读经,要结合上下文和当时的情况来读,单独引用几句经文很容易误导别人和自己。保罗写罗马书的背景要好好了解一下。比如有人用罗马书11章6节来驳斥博主。下面这段英文也许可以看出保罗写这节的目的: What does Romans 11:6 mean? Though the vast majority of Israelites have rejected Christ and were still trying to receive God's righteousness by following the law, Paul insists that a remnant of Israelites are in Christ. Paul wrote in the previous verse that God has chosen them for Himself by His grace. Now Paul restates what grace means. He wants to dispel any notion that any Israelites stand with God because of their own works. They don't. Grace means receiving an unearned gift. It is always given and never paid for. The idea that a person's work-such as keeping the law-could in some way contribute to receiving God's grace is a self-contradicting idea. If that were possible, grace would not be grace, Paul writes. Those who remain as the remnant of faithful Israel understand that they have not been saved by their works. They have come to God by faith in Christ. While this verse is meant to prove a point about God and Israel, it also draws a clear line in terms of theology. There is no gray area between works-based salvation and grace-based salvation. None. Any dependence on works-adherence to the law, undergoing rituals, performing sacraments, or good deeds-is a rejection of grace. This is an often-resisted truth, but it is the clear teaching of Scripture. If works, in any sense, contribute to salvation, then that salvation is no longer "by grace." Paul's point, here, is that because salvation is, in fact, by grace, works have absolutely zero part to play in securing it.
听大卫鲍森讲过,得救是一个过程,不是一次性的动作。分三个步骤:用英文的时态更容易表达。1 we were saved 是指灵 对应的是称义 justification 2 we are being saved 指魂 对应 成圣 sanctification 3 we will be saved 是指身体,对应glorification 身体得贖。 1 已经完成,2 正在进行,3 尚未完成。 信仰是一生一世跟随主,顺服主,遵守他的教导和旨意。信徒现在正在经历成圣的过程。耶稣基督也说忍耐到底的必然得救。我们在世上要寄居度日,等候我们至大的神,主耶稣基督,从荣耀中降临。那时,我们这卑贱的身体将会变成和他相似的荣耀的身体。 那时神的整个救赎计划就完成了。基督徒最大的盼望不是上天堂,而是与主永远同在! 分享的不好 请见谅!