Thank you for uploading this video! It's very suspicious to me that this is the only press interview with the two main stars Sharon and William together talking about the film and promotion, and then they have to put an unimportant character standing in between them while discussing the film. They dont even let them sit down in this brief interview. There are no interviews of the two of them promoting the film together and they're the leads. It seems very calculated and racist. They have an interview of her talking by herself online. I dont know what entity was behind the press on this film, Lionsgate or whoever, but the promotion of the film is sad. Nevertheless the film is great with Sharon Leal and William Levy and their undeniable chemistry. Which, the powers-that-be apparently tried to cover up off-screen. I always wondered why a talented actress like Halle Berry hasn't starred in a romantic film with actors like Kevin Costner and Brad Pitt. Because then they would have to promote it, together.