my first though when i saw benson was... where is kraus and clayton and gov. gatling
@northernzeus7682 жыл бұрын
Ahoy hoy SR. I totally agree with your advice to new players. As someone who rushed and bought his way to T8 and up. I suffered with a 40% WR and as my game count increases it is harder and harder to raise it. I have finally broke 50% because of my early “ suckage”. Lol
@rjcolombe2 жыл бұрын
Remember when the early seasons of Ranked were known as World of Bensons?
@robinsanchez252 жыл бұрын
And to your point if you try a ship that attacks you, you know it's weakness and its strength you have a chance against it. For example you know that ship has no torps you can plan accordingly. Or if that ship has short range torps you might get closer.
@drewsmithson66652 жыл бұрын
Ok, this video shows perfectly my problem with Adrenaline Rush. 331 HP left. We can agree thats basically 100% most you can get on AR right? Look at what it actually does... Base reload is 3.3 seconds. Now 2.5. Only 1 second faster for 3 points. Torpedoe base is 109 seconds down to 98. Some people do, i do not notice 10 seconds on a long reload. With this, i don't understand why its a 'must have'. On DDs it doesnt matter. Say you gun fight another DD and you need 1 more shot to kill them, if you miss teammates kill the 1 shot DD anyway. (Or they should and mostly do) and if you're farming a larger ship, that extra doesnt matter because the health pool is so large and the dispersion is so off on this game the extra 1 second (or most likely less than a second gained because your not 99% dead) doesnt matter. Take that 3 extra points and add it to RPF, or Fire chance, or really anything. Its better served someplace else. For a BB, its different. That extra 3-4 seconds off of 30 seconds matters because of the alpha. (1 more BB salvo can take out full health ship vs a DD salvo that can not) Example: Benson DD reload 3.3 base HE is 161677 dpm. 2.8 Reload (from fitting tools) is 189095 dpm. Thats 27,418 difference per minute. Divide by 60 for the minute and thats only 456.96 per second. So..for your 3 points in Adrenaline Rush, and being 99% dead, you only gain 456.96 damage done for that 1 extra shot you get. Seems like a waste to me.
@drewsmithson66652 жыл бұрын
@Mathew Long im not exactly sure what you are saying. So...Adrenaline Rush is 3 points. You need to lose 50% hp for 10% reduction in reload. Its not free, you are trading 3 points and 50% hp for 10%. Perspective: say you lose 25% hp thats only 5% reload boost. So.. you trade 3 points AND 25%hp for 5% reload. Where Main Battery and AA specialist you trade 3 points, no HP, and get 10% aa. So why would i ever use Adrenaline Rush for a dd. Even for torpedo reload boost its a bad trade. I give up 3 points, 50% hp for 10%. I could just take the torpedoe reload and get 10% without trading 50% hp. Maybe double up the skills if i just HAVE to have the extra torpedoe reload. But say i need the gun reload to fight a DD (because thats the only place where you can outgun in a DD). Save the 3 points from Adrenaline Rush, add 1 point and use Fearless Brawler. Because i keep my HP, get 10% reload boost because I'm most likely to be spotted by that DD i want to fight anyway. Also, being plane spottes gives the extra flak with Fearless Brawler. I think Adrenaline Rush is indispensable on crusiers and BBs, but just not for a DD unless you are loading up on torpedoe reload skills. For gun skills, you have to trade points AND Health. Giving up health in the lowest health class to start with just doesnt make sense. You could take Survivability Expert to make up the HP loss, but then you are wasting another 3 points. So now, 6 points are invested to get the same benefit of 3 points. I fear this sounds extremely argumentative, but im genuinely interested into what Adrenaline Rush does for a DD that doesnt happen with another skill that makes it better for DD?
@SeaRaptor2 жыл бұрын
In this game it doesn't necessarily matter, I'll grant you. But I have had games where it does. Not all commander skills are meant to be qualitative leaps, some are nice bonuses. I understand your argument; AR is arguably more useful on CAs and BBs that will live long enough to get more use from it. I still like it on my destroyers, though, because sometimes that half second of gun reload does make a difference when you're fighting for your life against another DD. Sometimes that 10 seconds of extra torpedo reload makes a difference when you're trying to slow down or stave off a late battleship push. You can't always predict what usefulness AR will have in a game. Like every other skill, sometimes that usefulness is low and sometimes it's high. But it's a skill that you always get at least a little something out of as long as you get shot at, and for an American DD, that means it WILL get use eventually. So for 3 points, you could do a lot worse.