The Most BROKEN State Of EVERY Class In WoW's History | World of Warcraft

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20 years, 13 classes and who knows how many major content patches have seen each of World of Warcraft's classes at their peaks during one point or another.
But when was each class really at their best overall? Today i'm going to talk about one of the strongest states of each class throughout World of Wacraft's long history.
This is The Most BROKEN State Of EVERY Class | World of Warcraft
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@WillEmmo 4 ай бұрын
Click this link and use my code WILLE to get 25% off your first payment for That’s 25% your first month or your first year, depending on the subscription you choose.
@F-sj7cu 4 ай бұрын
@AnotherDeepMeaninglessThought 4 ай бұрын
Before watching the video... if mists of pandaria blood dk abusing vengeance isn't on here... you're wrong. I could solo most SoO normal fights pre nerf
@Moarlatz 4 ай бұрын
33:10 That demo phase lasted 2 weeks before being patched, and the actual reason for it was what it did in RBG'S which you failed to mention. I was a multiseason high warlord during MOP so I know all about this. Hand of Guldan had 2 charges and it didn't have an AOE cap or damage scale reduction so whatever was within that small range (8 yards or so) died instantly. So what all of the high-rated RBG teams did was get 2 demo locks and 2 death knights. Then it was Gorefeind's grasp into hand of Guldan and the entire team got wiped out within that burst. It literally 2 shot like 7 people at once with a good pull. That's why demo got patched, and then destro warlocks became the RBG gods after that.
@robertb6889 4 ай бұрын
A part 2 could be the "brokenly bad" - like DPS ranking below tanks, for example, or vanilla druids. Times when a class/spec was so far behind they couldn't find groups.
@Hudyy 4 ай бұрын
Monks had a passive ability at start of mop, where any time they got stunned, they were immune to damage for 2 sec. dont think that was fair
@trentsims 4 ай бұрын
I love how he didn't even need to mention the fact that WotLK Launch DKs had auras comparable to modern Paladin and they were shared with all party members and stacked. So you could have a whole raid group with just Death Knights all with the same aura on and they'd be an unstoppable force of death and destruction.
@treiz01 4 ай бұрын
Day 1 of DK release I was leveling a rogue in outlands... I ran dungeons with 4 DKs no healer required
@RealGateGuardian 4 ай бұрын
No, tried it back in the day, didn't work;
@Kalameeto 4 ай бұрын
@@treiz01 Even in 3.3.5 one dk could solo Outland's leveling dungeons.
@MrTetrisz 4 ай бұрын
Lore accurate death knights
@baryony 4 ай бұрын
​@@treiz01lol that's nothing. When Wotlk classic prepatch was released, me and my friend couldn't find groups at a certain point (2 DKs), because a lot of people hated DKs for some reason. So, while waiting for people using a group finding add on, we started to clean a dungeon just the two of us for the hell of it. And we managed to finish it as two people. We tried that a couple of times in other dungeons, it worked no problems most of the time. The only issue was that it took a humongous amount of time.
@Marz2695 4 ай бұрын
Being a warlock in mop was one of the most fun periods of my life!
@andromidius 4 ай бұрын
*Remembers when Destro was good* Yeah, it was a huge amount of fun. Especially any time there was cleave or some burst AoE required. I realised I was overpowered when I started noticing over two million dps on the meters on certain boss pulls.
@darcraven01 4 ай бұрын
​​@@andromidius i remember in mists destro being able to oneshot tanks in pvp with chaos bolt.. adding havoc into that and they wrecked (course that was only top end perfectly geared locks but still.. it was insane to see)
@Freestyle80 4 ай бұрын
then you were never an immortal warlock in Legion
@turbompson4546 4 ай бұрын
A warlock in Burning Crusade with felhunter was a nightmare in pvp
@w204mikull 4 ай бұрын
so true
@drunkenprayer8390 4 ай бұрын
Man people who weren't around when DK was introduced will never understand the definition of broken class. Demon Hunter was definitely slightly OP at launch but DKs were beyond OP. Probably put Blizz off releasing any new hero classes until Legion. I know we had monks but they were a base class and never anywhere near as busted as DK or DH. Related - as a warlock main I will never stop being salty about DH taking metamorphosis away from us.
@Deathinacann 4 ай бұрын
monks were pretty op too. Fists of fury stunned and did huge dps. over tuned touch of karma and touch of death.
@viktorgabriel2554 4 ай бұрын
@@Deathinacann that is still nothing compared to 10 Dks whit no healers taking out 25 man content
@fernandonegreira4216 4 ай бұрын
I shit on dhs everytime I can brother
@booradley6832 4 ай бұрын
Its true, I quit WOTLK because I was a pvp player and there was no point playing as long as DK's were around. So much damage, necrotic strike and unbelievably OP abilities.
@TreesPlease42 4 ай бұрын
losing arena to a ghoul was disgusting
@Miller1107 4 ай бұрын
Gladiator Stance warrior was brief but overpowered in its prime. I miss the hell out of that!
@benellis8844 4 ай бұрын
Same. It was so fun and unique. Its back in season of discovery too
@belisarian6429 4 ай бұрын
Yea it was great, OP at start of WoD, decent for rest of it, fun and you could work as emergency tank as well (It had crazy avoidance stats).
@Powerwordftw 4 ай бұрын
Lasted a glorious one raid lock out before the nerfs hit. Having to macro toggle lock heroic strike was quite the meme.
@Yeagerbomb27 4 ай бұрын
I love the aesthetic of glad warrior I miss it as well
@mythik4840 4 ай бұрын
The most fun I ever had in PvP was running around Ashran as a gladiator warrior.
@Maxvla 4 ай бұрын
For healing priests, MoP Disc priest needs a call out. You could set up as a full dps, pop cooldowns and prayer of healing with spirit shell and absorb entire boss mechanics and end the fight doing 30% of the damage of a normal dps while also doing more healing via absorbs than the actual healers. It was very broken and eventually got nerfed.
@tweed097 4 ай бұрын
MoP was the most fun I ever had as Disc. Didn’t do much raiding but PvP was even broken, I could heal through anything, survive with 5+ people on me, heal everyone around me and still get kills.
@infragtes7351 4 ай бұрын
yep mop was the only time in 18 years i switched from shadow to heal bcs it was brocken like hell
@jordonperry3508 4 ай бұрын
MoP Disc definitely broken. Snapshotting DoTs as Spriest in MoP was broken too. Loved MoP Priest omg!
@TobiasJensen2402 3 ай бұрын
I remember how it sort of persisted into WoD. During Blackrock Foundry, I would throw 3x big shield (can't remember the name; the one that stacked 3 times), PW:S, and Inner Focus + Flash Heal on our tank, and he'd take a tank 1-shot from Hanz and Franz to the face without his healthbar moving. Shield oriented Disc Priest was a fun time.
@maw1988 2 ай бұрын
I had to scroll way too far down for this. MoP disc was amazing.
@CardDontShoot 4 ай бұрын
My favorite memory from Wrath was everyone predicting DK was going to be a problem. When it finally released it blew past all our predictions. Beyond busted to the point of hilarity. I miss doing 40 dks vs 40 dks in AV.
@FoxOfWar 4 ай бұрын
I loved healing those as an indestructible Resto druid, pretty much unkillable, and if anyone got close to me there was always a friendly DK to yoink them away.
@5ohstang12 4 ай бұрын
I pretty much forgot about dks in wrath until he mentioned it. The horror all over again.
@padrepiwko4766 4 ай бұрын
Release day of Wotlk: Warsong Gulch - 10DK(59lvl) vs 10DK(59lvl), Casual day for blood DK.
@itslit1998 26 күн бұрын
"Problem" is very very mild word for the state auf launch dk 😅
@Tyzen7 4 ай бұрын
MoP-Release Monk was the most OP ever. Mistweaver Monks on launch were the most overpowered healer in the game's history. I don't know if anyone else remembers it because they ended up nerfing it, but *Soothing Mist* on launch was basically a spammable lay on hands. It was spammable, didn't use any mana, and healed to full basically instantly. Everytime I think of Monk I just remember how broken MW was on launch
@jorrelerivera3777 4 ай бұрын
I was just thinking this, essence font was a “smart heal” that healed more the less health the target had, but it only targeted low health players. Still imo the most broken heal spell there was
@ahemschmeyer 4 ай бұрын
Brewmaster in pvp was great. keg smash did a ton of damage. Plus toss keg slowed the flag barer while I had great mobility. Could run run down almost any flag runner.
@HajileSelabat 4 ай бұрын
I agree. Windwalker was nuts too
@grashkorelite4627 4 ай бұрын
Do you remember as well in PVP when stunned they would just phase out of reality and become unhitable?
@TheDrosul 4 ай бұрын
MW in MoP could also spam healing spheres on top of a target.... basically instant cast, no cd, very low mana cost flash of light. Was huge for pvp healing. Also, for solo pvp healing, basically being immune to stuns, having the best mobility in the game, a teleport, having a single target cc, an AoE stun, all of the rediculous healing, and surprisingly decent damage via monk lightning (caster ranged damage) and fistweaving, both of which also attonement healed you... MW monk was glorious in MoP. Only time in wow's entire history I've enjoyed playing a healing character.
@nordfald3740 4 ай бұрын
for monk, first patch of legion. Windwalker got a 20% aura nerf in increments over the course of a month or so, because they simply just did more damage than anything else across the board.
@DevelonLP 4 ай бұрын
I think something like this happened again in shadowlands also for windwalker There was a time where they just topped m+ dps spinning like a beyblade.
@iv9ry 4 ай бұрын
​@DevelonLP yeah, the dance of chiji procs with bonedust was spin to win. I think they made marks of the crane stacks worthless due to how overtuned it was iirc
@Abrexfroman 4 ай бұрын
Yes I completely agree. There have been times where I remember WW monk killed me and 2 others in one fists of fury was absolutely ridiculous.
@theweirdguythatlurksundery8337 4 ай бұрын
yeah WW monk in legion was fun and OP, i loved it
@aa-wx9wx 4 ай бұрын
@@DevelonLP back when touch of chi had no cap so when you sck could scale insanely
@feidamack2006 4 ай бұрын
Aff lock in siege of orgrimmar was crazy, snapshotting your dots and spreading it to everything with soul swap was crazy fun
@crazzluz1702 4 ай бұрын
You didn't talk about the most important interaction with Surrender: Xavius, the end boss, had a mechanic that pulled you into a different realm, and when you died there you returned to the regular encounter WITH ALL YOUR COOLDOWNS RESET. So you would Surrender in the downstairs phase and go until you "died" and then keep fighting, with Surrender's 10 minute cooldown reset. So you could Surrender twice.
@tinu7551 4 ай бұрын
Only onezboss though. But how boy was it fun.
@yanndurand8702 4 ай бұрын
This is why xavius mythic was a vast joke. Taking two SP made a feeling of being in a 24 man raid Don't forget the fact that you succomb to corruption in the dream to get 20s 200% damage buff before taking out of dream and starting again. During P3, so less than 30% xavius' hp, they used death words at fully potential and obliterate the boss
@BullmooseBeerTalks 4 ай бұрын
Original chains of ice was like a 95% slow that they could pair with their grasp ability, causing the person to be stuck flying slow through the air while the DK wailed on them.
@greggy69420 4 ай бұрын
I still miss blood DPS. My favorite spec ever
@zigguratjones6458 4 ай бұрын
I still miss you...
@jonesenoj1 4 ай бұрын
RIP blood s5 arena, when rogues may as well not existed
@nathanbowers1284 4 ай бұрын
I still miss frost dk tanking
@Bigdaddyderp 4 ай бұрын
God blood dps with full armor pen was so sexy, also the easiest rotation.
@Bigdaddyderp 4 ай бұрын
I miss my fire mage when you could preheat and alter time and just go full Pyro cannon
@soultastic 4 ай бұрын
Destruction Warlock in Mists of Pandaria. I was the solo king, having the talent that let me move while casting. It was game changing.
@SilveniumTheDrifter 4 ай бұрын
I still have a video or two of casting while moving. It was a good time! We had a doomguard cooldown, too!
@SogoNotDrunk 4 ай бұрын
Miss always crit chaos bolt, was such a fun
@literallywho1440 4 ай бұрын
For me the most broken version of warrior is early MoP. Second wind, intervene and shockwave not sharing a DR, and they hit like a damn truck
@Arntor-kf9hi 4 ай бұрын
Charge also stunned and throwdown was a dope short CD stun.
@paleface171 4 ай бұрын
Oh yeah, second wind on a prot warrior during pvp was one of the worst things to fight against, they. would. not. die.
@abrahamxiong6729 4 ай бұрын
Same! Classic warrior is only good for pve, but they were still trash in pvp. In Mop warriors were better rounded and Gods in pvp early mop
@persies4397 4 ай бұрын
Don't forget about taste for blood.
@eggshapedisraelioperative6317 4 ай бұрын
God that second wind was disgusting. I used to get so fcking annoyed by that lmao
@Pavidota 4 ай бұрын
Agent 47, your mission is to cast a single spell in an entire 5 minute arena game against a DH, DK Rsham comp
@Solaxer 4 ай бұрын
Ret was arguably the most broken a spec has ever been for about a week or two after the rework in Dragonflight. The ladder was 60% rets. It was basically free gladiator: people were rerolling and reaching ranks they previously never even been close to.
@F14thunderhawk 4 ай бұрын
that honestly has more to do with Ret's rework fixing the HP generation then ret actually getting buffed. Pre-rework, the legion/BFA/SL Ret design was attrocious for its holy power generation and incredibly poor in terms of what it did, making parses work mostly by having two separate burst phase cooldowns that slotted into eachother
@gettysb19 4 ай бұрын
In TBC with divine storm. Rets were reaching stupidly high arena ranks by playing ret/ret in 2v2. It spawned the “to the ground baby” ghostcrawler post and nerf.
@Kid_Charlemagne 4 ай бұрын
@@gettysb19yeah, was wild. Thankfully, I was a tankadin in BT and Sunwell and got the melee scraps but when the prepatch wotlk landed, I went hard in the paint and could just hit Divine Storm and kill s3-4 warriors. It was the single most perfect patch I’ve ever been apart of. The second best one was just believe in panda land when I went BACK to shockadin and could judge for like 200k and holy shock for 600k, sometime like a two shot and I capped “of the alliance” during that.
@kobayashid3186 3 ай бұрын
It was same in BFA. Oneshot people with way better gear. Nothing much just one button. Boom I’m dead
@ArtoMcBaddass 3 ай бұрын
Yeah as stated by others here already, this was nothing compared to the 2-3 buttons a ret had to press during the WotLK pre-patch to easily dispose of even the most geared arena vets.
@BBTheSixth 4 ай бұрын
Was going to say Rogue during TBC was worse, but then forgot that they could perma stun you if you were not an Orc and kill you while being naked with gray knives.
@CrashCartHero 2 ай бұрын
Watching good Surrender to Madness Spriests was insane. The accurate button smashing was on point.
@LesbianWitchAcademia 4 ай бұрын
I disagree with the DH section. Antorus Havoc DH was by far the strongest it's ever been. Top 3 DPS in the game, and 100% uptime on meta, which back then gave you absolutely insane amounts of leech. They were almost totally unkillable, and did hysterical damage.
@SilveniumTheDrifter 4 ай бұрын
I agree! Havoc DH were CRAZY during antorus! Should at least have been mentioned....
@TT-px6ej 2 ай бұрын
Then you don't remember correctly lol, in Antorus it was affli, WW and Assa while DH was mid table, right below ret Late antorus Vengeance was busted tho, with enough mastery and crit one could reach the avoidance cap and just parry/dodge every single melee swing, being only hittable by spells When eas havoc the strongest? Either 7.2 or 8.3, not being overpowered in neither of those
@LesbianWitchAcademia 2 ай бұрын
@@TT-px6ej my best friend and I mythic raided Antorus. Both DH were so mind-numbingly broken during that tier. He played Havoc, and was consistently top damage on every single fight except Argus P3 during his massive Execute phase where our Fury Warrior went nuts with Execute.
@johanandersson9275 Ай бұрын
Dh was as the best in bfa, s+ in pvp and pve crazy times
@ermir2 4 ай бұрын
Fire Mage at end of Mists was also insane, with snapshotting, Alter Time giving you the buffs back, having both Hot Streak and heating up at the same time, cheating out Hot Streak with spell queueing, and many other things I can't think of right now.
@Khannarc 4 ай бұрын
I remember getting really into PvP at the start of shadowlands. Playing a demon hunter it was more or less mandatory if I wanted BiS gear anyway, especially weapons. It was fun for about 2 weeks, two wonderful weeks, full of fun and thrill, just doing arena and feeling great. And then the convoke druids started to appear in droves. There was one every other game. It was a nightmare. There was not even the tiniest speck of fun in these dark times. You knew they had a single button to press to obliterate you, and they knew it too. Every single match against a druid you had to play at 200% of your best and you had to keep your CCs and interrupts available at all time, because the second you were on cooldown it was over. They would just press a button and automatically win. There was no counterplay, no backup plan, no comeback. They pressed a button and won. Half the people I played with just quit pvp entirely within a month. the other half either descended into the filthy insanity of mythic + or rerolled druid. Personally I just quit the game after clearing HM Nathria and never went back to pvp.
@j.a.1785 4 ай бұрын
I absolutely LOVED feral druid in TBC. You could DPS and Tank with the same spec. It was fantastic and so versatile.
@ArtoMcBaddass 3 ай бұрын
It wouldn't exactly be optimal, same could be said for healing/spell dps. In WotLK I was mass farming/skinning sholazar apes in resto because swipe would hit everything and you can round up 20-30 mobs and not die because well, resto doesn't die.
@Vittrich 2 ай бұрын
Oh man, the memories. I had 4/8 T6 and 4/4 pvp set and one bleed was enough to kill half of the population of a battleground =D
@acetheplace7197 4 ай бұрын
failed to mention for rogue the period during the tail end of legion, when rogues could one shot entire groups out of stealth with fan of knives thanks to a legiondary
@FFGucciFeet 4 ай бұрын
Was it master Assassins' initiative, cause that was a nasty one, had that on a law rogue and could easily crit with BTE more damage than an entire rotation
@baltharaaz9847 4 ай бұрын
There will never be a more satisfying period for Warlocks than MoP. Xelnath and his Council of the Black Harvest (6 elite Warlock players he chose and consulted to design the class, immortalized in the form of the Council) truly made a masterpiece. I don't think I'll ever enjoy any spec as much as MoP Demonology.
@tcn9939 Ай бұрын
I believe it was Shadowlands when i rolled Lock. Never played a range class, but i dominated in PVP. At most i took 4 players at once (Cause they would stun me and put me on DR all the time), i could just maintain dots, drain and drain and drain until they died (Usually kinda oom when only 1 was left). If i stacked it to 50 i could oneshot anyone not expecting it/no CDs. The fun thing about it in BGs was that i could occupy 2-4 enemy players at the time, so that my team could run over the others. I think i got 2K in my second week playing. But, i had much troubles playing Rogue against Locks in MoP, but it was close most of the time, that was not the case in Shadowlands. .
@Supersmartandfunnyguy 4 ай бұрын
Never forget the days of the Mace Spec Skillherald Warrior in TBC
@anokage7403 4 ай бұрын
With their pocket shaman for windfury to make things worse lol... good times
@edmontonlivermoore4935 4 ай бұрын
“How tf is this warrior stunlocking me like a rogue”
@adameski7038 4 ай бұрын
Also called Lolherald due to meme it became
@slayerstyle888 3 ай бұрын
Skillherald arms with resto shaman fml
@wcjerky 4 ай бұрын
Some mentions: Warrior, PVP: Early MoP Arms had as much CC as a tank while being able to stack Heroic Strikes to normally half-shot someone, and in one screenshot, kill someone outright; this is, also, ignoring Mortal Strike. Also worth mentioning Mace-stun BC warriors with Stormherald. Later, they, like rogues, were able to remove all armor from a cloth wearer. Warlock: BC locks. PVP had the mana-stress version SL/SL that could be easily sustained by a healer; this lead to ridiculously long matches. In PVE, after a certain gear threshhold, a lock could go sac/destro (21/40), spam SB, and do solid damage with two buttons: a curse and Shadowbolt. Mentions to Wrath destro PVP capable of globaling (killing someone from 100% to 0% without them being able to react once the sequence starts) a person through Immolate-> Chaos Bolt-> Searing Pain-> Conflagrate. DK: early Cata during the first season of rated BGs, Howling Blast was lethal. In a mode that encouraged grouping, applying a magic AoE that also applied a DoT created a lot of healing stress. Also, Necrotic Strike was a thing. Shaman, elemental: During Firelands, with a 4/4 bonus, it was possible to keep the Fire Elemental eternal. In combination with the other cooldowns, and, if you were lucky, the legendary, this spec did damage. Mention of Wrath PVP where an elemental shaman could global someone through the use of Flame Shock -> Lightning Bolt-> Lava Burst-> Chain Lightning-> Frost Shock. Also was very capable of environmental kills through use of Thunderstorm, in a world where knowledge of its capabilities were limited. Although they were low on defensive options, their utility and damage were great. Shaman, restoration: BC. All of it. Chain heal and bloodlust were that important and good. Priest, discipline: Particularly powerful from mid-Wrath until its completion. It didn't make great numbers; it stopped, in some cases, completely damage from occurring, extremely useful during progression, especially during hLK in ICC. Due to a rework in Cata, initially they lost power, only for the same issue to arise at high levels of Mastery. Druid, restoration: BC and Wrath, more the former, however. Lifebloom was able to keep a single target alive, almost through anything. In PVP, in combination with the rest of the Druid toolkit, they were slippery, had mobility, good CC, and were hard to apply pressure to. Rogues, early BC: same reasons as BC warriors, except there was a window where Preparation had not been changed to specific spells. Later on, they were capable of fully removing the armor of a cloth-wearer and having the legendaries to further pressure through damage. Paladin, holy: after enough Int gear in Vanilla, they were able to spam Flash of Light and critical procs, restore enough mana to become tank healing batteries. Hunter: BM Stampede, early MoP: using Stampede would unleash all stabled pets, so included on top of the BW cd was a lot of sudden damage. Personal experience as an elemental shaman and demo warlock from mid-TBC to early Cata. Thunderstorm was one of the best things that happened to ele; my record for punting someone was landing them by the river near blacksmith from lumber mill in AB. My Battlemaster is retired now, but good memories they were. EDIT: by 'globaling', it is implied that the listed series of spells after the first (Flame Shock, Immolate) land within the span of a hasted GCD, sometimes at the same time. It is not a true one-shot GCD, with proper counterplay available (dispell, move LoS/range), but it is difficult to reactively play against. Also, corrected Warrior entry. EDIT2: thank you for the inputs.
@TheRealCeeJai 4 ай бұрын
This is an underrated and thorough comment. My only gripe is your mention of Ele shaman "globalling" someone using four spells. Unless 3 were off the GCD, that's not a 'global'. XD
@veggispeggis 4 ай бұрын
warrior was early mop.
@theweirdguythatlurksundery8337 4 ай бұрын
i respect your list, but you have no idea how broken DKs were in early Wrath. it was, if not, one of the most broken states the game has ever been. In PvE AND in PvP
@betrayalz84 4 ай бұрын
@@theweirdguythatlurksundery8337 I remember getting jumped by a t6 mage on my fresh 58 dk in hellfire peninsula at launch...and absolutely dumpstering him lol
@The4Dev 4 ай бұрын
The legendary wasn't good for disc priest because it only procced of direct healing, not the absorb heal or glyph heal. it was bis for all other healer tho
@Toast-cc7gr 4 ай бұрын
Mistweaver in nyalotha for monk, there was a 2 week period where rising mists didn't have a cap on the talent, so monks would just stack haste and haste corruptions and would have rising and enveloping mists rolling on the whole raid the entire fight, which led to monks being able to solo heal the mythic version of the raid. This is the interaction that made blizz change how secondary stats scale lol. Edit: Also rouge in prepatch for WoD, they where the only class that had access to multistrike, which led to them DW the heirloom sword and doing inain damage, also the reason every old 2 extra attack weapon got changes to 1 and is unique lol
@alvalis4610 4 ай бұрын
I think Monk Tanks during MoP were stupid OP. Im thinking of challangemode. Monks basicly soloed that and no other class came close. Its hard and unforgiving to play and setup but oh boy when you had that one monk he played everything by himself.
@jordonperry3508 4 ай бұрын
Can confirm lol, used to sell CM runs as BrM. CMs could be three manned by a Brewmaster, Disc Priest and Ele Sham. (Our sell team included Destro Lock or Survival Hunter plus the three.) Brew and Disc could even just flat out duo CMs even if timer wasn't met... Extremely OP and extremely fun!
@archmagemc3561 11 күн бұрын
I brew tanked end game garrosh. It was crazy how low your damage intake was that even the hardest boss in the game barely tickled you.
@ryanmullen483 4 ай бұрын
One thing you left out with MoP shaman is this is the xpac where they introduced ancestral guidance. And the original form of this ability was broken as hell. The amount of healing an enh or ele could do to the entire raid simply by pressing this one button and continuing their rotation was absurd. Everyone in the raid would instantly be back to full health anf stay there for the duration of AG
@Liam26011 4 ай бұрын
Used to love Malkorok in SoO as Enhancement shaman being top DPS and Healer for that fight xD
@ABZ7891 4 ай бұрын
BM Hunters in TBC had a literal one button rotation, and it was beautiful.
@AKS-74U 4 ай бұрын
He shouldn't have included SoD
@kyeema-of-the-shadows 4 ай бұрын
so did warlocks
@lct23 4 ай бұрын
@@kyeema-of-the-shadows was sure he was gonna say locks from BC
@Chicken-x6q6d 4 ай бұрын
@@lct23 Affliction ones were, I had one back then.
@Epicmission48 4 ай бұрын
@@AKS-74UI mean better than just survival in season 3/4 of Shadowlands.
@EnforcerNr.XBleublanc 4 ай бұрын
demonhunter taking warlocks meta was the most "fuck you" decision blizz ever made
@v1perz534 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely shocked that TBC resto shaman wasn't picked as Shaman's most broken. Chain Heal was absolutely bonkers, but you could ignore that completely and just choose it based on spammable Bloodlust. You would literally have Shamans rotating into the melee group mid combat to chain Bloodlust, it was completely broken.
@shiniesglitters5424 2 ай бұрын
I think he didnt play TBC, he also completely missed how broken hunter was during TBC too
@wilFluffball Ай бұрын
​@shiniesglitters5424, my guardian druid was also broken in pvp. I had a full set of epic pve gear with bonus armor. It took 10 alliance to take me down.
@briancates3576 3 ай бұрын
What made spriest so op in legion was Mass Hysteria…a stacking 2% dmg buff. It was “fixed” only after a couple of months to only stack to +100%. Before that, you’re 3 min surrender to madness voidforms could stack it to obviously broken heights
@goskawow1943 4 ай бұрын
have never had a more fulfilling gameplay experience than getting real good at affliction lock in early WotLK. Took some actual work but you melted.
@360Fov 4 ай бұрын
What a glorious time.... the number of mobs engaged at once was insane, the healing and the dot ticks were sensual. Seed of Corruption farming in TBC was a wonderful time as well.
@Chicken-x6q6d 4 ай бұрын
A priest as shadow was vey good back then too, they had so much utility.
@glentor3 4 ай бұрын
I used to terrorize all the alliance fishing WG and poaching Horde fish. After awhile, they started fishing together in ever larger groups for safety. Didn’t matter. I could strafe land and DoT up at least two of a seven alliance group and usually kill three before they got me. This got me out on several kill on sight lists. Good times.
@Chicken-x6q6d 4 ай бұрын
Was like that in BC as well, I used to hide in that tower at XRoads and wipe out ally attackers by dotting them up without them seeing me.
@BeachLookingGuy 4 ай бұрын
Marksmanship Hunter was really OP in PvP during WoD. No pet damage buff, stand still for 3 seconds damage buff and stacking mastery conquest gear was crazy. You could blow up 3/4 of a hp bar with just 3 buttons before anyone could react. Barrage, chimera shot and kill shot was all you needed
Cata rogue pvp- I rmbr when recup came out I never lost duels and rarely died in BGs. I was so glad to focus pvp during this expansion and being an officer of a pvp guild where ur rank could be challenged. It felt so good to be so busted
@pointlessmike 4 ай бұрын
Recup would've been so much more interesting without the energy regen. I don't know why they designed it to be a must-maintain dps buff
@Popbrain1 Ай бұрын
In cata rogues were ez pz in duels as a ret. 99% were sub, were the only spec actually hard to win in a 1v1 was combat somehow.
@pointlessmike Ай бұрын
@@Popbrain1 Ez pz you say? You don't remember frost mage do you? Hell, even unh DK could kick your ass if they kited long enough to put out Gargoyle and transform their pet
@Popbrain1 Ай бұрын
@@pointlessmike yes and are rogues frost mages or dks ? I was talking about rogues. F mages if they were actually good enough could pretty beat me naked. And dks, were a toss up depending on gear, but i was still winning most often than not. The only truly unbeatable as ret pal in cataclysm were fmages and Hunter.
@pointlessmike Ай бұрын
@@Popbrain1 Oh I misread, I thought you were agreeing that rogue was ez to win with... Yeah no, I had the opposite experience against ret pld. They had 3 ways to break the stuns and healed a bunch, but I had full control to engage and disengage. Recup allowed me to play the long game (check out Mercader's rogue v blood DK match if you wanna see just how broken it was). Ret just had nothing to threaten me with, their offensive cds were too long. If you could bait a rogue to trinket a stun when you're not bursting, a minute later you win. If you burst when you're low hp, they might get impatient and try to finish you off without setup and you win. Other than that, the only thing you had going for you is that alotta rogues didn't wanna run away from a dude with ranged attacks, so they made the mistake of fighting you toe-to-toe.
@DarklingKitty Ай бұрын
Windwalker Monks during Throne of Thunder, specifically their mastery's interaction with Rune of Reorigination. It was a bit niche and required a bit much luck to say it was outright broken, but it was very strong when it worked.
@TRandlePhoto 4 ай бұрын
Lil disappointed that my pet class pun intended hunter only got a mention for SoD and not any actual expansions. Not gonna mention how busted they were as BM in TBC or survival in LK/cata? At least in my experience in classic, hunters top almost every damage meter unless an unholy đk lines up every proc for Gary multiple times in a fight
@Coldworldx 29 күн бұрын
Being on the other side of a druid convoking was nasty work 😂
@DillonPostma 4 ай бұрын
BFA fire mage with fully stacked Masterful III corruption was the most fun I've had in WoW
@AliGsabano 4 ай бұрын
Same here
@JimSmith-g2d 4 ай бұрын
I felt like you were just melting everything.
@Eityhdz 4 ай бұрын
I miss those enchants or whatever they were called
@Pamysia 4 ай бұрын
@@Eityhdz corruptions.
@mr.e1026 4 ай бұрын
I assume we are only talking about dps specs here. I am more of the healer sort, but that being said, my flagship toon, a resto shaman, was at her absolute peak in Mists of Pandaria. In MoP, I was a healer for a 10 man Heroic guild (you know, before there was a such thing as Mythic), and at the time, we had Mr. Robot, reforging and actual gem slots and shit. I made a stat build that went against the Mr. Robot build in the sense that, the Mr. Robot build was a mastery, spirit and to a lesser extent, haste build meant to utilize the talent "Conductivity". Your lightning bolt, single target healing spells, riptide and chain heal would extend the duration of healing rain by a couple seconds up to a maximum of 40 seconds. It also would require those people to be standing in the rain. Ok for 25 man content, perhaps, but 10 man, not so much. Mine was a resurgence build, where crit was prioritized, mastery was placed at around 75%, haste was prioritized to haste break points for riptide, and spirit was reforged into crit. Gems were almost entirely yellow crit gems, and yeah, in terms of healing capability, no one could touch me. My group started with me, a disciprine priest and a holy paladin before the disc priest dropped group (I was embarrassing him, numerically speaking), and we just decided to bring on board another resto shaman, and that combo was so strong for 10 man content, the holy pally went ret with the exception of the Thok fight. My priest, oddly enough, a disciprine priest was at her absolute peak in Warlords. Nothing could touch her. The only weakness I had there was if there was another dpriest in group. This was definitely one of those situations where only one was ever needed or wanted. Fighting over weakened soul debuffs was a pain in the ass. Holy paladin, well, I would have to say Legion, with a fully charged Silver Hand, completely unbeatable. That was actually the first toon I ever managed to go all the way on and get a cutting edge kill (Argus). She was also my first ever healer, and I used her in Cataclysm far more than I expected. I nearly went all the way with her as we approached the end of the expac, and nearly got a full on Deathwing kill. Extreme haste building plus judgements of the wise was the best in terms of staying in the fight, though. Resto druid, I am not going to say I was ever an expert here, only that they are often strong at the beginning of an expac, and then they level out some. I cannot remember a time when this hasn't been true in some form. Mistweavers, I play these even less. I know they can be very strong, hell we have one in my guild right now in War Within who is an invaluable member of the healing team, being able to stay in the fight much longer than the rest of us, who are still having mana issues.
@thriftingtonpost 4 ай бұрын
First week of MoP as BM hunter; due to a bug, Stampede summoned 4 pets with the same damage as your main pet instead of 25% of its damage. 2x Hunters in arena could annihilate anything in a heartbeat. Fun times.
@tcn9939 Ай бұрын
I was soo pissed, under 2k 2v2 was just 2 BM hunters standing on the other side pilaring and letting the pets kill us :)
@dogswifty7800 4 ай бұрын
Marksmanship hunter in wod was pretty busted, their mastery was sniper training where if they stood still for 6 seconds they gain a permanent buff that increases their damage % on their mastery value. Which also increased their max range and dealt more damage the further away you were from the target
@jco1895 4 ай бұрын
Wotlk pre patch paladins were insane. Briefly, they changed it so that wings no longer caused the Forbearance debuff, and so you could cast bubble and wings at the same time, their big damage buff. Not only that, but when you had wings up you could caste hammer as much as you wanted, their big finishing move with a 20 yrd range and that you could only usually caste when your target was below 20℅ health. AND it was buffed by wings. So for 20-30s at a time, in battlegrounds you became an invincible holy juggernaut yeeting hammers all across the map and deleting anything that came within range of you. I remember going into WSG and singlehandedly clearing out the centre of the map. Good times
@NyanPoptartCat 4 ай бұрын
I was leveling Paladin Horde-side at the time. I went from a life of immense suffering to godlike status literally overnight. The changes wiped a good 20 minutes off of my Quel'danas dailies. I do not exaggerate. Of course, on a PvP server, it didn't take long for us to become the new target of players' rage. For a good while afterward, people would go out of their way to try to murder me, even if I was just questing and minding my own business. Good times.
@coolst0rybruh 4 ай бұрын
I remember one shotting a druid with AW and 1 hammer. Fun times :D
@blaysertv6871 4 ай бұрын
Skillhammer was cata prepatch. Early wotlk it was Judgement one shotting with Seal of Blood/Martyr
@NyanPoptartCat 4 ай бұрын
@@blaysertv6871 Am I remembering right, though, that for a while Hammer was usable at like 30 percent health after the Wrath patch? That was insanity. Good times.
@jco1895 4 ай бұрын
@@blaysertv6871 I didn't play the cata pre patch
@Uggibuggimuggi 4 ай бұрын
Gladiator Stance for Warriors in WoD was absolutely busted. It was a good idea on paper and the general idea was to allow off-tanks to use their tank gear to deal damage, but the obvious problem was that you did the damage of a DPS with the near survivability of a tank. And you also contested tanks for the same gear. Which probably worked fine in a guild group, but it caused so much drama in PUGs. It was a great time to be a Glad Warrior, but I completely understand why it didn't last long.
@ghosttimm420 Ай бұрын
I main a destro warlock but.. Blood DK in MoP was completely unkillable. One of the most fun periods I've had in the game. Whether it was arena, bgs, world pvp, whatever, as blood I could not die. I used to sell arena runs and made sooo much gold I could easily win any 2v1 / 3v1. Although most 3v1's were always a battle of attrition. Good times.
@Darebi 2 ай бұрын
Surrender to Madness will forever be the strongest cooldown to ever exist in the game
@Abrexfroman 4 ай бұрын
It is completely underrated but I would give an honorable mention to Shadowlands Enhancment Shaman. Venthyr chain harvest could legitimately one shot people when instant cast with maelstrom weapon. And even lesser known was that with the right combination of legendaries you could cast chain harvest ~ every 15 seconds in mythic dungeons which was insanely powerful. I thought it was strange not many picked up on that, I guess people were too busy drooling over druids at that time.
@matbutt303 4 ай бұрын
nobody cares about shadowlands
@hedgehog5831 4 ай бұрын
Enha was in no way broken OP in shadowlands in any patch for pve
@MinisculeBug 4 ай бұрын
@@hedgehog5831 They could legitimately one shot in PvP, which OP said at the start of their comment.
@MinisculeBug 4 ай бұрын
A lot of people knew about Venthyr enhancement shaman. It was one of the most popular covenants for shamans in PvP. It wasn't usually taken in PvE because Fae Transfusion was leagues better than Chain Harvest.
@SelfPhoenix 4 ай бұрын
Surrender to Madness was soooo fun, on top of having constant adds on Xavius, you could enter the dream, in wich if you die, you just woke up instead, so you could just use 2 surrender to madness in one fight without having to Brez, that was the most broken shit ever lmao
@TheRealCeeJai 4 ай бұрын
25:09 RE: Monks - You seriously couldn't find some time other than BM in BfA for monks being overpowered?? My man, both WW and MW were ridiculous in PvP during MoP. They had so much CC and WW burst was ridiculous. For MW, the original Life Cocoon was nearly unbeatable and required enemy teams to track the CD of that ability specifically. In PvE, Fistweaving was ridiculous during a couple of expansions to the point were in several tiers it was near-mandatory to bring a MW to the raid. Just some things to keep in mind for Pt. 2.
@assboi 4 ай бұрын
Windwalkers were extremely powerful on Legion launch, they topped every M+ roster. They were nerfed numerous times, so much so that they ended up basically unplayable for the rest of the expansion.
@TheRealCeeJai 4 ай бұрын
Addendum: I just remembered - BM was overpowered for an entire expansion and was a MUST pick well before BfA due to how broken Guard was. I'm pretty sure this was during Legion, but it might have been WoD, I'm not 100% sure. I am 120% sure, however, there was a good chunk of time that Guard was just unbeatable as the best tanking ability in the game.
@JRClark4321 2 ай бұрын
For Paladin, the two week period pre-wotlk where blizzard patched in the wotlk talents was absolute God mode. I would watch paladins delete whole groups of people.
@SnikkasHD 4 ай бұрын
Let me pitch this to you: MoP: Dicipline Priest *mic drop* It has been a blizz. Super high Damage, high heals, high absorbs for the entire party. It was insanity.
@F14thunderhawk 4 ай бұрын
Disc has been broken in the final patch of every expansion since its first rework. the only difference is whether everyone is broken at the same time.
@canbeast 4 ай бұрын
Honorable mention to the tiny window where ret paladins could infinitely stack reckoning and one shot raid bosses
@SenatorDodo09 2 ай бұрын
So basically for all new classes: "whenever they came out"
@lukasmisanthrop8557 4 ай бұрын
video starts at 3:00
@juggernaut8044 4 ай бұрын
Ty lord
@eydis9554 4 ай бұрын
I would give an honorable mention to Fury Warriors in patch 7.1. And just for one specific reason. Draught of Souls trinket. This trinket dropped from Gul'Dan and it roots you in place while you deal damage around you. Problem is that Warriors had Avatar that increases your damage dealt and Inner Rage that gives you 100% crit for a few seconds and all buffs affect your damage from that one trinket. Important note is that those things were excluded from global cooldown, meaning you could proc all of this and potions at the same time. Results were very simple. You pop everything with Draught of Souls and everyone that looked funny at you disentegrates. Blizzard had to nerf this trinket I think by 40% *JUST FOR FURY WARRIORS* and no one else. This shows how crazy they were.
@TheFarGaurd 4 ай бұрын
Next time don’t include SoD, no one cares about that, we expected the expansions of the game not a mini game
@evanroper6099 4 ай бұрын
Nothing was funnier than taking a fresh DK into battlegrounds and completely cleaning house.
@brunisamuelsson8964 12 күн бұрын
Enhancement was solid in 9.0 too. I literally wasn't allowed to use doom winds/ascendance in many fights because I would immediately surpass everyone by a mile and rip all aggro off tanks. Doubling the damage of paladins during wings and toll/hallow was nuts.
@djkiltech 23 сағат бұрын
SoD hunters are still pretty much my favorite point in the class. I mained hunter from vanilla to Dragonflight... And i didn't start SoD until phase 6, and the beast mastery rune is still tops for leveling. The fact that growl becomes a warrior taunt so it clones threat + 10%? That's amazing. Classic hunters needed to manually play their pet like a second character to manage focus to make sure you had enough for growl when you needed it because growl only ranks up every 10 levels. So at level 20, normal growl is great... But by 26, it's something you HAVE to manage manually. SoD fixed that with the Beast Mastery rune turning growl into a real taunt; now it doesn't matter if it's growl rank 1 at level 60, your pet will still peel aggro because instead of a flat amount of threat, it clones the top threat +10%, so you never have to worry about making sure you have enough focus for a second growl as quickly as you can cast it to get the aggro back to your pet
@uoyredrum 4 ай бұрын
One thing you didn't mention with DKs during early wrath, not only was Icebound Fortitude a 50% DR, it also removed stuns on top of immunity to stuns. It was changed later to only be usable outside of stuns.
@teebob21 Ай бұрын
Launch DKs at the beginning of Wrath were so broken that Webster replaced the primary definition of "broken" with a reference to 'death knight' as a synonym.
@DisorderInOrder Ай бұрын
I miss warlocks being fun with metamorph. And destro being awesome. And the old talents. I miss MoP.
@gokibros4451 2 күн бұрын
Monk main here. Monks were busted just not for long. See in mists everyone got immunities and cc and mobilities and stuff but monk had like some of the very best that came along with this. Stagger was then and still is more effective damage reduction than armor. Mist weaver has been so hard for blizzard to balance consistently that they would rather leave it down in the dumps to be horrendously bad for most of the patches of most expansions and they let this happen a lot to DH and Monk or any class that is very high mobility, because if a super mobile class can do all the things other specs can, then they're just BETTER than everyone else, because they do it faster. They've gone through a lot of phases of trying to make trade offs for their kits but more often than not these "trade offs" are so detrimental they're just
@christianschmidtpetersen2408 Ай бұрын
Rogue: Actual answer is in Cata before Vial of Shadows was reworked. Sure, it was a short window of time, I believe a month or maybe two, but during that time you could be full BiS geared and a rogue with this item could just 1 shot you from full health if it procced during a shadow dance. There was an infamous clip of one of the highest geared and skilled paladins facing a double rogue duo in 2v2, and dying 0.1 seconds after both rogued opened on him. They had both pressed ambush/cheap shot, and the vials had procced, killing him instantly. Imagine you're fighting 2 stealthers an the moment they unstealth you die instantly. This was more absurd than convoke which you picked for druids, because that one could be both interrupted and mitigated upon cast. This was just instantaneous random death. The rework cut the burst of VoS down to a third and reduced the internal cooldown by a third too. It was still disgustingly OP, but at least it didn't just do your whole health bar anymore.
@DrunkTalk Ай бұрын
Frankly, I'm just happy druid didn't get forgotten... again.
@R3B3L-xD 11 күн бұрын
TBC Hunter deserved its flowers.
@whyismyhandleshown 4 ай бұрын
I'd also like to note, that the enhancement shaman was able to learn things like healing rain which could be made instant. So with the opportunity cost of some lightning bolts you were able to do 90% of DPS damage while also healing 50% of a healer
@djkiltech 23 сағат бұрын
In early wrath before roles were established for the specs, I played blood DPS. The self healing was amazing, and the damage was absolutely bonkers. I was one of the people 3-manning TBC dungeons with myself and two other blood dks.
@lilbuggerus5201 2 ай бұрын
There was a very brief time in vanilla where the requirement for backstab/ambush messed with. For approximately one to two days, you could backstab/ambush with a sword. The damage was insane and was the craziest time i remember as a rogue.
@trousersnake1486 3 ай бұрын
I'll never forgive blizzard taking away Dk's reading as a ghoul after dying and having 30 seconds or redemption
@timothyhanks2119 4 ай бұрын
Not saying anything he said is wrong but I 100% believe that holy paladin in WotLK was the strongest version of paladin ever compared to the other classes that could heal. The fact that you had 2 raid protection cds, 2 tank cds, unlimited utility in the form of seals/freedom/salv/bop etc. and were the outright highest HPS healer which was then doubled and had splash effects added to it meant that other healers weren't even really needed. In fact in beta warcraft logs had to take off judgement of light from healing logs due to how much it obliterated the total healing meters. At one point logs were 4 healers and 1 hpal had 60+% of the raids total healing.
@Valkaneer 4 ай бұрын
Very true I Remember our Ret Palidin and Holy Palidin going toe to toe in a 1v1 match and the Holy Pally won. These guys had Server First kills so they were the best players on our server for their class and spec.
@dilvastak7351 5 күн бұрын
The wildest imbalance was just before the introduction of the 1st addon. Warlock could kill any not tank and not a healer with 2 spells with an instant cast, and he was not the only one...
@pecadorr93 Ай бұрын
Still remember going nuts with Blood DK,on WOTLK. Managed to make ragequit people en PVP Arena , just because they got tired of fighting an unstoppable healing tank.
@CarrowMind Ай бұрын
I would argue Destro Locks during TBC were more dominant, they were always at the top of the damage meters, and had a ridiculously easy rotation, just sacrifice your Succubus and spam Shadowbolt, you basically become a turret, coupled with the ease by which you could get good gear with tailoring, it was a great time to be a Warlock!
@GustavMahlerHorn 4 ай бұрын
Lol you missed the main thing that made Enhancement OP in MoP which was the primal elemental talent. During the burst phase at the start of encounters no class could keep up with the enha burst. Mastery boosted elemental (including fire) damage and all attacks by the primal elemental counted as fire attacks. Easily topping over 1m DPS during burst, couple that with ascendance (all attacks count as light inf attacks) and the incredible haste from bloodlust/heroism meant that enhancement had the best burst damage in the game from ToT all the way to the expansion end.
@robinflowe1066 Ай бұрын
Not to mention the insane aoe burst from fire nova at the time
@robinflowe1066 Ай бұрын
And the fact that fire ele gave the searing totem stacks to empower lava lash really fast so that was buffed too with the ele up
@SliCeRAeR 2 ай бұрын
The fear ward for Spreists was really OP
@beeftank_jr8314 4 ай бұрын
To give an idea of how ridiculous 3.0 ret paladin was, the Alliance had a huge advantage in BG's at that time. Simply because, back then, the Alliance had more paladins.
@glentor3 4 ай бұрын
I remember running with four other rets in AB and ‘retro,,I g’ the entire enemy team in two GCD’s.
@AirshipFury 9 күн бұрын
Before finishing the video: I've mained Warlock and Monk and I'm willing to bet that it's TBC for Warlock and MOP for Monk. Warlock- I'm surprised that MOP lock edged out the exponential scaling they had in TBC. Monk- I didn't play BFA, but I do remember maining a BM monk and usually not needing a healer to babysit me during progression since I'd just wipe stacks off.
@Slothington1 4 ай бұрын
Man, launch DK was so much fun. I remember stomping as blood DPS and never needing to worry about dying in raids and then come Heroic ICC you just stack armor pen everything and go frost.
@TheDrosul 4 ай бұрын
Honorable mentions: Late cata Rogue: Vial of Shadows, with Legendary Daggers gave big burst, and recuperate could be specced to take less damage, making them really tanky too... Shadow/Affliction Late cata RBGs: Cunning of the cruel trinket + legendary staff or deathwing proc dagger..... The procs where capable of doing ~40% of your character's overall damage in a bg situation as you multidotted. And as a special note for pvp shadow at the time, the dragonsoul 4pc set, effectively let you stack 3x arcane powers on yourself for dark archangel.... and with beserker buff as well, you could basically global 5x people in the duration. Legion Destro got really nutty for a bit in the Tomb of Sargeras and Antorus raid tier's equivalent pvp seasons. Legion release demon hunter for pvp: With momentum, fel barrage, and glaive toss, you basically where a hybrid ranged/melee class, and more or less completely immune to other melee, while having absolutely bonkers uptime as a melee class on any casters. Early MoP mistweaver: It was stupid good for most of MoP, but basically MW in MoP could also spam healing spheres on top of a target.... basically instant cast, no cd, very low mana cost flash of light. Was huge for pvp healing. Also, for solo pvp healing, basically being immune to stuns, having the best mobility in the game, a teleport, having a single target cc, an AoE stun, all of the rediculous healing, and surprisingly decent damage via monk lightning (caster ranged damage) and fistweaving, both of which also attonement healed you... MW monk was glorious in MoP. Only time in wow's entire history I've enjoyed playing a healing character. Their hots also auto targetted, and they could heal all hotted targets at any time. The most overpowered warlock has ever been for pvp might surprise you: Vanilla SM/Ruin It had literally all the strengths of both destruction and affliction builds, only needed a single spell school (making gearing both stronger and easier), and after ~bwl tier was capable of 100-0ing any target with just dots, or nuking them for double their entire health bar in a single global. Sbolt itself could self buff crit for north of 5,000 at a time when a pvp geared played MIGHT have 4500 hp without a flask on, and that would be only one of the 3 spells landing within a millisecond of each other for the burst combo that didn't require any cds to do. I have screenshots during classic of going 42-0 in AB while solo queu pugging.
@withlove8069 3 ай бұрын
The re-work to shadow priest giving them surrender to madness during emerald nightmare, being able to maintain it for the entire boss fight. Doing more dps than the entire raid team combined. Total ridiculousness
@klefthoofrobert787 2 ай бұрын
I think the glancing blow graph was incorrect. To put it simply, if you're enemy is lvl 60 and you have 300 wep skill, you do no glancing blows at all, 305 is for 61, 310 is for 62 and 315 is for raid bosses (skull level) or lvl 63, graph showed you it caps at 309? why?
@paleface171 4 ай бұрын
For me the peak for Monks was when they were introduced and towards the end of the MoP expansion. When WW had Tiger's Eye Brew for great burst damage, and Brewskie Monks had spammable keg toss and delayed damage that could be negated with shuffle then removed with purifying brew, they had strong barriers, touch of karma reflected damage and was 100% of your health bar, Fists Of Fury was devastating to solo enemies and players. Speaking of which in pvp they had some cool powers, like stealing weapons from enemies, (they would appear on your back for as long as the buff lasted) Spinning Fire Blossom could root enemies if they were about 20 yards away and they damaged too. Dampen Harm had a minute duration and a fourty five second cool down, they could act as emergency tank for some fights and could soak up tank mechanics like mines for the Iron Juggernaut, and were a good hybrid, they could kill sha puddles and heal blue blobs during the Immerceus fights of SoO with instant casting healing spheres which were rather cheap and made more powerful because of Tiger's Eye Brew. I miss those days.
@Dudeidunno Ай бұрын
It would be interesting to see a version of this video where bugs are fully covered. I fondly remember the early weeks of dragon soul where paladin seal of corruption glyph was triggering in combination with the ret talent that caused seal damage to trigger on adjacent targets. This wasn't noticed in a major way for a few days, only that ret pallies seemed to be blending trash packs in dungeons. But then Dragon Soul was opened and the first boss split itself in two. If you had a ret pally in your group the server would lag out and then the boss would be dead at your feet 15 seconds later
@whocaresaboutthislol Ай бұрын
You forget 1 big thing of DK hearthstrike would hit nearby targets up to 2. For 100% dmg and ignore 100% of their armor. Was OP
@chouzan 4 ай бұрын
Seeing get applied gave me such a huge nostalgia dopamine hit. I really felt like even DKs didn't compare to a Ret at its peak in Wrath, especially if the Ret Paladin was willing to utilize a cancelaura macro or an easy addon to cancel the Shadowmourne chaos bane buff. Sure, both Warriors and Death Knights could do the same, but I seem to recall Ret being able to abuse it much better than the other two. However, for me I think the most fun (different, I know) is perhaps late Burning Crusade. At that point the class was getting so close to what we'd see in Wrath of the Lich King, but it had a real charming jankiness that I loved. I really liked expending my seals, and personally it was really fun to have those dedicated "melee" groups, where it's was like a private club within the group where the whole night you'd be just giving each other such a hard time and joking around, and if you were the extra melee that night or someone decided to rotate out the spot for whatever reason, I at least felt like the raiding experience wasn't as rad. I imagine there are a lot of Ret Paladins like me that have fond memories in BC of a lot of Enhance - Ret - War - 2x Rogue party chats.
@anacarvalho9047 4 ай бұрын
Spirit Shell, I will never forget you, old friend.
@BabinSquared Ай бұрын
Hunters: We've spent the entirety of TBC being the worst class in arena. We're bad at melee and our escape tools are overshadowed by melee approach tools. The numbers reflect our current state, and we're at the bottom representation of every season in 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5, except for one singular season when shamans edged us out of the bottom spot. WotLK devs: So here's a hero class with a Force Pull ability
@AlexSaheli 22 күн бұрын
DK was also a bit broken during Mists and WoD. This was still the era of snapshotting, which means when you apply a dot it copies your stats for the whole duration (in the current version it changes dinamically with your stats). And back then DKs could prolong the duration of theirs dots for as long as they liked. That + some incredibly powerfull trinkets = kinda broken class. Now, with WoD Blizz tried to contain that by giving us a talant that worked in the same manner. But that was a balancing nightmare sadly, so they gave up. That was called Festerblight and then Necroblight playstyle :D P.S. I enjoy frost DK in Cata A LOT, much more than retail version.
@moadebeatreides1319 Ай бұрын
I think some are forgetting when Enhancement could Dual wield Windfury weapon at the start of BC. Was incredibly powerful both in pve and pvp.
@Nado2134 Ай бұрын
Career Enhance shaman here since Vanilla. MOP was absolutely our peak and for more reasons than mentioned. In World PVP, the Klaxxi Paragon buffs, specifically Raining Blood from Xaril was absolutely broken and would allow us to kill any player within seconds, and the reason for it was the reason behind most of why we were broken in MOP: the buff damage scaled with our Mastery. Enhance shaman Mastery increases the damage of Nature, Fire and Ice spells by x% based on Mastery stat. Raining Blood stacked a Poison nature damage debuff that would explode at 8 stacks and delete people in PVP because our Mastery buffed the damage it dealt. We could solo rare elite mobs with it too. To further compound this, Ascendance used to be all "Nature damage" and now its not, now it's "Wind Damage" that bypasses armor and has a 40 yard range, but before that, we had "Rad Blast". Rad Blast was just a way of calling it because it looked cool but when we ascended we shot lightning at people, and it also scaled with Mastery. This Mastery scaling persisted and built up through all raid tiers including Siege of Orgrimmar where we were our most broken. With Hero/Bloodlust & Ascendance, we could melt 20-30%+ of a raid bosses health off in the time it took for Ascendance to be over. It would take the entire rest of the fight for the raid to catch you in DPS. It was absolutely insanity. Pair this damage burst with Ancestral Guidance healing and an Enh shaman could also solo heal a raid too. Not even kidding, we were crazy broken.
@RetirededKat 4 ай бұрын
"You were lucky if your healer's even had pet frames on their bar." So true lol, I had a reputation for healing people's pets because nobody thought it was worth it. Maybe it's holy priest things.
@justinhoffman5339 2 ай бұрын
I remember a specific 1-2 week period in Legion where Balance Druid Moonfire spam was OP. I believe there was also an Elemental Shaman Earth Shock Earthquake build that was OP for a short time in Legion.
@expiredsc 4 ай бұрын
For me, as a resto druid, best broken state must have been at the end of Legion, with the fully empowered artifact weapon as well as the 4-piece tier set bonus from Antorus. Basically it made Wild Growth, every time you cast it, speed up the rate Ysera's Gift would proc by 400%. Ysera's Gift, at the time, was a percentage based heal (5% of the health of the target if I remember correctly), every 4 second (1 second after this), 100 yard range, costing no mana. Every 10 seconds you would cast Wild Growth, stand around and do little to nothing and watch you soar up through the healing meters. Was a lot of fun that.
@Marker1808 4 ай бұрын
I miss days of broken Paladin when whole BGs would run away from you, that was fun 😊
@ElmntFire 4 ай бұрын
I'd love to see a part 2 that includes a "main timeline" hunter choice as well as some callouts for classes in other content (PvE leather moments for example).
@ivenstorm 2 ай бұрын
When Wrath first came out, my guild did a run of BT, and a Paladin in greens was outdamaging players in full T5. That's how broken they were.
@MattSinz 2 ай бұрын
Fury was only good in vanilla after 1H weapons were re-balenced, and after Bloodthirst was added. Before those changes Arms was the go to DPS spec for warriors. Also, Warlock in TBC was on the same level as MoP.
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