Would The Zelda OOT Temples Work As Actual Temples?

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@its_yaya5782 Жыл бұрын
I just want to say thank you to everyone who watched this. I could not have expected the amount of attention this video received, and I'm honestly a little intimidated. I understand the video isn't perfect, and looking back there are some things I could have don differently, but I'm grateful for the amount of positive reactions nonetheless. Going into the new year, I'll definitely be uploading more, though I don't know how often. No idea if I'll develop a consistent upload schedule, since I don't know if this is even a career worth pursuing, or If I'm going to stick to one form of video or series. Still, this was fun to do, and I hope to do it again sometime. Once again, thank you, and have a happy new year.
@MultiDudeman Жыл бұрын
Hope you keep at it, its good quality of work, looking forward to more videos.
@Alaois Жыл бұрын
Stellar video. I was honestly surprised to see that you only had a couple hundred subs because the video's decently produced. Keep it up!
@Knightmessenger Жыл бұрын
While the commonts raise valid points, the video is pretty well produced overall.
@seretith3513 Жыл бұрын
The monsters shouldn't be Mentioned, they're only there cause of the Temples have been cursed.
@RedSpade37 Жыл бұрын
You're very good at being a "CozyTuber" so far, and I hope you keep that up! There's also a resurgence in Zelda content, it seems, but that could just be my Algorithm at work. Also, gaming content like this, covering creative ideas like this, such as stuff you may not have thought about or never noticed, seems to be coming into vogue as well. I wish you luck with your future videos!
@trinitydalfae8478 Жыл бұрын
The reason that a lot of these fail at being "temples" is probably due more to localization issues than anything. The original term for the temples was Shinden which as far as we can tell is roughly analogous to temple but more broad and can include a number of sacred spaces. Think of them more like a remote shaolin monastery on top of a mountain than a public church in the center of town.
@amcheeze6782 Жыл бұрын
@markbasilejr9808 Жыл бұрын
even the word temple as such is more inclusive then this video lets on.
@furrystarcat Жыл бұрын
So, something closer to the shrines from Breath of the wilds, which are intentionally difficult to reach, dangerous internally, etc. because they are intended to serve as trails for the Hero to train and prove himself worthy
@EmeralBookwise Жыл бұрын
Exactly, they are nexus points and places of spiritual power, not necessarily intended for public worship. Presumably, like the Shadow "temple" they also all originally served differing purposes in the distant past.
@followthewhiterabbit884 Жыл бұрын
I think the mansion for example was more like a hideout for dangerous times. Would make more sense, because I can't imagina they worshipped their gods in a mansion. And the shadow temple isn't a real temple but a torture chamber for war times. I can't imagina someone would worship there anything too.
@nebulouscat2210 Жыл бұрын
I was always under the impression that none of the temples had monsters until ganondorf used his evil magic to curse each of the temples. Thus creating the monsters.
@nickelakon5369 Жыл бұрын
They don't. All monsters are either there because of Ganondorf, or are animals taking advantage of the areas lack of use. The Gorons would go to Dodongo's cavern to eat, it stands to reason that when they did it wasn't as dangerous. Same could be said for the fire temple. The shadow temple is a prison and torture chamber, but it's entirely possible that that's actually a recent change due to the Hylian Civil War. In fact, given that all the text referencing the shadow temple as a prison refer to the war specifically, I'd say it's not just likely but practically confirmed. I believe the boat was actually used by the Shiekah as a funeral ritual, likely placing the deceased on board for it to be "ferried into the after life" Most dangerous areas may be remnants of training grounds, prison/torture areas added during the war, or possibly ceremonies used for rites of passage by the Shiekah.
@smahlt Жыл бұрын
@@nickelakon5369 Eh, I don't quite agree with that. While a bunch of the monsters and bosses wouldn't be there, there's still some that could be considered natural. Deku babas, keese, torch slugs in the Fire Temple, and the clam things in the Water Temple all feel like they could be naturally from the area. All the bosses except Twinrova are there directly as a result of Ganondorf for sure. As for mini bosses, the Poe Sisters could also be natural as poes exist before Ganondorf's war and the temple was in ruins long before. Dark Link could also be a natural entity, perhaps as a training device used by Water Temple goers. In an alternate timeline, perhaps Ruto battles Dark Ruto to achieve a title or some other achievement in Zora society. Your conclusion on the Shadow Temple also seems false, since it is described as a historical place in Hyrule's history, and 7 years ago isn't long enough ago to be historical. Therefore all the undead could be there without Ganondorf's input. The Spirit Temple could be the one exception to everything above as it is the only malevolent dungeon whose boss was already there before Ganondorf started his war. Koume and Kotake could have placed all the monsters there to keep out the normal Gerudo while they waiting for the Gerudo king to be born, and later plotted with him.
@nickelakon5369 Жыл бұрын
@@smahlt "or are animals taking advantage of their lack of use." Before commenting, read the comment your responding to, please. Also no, I'm not incorrect about the shadow temple, please reread what I said and read the lore on it. It all mentions the civil war specifically. Kakriko village was only recently opened up to outsiders, and was only done by Impa, who is the last of the shiekah. THe engravings in the temple were not written for us. They were likely written for people further in the future. It would also not just be 7 years since the civil war by the time we enter the temple, it's an adult temple.
@KairuHakubi Жыл бұрын
@@smahlt bongo bongo and the other monsters there seem to have spontaneously arisen from the sheer grisliness of the murdery environment. that fits in japanese thinking, the vibes of a place just build up over time, or even in an object, which can come to life depending how it's been treated.
@polytanium Жыл бұрын
@@smahlt the hylian civil war took place before link was even born
@Razorgeist Жыл бұрын
A mansion in the center of a haunted forest. Well I mean it's not really a temple it's a facade for a laboratory that made bio-weapons an.....oops wrong game.
@thelegendofarrow8892 Жыл бұрын
Can’t tell if this is a Pokémon mansion reference or not- 😭
@jaws2210 Жыл бұрын
@@thelegendofarrow8892 p sure it's resident evil but I could be wrong
@thelegendofarrow8892 Жыл бұрын
@@jaws2210 oh shoot that works too 😀
@DetectiveThursday Жыл бұрын
swap out the haunted forest for an isolated village and you get Final Fantasy 7
@Takeninake Жыл бұрын
luigi's mansion
@nearthe2nd Жыл бұрын
It would've made more sense to rank the Fire Temple based off it's intended audience being the Goron, like you did with the Water Temple and the Zora. Gorons can live in absurd temperatures, and even walk in Lava no problem like in Breath of The Wild, they go to Lava Pools to relax.
@devonm042690 Жыл бұрын
The Gorons seem to worship what they call Fire Spirits, and the Zora likewise Water Spirits. Considering certain pieces of dialogue in Ocarina of Time, the Fire Temple and Water Temple could be gathering spots for these spirits, which would explain both their cultural significance and their naming. Saria also talks about Forest Spirits, particularly when you learn her song from her in front of the Forest Temple, and if you play Saria's Song as Adult Link before you complete the Forest Temple, Saria says she entered the temple at the urging of the Forest Spirits. The Spirit Temple is a bit oddly named, but I can see it at work from both a gameplay and a narrative perspective. Gameplay wise, it's tackled by the same 'spirit' in two forms. Narratively, it is _the_ Gerudo Temple, and using what I've outlined about the Forest, Fire, and Water temples already, particularly their connection to spirits of nature, it could be that the Spirit Temple was named by the Gerudo, as the gathering spot of the spirits of the desert. The Gerudo have a completely separate culture and customs from the rest of Hyrule. They don't worship Hylia or the Golden Goddesses, and none of the Hylian nature spirits would be found in the desert. So all this said, they wouldn't see the need to designate their _Spirit_ Temple as the Desert _Spirit_ Temple to differentiate from the Kokiri's Forest _Spirit_ Temple, the Goron's Fire _Spirit_ Temple, or the Zora's Water _Spirit_ Temple. As for the Shadow Temple, at first glance it appears to be the odd one out. The only 'spirits' in that place are the souls damned by the Sheikah, the _Shadow_ folk. There's the source of Shadow. But the difference here is that the Sheikah are closer than any other race to Hylia herself. And I don't mean closer literally, although the Sheikah lineage can be traced back to people who worked with her directly. No, I mean the Sheikah were deigned by the Gods to be the guardians of the Royal Family of Hyrule. So, if worship of the Forest, Fire, Water, and Desert spirits are the religious customs of the Kokiri, Gorons, Zora, and Gerudo, then carrying out their Gods-given duty is the religious custom of the Sheikah. And thus the Shadow Temple, the Sheikah center of worship, is an interrogation and execution facility for prisoners of war and traitors. The Temple of Time is easy. It was dedicated to the Gods, doubling as both a religious site for the Hylians, and the first line of defense for the Triforce. The Temple of Light is just as easy, though it's less so a religious site due to being completely off limits just by way of its location. Still, it being the shrine for the Triforce should be enough. Also, these aren't dungeons, but the latter was going to be at one point in development, and dungeons or not they still fit the naming convention.
@markbasilejr9808 Жыл бұрын
yes, and you indirectly point to the fact that the spiritual and metaphysical truths of the world of loz that we know from the text, are presented as the truths of that world and not necessarily the beliefs and practices of people in that world and what we do know from the texts of the games themselves is that there seem to be multiple religions and ways of interpreting and relating to the spiritual and metaphysical truths of the world of the loz
@Austar7 Жыл бұрын
I've always felt that the Temple of Light was on another plane of existence, kinda like Heaven or something. Or I suppose in the case of Zelda, perhaps kinda like the Silent Realms from Skyward Sword, the rooms keeping the Triforce pieces in the Sky Keep in the same game, and those chambers where you free the giants and learn the Oath to Order in Majora's Mask. I imagine there would be temples in Heaven anyways, so why not?
@devonm042690 Жыл бұрын
@@Austar7 Rauru tells you that the Temple of Light is in the Sacred Realm, which _is_ another plane of existence. People from Hyrule have to be invited there. The Silent Realms are not heavenly realms. It's true that they are realms created by the Gods, but they are mirror realms of set spaces within Hyrule for the purpose of trying burgeoning heroes. They are parallel to Hyrule. The Sacred Realm is a heavenly realm.
@BenutzerWalter Жыл бұрын
There's an inconsistency with how you ranked the Water and Spirit Temples. You ranked the Water Temple according to its accessibility and convenience to the Zora, but the Spirit Temple on its accessibility to outsiders, not the Gerudo themselves. One would need to pass the trials to get into the Gerudo Desert, and would need to get permission from the Gerudo to get in. But if the Gerudo were the ones worshipping in the temple, wouldn't it be very accessible to them? That aside, love the video ❤️
@its_yaya5782 Жыл бұрын
You have a point, but I also assumed the Gerudo would also have to pass the trials. Nabooru and the Twinrova might be the only people besides Link to reach the Temple in years.
@devonm042690 Жыл бұрын
That's not the only inconsistency. He didn't rank the Forest Temple based on the Kokiri, or the Fire Temple based on the Gorons. The latter is especially egregious, given he mentioned the Fire Temple being a Goron temple.
@KamenRiderGumo Жыл бұрын
I would agree, and further speculate that each Temple was designed to be accessed by only one of the Races found in Hyrule. (This is a long one so if anyone wants to skip this I do not blame you.) The Temple of Time seems to be the only one made for Hylians, as it is easily accessed at all times, and the Temple of Light which it serves as the doorway to has at its Sage Rauru, clearly a Hylian. The Kokiri seem to be perfectly fine hanging out in the Lost Woods for any length of time, given how Saria wanders it freely and eventually tasks Mido with standing guard at the entrance to the Sacred Forest Meadow. So one could argue that, despite its sheer size, the Forest Temple was made primarily for the Kokiri. But it fell into disrepair and eventually not even they could access it, judging by the broken staircase leading to the door that Link needs the Hookshot to get to. (Saria gets in somehow but we don't know what powers the Sages have in respect to their Temples.) The Fairy Bow it holds is far too large for the Kokiri and could only be used by a full-grown Hylian, indicating that it was put there for a Hylian. Given that there is only one bow in the Temple, it can be deduced that it was intended for a specific Hylian, one who would rise up to defend the entire kingdom in a time of great peril. Since the curse of Demise was known to the Hero of the Sky (as he was there when Demise laid said curse), he would have told Zelda of it and they would have gone about setting up a system to prepare whoever it was that was next forced to fight against great evil to save the world, thus building the Temples. The Kokiri are not descended from the Kikwi, but rather an offshoot of Hylians who chose to live closer to nature within the forest, under the guardianship of the Deku Tree, so they could have build the Forest Temple at a time when they were still mof Hylian stature and thus the size, location, and item all make sense. The Fire Temple could literally only be accessed by the Gorons. Nobody else could withstand that level of heat without one of the special Goron Tunics, and given how expensive they are most Hylians would not be able to afford them - probably only special envoys of the Royal Family would ever be sent to the Temple for any reason and then likely in the company of Gorons. Its architecture is also vastly different from anything else we see aside from Goron City, implying it was built by them, for use by them. Link again needs the Hookshot to get in, though this is more because of the broken bridge than any conscious design of the Temple, but Darunia gets in just fine. Presumably he simply rolled down the bridge and got enough speed to make the jump. Or he could have swam across the lave and climbed up to get there - it's not like lava is a problem for Gorons. The Megaton Hammer, unlike the Fairy Bow, was clearly intended as a Goron weapon. Link has to wield it with both hands due to its size and weight, but it is still possible for it to be used by a Hylian. Darunia states that a legendary Goron once used it to slay Volvagia, but it still absolutely could have been placed in the Temple to be gifted to/used by the Hero should the need arise. It is the only tool/weapon we see to ever be used by the Gorons, as their natural strength gives them greater power than any weapon save the Megaton Hammer, so it would likely be the only gift they could contribute to the protection of Hyrule and thus why it was so heavily ptrotected. Only a Zora could access the Water Temple, as evidenced by Link needing the Hookshot and Iron Boots at minimum to get in, and the Zora Tunic to function for any length of time within it. It is, as someone else said, likely to not just be a temple, but also a training ground - really, most of these temples could be seen as such, training the warriors that may be needed to guard their Sages in time of strife. Whereas Link needs to use the Hookshot to move around, Zora could merely leap from the water to get to higher places. The presence of the Longshot within could indicate that the Temple was also made to train the Hero when the time came, and thus it could be concluded that all Temples were also intended for this purpose. (Dampe's possession of the Hookshot, which even he says he just found one day, could be explained by it being a prototype version of the tool intended for the Hero and thus was lost or misplaced over time - he could conceivably have found it in the river near Kakariko if it got washed downstream by accident.) The Shadow Tenple, being beneath the Sheikah village of Kakariko that until right before the events of OoT was open ONLY to Sheikah and no-one else, was obviously built by them. They trained their warriors there and used it as a prison to hold and interrogate the enemies of Hyrule. Needing the Nocturne of Shadow to even get to it, and the Hover Boots (clearly a Sheikah tool as evidenced by the only known pair being hidden inside the Temple) and Lens of Truth (also of Sheikah origin) to traverse makes this a no-brainer. Hylians were never meant to see the dark, twisted, disturbing sights hidden deep below the ground. Lastly, the Gerudo clearly made the Spirit Temple. The people of the desert know how to navigate it despite the never-ending sandstorm and would need neither the Lens of Truth nor the guiding hand of a friendly Poe as Link does to reach the Desert Colossus which conceals the Temple. The symbol of the Gerudo is in various places throughout, the building style echoes the lines and shapes we see in the Gerudo Fortress, and the Mirror Shield within also has symbol on it, implying it was made by them and possibly intended for use by the Hero as the Megaton Hammer was.
@Bones1220 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree! But I love the video concept and enjoyed it anyway
@ladendeer4428 Жыл бұрын
@@KamenRiderGumo Great analysis :)
@cioplasmmajic8327 Жыл бұрын
A historical note about temples: Yes they are often a place of worship, but not always public worship. There are a few (often lesser) temples that exists in a "we built a temple for you, so please don't kill us" capacity. Someone might send a goat to the temple of Hades, but they're probably not going to worship him like Zeus or Aphrodite. In the same way, no one actually worships in the Shadow Temple, they're just glad it's there, and at most might send a sacrifice for the death priests.
@toninomatalone7323 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. On top of that a lot of smaller temples were built just for small cults, some of which were meant to be unreachable by common people but only for initiates. And even the big temples that we know about historically were not accessibile to everyone, since only a few priests could access the whole temple while the rest of the population could only enter the "public areas".
@Chris-gx1ei Жыл бұрын
The Water Temple has been theorized to be a Training Place for the Zoras, the puzzles they have to solve and so on can be seen as a way to worship the Goddess Nayru as they have very strong connections to her, for Example them usually living in the Region of LANAYRU, which is named after her, the Zora Saphire is shaped like the Symbol of Nayru and so on. Even the Fight against Dark Link - or in this case their dark twins - can be seen as a training of Wisdom. The only way to fight a foe as strong as you is to outsmart them, they basically need to outsmart themselves in combat
@nickelakon5369 Жыл бұрын
I have heard it said that solving the water temple may be a religious act in and of itself. The steps required to solve everything may actually be symbolic of a spiritual journey, with the fight against shadow link possibly being a ritual of purification that actually had nothing to do with Ganondorf's evil.
@nickelakon5369 Жыл бұрын
I don't think it's about wisdom I think it's about purification Dark link is a shadow Shadows are the Jungian representation of a persons dark traits (and dark link has been referenced to also represent this in some zelda content) The fight with dark link (or whoever dark twin) could be seen as conquering the darkness within and purifying the soul.
@Chris-gx1ei Жыл бұрын
@@nickelakon5369 Welp, Wisdom is also kinda involved, I mean you need to outsmart yourself and think about the Weaknesses you have that you can take advantage of, it's about knowing your Weaknesses, if you dont know them then you basically lose against yourself
@nickelakon5369 Жыл бұрын
@@Chris-gx1ei sadly, that's not really that true considering the way to beat him is to use a weapon he can't copy (at least, as mentioned, how most people probably beat him)
@Great_Olaf5 Жыл бұрын
I give you points for noting the Water Temple as being primarily used by the Zora, but I've got to take points off for not accounting for the Fire Temple likely being primarily used by the Gorons, and the Spirit Temple mostly being used by the Gerudo. With the Gorons physical abilities, many of the downsides of the temple would be similarly null compared to the Water Temple for the Zora, and I imagine most adult Gerudo have passed the trials required to access the Spirit Temple, so the same applies there.
@blackthornthetechno-prophe3697 Жыл бұрын
The temples only became populated with monsters when Ganondorf cursed them
@mayanightstar Жыл бұрын
I think the Fire Temple would be a lot more accessible to it's intended audience- the gorons
@franciscojaviermendezrinco1902 Жыл бұрын
The water temple could be considered a real temple. Is a temple to sharp the mind and clean the spirit, the last part explains the battle against Dark Link and why Navi describes it as "conquer yourself", meaning he had to fight the darkness in his spirit to progress.
@devonm042690 Жыл бұрын
Except that Dark Link was created by Morpha. The room's initial state was an illusion, and Dark Link was the result of Morpha seizing control of Link's reflection on the water's surface. The illusion of land in the center was to obscure the moment of Dark Link's creation.
@nickelakon5369 Жыл бұрын
@@devonm042690 there's no evidence that Morpha had anything to do with shadow link.
@Vekuyo Жыл бұрын
Your temple of light entry is actually just the chamber of sages, a location in the sacred realm specifically for the sages. The actual temple of light we dont have access to as Rauru simply gives you the medallion. The current assumption among many fans is that the temple of time dungeon in twilight princess is actually the light temple. You access it through the ancient hyrule castle temple of time, through a hidden entrance made of -light- in the back window of the sword chamber. And the dungeon features many light-based elements in its design, a dominion rod special item that shoots balls of light, and even a simplified version of the light medallion symbol used on the giant gold bells and other sun decor all over. The location and appearance entirely fits for being the ‘lost’ light temple. Plus its also the same window Navi flies into and disappears at the end of OoT, shortcut back to sacred realm? That may be a stretch but thats the point of theories. But overall, most of these temples arent for the common hylian public. They are first and foremost to honor their sage, then visitation of the royal family, and sometimes the native races they represent. Even in human history weve made many temples and shrines and monuments that arent intended for living visitors, but instead as places to house gods, ancestors, spirits. Places that are revered by many but only a select few ever enter the building itself. I view most the sage temples in a similar light. Some for worship, some to memorialize, and some just to honor an elemental sage.
@Knightmessenger Жыл бұрын
Didn't many (ultimately false) theories about how to obtain the triforce involve doing something before you pulled the master sword, and creating a staircase that would take you past the window? Even when I got to the Temple of Time in Twilight Princess, I thought the graphics looked cleaner, as if they were originally made for a lower resolution console.
@cobaltwolfknight Жыл бұрын
During the events of Ocarina of Time, after Link acquires the Master Sword, the Temple of Light is in the Dark World, and only the Chamber of Sages is protected from its corruption.
@franciscojaviermendezrinco1902 Жыл бұрын
The temple of time is literally a church. Even the chanting sounds like a church chorus.
@Bones1220 Жыл бұрын
I think if we consider the population each temple is serving then that would affect everyone's score. I don't love that the water temple scored so high on that basis when it wasn't considered for the desert. Overall thoroughly enjoyed this unique Zelda topic! It's fun to think of the game this way.
@sykune Жыл бұрын
You have to take into account that the temples used to be free of monsters at one point it's only because lack of up keep and ganondorfs evil magic that makes them so dangerous except maybe the shadow temple it's always been dangerous it seems
@MJTRadio Жыл бұрын
Rogue, random thoughts and analysis of my own here- - Since land and sites themselves appear to be holy in Hylian (as they are in Shintoism, for instance) "temple" might mean less, "place to do worship" and more, "place built on holy ground." Some definitely ARE places of worship, but I don't think that's a requirement. Most of the rest of this spitballing is based off that premise. - If this is so, it leads to some thoughts about the Forest Temple, which is definitely a haunted mansion rather than a holy place. Sounds like a ghost story to me- wealthy, avaricious family builds a mansion atop holy ground, the gods curse their decadence, and phantoms of the owners wander the halls after death. - The Fire Temple has been a prison for Volvagia for some time, and the Gorons probably prefer not to go there often. It is the holy ground aspect that keeps Volvagia at bay, but long before, the Gorons may have used the cages within to hold those who could be sacrificed to sate the beast's hunger. A bit like Middle Earth Dwarves, the Gorons sometimes mine until they get themselves into trouble, so they much of the Fire Temple may have been dug out by then for non-temple purposes before it became a sacred if largely forbidden place once they were sealing Volvagia there. - Shadow Temple may have served a similar purpose. I always liked the proposition the Shadow Temple and the Well are the same architecture, so it's possible the temple may have connected to the place where they sealed Bongo Bongo. Blood offerings may have been necessary to maintain the holyness of the area, so it might have just been convenient to let the Sheikah torture there both to punish the wicked and maintain the seal. Again, I doubt much actual worship was ever being done in the place, at least not how we think of it. - The Gerudo people are very singular, so I would assume their religion is much the same, so access wouldn't usually be granted to outsiders. In ages past the Spirit Temple was probably in far more regular use, but we know in some generations the Gerudo were absolutely suffering in the desert, so they may have moved further and further toward central Hyrule for its lower hostility. Presumably great ceremonies were once held in the temple, but in OOT's modern day, it might be more like a largely abandoned Mecca that only a few Gerudo journey to, possibly as a rite of passage when they are young and older, hence the two sides of the temple. There's a few thought nuggets you all can chew on.
@robinlydian4452 Жыл бұрын
I'd be really interested to hear your take on Twilight Princess, since almost every dungeon is given an explicit purpose within the game's lore, design and architecture included. Definitely fewer places of worship to compare, but a lot more design choices to consider regarding intent and effectiveness. Plus the ambience and atmosphere in that game is just great 😎 I think there are only a few other good examples across the other games (maybe a couple in TWW or SS)
@Lierofox Жыл бұрын
11:20 I always did find it weird how in OoT, after defeating Volvagia, when the death cutscene is over its head lingers on the ground, still targetable by Navi, and if you look down you see its jaw continues to move as if it's trying to talk for a couple seconds before it finally fades away. Ever since reading that manga I wondered if that "Volvagia was a pet of link" story element was planned and abandoned in the game, or if it's just a weird quirk and a bit of a coincidence and I'm just stretching to see a connection.
@nickelakon5369 Жыл бұрын
Its probably a weird quirk, as volvagia was clearly made using the Arwing from starfox 64.
@felipeignaciolagosfernande9230 Жыл бұрын
I read the manga several years after playing the game many times. After that, me and my brother had a "Mandela Effect" in which we remembered that Volvagia said "Link..." if you targeted him in that scene. We had to play it again to realize that it wasn't like that and that he was just moving his jaw.
@gustavoaraujopenha8463 Жыл бұрын
@@nickelakon5369 so what? How that makes less probably an story beat was removed?
@nickelakon5369 Жыл бұрын
@@gustavoaraujopenha8463 arwings have that animation where they shift their wings, it's possible the mouth movements are from that animation. Might be some left behind data
@84warhead Жыл бұрын
I don't think the Zelda series talks enough about how the Lost Woods is able to just straight up move around. I didn't even think about this just now until you were talking about the Forest Temple. That was a manor, which probably had people living in there, who got caught in the Lost Woods when it moved.
@i.l.l.l.l. Жыл бұрын
My headcanon was always that evil magic had warped some or all of the temple interiors to make them more dangerous, confusing and sadistic to anyone who enters. The Temple of Time, which essentially just looks like a large church inside, is an unwarped, normal temple. We see the warped, deadly version in Twilight Princess.
@Knightmessenger Жыл бұрын
I think the temple of time we see beyond the glass staircase in Twilight Princess is actually the full Light Temple we never got in OOT. When i got to that part, I though "hey this is what I wanted to do back on the n64 game." So it may have been a cut idea, inserted into a later game. Years later I noticed the Light Medallion symbol plastered all over the Twilight Princess Temple of Time.
@franciscojaviermendezrinco1902 Жыл бұрын
The shadow temple is obviously a torture chaimber. That's why the place is so haunted by the spirits of those who were tortured and killed inside of it.
@nickelakon5369 Жыл бұрын
I think the shadow temple might be multiple different facilities attached together and retrofitted into a dungeon/torture hall. Everything referencing that purpose refers to the hylian civil war That only occured about 9 years before the game started.
@Pasakoye Жыл бұрын
Your shadow follows you up to the tree, but once you pass it the shadow stays behind.
@steverempel8584 Жыл бұрын
I think it's safe to assume that when these temples were actually being used, there were no monsters in them, especially not the bosses. And some structural damage in a few of them wouldn't have been there either.
@nickelakon5369 Жыл бұрын
The shadow temple is a prison and torture chamber, but it's entirely possible that that's actually a recent change due to the Hylian Civil War. In fact, given that all the text referencing the shadow temple as a prison refer to the war specifically, I'd say it's not just likely but practically confirmed. I believe the boat was actually used by the Shiekah as a funeral ritual, likely placing the deceased on board for it to be "ferried into the after life" Most dangerous areas may be remnants of training grounds, prison/torture areas added during the war, or possibly ceremonies used for rites of passage by the Shiekah.
@franciscojaviermendezrinco1902 Жыл бұрын
For me the structure of the fire temple is like a judicial house. On the left side would be the court room and on the right several cells to keep convicts awaiting trial, all in a maze-like structure to slow down or stop any chance to escape.
@MaxWelton Жыл бұрын
19:41 except the floating hands, which makes it creepier.
@GBX101 Жыл бұрын
I always love finding Ocarina of Time videos about lore. Great Work!
@sidneybennett4436 Жыл бұрын
"It's meant for the zora so I'll rate it based on how it would serve them" 🤔 Mfw he doesn't do the volcano based on gorons right before it
@pastlink Жыл бұрын
While this was an interesting take, I can't help but be bothered by how inconsistent the ranking was. The Fire Temple was judged according to how accessible it is to hylians while clearly built for gorons, then immediately after the water temple is judged by how accessible it is to Zora's for whom it was also built. Same for the Spirit temple. And isn't it stated in game that the temples wereninvaded by monsters because of Ganons rise? So technically that wouldn't be a factor in their safety.
@MaxWelton Жыл бұрын
23:10 well, they share the blame with the Bringer of Demise’s curse.
@danielhuelsman76 Жыл бұрын
Shouldn't you consider the local races in all temples and not just the water temple? Like how Darunia also easily got into the fire temple like Ruto in the water temple. The Kokiri have no trouble with the Lost Woods as we've seen Saria make it to the entrance of the forest temple, and while getting to the spirit temple isn't easy, the Gerudo are no obstacle to the Gerudo. This wouldn't apply to the shadow or light temples unless you think the Sheikah are something other than hylians.
@TheCoolerDrilis Жыл бұрын
The Sheikah AREN'T Hylians, though.
@danielhuelsman76 Жыл бұрын
@@TheCoolerDrilis I'm not sure about that, because I haven't seen any distinct biological features that truly separates them from Hylians. And I don't think the hair or eyes count, the Gerudo's at least have 1 gender instead of 2.
@timzarathustrahanes3232 Жыл бұрын
But, other than Saria, who is either being groomed to be, or awakening as the Sage of the Forest, Link, who isn't Kokiri at all and only can navigate the Lost Woods because he's the Hero Of Time, and Mido, who only made it as far as he did because he followed Saria, the rest of the Kokiri tribe are unable to enter the Lost Woods without becoming lost themselves and turning into Skull Kids.
@danielhuelsman76 Жыл бұрын
@@timzarathustrahanes3232 Wasn't there a Kokiri girl that hangs out at the stump when the gloomy dude disappears during that trading quest? I know that's not the same as finding the temple, but casually hanging out in the Lost Woods without becoming a Skull Kid will probably give you a leg up on finding the Forest Temple, like she could just find it on accident one day.
@TheCoolerDrilis Жыл бұрын
@danielhuelsman76 They are stated to be their own race in nearly every mention of them...or at least strongly implied.
@franciscojaviermendezrinco1902 Жыл бұрын
The spirit temple is a sacred place for the gerudo. Maybe both sides are tests for the gerudo, when they are kids, they are send to access the left side to test the thieving skills of the gerudo kids, later to assend in rank they are send to do the right side to adquiere a mayor rank among the gerudo.
@HighPriestFuneral Жыл бұрын
It would make sense, since Nabooru already knew the Silver Gauntlets were in that section of the temple. Makes the Iron Knuckles a little bit tragic then, though. Since I doubt the Gerudo were told to kill their own. I wonder if the Iron Knuckle was supposed to open the way voluntarily for Gerudo. After all, they don't attack until you attack them.
@elias.t Жыл бұрын
@@HighPriestFuneral Or the Iron Knuckles were trials by combat, but not to the death.
@kylelundgren5133 Жыл бұрын
That sounds slightly adhoc so perfect for the Zelda series.
@softpaw6234 Жыл бұрын
The forest temple isn't really that hard to navigate once you get used to it, with only a minor hiccup in the twisting hallways compared to a normal house. Since the fire temple was built for gorons, who are shown to be resistant or outright immune to fire and lava in many eras, I would rank it based on its utility for them as you did for the zora. Even though many of these temples are hard to access, I feel that could be a feature of their sacred significance, as some of our own world's religions have many a pilgrimage that was once highly treacherous, and many holy places are highly taboo to access except by the highest ranking members of their order.
@catcocomics1601 Жыл бұрын
It is interesting to see the Ocarina of Time temples taken in the context of the modern world. However, there are a few things and lore details that might not have been known or considered when you made this video and that may generally be obscure since much of it is either in the subtext or from developer interviews. Some of what I have to say is also just fairness for the sake of fairness; you didn't quite judge all dungeons with equal scrutiny. The Temple of Light seems to be given the least fair shake of the bunch and to no fault of its own or to those who see its one remaining room of relative safety. As Rauru states, we only get to see the Chamber of Sages within the Temple of Light and not the Temple of Light itself, implying that there would be more to see had Ganondorf not taken control of the Sacred Realm. Additionally, the Temple of Light - and especially the Chamber of Sages - only exists to serve the Seven Sages and the Hero of Time (and other heroes who pull the Master Sword and happen to be taken to the Temple of Light), and in the context of the adventure, proves to be the ultimate safe haven for all of them. Overall I'm not sure it's really fair to try and give the Temple of Light a rating at all since it pretty much exists in a spiritual realm for a highly specific purpose for highly specific individuals. The Forest Temple's poe sisters are actually benevolent priestesses acting as guardians to the Forest Temple (unironically making them some of the only poes in the series lore to not hate the world). The only reason they attack Link at all is because Ganondorf convinced them that Link was coming to attack and defile the temple, thus during a time before Ganondorf's rise to power, the poe sisters would likely be more inclined to being guides for welcome guests. Additionally, if we put the Forest Temple on equal footing with the Water Temple, the place is most likely made for or used by denizens of the forest, particularly the Kokiri and other forest spirits. In fact, Link and especially Saria spend a lot of time in the Sacred Meadow in front of the temple before the game even really begins, and most likely the place only became dangerous due to the death of the Great Deku Tree and Ganondorf seizing the Triforce of Power. The Fire Temple is of unknown origins, having been apparently created before the Goron race came to inhabit Death Mountain, and thus has likely given an unfair shake in the ordeal due to a severe lack of proper upkeep, though who ever created it would still have to have a common means of weathering the heat of the volcano both to access the temple and to navigate it. The Fire Temple is sadly in such a state of disrepair that we really don't know what kind of function it was original meant to serve, other than it does bear its cultural and spiritual significance and it houses a fiery dragon. There's really nothing for me to comment on in regards to the Water Temple; you gave it the fairest shake of the bunch (and the Temple of Time too since there really is nothing to say about that place on this topic) and the only one you considered in the context of the demographic of the people who would actually use the temple. Yeah, the Shadow Temple is pretty messed up. Only the Sheikah and the Hero of Time stand to last long in there as far as the human races generally go. Though it should also be noted that the temple is sealed with a stone door that requires someone capable of lighting fires to be able to open it, which probably not *too* hard to do even without Fire Arrows or Din's Fire, but still, the temple *is* sealed. The Spirit Temple I would absolutely rate higher on its accessibility just by virtue of *who* is actually meant to even go there; the Gerudo. Given how Nabooru and a large sum of Ganondorf's servants are able to visit the temple and even use it as a hideout with seemingly no complication (other than Nabooru and Ganondorf's servants don't see eye-to-eye), the Spirit Temple really should have scored higher, especially given how reasonable the trials for getting there really are given that certain people in Kakariko Village mention that some individuals are able to discern the truth and pierce illusions with their own mind's eye through mental training.
@burningcamel2120 Жыл бұрын
by all means, this is a great respond, you pointed out all of the mayor inconsistencies in the video, been the biggest one, not ratting the "temples" according to their intended audience, you were not rude, and were eloquent in your writting, you explained yourself and bring information relevant to the topic, this is why i stole internet for
@AwesomeTingle Жыл бұрын
I was really intrigued by the idea of this video, but I feel like the actual dungeon analysis strayed from it. I was hoping more for speculation on religious significance and how such a temple might be used for worship, but instead got a summary of what you do in the temple and a safety rating.
@neor2354 Жыл бұрын
This video was so well done. A Lythero and SMT reference as well were two cherries on top. 5/5
@sambajane Жыл бұрын
this is what oot lore videos wish they were. creative and hilarious. bravo
@ThingsInMyHouse Жыл бұрын
In a sea of LOZ content, this is the sort of topic im interested in.
@jellysquid8077 Жыл бұрын
I love how you didn't just compare it to real life temples and assume that they were always full of monsters and traps. You actually looked at the lore, the architecture, etc. for your rankings. Also, I LOVE that you referenced the Ocarina of Time manga! The Zelda manga are AMAZING!
@thebloxxer22 Жыл бұрын
13:17 Also known as the Storage Temple for those doing Potsanity Randos
@ChatookaMusic Жыл бұрын
Something about nonchalantly going over the dangers of a cursed forest that turns lost people into monsters and then giving it a 1/5 OSHA accessibility rating gives me big nightvale energy lmao
@DartzTheGamer Жыл бұрын
I love the concept of this video, but it's seems like you went with the point of view that all of the temples were made for Hylian access where they weren't. All on all, still enjoyed the video. Keep up the great work.
@TheBreadPirate Жыл бұрын
I love this idea for a video. So clever!!
@YamatoFukkatsu Жыл бұрын
Come on, you're giving the Fire Temple rock-bottom placement in accessibility because it's in a volcano? To a Goron, that might as well just be a weekend resort. This is to say nothing of the fact that Goron Tunics exist (and are readily sold in shops), but if you're going to grade the Water Temple based on how convenient it is to the Zora, you should damn well do the same for the other races and their respective temples. On that note, the Sheikah are specially trained to operate in darkness, and the Shadow Temple seems like it could serve as a training ground for them while doubling as a prison and execution ground..... not that I think it's a pleasant place to be in, regardless, but just something to consider. You also overlook the obvious fact that these places are, for the most part, only the way they are because of Ganondorf's influence. I can't say for absolute certain that these places would be devoid of monsters and lethal traps if that wasn't the case, as some of them had been falling to decay and were supposedly never visited for years prior to Ganondorf's rise, but I think it's safe to say that a monstrous boss wouldn't be occupying the depths of these places, if nothing else. Come to think of it, if you were to grade these places based on their hazard level AFTER Ganondorf's influence, then I think you should take a few points away from the Temple of Time's accessibility, at least in the future. It might be easy to reach for the hero of time, but I can't imagine the average Hylian would have a very nice time traversing the ruined castle town that's now infested with Redeads (granted, I think it was implied that Ingo from Lon Lon Ranch was able to have a personal audience with Ganondorf, so it's not impossible for a regular person to reach the place, but I probably wouldn't grade it a 5/5 either).
@nezuminora9528 Жыл бұрын
I find it interesting that these large dungeons are called Temples, and the smaller ones that showed up later in BoTW, are called shrines. This is consistent with Japanese culture where Temples (Buddhist) are much larger buildings or complexes, and shrines (Shinto) are often smaller structures dedicated to local kami, so they are dotted all over the countryside and tucked into small corners in the cities. My interpretation of the Zelda lore is that the Temples were built to house and protect the medallions, and there would have been monks of each Hylian race living in them.
@Bradenn Жыл бұрын
would be pretty cool to see more vids like this, honestly really enjoyed it lol
@hist150project5 Жыл бұрын
Imagine if every time you go to church you have to solve a bunch of puzzles, collect keys, open locked doors, change some water levels, and fight a boss.
@RobertF-zj2rm Жыл бұрын
not easy to come up with a unique idea for a zelda video these days. nice job!
@its_yaya5782 Жыл бұрын
Remember that these are all opinions.
@bradyblu4794 Жыл бұрын
Would you consider looking at other fictional temples? You did a great job on this video. You could really make it work. _____________________ Temples ⛪️ ⛪️ ⛪️ Shrine (Virtua Fighter) Duomo di Sirio (Tekken) Bhogavati (Tomb Raider) Air Temple Island (Avatar) Church of Irith (Elden Ring) Old Temple (Street Fighter) The Temple of Light (Fable) The Crater of Atom (Fallout) The Ruins of Life (Pokémon) Gotham Cathedral (Batman) Temple of Xian (Tomb Raider) The Forgotten Temple (Zelda) Twilight Cathedral (Darksiders) Palutena’s Temple (Smash Bro) Temple Hideout (Street Fighter) Pandora's Temple (God of War) Zipacna’s Temple (Tomb Raider) The Southern Air Temple (Avatar) Isolated Divine Tower (Elden Ring) Riverside First Church (Left 4 Dead) The Temple of Euryale (God of War) The Saints Row Church (Saints Row) The Kombat Temple (Mortal Kombat) Temple of the Dragon (Dead or Alive) Sky Sanctuary (Sonic The Hedgehog) Raiden’s Sky Temple (Mortal Kombat) St. Christopher’s Church (Dead Island) Shangri-La the Paradise (Call Of Duty) Morningstar Sanctuary (Fantasy Strike) Temple Beth Springfield (The Simpsons) Hidden Temple of Necrovalley (Yu-Gi-Oh) The Sanctum Sanctorum (Doctor Strange) Temple of the Gods (The Road To El Dorado) The First Church of Springfield (The Simpsons) The Catacomb of Sacred Waters (Tomb Raider) Alter of the Sunne or Alter of the Moon (Pokémon) Shrine of Eurydice: Cloud Sanctuary (Soul Caliber) The Cathedral of the Holy Cross (Assassins Creed)
@its_yaya5782 Жыл бұрын
@@bradyblu4794 wow that’s quite a list. I could, but most of these seem to be temples in the traditional sense, and I’m not familiar with some of these games.
@bradyblu4794 Жыл бұрын
@@its_yaya5782 Sorry, if you feel the list was to small it could be longer. I hope you like what you find in study for your videos. They are your videos friend make them whatever you like. It’s just a suggestion. And yes not every story is Legend of Zelda or Tomb Raider where temples are also rich game dungeon environments. But maybe it could be a fun experience. I wish you a wonderful morning. And hope you have an excellent day tomorrow. Please have fun with your next project. Thank you.
@sledgen. Жыл бұрын
The Zelda fandom forgets this 9 times out of 10
@Joe-ug2mb Жыл бұрын
water temple is best temple.
@sledgen. Жыл бұрын
You answered a question I had at 2am thanks man 😅
@Mandobabybird Жыл бұрын
It could be argued that the trials you have to go through to make it to the Spirit Temple, is a form of worship in itself
@Chronoplague Жыл бұрын
This was a fun exercise in analyzing the real world utility of a virtual space.
@toxic_revenant3 Жыл бұрын
Great video! I'd love to see more Zelda videos in this style!
@franciscojaviermendezrinco1902 Жыл бұрын
I heard that the forest temple was a foretress during the Hylian civil war. Before those times was suspected that the temple and the sacred forest meadow were outside the forest, but the forest grew and swallowed the temple as well as its only entrance strategically made to be able to defend the place of an enemy attack.
@michaelcarlton1484 Жыл бұрын
If it wasn't for the fact that the Temple of Light is in the Light Realm, it would absolutely have it's name swapped with the Spirit Temple due to their themes.
@sohopedeco Жыл бұрын
Those out of focus images make me think I was not wearing my glasses more times than I'd like to admit.
@twistedninjafishz2683 Жыл бұрын
I think the fire temple should have had a higher ranking the gorons that live there eat rocks and they worship the mountain I think that should have added some points to it.
@danielcurren2119 Жыл бұрын
These temples are monster invested only because of ganondorf's influence and how abandoned they are. If they were more accessible and more used, there would be no monsters and the traps would be shut off. They're also meant for the race of its respective race that can handle each element with no problem. Fire temple and gorons, water temple and ruto, etc
@blackshaddow5005 Жыл бұрын
I think your methology was a bit off/inconsistent 1. Safety: none of them are safe... all of them are ruins, lost places, infested with monsters. None of the temples has seen any maintanece in years, maybe even decades or centuries. All ot them get 0/5. Maybe this aspect should not have been inspected in the current condition, but at the time they where accually in use. 2. Accessebility: None of them are accessible to a general audience, but they are highly accessible to the specific audiance they are designed for. Zoras can move freely and breath under water (as you said yourself). But Gorons are fireproof. 3. Convineace: What are the dungeons desined for? Do they do their job? And not only in regards to Hylianism, because the spirit temple is probably the most religious place of all the temples, but not dedicated to the gods or godesses accepted by hylianism
@connormiller9363 Жыл бұрын
Great video man see you when you hit 100k
@richardqustmrk Жыл бұрын
I believe the temple of Light is only mentioned, with the sacred realm housing it, the chamber of sages is in the temple of Light, but I don't think it's the entire place. According to some old dev builds people have found there may have been a temple of light planned late in development.
@richardqustmrk Жыл бұрын
Also I love the water temple you're all wrong it's a great dungeon
@BenutzerWalter Жыл бұрын
@@richardqustmrk Yeah same, honestly i love how complex it is. I'd only say that about the 3DS version - the N64 version would be only reasonably playable if there's a mod to toggle iron boots.
@richardqustmrk Жыл бұрын
@@BenutzerWalter there are rom hacks that assign the iron boots to the d-pad for the n64 version, however personally I never found the iron boot menu thing that annoying
@toxic_revenant3 Жыл бұрын
Rauru's section of Ganon's Castle might have reused a few of the assets planned for the Light Temple.
@richardqustmrk Жыл бұрын
@@toxic_revenant3 which is soooo cool, it gives us a glimpse at what could have been! As someone who has replayed Ocarina to death, it's amazing when you see it in a different light like that
@s-wo8781 Жыл бұрын
I was hoping you'd actually talk the purpose of the rooms and which rooms could be used for worship and isn't the Temple of Time the actual church in Hyrule Town and the sacred realm is a separate dimension.
@GavinAstraWolf Жыл бұрын
This was a fun watch and never thought about the temples in this way before. lol
@SuperTrainStationH Жыл бұрын
I think a good future video would be "Which Zelda dungeons work as actual dungeons." The Arbiters Grounds and Shadow Temple would be high on that list I bet. I look forward to future material.
@PatrickTrainer Жыл бұрын
Very well done! Would love to see more content like this
@gallofilm Жыл бұрын
banger video actually. i really like your commentary and editing style, it is silly :P def subbing for more content, i love zelda stuff and you
@carols.8103 Жыл бұрын
this was great !!!!! so creative, pls do a series 🙏
@TurnzoTanz Жыл бұрын
Fire temple was built for gorons and therefore being safe for them as they are built with immunity to lava and fire and it is quite accessible due to the secret passage in Durunia's room
@Puzzles-Pins Жыл бұрын
Interesting analysis and fun video, but the inconsistency of rating the water temple for Zora while ignoring the temple in the heart of the volcano being fine for Gorons bugged me. Also, I'm pretty sure these "temples" weren't for traditional worship, more like 'sacred sites', perhaps even trials for the sages. Likely more inspired by eastern religion than our western notions of worship.
@joefarrow1599 Жыл бұрын
Hahahaha doing a risk assessment of each temple is such a funny idea
@SuperMetalyrics Жыл бұрын
This was hilarious, never really thought about how insane these places were... I guess Nintendo forgot that Temples and Dungeons are two different things
@Shork313 Жыл бұрын
Finally, someone asking the important questions..
@fatalwaffle1715 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video bro!
@_No_Time_ Жыл бұрын
Very cool video !!! Interesting Ideas, I loved it !
@magicaltour1 Жыл бұрын
Your word for Hyrule’s religion, Hylianism, got me thinking. Is it possible Hyrule has had two religions rather than one? It seems that the series seems to go back and forth over whether the Hylians worship the three golden goddesses, or Hylia. Many of the recent games focus more on Hylia, while the Golden Goddesses seems to fade more into the background. I wonder how they’re related? Are they even all part of the same pantheon? If not, are we seeing two different religions gaining prominence at various points of the saga? I guess those religions would be Hylianism (worship of Hylia) vs worship of the Golden Goddesses (what would we call that? Gilded trinitarianism?). But given Nintendo’s tendency to drag their feet on such things, we may never know.
@nickelakon5369 Жыл бұрын
Well The golden goddesses don't necessarily mean Hylia couldn't have existed alongside them. The golden goddesses may have created the world, while Hylia was intended to oversee it. However, during the conflict with Demise it was required that she incarnate herself as a mortal being (or according to the possibly canon but also possibly not skyward sword prequel manga she became a mortal to be able to forever be with incarnations of the hero)
@juanrodriguez9971 Жыл бұрын
I like to think of the goddesses as Chronos, they were here before and created everything, why? We don't know, are they still with us? We don't know, did they have an actual religion or that was a history lesson of why everything exists? Maybe they didn't and was just a lore explanation.
@burningcamel2120 Жыл бұрын
I think that over the pass of time the golden goddesses have been forgotten by hylians, and only remenbered by just a few people, the goddesses vanished and leave pretty much with no reason, and hylia was tasked to take care over the world they had created, for me, it make sence that hylia was a goddess created by the golden goddesses as a guardian of their creation, as the goddesses were gone, and only hylia remained, people started to whorship her even more, hylia literally incarneted herself in order to figth and content the evil, she reencarnate every time its needed, and hylians are too aware of this, hylians whorship her for been a proteccive diety rather that the ones that create them, ethier way, the goddesses still remains as a myth, people had an idea of them but just a few bunch really knows what the true its, and hylia its a legend that people had witnessed with their own eyes
@Roxaslovergirl13 Жыл бұрын
The Fire Temple was built with the Gorons in mind, as they are able to resist the heat of the volcano without assistance.
@HeadRedShot Жыл бұрын
this is incredibly high effort for such a small channel. id feel evil if i didnt subscribe
@gallofilm Жыл бұрын
also you mentioned the manga which is peak i wish more people talked about the manga
@Yokyle4356 Жыл бұрын
Now going on the thumbnail yes I do believe these dungeons do make sense
@robertarthur5644 Жыл бұрын
You've struck gold mate you made a good video while asking for more might seem intimidating I'm here if you want someone to help you I want to see you thrive I would love to hear back from you keep up with the good work for a second video you have already dipped your foot into the honey pot that is the legend of Zelda I want to see your channel grow for the contact from the content that it deserves welcome to KZbin we needed you
@lukes9192 Жыл бұрын
"I guess you could climb up to the alcove, but it's well hidden" Bruh you go to the local graveyard and look up lol
@guyledouche7939 Жыл бұрын
I gotta go change the torches... Okay...here's a hookshot, bombs, and hover boots to get there.
@iamspringtrap223 Жыл бұрын
You're asking the right questions, but not in the right context. Add "to whom would worship within" to each, and you have the perfect questions The only temple using the right context is the water temple, used by Zora
@Knightmessenger Жыл бұрын
11:46 link's only way to fight is to stun with the hammer and the wail on it with the master sword. Uses clip with Biggoron sword, not master. You could also use the hammer again to deal damage. Its only required to stun with the hammer first.
@HappySlapComedy Жыл бұрын
This is well documented color me impressed you did your research.
@HappySlapComedy Жыл бұрын
Also i like your editing
@Rumpelstilzchenfaktor Жыл бұрын
Really awesome idea for a video. I love it!
@TheCoolerDrilis Жыл бұрын
Being fair to the Fire Temple, Darunia's room has a passageway in the back that takes you like 100 yards from the Temple. And the Gorons can survive the heat easily.
@FourthDerivative Жыл бұрын
I appreciate how this is so much more about OSHA compliance than actually being an appropriate location for religious worship.
@Jopo1226 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I feel the could have had unique names like the child dungeons. Forest Mansion, Fire catacombs, Water Temple (seems fitting) Shadow Gallery, Spirit Palace.
@zephryus Жыл бұрын
I think the Shadow Temple is more useful as a place to seal evil. So that can serve as a temple too, it's like a catacomb. Perhaps a structure once stood above it.
@nemooceansoul1137 Жыл бұрын
okay just got to 20:00 so havent heard your ratings for it just yet, but a small reminder that the shadow temple was originally built to house the remains of the royal family (hence the ship at the end reacting to zelda's lullaby). it was later converted during the great war of hyrule (the one that lead link's mother to escape into the kokiri forest) into the torture chamber at the behest of the royal family. i believe zeltik or someone similar did a video on this earlier last year....
@TheTwistedTreant526 Жыл бұрын
Great work! Keep going bro
@Kreiser_VII Жыл бұрын
I loved this vid and I got 3 thoughts to share: 1) If we consider whothe temple was for, the technicality of the Water Temple, the Spirit Temple may be good since only Gerudos were meant to use it, but that would only work if it has a branch of hylianism that no other race would worship. The Fire Temple cooooould work, but yeah, too jail-like. For accessibility, if we consider the waroing songs as chants to grant access to the temple, all of them would be fine, even if not all of them are temples. 2) I bet all of these are called temples to keep the theme of the dungeons but couldn't come up with different names :p, Imma try it now: Chamber of the sages, Forest Manor, Goron Keep, Zora Temple, Hylian Prison, Gerudo Colossus, or something like that :P 3) Maybe some of the temples were useful as temples when they were created, especially the Fire Temple, repurposed by Ganon to be a jail but was once actually a temple for gorons but with Volvagia's eruptions it started falling apart, and some fire hazards would be nothing for Gorons. The Forest Temple may've been not haunted and the Shadow Temple a catacomb that then became a torture chamber. Still, wonderful video :D
@Kreiser_VII Жыл бұрын
Can't edit right now, but just realized Hylian Dungeon would be more fitting for the Shadow Temple, ironically, perhaps the only ACTUAL dungeon of the game :P
@angeloireland576 Жыл бұрын
Had to stop after fire temple. It was made for gorons who take lava baths and eat multen rocks. It was clearly super accessible to there race who it was made for. I can see all the tamples following this trend. I wish the video took who the temples were made for into account. Aka light temple being for the gods and the sages of the gods and fire temple for the goron with forest being for the kakori
@LilKiwi2240 Жыл бұрын
I always thought that the Chamber of sages wasn't the temple of light. That they originally INTENDED a temple of light but it was removed. The chamber of sages is much different than a temple I would argue. It's a chamber for the sages to probably conduct their powers and meetings. It's less of a temple and more of a meeting room
@Knightmessenger Жыл бұрын
10:44 stalfos and lizalfos only appear in Master Quest. Ditto for redead in Forest Temple.
@azraelvrykolakas157 Жыл бұрын
Well they are all abandoned after the parishioners were chased away by the forces of evil. And the landscape has been reshaped by war and by magic and partially reclaimed by nature. Not to mention that some of the traps may have been added or repurposed by the invaders. And the respective regional parishioners may have had the necessary adaptations to make what you might call a perilous journey a cake walk, atleast in the before time's the long long ago.
@yasserarguelles6117 Жыл бұрын
For the Temple of Time, i feel like it should have been rated a 4 or 5 since it's accessible, convenient and safe... it's only the back side which is in the Sacred Realm, aka not where normal people go to, where things get sketchy.
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