World of Warships- Viribus Unitis First Impressions

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Sea Lord Mountbatten

Sea Lord Mountbatten

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Hey guys! Today I bring you guys my first impressions on the new Tier V Austro-Hungarian Battleship, Viribus Unitis! enjoy!
Outro Music- Stranger Think by C418
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@Tbone_Crusader 4 жыл бұрын
I' ve bought her..fine ship,fantastic guns in my oppinion...and It has a history value for country wea part of Austro Hungarian empire,lots of my contrymen sailed on Viribus Unitis..;)
@pacettid 4 жыл бұрын
Petar Tepšić I agree that she’s an excellent ship. She looks great, maneuvers well and I have killed numerous DDs with her main battery guns. The modeling is superb, too. Well worth the money.
@sinisabalentovic9617 4 жыл бұрын
My country was also part of Austro hungary and she is very pretty ship!!
@sealordmountbatten 4 жыл бұрын
Petar Tepšić she is a very pretty and well modeled ship, and her main guns are very nice, her maneuverability is also lovely. I wish they would move her to T4 where she could really shine
@jonsouth1545 4 жыл бұрын
good video while I agree with a lot of your points I dont think she should be down tiered as her main AA defence is her small size and pretty good rudder shift making her a hard target to CVs if you actively dodge a bit like the Normandie, however I would make a couple of buffs first I would increase the HP to 40,000 and then the Skoda gun used by the Austrians was historically a very fast firing gun as it was one of the first guns to use brass holders for the charges instead of cloth bags this had a 2 fold advantage not only in ease of loading but also in reducing the chance of a catastrophic flash fire so I would reduce the reload time from 30 to 26 seconds for historical reasons and I would also have a buff in the background that reduced the chance of catching fire to model the advantages of the safety measures the Austro Hungarians had built into their guns.
@sealordmountbatten 4 жыл бұрын
Jon south the maneuverability does help with carriers but when they can just circle you like vultures with minimum risk to their planes, it doesn’t help all that much, plus as seen in the video, they can absolutely dunk on you and take out 1/4 of your health in one drop
@jonsouth1545 4 жыл бұрын
@@sealordmountbatten whilst true any CV player will be to concerned with getting quick damage and there are easier targets and probably ones of much higher value soo any CV plater who does that has just taken themselves out of the match and probably lost it for their team
@gunjack2064 4 жыл бұрын
This ship needs to be tier 4 when you look at ships like the Kongō and Giulio Cesare that it has to compete with.
@hiro9253 4 жыл бұрын
tier 4 with that bow armor?
4 жыл бұрын
@@hiro9253 a lot of ships have that bow armor.
@TomMJH 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this First Impression video.
@tomduke1297 4 жыл бұрын
guess it would be an idea to get that "massive AA fire"-skill on her.... and a full secondary build with IFHE to cross the 25mm threshold... wait... howmany points is that together? pfff... i dont think she is fun enough to grind a captain to max level, just so you can make her fun... im austrian, so i kinda have to buy her.... this sucks....
@donaldthomas3624 4 жыл бұрын
Lovely BB - but Just got deleted in her by CV’’s 2 games in a row. No counter at all. No chance. No skill or fun factor. Then my gearing got deleted by a carrier - full AA build with defensive fire. Half health at end game. One strike. Not one plane shot down. 3 ships versus one carrier. Carrier won easily, and we never even saw him. Yes I am venting. Yes I have payed premium for 4 years. Yes, sadly I am out.
@BinkyTheElf1 4 жыл бұрын
Veereeboose Youneeteese.. meaning "With United Forces". This was the personal motto of Emperor Franz Joseph I of the AU Empire. Also a good motto for various nations under one emperor. With the growing number of dreadnought & post-dreadnought era ships in-game, it seems grossly unfair for them to fight on par with inter-war & WW2 & post-WW2 ships. Perhaps all ships from 1925-earlier could be in one selection-pool, with the rest in the other? I dunno.
@vaclavposlednik9855 4 жыл бұрын
I was waiting for her for a long time.. I am czech and just want a ship with Skoda guns... But i feel like she is a disappointment. Slow tier 5 ship with no AA, low HP and slow firing and turning guns. That's pain :(
@theguyeverybodylikes9667 4 жыл бұрын
They should've just put her in t4, thats where VU fits best when taking everything she has into account
@nualanet 4 жыл бұрын
I've played a few games in the Viribus Unitis so far. Tough when they all seem to be T-7 matches with CV's. I do like the ship itself though and my mom's side of the family came from part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, so there is the nostalgia associated with that as well. It does belong with HMS Dreadnought and IJN Mikasa though... NOT T-5.
@nabara6949 4 жыл бұрын
That ship looks good, or rather ... delicious... from t6 cv's perspective
@ronchabale 4 жыл бұрын
I built a tank out of mine, with the 10 point captain I went with basics of survivability and gave up concealment for fire prevention. Now all I need is some Tier 4 BB to brawl with since she doesnt seem to do very well against tier 6 BB:s, havn´t encountered any tier 7. Did play 3 games, won all and I did sink a few ships however I didnt really feel like I contributed much to these wins. + Good concealment Good turning circle She has a lot of fairly accurate guns however they dont pack much of a punch when dealing with BB:s Tanky ? Well.. West Virginia, Sinop, Colorado, Nelson all have 406mm guns and the Nagato and Mutsu have 410mm so as long as you dont encounter them or show too much side (dont use your rear turrets) to the rest of the tier 5,6,7 BB:s I guess she is quite tanky - Very slow at 21.7 and loses a third of her speed when turning, took a full minute to get to full speed Lacking gun range and caliber AA is a joke, I shot down a total of 1 plane in 3 battles Bad firing angles if u want to use all 12 guns Low healthpool
@TheExcessive1 4 жыл бұрын
Yes I would agree, it does fine at T4-T5. But at T6 and T7 which happens more often than not, painful. Going up against Scharnhorst, Genny or Hood, let alone a T6 CV, it is over before it even started.
@stevenicol5133 4 жыл бұрын
I like the guns and bow armour, but no aa, it is agile but slow. I bought it because there is a club where you shoot bbs at other ships and sink each other the VU was a lot of fun because it was so small. Still like it some because of the guns but you are right T7 and T6 are killer as well as the ac needs drastic buff on air, the pre WWI ships had no aa but were added later, this ship has no late WWI upgrade.
@crowey3078 4 жыл бұрын
Really need to buff the AA
@s.31.l50 4 жыл бұрын
Problem with tier 5 is that it will always be uptiered.
@chrisnettos4749 4 жыл бұрын
This ship is the son if kremlin. Its one dam powerful ship cv or no cv makes no difference and i play on sea with an average of two cvs a game. Its very hard for cvs to drop you because your concealment is 6km your short and extremely manouverable. You also bounce everything. Dont like it dont buy it cool with me your loss. If your a decent player and understand how to play it you will love it. Mt batten this ship is better then you think just need to play it differently you cant yolo or play it away from the team. Play a support role with it early game especially when uptiered. You cant use it like a charge in brawling ship play it like a kremlin use the concealment, support your team and stay with them.
@danehutchins3845 4 жыл бұрын
305mm is the trolliest caliber in the game unless Russian bias is in play. The Apostle Spreed Sheet says they would make less money on her at tier 4.
@MrKiwi1960 4 жыл бұрын
Prounced "very bus - you-nigh-tus" You're welcome.
@sirbum1918 4 жыл бұрын
The Joining Forces is goot at tier 5 but uptiered it's just a carrier pinata so not a ship I want to spend money on.
@justbrody2589 4 жыл бұрын
She looks very pretty in poet and in battle. Defiantly want it
@monsieurduquack5440 4 жыл бұрын
Stuck in development for a long time because it does not involve or have any "Top Sekrit Soviet Papers"
@Straswa 4 жыл бұрын
Nice vid Sea Lord! Yeah Unitis seems rather weak at tier 5.
@Leptospirosi 4 жыл бұрын
Good review: if you check the performances of AP and HC shells you'd also see that these are the worst in tier V bar none. HC has the same firing chances as Roma (which is ludicrously low) and AP are very weak compared to, say the October Revolution, which has the same amount of guns and calibre and similar armour but with even less superstructures, similar dispersion and armour layout, better AA, WAY better heal and fire prevention, speed, gun range... I know that V is an awkward tier where ships are difficult to balance because of the tier they face, but this is a tier IV and a half like Giulio Cesare is a Tier V and a half... and suffers the same problems: Giunio Bruto (Unless remodelled to Andrea Doria/Caio Duilio) was unable to stay at tier VI because of tier VIII carrier and this is unable to stay at tier V because of Tier VI carriers... May be VU would get an improvement if they got a fast heal reload like Massachusetts or a healthy reload like the Nelson: It still would sucks above tier V but would at least gain some staying power
@farmcat9873 4 жыл бұрын
But honestly seeing how there is so many damn CV players now this ship is pretty much a no no on buying it but if the AA was amped up a few notches then maybe just to collect it.
@jerredwayne8401 4 жыл бұрын
Nothing but eye candy.
@ForceM1782 4 жыл бұрын
Uh yeah this old Tub looks really obsolete in tier 5. I was actually laughing so hard when you got constantly hatasded by that carrier all game long. You didn’t score a single plane kill. They just constantly waste ammo for morale purposes imho
@Evangeline.F 4 жыл бұрын
I hate to say this, but: I told you so, didn't I? Also, being able to bowtank isn't special when König, Pyotr and OR can do that about as well if not better.
@sarpkaplan4449 4 жыл бұрын
pyotr is just broken
@thanurveathanalshanmugam-1176 6 ай бұрын
Is the viribus unitis still in sale to buy?
@michelangeloc.4265 4 жыл бұрын
This ship Is BU. Beautiful...Useless
@bobgary6150 4 жыл бұрын
Magnificent graphics- shame about the stupid islands
@calicojackrackham9233 4 жыл бұрын
The tier 7 game was like being timewarped forward 25 years. lol!! This one is going to be a hard pass for me.
@ryanzukley4468 4 жыл бұрын
In real life the ships main firing guns reload was 20 s not 30 s war gaming needs to fixs that
@martinlisitsata 4 жыл бұрын
There is a p2w plopped out every week , what does "extremely long amount of time " suppose to mean ?
@sealordmountbatten 4 жыл бұрын
Yay KSP over a year in development
@martinlisitsata 4 жыл бұрын
@@sealordmountbatten that's one heck of a constipation
@navjotbhullar2443 4 жыл бұрын
lower tiers are full of cvs and premium ships which wargaming are introducing of tier 4-5-6 stand no fun time in a cv game
@nighthaunter4348 4 жыл бұрын
Mäh, it didn´t get torps...
@rickkan8052 4 жыл бұрын
Another CV food WG what you doing? Very shame 🙈
@davidrobinson4553 4 жыл бұрын
Why oh why do they keep releasing crappy AA ships, even if they built a ship like this and the dreadnought with minimal or no AA it would have been added as did the US/Royal Navy it's an insult to the Austro Hungarians reputedly builders of fine ships and at T5 a CV's dream. Are times gettng hard at WG so we'll churn out anything we can sell ???
@gothicalpha 4 жыл бұрын
Russia, nation with near no naval tradition. Gets Gremy tier 6 at tier 5 Imperator nikolai tier 5 at tier 4. German/ Austria ( like russia Ukraine) over tier it give it no aa and throw it against the likes of THE SINOP... Pass no thank you
@calpilot7 4 жыл бұрын
The last 3 premium offerings have been total crap. The Japanese CA and DD were complete garbage as well.
@Straswa 4 жыл бұрын
The main reason I'm disappointed with Yahagi is her price tag. It's not worth $17.
@laclov2672 2 жыл бұрын
greenhorn player...
@gohibniugoh1668 4 жыл бұрын
Cvs are the cancer of this game.
@razvanmuller2220 4 жыл бұрын
u dont heav suport bcouse no one love hungarians in EU ))))))))))))))
@jozseftoth9368 4 жыл бұрын
Looks like they prefer immigrants instead:)
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