@27Zangle 29 минут бұрын
Cata was so much fun that I leveled one of every class to max because the leveling experiance was amazing! The two classes I played most were hunter and warrior. They both had decent raid gear and great pvp gear. I plan to level both and already started my warrior as a Draenei since that is the only race I've never played. My hunter might be an allinace character as well but normally try to do one of each. Starting fresh of course.
@Notpoop906 2 сағат бұрын
if they are actually moving players to more active servers they're doing a terrible job. just came back after quitting in P2 WoTLK classic and all my characters are on dead servers lmfao
@Notpoop906 2 сағат бұрын
it's literally horde players that cause this every time. they want to play on a PVP server but ONLY when they are the dominant faction. you can see this by the stats on PVP only servers. it's dominated by horde. they are the ones that tip the balance every time.
@Notpoop906 2 сағат бұрын
they should just do away with realms all together. it's outdated. just have everyone in a region on the same "realm" and layer it. problem solved.
@andipajeroking 3 сағат бұрын
Can t wait to replay Pandaria. I will be there🎉❤
@jake-fu8jd 7 сағат бұрын
I didnt even have to watch this video to give you an answer. Yes. They were amazing.
@ServeMySoul777 10 сағат бұрын
The first four expansions were really good. After that they all sucked except Legion. The classic feel started to die slowly with each expansion.
@LegendaryPkl 17 сағат бұрын
Wait they ain't releasing cata again...no way... lol. I get the OG 3. But just re releasing old expansions and slapping "classic" on it is lazy af.
@hvdiv17 18 сағат бұрын
Bm hunter was the best hunter spec and it was pne of the few op pvp specs next to rogues in burst damage.
@random33E 20 сағат бұрын
Nothing new in SOD. Its just some skills from expansions.
@imarabbit94 20 сағат бұрын
early cata is probably the only time in the game i can remember people struggling with heroic dungeons and healers going oom easily
@jpf7942 20 сағат бұрын
Unholy DK are beasts
@cojin01 22 сағат бұрын
oh, so it looks like i'll never return to wow then... interesting, no legacy wrath servers... ok.
@cojin01 22 сағат бұрын
if i was blizzard, what i would do is delay the next expansion of classic, while agglomerating them classic devs and retail devs trying to make retail just classic enough, and then work with the classic cata expansion...
@DhiscoStu 22 сағат бұрын
The bleak, barrenness of daoc is part of the charm :)
@YoungFree213 Күн бұрын
paladin was great, played a holy paladin up to late BRM raid to Fireland, but started my mage more. Paladin was amazing for everything and i strongly recommend main spec being holy or tank with a dps offspec since some fights you dont need 2 tanks or need less heals.
@tims3370 Күн бұрын
oh man, rested xp, i will have to stop watching your videos, that sucks
@jcastro1841 Күн бұрын
I am not sure but isn't it worth actually not hitting poison hit cap for combat and instead hitting the 8% hit cap and then going haste/mastery? Obviously if you get more hit that's fine but I don't think the 17% is required anymore.
@thefinalskarm1754 Күн бұрын
13:00 thank god
@cactuss33ds Күн бұрын
man, that rockbiter change makes absolutely no sense. why do they play with my heart like this? shammy tank in cata content would be incredible.
@JT_Soul_Tha_God Күн бұрын
Who’s we? It’s Blizzard with the bs.
@Bongoslam Күн бұрын
The simplicity and difficulty of classic is what I love. It creates a much more fun raiding atmosphere because there is room to goof around.
@mortezakazmi3601 Күн бұрын
I've played OG cata and throughout Private servers as well. with confident I can say Frost is strong due to gear dependency (like fwarr). in early phase 1-2 you gonna fall of behind unholy but if you try the two handed build you gonna do do the same amount unhoyl does with Death Coil, becuase the 2handed build is actually works and takes over Dual wield. obviously you need gear for the build so I'd assume in the phase 2 and end of the expansion you gonna be very strong.
@TheRedRedKroovy Күн бұрын
If we go off of the logs of private Cataclysm servers, Demonology warlock at the end of the game is by far the strongest burst DPS in the game to the point that they're stacked in guilds going for speed clear runs. During progression, however, they'll still be incredibly powerful but it remains to be seen how they fare in lower levels of gear
@xshymex Күн бұрын
Willis I thank you
@Squagglimole 2 күн бұрын
Blizzard was always dumb for excluding 99% of their content. You add to content, and not make it useless. I never understood why they always had to make items better and better, and keep raising level cap. Why not stay at 60 forever, make the sets have the same stats, but different set boni, and let players experiment with that? Making everything that came before useless is such a dumb idea. Hundreds of hours wasted with each new patch. And not just for the players, for the developers too. No wonder the world felt empty, when everyone was just going the same raid over & over & over & over, and then the next raid over & over & over & over. At least in vanilla wow(before BWL or Naxx) there were items you had to collect from everywhere. Every 50+ dungeon and raid was relevant for some class or the other. And the drop rates for these items were often scarce af. Blizzard put 99% of their own world building, raid design, set design, etc. into the trash can. With Classic they'd have the chance to make eternal 60 servers, that just add content. Just as a trial run. But they're just doing the same things they did before. They just wanna milk the cow
@redryan20000 2 күн бұрын
This doesn't make sense to me. Someone like myself never lost sight of what makes it classic. The Blizzard team merely decided they did not want to keep it classic, they want to make this into "tourism mode" where people just see what things were sort of like in a previous expansion. It goes without saying that Cata is the clear demarcation point between classic and retail. Wrath was already slipping into the retail mentality, and with Cata destroying the old world, homogenizing classes, and so on, there's not much left that can be described as the "Classic" feel of the game.
@simecki4222 2 күн бұрын
Play Turtle WoW Thank me later
@chucknorris5476 2 күн бұрын
I’m glad for all the times I had, but I’m finally done with WoW.
@RatsoMan20 2 күн бұрын
Im just sad my blood dps dk is now a tank 😢
@R-L-D 2 күн бұрын
Still using dumb titles I see. "Was it any good though" does not work how you're using it. Stay in school and learn more about the English language please.
@RatsoMan20 2 күн бұрын
In 10 man heroic dragon soul raid we had 2 shaman me enh and an ele we were top dps me only being beat out on aoe fights over 4 targets
@tylerc137 2 күн бұрын
Windfury Totem gets no respect
@wesley6571 2 күн бұрын
I enjoyed phase 1 of SOD but I dont really like the rune system in general. New zones or mounts etc would have been enough for me.
@reddblueblur 3 күн бұрын
2:25 Am I the only one who's gonna mention that they were 86?
@lapislazuli6136 3 күн бұрын
God this video was too long, where all those quick to facts videoes that cut the bs
@calebthehumble 3 күн бұрын
Everyone is saying it's fun but is Hunter good in PvE?
@jasonshi7245 3 күн бұрын
Back in cata, I was pala Dk tank main. Been using these 2 tank for a long while, would consider myself a good tank was doing everything right but still die a lot in fireland. One day I got on my mount camping Druid tank. It was like WTF is this? That amount of Hp. Damn so easy, you don’t even need your brain. This shit don’t even die.
@reffa2858 3 күн бұрын
I always thought it should take the remastered route. Like how they do older games. But Ive never played wow.
@cameronferazzi2555 3 күн бұрын
I have to watch your videos in 1.5x because you talk so fucking slow
@hockeyplaya1155 3 күн бұрын
Sod is not classic. It’s a meme twitch hype mode. Huge cope player base. Adding abilities from established expansions because vanilla classes are trash
@TheDerpp 3 күн бұрын
Elemental main for a couple years now. STOKED for this expansion
@RoxxSerm 3 күн бұрын
Yeah, we did. But classic ( true classic ) is not available right now. So i play SoD which is the closest product + a fresh touch. Once thats over, its back to vanilla for me. Official if blizzard offers a fresh server, otherwise ill find a way :)
@sdwone 4 күн бұрын
I honestly can't see Blizzard going beyond Cataclysm in regards to their Classic Campaign. Because Cataclysm, for many, is when the playerbase essentially became divided between Classic players and Retail players... Perhaps even earlier than that! I mean sure, I could be wrong! But I just can't see it! Indeed, if they do plow on with it, well my journey ends with Cataclysm Classic, and I suspect that many of us will also have that sentiment. Thus the playerbase will simply just get split up again... But now that we have a proverbial buffet of WOW to enjoy, that split will be quite profound this time around! I.e. once I've had my fill of Cataclysm Classic, I'll probably just go back to Hardcore. Because the idea of doing Mists, or Warlords or Legion again (where I finally gave up Retail) just makes me sick to my stomach! Anyway... Guess we shall see! Cataclysm the first time around, was already highly controversial, although I did personally enjoy it! But beyond that!? Well, that's Retail really... Pure Retail... And I just think mixing the two is counterproductive... And will probably set the community ablaze once again! 😮
@joel75 4 күн бұрын
Does anyone know the best race for PvP on Alliance?
@victordetollenaere1243 4 күн бұрын
The prepatch is here and I encounter a big issue with rupture. Almost any time I want to refresh my rupture, I can't because a more powerful debuff is on. So I have to wait until it falls off before rupture again... Is it a bug that needs to be fixed or is it the way it works on Cata?
@offroadturkey 4 күн бұрын
Go back to tbc! They should just leave one server for each time zone for the past releases
@Morris_Garage_160 4 күн бұрын
I will leave wow on Cata release. Shitty support (waiting 7 months for a fuckin ticket) and the reason cata should be the best to stop wow. There are tons of private servers. Wotlk was the best release ever.
@tesleration5637 4 күн бұрын
They will be great as they don't rely on other players to level, since no one will play this 🗑️
@houjunhuizhong4220 4 күн бұрын
Fury is trash in cata?