Why You Should Use Inspiration Tokens - GM Toolbox

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Seth Skorkowsky

Seth Skorkowsky

6 жыл бұрын

Inspiration is a great tool for your Role Playing Game (even if it's not just D&D). Using Inspiration Tokens makes it even better.

Пікірлер: 121
@AMatiukas 6 жыл бұрын
Rather than a token I use the little fun size candybars, that way it also encourages players to spend inspiration rather than hoard it (as then they can eat their token).
@slendy9600 6 жыл бұрын
Andrew Matiukas thats clever
@scarletterose1303 6 жыл бұрын
@inomad1313 4 жыл бұрын
@Just4Adventure 3 жыл бұрын
@andyhatton2889 6 жыл бұрын
I use little plastic Zelda style rupees and every player has a specific color so at a glance I can look down and see who does and doesn't have inspiration. It's really helpful!
@jameskyle7943 6 жыл бұрын
I bought some bright yellow d20's-- the players roll them when using inspiration then hand them back in.
@jesternario 4 жыл бұрын
This is how I do inspiration. First, you needs tokens and a bowl. The tokens can be simple coins from a party supply store, or something like what Seth recommends, you will need several, because this is an inspiration pool method; no one gets inspiration directly, but they have more points of inspiration to use, which encourages spending. The bowl that will allow the tokens to make a lot of noise. Now, for me, I like to do what's known as "hope from despair." Whenever the character rolls a critical failure, I add a token to a bowl as loudly as possible. The noise of the token hitting the bowl reminds the players that the token is there. These tokens create a pool of points that players can use when they need them, and audible reminders keep it in the players minds.
@MarkFinn 6 жыл бұрын
I use vintage poker chips I found on Ebay. The older chips are worn and have animals on them. I found some with Roosters that look medieval and some with dragons. Yep. Dragons. Ebay is your friend.
@geoffreynelson6413 6 жыл бұрын
Savage Worlds uses bennies, which work sort of like inspiration. The SW community puts a lot of thought into using campaign-appropriate tokens for bennies. Poker chips for Dead Lands, shell casings for Weird Wars or post-apoc, glass beads for fantasy, skull beads for C'thulhu. I'm working on a Pugmire campaign, and I'm going to use old math manipulatives in the form of transparent colored plastic squares. In a Fate game based on Fury Road, I used hose clamps for fate points. Having the token somehow represent the campaign is a nice touch that keeps the rules pointed at the story.
@Chrono_Mitsurugi 6 жыл бұрын
souvenir shop are perfect for things like this. fill up some small bags of different things for like $10 and bam. you got inspiration tokens, magical items, currency, etc...
@Colouroutofspace4 6 жыл бұрын
The X-Crawl setting had a similar system called "Mojo" that represented your team's cohesion. The rub was that you couldn't spend it on yourself and you couldn't ask for it. it was only something you could spend on your teammates to give them a bonus.
@MisterRandomEncounter 6 жыл бұрын
I ran 2 successful X-Crawl Games DJ nuke em from orbit hes the only way to be sure. He spent alot of coin to literally create a planet and fill it with monsters from all over the place so you had to explore the planet its many ruins and survive against competive opposing dungeon teams . I allowed people to build their own forts and things and before you mention a certain computer game i ran this in 2004 and 2006 respectively so no that game didnt even exist yet. But i made sure to tie in why my game had a timer if the party didnt get all the runes and all the artifacts in time they would not be able to activate the ritual platform where the GM Mecha Dragon was waiting to fight them and they would be on the planet when it got blown up on TV. Also the druids fans were great they had hats for all his animal forms. Fame is a fun stat.
@Just4Adventure 3 жыл бұрын
@DummyUrD 6 жыл бұрын
If you have a physical token you might actually be able to remember to award and/or use it too :p
@armageddonchampion 6 жыл бұрын
For my players, I use the US 1 dollar coin. You can go to any bank and exchange 1 for 1, it looks golden, and that really adds to the in game feel of things. I keep a small pouch of them as representation of loot, so its useful for more than one thing.
@KuyVonBraun 6 жыл бұрын
Hey different camera angles! I think I first came across similar ideas when I started gaming with Savage Worlds - bennies, fate points etc are all similar ideas and they really add an interesting dynamic to any game. I like the idea of using interesting items such as Chinese coins to represent inspiration since that can only add to the immersion in the game.
@APaganPerspective 5 жыл бұрын
Sounds like Bennys from Savage Worlds , Poker chips of Different colors that give different rolls to soak damage or add dice to damage
@su0tin731 6 жыл бұрын
This idea was (somehow) incorporated in a Galactica RPG we played back in the day, in the form of "plot points" they were rewarded exactly the same way (I used poker chips) and players could accumulate up to 12 of them, and they were free to use them at any time, the higher the amount they'd spend at once, the greater the effect. I recall one player "knocked out" a Centinel Cylon with a bare punch, and another rescued an injured friend from a certain death by spending lots of plot points so a damaged viper in the hangar exploded, to grant him some cover and diversion. It was the most memorable mechanic from the game, and made the game engaging and the fun constant. It sure fits in any game as a way to improve it.
@Eron_the_Relentless 4 жыл бұрын
Extending this a bit - I also use bowls and poker chips to denote basically anything that takes rests to replenish. One bowl is the Rest bowl, a second bowl is the Long Rest bowl, most abilities are White Chips - 1st level spell slots, ki, superiority dice, arcane shots, etc. 2nd level spell slots are Blue Chips, 3rd level slots are Red Chips, etc (I also have black and green chips, I rarely have parties beyond 10th level). When you use one of your character resources, you toss it into the bowl for it's replenishment. Empty the Rest bowl after any rest, empty the Long Rest bowl after Long Rests. It gives both the player and GM a visual cue to when the chips are down as, literally, the chips are down. Because I don't like cluttering the table I only have 2 bowls, and I just let players mark the chips with their seat placement A, B, C, D, so they know who to return spent chips to. A cheap poker chip set costs like $20 and everybody has bowls in their cupboards. I recommend having a visibly striking way of denoting which bowl is which, easiest is just putting a post-it note in the Long Rest bowl. There is really nothing like handling your resources in a tactile way.
@kladams707 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this idea. I like inspiration but forget to hand it out. I now have use for my poker chips I never use.
@jeanne-emerycoleman214 6 жыл бұрын
Always a good video, Seth.
@kevinthorpe8561 6 жыл бұрын
Keep making the video, love the skits
@HWFchamp 6 жыл бұрын
This is a great idea and I'm totally incorporating it. I've always given a premeditated double or triple roll in place of rerolls as a power. Instead of "that was bad, do over" it gives the player that option of "I don't wanna 1 this up".
@PossumMedic 3 жыл бұрын
I used the same trick for for the bard I played! :D I bought some bright orange d6 to give out as my bardic inspiration so other players wouldn't forget to use them! Thanks for the vid! :D
@GFCOLCQuote 6 жыл бұрын
I think it's a good feature myself. It makes me feel like I did something right and is that perfect for feeling like the ultimate pat on the back.
@ShadowCat1321 4 жыл бұрын
Savage Worlds is great for this reason. One night, a player had about 10 bennies (benefit tokens, as SW calls them) because hilarity and ingenuity was on his side that night.
@NoActuallyGo-KCUF-Yourself 5 жыл бұрын
I have my own Inspiration system. I have three inspiration tokens, and I award them very rarely: usually at most once in a game session. But I've had a couple where players are really "in the zone" and playing very well as a team, roleplaying in-characrer well, using good tactics, cracking good jokes, and I handed out all three tokens by the end of the game. The way they work in my game is one of three possibilities. 1. A player may spend inspiration to reroll any die - any: his, hers, mine, player, monster, NPC, random encounter table roll, loot table roll.. it doesn't matter. If it is a die rolled for some game purpose, then the player may spend inspiration to have it re-rolled. 2. A player may spend inspiration to take another turn; however, the player may not make an attack, cast a spell, or move any distance. This is a chance to retry skill checks like diplomacy, open lock, or escape; make move equivalent actions like drawing a weapon, closing a door, or reloading a crossbow. 3. A player may hold inspiration until the end of the game session and earn bonus XP. Inspiration may not be kept between games. It is either used to swing some critical moment or handed back at the end of session for XP. The only problem I've had with it is with one player who always tries to dominate the game in every way. He bullies me to give him inspiration and only uses it for the bonus XP. I've told him that if he keeps acting like an asshole about it, I am going to deduct XP from his character in an amount greater than what he would get for the Inspiration bonus.
@angrytheclown801 4 жыл бұрын
I also allow it to be cashed in for a +2 on any roll they make. That way, if it hinges on them to succeed on that roll and they barely fail, they can still succeed. As for your problem player, that's what the term Diminishing Profits is for.
@DominusSphinx 5 жыл бұрын
I got a set of matching black and gold d20s that i use as insperation tokens, i like it cause if they use insperation they have a special die to roll instead of just rerolling their die, plus makes it easy for me to make sure i remember to take it when they use it since it rolls in the middle of the table
@kentrench2726 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent idea!
@Just4Adventure 3 жыл бұрын
NICE. SHOT's for my one group and Chocolates 🍫for my younger group! Thanks. Glad found you. DM since 80's.
@donblack1571 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks awesome tip still new running my 8th session now and I totally forgot about inspiration.
@wewantben 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. Thank you.
@Troommate 6 жыл бұрын
Interesting Idea I like the Idea of cashable physical Rewards for RP In game.
@CorwinC73 6 жыл бұрын
Also have a bard in one party... he had dice for his bardic inspiration he'd pass out when he gave that to someone... fun seeing a character with that extra die *and* a token sitting there, waiting for their epic moment :)
@illithidlore 6 жыл бұрын
This is a really great idea!
@TheMerrox 6 жыл бұрын
I love using handouts, props and Inspiration in my games and inspiration are great because they are both like a small prop and a reward for the players and I use them in most of my games too. I also noticed that the players (and me!) often forgot about them when just writing them down on their character sheets so I started to use real tokens for them and as you say, it works MUCH better. I printed out some Inspiration cards for dnd (with the rules for it in small font on them so the pleyers know how they can use them without having to look in the rulebook or ask) and put them in colored plastic pockets (those you use for magic cards) so they are bright and easily noticed on the table. For more action based games as Mutant Chronicles I went to the shooting range and got me a bag of used 9mm bullet casings that I give out as Inspiration tokens. For Survival games I bought some small button compasses from china (works like shit, but is great as tokens) =). For zombie games I use empty shotgun shells and Call of Cthulhu I use some cool eldricht coins I bought on a game fair, and so on. I love to find new kinds of tokens to give to my players. Its fun "hunting" for down some cheap and cool things on the internet and to see the faces of your players when you give them the little trinket for good gaming. At the end of longer campaigns I let the players keep the trinkets as a small memory of the game. I can recomend www.aliexpress.com, there you can find really cheap tokens and things for props. Ebay is also great but the shipping costs from US to us in europe is crazy so its not longer an option for small trinkets, the shipping often cost more then the trinkets itself... =(
@SSkorkowsky 6 жыл бұрын
I love the shells and compasses idea to go with the theme. Brilliant and fun.
@raptorjesues1445 6 жыл бұрын
I had the same idea for a call of cthulhu game when i used little cthulhu figurines to represent "insight" wich was a similar mechanic to hero points (it allowed the palyer to reroll a single dice) and i given it to those wich did something good investigation whise
@jrbpraetorian7205 6 жыл бұрын
Awesome advice.
@Kaargl 2 жыл бұрын
Golden D20 dice make for excellent tokens, incorporating the game mechanic into the token itself.
@angrytheclown801 4 жыл бұрын
I bought some of those loot crate type gift boxes at Walmart because I liked some of the items inside. A few included coins. I'm using those
@fulminatus6241 4 жыл бұрын
That was really inspirational.
@mhelvens 6 жыл бұрын
Design and 3D print your own. :-) I imagine a 3D printer might be a fun tool for many aspects of RPGs. They're pretty affordable now, a fun hobby and useful for lots of real-life stuff too.
@hothe65 6 жыл бұрын
I wonder how you use them in COC, what do they do in game when cashed in? I use a couple of rewards on my COC games - I let a player draw a Tarot Card. It’s nice when they use it they have to explain how the image on the card relates to the benefit they want. They get advantages or narrative benefits or even narrate beneficial objects into a scene. The other way is giving Fate points but these rewards for completing a scenario well. The economy means players rarely ever get more than two. FP give a d4+1 hot points back, a re roll in combat or increase the success on any dice roll by one value.
@authenticlimeflavor432 5 жыл бұрын
This video inspired me
@Myrth1 Жыл бұрын
Having "Style Points", sans the name (why it's not just called Bravado or similar, to fit the tone of the game?) is one of those things that Hollow Earth Expedition did really well. They are even better than inspiration-style of deal, as they solve few other issues: - you reward people for both role-playing and theatrics with it and during the game, so in the end of the session, when it comes to handling experience, you don't have to face the issue of one player getting just "participation point", while the other gets 5/5 possible points - since it decouples rewards for clever ideas, witty lines and in-depth roleplaying from experience, people have direct incentive during the session to do those things, because it fuels the game mechanics - unlike vast majority of meta-currencies, they don't force an outcome of actions, just enhance their chance of success (looking at you, WFRP) - even if you can completely ignore them - the game doesn't collapse if you or your players dislike meta-currencies (looking at you, Fate) - they come a dime a dozen (if you didn't get at least 3 during a single session, either you have a stingy GM or you are doing absolutely nothing and just sitting silently at the table), which ease the hoarding mindset - it can be hoarded, too, passing between sessions, so when players know they will face bigger dangers and obstacles later on in the scenario, they kinda-sorta prepare for that, and that means they have stakes created by themselves to be more pro-active - unlike pretty much all meta-currencies, they reward GOOD behaviour and actions, rather than requiring to gimp yourself with disadvantages, taking needless risk first or similar, which means paranoid players will still get them, as long as they are qualified. Don't get me wrong, inspiration mechanics are great. HEX Style Points are just taking the concept a step further, at least as far as my personal preferences go. And depending on the group, the best tokens are either matches (light them up when used for extra fanfare) or, which further encourages them to use them, pretzels. They want to eat those, which means they will spend them.
@inomad1313 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve had GMs give out xp or character points the same way. I like the token idea though. In a previous comment someone mentioned that theirs could only be given away to another player. I like that concept too.
@barrydunn1907 4 жыл бұрын
I struggle to remember to hand it out. Still new to me as only doing D&D 5e since summer.
@DM_Dad 6 жыл бұрын
I like the idea because it will remind the players it's there, which I need because my players rarely use it. However, I wonder if having to turn in a physical token will make them less likely to use it because of the raw psychology of having to give up something and worry they will need it and not have it later. This problem could go away if they learn the GM is generous in handing it out.
@DanielleDeLisle 6 жыл бұрын
7th Sea has this in their system! Drama Die! This is one reason why I love the system.
@Drosophilax 6 жыл бұрын
Danielle DeLisle you will love the 2nd edition then. Drama dice are now heroepoints. Cash them in for yourself for one die or for another player for three dice. And you can simply voluntarily fail a roll and suffer the consequences for a HP.
@DanielleDeLisle 6 жыл бұрын
Yes! My husband and I backed the 2nd Edition Kickstarter at the Pirate level! We got the beautiful black leather pirate bound book and the GM screen and the booty box! The box had special "poker chip" hero points and a Sorte deck and hero and villain cards and dice! Have you seen the new Khitai KS they have up? Taking 7th Sea to the East!
@Tomyironmane 2 жыл бұрын
There was another game, Atomic Highway, that used a similar mechanic... though they recommended using loose bolts or spent firearm cartridges... I suppose for the right kinda game you could use about any kinda junk you wanted.
@Multiklaaas 6 жыл бұрын
I love this idea! So far, during my most recent campaign, I have been handing out tokens for good RP, good ideas and funny moments, but they are just bonus XP. Something that you can actually use in-game is much better... But the D&D 3.5 Eberron setting already has something called action points (add a d6 to a d20 roll). Do you think I should give them extra action points with these tokens? (I use D10s in prime colours, because I have a whole bag of them from playing Riddle of Steel)
@RT15768 6 жыл бұрын
A token that is a good idea. I do not have a limit to in separation an they can use it all over the place we have found it to be really fun. my players try to earn them and hold them for their PC goals.
@Bears11422 6 жыл бұрын
I love it. It encourages good role-play or to be a positive. Bad part though are bad players who fight to gain such gifts. The'll do bad things and eventually do something good and harrase the DM for some sort of gift. Inspiration, etc. Real life example. (Might make you laugh) I'm a back stabbing Dragonborn Paladin who will try to fight there own team members. Burn merchent carts to dust and still calls on the blessing of Bahamut. .... No. Bahamut won't lend me his power.... .... Well look! I helped a random npc get up after they tripped. This one good deed should now put me in his good book... .... Wait... What! I'm close to becoming a Blackgaurd? .... Well can I still get some inspiration for that single good act for the night! LoL Mind you everyone on this team is good wether it is lawful to chaotic.
@addisonalbert9078 3 жыл бұрын
I give my players shiny cool dice for inspiration. They can choose from a d12 to add to an damage roll, or d20 to add to a chance roll.
@jesternario 6 жыл бұрын
I prefer to use a pool instead of just a point, keeping a clear bowl in view of the players, as they receive inspiration, I just put a d6 in the token, and any player can take from that pool to add a d6 roll to anything they wish to enhance with the exception of damage. If I’m playing Savage Worlds, I just use the rules for their bennies. One other thing I do, though, is write down in my adventure specific situations where the players get points for inspiration. I am terrible at remembering to reward players for things they do, so I will at least have a few things that players can do that give them points in my notes.
@kevinphair8113 6 жыл бұрын
As a dm I can see both sides of this. It seems counterproductive to reward players for doing something they should be doing already. Their reward is a more fulfilling experience for themselves and everyone around. When I've tried this before it changed the focus to my players pandering for inspiration, grinding the game to a slow crawl as each of them tried to one up each other for inspiration. They took a very meta approach to it OOC. Now that I have a more mature player base I might try it again though. There are times during climactic moments where I want to give my players a little boost to succeed in doing something heroic.
@gnarthdarkanen7464 6 жыл бұрын
Honestly, yours is the exact situation I've seen several games slip into... I call them "pitfalls" for that reason, and "inspiration tokens" is just one of many faces to the thing... I can't remember exactly which system utilized "Karma" for a very similar aspect... but I rarely apply something so brazenly "meta" as a game-mechanic... I'd advise that there are lots of clever (if "tropish") ways to apply some kind or other of "in-game" variation. That you can invent through mystical items (whether exactly magic or not) all sorts of "save my ass" contrivances so the players don't necessarily expend characters needlessly over taking a risk for the game (or for the team)... Of course, in the course of gaming, players can be quick to start "picking up on" the tactic, so it might be wise to consider the "double-edged sword" aspect of arbitrarily giving out a "save my ass" contraption as opposed to some enchantment-based explanation like... "It's a one-shot, to rewind the last X-seconds of the day" (which is basically the "instant 'wait a minute, I didn't want to do that' button")... Even if it just goes back for "one roll"... and you can "choose" whether or not to litigiously argue whether it works for just one character, everyone in the scene, or the entire world to notice like "deja vu"... AND I don't know about anyone else, but I've NEVER had to worry about one player reminding (or failing to remind) another about some unique thing that might offer an advantage in a near-hopeless situation. :o)
@shadycactus6146 6 жыл бұрын
i know some people don’t much like dragons in places (the game grumps’ d&d series), but i love how inspiration is handled in that. it was only granted twice over the entire first season as a reward for exceptional roleplaying, and it was rare enough that inspiration-related metagaming died out pretty fast
@Seth9809 6 жыл бұрын
If your players are pandering for inspiration, then they already are bad players and likely won't roleplay without bribes.... So it's a catch-22.
@NoActuallyGo-KCUF-Yourself 5 жыл бұрын
But it does not reward players for doing something they should be doing already. Inspiration is for going above and beyond what is expected. Inspiration should be awarded only very rarely, only for exceptional gameplay. It should not be used to reward things that players should already be doing regularly as that would actually cheapen it and make players think that they have to strive for inspiration with every turn. You're right that some players can try too hard for it and be meta about it. that is a problem with the player and not with the inspiration system. For example, I have one player who practically bullies me every game to give him inspiration. But he does that about everything else in the game as well: always begging for attention, talking over other players, and trying to dominate the game at any opportunity. Of course that player will abuse the system because he abuses everything else about the game. The other players are all really cool about inspiration though.
@prometheus_arson 4 жыл бұрын
I bought some coins that i use for inspiration, and i also ruled that a player can propose to me that someone else deserves inspiration and if we all agree(mostly if i don't judge it to be an ubuse) then i reward my player with a token because he was the reason an other player had even more fun!
@Varsocona 6 жыл бұрын
This is a really neat idea, and great for those games where you don't want to leave it completely up to the dice gods every single time. I'm curious, do you allow players to save inspiration between sessions? Or is it a use it or lose it situation?
@SSkorkowsky 6 жыл бұрын
They can save it.
@Gizmok24 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Seth I'm a big fan of the videos you do :) I was wondering if you could help me with something I have just started to get into RPG gaming I have read lovecraft for a long time but never really got into call of Cthulhu until recently and have also fell heavily into cyberpunk 2020 as I didn't know an rpg that awesome was around the one thing I'm struggling with is with both games I don't know how to judge movement right I bought call of Cthulhu 7th edition and most of the cyberpunk books but when I have to use battle maps I don't know how to judge moving right or even not on the battle map distance and movement I struggle with would really appreciate any help the only experience I have with rpg gaming was some DnD when I was younger but mostly the TSR games like dragon quest where moving was easy was just you move 4 squares. so thanks for taking the time to read this and would love to see more on cyberpunk 2020 as there a lot of books id like to see your insight on thanks again :)
@SSkorkowsky 6 жыл бұрын
The systems are pretty different in that CP2020 is very combat oriented while CoC isn't as much. Both have movement based off stats with walking and running speed determined. With CP2020 the run speed is a 3x CoC is 2x (without checking my books, so don't hold me to that) one is meters, the other yards (close enough on a mat to call them the same. Character movement is based off of stats, so different for each PC. Now, on a mat, you have to decide how big a square represents. 1 inch squares are too big to be a meter/yard so I said it was 2. After a while, I finally made a special mat for Cyberpunk that had 15mm squares (I briefly show it in my Acrylic Glass vid) That thing was perfect for Cyberpunk as each square was a meter and to scale with 28mm minis. For CoC, since specific range and distance isn't as critical, I just use a standard 1-inch grid mat and say each square is 5 feet.
@noahegler9131 6 жыл бұрын
I might just make some reflection holograms of a cool looking prop, cut up the film, stick it to some plastic, and hand that out. It might just be red, but it will be cool.
@fhuber7507 5 жыл бұрын
There are spell effects that give the inspiration... especially the BARD SPELL called "Inspiration" Druid/ Cleric "Guidance" is essentially a D4 ability check inspiration...
@beardo1976 6 жыл бұрын
Seth, great video, love your content. I’m very interested it the black box in the background with the hinges that’s labeled Call of Cthulhu. Can you tell me what it is? Thanks!
@SSkorkowsky 6 жыл бұрын
That's my case of Call of Cthulhu miniatures.
@beardo1976 6 жыл бұрын
Looks like a hefty case. Is it something that's still available?
@thetoweroftomes 5 жыл бұрын
I agree!
@TrackerRoo 5 жыл бұрын
I run 4E and use Weem’s Fate Point cards.
@silentjackm.d4490 Жыл бұрын
I actually have a different way I do inspiration, how I see inspiration is your character lucks out, whether by divine intervention a spur of the moment burst of energy, or just dumb luck you turn it into your favor. I have these awesome inspiration coins from dungeon Dice, and what I do is I get every player a coin they keep that coin until the end of the session that where they give it back but how I do my inspiration is everyone gets automatic inspiration. Everyone puts the coin face up, they can declare that they're using their inspiration at any moment flipping the coin face down and they get advantage on whatever they are trying to do as like a burst of luck....buuut in a fun twist when you've used the coin you basically lucked out and at any point during the game I can hit the player with random disadvantage, when I do this they flip the cook over and get back the inspiration. It basically becomes this gambling game where you gamble your fate At the beginning of every session regardless of where it last was is always starts face up
@markgrehan3726 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure how I feel about this Pavlovian style of gaming. It probably works out fine but it feels like it takes away some of the perceived threat and danger that most combat RPGs should have. And in 7th edition Cthulhu with its luck spends and push rolls it seems like it would be overkill especially in a one shot.
@heikesiegl2640 4 жыл бұрын
You do realize how inspiration works right? Xou get advantage on ONE role.. and you have to say so first. The roll could still fail. And you shouldnt hand it out like candy. YOU are the DM In our 15 sessions i only awarded inspiration once
@happyfeetdoc3032 6 жыл бұрын
Great idea! One question, in call of cthulhu, what happens when a player uses the token? Do you give him a bonus for a roll or do they pass it automatically? Thank you Seth.
@SSkorkowsky 6 жыл бұрын
They get an Advantage Die (7e CoC rules). Essentially means they roll an extra die and take the better of them.
@BlackJar72 4 жыл бұрын
So like the possibility tokens of Torg, but you only get one.
@DarrylCross 6 жыл бұрын
So by "bonus die" would that be strictly for re-roll a d20 on a skillcheck, or could they do something like add an extra d6 to a fireball's damage on top of what their level allows them to cast?
@SSkorkowsky 6 жыл бұрын
In D&D 5e or Call of Cthulhu 7e it basically means that when you roll a skill-check or a to-hit that you roll two dice and go with the better one
@N0TS0uh 6 жыл бұрын
Instead of tokens me and my friends use "treasure dice" with are just d6 dice that they can use once, to and a score of 1 to 6 to any roll.
@DnDnBeer 5 жыл бұрын
Does cashing in an inspiration token give the player an extra die to roll and let them pick the best roll of the two dice, or am I getting this wrong?
@SSkorkowsky 5 жыл бұрын
That's it. Roll 2 dice at the same time, and go with the best.
@Erojagan 6 жыл бұрын
Will you be reviewing Reing of Terror from Chaosium?
@SSkorkowsky 6 жыл бұрын
Haven't read it yet.
@slendy9600 6 жыл бұрын
Inspiration kinda reminds me of perversity points from Alpha Complex.
@tomyoung9834 6 жыл бұрын
I use the d20 coins for the same thing!
@MaxWriter 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not a fan of this, probably because I give out what I call reroll coupons, often as gifts. Each coupon allows for a reroll (when I used to run D&D, they were +1 coupons) during the game or even during character creation. Due to the fact that I only give them out rarely and that I run Call of Cthulhu (in which I don't want to give the players quite this much power), they are valued quite highly. I recently was given a few tiny little coins and I could see using these to give a +1 bonus again (which is not much for Call of Cthulhu but might be handy for those rare times when someone misses a roll by a single point). I might try that out and see what happens.
@RussNo1 5 жыл бұрын
What do the players get when they cache in the token?
@SSkorkowsky 5 жыл бұрын
It gives them the ability to roll 2 die for a check and go with the better result.
@guybob548 6 жыл бұрын
I'm thinking finger bones, and or divining bones.
@MonkeyJedi99 5 жыл бұрын
Ooh! REAL finger bones???
@Thornspyre81 4 жыл бұрын
So.... what does it do???
@matthewshroba1511 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Seth skorrrrkowsky, internet here 👋
@princelonestarr2330 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a new dm for d&d and I want to incorporate inspiration. Can someone tell me what exactly does inspiration do?
@heikesiegl2640 4 жыл бұрын
You get advantage on a roll. if you want to use it, you have to say so before the roll. But there are many “homebrew rules“ maybe you can come up with your own reward ^^
@chrishutchinson1874 6 жыл бұрын
When you say its a bonus dice, do you mean its in effect a free re-roll?
@SSkorkowsky 6 жыл бұрын
Sort of. But the roll is made before you know if you need a re-roll. It's not the player rolling, failing, then re-rolling. It's the player deciding before they roll that they want to roll twice and then take the best of them.
@torenatkinson1986 3 жыл бұрын
Spaceship Zero (2002) uses Zero Dice.
@bobamer932 Жыл бұрын
I have one singular mothman coin that I hand out when my party does things I like, and the player can grant that coin to whomever.
@bobamer932 Жыл бұрын
usually people get the coin by buying me food
@elyjahatsizzller 6 жыл бұрын
The rpg I run uses nothing but d8s, so for inspiration I will hand my players a one time use d20 instead.
@jakubjanicki3989 6 жыл бұрын
I use chocolate coins - players can keep them, spend them, or use them by eating them. It's fun, but actively works to diminish their ability to escape an apartment on 10th floor, so I just keep them as pets now.
@NoFlu 6 жыл бұрын
I usually give players inspiration when they did sth of which the player knew wasn't sth good, but they still did what their character would do. For example one player led himself be talked into helping a NPC who killed his previous char, since his new character believed everyone is good/that there is no real evil and his new char didn't know him. Or the other time where somebody was alone in a dungeon, searching for the other players and he drank a potion, the other had identified as basically a potion that reduces WIS/INT, but he identified it as a potion of healing so he jugged it. I.E. for not meta gaming, as we are kinda noobs and they are usually meta game happy.....
@Belgand 3 жыл бұрын
I'm generally opposed to any sort of metagaming mechanics in my games. It becomes something that shifts the focus in a more mechanical direction and makes it more of a game rather than narrative or simulation. Likewise I try to get rid of rewards and punishments whenever possible. It can lead to ideas of favoritism, what the player values rather than the character, and generally just biases things towards encouraging the players to do what the GM wants rather than what they want to do. If players need some external motivation for the game, I feel like that's a larger point of failure. Playing should be its own reward. If that's not working, it's the same as any other problem in a game. Rather than trying to solve it with rules or mechanics, we just need to sit down and talk about it.
@missyjames8887 6 жыл бұрын
Also known as hero points in pathfinder. Wizards of the coast are a little late to the party
@emmasprague5465 4 жыл бұрын
how can I USE inspiration when i DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS
@Thornspyre81 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I thought I was crazy being the only one who doesnt know what it actually DOES. Can they redeem it for an advantage roll? Like wtf lol
@meowdynyall9284 4 жыл бұрын
Whenever a d20 is rolled by a player who has inspiration, they can spend it to gain advantage on the roll.
@DingusKhan42 2 жыл бұрын
My players always forget to use inspiration
@kevinsullivan3448 2 жыл бұрын
Back in 1989-1991 I lived in Clarksville Tn (part of that was actually on Ft Campbell) and many of the GMs in the local gaming community gave out the same thing as Inspiration, only no one was using tokens to represent it. It's interesting how old things are brought as new by a certain game company who's properties invented everything and never stole anything from pre-existing literature ever.
@jokertim777 6 жыл бұрын
Like your videos... hate inspiration mechanic. I believe that the dice help tell the story at the table. When a DM fudges a roll, he is imposing his will on the story rather than being an impartial referee (so I don't fudge die rolls). Why would I give the players a do-over? Changing the dice (re-rolling or fudging) alters the outcome of the story and it is impossible to objectively know if you have improved it or merely made it different. It is hubris to think that you can curate an outcome that is superior in the long run. Most hedge fund managers average lower returns that the market index funds. I believe most DMs and players who interfere with the dice will produce worse stories as well.
@jeffblye7913 5 жыл бұрын
Umm...so you think authors just roll dice to determine what random ideas they incorporate into their stories? No, stories are crafted. They are an art form. I'm not saying you can't take random input and form it into something good, but again that involves crafting. Otherwise, why have players make choices at all? They could just roll on random tables to determine what their characters do and that would make a "better" story by your logic.
@Doughy_in_the_Middle 6 жыл бұрын
My inspiration coin: www.zerofuckscoin.com/ A friend got me one as a gift, and another friend who plays with us on Wednesdays got a 10 pack to use at our table for inspiration. Unless a player tells me "Hey, I have to work late, I won't be there until 8:30," our start time is 7:30. As long as someone shows by then, I consider them on-time for the game (even if --I-- don't get the ball rolling until 7:45), and grant them a single free inspiration. A month later, and I still get a smile from each player when they look at the coin at the top of the night.
@abortedlord 6 жыл бұрын
Inspiration tokens feel gross to me as a GM. I wouldn't shy away from a game just because someone uses it at all, but personally I would rather just give someone advantage or grant success and just ignore a given dice roll in that moment. When someone describes something great and exciting that I just want to see happen- then it just does. Nothing against what you're saying here, just for me, I don't know why, but there's something that is just too meta about it for my tastes.
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