It's really good! Maybe a touch too much head bob? And perhaps the right collarbone could come up slightly. Really like it though! You should post this on SFMbox so people could use it in their videos.
@Riddla2611 жыл бұрын
I agree with a tad too much head bob, maybe a little more side to side head sway and a slight reduction of the bob would benefit in the realistic department. Apart from that it's pretty good, though the legs move underneath the body, it doesn't really look like the legs are supporting the rest of the system (torso, head etc) so maybe a little more impact on each step?
@willhvids11 жыл бұрын
Hey thanks! It took me quite a while perhaps longer than 5 hours because it's the first time I've tried to do a realistic walk, I spent A LOT of time watching walks of all kinds in slow motion.
@Daucus11 жыл бұрын
I think it looks really good for the TF2 world. nice work :D
@willhvids11 жыл бұрын
Hmm not so much for silly walks because a cartoony silly walk doesn't require so many mechanics and I can just add arcs to everything i.e the hand from the furthest distances apart would just swoop down in a smooth ease in/out motion, but for realistic it's quite a lot different, I'm working on the second version taking all the information into consideration and I might have it up tonight.
@Wazgrel11 жыл бұрын
This is amazing! How long did it take to make it? I've never been able to achieve anything even close to this!!!
@SillyMakesVids11 жыл бұрын
His body bobs up and down too much, making his walk inefficient in a practical sense. Also, as Max already said, the knee should be straight when the foot lands. Nice work. :D
@ExtremeMuffinz11 жыл бұрын
The fingers looked like they twitched a little, but otherwise great job!
@willhvids11 жыл бұрын
Hmm animate two steps starting from contact on either the left or right foot, then end it on the second up pose on the same foot, then you would need to copy all the keys of every part of the body EXCEPT the keys that move him forward (probably Z axis), then you would need to go back to all the Z axis keys and copy paste them WITH CONNECT MODE ON (right click graph editor).
@holycrapitsacreeper11 жыл бұрын
if i was to animate like your walk tutorial can i copy and paste the keyframes to make the walk last longer? how would i do that?