As an immigrant, don't compare where you come from. Learn to appreciate and integrate yourself into the culture and the new way of life there. The past is long gone. Forget it.
I don’t miss anything in hk. Lived here since 1999. Hope you will enjoy life here...You can learn flying in buttonville airport, sign up at Seneca college ! Learn boating in 2 weeks and get a lic too.
Come on, Canada’s life is down to earth, Canadian in general do not look for luxury goods or rich and famous lifestyle. You are in Canada, enjoy what Canada offers you, the wilderness and the outdoor life. Go out and enjoy it, I am sure you will learn to appreciate this country.
@TWCY3 жыл бұрын
Well said. 👍👍
@yuenyeewai49073 жыл бұрын
Why compare , compare and compare? You chose to move here. The world is under Covid, many businesses are suffering, people are worrying their jobs and economy. Please.....
@carolchu89783 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you👍
@stevecheung47504 жыл бұрын
@kuncheuk24374 жыл бұрын
@meandyouandadognameboo67304 жыл бұрын
去到加拿大就唔好乜嘢都同香港比,加拿大唔係香港。好多嘢加拿大都比香港好,you should count your blessing. 。如果咁褂念香港就唔好移民。
Basic groceries such as meat, potatoes, fruits and vegetables escape the HST. But once items are put in packages and processed somewhat, the tax applies. Prepared food and drink sold for less than $4 will not be charged the eight-per cent Ontario portion of the HST.
@dovemc64524 жыл бұрын
如你們其中一人是受僱,而公司有員工福利,一般extended health package 包括一年300元左右massage therapy
@cl45973 жыл бұрын
Canada is great! Hong Kong people can survive and thrive anywhere we go:) I have been living in Seattle for a long time. Sales tax in Seattle is more than 10%, gratuity is typically 18%+ At least, Canada has got great food compared to Seattle.........
Hong Kong is so crowded that they have no choice but put everything together in the same place but this is not a normal living standard for the rest of the world. In any well developed countries, citizens health and well being is more important.
What you mentioned and enjoyed in HK is too materialistic! You moved to another country, shall adapt and adjust to the local culture. Be grateful for what you have at the present, stop dwelling in the past! Last but not least, the lifestyle you had in HK was inhumane!
@@the_sy_family If you were brought up here, well then it's about time to practice good citizenship and start contributing back to your country for all your FOUR children's benefits. By the way, welcome home.
@yuenyeewai49073 жыл бұрын
@@lifeizheng6082 yes agree!! Start contributing and stop whining.
@annali23874 жыл бұрын
Greg & Joey 早就知道外國地方税制高,做幾多都唔夠比稅啦⋯⋯!買東西通常都會留返每一年返香港時先買,大部份物品都唔急用,最低限度慳左D稅$!在美,加,出入不便,正如你二所講,落街什麼都無,(食,用)都不便,所以每次出街購物,唔等洗都買定一D,以備用,免得又要揸出去買,但結果打開貯物櫃原來太多唔記得左食物和過期嘢!但最得著是居住地方大,空氣清新!孩子的成長的因素,除食物不要比稅外,但外買食物也要十稅,餐廳結賬還在賬單下面計算好建議要付多少的 tips 數目,幾十個%,真貴,其實賬單上已加上了食市要收的稅項,所以不會按建議數目去比 tips !!!!!!! 想買個剛出爐個新iPhone 12 Pro Max 計下要多付十幾個%稅,在加,約10%左右在美,試乎不同county sales tax 而定!要唸下先,有無必要買呢!但是為孩子們犧牲一D移民,覺得有價值,孩子們成長和待人接物..…日後家長們會察覺到有不同,好欣慰!這是我個人所睇會到的!感恩!❤️👍如果可以移民的話⋯⋯為未來的一群天使去做吧!這也是為人父母必經階段,努力啦二位💪💪💪😊!
乜多倫多唔係冇咗GST咩?你在Markham或Richmond Hill 住都已經好多種類的餐廳,如果你想落樓下就有嘢食,你應該住近Highway 7或downtown,只係你的選擇而已,唔好講到係犧牲,你可以留番係香港囉! 你想食貴嘢,去Markham 間 Ruth Chris 啦!再貴再正都有,咪玩啦!你唔知姐!!!!😝😝😝🤔🤔🤔🤔 唔好再用香港同呢度比較,冇一個地方是完美的,只有各處的不同而已。
Were your parents migrated from China to HK.?? How about your brothers and sisters? You've mentioned you were living in poverty while living in Canada, and had problems paying bills etc. I wonder how could that happened in Canada? Didn't your family ask help from the Canadian Government?? How did your family immigrated to Canada from HK? I mean there are criteria to meet....
In Canada, tips are paid for services, usually pay for dine ins, deliveries, but not take outs. On the other hand, due to Covid-19 situation, I am willing to pay tips for small restaurants. The most trickiest part is tipping with Groupon. If you bought a $100 face value restaurant voucher for $50. When checking out, your tip should be based on $100.
Pretty similar with your thoughts.. Massage is like a luxurious hotel buffet in HK, I am going to try those groupon massage deals, about $35 for an hour. With cinemas, try Imagine Cinemas Elgin Mills when they reopen. They have lounge chairs and still have cheap Tuesday deals.
@6mommom3 жыл бұрын dine in fast food chinese 10-15%, dine in nice restaurant 15% or above. massage: insurance $90-100/hr, cash $60 or lower
A lot of us generally tip much more generously as appreciation of the restaurant workers who have lost significant earnings during the pandemic. If we can afford to eat out, I don’t mind paying a bit more for their service.
Sales tax is now 15percent, i.e. what costs $1 is now $1.15 for everything except food and medicine. Dental care also taxable. Alcohol at 300 percent, tobacco at 200 percent, gasoline at 80 percent. A dinner for 3 easily costs $150, tax and tips at 15percent percent each, so the bill is 150x1.15x1.15. Tips is taxable too. There is a Canadian saying, "There are 2 sure things in life: death and tax." No joke. The cheapest house in Toronto is CDN$800,000. Minimum wage is $16/hr. Bus fare is $4 one way. You have to be rich to survive. In winter months, sun sets at 4pm. Temperature can often be under -20degC. An Arctic storm will blanket Toronto this week. Hope you like building snowman. You must be strong enough to shove snow from your driveway or you cannot drive way. The public side walk around your house is your responsibility too. Your neighbors can sue you. On the plus side, our Batchelor degree (say in engineering) at $160,000 for four years is about the cheapest in the western world. Think carefully, then join me in Toronto. We badly need more tax payers to replenish our pension fund. I am retiring.
@utrechtgeluid57083 жыл бұрын
歐洲納稅情況更糟,荷蘭必須支付21%銷售稅, 工作時間像你一樣, 一天8小時. but about free time, is only watching TV, so Canada is better than Netherland.
@TravellingNomad814 жыл бұрын
Just one suggestion: If the purpose of your video is to inform people, then you should really get the facts right. There are quite a few things related to taxes that you got wrong in the video.
@davidsiu23914 жыл бұрын
@mabelleung47224 жыл бұрын
施太要追上潮流一定要落 downtown!衣食住行都唔一樣!
@DriQ-qo7tp3 жыл бұрын
到你老嚟嘅時候, 乜福利都有加埋全民醫保, 你就知道交幾多稅都抵番。
@sarahregine41844 жыл бұрын
For massages or physiotherapy.. some companies cover up 80, 90 % depended to your plans.. Abt stress, here are more stressful interm of work, the tight of financial, bills keep on increase and you can't escape.. - hydro, water.. etc They're lots of rules not imply in back home.. or lose up some rules.. there are no toleration here.. sometimes the rules are too tight, these isn't good things.. Eg: Car accident, double ur monthly insurance.. ur insurance rates depending on which city are you living on.
@meowmeow-rg7bl4 жыл бұрын
after all, it depends on what you treasure more.
@dovemc64524 жыл бұрын
安省,大多市也有high end 的酒店的meau。家中有地方,你們也可以explore personal chef options