小威的詞好溫暖~青峰的呢喃在等待破蛹~ 真的覺得無論什麼事情砸下來,只要他們六個人在一起,就不會被擊垮。不用去想冤枉不用多說話,像家人一樣,知道彼此都還在被愛串連著就好。而我們也願意當最後一段的你和妳,播著沙發裡的沙發radio,攜手一起將終點羽化成另一個起點,tomorrow will be fine!
This song will always remind me of my beloved uncle who succumbed to Covid19 infection on the 28th July 2021. I am sure uncle would not want to see me mourning for his passing for too long as he is always the guy who cracks jokes and sharing funny facts with me in the family. We will miss you dearly Uncle Liew Yau Kong 🥰
Someone on Slowly said that Sodagreen is a famous band in Taiwan, she wants International friends know about you. Thanks for this song, it sounds gentle and warm. It makes my heart feel a little sad. The epidemic is serious, hope you're well. ❤