 190 гектаров земли. Вот что я заметил что у них есть деньги, они продают свои фермы, технику, дома и у них соответственно есть деньги. Ну если такая тенденция будет в течении 5-6 лет земли не останется гражданам России. Вот что я имел ввиду.
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
@@ruslanemelyanov290 It's true that farmers are coming here and starting farms, but I doubt that there will ever be enough farmers that will occupy every square inch of Russia. Russia is still 17.1 Million Kilometres, the largest country on planet earth, I doubt that within our lifetime or our children's life time or ever that such a land mass will ever be entirely bought up and used for agricultural activities since even in the US that is under 10 million Kilometres only 44 percent of the landmass is used for agricultural reasons meaning that not all of their land is dealt with let alone anyone else's. Farming is also not for the faint of hearted, you have to really love it to do it, I'd imagine most westerners would be happy just to live in a datcha with a small patch to grow some carrots on and be left alone, but usually people like that don't make KZbin channels. You mentioned that Russians should buy land, I definitely encourage that sentiment, to build farms and develop agriculture for the country is great for everybody, more food for more people, more options, more cheeses, more variations of wine, more choice, it's good!
@klarkkant7371 12 күн бұрын
@@ruslanemelyanov290 "...не останется гражданам России." - это будут граждане России) а если ты заботишься о славянском генофонде, то уж лучше они , чем те кто сюда обычно понаехал).
@pantyukovk 13 күн бұрын
17:07 ку-ку? мне показалось
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
"Ku Ku" - It means that they've gone crazy 😅
@levient 13 күн бұрын
Добро пожаловать. Пусть это будет первый русскоязычный комментарий под этим видео. Моя страна сейчас переживает один из самых сложных периодов в своей истории, это кроется в мелочах и ты заметишь это, если проживёшь здесь несколько лет, особенно где-нибудь в провинции. Однако, несмотря на это, я искренне рад, что кто-то из иностранцев все ещё проявляют интерес к нашей культуре и не ставит знак равенства между русским народом и нашими политиками. Спасибо.
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
I have laid my anchor in this nation, I married my wife here, I had my Russian Child here, through thick or thin I will be here. Russian people are fundamentally good, honest people who I've truly had the privilege to come to admire over the years, it saddens me that my nation bares so much hatred toward Russia through lies. My main aim is to bridge a gap between people and look at things from my own British standpoint, in the hopes of one day, just one day, the people of my nation ask "You know, maybe the Russians aren't as bad as we thought?" It's time to break down these barriers in my opinion and create bonds amongst people, if I play a small part in that? Then I will die a man without regrets.
@vadimrzhavin3740 13 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit как говорят у нас в России "слова не мальчика, но мужа (то есть мужчины)". Удачи вам, ждем следующие видео
@levient 13 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit «Всё познаётся в сравнении» - я обожаю эту фразу, несмотря на краткость она содержит в себе очень глубокую мысль. Вы сравниваете свою нынешнюю жизнь с тем опытом, который у вас был в Англии, я сравниваю с тем, что видел в России 25 лет назад и сейчас. В вашем видео из тезисов о том, в чём Россия выгодно отличается от Англии я услышал три основных: 1. инфраструктура, 2. традиционные ценности, 3. образование. Мне есть что сказать по этому поводу. Я не буду углубляться, ибо всю жизнь здесь, много чего накопилось, постараюсь писать по существу: 1. Россия - это не только Москва. Наша страна сильно централизована и местное самоуправление в полном мере не распоряжается теми ресурсами, которые находятся на подконтрольных им территориям, поэтому в глубинке развитие продвигается крайне медленно. Я не преувеличу, если скажу, что в большинстве наших городов используется инфраструктура построенная ещё в начале 20 века. Во многих городах нет никаких удобств для инвалидов, в деревнях не везде есть газ, водопровод. 2. Двадцать лет назад, когда я учился в школе, нас вообще никак не обрабатывали. Никакой политики, никакого навязывания каких бы то ни было ценностей. Всё шло из семьи, в школе - только знания. Я считаю это правильным, у меня есть младший брат и сейчас я с ужасом смотрю на то, как его обучают. Обратная сторона медали, так сказать. Да, никакой лгбт-пропаганды нет, слава Богу, но идёт тотальная милитаристская обработка, причем не здоровый патриотизм, а именно оголтелый, с агрессией и самопожертвованием. От чего ушли, к тому и возвращаемся: если после распада СССР мы росли индивидуалистами, то сейчас опять коллективизм, снова никакого Я, только Мы (потому что толпой легче управлять), только Россия, Нам никто не нужен, Мы самые сильные... 3. Я наслышан о слабой школьной программе в странах Европы и США, причем эта тема идёт ещё с советских времён. Наверное и сейчас дела обстоят также (вам виднее, я учился тут, а не в Англии), но я хочу сказать, что деградация и упрощение коснулось и нас. Видимо это массовое явление XXI века. Основная проблема кроется в том, что детей теперь не учат думать, не прививают им тягу к знаниям, а заставляют выполнять задания из школьной программы для получения оценки (работать на результат), особенно это ощущается в 9-11 классах, когда идёт подготовка к ЕГЭ (это ужасно). В итоге российский школьник, конечно, будет знать чему равен Sin(30), но почему именно это значение - он ответить не сможет. Что будет со следующим поколением, когда в обиход войдут нейросети, я вообще не знаю, это катастрофа какая-то. Кстати, проблема пропаганды коснулась и учебной программы: у моего брата в 6 классе в учебнике по истории много рассказывают о Православии (и лишь вскользь упоминают о других мировых религиях), что для светского государства ненормально, а в старших классах перевирают (недосказывают) нашу собственную историю, особенно это касается истории СССР и 90-х. Если взять учебник за 11 класс образца 2010 и 2024 годов, то можно найти много интересных несостыковок и противоречий.
@levient 13 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit читая слова о вашей благородной цели, я очень сильно переживаю, чтобы вы в конце концов не разочаровались. Надеюсь всё будет хорошо, и это просто во мне говорит мой пессимизм. От себя хочу порекомендовать вам ознакомиться с циклом передач Леонида Парфенова «Намедни», в нём вы сможете многое почерпнуть для ещё большего понимания нашего народа.
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
@@levient I've not forgotten about your comment that you left earlier, there are a lot of points to take into account and respond to in which I have read and been taking into account since you wrote them. I tend not to be pessimistic, I tend to be "Pragmatic" whilst airing on the side of optimism, I might as well be optimistic. Because the Pragmatist inside me tells me that I will die regardless, so how I feel about any given situation does not change the situation. I am looking forward to asking my wife about this series perhaps she knows it, if not then it will be an interesting watch.
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