Winnipeg bad drivers #2

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Random Guy

Random Guy

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Winnipeg bad drivers and close calls. I don't consider myself a perfect driver either but not nearly as bad as some of these drivers. Please subscribe for more future winnipeg bad drivers videos.

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@Gspec5 4 ай бұрын
Im here to see if i made it on the list 😅
@Ithinkiwill66 3 ай бұрын
Me too! I've done stupid things before, as well....but now doing my best to avoid doing the stupidest things...and they were not intentionally.....just was not using all of my cylinders in my brain. I get mad at those that don't even use the turn signals, yet I was the moron at times.....ironic eh? 😢😮
@Jimsalos 3 ай бұрын
Same here! Glad to see I’m not in this video. The McLeod at Gateway intersection is horrible
@dericksmith2137 3 ай бұрын
Gotta admit, I’m curious too.
@hansolo631 Ай бұрын
Yea me too haha. Man that guy passing the motorcycle is a crazy person
@Ninnanator 28 күн бұрын
None of these videos were even "bad". At least all these vehicles had all 4 tires. Seems a bit like a Karen 😂
@alldressedchipscrunch8723 3 ай бұрын
Imagine the amount of clips you’d get driving on pembina, portage and the perimeter
@taters5586 2 ай бұрын
Or anywhere else really.
@lookabomba32 Ай бұрын
St. James/Minto area is equally bad
@thatreidguy Ай бұрын
doesnt really matter where. I live near gateway rd. its this bad and worse. that superstore is full of idiots around it.
@belangerpm 3 ай бұрын
You missed captioning the very first truck for turning right on a red when there's clearly a sign that says no right turn on red.
@lnconceal Ай бұрын
self explanatory
@alandavid2341 2 ай бұрын
When this guy was driving in the parking lot of Superstore.. If you noticed a silver grey old Honda Civic was backing up.. This guy honked really loud. The car is an old one and definitely doesn't have a back up camera. He was slowly backing up and everybody knows that when you're in reverse and coming out of a parking lot full of cars, you have limited vision of your back. Honking is not called for and is definirely unnecessary and more importantly RUDE. This driver is impatient and thinks he is always right. He shoould have stopped out of courtesy, either to let the Honda back up, or just to let the other know his presence by stopping briefly, NOT by honking loud and proceeding quickly. This is a feeling of entitlement. As if he has MORE rights than others. He's not a calm and defensive driver. And viewers here shouldn't follow him. IT's an annoying a habit that this guy loves to Honk indiscrimately, at the slighest mistake of other drivers. Instead we should all be come, patient, respectful and give and take in the roads.
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
Honking is not an expression of anger or rudeness. That is a common misconception that unfortunately stresses many folks out. Honking is a necessary means of letting drivers know that you're there so they don't drive into you. Sometimes when backing out of a space, my driving instructor told me to give a little toot to let drivers know I'm pulling out. Though you are right, many drivers do honk when angry. But they shouldn't think of it that way, and we can agree with that, eh? The horn was not invented to express anger! Automotive innovation is not driven by frustrated psychopaths! The bell on your bike is for the same purpose as the horn on your car. By the way, drivers in a parking lot who are not in parking stalls have the right-of-way over those backing out. It's the same yield system as pulling out of a driveway onto a busy street. Gotta wait for the traffic to go by first, then you can do your thing. I am unsure if you had a bad road day when you wrote this, but it seems this video made you very upset. The negative auras of driving have been drilled into us to create unneeded anger. Like associating horns with pridefulness. As a 19 year old who's been driving for less than a year, I thought that too, as my parents would only honk when frustrated. But I think we can both agree that it may be a good practice to not let stress get to us when we're on four wheels. Issues like the ones you questioned can be peacefully negotiated by locals like you and I, and in the end, the roads of Canada could become paved with love and treaded with understanding once more.
@user-ds8db6ec1b Ай бұрын
Not sure the reason (dumb people attracted to a certain area to live), or if it’s something in the concrete (emitting a weird alien gamma ray causing stupidity) but Gateway is 100% absolutely, positively the worst road in Winnipeg for idiot drivers. I drive for a living. Don’t,get me wrong, there are bad drivers all over Winnipeg, all day, all night, and all year round. Rain or snow. But for some,reason they really like to congregate on gateway (and associated streets to turn onto/from).
@Ninnanator 28 күн бұрын
​@@StatickyCatholy this guy is sensitive 😂
@canadianbaconman 2 ай бұрын
You're driving on lots of my regular routes. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one encountering these horrible drivers.
@randomcanadaguy 2 ай бұрын
Lol yep.
@IAmFellerMusic 3 ай бұрын
Developed a huge road rage after moving here…you guys are the worst drivers I’ve ever seen
@randomcanadaguy 3 ай бұрын
I have to completely agree. I think maybe that is why my blood pressure is higher than normal lol.
@itsnovahere163 Ай бұрын
the fact that you recorded these all yourself is fucking insane
@GEES44DC Ай бұрын
I live in the same area as this guy and I don't see nearly as much of this nonsense. Don't get me wrong, I see idiots every day but this dude must be doing something to attract it.
@trenthawkins Ай бұрын
I know sometimes I push the limits of a yellow light when I probably shouldn't... but it is AMAZING how many cars in my rear view mirror follow me though. Often from a considerable distance back.
@nickkrawchuk7370 4 ай бұрын
you are from ek or nk from what i see of your vids, i was a service tech for 30 years and what i saw on the streets would make your hair stand up, what you show is pretty mild compared to a lot of what i saw but thanks for the videos
@rickhoward597 3 ай бұрын
Drive near McPhillips and see how many videos you get! 😂
@randomcanadaguy 3 ай бұрын
I don’t go down mcphillips that often but it seems like it doesn’t matter where I am in the city, there’s a driver who got their license from a cereal box.
@haydendegrow945 3 ай бұрын
I lived in Winnipeg for a year but never made it to your neighbourhood... I'm starting to think that was a good thing, because the drivers on the U of M campus were insane enough
@27twang 2 ай бұрын
lol y is this all in east kildonan. everyone sucks here
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
Basically Transcona I think. Some are downtown. You should see the traffic in the Maples! LOL!
@gibber1600 Ай бұрын
I might be the last person in Manitoba who still uses my signals!!!!
@henrysinclair5914 Ай бұрын
the one on gateway is a horrible intersection, and the lights dont make any sense, gateway and munroe specifically 4:20 to be fair that traffic is moving so slowly it would piss me off too
@Dylan-xs2bv Ай бұрын
Too many left lane hogger in winipeg. many drivers drive on the most left lane at 10+ km/h below the posted speed limit. They don't know the slower traffic should stay in fucking right. Most traffic jams in my morning commute are not caused by accidents, they are caused by left lane hogs,
@IsaacPiezac Ай бұрын
The worst is when two are side by side doing 70 in an 80 zone, neither passing the other. I always see someone else tailgate one of them so close, I kind of have to laugh even though that is dangerous to tailgate. I don't tailgate, I just let the driver of the black pickup truck do it for me 😂
@RobynMOram Ай бұрын
I visit often from Ontario and get anxiety before my trip every time 😢 it’s never just a normal driving experience in Winnipeg
@randomcanadaguy Ай бұрын
Lol, not sure how the drivers are over in Ontario as I’ve never driven there.
@RobynMOram Ай бұрын
@@randomcanadaguy they aren’t any better in the cities but I live in a pretty rural area so it doesn’t compare lol I’m just used to chillin
@deanson5 Ай бұрын
The worst part is they don’t care! Also live in this area and want to see if I made the cut😂
@TURVY27 2 ай бұрын
Theres a reason why i use Rapid Transit. Its worth the risk for the people you might see on board and you wont have to deal with these idiots
@randomcanadaguy 2 ай бұрын
No doubt. I remember taking transit all the time to downtown when I was younger and felt very safe with no one ever causing trouble. I can’t same the same nowadays with transit.
@carqzs Ай бұрын
gateway road is crazy i legit got asked if i do coke from a car while i was riding my shitty lil bike
i swear turning lights dont last long enough for winnipeggers. once its yellow therell be like 4 people who still try to squeeze out a turn
@user-xi5qt7zs5w 3 ай бұрын
which is why i am so glad to bike walk or take the bus everywhere but i must admit the drivers and i are pretty good to each other
@randomcanadaguy 3 ай бұрын
Good safe choice on your transportation methods lol. Well not sure on the biking part but I don’t bike so I wouldn’t know what it’s like biking in the city.
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
Cycling can be VERY dangerous, more so than driving. I rode my bike to work and school for 4 years before I could drive. -Cars turning right will very seldom consider a cyclist about to cross. They move faster so they are harder for drivers to anticipate. That's why it's safest to get off your bike and walk across an intersection. -And about cyclists crossing? It's actually illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk, though the police don't enforce it. If you're a law abiding citizen who uses the roads, taking a main thoroughfare like Main, McPhillips, Notre Dame, Henderson Highway, Pembina Highway, etc. Are putting their lives on the line. Drivers will often recklessly pass cyclists in the same lane, which they are not supposed to do. If on their phones, they may not notice a cyclist and crush them. -If a car hits you or you hit a building, there is obviously no impact cushioning like cars have. So in a collision, you WILL lose the fight. Of course, between a car and bike, the driver would surely be unscathed while the cyclist will likely be mangled all over the road. -And in a collision if you go flying, the bike may go tumbling with you, in which case the bike is now a weapon out to destroy you. And if your leg or something gets stuck between frame bars while tumbling, say hello to broken bones. -And last but not least, in the winters of Winnipeg, unless you have buff tire treads, cycling on the road is asking for a ticket to the morgue. Despite me taking it slow much of the time, I've rode in the winter one heck of a lot, and even with sand, a bike's grip is no match for the grip of a car. It's easy to flop over on a bike in such events and helplessly slide across the road as drivers pray to come to a stop before they crush you. And unfortunately in the winter, that may not be likely. And of course no air conditioner, so if you're stuck without proper clothes in 40 below, have no money for the bus and need to take a bike, then you're taking a chance to get any of the many chilly negative health effects that all you Manitobans know about. And this is why I have a heightened respect for people who are stuck with bikes as their top transportation. Car drivers are spoiled in comparison. Don't need to push through the wind of 40 below on your absolutely stinging face, just need to sit your butt on a cozy seat, push your foot down on a pedal, turn on the heat, so comfy, lovely and posh. Car life. That's why with great power comes great responsibility. Many drivers take their comfortable luxmobiles for granted.
@Ithinkiwill66 3 ай бұрын
Gateway is a crazy roadway, that is seperated by the huge center split, because use to be a railroad yard....this is why the intersections are split, and makes traffic backed-up from both sides.....I do not know if those intersections will ever get solved...even if they have traffic circles ( in my opinion they are worst, since people don't know how to yeild to those in the circle ) these will still not really solve the problem.
@randomcanadaguy 3 ай бұрын
Those roundabouts will make traffic backed up even more with so many people not knowing how to use them. It’s crazy how many people I see stop at the roundabout at molson and grassie thinking it’s a stop sign.
@evictioncarpentry2628 3 ай бұрын
​@@randomcanadaguyNot true. Round abouts work perfect in the cities I've lived ,but that's because they build them correctly. Winnipeg has no clue how to build infrastructure properly. That city is 50 years behind every other major Canadian city in roads & infrastructure
@randomcanadaguy 3 ай бұрын
@@evictioncarpentry2628 I agree, we are so behind in our infrastructure.
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
I say they should just rip it all up, make it into just one road and have it two times wider. More intersections just makes more gridlock. The twin-road design is completely unnecessary to my knowledge in this day and age and could be focused into a simpler system.
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
@@evictioncarpentry2628 More like 50 years ahead, because the way of the future is to make things worse. :’3
@OutdoorEdventuresCanada 3 ай бұрын
And all of this boils down to Winnipeg disbanding their traffic unit in favor of photo enforcement. That's the whole point of a traffic division. Enforcement... Ahhh but photo enforcement is all about safety after all....
@OGYouTubeEnjoyer 3 ай бұрын
Nah it's just less funding all around. It's the same sht all over Manitoba. I drive an average of 500km a day and might see one RCMP in the entire week. Brandon cops are almost none existent unless it's the start or end of a month.
@ouroboroshansenxavier 21 күн бұрын
1 month ago me and my parents were driving on the road on transcona and we seen a girl in this white car and we were watching her but suddenly she was driving on our lane and we can tell that she was a bad driver cause her car in the back was smashed up🙃
@TheRealTimShady_ Ай бұрын
Sadly, you’ve caught the best of the worst drivers in this video.
@aeveryhawk3036 Ай бұрын
0:45 oh my god I know exactly where this is and I see that exact mistake made at least 3 times a year
@freedoms9961 2 ай бұрын
I'm not sure why but I see the same terrible drivers always in the Elmwood ish area
@randomcanadaguy 2 ай бұрын
Lol, yep see it every day.
@boyangyu7655 7 ай бұрын
I think drivers there are behaving a lot better than the US in 99% cases.
@randomcanadaguy 7 ай бұрын
I agree lol. Makes you wonder if they got their license from a Cracker Jack box.
@boyangyu7655 7 ай бұрын
US drivers are far more impatient, I guess it well explained time is money.@@randomcanadaguy
@evictioncarpentry2628 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, no. I've lived in Winnipeg and all over the US. Winnipeg has the worst roads and drivers I've ever seen in my life and I've put on nearly a million kms driving in the last 15 years.
@GEES44DC Ай бұрын
You ran that stop sign as well. You didn't come to a full stop. You're also bad for not turning your signal on in advance.
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
Quite vague, fella. Which clips are you talking about?
@GEES44DC Ай бұрын
@StatickyCat If you have watched the video it should be pretty obvious.
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
@@GEES44DC I know, you’re right. You’re talking about the civic part at night there. But usually when I mention something in a video I timestamp the moment. Like this: 8:56
@GEES44DC Ай бұрын
@@StatickyCat The comment was for the owner of the video, not anyone else.
@itsmeagain9799 2 ай бұрын
This is only a small clip of one area showcasing bad drivers. It’s everywhere!!!! I need a dash cam. You should even record Pedestrians too walking out in front of vehicles. It’s that damn stupid mentality, “I have the right away”. Yes you do at control intersections and crosswalks. I blast my horn. Yet here are these same individuals teaching their offsprings how not to properly use the roadways.
@randomcanadaguy 2 ай бұрын
I know, bad drivers all throughout the city. Don’t matter where you are driving there will be a bad driver lol.
@Brahmdeepj 2 ай бұрын
Any particular dashcam you recommend for Winnipeggers? Do you take store them indoors during heat/cold or leave them connected?
@randomcanadaguy 2 ай бұрын
I leave mine connected all the time. If you want a good one that’s not overly expensive look into the viofo a119 on Amazon.
@darkalman Ай бұрын
10:05 Truck turns right on red with a "do not turn right on red" sign clearly visible
@henrysinclair5914 Ай бұрын
the city abuses those signs, really no reason for that intersection to have one
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
I see you must go around Transcona a lot. I'm a Garden City person. I only been driving for like 1 year and I've already grown out of all the failed practices of the drivers you shown. But 3:22 is tight because the sun was in their face, which is highly overwhelming when driving. They should have just waited there to observe the traffic before driving out of that parking lot. Oh, and I guess I'll talk about a few other ones too. 2:05 People pulling out of parking spaces while traffic is passing by is pretty common, I did that once pulling out of my driveway because I was in a hurry. I guess I'm pretty stupid. 1:17 Not everyone seems to be familiar with the order of one-way streets including myself. MPI's training does not thoroughly cover one-way roads despite the fact a miscalculation of traffic flow can be very catastrophic! Once I was driving down Alexander eastbound and didn't notice that I was supposed to turn right onto Princess street. I went straight, and I'm dang lucky the traffic wasn't busy, because I had time to notice and pulled into a parking lot to correct myself and go the right way. If it was busy at the time, that would have been the end of me existing for a good reason. 4:11 See, if I encountered a driver cutting me off like that, I would have been fighting the urge to pit maneuver them and send them rolling into the ditch. Sure people can make mistakes while driving, but that driver was being a total shithead on purpose. Looked like he was gonna try to go onto the curb to pass the person in front of him when it went down to one lane too. Which I've seen someone do that once by the way. And heck, once I couldn't brake fast enough in the winter, so I used the curb to stop! Definitely an ass way to drive, but given the choice it's better than hitting a person. 5:15 Truck drivers gotta chill in the winter. Just because you're in a truck or an AWD or whatever doesn't mean you're impeccable on the ice and snow. Is it just me or is it mostly the trucks and SUVs responsible for aggressive driving? I like to see them on the side of the road like that because they deserve it! 5:45 I know it's beside the point, but that's not a Honda Civic, that's a third-gen Chrysler Sebring. And running stop signs? Don't make me laugh, now. :3 6:37 No-Left-Turn signs are random as hell. They put one on Inkster and Main street so you can't turn left onto Inkster from Southbound Main Street. But you can turn left onto Cathedral both ways despite the fact there isn't even a lane to go into so you don't get into people's way. These signs apparently have been showing up only in recent years in less necessary areas to ticket drivers. The one here is understandable because someone turning left there could be jeopardized by a person coming the opposite way and the railroad tracks block your view a bit. Otherwise, I don't understand why a driver shouldn't legally be able to turn left there. You should have just went into the right-hand lane. 7:10 By that time their light would have been red a long time ago, so they're technically running a red light. Yup, people do that a lot too. Turning left onto Route 90 from Inkster during rush hour really gets drivers' gears grinding in the same way. 8:02 crucially, he didn't signal while switching lanes either, as he technically switched lanes to go around that car. Signaling while in the corner is useless, fella should know that turn signals are just that... Turn SIGNALS. To signal to people before you're turning! Bruh. 9:53 I think that wasn't his ignorance to you coming, but rather him taking it for granted that you were gonna slow down for him after an indecisive prelude. 10:29 I love how after a second, he was like "OH SHI-" And quickly retreated. Also the truck at the very beginning of that clip did an illegal right turn, brud wasn't supposed to turn right at a red light. 11:12 DUKES OF HAZZARD! YEEEEEHAAAAW! They're gonna wear out that car fast. 11:29 I actually forgot oncoming-lane overtaking existed. Either way, that zany driver was shaking hands with the grim reaper. And not for himself to die... 12:05 In a hurry, hasty, angry, or just drunk? Either way, *That was some undercover BMW stuff there.* 12:40 "You know what? I'm too dang old to obey the law anymore!" I love the extra long hesitation of the red light before he actually decided to run it. Like there was some galactic-brain processing to his decision. Sorry if I texted your whole brain off. I love seeing local content like this in the same city as the one I live in, really puts home onto the internet, eh? Hehe. I like the simple editing in this where you just explain what the driver did wrong. No silly intro, no silly outro, no fancy-shmancy transitions, just focused on the driving. I'd love to get a dashcam to record this same action on the hectic roads on the other side of the city, like the disastrous McPhillips and Leila intersection, Route 90 and Inkster, Inkster and Main, Burrows and Keewatin, or... Hoho... Jefferson all the way from Adsum to Sinclair. When you catch fender benders, wheel peels and bumper blunders, it's scary in the moment, but fun to look back on. Thanks for taking all the effort to record and compile this, it's everybody's responsibility to keep the roads safe, so let's all make those idiots aware to either get their stuff straight or stay off the road! Cheers! Maybe one of these days you'll see me in my Tan Subaru Outback drifting in the snow so you could point me out, then I could be the Winnipeg Five-Star. :333333
@unslited Ай бұрын
winnipegan viewers 👇
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
I'm Winnipegan and I didn't hit the like button, I'm swag like Ohio.
@TerryCristopher 2 ай бұрын
I notice a lot of suv’s that think their Baja trucks and no one wants to stop on the tracks, I go there and I’m like let me off the tracks in a red light ffs! Lol
@saltycanadian6190 2 ай бұрын
As someone from winnipeg I’ve been pulled over a lot for having a modified car. I’ve never seen a cop pull someone over for a leaking exhaust manifold, rusted out muffler, broken suspension, smoking exhaust. Yenno, what the VIU is actually for. I now just roll around with pictures of the dot numbers for the after market parts I installed on my car. After I installed them obviously, then stapled those pictures too the receipts for the parts that also show that they are road legal and DOT compliant. Now when ever I get pulled over I hand over license, registration, and the packet of proof that I have a street legal car. Yes it’s loud, yes it’s fast. But fuck you.
@randomcanadaguy 2 ай бұрын
I know, I’ve seen rust buckets that should not be on the road and definitely wouldn’t pass safety.
@saltycanadian6190 2 ай бұрын
@@randomcanadaguy yet because I have an ewg and catback that shoots flames I get pulled over. Oh no! The vacuum in my car that makes it move is loud like the vacuum in people’s homes. It’s almost like a cars engine needs to breathe to last longer. Yeah my car is modded, but it still gets driven at the limit or below.
@Pixxelll 2 ай бұрын
@@saltycanadian6190you’re getting mad at something you caused yourself lol. Quit whining, if you didn’t want that to happen you shouldn’t have went overboard with mods
@saltycanadian6190 2 ай бұрын
@@Pixxelll I didn’t go overboard, all I did was perfect the fuel burn so that only CO2 and H20 come out the exhaust pipe. But you nothing about cars, so you don’t even know that the oem car you get can be modified to get better fuel economy, and fuel burn efficiency. Which has the side affect of making the car faster, and louder. A Silverado that is completely oem won’t last as long as a Silverado with an intake exhaust and tune. We are assuming the trucks are driven the exact same and have had all the exact same maintenance performed. The modified truck will last longer. As long as you don’t beat the crap out of it like most truck owners do. Regarding my own car, yes my car is loud, but it’s better for the environment than a Prius. Especially because of the battery in the Prius costs 300 lives just to mine the lithium and cobalt. You also can’t recycle an EV battery, they expire and because it turns into a bomb with the explosive force of about 3 tonnes of tnt we stack the cars in graveyards and leave them to pollute the environment. Electrical car fires are almost impossible to put out, you can submerge an ev that is on fire in an Olympic swimming pool. The car will relignite while submerged a minimum of 3 times in a 30 day period. It’s my property how about you shut the duck up and keep your Karen mouth shut. And remember you never know who you’re fucking with, so don’t ever think about touching a car that looks modified. Even if the owner just riced the car out, don’t touch it and don’t talk shit about it in front of the owner. The likely hood you’ll be punched right in the face is very high. Car guys don’t take well to assholes like yourself.
@saltycanadian6190 2 ай бұрын
@@Pixxelll also sounds like you don’t have the income to own a 45 grand car, then to spend another 60 grand building the engine and transmission. Broke pleb
@gato38 3 ай бұрын
I live in this area as well and I see people pulling this shit all the time.
@randomcanadaguy 3 ай бұрын
Yep, it’s crazy knowing some people have licenses.
@perdiddlepanskew8018 Ай бұрын
What was the honk for at 2 minutes, except to startle pedestrians? Rude!
@randomcanadaguy Ай бұрын
The Honda civic on the left was backing up. I wanted to make sure he didn’t keep going as it does not have a backup camera.
@unique8637 3 ай бұрын
Winnipeg is the worst driver's they just don't know it
@fireinastorm 3 ай бұрын
Are we sure this is Winnipeg Because it's pretty quiet the peg is not quite lol
@natthaphonnoble2407 Ай бұрын
Winnipeg IS QUIET
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
I live here and it's quiet to me, lol.
@taylorh7155 16 сағат бұрын
I'm just here to make sure im not in these
@melplishka5978 Ай бұрын
It’s amazing how many Winnipeg drivers can’t frikin read ffs.
@lookabomba32 Ай бұрын
I came here to see if my sorry ass made it on KZbin...for the wrong reasons
@FirewoodEnjoyer69 2 күн бұрын
In winnipeg?? ... yup.
@foxgaming1084 2 ай бұрын
I Can’t believe I was born there
@randomcanadaguy 2 ай бұрын
Lol, sometimes I regret that myself.
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
The traffic here may not be sunshine and roses, but this city still has a special place in my heart. Traffic isn't the only thing that makes a city of course.
@melplishka5978 Ай бұрын
Don’t you just love driving in friendly Manitoba lmfao. Especially Winnipeg.
@igronDC 2 ай бұрын
Lol no turn on red sing and he went on red lmao
@randomcanadaguy 2 ай бұрын
I see that so many times. Either they are oblivious to the sign or I think some people know you can’t turn but they do it anyways because they are in a rush and don’t want to take the longer route.
@Trivonious 2 ай бұрын
It didn't help when the city decided not to put down salt for like a month and let all the snow freeze and thaw out then freeze again.
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
Yeah, last winter it was nuts! My AWD Subaru could barely even handle it. Kept on drifting by accident.
@Ponchoblatz 2 ай бұрын
I live 100 km away from Winnipeg
@Moonshine_Menuka 3 ай бұрын
I bet Winnipeg drivers make you a better driver…. What kind of camera do you use?
@randomcanadaguy 3 ай бұрын
I use a Thinkware q800 pro.
@baldforty5793 Ай бұрын
I think my friends cousins dog walkers aunties shrimp barnacle twster is in here !! i say i saw that little green car of it's but i can Never be too sure!!! TOo muny in winnnipag
@onemarkwolfpack Ай бұрын
i'll bet all these clips is from one day lol
@Idontmakeanything 3 ай бұрын
Just go to Route 165 or 80 because the traffic there is so horrendous, you could fill videos quick! 😮
@auntonera1xtattoo 6 ай бұрын
Keep it up
@gadgetstudent1190 3 ай бұрын
Am i here
@RudyjrMast-lr8bd 2 ай бұрын
Worst drivers in Canada !no common sense😢
@ChrisTopher-gd8xh Ай бұрын
Come to the maples if bonkers
@AngelofDeath333 2 ай бұрын
Take a trip to Steinbach, you’ll get a lot of videos
@randomcanadaguy 2 ай бұрын
I usually only go to steinbach to golf. Drivers there are terrible too lol?
@AngelofDeath333 2 ай бұрын
@@randomcanadaguy it’s comparable to that of Brampton Ontario
@brodieallard6638 Ай бұрын
This is what you get when soooo many immigrants come to the city and are handed a license to drive. MPI, i'm sure has seen their collision rates go through the roof in the last 5 or more years. Small motor vehicle accidents are one thing but there also handing semi trucks over to these same new bad drivers.
@randomcanadaguy 27 күн бұрын
I agree, that’s why if you ever see a semi training vehicle or x company semi driving school on the road, you can usually assume correct who’s going to be behind the wheel.
@robertross513 Ай бұрын
I drive 8 hours a day. This is nothing. You're not very good either, don't anticipate anything that could happen, are inconsiderate to other drivers and force drivers into worse situations than coups have been out of spite.
@StatickyCat Ай бұрын
He says in his description that he knows he's not a perfect driver either. Whether it's a bad driver or not, road safety is everyone's responsibility. All the mistakes he pointed out were reasonable to criticize. The most important part of the video is to account for all the mistakes and learn from them.
@Stefan-ut8ff Ай бұрын
trying hardly to drive badly, still not on your show ... disappointing
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