仁孚大廈Around 2004~2005? I used a storage unit there, one night very late while moving my stuff out and waiting for the lift, I saw a grey figure at the back stair, and I thought it was very late how come someone was using the stair, then I peak thru the window and saw no one. 呢個大廈我以前有租個迷你倉,我一晚見到一個灰色影經過後梯我以為有人,當我望住門窗見唔到人。
@bettydorismaxwell2 жыл бұрын
上仁孚交費吾係好經,但上8O8條巷真係好恐佈,自始之後信用卡過數 🥶🥶
@WTF168382 жыл бұрын
我係仁孚5樓番左4年至5年, SO FAR 都無見到靈異野. 你講個條後樓梯, 我地個時封左個門口, 所以我地去唔到的. 但有同事話俾人推過落樓梯, 又有人見到個大鐵櫃自己會郁.