Wiping a 4 - Man Squad's Legs with the Vector - Escape From Tarkov

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@fenris.507 2 ай бұрын
I wanna say this I think the one thing this game nails perfectly is the voice lines for the PMC's and their death sounds, or getting injured. Genuinely think they sound so good 😂
@jaidenknight1160 2 ай бұрын
I think it was 41 who recorded his pained voice lines by stepping on legos in his house.
@coachnosey2224 2 ай бұрын
1:55 was a fantastic take by Tony. As a casual myself that’s exactly how I felt. I got to Lv 40+ for my first time this wipe and stopped playing around April. Now I can get on PVE and progress on the game at my own pace
@pawelunikow1563 2 ай бұрын
I got 40 lvl on one week od playing bro 😂
@Splinnee 2 ай бұрын
@@pawelunikow1563 You're not a casual player bro. lol.
@StadiumGames 2 ай бұрын
without investing 500+ hours you cant reach end game its torture. feels like World of warcraft level of commitment
@dqrkened6983 2 ай бұрын
@@pawelunikow1563 while playing 8+ hours a day lol
@alexdepauw5604 2 ай бұрын
That was the first real solution I've heard that would actually help balance the game. But it's to late in my opinion, I mean they would have to get rid of PVE as well.
@slammin.5432 2 ай бұрын
Tony reminiscing on Reserve really hits, the map is so dead nowadays 😢
@lilbruh1151 2 ай бұрын
Last time I found the game fun was before ammo droprate and removed from flea changes, when I could find Igoliks from time to time instead of them being like the holy grail and could sell them or buy them from flea if I wanted to. Tbh top tier ammo was not the problem, the problem came when they started limiting mid tier/ even low tier ammo to higher lvl traders would be locked like ap 6.3. Like who in their right mind working for BSG decided that MAGNUM BUCK should be LVL 3 JAEGER. How did buckshot go from insta unlock at lvl 2 after 1 task to lvl 22 and all jaeger tasks needed for lvl 3 rep. It is just anti fun bcs it gave lower lvls a chance to kill more geared players with well place shotgun shots. Magnum buck was perfectly fine being a low lvl unlock, especially after they nerfed limb damage and added armor masks. Every loser will tell you that you are just bad, but the game was way better when "found in raid" didnt exist. That is how you make the game fun for casuals again by letting people turn in items for quests even if they didnt survive the raid they found it in. Atleast the majority of quests in the game should not be found in raid required, like why does the food i get for jaeger need to be found in raid, 1 wipe it took me 70 raids just to find the noodles required and I only died with 1 but got so unlucky with the rng. I remember being able to casually play the game and still be able to kill sweaty players with better gear when I made a good play. Now it is just facemask spam against my shitty bullets that can't pen it and most engagements are either 1 taps or 2 people tanking infinite hits.
@OrdinaryApprentice99 2 ай бұрын
I think you mentioned exactly why Shotgun ammo was nerfed to jaeger 3. Back then, the shotgun meta was a big issue. Nowadays i would welcome it to increase the difficulty of the game overall. Especially towards end tier players who have everyrthing already and are able to one tap every person in the lobby. Timmy's dont really have a way to fight back anymore but well placed shots to the thorax.
Why you yapping? You have no fir for flea now but for quests. Alreay ez for flipping stuff
@ocoolwow 2 ай бұрын
​@@UKRAINIANUSEC you are observing a turbo loser in their natural environment. Notice how the level of whininess increases as the rant progresses.
@pawelunikow1563 2 ай бұрын
Skill issue
@DeformedPie 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I feel like this armor update in particular eliminated a lot of the skill gap to Tarkov and pushed it down an even more meta road.
@Tzhz 2 ай бұрын
If flea was unlocked level 1 it would mean you don't have to quest and can just play the game. I also think starter quests need to be added to more maps, keep them the same but have collection quests like Jaegers Note be for a random map so missions are easier to complete and less camped/contested.
@TacomaJump 2 ай бұрын
yeah if they made some quests permanent and you can only do them by completing a good amount of normal quests then it would balance out
@TacomaJump 2 ай бұрын
Tasking when it wipes is boring I played pvp for the action and fighting, I play pve now and do tasks cause I know I won’t get wiped atleast let’s hope nikita doesn’t fuck us
@TJ-314 2 ай бұрын
He makes good points, sometimes i cant play for a couple of weeks and then at that point you are screwed lol.
Skill issue
@kenshiro75017 2 ай бұрын
@@UKRAINIANUSEC no life issue
@@kenshiro75017 lol tell me more another 3kd 40sr clown that still try hard and cant get gains
@uriahshepherd8125 2 ай бұрын
@@UKRAINIANUSEC bro, youre the problem w this game lol 40sr isnt even bad like wtf lol people like you talk shit on "casual clowns" but yeah sorry we have lives and dont wannas spend 500h plus a wipe just getting to a level to where we can compete while people like you have no responsibilities and can sit and raid for 12-13h a day. shut the fuck up lol youll never be landmark.
@dqrkened6983 2 ай бұрын
@@UKRAINIANUSEC smooth brain take
@Inflorescensse 2 ай бұрын
I havnt played in couple years or so until now. The recoil changes made it so much easier at low level.
@FishingSGsWild 2 ай бұрын
*Toes* & *Knees* FTW !!
@ajtarzan 2 ай бұрын
Surprised he kept the tac sports over the xcels when he wiped that group
@teaser6089 2 ай бұрын
Well well well, if it isn't Tony the Destroyer
@Slipperie 2 ай бұрын
Wow leg meta looks like a very skilled way to play 🤣☠️
@iiduzme 2 ай бұрын
agreed access to the flea and money would make the game way more accessible
@im_an_eagle2209 2 ай бұрын
5.56 is basically a ghost town for me now because why would i use it when ammo is not accessible
@RocketRusty 2 ай бұрын
feels illegal to be here so fast
@JusFrogginAround 2 ай бұрын
This video is so young Chris Hansen is about to tell you to take a seat 😂
@austinaragon3110 2 ай бұрын
i actually think it should be opposite when it comes to fleamarket and good gear. allow all items to be sold on flea except if it was just bought from a trader like in Arena Breakout. This way, you actually loot the map to sell highly valued gear and ammo on the flea. PVP would also be very valuable as I can sell some chad's ammo again like the old times. Then PVP would be chaotic again as you have to kill your opponents if you want to make a profit on that juicy gear than just hiding like a rat cause fighting is not usually worthwhile.
@Wugti 2 ай бұрын
I had a great time during the Val meta and when they first added inertia. I kinda gave up after all that. Mainly because of cheaters, i kinda quit all FPS games.
@blobbb 2 ай бұрын
If they get rid of flea market restrictions they might as well get rid of the traders. Its useless to have traders if everyone can get everything from flea. A good idea would be to mix the two, and have some items always available from flea at a certain price.
@Dstormm 2 ай бұрын
No one ask for my opinion so I am going to give it anyways: Nikita specifically is holding this game back. He is trying to force what he likes down our throats without addressing the major issues almost everyone voices with the game to some degree. And he does it with such arrogance that you can’t even root for him. It’s sad because everyone sees how Tarkov could become possibly one of the greatest fps shooters of all time but with Nikita’s leadership it is never going to get that polish. There will always be questions about his intentions and just an inability to put up with his smug demeanor and at times, disdain for the very player base that has got eft and BSG to where it is at. I see a decline from here on out, and a rise in SPT and Nikita and BSG subsequently going after that out of spite for not being able to make PvE as good lol. I was never good at the game. Put like 1500 hrs in over 3-4 wipes over the span of like 5ish years and am really bummed that it’s gotten worse from the last wipe I played. PvE was better than PvP for me but even that was wack with all the hugs I encountered (more than in PvP like grenades didn’t detonate, 9+ pmcs on factory, pmc and scav ai dont aggro eachother, etc.) For me SPT is where I’ll be for a while. It’s fun and I feel like in some ways is so much more polished/ personalized than PvE for how I like to enjoy Tarkov. Running bosses at 100% and giving them a squad of guards is fun af
@actualamateur149 2 ай бұрын
Exactly this. SPT allows for mods, and those mods further increase it's overall playability. If they go after SPT they're going to lose a ton more respect from the player base, and lose out on future purchases considering you have to own EFT in the first place.
@simba_cs 2 ай бұрын
the main reason why the game has become the way it has is because BSG continually attempt to walk the line between "hardcore, survival, punishing FPS" and "PvP, looter-shooter, fast paced FPS" there are two different sides of the tarkov community that both want entirely different things from the game, and BSG, in an attempt to walk the line, implement mechanics that also walk the line. perfect example was limiting the flea market, because yes, without limits, the game becomes way less of a grind and even the most casual player can enjoy the perks that come with hitting max traders just via having enough cashflow. the downside is that the game is not nearly as punishing, and (in BSG's eyes) less "hardcore" and too easy. the solution is that they pick a side and lean into it all the way, at least that way the experience is consistent and has some kind of continuity I think unfortunately for players like Tony who like the fast paced PVP side of the game, I think ultimately BSG will decide to lean more heavily towards the survival aspects of the game, they've said before that seeing other PMCs is supposed to be a bit more sparce, but who knows.
@OrdinaryApprentice99 2 ай бұрын
What i view from Tarkov after watching it almost consistently every wipe: 1. People just got used to the game. As viewers such as the players themselves. Once you reach the peak player base, it's known to be hard for developers to find new things to keep the game competetive/interesting in the market EVEN if you're the only one in the genre OR you have been dominating it consistently. 2. Cheaters dug graves for several games i've loved to play. DayZ and basically every high caliber game in the open world survival genre 3. Armor rework -> Also what i kind of hate is the whole mechanic with headsets/without. If that mechanic didnt exist, it would literally not change anything in the gameplay negatively BUT make it more immersive and harder for Rat strats since youre not easy to be heard from 50m anymore IMO. 4. No real variety in gameplay and/or loot. (Looting cars isn't a thing, airdrops are a thing but kind of useless, boss "rework" where especially older bosses got useless etc.) 5. "found in raid" mechanic (should be as Landmark mentioned ONLY for quest items but nothing else) 6. The difficulty of the game hasn't changed ever since it was released. Back then it was known to be one of the hardest games gunplay wise and you had to learn your way through to compete against players. Now it's just you either have fat armor or you run the very top tier ammo, back then even the shittiest ammo would oneshot if you didnt pay attention. 7. Scav system needs a rework. Either allow a bigger amount of scavs overall in the game and/or increase their intelligence. 8. Gun meta needs constant patches to prevent stale fights with the same weapons every fight. People should use weapons by their likings and not by the best current meta. 9. Give WIPE more meaning. Change the maps constantly, give them new obstacles/remove outdated ones and keep it frequent.
@DeformedPie 2 ай бұрын
Every competitive game is going to be unplayable because of cheaters in the next decade or so. BSG has already shown that they do not care about the cheating issue. There are thousands of Chinese people who brag about cheating to each other mid game and compare who's are better. I even found mfs cheating in FALL GUYS ffs, so I doubt any shooter games will ever be cheater free again. PVE or very invasive anti cheat is the only way forward and neither are very appealing to the majority of ppl who wanna fight other real ppl without foreign private companies spying on them lol
@maxthompson3739 2 ай бұрын
that first few mins of PvE rant is literally why i’m level 51 in PvE cuz i don’t have time for all that grinding for it to reset in a few months. This PvP wipe i did reach level 46 with an 8kd but i don’t have that time anymore
@TheSygear 2 ай бұрын
Making a PvP game less hardcore would surely help the cheater problem at least A BIT!
@bset2603 2 ай бұрын
Wipes are the only reason people still play the game. Just wipe more frequently.
@yaboiiitroy 2 ай бұрын
So is wiping the 4 man you absolutely wiping BSG’s knees out for 5+ minutes?
@floomuscw6628 2 ай бұрын
Open flea and being able to drop stuff like hoses in raid again would make me want to play pvp with friends.
@donaldosborne6388 2 ай бұрын
Lmao that was me you just called trash; I got less than 500. Nice dying to the GOAT…. I’m beefsneeze187
@to0ddY 2 ай бұрын
A Game, that needs a wipe to work, is programmed total false. imo
@jay-ti4bt 2 ай бұрын
U heard that from someone lol it's not true
@to0ddY 2 ай бұрын
@@jay-ti4bt hm i played the game for 4 years. But i dont need to play a game, to know that. Tell me other tripple A title, which are wiping?!
@OrdinaryApprentice99 2 ай бұрын
@@to0ddY Rust. And it is damn successful at that. For years, and will be for more years if content keeps getting dropped frequently. The issue Tarkov has is solely by the Developers having too many visions at once, but seemingly either not the resources or wrong teams working on wrong parts of the game. What tarkov needs now is NEW content, new surroundings, new weapons, new ammo, new traders, new quests, more Lootable spots etc. People have been playing the same damn maps for half a decade now. I understand when the game is dropping to no player base when all quests are done. It was a smart move to give the playersr a PVE mode. Im falling in love with it again after 3 years of patiently waiting for it.
@actualamateur149 2 ай бұрын
@@to0ddY A lot of multiplayer survival games have server wipes.
@stug77 2 ай бұрын
Honestly for me wipes are the problem. Maybe it's my dad gamer showing but I'd like to be able to come back to a game where I left off, not give to constantly maintain it just so I can play with my group. I don't think tarkov should behave like a live servie game, or, at least, have the option of permanence.
@high_dadYT 2 ай бұрын
That intro was W takes only goddam
@ParabolicGains 2 ай бұрын
18:00 my man legit saw you and missed the nade /sadsalute
@fiskebent 2 ай бұрын
The state of the game now, where a newbie has zero chance against a kitted out player is bad. You can either change it so newbies can buy better gear or you can change the armor system again. I'd prefer the latter since that makes more guns viable which is more fun. Everybody using the same guns because they're the best against ac6 is boring.
@liutaurasgirdvainis7572 2 ай бұрын
15th video asking to play Last Group Out. The 2D Tarkov.
@tylervolentine1286 2 ай бұрын
I've played 6+ wipes and time is definitely the biggest issue. If you miss the first couple weeks of wipe, it's pointless to play... also the "find x item in raid" quests are maddening. IMO, to improve the game they need: 1. Lower the flea level back to 10 2. Decrease the overall XP needed to level up 3. Remove the stupid "skills" 4. Make everything buyable from traders open on the flea... why can't I buy a mutant off the flea but the SPEAR is everywhere?? 5. Make quest progression easier... don't gate so many behind RNG quests (looking at you Flash drives and MREs) 6. Reduce the availability of high tier armor OR increase the viability of ammo.
@Sennyxox 2 ай бұрын
They let cheaters run rampant so they can sell PVE better. Yeah I said it.
@Inflorescensse 2 ай бұрын
I think recoil skill is gone
@kamalagurunathan 2 ай бұрын
I just want the cheater issue fixed yes the grind is too much still thats where u get the rush when u kill a super kitted guy or land some nasty shots
@arturiosan 2 ай бұрын
@jagmistrz6673 2 ай бұрын
Guys wipe will be soon, but the problems are hackers... so i'm confused and i don't know is any sens to come back to this game after in march i say: fuck this shit, bc i meet flying guy on reserve... They planned to do something with hackers? antyhack? or something or still you have some % to don't meet this shitters and no one care about "normal players"
@kornyusa 2 ай бұрын
i play pve because it doesnt wipe and its relaxing
@masterprediction7353 2 ай бұрын
Their game isn’t even done yet… maybe instead of making a bunch of other game modes and money grabs just finish the game…
@heavenlyeggs6455 2 ай бұрын
Just make flea lv 5
@AOETAUNT 2 ай бұрын
bruh 15 takes like 15 raids
@heavenlyeggs6455 2 ай бұрын
@@AOETAUNT True but for those who can only do 2 or so raids every other day it’s a multi month thing. Even longer if they aren’t the best at the game
@AOETAUNT 2 ай бұрын
@@heavenlyeggs6455 tough luck tell them to go play cod
@heavenlyeggs6455 2 ай бұрын
@@AOETAUNT yeah exactly which I agree with ya 100% , but the player base will decline sooner or later if there is no influx of new players or casuals
@Opachki69420 2 ай бұрын
getting rid of skills is a bad idea, all they need to do is make them actually level at a decent pace and it wouldn't be so much of an issue..
@TheNikoShowTV 2 ай бұрын
I started playing in 2020, and TBH the PvP has never been good at any point during this time. Audio, desync, and just the overall movement of the characters is just bad. The "skill" in winning a PvP fight in Tarkov comes down to Ping abuse, RNG from your gear, and sound abuse. Getting killed feels bad, but getting a kill feels like nothing because the "skill" involved in doing so is basically just abusing bad systems in the game. The reason peeking like a man with your dick on fire works is because if you are fast enough, you can peek a corner and get a quarter your mag dumped before the other player even see's you on their screen. They need to remove intertia, focus on more accurate and quicker player positioning, better overall ping, and better client performance in order for the PvP just to be on par with other shooters out there. Why would I PvP in Tarkov when literally every other PvP shooter feels and plays better than this one. It's why 90% of the people are playing to survive, not fight. Tarkovs uniqueness comes from everything EXCEPT the gameplay and gunfights, which is light years behind the feel of other games 🤷‍♂ Has been since I started playing
@Jason-ko2tb 2 ай бұрын
I only play PVE. I wouldn't play tarkov if it didnt have PVE i do not enjoy PVP, I enjoy the mechanics of the game, i enjoy the gunplay and even the grind. I don't enjoy the wipes and PVP.
@breadrollll4609 2 ай бұрын
The shitty part about PvE is the AI in this game, you have to fight in such a certain way that it’s not fun and if you don’t fight them in that way then you get killed in a ridiculous way. To me this is why PvP of this game is the only thing that makes me want to play but then you factor in the “meta” guns, fighting tactics and cheaters it makes it hard to want to play at all.
@Detman101 2 ай бұрын
Wtf...open the video to that damnable drinking glug-glug-glug noise...
@shadowchild11 2 ай бұрын
nothing should be blocket on the flea, let eveyrone buy everything, why is people so scared about that, cause chads wannabe chads???, so lil timmy cant fucked them up more equially??? +
@shadowchild11 2 ай бұрын
thats exactly what i am saying the game get boring cause all the try hard grind, hackers forced tasks and not flea market, and wipesss , just exactly, get rid of the bullshit, and let everyone able to buy weapons,
@axetogrindproductions4153 2 ай бұрын
i cant make this shit up . the first word from his mouth he is crying .. but still here making money off the game because he cant do anything else
@AOETAUNT 2 ай бұрын
nah this game isnt made for scrubs keep it grindy. casuals can go play legit any other fps
@klokan3071 2 ай бұрын
@rorschach1027 2 ай бұрын
41 Seconds and no comment. Tony Tony Tony. Your losing your audience
@Cav_Reaper 2 ай бұрын
And these types of comments lost their humor a long long time ago, but here you are.
@WickedAllo 2 ай бұрын
haha wow..Your take is just rid of most the stuff that makes the game fun..
@Gunvillain 2 ай бұрын
PVE killed Tarkov. Casuals don't want to play PVP when they can just play PVE, with no risk of cheaters or needing to grind forever just for it to wipe away in 6 months. He's saying that they need to make the base game more casual friendly and loosen up restrictions on certain things. If low level players can buy max level traders items from flea, who cares? It gives them a sense of being on par with high skilled players. Gives them a fighting chance.
@darthsaint7743 2 ай бұрын
bros losing his edge and says the game isn't the same XD age denial is CRAAAZY.
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