World of Warships- Hildebrand First Impressions: Massively Broken OP Cruiser? Or German Suffering?

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Sea Lord Mountbatten

Sea Lord Mountbatten

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@tsuaririndoku 2 күн бұрын
It basically an Aircraft Carrier that have Largest secondary controllable Guns before actual rework.
@archaicimmemorial6388 Күн бұрын
CV posing as cruiser ,thats what it is
@tsuaririndoku Күн бұрын
@@archaicimmemorial6388 No, it is a first CV with controlable Secondary and have the largest Secondary in the game. (The CV Re-rework is going to make CVs able to control secondaries manually. Which is kinda funny because this is something Community asked for years for every ships. Lesta also does this in Battle of Tsushima event where you can control secondaries. Which is kinda funny that WeeGee can’t do it because their team can’t handle Lesta coding due to the Coding team are all in Lesta. Which explains the whole mess of a bug happening in WeeGee version of WOWs.
@archaicimmemorial6388 Күн бұрын
@@tsuaririndoku yes,yes all that stands... all im saying is... it is a CV in a CRUiSER SLOT!!
@centereo1651 2 күн бұрын
This is funny and sad at the same time. Germany not receiving any T10 cruisers for 9 YEARS and then they get a hybrid.
@Leozinffr 2 күн бұрын
More sad than funny
@5kgBirnen 2 күн бұрын
WG doesnt care about germany
@357Striker 2 күн бұрын
​@@5kgBirnenWg is Russian of course they don't care
@AshCatTrainz 2 күн бұрын
I will say that I predicted Hildebrand 10 months in advance
@crazykev5 Күн бұрын
I find it kind of funny. I find it kind of sad. The dreams in which I'm dying, are the best I ever had.
@MattVF 2 күн бұрын
Never understand why WG push these. There is a reason that no navy (apart from the Japanese conversions) ever produced one. You would end up with a crap BB/CC or a crap CV. Shellfire and aviation fuel is not a good mix and that’s before the issues of blast, protection etc,etc. They would go up like a Roman candle.
@Norbrookc 2 күн бұрын
It comes down to "We found this weird design in some Navy's archive, thought it was a cool idea, and decided to put it in." Ignoring that there was a reason the things were never built.
@larswhitt1549 2 күн бұрын
Money, it is all about the money. Pay to win cruiser that can give unlimited spotting of no cost.
@davidhines7592 Күн бұрын
CV did that anyway
@kamranqureshi1884 Күн бұрын
I think you forget this is a game
@BlackHearthguard 9 сағат бұрын
@@Norbrookc Yeah, I think it was in the American archives. As for the IJN building them, they converted Tone (not sure if others) but they were supposed to be seaplane tenders, and later used as transport to move aircraft around the Pacific for the IJN AF and army. They weren't intended to be CV Jr.
@Stephen__White 2 күн бұрын
I ended up lucking out and getting her out of my first container, after deciding "ehh, I just got like 3k doubloons from the Anniversary event, may as well buy a few, 6 2% chances isn't nothing." Wish I had just bought the one container, but couldn't have known. I will say from seeing her played, and playing her myself. You can get respectable secondary range with a main gun build(11km), I'd say scrap the secondary mod in slot 3 and take dispersion, as well as drop the secondary/AA in slot 6 and take reload mod, keep Pack a Punch, drop Grease the Gears and Gun Feeder for Focus Fire Training. At least without messing with your build to much that should improve the ship just that little bit more, as the main guns actually aren't bad, just remember you only have 6 guns, 3-4 hits is 50%-66.66% of your shells landing. If those 3-4 shells pen they are also 9405 - 12,540 damage, or in other words, 3-4 pens is around the same damage as one full torp drop, and you can fire your main guns 5 times in the time it takes you to reload the torp bombers. Quite often you get far better results by just ignoring the torp bombers, the torpedoes even with Pack a Punch are weak, and quite often aren't even worth dodging for BBs. I mean a Yamato is going to take ~6k damage if all 3 torpedoes hit. Hardly damage worth turning and exposing yourself to avoid. I feel Hildebrand is a strong ship, but not for the reasons people are jumping to. The Dive bombers are fairly meh, you're gonna get maybe 4 launches per battle, and they deal a max of 27,126 IF every plane gets through, 4 and a quarter minutes for less than 30k damage is pitiful and hardly an issue. The torp bombers, sure reload fast, but barely do any damage, bullying T8s or focusing ships with very little torp protection will get some results, but against most T10s they tickle. The real damage comes from the main guns, and the biggest bonus Hildebrand has is having all her guns up front, letting her hug an island poke only the guns around, and farm damage from near complete safety. Honestly there are multiple other T10s that I'd argue are FAR stronger. Ragnar, Bourgogne, Napoli, Sherman, and Brisbane all come to mind for me as ships I feel are stronger than Hildebrand. An Austin would eat Hildebrand alive if given the chance. People are all hot and bothered now, but I see most people moving on in the next month or so, just like they have every time a hybrid is added to the game. Lets also be real here, Kearsarge is still a stronger hybrid. Just saying. It's also worth noting that as far as I know Clan Battle teams aren't exactly using Tone in the current T8 clan battle season even though they can. So there is really no saying if people will even use Hildebrand in Clan Battles until we see the next T10 season, if people don't bitch enough to get her preemptively banned.
@TimTimONE 2 күн бұрын
You miss the point of the planes. You don't look at the damage of the torps, you look at the psychological effect of them. People will try to evade them, making them targets for your team.
@Stephen__White 2 күн бұрын
@@TimTimONE Aye, people used to do that for Ise torps as well. They don't so much anymore. People just need to get used to Hildebrand being a thing. You'll find a player or two who still tries to avoid Ise torps, but it's a lot more rare than it used to be.
@tehpyono2203 Күн бұрын
I too lucked out in 4 containers and I hard agree with everything you said. I've tried it out in Rank, randoms, mode shuffles, and really the guns are the best part about this ship. Sure you get 6 shells, but the AP is really solid, often getting 10k damage every volley. You should be using the torps plane for spotting or for striking targets that you can't shoot at. Definitely use the bombs if you can though, they have really stupidly high fire chance that you are gurantee a fire on any targets you choose to strike. Even against DD it can perform reasonablely well if they eat 2 bombs. I do find the guns struggling to hit targets at closer range (DDs) with the dispersion, but at longer range they seems really good. It'll definitely fall out after some time and they won't be that commonly use soon.
@douglasgrove6957 Күн бұрын
Same thing for me. Absolutely shocked! Have only played it once, in Operations as I didn't want to hurt a team's chances in random. Not a good carrier player.
@Sheikh-Za-Booba Күн бұрын
yeeah right imagine 2 hilde + cv on your enemy team. and you're playing dd. 1 bad luck will ruin your game. you got spotted yer dead. *HILDE CAN GO KISS MY SHINY METAL POSTERIOR*
@issacfoster1113 2 күн бұрын
Massively OP Carrier, fixed it for ya
@anthrax2413 Күн бұрын
WG released this at high price before the CV rework taking away its spotting. Nice
@sealordmountbatten Сағат бұрын
Hybrid ships will not see any change in the initial CV ReRework
@wheee1233 2 күн бұрын
Its so much fun these days to play normal cruisers or bbs. I had 2 subs, 2 of these and a CV in my Yamato the other game, boy did i had the fun WG told me i would have /s
@wynlord Күн бұрын
Picked up the Hildebrand today. Only bought 4 containers. Not anywhere as bad as I thought it would be. Ran it through a couple /ten Co-Op battles to get the feel of it. Went with a semi secondary and quick firing build. The main guns are very accurate with fast reload and the secondaries are very good if a little short ranged for Tier-X, (10.5, 12.5 km w/ Lütjens). Torpedo bombers are accurate, good spread, fast recycling and damage. The bombers however strike like Mjölnir. Very Good damage, fires ensue but take forever to load. Vulnerable to farming with that big flight deck. All and all a pretty good ship. Unlike most Hybrids it is not a Cruiser with aircraft, it is a CVL or CVA with great guns. This ship was made for Lütjens. It uses all of his talents. (Updated after more play time).
@kamranqureshi1884 Күн бұрын
We have found someone with common sense
@bLock_c1pher 2 күн бұрын
I think this Air drop says it all for me 30:08 , I want one!. thank you. take care
@middllepl 2 күн бұрын
"Grabs ballance, throws out of the window" Yep, now it's fine
@alphax4785 2 күн бұрын
Hildebrand in the hands of a good player is basically a Chkalov at T10 in the cruiser slot from what I've seen.
@deaninchina01 21 сағат бұрын
Sealord misses the entire point of the ship. You use it as a support and anti dd CV to greatly increase your win rate. If you are relying on secondaries to take out dds you have grossly misplayed the ship. Until they are dead or at the back of the map spot dds. That’s all you need to do. And your WR will jump massively. After the DDs are out of the game then get damage.
@imagineian0146 Күн бұрын
My last name sounds very close to Hildebrand, which makes all of these reviews about it more interesting. It seems I am a german monstrosity!
@VeteranMercer3426 2 күн бұрын
I still wonder what would be if they followed the actual design and gave her the torpedo
@CorsairCombat13 Күн бұрын
What torpedo?
@VeteranMercer3426 Күн бұрын
@@CorsairCombat13 6 x 53,3 cm torpedo tubes, sorry forget to define torpedo tubes there
@HONGKELDONGKEL1888 2 күн бұрын
*looks at price* 1 silver? OOH COUNT ME IN *looks at the REAL cost* Nope
@mercygiven2649 2 күн бұрын
Got mine for $10
@sedatedape315 Күн бұрын
OP! Came across her in a few battles. Pushes out too much damage for a hybrid cruiser. Gonna get nerfed. Then came across a 2-ship division of them. What a true PITA they were. About as much as the 3-ship division of Kearsarges that showed up in a match on Tuesday.
@Kraigen44 Күн бұрын
I picked one up because i wanted all the boosts from the containers. So, for 1 silver I figured why not.
@aight111 2 күн бұрын
It is DIABOLICAL PS : seems like world of planes doesn't do that much anymore and WG decided to create some hybrid ships LOL
@Cerberus0076 Күн бұрын
Coming up next: Japanese subs with plane Deck...😂 (In fact it would be historical correct, because they built it in WW2)
@iamfodder1017 Күн бұрын
Just what the game really needed......more fking planes......
@BlackHearthguard 9 сағат бұрын
To absolutely honest, I'd rather the multi-tone grey in service paint jobs on ships, rather than things like they pushed out on Ipiranga and the Commonwealth cruisers. All of those are just children's finger paintings imo.
@realmorecon9687 Күн бұрын
They should also probably gave it torpedoes which makes more sense like the Japanese hybrid-cruiser Tone and gave it 2x4 350mm guns like the Anhalt. Maybe you know, 2x4 torpedoes with 8km range to give it some close range defense.
@Virgilfinnatell Күн бұрын
Those 350mm guns are worse in almost every way besides overmatch, which is moot because they don't overmatch any important thresholds that the 305s already do, and HE, which is slightly better. The 305s have almost 80mm higher pen than the 350s at 12km (even point blank, the 305s have better pen), and the gap widens the further the range.
@realmorecon9687 23 сағат бұрын
@@Virgilfinnatell I know. It's just wishful thinking but 2x4 350mm is still better than 2x3 305mm in HE and AP.
@Randomstuff-lo3kx Күн бұрын
If a WG employee is reading these, please bring back manual secondary skill for cruisers. I want to do some close-range funny stuff, not feel like the only option is long range HE spam.
@8RedBear5 Күн бұрын
Players wanting to sink these abominations is totally warranted and its not because "New Ship Must Kill" either.
@deaninchina01 21 сағат бұрын
I want team damage brought back into the game. Anyone playing one of these would get the old DD rub to get a ban. Completely toxic shit which destroys game balance.
@Abrams6578 Күн бұрын
It definitely aint a bad ship, got her on a 2 pull (SOMEHOW) and havent hated it yet
@Dark-Knight651 Күн бұрын
Do you think they will nerf the reticle on the bombers like the Louisiana? Since the reticle is kinda small like Louisiana used to be
@stork6855 Күн бұрын
my sigh of disappointment when you didn't take the AA captain skill for 2 points for even faster plane regen
@MrBreakdownBoy 2 күн бұрын
Pushing out torp planes every 60s is so idiotic. The player in my game just sat in the back and sent his crappy torp planes out constantly, only effective because WOWs is takign so long with the CV rework and he kept spotting the dd's. The 60 top plane reload is idiotically broken.
@EM-hb6sl Күн бұрын
What no number score? Pro and cons? Slacking SLM slacking?
@sealordmountbatten Күн бұрын
Running an experiment
@snikch241 Күн бұрын
Cool, another reason to steer clear of tier X.
@utimas1696 Күн бұрын
I think I’ll stick with my Agir 😅
@tdbraun6837 Күн бұрын
This is another example of why T10 is no fun anymore. You have to be ready for a plethora of gimmicks. I've switched to playing low tiers 5-7 most of the time now.
@davidhines7592 Күн бұрын
a CV that can defend itself with main guns if anyone is dumb enough to get close and isnt a BB
@BigTastyPeter 2 күн бұрын
I love this ship, she's a real beauty.
@jayvee8502 2 күн бұрын
This ship is really annoying to deal with. It has bombers and torpedo planes and a better concealment compared to a regular CV. At least it is squishy and take pens unlike a regular CV.
@cades93041 Күн бұрын
Every new ship is OP for you. Give it a little time and you will see it isn't OP people just aren't used to it yet
@deaninchina01 21 сағат бұрын
How do you get used to being perma spotted as a DD? You get driven back with retards using trip planes to spot you to oblivion, and if that doesn’t work chunks you with HE. Zero damage games where you take 1.2m potential damage is in no way fun at all. “Yay I got to try to dodge and press the o button and did nothing else but die….”
@BertusLabuschagne Күн бұрын
Sad, it's probably not a coal ship... but need to be bought with debloons
@SuperCrazf Күн бұрын
Yesterday I sunk two of those ships, they were rather unimpressive
@AlanRoehrich9651 Күн бұрын
You know, just the other day I was thinking "this game really needs more make believe OP premium bullsh!t for people to spend cash on..... And here it is......
@thehappymurloc1938 11 сағат бұрын
Got mine for $4.95 and holy crap the amount of hate this ship causes in chat is unreal I got reported just for using it
@dr.bakterius1168 2 күн бұрын
Got mine for 25k coal and 250 dubs total! 😀Just trying her out.
@Huzarionix 2 күн бұрын
I literally got 2 for 1250 db & 25k coal ! , on my side account i got one 250db crate and I got one , and on mine main account I got 250db & 25k coal and notget it , but first crate from 750db bundle i got one :) , so now i have 2 craps :)))
@papaschlumpf2311 2 күн бұрын
It was in the second container. That means that I will not have any luck left for black friday and xmas containers.
@yamatokurusaki5790 2 күн бұрын
Now there is tier 7 Schill
@AshCatTrainz 2 күн бұрын
Modernized Admiral Scheer :D
@yamatokurusaki5790 2 күн бұрын
@@AshCatTrainz any good? Or at least is it playable? Cuz i like how it looks
@AshCatTrainz 2 күн бұрын
@@yamatokurusaki5790 well it’s not ingame, it’s just my own panzerschiff line.
@yamatokurusaki5790 Күн бұрын
@@AshCatTrainz oh i thought you were talking about the ship i also miss spell it
@AshCatTrainz Күн бұрын
@@yamatokurusaki5790 oh my bad
@ThemightyEnterprise Күн бұрын
Maybe I would try to get it if it didn’t look like this
@ircriket Күн бұрын
When i see hybrids they're always milling around the back trying to use all there gimmicks and failing horribly.
@Joey_Liu 2 күн бұрын
Can you do a video on the Schil. It’s back in the armoury for sale
@sealordmountbatten 2 күн бұрын
@@Joey_Liu already have:
@Joey_Liu 2 күн бұрын
@@sealordmountbatten Yeah but still, give it another go to see how it feels. It's been a full year. Also no idea if it's only on sale for a limited time so I'm debating whether to buy it or not.
@archaicimmemorial6388 2 күн бұрын
and now the most important question.... will she be nerfed? Considering that she is source of constant spotting for your team and she is in cruiser slot....
@quor2243 2 күн бұрын
All plane spotting is going to be nerfed soon enough, now what?
@clmwrx 2 күн бұрын
​@quor2243 hopefully it will. I appreciate the optimism tho
@quor2243 Күн бұрын
@@clmwrx It's in testing. I think it's safe to assume a good bit of what's being tested will make it live into the game. So it's not optimism, plane spotting is most likely getting nerfed. The only time planes will be able to spot in during their attack run, and they can't attack what they can't see, so, plane spotting will basically be gone.
@AnthonyDiValentin-cv4bn Күн бұрын
​@quor2243 that was 2 months ago, and it still didn't make it inti the real game
@quor2243 Күн бұрын
@AnthonyDiValentin-cv4bn Subs were in testing for years, what's your point?
@Black-1ce 2 күн бұрын
As Peacemaker once said, bro - what the fuck?
@RUHappyATM 2 күн бұрын
Too many of these now.
@sirtogii5216 Күн бұрын
Pass on this one but not looking forward having to fight it
@MrKawaltd750 2 күн бұрын
No! Not the cancer...I refuse to look at It !!!
@pfeffer271 2 күн бұрын
200 dollars no thanks
@broccanmacronain457 Күн бұрын
Casemate guns, really WG?
@Liaholana Күн бұрын
Your CV Gameplay is kinda😅
@sealordmountbatten Күн бұрын
I have never claimed to be good at CVs lol
@u4815723 2 күн бұрын
I touched her this morning... and with my poor CV skill lv she is already freakin op-
@TheEurotrash1999 2 күн бұрын
This ship is way too OP. Especially when there is a damn group of three working together. Dumb ass ship.
@infeedel7706 2 күн бұрын
Designed for ASIA server
@ethansolomon6886 Күн бұрын
And i got this for 25k coal
@01talima 2 күн бұрын
shes a gambling /$200+ ship?
@1991ace1 2 күн бұрын
All i saw over the last years, WG makes premium ship, ship is OP, people buy ship, then WG brings a better premium, OP again, people buy ship, same game again by WG. Other ships cant compete, people who dont have premium stop playing the game, gg
@ellnoskitties3908 Күн бұрын
Wow, another BS, OP ship. I'm shocked!
@joshuayang0331 2 күн бұрын
really, a secondary agir or a 12 gun agir would be better, for the player base and the environment
@Lupus_Indomitus 2 күн бұрын
Absolutly seconded.
@carrom6056 2 күн бұрын
And wargaming knows this, but they want to FORCE players into doing the 'carrier' thing. They are leading the flock of sheep to the Wargaming "Yes" pen little by little. They're upset, they're unhappy, they dont like CV's and Subs, but they don't mind pay for that cause it is NAMED differently. Doesnt take a genious to connect the dots - the people playing this game who belong to the anti cv bunch really are the garbage tools in the shed when they fork out for this in utter denial. "I hate CV's but i love my cruiser!" Last xmas i got a Kearsarge in a santa coontainer, whick i promply sold for cradits. Few days later i got one again, which i sold. Doesn't matter how many times they thow hybrid garbage at me, it's gone. Also got some Tier 8 soviet cv at some point from something, it went in the bin as well. They can keep trying. I wouldn't even keep them for sake of collecting ships, it's still favorable 'statistics'.
@pheebs8451 2 күн бұрын
Fugly innit?
@TheBigGiant_SpaceChiken Күн бұрын
I hate this damn boat, way OP. WG knows that most players hate having planes in the game and yet they keep adding cancer ships. I hate what WG is doing to my favorite video game.
@thomaskositzki9424 Күн бұрын
The levels of "stupid" and "ridiculous" of the made-up ships by WG just hit another level! There isn't even a famous person of German history called "Hildebrand". 🤦‍♂🤮😂 A histroy-knowing German
@bjrnfodnes2575 Күн бұрын
This obvious greed is going to turn me off this game. nearly 200 euros can do me other favors.
@Rokr83 2 күн бұрын
what a waste
@tijger5353 2 күн бұрын
It looks so god dam ugly, even kearsarge looks better
@batrastardly4574 2 күн бұрын
I got her with one 25k Coal container. I don't play subs or CV's as I don't feel the game needs more annoying elements. I'll probably sell it.
@Stephen__White Күн бұрын
Why buy the container if you had no interest in the ship? Also why sell a T10 this close to the Winter event? On both accounts just sounds silly.
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