Danson Hang 像他這種人有很多,很多人像他那樣去追夢,認識一個女人,很欣賞他的才華,願意等他,一年兩年⋯多年過去了,慢慢的開始懷疑自己當初是不是看錯了他的才華,特別是老謙還曾經爆紅過,突然就沒落了,不再紅了,什麼都沒有了,可是他還靠自己的努力,爬起來向前跑,時至今日,又有幾多人有他的毅力與才華,更難能可貴的是他決心,他的堅毅不拔。
Joker Xue, I hope you read this. I want to say that you are a great creator with a sensitive soul, you convey emotions wonderfully. Your music touches the deepest corners of my heart, soul and emotions. She is beautiful and soulful. I love you ❤️Greetings from Poland 🇵🇱!