First of all, like this couple, I absolutely LOVE Taiwan. (I am Canadian of Hong Kong descent.) I go to Taiwan often for visits, and I have completely fallen in love with the country and especially its people. But in agreement with this couple, the biggest pet peeve I have with Taiwan is its traffic and road condition. Taiwanese cities, in general, are not pedestrian-friendly. In fact, when it comes to urban design, Taiwan fares the poorest among the four Asian tigers. On one hand, Taiwan's old-fashioned streets give Taiwan's unique charm; on the other hand, when it comes to both safety and convenience for pedestrians, Taiwan gets a very poor score. As a pedestrian, I do feel a lot more unsafe in Taiwan than in Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, and not to mention Japan. Having been a wealthy and developed country for so many decades, there is absolutely no excuse for Taiwan not to have cleaned up this mess. I don't understand what the inertia is.