@SchoolBoy-dm8wr 8 сағат бұрын
He was stupid and dumb man 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@MAKARIOS1771 2 күн бұрын
Прикольно!Как называется твой канал?
@mikemikelson8767 4 күн бұрын
5:02 тут просто упал под стол, потому что Джеймс практически воспроизвёл вряд ли известный ему самому мем про "бомж был прав!")).
@Edelwulf 4 күн бұрын
Subscribed after watching your video with Joseph. You all are fun.
@Dfg13930 5 күн бұрын
Живу рядом с Царицыно. ❤
@ForeverNils 8 күн бұрын
but no riots and migrants in London city financial center )
@ValentinaIzmail 9 күн бұрын
Очень рада, что Вы встретили свою жену, будьте счастливы и берегите друг-друга ❤
@ValentinaIzmail 9 күн бұрын
Смотрела его репортажи из Украины, была удивлена его пониманию ситуации и как он правдиво рассказывал о том, что происходит на украине.
@UngluedBrit 9 күн бұрын
He had some balls, that cannot be denied, he had the choice between lies or death, he selected death, not many men are built like he was these days.
@ValentinaIzmail 9 күн бұрын
​@@UngluedBritда это так, потому что я знала, что на украине люди говорящие правду подвергаются преследованию и многих убили. Олесь Бузина был убит у своего дома. Я надеялась, что Гонсало Лира не будут трогать так как он гражданин США. Теперь как понимаю, из США дали разрешение на это убийство.
@UngluedBrit 9 күн бұрын
@@ValentinaIzmail They did, specifically he had a gripe with a lady in the state department, specifically a lady who has always hated Russia, I can picture her face but cannot remember her name, it seems that they just decided to let this happen, so we know from that instance alone that if you're from the west and you have disagreements with the politicians then you're as good as dead. When Pavel Durov was thrown in prison by the French despite previous disagreements with the Russian Government they still taken action steps to get him out. This says a lot about the state of the world and where things stand at this moment in time.
@AdelongloPrado 11 күн бұрын
Where ever you go its clean, every corner the place is clean. Modern No homeless everything is WOW❤❤ BEAUTIFUL THAN EVERY CITY IN AMERICA..❤😂
@UngluedBrit 11 күн бұрын
Yes it's wonderful, safe, clean, orderly, peaceful, the way we used to have it not too long ago in the west but now that's gone, pleased that it's like that here!
@manlius8118 11 күн бұрын
Is bro a fan of man utd
@UngluedBrit 11 күн бұрын
Nooo, not a fan of any team these days, used to be a fan of Liverpool but, haven't really paid any attention since they politicised the game and stuck rainbow flags all over it lol
@Exit-West 12 күн бұрын
On that point, do you see many chemtrails in Russia? So far most of the videos I've seen the sky has thankfully been clear👌
@GATULIS88 12 күн бұрын
I think soon it's going to get worse in UK to the level of what people in the west assumes North Korea is
@GATULIS88 12 күн бұрын
I want to visit this park one day
@xj3301 12 күн бұрын
RIP 🕯never forget and never forgive
@MsMaxho 12 күн бұрын
Убили человека в украинской тюрьме, и плевать на это правительству США. Демократия она такая.
@Exit-West 13 күн бұрын
Thanks for the introduction to him!
@chlenuga 13 күн бұрын
Watched GL during his time in Kharkov. I think his understanding of the situation and history has improved by then, because in the second part of the video he said many things wrong. About the revolution of 1917, about Kulaks (don't confuse with Gulags), about China social credit, etc. But he still caught the nerve of the situation in the West right, in my opinion.
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
That's a well divided comment between what was right and wrong, I agree with you completely, though, I don't have enough time to also post his other stuff, I was on his patreon as a paid sub back then and his understanding and learning developed way past this video, this video was pre SMO and as things got serious a lot of people on his roundtable developed his understanding of things.
@МаксМакс-д4д 13 күн бұрын
@juliap.5375 13 күн бұрын
He have strange views on 1917 revolution. Shortly and simplified: - in 1860s in Russia arrived movements which fought for rights of regular people (until 1861 you could buy for self peasants - serfs). It was several different movements, including future communists. - in Feb 1917 Nicolaus II was removed from throne by nationalists and republicans. He was unpopular from beginning, against him played his family and he had troubles on front (it was time of WW1). Army also not supported him. - in next several month they almost lost state, it literally dissolved (by military, political and economical reasons). - in October 1917 Bolsheviks came on council of government and declared that they take power because current failed. - nationalists and capitalists in Army arise and started Civil War. Country also was attacked by 14 foreign countries, from British Empire on North to US on Far East. - regards to popularity this irrelevant amount of Bolsheviks who controlled almost nothing won everyone. Majority of army supported them. And restored already dissolved country (almost, some territories were lost). - but Civil War was not end so simply. Even when everyone was removed from country, they for decades sent into Russia own groups to make terroristic acts (exploded buildings, tried to poison water, food, medicaments; killed officials), together with Poland (e.g. Bredov) attacked in borderland villages and eliminated local peasants until 1930s. Moreover, as example Poland created organization Prometheus which had goal to dissolve Soviet Russia on dozens countries. Later Poland transferred full control over it (largest network of agents and spies in world at that moment) to what we now know as Abwehr :/ * funny fact - nowadays in same building where was Prometheus is offices of NATO. As result yep, Bolsheviks was forced to became more "totalitarian", with time. Because they were permanently attacked. It was the only way to preserved state and people. But it was only for outside, while inside it was very democratic.
@juliap.5375 13 күн бұрын
…forgot to add: leftists (Trotsky) lost to left in beginning and were expelled, or removed from power.
@BritishChef436 13 күн бұрын
That's the best way to be in life. To always tell it how it is.
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Certainly is!
@juliap.5375 14 күн бұрын
I read they insert toothpick in his eye when tortured him.
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
Oh and that was only one thing, they denied him care, robbed tens of thousands from his PayPal account, used to bring people into the cells to beat him to get the money, the list goes on.
@kgb85MD 14 күн бұрын
His knowlege of 1917 is questionable at least unless he studdied it in the west witch he did maybe that's why i did not take this guy serios
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
My knowledge of 1917 too is probably questionable, it doesn't make everything else that I say wrong though, you have to take people with a pinch of salt, Everyone you have ever met has something wrong, though that's human nature, you can't just dismiss a man on black and white terms when humans are mostly grey and you have to give credit where credit is due on certain aspects and not others.
@kgb85MD 13 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit He's not wrong about the time that he was adressing it he's dead wrong about the history of the country tha you live in that revolution has nothing to do about the thing he was talking about then understand this the revolution in 1917 was the begining of the backbone of what you see now in the place you live in today parks public tranpor the work law army law enforcement started then after the revolution
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
@@kgb85MD Well, he went to an American University, as we know when we travel around a little bit, every man and his dog thinks their country won WW2, Britain thinks it won for instance... That's what they teach in schools, of course when you get the privilege of visiting the WW2 museum in Moscow you soon learn the truth that was never told in the western education system, so as for me who grew up in that system, I have to cut him some slack as like the rest of us he was fed a bad dose of falsehoods by people with falsely assigned accreditations.
@kgb85MD 13 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit And that's the problem whitch will never be solved
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
@@kgb85MD Sadly not due to generations upon generations of people perpetuating the same lies that the older generations told them, I would say that I hope it changes... but that would be a whimsical fantasy. All we know now is that the west are engaging in mass censorship of any alternative ideas and people that do not suit their narrative, all of us in someway shape or form have fell victim to falsehoods, while I don't take Gonzalo's accounts of history seriously, his predictions of what is to come for the west have been close to the truth, so when we listen we always have to listen with a checklist and think of what the appropriate action is to take off the basis of these observations.
@TheJcrist 14 күн бұрын
Gonzalo Lira was a brave man, insanely brave , borderline madness. He was kind of a man speaking truth no mater what, regardless of personal risks. R.I.P. Gonzalo, you will be always in our hearts as a specimen of honesty, integrity and courage.
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
God rest his soul, he has gone down as a true legend, thank God he gets to live on through so many of our hearts.
@МПетрова-е9ш 14 күн бұрын
RIP poor Gonzalo. I also watched his video. and ones we had a short conversation in telegram before his first arrest. I was really shoked hearing that he dead.
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
Was a true shame what happened, I miss the CRP chat on Telegram, that's where I met the guys who also left the west too.
@niarlatotepbasset 14 күн бұрын
R.I.P., Coach RedPill 🤘.
@KristinaZhukova-p9j 14 күн бұрын
I often think that if Covid restrictions were an opportunity in test mode to see how people would behave under greater restrictions on their freedom. It is likely that this will be prepared in the future for some reason. Maybe it will during coming WW3
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
Yep, it was a stress test on the populous to see how much they could take, apparently, the vast majority take a lot for a very long time which is troubling, most just complied when it all began to something so minor, the data was there from the get go and yet they all just swallowed it!
@suegreene1 14 күн бұрын
Some day you will be able to see the beautiful place he rests near Viña del Mar in Chile.
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
One day I may!
@giggling_boatswain 14 күн бұрын
I also watched his videos very often.
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
What a man.
@mikhailtrokhinin1168 14 күн бұрын
Totally agree. !!!
@Nantchev 14 күн бұрын
Who is this 'Adrian' fellow at 3:26?
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
Good question, mystery man!
@planetarynonproletary 14 күн бұрын
При всем уважении к Гонсало (и безусловном презрении к его прямым и попустительствующим убийцам), в том видео, что было вставлено во вторую половину ролика, я нахожу для себя крайне сомнительные (в лучшем случае) тезисы. Но не хочу разводить срач там, где уместно выражать почтение памяти человека, который благодаря своей храбрости благотворно повлиял на многих людей и за свою храбрость был жестоко наказан преступными режимами. Лучше просто присоединюсь ко всем скорбящим. Вечная память Гонсало Лире
@k1ssulja 14 күн бұрын
Those born in the USSR now see many similarities between the USSR and the West. The West is repeating the mistakes of the USSR. There are people who predict the collapse of the USA on the model of the USSR. That would be very ironic😁
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
Isn't it strange how history has flipped, though, if we know one thing, history tells us that nobody learns from history, sadly.
@juliap.5375 13 күн бұрын
И в чём сходство? Что да бред? В СССР к власти пришли люди, которые оставили после себя мемуары, где прямо написано как они мечтали уничтожить СССР. И они его таки уничтожили. На Западе что то схожее? Во-первых, Запад очень разный и ведёт себя ну очень по-разному. Штаты например ради сохранения своей гегемонии которую они теряют потому, что а) достигли своего предела капиталистической экономики и б) появились новые игроки (а чтобы нормально жить в капиталистическом мире, кто-то всегда должен страдать), вот ради сохранения они идут даже на риск третьей мировой. Потому что они борются за своё место под солнцем. И очевидно пойдут в этом до конца, ибо как они тоже сказали, для них этот конфликт точно такой же экзистенциальный. Т.е либо они исчезнут, либо мы. Очевидно что исчезнут и они, и мы. Ну и где тут хоть капля от СССР? Прямо противоположные ситуации.
@UngluedBrit 13 күн бұрын
@@juliap.5375 Well, he went to an American University, as we know when we travel around a little bit, every man and his dog thinks their country won WW2, Britain thinks it won for instance... That's what they teach in schools, of course when you get the privilege of visiting the WW2 museum in Moscow you soon learn the truth that was never told in the western education system, so as for me who grew up in that system, I have to cut him some slack as like the rest of us he was fed a bad dose of falsehoods by people with falsely assigned accreditations. The versions of history were tinted by different countries to resemble different things for different outcomes.
@End0fst0ry 13 күн бұрын
Всё, что нужно знать людям о марксизме - это то, что Karl Marx был сатанистом. О человеческих его качествах говорит тот факт, что он (будучи родственником Ротшильдов) написал книгу - On the Jewish Question, которая вполне себе является антисемитской книгой. Никого не напоминает? Думаю, что Вам не напоминает, а между тем - это 1 в 1 поведение немецкого художника и писателя по имени Адольф, и по вымышленной фамилии Гитлер. Adolf Schickelgruber (Шекельгрубер конечно же не еврейская фамилия, нет :D). Задача Маркса состояла в том, чтобы создать религию, уничтожающую другие религии. Для чего? Не смотря на то, что ВСЕ мировые религии извращены в той или иной степени - люди, которые ставят закон божий превыше закона элит - опасны и неуправляемы, они мешают элитам творить свои непотребства. Социализм - это анти-религиозная религиозная секта. Вот такой каламбур. И как это по обыкновению бывает в сектах - на низшем уровне царит закон и порядок, на среднем - управление и контроль за установленным законом и порядком, а на высшем - полная противоположность закону и порядку. На высшем уровне - поклонение хаосу и смерти. Таким образом, поговорка "рыба гниет с головы" не является точным описанием процесса разложения общественного строя и государства ака секты. В точности же происходит следующее - голова "рыбы" изначально бывает гнилой. И из-за этого гниль распространяется по всему телу. Чтобы было понятнее как это в точности происходит - почитайте историю Ордена Тамплиеров.
@bshthrasher 13 күн бұрын
Well, I don't see any similarities between the West and USSR, Soviet Union was a socialist country while the West is completely capitalist. That means in USSR the state was providing for the people, while in the West the states only demand from people. Even if the West will collapse, US in particular, it will be very different from the Soviet Union collapse, because it will be much worse. Hyperinflation will begin and crime rates will be astronomical due to the amount of weapons that people have. If it looks to you like "repeating the mistakes", to me it looks like they're doing it on purpose, like collapse is their plan. In other words, the only similarity here is that Soviet Union collapse was also orchestrated.
@k1ssulja 14 күн бұрын
Gonzalo Lira did not just die in a Ukrainian prison, he was murdered and tortured. And unfortunately, he is not the only one who was killed by the Kiev Nazi and terrorist regime for dissent. There's an infinitely long list of victims who were killed on Zelensky's orders
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
His last videos on the way to the border of Hungary were explicit, thank God he was able to make them, still online. God rest his soul.
@dtaylor9133 14 күн бұрын
Hi jimmy,i had a lump in my throat seeing this poster WOW!! I too loved this chain smoking truth bomb. I remember his last vid trying to escape to the Hungarian border for protection and he was real scared and not in good health after being in the yuk rain prison,it was a REAL do or die,shit or bust situation and neither the USA or Chilie did fuck all to help him. Only the "Grey zone" covered it and supported his fathers efforts to try to save his son's life. He was a true seerer and was rarely wrong. I cant say how made up i am jimmy to hear your passion also for this man. Us midlanders know how to spot a bosster!!! lol I truly hope no in fact i'm willing this video get's it's way to Gonzalo's dad,imagine how that would feel for him. Your heart has done a wonderful thing and Russia has certainly gained cudos!! Take care Bro.x
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
Hi there, yes I remember his last video, was torn up over it, had a feeling it was his last one, I remember his farther trying all that he can to get the Embassy to act but they wouldn't move a finger, George Galloway interviewed his Dad a number of times too before and after his passing. He was a true legend, not to be forgotten, they don't build many like that anymore, God bless him. I tend to go back to his channel from time to time to watch his material since much of it is timeless and still relevant to this day, as soon as I heard about the poster I knew I had to make a pilgrimage to go and pay my respects as the west have really done their best to blanket the issue but he still lives on in many hearts!
@dtaylor9133 13 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit Wow i did not know about George Galloway,good on him!! Love to you your wife and little bubba.x
@stevedziadus1787 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for reminding people of this awesome man and his truth
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
What a man he was!
@k1ssulja 14 күн бұрын
All the smart people advise leaving the west. In Russia, many people listen to what reputable astrologers from all over the world, who are well established with their confirmed predictions, have to say. So according to their calculations the West is moving into the abyss from all points of view, not only economically, politically, socially, but there will be many natural disasters in the U.S. and Europe, and Russia and China are moving to their heyday, everything is just beginning. I believe them because I see it too
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
We can see it with our own eyes, "Through the eyes of" channel, she did a good job of covering the astrological predictions of the future recently. For me it was a good decision to have packed my bags and left, thank God for Gonzalo's foresight on so many matters, it's only just the beginning, the testing phase was the lockdown, the real deal is yet to come by the looks of it, we should brace ourselves.
@crystalstar8755 14 күн бұрын
RIP Gonzalo , a brave man. 🕯️🕯️🙏🕯️🕯️
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
RIP Gonzalo! A man of true steel.
@YaKefir4eg 14 күн бұрын
14:42 - Сегодня дроны Amazon доставляют вам посылку. А завтра, дроны Amazon вам доставят бомбу. Потому что владельцы Amazon находятся в полном подчинении от ЦРУ.
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
This is exactly what is happening, they're going to get westerners hooked on their products and services like drugs, as if they could not live any other way and then use them against them at a later date.
@YaKefir4eg 14 күн бұрын
@@UngluedBrit im agreed under all of your words!
@W_L_W. 14 күн бұрын
Great words. The man is a legend. All his words are becoming reality. The rise of 3rd Reich in the West is undeniable
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
I can't even put into words how much I respect this man, he's truly changed my life for the better, we can see his prophecies come true past his death, his words live on.
@ddis5 14 күн бұрын
RIP Gonzalo - My recent tribute to him kzbin.info/www/bejne/mqHWeWOfoMd-gLM
@olbe147 14 күн бұрын
Yes, the New Iron Curtain is not to prevent the Russians from seeing the West, but to stop the opposite traffic.
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
That's exactly right, we can see even now that recently Canada is imposing taxes on it's citizenry for leaving and quitting Canada, this is just a small instance of what is to come for the west.
@andrejmucic5003 14 күн бұрын
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
@GATULIS88 15 күн бұрын
Beautiful city 🙂
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
Isn't it just?
@РоманР.Ж 18 күн бұрын
Ну парень красавчик. прекрасное видео, захватывающие пейзажи.....Ходишь так ходишь и не замечаешь, а тут чел сделал съемку и получилась сказка!!
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
Thank you, though, the environment around me is far more handsome than I could ever be haha
@КузькинаМать-э3м 19 күн бұрын
В павилионах Царицыно проводят концерты классической музыки, а также есть оранжерея, в которую нужно приходить зимой, когда в Москве сугробы и холодно. Спасибо за видео, обожаю Царицыно ❤
@UngluedBrit 14 күн бұрын
These will not be missed! I will ensure that I go there more!
@RamBeloeZlato 20 күн бұрын
Moscow festival of this world
@UngluedBrit 20 күн бұрын
It certainly is!
@escatello3455 20 күн бұрын
Oh, an electric train of the Yaroslavl direction, the "Los" and "Rostokino" stations flashed in the frame. I'm from these places too. =)
@UngluedBrit 20 күн бұрын
That's my neck of the woods too in the north east! :)
@artinspiredbygod5859 20 күн бұрын
So clean
@UngluedBrit 20 күн бұрын
It's a wonderful metro system!
@artinspiredbygod5859 20 күн бұрын
Потрясающе! Скучаю по Москве! Regards From UK. God bless your family.
@UngluedBrit 20 күн бұрын
You should visit, God bless your family too!
@djole-y2q 20 күн бұрын
Have you seen a movie The two Arrogant Ones?
@UngluedBrit 20 күн бұрын
Be careful, I will point a mirror at you and you won't like the reflection.