You put a lot of emphasis on the United States. It was much easier to become an independent state after the collapse of the USSR. What has changed in the last 10 years? Not the United States. Russia invaded Ukraine, bombed its cities and killed its people. Switzerland shares the same continent as Ukraine. Switzerland, of course, will lean towards the United States. The Chinese government is a growing threat to its neighbors, so the Philippines, Japan, South Korea and Australia are all moving closer to the United States.
一直有看小 Lin 的视频,今天第一次评论。这期视频一如既往地将事情的逻辑脉络理得清晰易懂,还在最后给出了小 Lin 自己的一些个人看法 -- 瑞信的公司内部管理问题,包括风险管理、公司文化、道德管理问题,这一点我是十分认同的。我认为一家公司,尤其是历史悠久且大的公司,是有其价值观的,而其价值观是真的软性影响到其业务的方方面面。