0:25 Test Begins 0:39 Leaving parking spot(5 second wait and indicator, checking all directions) 1:30 Leaving parking(Speed limit here is 10km, but you are allowed to go up to 20km) 2:50 Leaving Macq(head check left and right) 5:43 Putting blinker on in middle of roundabout 9:20 Merging over unbroken line(allowed in this case, maintain speed as merging lane, only slow down when fully in lane) 10:10 Three Point Turn 1(look in every direction and over-shoulder before each move, waiting around 3-5 seconds if possible, look back when reversing) 13:17 Hazard 1(move into other lane, over shoulder and blinker, do twice for both going out of and then back in lane) 15:44 School Zone enter 16:44 Moving into intersection during give-way turns 17:10 School Zone Exit 22:22 Kurb Side Parking(over shoulder and move into the 'lane' of parked cars a decent distance away, slowly approach the car, distance from curb should be half a metre, make adjustments when first entering, but keep wheel straight as approaching the car) 25:40 Three Point Turn 2(same as before) (heading back to macq after this point) 30:45 School Zone Enter 32:34 Blinker in middle of roundabout 35:05 Giving way to pedestrian 35:38 Re-entering car park(speed limit is 10, but you can up to 20, 15 is a decent speed) 36:50 Giving way to pedestrian 37:04 Giving way to pedestrian 37:40 Parking(try to find a good spot with 2 empty spots next to it, make sure car is straight and full in the box, put in park and handbrake, turn ignition off, test is over once ignition is off) 37:51 Test Finished