Leo 講到的重點,曲博的區塊鏈系列都沒提到:去中心化使交易或資產不會被政府監控,這是它最被看重的價值,人類有史以來從未有機會能如此自由地使用貨幣(姑且不論逃稅洗錢犯罪是否正當) 這個基本價值會吸引有資產的人將一部份錢藏在這裡,目前加密貨幣的總市值已經達 2 兆美元以上了 而有技術的人會努力改進它的問題,例如以太幣已經比比特幣更省能源。未來我覺得可能會發展出 off line 的技術,不必 24 小時開機。畢竟不斷計算並非去中心化的必要條件 既然已有 2 兆美元這麼多錢在裡面,而且人類有不被監管的需求,技術又不斷在改善,我相信這個體制外的金融體系不會憑空消失。或許有人因炒作而被騙,或許目前技術比較耗電,但應該不能算是龐氏騙局 註:龐氏騙局是結束時分輸贏,但它應該不會結束
BTC is not the only token in the Crypto market. Many Alt-coins like Solana, ETH2.0, etc. are trying to solve BTC's issue of energy consumption. Decentralization and anti-inflation is the true gem of Crypto. After all, it is a trillion-dollar industry right now, many politicians and athletes just announced that they accept BTC as salary. Please be open-minded.
Krugman also offered his Internet prediction in 1998: "By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s"