Wizard War Magic Xanathar's Guide - Dungeons and Dragons

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@zackbolstad1665 6 жыл бұрын
Alright, this might be a long comment, and if as a new subscriber I feel that I should warn you that I am prone to long comments fueled by cheap boxed wine. If you choose to read this I hope to hear a response if not I do not blame you. I feel I have to comment here as I just recently started playing a war wizard....or rather a fighter 2 war wizard. I think that you are very much missing the point of the war wizard. The war wizard is not an offensive or defensive wizard. The war wizard is a CONTROL wizard. Now my new character is technically a fighter wizard multiclass so that may be a factor in my bias but i'm also waiting 2 levels for things like counterspell and fireball so I think my argument is still valid. The war wizard is not about casting fireball or even casting counter spell. yes counterspell is literally part of the class features but your looking at this in a way that translates to how much damage can i do with 1 spell in 1 round. I think this is wrong. I took a multiclass into fighter for ONE reason.....CON saves ( also action surge is pretty nice to I guess 2 things). I will say that War Wizard at low levels seems kind of meh which is why I took fighter so I could do a bit more in the early game. But whether early or late game I think you are missing what is so good about Arcane Deflection. Arcane deflection is nice when you have to save against an enemy fireball, but its even more important when your trying to maintain your concentration on your Animate Objects spell that just cost you a 5th level spell to cast or the poly-morph into a T-rex. If arcane deflection lets you keep your Concentration of a spell like Animate Objects for even 1 or 2 more turns that equates to more potential damage that casting fireball. The war wizard is not so much the wizard you have on the battlefield to shoot fireballs, you have evocation wizards for that. The war wizard is the wizard on the battlefield that cuts the battlefield in have with a wall of fire that you can be confident will not fall and you can maintain tactical advantage with. The War Wizard is 100% about his ability to keep his spells active. Any sane DM knows that if the wizard is using tons of high level concentration spells that he needs to have his forces attack that player to break that or his battles wont be as exciting. Also I think in a way your underplaying the bonus to initiative from their INT. Take what I put forth above and add the fact that you will probably consistently being at a high initiative.(barring terrible rolls) what if you can start these battlefield altering spells before the enemy even can start to move? Yes to make this type of wizard work you need at least decent states in DEX, INT, and CON so it does require either good rolling or stat building. But this with feats like Alert can mean you can set up how a battle will go down before anyone has even taken damage. I think you kind of downplayed the powersurge like it was worthless. Yes, powersurge does not do that much more damage to your existing spells. But you kept going on about how you had to "waste your reaction" casting counterspell or dispel magic and then "waste" it again to use this........By casting counterspell you're already potentially wasting an enemy spellcasters action that could be a fireball or something much much worse! This is almost a ribbon ability yes.....but its not just a little damage that you dealing, its you denying the enemy a powerful spell to be used on the party AND adding some EXTRA damage to a spell you cast. Finally I want to point out that things like powersurge are not supposed to be super powerful and if it were then this would outshine a lot of other wizard subclasses IMHO. Most of the wizard class features are not THAT great because they get so freaking much else with how many different spells they can find, cast, prepare that their class features can't be too strong or they just outshine every other caster. Despite my rant I really enjoyed the video man, glad I found your channel and I hope I can stick around and watch this channel grow. \m/
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I'm happy for your feedback, brother Zack! Its always nice to hear some counter opinions, how else does one grow! I like your point about keeping concentration and the interplay with terrain control spells, thats a subtlety I hadn't considered. The fighter multi-class also seems to be a pretty common pairing for people who aim to use the War Wizard. I encourage your boxed wine fueled commentary :)
@cmckee42 6 жыл бұрын
Totally agree. Even if you aren't multiclassing the school is really powerful. Most Wizards are going to be about control, and not being able to cast another spell after using arcane deflection is only a problem if you have really short adventuring days (less combat rounds than spell slots). To me, arcane deflection is most useful for maintaining concentration of a spell like polymorph. I'm never going to complain about a weak but no spell slot required shield.
@vaspeter2600 6 жыл бұрын
Slap a hobgoblin race and/or the War Caster feat on top of it and you'll have a focus like nobody's business. Hobgoblins would be quite thematic for this subclass anyway.
@twilight5625 6 жыл бұрын
Zack Bolstad At first I didn't see where you were going with your comment, but now that I think about it, the war Wizard is still a wizard. And wizards tend to be the kind of class that already have a massive toolbox at their disposal. Either way I enjoyed reading your argument.
@draxthemsklonst 6 жыл бұрын
This comment took some concentration. I get what you're saying, though.
@Klaital1 5 жыл бұрын
I think your not quite seeing the point of this archetype, it's the universalist wizard, which instead of focusing on any specific thing, just makes you all round better at casting in general, and it's really amazing, pretty much my favorite wizard. The main thing your using the arcane deflection for is to succed in a concentration check even if you roll badly, and if your already concentrating on a spell, it doesn't matter if you can only cast cantrips next turn, since you already have your big thing going that your concentrating on. And yes it might not give as big ac bonus as shield, but you can do this every turn, without costing any spell slots. Arcane Deflection is a really strong ability. Also I think your kind of looking the power surges from the wrong side of things. Your not spending your spell slots TO get power surges, you get the power surges as free bonus when you counterspell or dispel magic, which are things you would be doing anyways even if you would not have this ability. There is kind of this same deal going with all the war magic abilities, which makes them great, none of them shoehorns you into doing something super specific, but they are all bonuses that you get doing things that you would be doing anyways, making you better at wizarding in general.
@riz3310 4 жыл бұрын
The thing to understand about War Magic Wizards is they’re best used if they’re multi-classed with 4-6 levels of fighter or monk, and played as a front-line tank for the first 2-3 turns (with arcane deflection, durable magic, and shield you can increase your ac to ~25 for a turn or two, more if you have a monk’s agile parry and deflect missiles) who buffs the party’s fighters, forces disadvantage on foes, and then retreats (bonus action disengage from the monk class helps) to provide ranged support. Wizards control the arena of battle, the War Magic Wizard is wonderful at this. Your cantrips should be focused on doing damage, and your spells should be focused around utility and buff spells, with maybe two first or second level attack spells. A nice homebrew for the admittedly underwhelming power surge ability is instead of doing half your wizard level in force damage you do half your wizard level plus your Spellcasting ability (so a level 8 War Magic Wizard could do ~12 force damage). I like playing it like this because it doesn’t really break the game mechanics wise, and includes space for the player to develop their character and scale their class features as they level.
@___i3ambi126 6 жыл бұрын
As someone who typically plays characters from levels 2-6, likes tanks, and hates using non-cantrip spells (a limited resource) as my primary form of damage, I find this to be the only wizard class worth using. With all of the ac bonuses you can quickly reach effective ACs of 18+ as an armorless wizard. The cost for activating the defensive level two ability is basically nothing since my main help each turn during battle would be through my damage cantrip anyways. (I want all of my level spells to be very high utility spells). The entire gold thing most other sub-classes have is typically useless (the chance of me finding spells in my focus and then also getting enough gold to write them down whether or not it's half cost is basically 0%). So balancing without accounting for that is amazing. You have access to the same spells with even more damage very early on. It's by far the best wizard option in the game. This is one of the few options that actually compete with Warlock invocations for use.
@LazyVideosGAME 4 жыл бұрын
I am currently playing one and I will say: They rock. I am currently sporting a +13 to Initiative, soon to be 14. Arcane Deflection saved my ass from an attack once, and MANY times over from Spells or even traps. If you can keep your concentration on Spells like Polymorph, Wall of Fire (or any wall), Slow, Haste, etc. you are already to parties big brain controller. The Level 6 ability is not supposed to heavily increase your damage output. Every Wizard that is proud to be one and studies magic picks at least Counterspell. This just gives you the ability to disrupt concentration of an enemy spellcaster even better. I once did 27 damage with a fireball and 30 to the Caster. Instead of a DC 13 Concentration check it became a DC 15. That is huge. It is not supposed to kill (which is actually something I once did, lol), it is for breaking enemy concentration while keeping your own. Combine that with Mage Slayer (which is currently my goal). Two enemy Spellcasters concentration? Magic Missile with Mage Slayer and Power Surge. Especially on higher Levels. You increase the DC by 5!! on Level 20. That is huge, and it literally costs you nothing that you wouldn't have used anyway (Counterspell/Dispel Magic). Everything else was Spot on, except the Level 14 feature. It is literally what Power Surge does for FREE! Force a concentration check. I love it! Every little piece of it. :)
@jacknimble932 6 жыл бұрын
I definitely feel like the war caster features are built so that if the wizard burns through their spell slots, they're quite survivable until their next long rest.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Thats certainly a strong aspect of the War Wizard as is.
@IDisnotscience 5 жыл бұрын
Jack Elephant I got this feeling from this class as well. Anything to help in long battles and protect me. Running out of spell slots doesn’t worry me as much. And I’m an Elf.
@pyr666 4 жыл бұрын
the thing to compare it to is the evoker. instead of sculpt spell, you win initiative. instead of cheaper spell copying, you get clutch saves, which I think you will agree is better. as a war mage, you then get bonus damage earlier and stronger than what the evoker gets.
@Pupalah 6 жыл бұрын
I think that either the bonus to damage for your surges, needs to either be A) equal to your wizard level B) apply to all targets of your spell (1/2 wizard level) Or C) you can use multiple surges per spell after you see if it is successful. Also possibly being able to regain a spell slot when you counter/drain spells would have been cool, though maybe too powerful Thoughts?
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I like A&B together at the same time, A for single target circumstances, B for spread target circumstances. I also like C, youre saving up whole actions to charge up surges, it SHOULD be high impact when you use it. Your intuition on Spell slots is probably wise. I think theres a reason mechanically why spell slot recovery is so limited across the ruleset, it's probably easy to break the game. :)
@skullsquad900 6 жыл бұрын
I'm playing a War Wizard and from what everyone else has been saying and from my experience it's really a Class made for Multi-Classing, and I completely agree. Though, Arcane Deflection has saved my characters life! If you use Shield you lose a Spell Slot that you could've used for something better. So I definitely don't agree with you there. The boost to Initiative is extremely helpful (especially if you multiclass). It has helped my party as I was able to cast grease on the enemy before they even noticed us making them fall prone, giving everyone advantage on attacks. If they had a torch it catches the grease on fire. If you make your War Mage right (and remeber your more of a Magically Focused Eldrich Knight and less of a Wizard), the bonuses to AC will make you compare to the Party Tank. Yeah, you'll have big spells that you might not be able to cast until towards the end of the battle. But that's because you've been controlling the battlefield for the first half of the fight. Animating 8 Daggers and having them spinning around the BBEG slashing him up - each with 18 AC - while you are casting Counterspell as a REACTION with no spell slot cost, then firing Cantrips that have boosted dmg. Yeah, I've been enjoying it. Kinda have too, as my GM won't let me Multi- Class anyway...
@TitanGamingTV 5 жыл бұрын
I love hearing player success stories. Glad to hear you're liking it James. Thanks for the comment!
@bmonci1 2 жыл бұрын
Yup. Got a Pal2/Hex1/WarWiz9 that went through ToA and is currently doing an up-CRd Dead in Thay. War Wizard is GOAT-level for deadly dungeon crawls, since it basically gives you a resourceless +4 to saves and +2 to AC, and wining initiative to set the terms of an encounter is always preferable for a wizard.
@DarkMatterjack 6 жыл бұрын
I think you're missing the point on a lot of this stuff. You shouldn't be counterspelling just to get surges, getting surges is a bonus to the counterspells you should already be using. Once you're out of slots for the day, you effectively have a permanent +2AC (as an aside, of course it's weaker than shield, it doesn't cost a spell slot). It would be insanely OP if it was an instant pass / make an attack miss, you'd effectively be invincible.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Hey Big Boss. I underplayed the Free nature of the surges in the video, but its definitely a worthy thing to point out. As well as the benefit when you're out of slots for the day -- I'll admit that wasnt an aspect I had considered before filming, but several folks have pointed it out here in the comments. That's why I film these videos as discussion pieces, for you guys to fill in the gaps I miss. Thanks Big Boss!
@DarkMatterjack 6 жыл бұрын
No problem! On a first reading of the subclass I thought it seemed pretty weak too, but one of my players picked it when XGTM was released and it's been going well enough for him to make me rethink. And thanks for replying! It's always nice to see creators engage with their viewers, I found your channel through your Blood Hunter videos (after I started watching CR campaign 2 - guess your video worked!) and I've found your videos super useful for understanding my players' classes and subclasses (I run for a group of 8 so it's a lot to keep in order)!
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Woosh 8 players! What space do you use for that? Thats a lot of humans. Channel your inner Mercer boi.
@DarkMatterjack 6 жыл бұрын
We play in university classrooms! Usually the first 10 mins or so of my setup is dragging tables around lol. It was actually 10 players at one point - I've never been so glad to have people tell me they're too busy for D&D and bow out. AS for my inner Mercer... I'll do my best!
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Do you have supplementary DMs? Or is it all you? I feel like 10 players would start to naturally fray into multiple groups.
@erogames3883 5 жыл бұрын
I think all you need to do to bring this class in line with other archetypes is to house rule that you gain power surges from attacks/spells deflected via arcane deflection as well as dispel/counterspelling. Gives a bit more leeway with use of reaction and allows character to bump cantrip while in melee.
@timothye.2902 6 жыл бұрын
I think you are forgetting the other benefits of the features nor written on the sheet, at least for Arcane Deflection and Power Surge. Assuming AD can be used when you know it will prevent attacks, it becomes a potent tool to maintain concentration on an important spell you have up. +2 AC is probably inferior to just blowing a 1st level slot and casting shield, but +4 to a saving throw is nothing to sneeze at, since there is no long-term cost associated with the ability. It's not something to do every single time you get hit, but it will come in handy, I think. Power surge deals unimpressive damage to be sure, but firstly, it's the least resisted damage type in the game, and secondly, it's essentially free. Due to the unique recovery system, having power surges is somewhat of a negative. You won't gain any on short rest if you have them, and you lose them on long rest. So any time you get one, either by resting or by deleting magic effects, you'll want to dump that damage on somebody immediately. In addition, that damage is free on top of the regular effects of dispel magic and counter spell, two very useful spells. If you counterspell a target, you're spending a 3rd or higher slot, but then deleting that enemy caster's spell...and you get a bit of damage for next turn when you fire back. I think due to the frequency of getting power surges, it's a solid power. It would be nice if it dealt full wizard levels in damage, or half+INT modifier, but I think the point is just to spam them out as quickly as you get them. Edit: the subclass is still bad, it's just not useless.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I'm with you there Mercy, and I should've been clearer in the video. You really aren't sacrificing much of anything to use the features of the class. Free damage is free damage is good damage lol.
@garyco766 6 жыл бұрын
Splash fighter for con and str saves, plate armor and shield, defensive fighting style. Cast haste for 25 ac, 30 with shield spell. Power surge is just a bonus effect for counterspells you are going to cast anyway. Never fail a concentration check. It's a good tank/anti-caster build that can also do all the things a wizard does.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
High ac builds have been a major selling point for this archetype. Thanks for the comment Gary!
@DragonKnightJin 6 жыл бұрын
I'm actually building a Rock Gnome War Wizard that's started with a level of Fighter for Plate Armor and Defense style to be a hardy little b*stard to take out. Been trying to think of a proper backstory and personality for them. Perhaps a 'ghetto' Cleric, without any actual divine magic.
@lukecasey2830 6 жыл бұрын
Thank youuuuuuu. You are the only one who shares my frustration!!!!! The videos wizards of the coast made about the class was flat out wrong in many ways. They said this wizard should be fighting in the front line next to the paladin and fighter. And in the book, theres even a section at the end of the text describing war mages where they poke fun at evokers, saying: "whats the point in casting fire balls when you die before casting them" as if war mages were actually good at front line combat. (when I think of a war mage, I think of an evoker, so I'll compare this archetype to the evoker) The arcane deflection ability is completely overshadowed by the defensive duelist feat, the initiative is cool, the power surge ability is overshadowed by the evokers ability to add his intelligence modifier to damage rolls of evocation spells (evokers can do an additional 5 damage with spells basically always, 20th level war mages do 10 damage, but only if they burned enough spell slots on counterspell), additional ac when concentrating is awesome though, and the last ability is just nothing compared to the evokers 14th level ability. I would say they would have to change arcane deflection so that you have an additional 2ac until the start of your next turn, but you can only cast cantrips (so that not all the fighters come in to get the 2 free ac for a turn), or you can increase your ac by 4 against a single attack and suffer no consequences (+4 on saving throws stays) and power surge should be stackable
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Great minds and all that, Luke. In about a half hour I weigh in on the new School of Invention for Wizards, be sure to hit me with your feelings on that. I spent much of the video comparing to War Wizard, whether I wanted to or not.
@shookds 6 жыл бұрын
This actually sounds interesting to me. I think yes, a lot of the stuff just adds a bit extra damage or survivability, but +2 or +4 can mean the difference between life and death. Also you’re getting FREE extra damage from the surge. You are going to be counterspelling anyway, so it’s just free. The cantrip thing I’m not too sure about, but having to choose between different reactions to use just gives you more options and more potential for strategy.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I think there's some subtle strength here. A number of folks have pointed out about the FREE aspects of the War Wizards bonuses, and free is free is free. I think what I would've liked to see is something that commits a higher level of player agency around counterspell and shield, more than what was listed here. Maybe convert the level-2 reaction ability to something like boosting the effects of the Shield spell, adding the saving throw bonus to the spell effects. Then making surges generate from both Shield and Counterspell. That way you're getting higher surge throughput overall for spells that wizards already rely on heavily for their characters. Something like that, needs further workshopping. Thanks shookds!
@Yachera 5 жыл бұрын
I feel like War Magic if it was maybe retitled would make a great Arcane Sorcerer bloodline vs being a wizard Arcane Tradition. All of the War Magic features feel like if combined with meta-magic, flexible casting, or surges of power like the naturally magical Sorcerer should have since Sorcerers can rely on heavily on cantrips through their other features just feels like something Sorcerers should be able to do. The boosts to saving throws combined with the Sorcerer having proficiency with CON saves means thematically you are the best at controlling your power and channeling your innate power. It would also make power surge more palatable with flexible casting because your spell slots are more fluid. I think it was a misstep to make this a wizard subclass instead of a Sorcerer one. I’d advise anyone to try it out on the Sorcerer class chassis and have a blast
@h-grid3137 6 жыл бұрын
This is literaly only video about this archetype, great vid thou
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Big.
@h-grid3137 6 жыл бұрын
This could be great class to multiclass with Eldritch knight or Arcane trickster. Also I am thinking playing this as Moutain Dwarf, being wizard with decent AC so two more means a lot, also using melee cantrips from SCAG could work after I deflect, I will also talk to DM about charges damaging all targets of spell.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Thats good thinking, Big Mac, especially with the melee cantrip idea.
@JangboFett 6 жыл бұрын
Just tested my warwizard mountaindwarf in a short scenario. Think it will work ok. I use green flame blade with my trusty old warhammer
@ProfDrWarthog 6 жыл бұрын
I've been playing this for about two months now. I started with fighter 3/wizard 2, with the goal of fighter 7/wizard 13, and it's been great so far! I've really enjoyed playing that magical dwarven battlesmith archetype and the mechanics of eldritch knight really fill in a lot of the gaps in war mage.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent :) Holler back with how that level progression feels :)
@BIGFRANKOL75 5 жыл бұрын
I can see why many of you would go the mountain dwarf route, but why not the Envoy Warfogre? I'm doing my character as a Tempest cleric 1 /War wizard 4 right now. With the heavy armor proficiency and shield I have a base 21 AC at this level, plus shield of faith from cleric to make it 23 AC. Now I should not likely be getting hit unless enemies are hitting criticals. If they do hit without critical, the +2 to AC is looking way more useful now, or I take it and thunderous rebuke them. At higher levels my AC starts getting crazy! The low HP still sucks. Also, Force damage is always great!
@wesslhausen825 6 жыл бұрын
With the newly released Mordenkainen's, I'm looking into coupling this with Githyanki. Built in Proficiencies in armor and weaponry, alongside a nice buff to Str. Pick up War Caster, and go to town. Can still potentially multiclass into fighter for the saving throws and shield proficiencies, but as is I think it's fairly doable.
@DerailedTrainofThought 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe make the 2nd level ability a bonus action over a reaction (kind if like patient defence) then make it so the points you get do double your level and the arcing energy is based on your counterspell ability
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Could be some good changes. Would need to see them in use to be sure.
@jemm113 6 жыл бұрын
Looking at this closely, this archetype has one massive plus side: It's actually fucking perfect for an eldritch knight (who starts as a fighter, for sweet, sweet con saves)! With the bonus to attack at level 7, this guy can be a beast, and is especially good in war campaigns with lots of other battlefield wizards (like evokes and abjurors). What's funny is that having another wizard of either school also boosts his use, as he can defend them against enemy counter spells to save their slots, and can probably be a great buffing character, especially since he will only lose his con to a monstrous CR dragon or giant, and he has extra damage from cantrips AND meele attacks, the surge is just extra damage to pepper cantrip targets with, especially enemy, squishy wizards. Taking the War casting feat (love fighters) and that anti-caster feat are super deadly against any enemy spell caster you will ever come across. And take variant human so you can immediately get crossbow expert for close range spells, I seriously hate that there isn't a spell caster focused feat that gives you different bonuses and just make your spells work close range, as supposed to a feat that you waste cause it's not useful in any other capacity.
@Juice0fTheBarley 4 жыл бұрын
I played a War Wizard once, and I'm right there with you on Power Surge. I multi-classed into fighter, so I was able to do the +2 to AC pretty frequently without neutering myself the next round. It worked, but I think honestly you'd be better off spending a spell slot to cast shield. The +4 to a saving throw is really nice, and it can happen a lot out of combat. And Power Surge? I don't think it'd be worth it if the damage were equal to your wizard level. Maybe if it were double or something. There's no reason not to just cast Fireball or literally any other spell that does damage.
@studyingbackground 6 жыл бұрын
Yo Alex, thanks for the videos. I've been watching a bunch of them and found your insight very useful. I've also watched your DM videos. Good job on those ones too. Though, have you considered recording and showing one of your actual DND sessions? You strike me as a well-mannered yet well-grounded bloke/DM. Would love to see some of your DMing in action. Thanks. Have more fun wuddya
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks mate. I have considered it, but there are some production challenges that I need solutions for before I want to engage that kind of content :) Its on the list though!
@charlesmartin6673 6 жыл бұрын
Arcane Deflection can be used outside of combat, so its +4 to a failed save is pretty good when a trap goes off. Otherwise, I only see it being used at low levels when you are out of spell slots, or when you failed a save that is most likely going to take you out of combat.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Good points on out-of-combat uses Charles. Takes some effort to find, but there are some ways to optimize the ability's usefulness.
@cmckee42 6 жыл бұрын
To me arcane deflection is more about being able to maintain concentration. If you have a spell slot for every combat round in a normal day of adventuring, then either your DM is going easy on you, or it is because every combat is super deadly. In my experience, DnD has a good amount of resource management, and this is a good way to help spread out spell usage.
@HighPhoenix1754 3 жыл бұрын
Look at the class features after you've cast Tensor's transformation on a wizard with the feat: Resilient - Dexterity.
@seanheath711 6 жыл бұрын
I play a level 2 (lv 3 next game) War Magic Wizard (human variant) w/the Alert feat and my initiative is +11 lol. Hence, I go first pretty much every time. Natural 20 on initiate =31 and the Dm plus the group was like wth!!! He's fun so far, but I haven't used the deflection yet and I wish i could actually see the roll so it's not wasted.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Abilities involving a blind guess against the roll make me a little peeved (see Great Weapon feat and Sharpshooter). I re-write them for my game table, so they automatically take effect on rolls where it changes the outcome, no potentially wasted decision involved. Holler back with your feels on deflection -- reflections from in-game are key.
@seanheath711 6 жыл бұрын
Titan Bear Gaming I would like you dm'ing then. Honestly I haven't used deflection yet, because I put on mage armor first which gives me a 16 ac, and if I really don't want to get hit I go with the shield spell. Since my dm is making me gamble, a +5 is way better. Therefore, I have been waiting to use it on a save, it just hasn't happened yet. What other feat would you use? Thanks for the help.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
To be honest, raw Dex has some real payoffs for this build. An unconditional increase to AC, initiative, and Dex saves helps keeps you alive across the board. You'll also find that spells with Concentration are a big deal for you, since you'll be building to avoid taking damage at all. Try to emphasize those in your selections.
@jonathangraf7671 5 жыл бұрын
I'm playing AL. At our gaming table, my PC is level 8 War Wizard. The only benefit I've seen is the big + to initiative and +4 to saving throws. Not once has Arcane Deflection paid off in 28hrs of gameplay. It's a gamble if an extra +2 to AC and burns a reaction. With the creatures thrown at us, the DM once even suggested I just use Shield. The Power Surge also hasn't been effective. I've used it after casting Counterspell for a bit of damage, but Dispell Magic often doesn't occur in combat-heavy sessions. So my PC is a wizard without a school.
@danieldosso2455 6 жыл бұрын
My guess is Wizards just wanted to create a tradition to make them a non-glass cannon caster and feel the offensive spell force the wizard learns can be dropped down a bit. I do see your point though as to this being far too costly and some abilities seem contradictory to each other. Definitely seems closer to the Miss on the Hit-or-Miss scale
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Some folks have suggested throwing armor into the mix to help with durability. I think I might agree that the class is skewed pretty far in the glass cannon direction. I wonder if thats a 'feel of the game' kind of thing, that glass cannon has a harder time fitting into the future direction of the game's narrative.
@Fwibos 6 жыл бұрын
Saw it, thinking I'd play a wizard. Immediately noped out and thought: abjurer, evoker, warlock or even sorc with warcaster and an ACTUAL shield was better
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Play what you want Fwibos! Folks have made a case for very high AC builds using this archetype plus fighter levels, but thats about all the appeal I've been able to glean.
@connerdowd31 6 жыл бұрын
So I am playing a war wizard in my campaign and the way I am playing it is by being a more melee focused build. Granted you need 1 level of fighter to get armor/weapon proficiency. I started off as a war wizard and took a 1 level dip into fighter and got the defensive fighting style. So with half plate, defensive, and a shield. I have 20 ac. And then i cast cast haste which gives me a +2 to AC and another +2 because of the 10th level ability. So I have a 24 AC. And then I use green flame blade/booming blade and use that hasted action for another melee attack with my rapier. And then it doesn't matter if I use arcane deflection, because i'm getting good damage through the SCAG cantrips and that makes my AC 26. I also use the war caster feat. (If I had started as a fighter and took the rest of my levels in wizard i could've used plate armor for up to 27 AC and I would have had con save proficiency which I think helps with concentration checks) the only problem I had was with the power surges. I never fought enough spell casters for it to be useful so I talked to my DM and he said that we should just fill the powersurges to the max every long rest, but we havent played with that yet so it may be too powerful. We'll see. Does anyone else think this is a good build? Any thoughts?
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Great build -- awesome example of building to prioritize AC. You could probably guess that I'd dissuade from auto-filling surges, but its more your DM's problem than yours if he turns you into a crazy beast :P
@connerdowd31 6 жыл бұрын
Titan Bear Gaming thanks so much for replying! I've been talking to my DM about it today and we feel that if thats the only way to get surges then I'll be using them more frugally. We are going to see how it works out the next few sessions. :D
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Give it a run, holler back how it plays out!
@xiongray Жыл бұрын
If for whatever reason +4 to saving throws ain't enough, a Diamond Soul Monk with two levels into War Magic has Proficiency AND a reaction for a +4 to all saving throws. A total of +9, +10 at later levels, with a reroll option for 1 ki that doesn't interfere with your Reaction at all.
@JustJake91 6 жыл бұрын
Fairly new to D&D but thought the power surge would be cool if it gave you a number of counterspells equal to you INT mod but instead of being cast at 3rd lvl it's cast at 2nd lvl and you can use expend your extra uses to increase the counterspells lvl to give power surge a little more use but not giving the player TOO many counterspells and limiting how they are used this way
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
That's another good idea Jacob. I think the WOTC guys had a number of ideas floating around in this space -- they just landed on a kind of disappointing one. Its up to us to spice it up!
@Xanderriggs 6 жыл бұрын
I agree that the damage being half your wizard level is anti-climactic, but i think it's probably because if you have enough power surges, you could stack them onto a single spell, and I think this would include AOEs, causing a fair bit of damage. They shouldn't have made it reset though. They should have just said the same as with a short rest, if you end a long rest without any power surges, you gain one. I also think that +2 AC is a little low. maybe instead make it 1 + 1/2 INT Mod rounded up, but there isn't a limit to how many times it can be used, so I'm sure plenty of people see it as a free half-shield spell. Saving a 1st level spell slot from time to time. But at level 10 the war mage essentially has +4 AC and +6 to saves, which ain't bad. I'll be pretty good when you're out of spell slots altogether, so you don't care about being restricted to cantrips. Still the class is what it is, it's up to players now to make it work or not. (BTW, i hadn't noticed when i first read xanathar's, but I think the suggestions for character traits heavily influence Liam O'Brien's character in Critical Role)
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Hey my man -- there's one critical qualifier for using Power surges -- they can't be used more than once on a turn, and it only affects 1 target in an AOE damage spell. Really neuters the power output of the ability.
@88Hyo 6 жыл бұрын
How I would upgrade this: arcane deflection automatically saves or makes an attack miss. You can only use It x times per long rest (like one or two). Power surge it's a bonus action instead of reaction, you can use It x times per short rest (like 2 or 3).
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
It is a tough question to answer. Diversifying the action cost alleviates certain issues but exacerbates others. The 'auto save/miss' would be a one-of-a-kind ability, that would grant a PC-class something like Legendary Resistance, which I think WOTC is disinclined to do. I suspect that violates certain hard-truths about the 5e ruleset. Still I encourage you to try it out! Playtesting imparts wisdom, as they say.
@88Hyo 6 жыл бұрын
Titan Bear Gaming But that's why you can't cast spells on your next turn, right? To counterballance a powerfull ability. But for that to be true, the ability has to be powerfull.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I'm with you there 88Hyo. That was my real complaint about the archetype -- they tried to balance the tradeoff and benefit, but I super don't feel the benefit is worth it. Should've been a different mechanic entirely :)
@LunarFoxfyre 5 жыл бұрын
I have to say sorry but I am about to write an essay. I have a counter-argument for this just because I am just getting to this video. So recently I made a war wizard because it sounded like fun, also being a DM as well as been playing D&D since 3.5 I got excited. So to argue arcane deflection, I see it as a reaction choice. My current variant wizard has an 18 in dex so he has a base AC of 14, add mage armor 17 ac. Now my character has the choice of either adding a little protection for those small hits or shield for those big hits really depends. Now here is where my character as a war wizard comes into play. Can only use cantrips? Awesome! With green-flame blade, as well as booming blade, depending on how you want to use those cantrips I will be using my staff because my DM ruled it is silly for a wizard to have a staff focus and not have it be a quarterstaff as well. I gave my character the polearm master feat. It is great because now you can get attacks of opportunity if a creature is leaving or approaching you. Also, I have this thing I do where after I got the warcaster feat now I can hit them, cast booming blade then on my turn disengage back away and it starts all over again if the creature is smart enough to figure it out. Now the power surge, think of this you are on the frontline and you can only get your cantrip off. Power surge that green-flame blade or booming blade. Now you might ask how can I do this with booming blade. The ability to use a power surge with a spell isn't stated that it has to be on my turn so there is that Plus on your turn if you hit with your staff you can hit with the other end for 1d4 damage meaning booming blade and green-flame blade you are still attacking with a weapon cantrip then you still have your bonus action to hit with 1d4 if it is on your turn that is. I will be giving him tavern brawler just because of his flaw but I mean come on how cool would it be to hit someone with a barstool and cast green-flame blade? Durable magic I am very much pairing this with shadow blade. This character is meant to be interesting anyways. As for the last ability deflecting shroud, I very much like the thought of dealing damage to creatures as I am getting hit every little bit counts. On top of that all this damage is force damage there isn't really much resistance to it and almost no immunity to it so that is guaranteed full damage. Please do tell me, what do you think? Also I have to say it might help to have context, in my DMs world magic has only been around for like 100 years so there is that.
@Wanderingsage7 6 жыл бұрын
It seems like they have two wizard subclasses in a single one, and ends up lackluster. Like, why not just add int to your ac and saving throws with the deflection? Listening to this video... yeah, bladesinger seems better in every way.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Its definitely a complicated class-archetype pairing. WOTC has mentioned that the sheer power of spells and the power-gain from the spell-level/slot system make it hard to give the Wizard class anything of substance in its archetypes. I think the community has some good ideas for the war wizard though -- I might take a stab at writing a custom war wizard to sate the interest.
@yarrbee7477 6 жыл бұрын
So, the only argument I can create FOR arcane deflection is that it ONLY uses the reaction (whereas Shield uses your reaction AND a first level slot) so by taking this class one could argue that the first level slots are safer from being used up... that’s not enough to fully justify the lack luster effects
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Still, a worthy observation. Thanks Ryan. We had another comment that it still works even when you have ZERO spell slots remaining, possibly further adding value. Love the discussion we're getting on this.
@yarrbee7477 6 жыл бұрын
Titan Bear Gaming additionally, wether we like it or not, this is pretty much the only Wizard tradition that gives a combat element. The others give the character something to outside of the combat during rest, but this adds a choice that the character has during a fight. So I might try to argue that, as far as combat, this tradition scales faster in the early game for the combat and less so for the role playing.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Also a worthy observation my man.
@claduke 6 жыл бұрын
I guess this might be the type of gamer I am, but seeing a subclass that everyone seems to universally dislike, makes me want to find a way to make it work. The Eldritch Knight (a subclass I thought I would never play) suggestion as a multiclass is a great idea that I have heard in these comments.
@HighPhoenix1754 3 жыл бұрын
Late to the party, but currently playing a Dragonborn War Magic Wizard. Honestly? It's a control wizard with excellent survivability and lots of free options. Tensor's is definitely my favorite spell.
@mintcey 5 жыл бұрын
Xanathar's Guide: Guide on how to make spell book cooler. Me: Makes spell book a yellow 3 ring binder for nerdy wizard.
@knightghaleon 6 жыл бұрын
I’d like to see the surge do damage equal to your wizard lvl. A wizard revs up in strength in later game and being able to stack 20 extra points to an attack would help create a reason to go 20 lvls in.otherwise this seems like just a dipping class for Say a fighter with the intelligent swordsman feat or a rogue with the same thing. Yes some low level spells and the ability to add a little more surge damage to sneak attack or a weapon attack. Idk.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I'm with you here. Seems like SOMETHING is missing from the layout as is. The tough part is I'm sure WOTC has math to support the current damage statement, I just think people wont WANT to give it a try as its defined.
@SimonGrandell 6 жыл бұрын
I whould say that the wizard spell list with powerfull controll concentration spells are more than adequate reason to go 20 levels in.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I think this is part of the perceived trouble, Simon. I think WOTC has tuned the spell list to exemplify the wizard damage curve so much so that Wizards dont need any extra boost from class features. The power is already there, its just spread among the spell options at hand.
@SimonGrandell 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah if they want to kill stuff they can use spell slots for damage no problem. But it baffles me when people call this just a dipping class i whould probably have taken this if it was availible when i choose my archetype for my current wizard. I took the abjuration wizard for arcane ward(to help with keeping concentration) and better conterspell/dispel magic i also took the feat alert with the idea that spells that makes the opponents useless are better if you cast them before they start hiting your party. And then i choose spells that messed up my opponents instead of damaging them and the common thing about that kind of spells is that they almost always require concentration. So when an archetype came that just gave me the things i valued the most for a control wizard (initiative and good concentration saves) and people just said it's just a dipping class or it's weak i was surprised to say the least.
@knightghaleon 6 жыл бұрын
I think the people who are considering this a dipping class are the kind that want to mix it a melee character like an Eldritch Knight or Bladesinger. That might also be why they want more damage from the surge. If they plan on splitting it 10 lvl war wizard/10 lvl Eldritch Knight, now not only can they counter spell casters around them as they leap into the crowd, but they can make them pay for it by stacking damage. And stacking the damage to equal your wizard level would better make up for how many slots you dedicate to counter spell to pull this combo off. I'll admit I didn't consider this in combination with a control wizard. A lot of people who see the legendary resistances of boss monsters who can shake off effective control spells tend to back away from illusion and other schools of magic in favor of more damage. Even if the boss makes the save for a lightning bolt, being able to stack more damage still means more damage on that boss.
@thenovicedm7966 5 жыл бұрын
I think the +2 AC is enough of a boost since most mages use Mage Armor as well. If the wizard decides to use armor then it bolster that "war fighting" wizard guise. More than adequate compared to the Eldritch Knight or those more suited for physical fighting round to round. If you lost the ability to cast ALL spells (cantrips or otherwise) then it would be totally broken...but the Cantrips are bread-n-butter for those moments when the Wizard needs a "boost" to their defense if they are engaging in combat. Thematic it's great....but the War Mage isn't a fighter/mage multiclass PC. Or is that the intent ? Is there a fighting style that adds to Initiative or grants a +2AC with +4 to SAVES as a reaction ?
@TheMandalore4 6 жыл бұрын
A new channel! Yay! I just started my channel too... if only I had your production values :'(
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Welcome Brian!
@kingkleb 6 жыл бұрын
Man, I was looking forward to a Gandalf Wizard class. Little sad it lacks luster compared to the other Xanathar class upgrades; maybe DM's will help players round it out so it's balanced and not as frustrating :c
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Funny you should mention Celestial Warlock in your other post -- it was a Celestial Warlock that was my best attempt at Gandalf.
@kingkleb 6 жыл бұрын
Titan Bear Gaming Really? Hmm, I could see that with a Pact of Blade as sword combat was quite a bit of how character... That's really interesting!
@sugar4me225 6 жыл бұрын
Thank goodness there's homebrew:)
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
You said it Sugar!
@DryTEKGI 6 жыл бұрын
I have modified it a bit for my players. Arcane deflection: if you succeed on saving throw against spell or magical effect you gain 1 power surge. Also if you succeed you can cast spells next turn. That force damage is equal to your player level. At level 10 or 12 (not sure) you add your inteligence modifier to the force damage. What do you think?
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I'm sure your players appreciate it. How has it played out so far with your crew? Has the extra damage felt 'too much'? I think thats what most folks are worried about with increasing the output of the ability.
@DryTEKGI 6 жыл бұрын
It played really good so fat. The level 6 spike is quite big so maybe I will make it that the mage will get full damage at level 10 maybe. And at level 14 they will add their inteligence modifier to it. I was afraid of that too but my group like hard D&D so even mobs are dishing more damage and are using many player abilities. But still it needs more testing.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a valuable first playtest. Your ideas to stretch the bonuses out over higher levels are probably the right direction. Nice work.
@JoeyWood82 6 жыл бұрын
if the bonus were half your wizard level in dice... do you think that would make it too powerful?
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I think it'd be okay if that was the max num of surges to spend, yeah. It still burns the surges, but grants you the ability to save them up for a big shot.
@Esproth 4 жыл бұрын
War Wizard seems good to multiclass into after making an eldritch blast based warlock. just using the wizard stuff for self buffs and other problem solving nonsense.
@CandleLight129 6 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree with your assessment here. As a wizard enthusiasts since 3e I find the war magic tradition profoundly disappointing and underwhelming. With all the other great options I can just never see myself using this subclass. I find it interesting that they decided to include a class that, to my knowledge, wasn't tested with a UA article. Personally I'm very disappointed that the Lore Wizard wasn't included as it did a great job of giving the feeling of discovering and experimenting with magic the way a generalist wizard would. I think it was a great tradition both mechanically and thematically, whereas the War wizard is a beloved theme but utterly fails to be appealing from a mechanics standpoint.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Check out DnD Beyond video of Jeremy Crawford's statement on the January UA (Brute/Spores/Inventor) for the commentary on what happened with with the Lore wizard.
@CandleLight129 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for pointing me there! I can understand how in some cases the change in DC type, as well as the 1 mile range increase, could be a bit over powered. I'm not sure about the direction they've taken it in however. I feel like the twisting of magic to suit the situation indicates a wizard that has a tactical approach. The randomness of Reckless Casting however doesn't seem to fit with that idea. Oh well, maybe they'll keep toying with it. It's all just guidelines anyway right? lol. Keep the good work!
@zeik101 6 жыл бұрын
Easy suggestion: you have a number of reactions equal to your intelligence modifier
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I like it, it is easy and it certainly helps add a little somethin somethin to the archetype selection. Not to mention it gives you reason to invest in War Caster feat to cast spells with reactions. You may be onto something here Zeik101.
@MOsesIcan 4 жыл бұрын
What if power surges were like smite but in this case you can dump as little or as much as you have in a turn / that would be a fair adjustment ... something to talk to the dm about
@timmythemini6128 4 жыл бұрын
I homebrewed the power surge feature. I increased the damage to half wizard level + proficiency bonus. Still, not incredible.
@omniatronic 6 жыл бұрын
I really dislike the Power Surge economy with War Magic. I was disappointed when they changed it from the Unearthed Arcana version of the tradition. Thematically, the once-per-rest damage bonus version of the feature was so cool. What we got in Xanathar's was a new economy to manage with very little pay-off, especially limiting the expenditure to only one Power Surge per round!
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I'm with ya, Slavez88. They opted for the lighterweight option -- potentially out of fear of making the wizard's overall numbers too high. Needs a stronger coupling of the mechanic to the theme.
@omniatronic 6 жыл бұрын
Absolutely. I can understand their concern in that area but the original Power Surge wouldn't even register on an Evoker's radar, let alone provide any real significant boost to damage. And like you noted in the video (which was *great* by the way!), the War Magic option lacks a lot of the utility/benefits that the other schools have. A War Wizard can't utilise a free polymorph like a Transmuter, teleport-at-will like a Conjuror, make any illusion they can possibly come up with solid etc. If the trade-off isn't increased damage and/or survivability, it surely falls flat when you stack it up to the alternatives. Overall, I just feel like Evoker is still the optimal choice for a battle-oriented wizard. Overchannel, Empowered Evocation, Sculpt Spells, they're all incredibly useful and versatile options for the wizard and while they don't have a defensive function like Arcane Deflection, they (hopefully...) do have Shield! How would you "fix" the War Magic School as it is now?
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I have been working on a full re-do of the War Wizard that I'll share on the channel eventually. The basis of it leans the archetype harder into the defensive-offensive mode duality that its inching towards now. The archetype hints towards swaying between the two modes, and using kind of a battery effect to power up spells after you're defensive. It should play further into that. When I get a moment to do a full write-up, I'll post it :)
@omniatronic 6 жыл бұрын
That sounds great. Looking forward to it! :)
@Pantjay 6 жыл бұрын
Feel as if using your magic surge to add 1 damage die per surge to your next evocation spell (or cantrip) would be thematic and in balance. Basically get a slightly higher damage for keeping up with counter spells because you have less spell slots to dish out damage. 2nd level ability should be changed to give shield ac bonus or mage armor as a cantrip like the warlock eldritch invocation. Neither is game breaking and both are extremely useful. Alternatively giving the War wizard the War magic feat at 2nd level would also be amazing and thematic. Even giving a boost to it would be awesome so you can use area of effect spells when you make attacks of opportunity. This is also in line with some of the other feats that exist giving lesser versions of class features. Maybe giving it a level cap so you can't just cone of cold when someone moves around you. Something like 3rd level for aoe leveling to like 6th at level 18 and no level cap on single target spells. This seems like the least thought through and most useless of all the new archetypes. Really great vids definitely going to sub and check out whatever you put up.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Pantjay. These are some good suggestions, all very thematic to the archetype and don't seem overpowered to me. I like your idea about adding a die to a spell, I might rip that and use that for other boon effects in my game.. Shh... tell no one.
@Wanderingsage7 6 жыл бұрын
...I wish Bladesinger and the SCAG cantrips made it in.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
You know this is a good question. Sun Soul found its way in, which implies Bladesinger and Oath of the Crown were in some way unworthy. Personally, I permit SCAG as WOTC base material at my table.
@Strife159Highloch 6 жыл бұрын
I feel it didn't make it in because it's setting specific.
@Wanderingsage7 6 жыл бұрын
Strife159Highloch and the cantrips would have made the hex blade 'op'. I get it. Doesn't mean I'm happy about it, but I get it.
@jh-ne4sy 6 жыл бұрын
This school can actually make the wizard a sort of beastly tank character. If you build your War Wizard to only cast buffing spells on themselves with their slots before going into battle or at the beginning of it then they can use Arcane Deflection without worrying and just Gish all over foes. Imagine their second level abilities combined with their higher level +2 AC and Saves while concentrating on Teneser's Transformation.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I've seen some pretty gnarly AC centric builds with this archetype recently. A 1-level multiclass with a fighter can yield a 26 AC at level 11. Woof.
@seanrobinson7464 6 жыл бұрын
I've managed to build an elven wizard who, within two turns (or one, if mage armor makes it to the combat) can have a 22AC(using shield), disadvantage on attacks against him, and this makes him virtually untouchable. He also has the ability to take things down with nonmagical damage in the form of the longbow he has... He can do a lot.
@jose.p1527 4 жыл бұрын
I am a war mage what is the best way to be op (I am at lv 3)
@seanheath711 6 жыл бұрын
Will the plus 2 stack with the Shield spell or can you only use one or the other?
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I think for AC it stacks, especially since the two effects are from different sources (class feature, and magic spell). To my knowledge, there isn't an explicit text that says otherwise.
@seanheath711 6 жыл бұрын
Titan Bear Gaming that is one pro I guess. Lol then grab a real shield... You should make a lucky halfling div wizard video. Like luck everything and maybe 1 dip into cleric for more dice control or just tell me how you like the build lol.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Portent is an awesome way to integrate dice-fun into the narrative. Heck I might even switch out Inspiration to function like Portent, hrmmmm.
@seanheath711 6 жыл бұрын
Titan Bear Gaming yeah my friends really like it because I go utility mostly and only some offensive when I need to. Halflings get luck, lucky Feat, second chance and bountiful luck if you go straight lucky.
@seanheath711 6 жыл бұрын
With portent even better
@nolanhenry5282 5 жыл бұрын
That shirt tho. Deadly
@jacobgalloway1392 6 жыл бұрын
the whole war thing is being at war with yourself not your opponents
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
Thats a good thematic concept to channel for characters of this archetype.
@jand.4737 5 жыл бұрын
When using Tenser's Transformation Arcane Deflection's downside is completely ignored, btw
@HighPhoenix1754 3 жыл бұрын
And durable magic still applies while you're using Tensor's. Along with all of the other benefits of the subclass.
@josephfronk927 4 жыл бұрын
So I actually like this arch type. I have a war magic and open hand monk. The 2nd level ability is good for fighting aganst martial classes. The 6th is good aganst magic users. That's how I play it anyways.
@twilight5625 6 жыл бұрын
I feel like the class needs to be widely more balanced and most rules will probably require homebrewing in order to make it powerful enough to be useful. Otherwise I really don't see the point in the powers being so weak.
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
I'm with you Warren. I have a remake offline that I plan on doing a video of, see what folks think as a comparison.
@twilight5625 6 жыл бұрын
Titan Bear Gaming That sounds interesting and I will try to watch it as soon as I'm able to.
@BlueDavrial 5 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I'm not the only one who looked at this archetype and thought it was a mess AND underpowered
@_bats_ 5 жыл бұрын
Wow, this is a really great breakdown of this subclass. I think they really went far too far in the wrong direction with this one after the ludicrously overpowered Lore Master from UA. I really don't see why anyone would ever play this over an Abjurer or Evoker.
@martynborthwick1845 5 жыл бұрын
Fuck sake... Thought war wizard was not used in fantasy, and I've just spent half a year writing a novel ... Perhaps contacting D&D to make sure they're completely different is a route i could go down. If anyone has any advice or has been in this sort of situation before, what is your opinion?
@thenovicedm7966 5 жыл бұрын
Am I reading this correctly ? Find it interesting that a Battle Master gets no Initiative bonus for having some sort of mastery of combat.....but the War Wizard does with the add of INT to his initiative (plus DEX). What other classes, if any, get to add two ability scores to their Initiative ? Just curious. I run a fighter (battle master) and this war wizard continually beats me and usually the rogue in our group on initiative rolls. Guess I need better dice rolls. LOL !
@squarepusher13z 5 жыл бұрын
Great talk about action economy . Weird rating. I think the presenter underrated arcane misunderstands power surge.
@bradvigneron8976 4 жыл бұрын
I think you've totally missed the point of the class
@aqure9 6 жыл бұрын
War magic is stale like bread and needs a reason for any one to pick it
@TitanGamingTV 6 жыл бұрын
It is a bit tough - it feels like a thematic area people would LIKE to play, but the feature set just isnt there.
@ricktavish4559 5 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love the idea of a tactician wizard who balances offence and decence. However, this War Wizard is worthless. These numbers are so damn low. I was genuinely disappointed with this class. Thank you for covering this.
@mcphilosoraptor7310 6 жыл бұрын
Classic example of trash class that wizards is known for
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