Tai家知不知道凍齡和逆轉齡產品能否延長職業運動員的生涯嗎?大家知不知道抗頑英文是什麼?#大ka又知不知道藥物放入口賣廣告背後的勾結嗎**來自元朗過往在香港從事醫藥保健騙局的老千[李美英]L0uise lee mei ying[屬狗1982年)現居住在英國諾定咸(edwalton)!大家要留意!#她的右眼眼白裡有黑點 在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 她有一個被她操控的小男人老公名叫(horace tin田福偉)還有兩個三角形眼睛(12月12日2013年)九歲孖女名叫田芷逸Carina tin和田芷悅Cadence tin就讀於rosecliffe spencer academy#老千李美英即使被侵犯私隱也不會向私隱專員公署舉報 賣烏絲素個老闆係光頭佬!衹不個用錢揾廣告演員唱好成效釣水魚!!除左財經演員還有老千醫藥保健演員!!!他/她們的目的都是唱高股價和唱好產品成效散貨~ #沒有雙盲測試衹有戲(騙)子吹噓~ Faceb00k雙生兒逸悅在英倫
@ahloklok5779 Жыл бұрын
好睇好睇,btw 聽So sir 講野,有種聽書嘅感覺😂
@lunchmeatmeat Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂我都覺 完全係夢回中學
@bonho366410 ай бұрын
Sir is very good ! His student is very nice, good sharing make people feeling joyfull !
@Jklo2337 Жыл бұрын
Give and Take 亦depends on your background 香港係呢度人工嘅3.5倍 落樓周街都係嘢食 但我覺得冇work life balance 仲有濕疹 黎左英國兩年 濕疹好曬 屋企面積係以前嘅兩倍 係搵少左錢 但仲afford到每年兩次歐遊 我同先生冇仔女 90後 亦唔會生 所以唔同人唔同處境 好難一概而論 自己執生 條路行唔落去 咪返番黎 做人樂觀d
@chon00000018 күн бұрын
我同另一半都係90後 冇仔女 2年前開始定居瑞士 幾乎冇得儲錢 但有work life balance 平均每一至兩個月去一次歐洲旅行 覺得開心過係澳門
@violetwongmusic Жыл бұрын
好鐘意So sir既結論 同give and take.👍🏻👍🏻
@annielee8508 Жыл бұрын
這個訪問做得好好,So sir 講緊自己移民到英國愛丁堡的經歷同感受,可以比想移民的觀眾了解多D,餐肉都講得好自然又靓女👍👍
@laulaulau808411 ай бұрын
Tai家知不知道凍齡和逆轉齡產品能否延長職業運動員的生涯嗎?大家知不知道抗頑英文是什麼?#大ka又知不知道藥物放入口賣廣告背後的勾結嗎**來自元朗過往在香港從事醫藥保健騙局的老千[李美英]L0uise lee mei ying[屬狗1982年)現居住在英國諾定咸(edwalton)!大家要留意!#她的右眼眼白裡有黑點 在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 她有一個被她操控的小男人老公名叫(horace tin田福偉)還有兩個三角形眼睛(12月12日2013年)九歲孖女名叫田芷逸Carina tin和田芷悅Cadence tin就讀於rosecliffe spencer academy#老千李美英即使被侵犯私隱也不會向私隱專員公署舉報 賣烏絲素個老闆係光頭佬!衹不個用錢揾廣告演員唱好成效釣水魚!!除左財經演員還有老千醫藥保健演員!!!他/她們的目的都是唱高股價和唱好產品成效散貨~ #沒有雙盲測試衹有戲(騙)子吹噓~ Faceb00k雙生兒逸悅在英倫
When you do not have children, you wont have urgency to migrate. When you predict a dramatic change of education system, you will start think about the future of your children. Plus, fairness and justice are important to a society since equality is the admission ticket for hkers to develop their career...You can see so many corruptions and the breakdown of justice system are getting worse...
I have lived in North America for more than 50 years. If I were you, I would definitely stay in HK, period. This is from multiple points of view, including your children, your family, your finance and your self esteem.
@waifunma5042 Жыл бұрын
@garyprince82103 ай бұрын
Everybody has a choice and God bless you . Let us be a global citizen.
@maggieleung3198 Жыл бұрын
so sir is very jeng wor!!! gayau!!!
@zerafreeman Жыл бұрын
@ellyloves748 Жыл бұрын
Scottish accents are harder to understand but over time you’ll become more familiar to the accents.
@CEOeagle Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing 我都覺當地人包容嘅心好大,當我返番香港,我就覺得好大差別,大概是環境做成吧?
@polam1510 Жыл бұрын
If the teachers really got excellent academic results with teaching skills, even the rich families would employ such ones to be the private tutors by high salaries!
Sweet and sòur port,steam the shrimp in bamboo steamer,lemon chicken, steam spare ribs with black beans sauce, bbq pork bun,steam grass fish with ginger and spring onion, 只要愿意做。。誰也能当侍应。。所以好好珍惜你們的工作啊。。祝福你 9:26
@tunghalam140611 ай бұрын
@laulaulau80848 ай бұрын
大家知不知道凍齡和逆轉齡產品能否延長職業運動員的生涯嗎?大家知不知道抗頑英文是什麼?#大家又知不知道藥物放入口賣廣告背後的勾結嗎**來自元朗過往在香港從事醫藥保健騙局的老千[李美英]L0uise lee mei ying[屬🐕1982年)現居住在英國諾定咸(edwalton)!大家要留意!#她的右眼眼白裡有黑點 在天水圍張煊昌中學畢業 她有一個被她manipulate的小男人老公名叫(horace tin田福偉)還有兩個三角形眼睛(12月12日2O13年)十歲孖女名叫田芷逸Carina tin和田芷悅Cadence tin就讀於R0secliffe spencer academy Faceb0ok雙生兒逸悅在英倫 Faceb0ok雙生兒逸悅在英倫 Faceb00k雙生兒逸悅在英倫 Faceb00k雙生兒逸悅在英倫 #大家小心這個騙局年代 賣烏絲素個老闆係光頭佬!衹不個用錢揾廣告演員唱好成效釣水魚!!除左財經演員還有老千醫藥保健演員!!!他/她們的目的都是唱高股價和唱好產品成效散貨~ #沒有雙盲測試衹有戲(騙)子吹噓🔊🔊🔊🔊
Hong Kong is becoming the same as any city in China completely and if you tend to speak and behave what is in your mind it pays for you to immigrate to Scotland and you are allowed to do whatever you want as long as you don't hurt other people. If you immigrated to UK just to reduce the pressure for the kids from schools I don't think it wasn't necessary for you to leave Hong Kong. To be honest it wasn't easy for me to handle the pressure from studying almost everyday since the earliest time I can remember until I have got several degrees but if I have to live in an autocratic society otherwise I wouldn't have it any other way.
@RichFu-o2m9 ай бұрын
With this person’s academic qualifications and experience, he cannot continue to be a teacher in the UK. This shows that there is systemic discrimination in the UK! Only this son of a bitch can accept it!