Why Deadpool Breaks the Fourth Wall (Psychology Analysis)

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Willarious The Therapist

Willarious The Therapist

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@That80sGuy1972 3 жыл бұрын
I met someone vaguely like Deadpool (personality-wise) decades ago. He served in Vietnam with my cousin. From what I heard about his pre-draft days, he was timid and quiet. After being over there, something in him snapped. He completely lost the ability to feel fear even though he regularly said he was always afraid but he just paid no attention to it... if that makes any sense to you (not really sensible to me). He also always seemed cheerful, talkative, and a bit more energetic. His sense of humor was darker than a starless night and he laughed at inappropriate times. He spoke to people he knew in Vietnam, people who died, like they were hanging around with him. He also seemed immune to pain. He wrecked his motorcycle in a bar's parking lot trying to do something on a dare. He didn't wince when he broke his arm, got a bad road rash, and twisted his leg. He laughed as he hobbled inside to call an ambulance and said "Hurry up, will ya? This really smarts." Then he hobbled up to the bar to refill his drink, laughing and joking about how god-awful he messed up that stunt. My cousin (God rest his soul) told me that "shellshock" sometimes hits people in really strange ways. He insisted that he was always in pain, always angry, always afraid, always "blue", always tired, but did not seem to be any of those things. I mean, before he died via Russian Roulette for a big pile of cash, he gleefully beat up a trio of armed muggers while wounded... insulting them for "not being able to take down an unarmed old man." Woah... now that I read what I just typed, it seems like he had a deathwish.
@derigel9783 3 жыл бұрын
Now thats a charakter for a story/book/comic/movie!
@That80sGuy1972 3 жыл бұрын
@@derigel9783 Yeah, it would be cool to experience his stories (or that of someone like him) outside of my memories of my cousin's stories, God rest their souls. I know it's dark but I would have loved to have seen his motorcycle thing or his wounded ^ss beating up the trio of muggers. I mean, it would almost be like watching a real-life dark humor cartoon character. Hmm... I think meeting him might be part of why I love Deadpool, I can see some similarities. Only my cousin's friend was extremely mortal and breakable... although at times it didn't seem that way.
@justanotherchannelwithauno7580 3 жыл бұрын
that sounds scary, enticing and sad at the same time. I am happy you have at least some good memories from him, sounded like a good guy. That said i wonder if without people like him character like walde would exist.
@That80sGuy1972 3 жыл бұрын
@@justanotherchannelwithauno7580 He was a good guy under all that crazy, yeah. As for people like him being why characters like Wade existing... that is something to think about.
@rickdavis32 2 жыл бұрын
I can kindof relate,I am in a supposedly scary job and being on a scene. Im more relaxed than I am at home,the more absurd things are the better I work. Im always scared and have severe anxiety and used to be very neurotic as well. But it's just on the back burner.
@snack_bar2474 3 жыл бұрын
If he’s self aware that he’s in a movie or a comic, he’s the only one that would’ve known about Stan Lee’s passing.
@henrysokol3466 3 жыл бұрын
Uatu would. He told Deadpool about his fictitious natural in the first place. Maybe Loki would, too. There's alternate-timeline precedent for The World's Greatest Liar accepting his very existence was a falsehood. And since no one will believe him, he seems the safest guy for Uatu to share such a dangerous piece of existential gossip with.
@Dying2liveX 5 ай бұрын
I don't think he's the only one who's self aware tho
@Zett76 Ай бұрын
Would he? Only because you know that you're inside of something, doesn't mean you know what's going on on the outside.
@Bumbleoka 18 күн бұрын
He is aware
@Officialblitzo3 4 жыл бұрын
I like the think he’s actually self aware that’s he’s fake and he doesn’t give a damn cause he’s fake also FIRST
@AlphaFoxAdam 4 жыл бұрын
Shit...I acknowledged that point (independently) as well. Credit where it's due, nonetheless: you beat me to it! *just wanted to make it clear that I wasn't sniping your idea
@andrewturner4375 3 жыл бұрын
They actually pointed that out in one of the comics I can't remember which one tho
@Leto85 3 жыл бұрын
He's fake and first? That's double the awesomeness.
@jacksonnowak7497 3 жыл бұрын
It's pointed out multiple times he literally refers to the issue numbers and the panels.
@Leto85 3 жыл бұрын
@@AlphaFoxAdam I like the way you talk, with your choice of word use. As I'm not from America but am highly interested in the country, do you mind me asking if that's your personal way of talking or if that's from the culture you're from? I hope I said all that right and that it's not insulting to you. Sorry for bad English I guess. 😊
@peterwinstead1959 4 жыл бұрын
For halloween please do characters like Freddy Krueger or Michael Meyers or Chucky
@WillariousTheTherapist 4 жыл бұрын
Check the poll in the community tab. :)
@rustyblonchjr8660 4 жыл бұрын
@@WillariousTheTherapist you should do walking dead characters you should do ron first he's in season 5 and 6
@PlehAP 4 жыл бұрын
Point of order: his films haven't been canonized in the MCU as of the upload to this video. It's possible I've missed some announcement from Disney, but it sure hasn't happened in the movies yet. Deadpool was acquired by Disney, but still is technically closer related to the now deceased X Men universe.
@VaporeonEnjoyer1 3 жыл бұрын
He can't exist in the MCU. The MCU has gotten to serious and up its own ass for a fun character like Deadpool. You can't have Captain Marvel being all super serious and Deadpool asking her what happened to the Ms. Marvel origin movie?
@PlehAP 3 жыл бұрын
@@VaporeonEnjoyer1 Nah, they could do it just fine. The MCU has had a ton of self aware humor moments even if it wasn't directly breaking the fourth wall. Not to mention we've already seen Deadpool interacting with a bunch of characters who were JUST as much stuck up their own asses for their heroic narratives. Deadpool stunting on Steve Rodgers wouldn't be all that different than him trying to punk Colossus. Deadpool THRIVES when he's surrounded by a cast of self-important, self-righteous, egotistical vigilantes. That's pretty much his main shtick to play parody off the genre he belongs to. They are a natural Straight Man to his comedy routine.
@judeannethecandorchannel2153 3 жыл бұрын
@@VaporeonEnjoyer1 I TOTALLY Grew Up on MS. Marvel... The comic book character was much more relatable despite her stoicism...
@magallanesagustin4952 3 жыл бұрын
@@VaporeonEnjoyer1 the FOX X-men movies were even more serious. Plus, some of the MCU movies are comedies like Ant-Man, Spider-man, Ragnarok and Guardians of the Galaxy.
@MrMurdock86 3 жыл бұрын
@@VaporeonEnjoyer1 Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness. That'll be where they pluck Deadpool from the Fox universe and dump him into the MCU, you watch. And you can bet the conversations he'll end up having with Dr. Strange and the fourth wall will be priceless.
@TheLeonardProduction 4 жыл бұрын
So, I recently re-watched most episodes of the classic Mr. Bean show, and... while hilarious and amazing, I couldn't shake the thought on the back of my mind that... He must have some sort of disorder going on, he might even be a threat to himself and others. Maybe Mr. Bean would be a good candidate for one of these episodes ^^
@OriginsofEternity 3 жыл бұрын
Mr bean always made me feel depressed and anxious
@mygoodlord2960 3 жыл бұрын
I always thought he was an alien.
@frankm.2850 3 жыл бұрын
This is something that I think needs more airtime. We spend way too much time medicalizing people instead of trying to understand their situation. Depression and Evolutionary Psychology are other solid example of this. Looked at from the perspective of EP, there are a lot of damn good reasons for someone to be depressed, and some effective ways of dealing with it that don't involve pills or being committed. Arguably psychology needs to let go of the medical model for it to actually effectively help the most people it can.
@almachizit3207 Ай бұрын
This is also why Spiderman is at his best when he's the "friendly neighbourhood Spiderman"
@justaguywhowatchesyoutube5588 Ай бұрын
How the fuck is that less creepy than Deadpool having the ability to break the fourth wall as a superpower
@Kevin-mk4hn 3 жыл бұрын
"You are a real person, so you believe" Damn you didn't have to do me this dirty
@breakingboardrooms1778 4 жыл бұрын
No, because we are objectively real, and have an impact on everything in Deadpool's universe. Movies are marketed to us, so our very reality changes things in a probably observable way to him. I talk to people that are not there and I retain full awareness of the fact that they are not there while I talk to them. This is a way for me to deal with situations where I wasn't able to answer them well enough the first time, or things I wish I said. It also helps me to plan out things I want to say under certain circumstances. I'm not saying it's the same for me as it is for Deadpool, but it probably serves a very similar purpose.
@serpentinewolf7085 3 жыл бұрын
But we are subjectively real to him. If someone told you we were in a movie would you believe them? No right. But we could technically be in a movie that’s being sold.
@henrysokol3466 3 жыл бұрын
Do you talk to yourself *as yourself* in different voices, adopting a different personality for each one? Do these voices then get into petty and heartfelt squabbles, which sometimes turn into expletive-laden shouting matches? And would you treat it as a typical occurance? Because that sums up Deadpool and his internal monologue captions.
@ThreeProphets 4 жыл бұрын
Many fans believe the comic version of Deadpool is also unusually well-adjusted (in spite of the legible voices in his head that confirm Flow of Ideas), not because of the catharsis from relaying his experience to an invisible audience, but largely thanks to the indisputable canonization of our the readers' universe, because he is the only one who can figure out the reality of his situation: Being a fictional character created for the enjoyment of others. This allows him to do otherwise impossible things like time travel short distances by cutting holes in the pages of the comic or use creative writing guidelines to predict the outcome of a story arc well before its conclusion. It's literally impossible to spy on or narrate Deadpool's life because it shows up in the pages of the comic, which he is aware of. We've even had to invent a new superpower definition for this mental transcendence: Super sanity. How many times do these characters have to die, come back, go through the same story arc again, or break up with their love interest and get back together again, before they figure out they're being written to do this? Everyone else in Deadpool's universe is crazy for not realizing they're fictional characters, and he is the only sane one
@williamerickson520 3 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who burst out laughing at the Randy Orton joke?
@akshaygopinath3858 2 жыл бұрын
I didn’t get it?!
@vasyboy1 4 жыл бұрын
It's so frustrating having to pause the video while you're speaking, reading what you put on the screen, and then returning to what you were saying. if you can do something about that I will be very grateful.
@WillariousTheTherapist 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the feedback. I'll experiment with ways to make the text/voice-over interaction less jarring.
@serpentinewolf7085 3 жыл бұрын
Read faster I guess.
@_XR40_ 3 жыл бұрын
"Fix that somehow"
@judeannethecandorchannel2153 3 жыл бұрын
I thought the deal with the fourth wall breaks is that the people around him think Deadpool is insane but it's really that he's the only comic book character who's self-aware enough to know that he's a comic book character... Very meta...
@judeannethecandorchannel2153 3 жыл бұрын
Actually I may have added the "self aware" part. The rest I learned from Th3 Birdman
@alikapotter7909 25 күн бұрын
I just always felt deadpool had adhd as I (diagnosed adhd) have been compared to deadpool before I even knew who he was. The “hallucinations” that deadpool exhibits is very similar to when I express my thoughts positive or traumatic out loud as if I’m talking to someone. It’s simply just a coping mechanism that helps me get memories out of my head similarly how I use houmor to cope with the fact that I often talk to much subconsciously if I’m making them laugh then at least I’m not a total jerk for talking all the time. This also pulls out the fact of deadpools heavy insecurity’s adhd can create a mindset where developing other disorders like body dismorphia and rejection sensitivity disphoria can more easily develop (especially after a traumatic event aka the tourcher he went through). Also he had the same “mania” before he became deadpool adhd is filed by dopamine what is more dopamine fulfilling tho en getting revenge on someone who ruined your life. I believe wade wilson aka deadpool has a very severe version of adhd
@justaguywhowatchesyoutube5588 Ай бұрын
Like, I don’t think that the writers or maybe even Deadpool intended examine the fourth wall break this way, but the fact that the ability to break fourth wall is one of his superpowers is actually quite disturbing. I mean, Deadpool breaking the 4th wall also means that he knows that a person is altering reality and causing messed up things to happen to Deadpool and any character and just straight up murdering people for millions of strangers to watch. I'm just questioning the creepy undertones of this power, that's what I'm trying to say because his 4th wall breaking powers just adds to the characters already insane lives. Either way, this ability is incredibly horrifying if you really think about it. And to dump a whole bag of salt in the wound, I feel like deadpool doesn't seem to care about how messed up this is. Like on the outside, the fourth wall breaks seem goofy and charming on the surface, but deep inside he knows that privacy doesn't exist in his "universe" and would rather let people (including himself) suffer than escape from his fabricated reality and be free from purgatory.
@Nishom0926 3 жыл бұрын
He is a stable Genius
@mikeoxmall3847 3 жыл бұрын
This was a 2 for 1 experience for me....entertained and reaffirmed diagnosis for Bipolar 2!! Not bad for a 12 minute video!!
@darrekworkman8685 3 жыл бұрын
I think I need to point out that in the comics Deadpool has the mutant ability to 'break the fourth wall'. Literally a 'superpower' to have 'delusions' of having conversations with the viewer. Alright just because it's a barely explained 'superpower' doesn't mean it isn't also a 'delusion', but it does beg the question. Let's not forget that a part of diagnosing a delusion involves causing harm to yourself or others. It's actually delusional to diagnose someone as delusional if what they are experiencing isn't causing harm, but the claim that it is might. That is a real mind twist. Don't get me wrong Deadpool is a flat out murderer and is very dangerous, but the fourth wall breaking isn't actually related to his murdering anyone. He doesn't hear voices telling him to kill people for instance. That means his fourth wall breaking isn't actually delusional in a technical sense. In short the fourth wall breaking doesn't actually meet the definition of delusion and might actually be the result of a 'mutant' ability, a 'superpower'. I think that psychologists should be aware of the danger of misdiagnosing delusional episodes due to the fact that sometimes our fantasizes actually have something very important for us to learn from. Just because something is all in your head doesn't necessarily or automatically mean it isn't telling you something valid or truthful. It is very dangerous to tell people to ignore their subconscious mind as it might very well have something that we need to hear.
@Ronin3453 2 жыл бұрын
You are completely correct.
@PhantomQueenOne 6 ай бұрын
She Hulk also breaks the fourth wall, but appears to be completely sane. Deadpool according to Marvel has Dissociative Identity disorder. So does Moon Knight. It's a mental illness, but not 'crazy' ie: Psychotic. Baby Groot _hit_ the fourth wall in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 during the opening battle scene.
@Zett76 Ай бұрын
"conversations"? They/we don't talk back... 🙂
@terrifictomm 3 жыл бұрын
For a movie character who talks to an unseen friend who has moral expectations of him, check out and maybe analyze, Philippe "The Mouse" Gaston. Matthew Broderick's character in the seriously underrated movie, "Ladyhawke". The film also stars Rudger Hauer as a medieval knight on a quest for vengeance and the seriously sensuous Michelle Pfeiffer in the title role.
@chrishess7443 3 жыл бұрын
FYI, hallucinations are not just visual... each of our senses is a way of experiencing a hallucination & can experience multiple sensory hallucinations at same time
@randomname4051 4 жыл бұрын
I love this series, please make more of them. I'd suggest you do rdj's ptsd
@rsrt6910 Ай бұрын
So wait, does that mean if Deadpool gets therapy and/or drugs to relieve himself of his "hallucinations" that we'll all disappear?
@butterflybutterfly2753 Жыл бұрын
I 5alk to myself all the time, even argue and work out psychological dilemmas. I don't tell people because I think they'd assume I'm "crazy." My husband sometimes dose it as well. We keep it to each other, and understand it is a way our minds assess, and emotionally cope with puzzling problems or upsetting situations.
@GermanKinsmen 3 жыл бұрын
Nothing makes me feel more important than being told that I'm a fictional assassin's coping mechanism.
@alevieirareis 4 жыл бұрын
The explanation in the comics is that Deadpool somehow knows that he is a comic book character. There are those who believe that he is a multi-planar being (HAHAHHHAA) or that he is connected with cosmic powers (He has dated Death herself, who is one of those beings).
@casemcdonald2152 2 жыл бұрын
The original content, the comics, explained this. He's a rare case of a character that realizes he's in a comic. He knows he's not a real person. The entire personality of Deadpool is his self awareness. That changes everything, and makes this diagnosis completely incorrect.
@jamealcummins4060 4 жыл бұрын
Please do the punisher (Frank castle) next. PS love the channel ❤️
@jayjaymoshows3696 3 жыл бұрын
One hundred percent agree with the diagnosis. Many people have a very standardised view of Bipolar and that is simply not the case. It's largely due to poor Hollywood portrayals - rather like the way Autism is displayed in media: the worst pereptrator for that has to be the CBS series Scorpion.Keep the videos coming, absolutely love the content. Will be sharing with like-minded friends.
@LeyanaZaletel Жыл бұрын
You make some very good arguments here, I think. An often overlooked component of assessing mental health is the context in which the person exists and has not been the main consideration in the medical model of mental health. The earlier models basically question the sanity of anyone who does not conform to the expectations of western society. Wade Wilson exists in a world where there are beings that can blow up planets. In such "superhero" battles, the collateral damage is immense. Compared to that, Wade Wilson's battles are relatively contained. He doesn't crush his enemies with a building or throw a train he picked up while it was moving. He also didn't start poisoning everyone in the city after he was disfigured, did he? Joker - So he is a disfigured one-man army living in a world that often becomes a catastrophic warzone, and yet, does not kill people unless they've been really naughty. He also has shown that he is fine with simple intimidation if that will solve the problem. He doesn't have to make an example out of anyone or anything grandiose like that. He seems to take more of a harm reduction approach which can lead to better outcomes than trying to adhere to unrealistic ideologies. Given the context, someone who has a realistic goal of only stopping the immediate problem so he can be with the woman he loves and have a child is doing pretty well in that world. Also, despite the irreverant humor that some people use as an avoidance strategy, he can be pretty forthcoming with his emotions, so his charm really can't be described as superficial. Overall, he is coping with his situation pretty well and is able to function in a world of death gods. He has shown a desire to end his life, which is troubling but also understandable given the intense physical and emotional pain he experiences, but he was able to get through that. So, I agree. I probably never would have considered this. Nice analysis of the film version of deadpool. I never got into comicbooks, so I am not sure how well this applies to the original source material, but I am pretty someone here has that covered.
@d4n737 3 жыл бұрын
My diagnosis, supersanity. He's aware of the world more then others. he knows he's a fictional character, making him ironacally the most sane out of all of the characters
@Mr.Manta5988 4 жыл бұрын
Pls do Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch). I ain't givin up
@colhar4836 3 жыл бұрын
"I know this might be hard to accept, since you are a real person *so you believe* But as far as Deadpool-" I'M SORRY BUT THAT SCARED THE SHIT BISCUIT OUT OF ME
@documentedmentaldegenerati9030 3 жыл бұрын
I have high cycle bpd. I don't like taking meds, so I go through mania and depression almost every day. during mania, I have so much energy that I scream, and so depressed, all I can think of is self harm or termination.
@BartRos1980 3 жыл бұрын
This is a fun exploration. Love it. But it kinda skips over the fact that Deadpool due to his powers, makes these 4th wall breaks, and talks to the audience, because he is aware that he is in a movie. Same as him being aware of being in games, comics. He has hyper awareness. He is literally the anti-hero that can take everything that is thrown at him.
@TerryMcQ79 3 жыл бұрын
He breaks the 4th wall as part of his mutant power. Before he mutates he doesn't break the 4th wall
@AndrewStonerock 3 жыл бұрын
Makes sense. Professor X tried to read his mind and was completely wrecked.
@danleej 4 жыл бұрын
You should do nurse ratched Think that would be amazing
@stranger483 3 жыл бұрын
Not sleeping doesn't mean that Deadpool has mania cause his healing factor repairs his body and mind. He doesn't even require food to survive. Meaning his immortal
@reallifeanswers9764 4 жыл бұрын
Hey! Have you thought about doing a workup on Homelander from the boys? Would love to see that.
@Scully1800 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve been trying to get into psychology and this makes me regret not taking the class
@nigelleslie3896 3 жыл бұрын
Also, 'not sleeping'? Rarely in films do you see people sleep or use the toilet. I agree is very well adjusted. No mental health or PDs.
@josephpaulson9495 3 жыл бұрын
In the MCU universe it is canon that all the characters are totally fake, but just don't have any idea or even the ability to recognise that they are fake, even when the evidence is right in front of them. Like when Deadpool talks about "them", other characters don't know what he's talking about. This has also been given a really existential twist, like in the spinoff "Deadpool killogy", (spoilers) Deadpool looses his filter from a supervillain therapist, then goes on a murderous rampage putting in the maximum effort and utilizing his role as the main character to destroy the entire Marvel multiverse. It's a little crazy. But it also features a scene where Professor X reaches into Deadpool's mind to kill him, only to realize the lie that he has been living his whole life when he sees his thoughts, then to go braindead on the spot. In that universe Deadpool is also a schizophrenic, with two conflicting voices telling him what to do before they are destroyed by said therapist, replacing it with one sinister voice that sets him off on his rampage.
@elin111 3 жыл бұрын
For a second I thought this would turn into the psychology of a cartoon reptile who's ass is literally on fire 24/7
@angelsierraaa 4 жыл бұрын
"And be a mutant who is true to himself". Love your content.
@judeannethecandorchannel2153 3 жыл бұрын
Subject: Personal coinincidences and Do John Nash and unorthodox treatment~ What a chain of coincidences. Recently I decided that my once practical but now in practical terms completely superfluous and problematic habit of taking many screenshots each day (of my correspondence, Facebook post, and other writings) essentially functions for me psychologically like having an imaginary friend. I knew it had something to do with being one's own witness, but putting that label on it makes it so much more simple and poignant... Then I happened to discover this channel, which led me to watching this video, which reveals that for for Deadpool we the audience are essentially his stabilizing imaginary friend.🌟 Then I decided to watch "A Beautiful Mind," which I'd never seen. I knew that Paul Bettany shows up as a delusion, but I assumed he was a foreboding, scary, or persecutory delusion. I was *so surprised* to discover that, at least in the beginning, Betanny's character Charles is actually... ...a very nurturing and accepting, supportive... ...Imaginary friend...! 🏵️🌹🏵️ What an interesting Trifecta of coincidences. I know that Nash's life has been extensively explored in psychological or at least psychiatric terms, but maybe there's more to say. During his life he was diagnosed as schizophrenic, some now think he was also autistic, his wife Alicia acted as the empathetic codependent in his life, which probably literally saved his life--but I wonder how much it limited her potential in her own life... Perhaps the lives of Alicia and John Nash and their son also John, middle name Charles after John's imaginary best friend, who like his father is scientifically gifted but mentally ill... Maybe their lives together could be the inspiration for a video about family System Dynamics and coping with mental illness... Oh no **actually** the better video that really must be made would be to go into how John Nash decided to use Insight and willpower to defeat his schizophrenia. He ultimately rejected the medical model, at least that's the narrative we're given in the movie. And he talks about how his delusions were really messages from his subconscious, an important Insight that the medical model doesn't seem to address... Perhaps looking at Nash's life could be the starting point for a video about how individuals and families can deal with mental illness both within and outside of the medical model... The most interesting part would be how a patient can creatively forge their own treatment plan, and the psychological complexity of a condition like schizophrenia, which is usually only seen in psychiatric terms...
@joanbondejensen506 2 жыл бұрын
8.48: Aha! ..... Could this be one of the reasons for why some people first experience ptsd or other disorders long time (sometimes years) after the traumatizing event(s)? Gotta read that book.
@pauline_f328 3 жыл бұрын
Did I just find an awesome channel
@bungalowfeuhler1541 3 жыл бұрын
Isn’t Deadpool aware that he’s a comic/movie character? Like, isn’t that one of his powers?
@fast1nakus 4 жыл бұрын
MU is the Universe below our reality technically we as a viewer exist in MU while watching the movie or reading the comics similar to the Joker from DC, Deadpool talks directly to us. They know about our existence
@AlphaFoxAdam 4 жыл бұрын
The Hitchens Razor...indeed. However, I would posit that Deadpool is aware that he is in a comic, and he is simply engaging in that self-awareness. He may have other disorders/conditions, but he isn't necessarily exhibiting dysfunctional behavior when he breaks the 4th wall. Also, I wonder what the DSM looks like in the Marvel world. Surely, there would be additional diagnoses, due to different levels of intelligence, abilities, the acknowledgement of the supernatural, a social acceptance of superheros (mostly), and so on...
@MrSchizoid405 2 жыл бұрын
2:02 actually Schizophrenia doesn't exist per-say it's a collection of disorders that widely vary between person to person, unique to that individual who has "schizophrenia" Someone with schizophrenia may have a unique set of disorders they don't commonly share with others. Schizophrenia fits the Deadpool character perfectly come to think of it.
@LokiScarletWasHere 3 жыл бұрын
Well that’s one self-narrating super. How about Spidey? In the comics and cartoons he narrates his antics, though in both the Sony Spidey Universe and the MCU he seems less narrative and more talking to himself, Karen, or Edith.
@jonfedien8637 4 жыл бұрын
Video gamewise I suggest Cloud Strife, at various points in the game he shows clear signs of mental health challenges
@beckyb6115 4 жыл бұрын
Fcking brilliant 👏
@tdwebste 3 жыл бұрын
PSTD surviver Agree about thoughts on cooping theory. Talking through issues and finding people more Fucked up and crying about their problems not your own actually really helps. See things that don't exist and hearing sounds that don't exist. In my world they are/were real. So it became second natural to ask people for confirmation. What does this got to do with PTSD? Head injuries and PTSD!! Ya both require healing the mind to avoid burning in dangerous patterns. PTSD of course got me put on the suicide watch. The longer i could not sleep the less i cared about living. Solution simple, sleeping pills. Unlimited supply of sleeping pills i could take when ever i felt the need and a huge trust by doctors. After basically walking through my own treatment. The medical alternatives and discribbing in deep detail, that pain. I am not going to use this to avoid pain. Without pain, how would i know i am not either mentally or physically dead. So pain ya it completes me. But of course not in those words.
@traviswebb7585 3 жыл бұрын
Do Sherlock Holmes and Phillp Marrlow
@clayharris8728 3 жыл бұрын
You are gonna blow up. Im gonna beg you to keep making these videos 💛😋
@ImJustSaijan 3 жыл бұрын
I talk to my self non stop,to the point people get weirded out. So my question is, is there a fourth wall to break for us? Or am I just crazy? The only voice I hear in my head is my own,but it tends to come out verbally constantly I dont know,but this definitely causes me to question a lot about myself,because.....well...I'm not an expert. I know that im constantly covered in brand new scars and cant shut up even when no one is in the room. Question, should break down and see someone? Oh and sleep,haha,not a factor. Shit I dont know what I'm doing But I'll be damned if there ain't so many similarities to this that ot weird me out I tend to go to 1000 quicker than 1 Or maybe im just crazy. You decide.
@darrenstephens8857 3 жыл бұрын
One day you will have to interview me about well I started out as Rogue One aka The Demolition Man in 1980s Future Proves Past kinda stuff
@kenkenshiro6779 2 жыл бұрын
Could you please do one on old man Logan?
@ageofdulltron2052 4 жыл бұрын
Gimme all the disorders!
@AlphaFoxAdam 4 жыл бұрын
Haha...I swear to Christ I was thinking that Pat Bateman would be amusing. Then I noticed that someone suggested Freddy, Jason, and Chucky...and that you referred them to the "community tab."
@papapreston2356 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to see one for the master chief
@belalabusultan5911 3 жыл бұрын
he KNOWS that he's a fictional character, and he acts just like any 12yo kid in an open world game, a bit immature, but not a disorder.
@GrimGearheart 3 жыл бұрын
Well, you're not taking into consideration that they aren't portraying the character faithfully. In the comic books, he 100% is schizophrenic, and has multiple different voices in his head, as well as talking to the reader, and moving between comic book panels.
@tornokthegreat 3 жыл бұрын
You are going by the movie version. Now please explain the comic book version.
@harrylong2796 4 жыл бұрын
Please do Patrick Bateman from American psycho
@kanna6504 3 жыл бұрын
"Requires Hospitalization" bruh its deadpool
@notorious_majora 3 жыл бұрын
I would to see steve Roger's after falcon and winter soldier.
@saintedheathen784 3 жыл бұрын
We are all mad. The sooner we accept this the better.
@cheogt4623 2 жыл бұрын
The healthiest one isn't Spider-man?
@fore54k3n 3 жыл бұрын
Hmm... I was curious to something. The movie didn’t have it but he also talks to himself and has several voices sometimes competing to be heard. Somewhat of a ... umm... how would it be said. It’s like the moments of silly, or seriousness and strange need for destruction. The voices are apart of him too.
@henrysokol3466 3 жыл бұрын
Your demons have a harder time chasing you if you've tied their shoelaces together and pantsed them. This video has Deadpool pegged well: in comic books and video games, Deadpool has stated both that his humor is a coping strategy, and that he thinks the universe has a cruel absurdity. Given his origin and unique state of existence, the comic book version of Deadpool probably has a condition so rare and devastating to a person's lifespan it would prevent any real-world progress on researching it!
@dragonmaster613 4 жыл бұрын
I believe the line is "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence", 'proof' is a mathematical concept!
@gregmiller4174 4 жыл бұрын
I wish he would do some anime ones. Like the psychology of Frieza would be so cool. Or vegeta
@anything_alt6173 3 жыл бұрын
If u want to try and get bigger on KZbin try and upload small clips onto reddit but on places that other twitch streamers or youtubers be on u would be perfect on nux taku reddit cause everyone on there love to dive into psychological stuff u can try and post on there
@AK47-666 3 жыл бұрын
Please do a video of.. John lebert from the anime "monster"
@roberthickson7 3 жыл бұрын
Come on man get movin 😂 lol I wanna see more of these
@billstephens396 3 жыл бұрын
Sure... But how does this relate to my drinking too much? - eyes the next commentor - I'm not talking to you... I'm talking to them!
@hichopoch4960 2 жыл бұрын
Can you analyze Patrick Bateman from American Psycho ?
@johnnyappleweed8798 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed subscribed and liked hahaha
@daan6407 3 жыл бұрын
could you do starkiller? (the force unleashed 1 and 2)
@kayyyp4939 4 жыл бұрын
Can you do Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty?
@brismith2728 Жыл бұрын
Is it so the films can happen?
@jjttimes100 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciated the randy orton joke way more than I should have ... lol
@James-ju8ot 4 жыл бұрын
Would be interested to see your diagnosis on Hannibal Lecter 🤔
@LadyNikitaShark 4 жыл бұрын
Yey I'm Charizard :) :
@mryums007 3 жыл бұрын
A superhero Truman Show? Noice
@swanclipper 4 жыл бұрын
Ok, hear me out. I agree, Deadpool is well adjusted. However, that is only if we suspend the belief we are real and we exist. What nobody seems to pick on are the nuances and similarities to "did the painter pick the painting or did the painting pick the painter?" conundrums. Did Deadpool invent The Audience just to parse and conceptualise his reality? If we disregard our existance, it could be argued that we are merely impressions of existance from superior minds like Deadpool. We all seemlessly step into the stories of other people, we all talk to ourselves, outloud or not, and we even respond to ourselves, but that inner voice might be The Audience which begs the question of what's real on an existential level. Even in Deadpool's world, he would be considered crazy, yet he escapes it because his imagination (the audience) only sees what he wants us to see, from his badass lines, to his moral character, hiding under a fascade of agreeable choices to continue living without knowing the worst. This happens in reality too, people commit horrible crimes or do horrible things, and convince themselves it was for the best and they're not at fault. Just because we see Deadpool talk to us, doesn't mean we are in charge or even invited to watch and he plays tricks. C'mon, Time travel? yeah, that's how extreme the lies get when he stomps a kid to death and gets put in cerebro jail, he convinces himself he's not a hero yet does hero things.
@georgecoull1883 3 жыл бұрын
In all seriousness I think you just diagnosed me as bi polar interesting
@Stormbringer2012 3 жыл бұрын
Would Willarious change his diagnosis by factoring in super powers? He never considers what having a superpower would do to an individuals state of mind.
@lkchambers4654 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t think he broke through the fourth wall.. because he’s still talking as if though as somebody is there.. as opposed to thinking out loud.. and how true to thyself can somebody be if they’re dead.. why not just be dead.. but it’s a story and all that fun jazz.. it just scares me people see that as some reality..
@judeannethecandorchannel2153 3 жыл бұрын
3:15 I might have that...Cy...clo...thymia... Cute lizard! Wade and Vanessa Forever💥💜‼️💜💥
@ImJustSaijan 3 жыл бұрын
Frankly I nm dont know what to do but...its causing problems. Could use some pointers here. I feel like I'm losing a mind that I didnt have M in the first place.
@sampeacaml9307 3 жыл бұрын
Please do Draco Malfoy. Great video.
@elin111 3 жыл бұрын
Spoiled brat trying to coast off daddy only to realize most of grandiose speeches daddy was vomiting were inaccurate.
@jacksithlord1301 3 жыл бұрын
I can see this being a true idea But if we’re mixing comic DP then I see it as 50/50
@elijahbrooks8589 4 жыл бұрын
But I’m the comic they explained he was aware he was a comic book
@asaaaa489 4 жыл бұрын
So you’re saying explaining yourself to nobody when you’re by yourself isn’t normal? That’s the epitome of the attitude of explaining yourself to no one. I think everyone can benefit from years of forced isolation and tormenting from existence itself. Maybe then you’ll stop paying taxes and get your power back.
How the Internet Made Deadpool
Comic Drake
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