Song title: Together on the same boat First verse: You and I ride this same boat, merciless waves powerfully rolling it. Storm fill the sky, vision can't be found, The crew in chaos, don't know what to do. Since we have decided to stay on this boat, together we'll keep it not being damaged. When difficult situations challenge us, we'll bravely face it. Make this ship never cap side. Chorus: Hong Kong is my heart, a never changing heart, Truly extremely not want to immigrate to foreign country and be a second class citizen. (It’s not fair!) We must hold firm with confidence, build soild foundation. With all our effort doing our parts, we can certainly breakthrough and defeat darkness. Second verse: The people who parted ways will surely reunite tomorrow, current affair surely will get better. With hope, we'll make our current situation, we’ll truely make this boat forever warm. (Repeat chorus twice) Post chorus: Hong Kong is my home, how can I bear losing it? Really extremely not want to immigrate to foreign country and serve dishes and pour tea ( be a waiter) Tightly holding my guitar, pour out this words from the bottom of my heart, with you together, venting a bit, Just hope in the future we’re under the Lion Rock,everyone unite, don’t diverge/part ways!
Love Hong Kong 麻煩你諗下究竟香港係乜嘢 ,係咪好似大陸咁人哋有事個陣就落井下石, 冷冰冰嘅政府與民為敵個個好似二等公民咁學位公屋床位骨灰位比人搶,仲要社會無嘥人情味剩係得錢...頭條新聞唔啱聽要cut,黃色經濟圈比人搞.就係你哋依班上咗岸嘅人一步步摧毀緊!仲講民主中國!醒下啦!過咗去啦!海底電䌫都唔經香港喇!香港人零八年個陣個個嗌中國加油㗎!