nhất quán đạo đã cải biến cả gia đình chúng tôi và cty chúng tôi ,XIN CHÂN THÀNH CẢM ƠN những vị giảng sư đã ban cho chúng con những cơn mưa pháp tuyệt vời nhất.
Disagree with what you said; yiguandao is not practiced in buddha's way. Yiguandao is a religion created by those who have not attained enlightenment and self-realization. They don't practice purifying their body, mind, or speech. They pray to the dead spirit of their past leader like the Japanese pray to the WW2 dead soldiers. Their prayer ritual doesn't have the name of buddha and bodhisattva. All their leaders who do not attain self-realization passed away are considered buddha, and they pray to them.