It depends. Stay or return is personal decision. I heard a family returned to Hong Kong after one year. So, it is no surprise to have people returned to Hong Kong especially single guys or old family without children. The question is the percentage of returning to Hong Kong. But I believe that if you could stay here long enough, you would finally get used to the life style here.
@yukichoi1637 Жыл бұрын
追新聞 The Chaser - 人生紅綠燈,在香港本身做機電工程維修的Stephen,兩年前膽粗粗帶10萬港元移居英國,因為英文差,找了至少60份工,一直無回音。最後口袋剩下兩、三萬元、於人生最徬徨之際遇上曙光,被雇用做了英國交通燈維修員。 兩年間,升兩次職、現在薪水比香港的薪水更多, 在英國結婚、買樓、生B仔,今年32歲的他深深感到:「世事未必順如人意,就算我哋兜緊路,都唔好停落嚟,因為你永遠唔知道前面有咩等緊你。」
Bro. coco,I found you are really enjoy your life in UK, I have the same thought as you. As I was studying in Canada and UK, I now have a happy family with 2 beautiful kids in Australia more than 15 years. I was working in a big US company in HK as a senior manger, but living in a 3 bedrooms pigeon hole. I I am now living in a big house, working as a machine operator in an international company, earning also the same money as in HK, having plenty of family time. What is the point to go back?
@joeli9658 Жыл бұрын
You see... most Chinese like to be fooled by the title rather than real substance.
首先多謝你嘅分享❤,我會考慮開證券戶口。不過講真, 英國都唔係十全十美, 只不過因為香港嘅將來我地控制唔到, 如果有得揀,我都希望喺我熟悉的地方生活,不過黎到UK的確係擴闊咗視野,有唔同嘅發展機會,但我唔認同稍為出d力就ok la, 除左拎BNO visa 黎嘅香港人, UK 仲吸引全球各地嘅精英入黎, 作為一個新移民,有好多困難要overcome,其中包括Cost of living Crisis; 英國人嘅lnguage skill 同 work smart 我地要學,但做人應該要有目標,有堅持💪唔係個個人都唔容易過到英國生活,既然我地得左 ,咁就要好好把握機會,努力去作出貢獻,希望各位HKUK都可以慢慢適應新嘅環境,為英國帶黎新嘅色彩🌈
I heard that in Netherlands need staff for dim sum restaurants, like Rotterdam, Haag, south NL. If you are dim sum chef or similar, you can find job there.