身为新加坡人,国民没有一个不打从心里万分敬佩我们的国父李光耀总理。我自己到今天为止都可以很清楚的记得,我们一家6口如何在1971年,搬进去新加坡的政府组屋那一刻!!万分的感激。。 就是那一刻开始。。我们国民就开始安居乐业。。。可以一起和政府一起打拼。。努力前进。。Majulah Singapura !!
As a Malaysian, I really wished he was our nation leader. But too bad, our leaders are too busy playing racial politics and are so corrupted that even with so much natural resources, we are getting more and more behind Singapore. Really salute what LKY has done. Definitely a legend
@Sakurayaya Жыл бұрын
same thought as yours 😮💨😮💨
@xiaogwen2790 Жыл бұрын
SG will always be the reminder of what we would've been if we just get our shit together
@mickeytang440 Жыл бұрын
Actually Tuanku Abdul Rahman, the first King of Malaysia, wanted Malaysia to be peaceful and fair for everyone. He believed in democracy and inclusivity. The Bumiputra privilege was meant to help people who were behind in their finances, but it was supposed to be temporary (suppose reviewed after 15 Years). They never checked if it was still needed, and this caused arguments. The 1969 May 13 incident was a time when people from different races fought each other. This happened after an important election. Because of this trouble, Tuanku Abdul Rahman decided to step down as King in 1970. He said he was not feeling well, and he thought Malaysia needed strong leadership. I think that if Tuanku Abdul Rahman had tried to stop corruption first, Malaysia might have gone in a different direction, maybe a fairer and better one.
@Sakurayaya Жыл бұрын
@@mickeytang440 Tunku Abdul Rahman is (was) Malaysia 1st PM, not King! 😑😑
@pringleschapman7165 Жыл бұрын
3 things that stop Malaysia becoming a develop country, Race card, Religion, & Royal families priorities.
@@TONY-xr7erhe was not the only one to bring about the changed in Singapore. LKY was supported by his old guard ministers such as Dr Toh Chin Chye, Mr Lim Kim San, Dr Goh Keng Swee, Mr Eddie Barker, Mr S. Rajaratnam and Mr Ahmad Ibrahim. They were men of strong personalities and all were being pull in the same direction with that sense of common purpose to make Singapore survive the combustible situation of Independence on the horizon. Singapore would not be what it is without this group of gifted and capable team of loyal Old Guards. These talented men were brought together in the most extraordinary of circumstances, and were no mere functionaries of Lee. Indeed, each was a leader in his own right; but they were prepared to accept Lee's captaincy in the shaping and moulding of Singapore.
I am a Singaporean. Before and during the 80’s, many of us look up upon Hong Kong and Taiwan. We wanted to be like them.Despite all kind of names (坡仔,坡柴,鼻屎,etc) mocking at us, we don’t hate them. In order to survive, we knew that we have to be on par if not better. Our men willingly accepted the fact that we have to be strong to protect our land, home, family and loves one. In order not to be invaded, we need to have our own military with the best weapons. We served our national service with pride and willing to fight if our peace being threatened. Please don’t hate, think what you can do for your country to bring it to a higher level.
所有新加坡公民都要宣誓的國家信約: 我們是新加坡公民, 誓願不分種族、言語、宗教,團結一致, 建設公正平等的民主社會, 並為實現國家之幸福、繁榮與進步,共同努力。 We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society based on justice and equality so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation.
@clarenceewe Жыл бұрын
Majulah Singapura 🎉
@Jack-mm3bl Жыл бұрын
I used to believe this national oath when I was young. But not anymore during NS.
I wasnt really aware what this great man had done for Singapore till i visited Taiwan.... the people there knows more about my leader than myself; and had many praises for LKY, hence from then i decided to read thoroughly about this man, to realize how great he and his team are
Thanks so much for the sharing of Singapore history...I am so proud to be a Singaporean when many others including from China and India are giving compliments to my country so often ❤ 😊. Singapore flag flies high 🎉. SINGAPORE flag symbolizes a young nation on the ascendant with the five stars depict her ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality. 💕
@ChiangKai-shek蔣介石 Жыл бұрын
@@Estebel10330 亞洲四小龍會迎來大洗牌,舊成員會留任就只有新加坡與南韓,舊成員會被出局就只有香港與台灣,但是大家不用於太過灰心因為亞洲四小龍將會有可能會有新成員加入亞洲四小龍就是文萊與日本,新加坡崛起之路原來是靠兩種謀略來讓新加坡在於這個國際社會之中一鳴驚人來崛起,第一是靠攀龍術,新加坡是通過外交政治來寻找机缘;攀附中美兩大強國,努力登龙,李顯龍說:「新加坡將在中美兩強中找到最恰當的平衡」,一旦政治上取得平衡,就可以取得在商業、經濟上最大的利益;而經濟上的連結,小國求生存 靈活適應成必要手段 不過新加坡的優勢,亦與其和國際的高度連結有關。 李光耀特別注重國際互動,畢竟新加坡再努力,做為仰賴外貿的小國,勢必深受國際情勢牽動。 近期,中美摩擦頻頻,新加坡政府的立場曾遭質疑傾向大陸。 其實是因為新加坡近年在南海問題上,承受許多來自大陸的壓力的緣故。不過總體而言,新加坡與大陸合作密切,也與美國保持良好關係,我更指出,政府的作為,一切仍是以國家利益為優先,而手段就是保持開放,或說「Stay relevant to the world」(與世界密切相連)。例如新加坡除了在經濟上保持開放,甚至在敏感的政府間軍事合作上,與大陸、台灣、美國都也有保持一定的互動。,第二是靠借刀殺人來增強新加坡自己的國家競爭力量,新加坡論金融能力不如香港,新加坡論半導體能力不如台灣,路人皆知香港一直以來都是新加坡的戰略對手,習近平是作為了毛澤東思想的繼承者是跟鄧小平為首的走資派是有根本性是不一樣的,香港是作為美國同時之間也作為了以鄧小平與江澤民為首的改開派的後花園,習近平可以利用來香港打擊改開派與美國,作為了習近平布局之下的三年前(2019年的反送中之戰)的中美新冷戰的戰場,香港內部的泛民陣營向美國爭取國際政治緩助,給予泛民陣營的禮物,就是加大香港與大陸對於相關的官員的制裁力度,作為美國給予了香港泛民陣營對於自己的內部政敵們的的報復性禮物,內部政治勢力以建制派為首的政治派系來打擊香港國際競爭力與公信力,香港版國安法導致香港百年良好政治制度的慢性崩潰,新加坡從而打贏了這個戰略對手香港,下一個的戰略對手就是是 “中華民國”論新加坡的半導體能力根本就是如台灣,由於台灣在於政治、外交、軍事、地緣政治上面徹底倒向了美國的關係,加上中共大陸內部是以習近平為首的強硬派全面掌權,習近平通過20大順利連任,李克強自己退休的關係習近平自己在於中共內部更加得心應手,習近平與賴清德會不會有機會成為了兄弟,我認為他們兩人並不會成為兄弟反而是會成為了敵人,因為他們倆人的政治立場與意識形態基本上面是水火不容的,一個是以中華民族復興為已任,追求兩岸統一,另外一個是想要讓台灣成為獨立國家,追求本土民族自治,他們倆人基本上面的政治立場是水火不容的,他們倆人必然會走向對抗的,台灣內部的2024年的總統大戰之下的政治博弈,形成了三腳督或者是四腳督之勢,肯定是郭台鉻、柯文哲、候友宜、賴清德的一場大戰,賴清德基本上面是已經贏定了總統寶座,賴清德並不會挽救台灣經濟,因為資本是最為討厭風險,台海局勢的尤其是局部性戰爭風險與地緣政治的風險不斷提升,反而會讓資本外逃,原因是賴清德他的激進台獨路線不斷加速讓台灣走向戰爭風險,賴清德只會迫使兩岸開戰,中共不斷加強對於台灣軍事演習,最終兩岸下擦槍走火,新加坡最後來借中共之手徹底剷除台灣。 新加坡同時之間必須要分秒必爭來搶台灣的人才,這幾年,台灣經濟不景氣,工作難找。由新加坡半官方人才招募機構「聯繫新加坡」(Contact Singapore)主辦, 率領在新加坡的科技廠商,英飛凌、特許半導體等七大外商,首度集體越洋到台灣徵才。開出兩倍高薪、調低個人所得稅、 提供培訓機會等優渥條件,向台灣科技人才招手。 台海戰爭另外會成為了壓垮台灣的最後一根稻草,台海戰爭可能會讓台灣失去了亞洲四小龍的地位 日本在廣場協議的壓抑下,給了台灣與南韓半導體產業上的發展契機。基本上,台灣的半導體業是本土型產業,所有的戰略思考可以專注於台灣的競爭力。 新加坡則不然,新加坡一方面把製造業維持GDP在25%以上當成國家目標,小國寡民的新加坡,要發展科技產業必定要仰賴外力,基本上台灣是因為成果豐碩,各國爭相禮聘、邀約,是「Inside-out」的產業議題。 新加坡沒有本土工業,卻有9座晶圓代工廠,這些來自海外的企業設廠,基本上是「Outside-in」,但不能說新加坡半導體業是「無根」的產業,新加坡的貢獻在於「把公務當成商務在運作」,政府的公共服務就是貢獻,也創造非常傑出的產業價值。 台灣:世界半導體的心臟地帶 一如當年掌握石油就是掌握國際優勢地位一樣,當前以及未來國家的綜合國力與競爭籌碼,取決於數位化的「運算能力」(arithmetic capability)。從手機和導彈系統,從汽車到無人機,都需要先進晶片。沒有晶片或僅僅擁有低端晶片,在國際政治上就必然處於失語和失權的狀態。 台灣擁有執世界之牛耳的半導體大廠「台積電」(TSMC),以及以「台積電」為核心所建構的「半導體產業群」,規模達到了全世界75%-95%的市場佔有率。在當代這個「矽世界」(world of silicon)中,國家的地位與命運取決對運算的駕馭能力,也就是依託半導體所建構的「晶片國力」。換言之,台灣居於世界半導體的心臟地帶,擁有世界最尖端的晶片國力,以及依賴晶片產業鏈而影響世界的能力。 基於晶片是一種無可替代的戰略物資,台灣一旦受到傷害,等於世界經濟遭受重創。這就意味保護台灣等於保護全世界,失去台灣也就意味失去全世界。換言之,台灣有事,世界有事。 就是因為如此美國與世界各國必須要削弱台灣的全球半導體產業的影響力與壟斷市場的優勢,美國與世界各國必須要對於台灣進行“去風險化戰略計劃”對於台灣的晶片慢性脫勾來減輕對於台灣高階晶片的依賴,同時間世界各國也是要加強世界各國的高階晶片的自造能力,美國與世界各國必須要對於台灣的責任生產高階晶片與台灣責任生產供應向世界的科技業界的高階晶片生產中心基地進行轉移工作以及尋求能夠接替台灣的高階晶片生產中心的國家與已經具備生產高階晶片的能力國家,這個世界上面究竟是有或者是已經有具備生產高階晶片能力的國家,我個人回答肯定是有的而我認為是有,例如是美國、韓國、荷蘭、日本、新加坡、中國大陸等的替代國家,這樣做法的就是可以避免台灣高階晶片市場存在獨占或者寡占的情況,需求或者供給價格分別跟消費者的需求量和生產者的供給量掛鈎,試圖減輕對於台灣高階晶片的依賴性,等待中共決定攻打台灣與收復台灣達到將會台海一旦發生戰爭的時候影響。
@JRM-01 Жыл бұрын
@@ct9245 大马人你越吹越大
@lailengboon7886 Жыл бұрын
This year is late MM LKY 100th birth anniversary. We miss him so much. There will never be another LKY again but his DNA was imparted to everyone of us. We will uphold his legacy for generation to come ! 今年是已故李资政的百岁诞辰,我们都很怀念他。以后也不会再出现像他一样的奇人, 但他的基因已移植到我们每一位国人。我们会把他的精神与思想传承于后代以发扬光大!
As a Singaporean , i can assure that MINGJAI got his history facts correct. One of the best alternative content creators that make the effort to get the facts correct. Well Done and thank you MINGJAI 👍
As a Malaysian, we knew well how dirty is Malaysia politicians but i am salute and proud of how Lee Kuan Yew manage to change and rewrite the history of Singapore. Thumps up to every Singaporean and for all Malaysian, there is a spirit called Lee Kuan Yew that we need to learn. 🇸🇬 🇸🇬 🇸🇬
De javu 感觉与感官吧了。经济总量,各大高等学府,港口,机场,金融,石油,化工,药剂,医药与法律仲裁中心,物流展览业..等等等有够相似吗? Pinang 好在老首席部长把握好电子工业的机遇。当年老李还不信脱离马来亚新元会存活下来?但吴庆瑞博士还有韩瑞生,加上一帮世界级能力清廉的公务们细心活干,苦干也就实现了。
Thanks for the video sharing of Singapore History.👍 I am a Singaporean, and is so proud to be a Singaporean 💝especially when there are so many foreigners, including from China and India are often giving compliments to our country. Singapore flag flies high !!!. Singapore flag represents a young nation on the ascendant, with the five stars depict her ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality. 🥰💝👍 前人栽树, 后人乘凉 !!!
@pgpm4166 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Singapore’s independence, yes we were indeed a poor and lost nation when the Malayan Federation abandoned us in 1965. With no natural resources and most of us lived in slumped areas BUT in great appreciation to Lee k Y’s leadership and our pioneer generation (Our grand parents’ generation)’s determinations, we survived and built the nation into a world class garden city.
@mingjai14 Жыл бұрын
Those gardens are magnificent🥹 They have always taken my breath away!
Well done Ming Jai. This is a very well produced documentary with visuals that punch and is straight to the point.
@sherylyuen7407 Жыл бұрын
As a Singaporean,always proud of Father of Singapore,Mr Lee KY,thankyou mingjai,for making a Vlog with such lively presentation.🇸🇬💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@sfw5520 Жыл бұрын
i'm glad this is a video that does not put down Singapore's leadership or cast the country in a bad light just because of its governance style. It takes humility to see why SG 🇸🇬 is where it is today. Without LKY, i guess Singapore will still get somewhere...we have 10 Founding Fathers of Singapore. :)
@viewlab Жыл бұрын
Well, it’s take a good leader to gather and lead .
Whoever governs Singapore, must have that iron in him! Or give it up, this is not game of cards! This is your life and mine! I have spent a whole life building this and as long as I am in charge, nobody is going to knock it down! --Lee Kuan Yew. 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬Singapore is very fortunate to have PM Lee as her leader.