Why You Need to Stay In America! / From an American Living In The Netherlands

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@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
Yooo happy Monday!!!! I thought today is talk about why it might be best to stay In America. America is a great country so let me know what I missed as I had to cut a looottt out to say on time. :)
@kw6382 Ай бұрын
"Leaving America will make you lonely and isolated". I'm a born & raised American of retirement age and no place is more lonely and isolating for me than the USA.
@Kiennguyen22360 Ай бұрын
this the realest video yet, as someone planning to move internationally, this hits hard, im in Europe now, when im Amsterdam, ima def buy you a coffee
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@Kiennguyen22360 oooh snap! Where are you thinking of moving to!?
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@Kiennguyen22360 also definitely hit me up when your in the A!
@Kiennguyen22360 Ай бұрын
Im currently in London, the weathers trash lol. Spain would be great or probably Southeast Asia. Cost of living is everything
@scottpilgrim2 8 күн бұрын
Our tourism income has increased 13 billion thanks to you and me and people like us promoting our great country. Thanks Sky.
@scottpilgrim2 8 күн бұрын
Over a 10% increase in case you wondered.
@francoismarc3 Ай бұрын
This Thumbnail!!!! And you like my quote! Second time you using it in your videos haha. Loving the new editing style!!!
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@francoismarc3 ayyyeee thanks man! Let’s get it
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@francoismarc3 100k by December
@feelosophy1921 Ай бұрын
I'm friends with Confucius too. I go back to a lot of his sayings as well and believe "remember no matter where you go there you are" is as poignant as Psalms "Where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?"
@iseenjahsenye8249 Ай бұрын
Bro, that's so true. When I came to America, I had nothing, not a single dollar. It’s all about how you spend and save here. Back in my country, as a supervisor in civil engineering, I earned $250 a month. But when I came here, I was getting paid $600 a week just for loading and unloading trucks. I felt like a millionaire! It just goes to show, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side and sometimes it does
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
Yea it’s crazy!! I mean.. I feel like people do forget how many opportunities America offers. It’s weird because us Americans take it for granted how good we have it.. until it’s too late. :/
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
Side note tho.. congrats man.. and I hope you keep doing your dang! Let’s get it!
@iseenjahsenye8249 Ай бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogs yes 🥷🥷
@catnium Ай бұрын
dude I earn 600 euro's in 1 day sometimes even upto 2400 and I'm just a guy that does locks
@Athandatu Ай бұрын
Oh, my brotha Sky. I’m an American who was born and raised in the Spain (das was serving in the US Navy and mom is Spaniard). Moved to the US for college, which I found extremely easy, worked in Japan,went back to the US, and now between both Spain and the US. The thing is, Europe offers a much better work-life balance, with greater access to both higher education and healthcare, but in the US, that’s where the money is at!
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@Athandatu yoooooo wow! I didn’t know you went back and forth between Spain and the U.S. I remember you saying you go back and forth but didn’t know it was Spain. Niice
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@Athandatu also good take! What do you think about the food. Do you find it better in Spain or the U.s?
@Athandatu Ай бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogs I think these cultural shocks, and leaving the entitlement behind before one moves abroad, and go in with an open mind is something that only those like you and me who have lived (notice how I said “lived”, not traveled”) abroad are more in tune with. About the food! Man, you said it on your video today and others before. In Spain we go to the store to buy groceries more often than in the US, precisely because everything is fresh. Fresh fruits, fresh veggies, fresh fish, fresh meats… so you gotta use them up soon. In the US, people buy in bulk because we “store” food, instead of use it right away. Hence the bigger refrigerators, freezers, trash compactors, etc. and also why food just feels like it sits in your gut for days! Take for example bread. I can stuff myself with Spanish bread every day, because, well, it’s fantastic, yet, don’t feel bloated. One single slice of bread in the states just feels like I’ll be done digesting it by the end of the week. Sorry, one last thing. There is great food in the USA, no doubt, and you have access to cuisine from different countries as well. Yet, I feel not a lot of people know how to cook in the states, and those who do, the ingredients to their recipes seem to always be measured in a box of this, a package of that. In Spain, it’s always, say, these many tomatoes, one onion, a spoonful of paprika, a pinch of cumin…. I think that shows the way we think of food in the US, and how precooked and prepackaged food is now normalcy in the US.
@erikzurcher5528 Ай бұрын
"... but in the US, that’s where the money is at!" Do you wish to die rich, or have a rich life? Your choice but take it from me: money won't buy you happiness, or good health.
@AndreUtrecht Ай бұрын
It is where the money is at because taxes are seen as something dirty. Millions of Americans live in a third world reality. America does capitalism with a capital C. So unfortunately when you say: that is where the money is, it also means that millions of American citizens are suffering because of this financial greed. In the US you are a successful millionaire or a failed one, there is nothing in between.
@iamnotapoet Ай бұрын
Best film quote EVER: “just remember, wherever you go , there you are”. I use that Buckaroo Banzai quote AT LEAST once a month for past 30+ years. Peter Weller will ALWAYS be in my head and heart for that Buckaroo quote and “come quietly…. Or there will be …. Trouble “ from Robocop. You made me smile with the quote. It’s normally me quoting it. First time I have heard a KZbinr quoting it. - Eric ZORK Alan & Sweetie [ 🤣Professional🤣Poets & Bed 🛏️ & Beer🍺 Vloggers ]
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@iamnotapoet oooh I didn’t know it was a movie quote! Hahahah now I know where my friend stole it from. Thanks so much for the insight
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@iamnotapoet maaan thanks so much for always rocking with me
@PatrickRambles Ай бұрын
Bro your storytelling is next level! And mad respect for the effort, moving that camera around every five seconds. Dude you're killing it 🔥
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@PatrickRambles yooooo P!!! Wow thanks so much! Thanks so much for watching!
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@PatrickRambles you know I’m still just figuring it all out! Lol 😂
@PatrickRambles Ай бұрын
⁠You and me both, brother. Let's meet up again sometime this summer. Had such a blast 🙌
@feelosophy1921 Ай бұрын
I don't think you should treat people the way you want to be treated. I believe you should treat people the way THEY want to be treated. We have to understand what we like is not necessarily what the other person likes and wants.
@francoismarc3 Ай бұрын
That requires an extreme amount of empathy. The majority of people don't have higher empathy skills to truly effectuate your statement.
@AdvdW Ай бұрын
That is almost impossible. You never know for 100% whats somebody is in mind.. As basic line you can say "treat people the way you want to be treated".This alone requires a great amount of empathy for many.
@dutchman7623 Ай бұрын
Rain usually comes from above, sometimes horizontally, rarely it goes up. check your phone when it goes up, your position, perspective or attitude may not fit your own expectations... Thanks again for a wise video.
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@dutchman7623 whaaat really.. it was going up! Maybe just the draft from the ferry..? Hahaha
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@dutchman7623 thanks so much for watching.
@dutchman7623 Ай бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogs Always a joy to watch!
@helenooft9664 Ай бұрын
I dont want to live in the states, only for a holiday. Alway's talking about the American dream, but that's only for 5 % of the people, for the rest it is the American Hell/ There is no time for family and friends and yourself. When you have build , but when you are ill, you will loose everything because of the medical bills. Children living like prisoners in their home, can't play outside without parents. There is a little savety net. I dont want to be a work slave. Live for me have to be more than only work. There are so much homeless and drugs/mental ill people because they dont see a future for themselves or their children. i dont want to live from paycheck to paycheck.
@ChristiaanHW Ай бұрын
the problem is that everyone that moves to the US to make big money, thinks they will become the 1%. and they all forget that for that 1% to exist you need 99% to have almost nothing. yes the US is awesome if you're in that 1%, bit for the normal people the US is a trap that sucks them dry and discards them when they are used up. while in countries with a better wealth distribution, even if you can't give that 110% (anymore) you're still valued and you're still able to have a good life. but that comes at the price of less possibilities to make it big (over the backs of others)
@helenooft9664 Ай бұрын
@@ChristiaanHW I prefer that, i dont care about paying more taxes for the social net, and i am really happy with the live/work balance, so i have more time with family, friends, and myself, or hobby's. Welth is not everything in life.
@ChristiaanHW Ай бұрын
@@helenooft9664 exactly, money isn't everything. if i have to choose between getting by, but having to save up for big purchases. but at the same time having a decent work/life balance, free time and the knowledge that in time of injury or when i'm old i will be taken care off. or having a small chance of becoming rich but being one set back away from health problems, homelessness or worse. i will always go for the first option. that peace of mind is worth a lot more than being able to buy the newest stuff and going on holiday 3x a year.
@303Resurrection Ай бұрын
I fully integrated into American culture when I lived there between the ages of 18 and 27. I lost my connection with Dutch people and culture completely. Trying to reintegrate won't work bc at 18 I hadn't been molded. My problem is that I'm not American, only in every other way. It's a nightmare
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
Ooh noo.. I’m sorry to hear that. But I don’t think it’s true. America is very accepting most of the times.. I think you’re going to do great!
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
I’m curious as to why you feel like you can’t integrate? Do you mean socially ?
@303Resurrection Ай бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogs I know that most Americans are nice folk. I had lots of friends in Miami
@303Resurrection Ай бұрын
​@@ItzSKYVlogs@ItzSKYVlogs If you were to ever meet me my accent and mannerisms will stump you.
@303Resurrection Ай бұрын
​@@ItzSKYVlogs@ItzSKYVlogs I stand out like a sore thumb. I don't want to achieve the Dutch standard of being good enough, I set my standards much higher. Dutch people are trapped by the system and can't think beyond what they are taught. They limit themselves, ask yourself this ; why is this society devoid of actually talented people. I am extremely talented but I fall outside the norms of talent being taught. The talent has to come through scholastic (ie a diploma) institutions.
@BrionneOlsen Ай бұрын
Sky maintaining those Dutch angles in the Netherlands 😄
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@BrionneOlsen hahahahah I know right
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@BrionneOlsen I’m over here Dutch tilting like crazy! Hahaha
@JauneMacReady Ай бұрын
Another great video. Live the positive vibes and wise thoughts. Now, wheres those coffee ninjas? 🥷🥷☕
@Be-Es---___ Ай бұрын
Tell them!! There are enough Americans in Amsterdam. Keep 'm there!
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@Be-Es---___ hahahahaa maaaaan I’m trying to keep them out of Haarlem! Hahahahahah
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@Be-Es---___ I don’t need anymore Americans coming up to me! 🤣
@jonwalzmusic Ай бұрын
Hey I saw you in a cafe today! I had an interview in Haarlem and walked right by you. You looked like you were in the zone with work so I didn’t want to bother (and I’m also super shy). But it was cool to see you out there irl!
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
Waaaittt whaaaat!!! Dude!!! That’s crazy! Lol😂 which cafe was it?
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
Also I hope the interview went well.
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@jonwalzmusic maaan next time you have to come say high!
@jonwalzmusic Ай бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogsI think it’s called choco? Or chocolate shop? Next to an Albert hein haha. I love Haarlem though. It’s such a charming place!
@SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands 27 күн бұрын
Rain is good against the dust as the saying goes..
@ZanamiiiDupe Ай бұрын
I love this Sky! I'm planning to move to North Carolina with my husband from Puerto Rico and hearing what's going on in the states this really helps!
@whynologin 29 күн бұрын
I like how you learn to adapt to your environment and respect it. Like at 4:08 were you start to lower your voice at that location. 6:50 - 6:53 Dude wtf? You give someone a complement and he does this, sheez. 😁
@italorossid Ай бұрын
one key thing you didn't mention: you can't just move like nothing by entering as a tourist and overstaying while making money from your remote job. do you have a residence permit?
@scottpilgrim2 8 күн бұрын
Don't eat bread a week old. 5 days is already risking it with mold growth. Don't eat molded food.
@staceymartin_ Ай бұрын
If you can make USD remote abroad and you are open minded to culture it’s a no brainer lol America is great and I’m proud to be an American but I do feel as if my quality of life is 1000x better in other parts of the world
@JasonRamosNJ Ай бұрын
I have been applying and the one thing I do like is in NL they get back to you. In USA they never respond. I have not yet found anything but im trying! I would love to work in the NL. I do real estate, but not sure what I can do in NL yet.
@jacvanloon4209 2 күн бұрын
Goodmorning Mister Gucci.Is that your twin-brother at 6:44...No matter where you go,there you are... 😉Have a nice day. 😎
@DavidTOnline Ай бұрын
Happy Monday Brother
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@DavidTOnline Ayye happy Monday d! Great talking with you yesterday!
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@DavidTOnline hope you liked the video
@iseenjahsenye8249 Ай бұрын
Hey man, how’s it going? I really enjoyed your latest video and was eagerly waiting for it. I’ve got a question for you. I recently started vlogging, and while I know it’s not all about the views and subscribers, I’ve really fallen in love with the process. To grow my channel and get more views and subscribers, should I be actively promoting and sharing my videos with family and friends, or should I just post them and wait for the algorithm to work its magic? How did you know you had sauce with your content?
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
Ooooh man that’s a great question! Dude first thank you for always showing support. Now to be honest… I wouldn’t share with friends and family too much because they aren’t usually your target audience. But it’s tough because as a small creator.. you won’t get the numbers.. so I would make something searchable in the beginning. And then see what your audience likes.. and kinda figure it out from there.. Dude it’s so tricky. Hahaha
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
Keep going and keep trying things. I promise you’ll figure it out. I think what’s important is that once you find that thing that works.. do it for a while. :)
@iseenjahsenye8249 Ай бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogs thanks bro I appreciate it 🥷
@MichaelNgvyen Ай бұрын
I was chuckling at the start and stop raining. Typically Europe summer I've come to learn lol
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@MichaelNgvyen hahaha I know right. Maaan it’s on and off all the time. Lol 😂
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@MichaelNgvyen it I can’t complain too much
@JCGver Ай бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogs Spend some time in LA and that's what I missed the most about the Netherlands, having actual weather. Warm and sunny is great, but give me a grey and drizzling day once in a while.
@y.v.l. Ай бұрын
My compliments, great video, good and realistic advice, certainly not negative!. Emigrating has a huge impact on one's life, not to be taken lightly. There will be disappointments and that will be so much harder when you are in a different country without your usual support network. Feeling lonely at times comes with the territory if you are living abroad, but it does not have to stay that way. It is worth taking a gamble, there is a whole world out there to explore and if you do not like it, you can always go back home. That is NOT a failure, for at least you have tried and learned a lot.
@ericd1084 Ай бұрын
I've been living abroad since 2012. Even though there are a crapload of remote jobs nowadays, a lot of companies don't want to hire you if you live abroad. I had a really hard time finding the remote job that I have now and I have 3 degrees. About the food, you're 100% correct. Carrots in the USA are good for like 3 or 4 weeks. In Vietnam, I buy them and they go bad in a couple days.
@itomg Ай бұрын
You're making some solid arguments! Moving to another country is definitely not for everybody. But if you have what it takes, if you can feel at home in another country of your choice, then it can really enrich your life.
@AdvdW Ай бұрын
As a Dutch person I really like your video's. They are positive, honestly and open-minded. I really believe ... if you from abroad and going to live in another country, it is a culture shock. You hit the nail on the head by saying, making money is the "thing" in America. That's why I will never move to America. For me is the way of live more important than making money. Anyways ... nice to hear that you love our country. A little question: How is your Dutch?
@sheahill6628 Ай бұрын
Excellent video!
@EspenJohan Ай бұрын
If I could I would try living in another country.
@SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands 27 күн бұрын
We have this invention here...an Umbrella :)
@Adonis300 Ай бұрын
The title is weird … typo on the first America(n)
@JR-tn6pl Ай бұрын
weird is good for today ;-)
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@JR-tn6pl Ayyyyee Good looking out!!!! Hahahah Stupid auto correct lol !
@qazatqazah Ай бұрын
Hi! Dutchie here (who never moved abroad.) I'm just here to tell you that your arguments do make sense to me. Thanks for the video.
@iseenjahsenye8249 Ай бұрын
@@qazatqazah yes it does
@AndreUtrecht Ай бұрын
Are your wide and kids also with you in The Netherlands? Or are they in the US? This I didn't quite get....
@dutchman7623 Ай бұрын
His direct family is in the Netherlands, Haarlem.
@AndreUtrecht Ай бұрын
@@dutchman7623 Ah okay... thank you, now I have bit more context... I saw several videos but often it was not clear to me if he was leaving his family in the US behind, all the time ...
@aaronmelson2887 Ай бұрын
I'd like to leave but 1. I don't know where to go and 2. I drive 18 wheelers and I don't know how trucking works in other countries.
@janmango4692 Ай бұрын
In the Netherlands (and in a lot of other Western-European countries) is a huge shortage of truck drivers. No 18wheelers though :P You could (or should!) take some driving lessons for trucks to learn the specifics.
@francoismarc3 Ай бұрын
@ronaldderooij1774 Ай бұрын
Take a shot every time he says he is going back to work...
@lenasmith5927 Ай бұрын
Thanks for telling them to stay in USA 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
@w33dsm0k3r 29 күн бұрын
But we have to bike/walk when it is shitty weather😂
@JR-tn6pl Ай бұрын
There is a small type-o in your title ;-)
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
Yooo Thanks!!! Done and Done :)
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
Main I don't know where id be without you guys!
@zz-ci2gn Ай бұрын
Do you have a discord server? This is a great video!
@TheAdamToy Ай бұрын
The amount of Americans who travel overseas and then are surprised it isn't like the U.S. will always baffle me. You're traveling to go somewhere different bro, it's gonna be different! lol
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@TheAdamToy ahahahaah dude I know!!!!! Lmao!!!🤣
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@TheAdamToy I mean.m tho.. for me.. it’s not that I was expecting things to be the same… but I was thrown off by the freshness of food and the amount of people who are out side daily.. like seriously.. I just never thought of those things before I started traveling
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@TheAdamToy but with that said.. I love it tho!
@TheAdamToy Ай бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogs Food is always so fresh and so much better! Especially the fruit! My goodness is it good!
@polwox Ай бұрын
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@polwox ayyyeee thanks for watching til the end!
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@polwox thanks so much and hope you enjoyed it
@eugenehazenbosch7428 Ай бұрын
Old video's you are posting 😢😢
@SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands 27 күн бұрын
If you speak English, halve of the words you know are old Dutch learn about Grimm's laws Seriously...use your English to learn Dutch and German and than use these languages to learn Scandinavian...all these languages are closely related. Read about the history of language and Grimm's laws to unlock your hidden Dutch..
@Mrevolva Ай бұрын
hi dutchie
@jokemmerling4875 Ай бұрын
What language do you speak, sounds a bit like English.
@user-kz5cw2gj3w Ай бұрын
Your talking like money is the be all and end all of life. But when you get to the end of life you find out its not at all what it seemed.
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@user-kz5cw2gj3w oh man don’t get it twisted.. it’s definitely not the end all be all.. it sounds like you didn’t watch the video. Lmao 🤣
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@user-kz5cw2gj3w just super sayian.
@dutchyjhome Ай бұрын
In Rome, do as the Romans do...!
@303Resurrection Ай бұрын
@ItzSKYVlogs If you were to ever meet me my accent and mannerisms will stump you.
@abdomiss6444 Ай бұрын
Can I find a wife in these comments😊😊😊
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@abdomiss6444 ayyyeeeee I’ll keep an eye out for ya
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@abdomiss6444 if not here, I know you’ll find one somewhere :)
@abdomiss6444 Ай бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogs Life needs a loving and patient wife, my brother itzsk. I am searching. Maybe any girl might read my comment 😊😊
@jasper46985 Ай бұрын
Thats why america has money.. you got no rights..
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@jasper46985 hahahahahahaha
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@jasper46985 dude so sorry for the late reply. Not gonna lie. This made me laugh a bit lol 😂
@ItzSKYVlogs Ай бұрын
@@jasper46985 I feel like it’s so true
@jasper46985 Ай бұрын
@@ItzSKYVlogs haha, no problem! Its a bit harsch, but its the bottom line i guess.
🥷 🥷☕️great advise; thanks for sharing brother Sky
@Angeliqued 22 күн бұрын
@divake22 Ай бұрын
@thecaptain2521 Ай бұрын
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