我三十多年前在英國倫敦工作,做航空公司當時的種族歧視比現在還嚴重! 如果在街上遇見這個情況,我會不肖忘他一眼! it’s degrading if I respond to these lower class people! Just ignore them and pretend they were shouting for nothing, that makes them feel stupid!
So many BNOs coming here and they are doing what they used to say about the mainland Chinese doing to HK. They have occupied so much of our spaces, using our resources and behaving poorly in public. I have lived here in London for 20 years I have not once felt discriminated because I tried my best to blend in and respect and love my country and its people. However, the feelings of the locals have changed due to the facts that so many of those BNOs have arrived.
I am a British Citizen. If someone asks you. Do you eat dog? You should say that: Yes! I do I eat hot dog! What’s the wrong with you? 😅😅😅
@Vinsylife7 ай бұрын
@sangluc53747 ай бұрын
Excellent answer, it's vary humorous. 😃
@Rachelgreat7 ай бұрын
Just tell him"I'm a cannibal, human flesh is more tender and delicious.You've better stay away from me,I don't know what I'm going to do in the next minute" flesh more delicious.You've better stay away from me
@Mhy-ze8wc7 ай бұрын
其實應該問番佢,do you eat pig ? 食狗不是道德問題,是習慣問題,是倫理問題。 西方人當狗是朋友。如果當魚是朋友,也不應吃魚
I have been living in the UK for 33 years and I have no problem with racism with British but people from Hong Kong call me 馬來妹. I am originally from Malaysia but why call us 馬來妹 and people from China mainland 大陸妹 and 大陸仔? you criticise our Malaysian fruit Durian as cat poo? To me, it doesn’t matter where you are from or where you live, racism is always there but I don’t name people and call people name, everyone is equal, we should respect each other no matter where they are from and what race they are. Now you are in the UK, you feel the racism but what about other races that you used to look down when you were in HK? Think about that.
@0_-EL7 ай бұрын
Well said
@anpleidhceeireannach94987 ай бұрын
They call you 馬來妹 because you 來自馬來西亞
@noelc24907 ай бұрын
call you 馬來妹並沒有歧視你。
@johncheung12787 ай бұрын
Well said!
@bellewan-r6o7 ай бұрын
@iilcw61957 ай бұрын
歧視其實不分種,白人都會被歧視,唔需要咁玻璃心,我鄰居意大利人佢老婆英國人,佢都比班白人細佬叫佢go back to your country. 我去西班牙旅行識到兩個係西班牙住既英國人,佢話佢當初搬去西班牙既時候,試過入一間酒吧,一知佢哋唔係西班牙人,立即熄電視熄音樂,個個好唔友善望住佢哋,罷明唔妥佢哋係英國人。英國人去到外國都會比歧視,佢哋心知唔係所有人都welcome 佢哋,但都繼續住左係西班牙有十年。如果無攻擊性,講兩句咪當聽唔明囉,佢哋就會無左興致。
It's a good topic to share with those came from other countries. Also, the speech and wordings of both of you are very kind and polite. Well done.😊
@raymondchan6337 ай бұрын
@universalleathergoods62697 ай бұрын
@thenicoletachannel5 ай бұрын
@tongpeter3 ай бұрын
他們表面友善 , 返教會就看清楚晒... 他們很不喜歡中國人
@wahwong48517 ай бұрын
我响英國大約二十年,呢d case 係會不段發生,如果係佢地人多你得一個人通常多係吾出聲,如果你人多佢人小,佢通常都吾敢撩你!如果大家都係咁多人就要睇下環境!
@prince58016 ай бұрын
好恐怖 😢 大家以為英國好美好。自由空氣好。 人們互愛
@angietalley63677 ай бұрын
I can think of one incident happened over 30 years ago in a Midwest city of usa. My daughter was about 10 at the time. We're in a shoe store parking lot waiting for the store to open. Then another vehicle pulled up beside us looked to be a mother with 2 boys at 9 or 10 years old in the back seat. A few minutes later the boys started laughing and pulling the back corners of their eyes and start mimicking the sound of Chinese . I doubt that they knew the difference Chinese or Japanese. This went on a few minutes and the mother just sat there and laughed along with them. By this time I was fuming at their behavior. I was determined that I was not going to let them get away with that. So I got out of my vehicle and walked up to their opened window and told the boys they're rude for behaving that way. I scolded the mother that she should be ashamed and ignorant to condone such behavior. I hope I have shown my daughter to stand up for herself and be proud of her heritage and who she is. I have never regretted what I did 30 years ago. It felt really good that I confronted those ignorant people.
@JoeKasino19477 ай бұрын
@ritayiumm46327 ай бұрын
Similar case happened in my old company where a French colleague pulling his eyes apart and laughed at my Hong Kong female colleague, calling her “splitto”. The lady cried! We then scolded him being too rude. He was not handsome anyway!
@tinwingchoi38986 ай бұрын
@PaloukaMan7 ай бұрын
不要硬碰硬 不要卑屈 以和為貴 以禮回應 這樣更會令他們 step back ❤
@howah13224 ай бұрын
@cindycheung45747 ай бұрын
@chisum02ma-yu3pk7 ай бұрын
@jessicalam17057 ай бұрын
已經第三次聽過陌生本地人問香港人Do you eat dogs? 真的還拖確是要小心啊!我也試過去報名參加Line Dance, 點知個本地人教練耍我,又話要英文好,又話要有經驗才收學生。我未開口佢已經咁講,line dance 係人都參加得,根本不需要經驗;我睇佢全班都係阿婆,可能驚我格格不入掛😂
Many years ago I visited Manchester with my partner. We were minding our own business walking along the street and then suddenly a local man holding a can of beer comes right up to me and started to call me yellow c**t and all sorts following us, at the time I was so upset we got to a shopping centre and he left. Afterward a few hours later we leave the shopping centre and I see police presence in the entrance and exits this shows me this isn’t a nice area honestly this has put me off visiting Manchester again and I have never been back since
70年唸丫1,有人問我Is HK somewhere in the mainland or Japan?我答Hk is in the Arctic.又有人曾問我Do you live in junks?我答We live in an igloo.有時興之所致耍下佢地話We don't have cars we take sledges driven by reindeer 😂其實佢地問我嗰時都無惡意,祇是無見識而且那時常用帆船來宣傳香港令人有錯覺以為人人都住船,所以我tried to be funny to them.有次公司有隻Cockney 鬼,講埋的My Fair Lady 英文,那時暴動後幾年,他對我說,,We are going to send troops there 我話please go ASAP,you Wii be honoured by a Union Jack蓋國旗嘛真榮幸。其實在佢地心目中總覺得華人學生家境好,成績優異。我常說打鐵還須自身硬,有料誰會看扁你?有些英國朋友交五十年,至今還有聯係。
其實正如太太說,平的人可以少理。學好英文的話就可以反問他們問你們的問題。E.g. why cannot we speak Cantonese dealing break time? Have we broken any school rules? Where in the school policy states that we, as friends cannot communicate in Cantonese when we have private chats? 很同情你們的不快。其實歧視是很少的。我住了這裏多年,絕少見到。會歧視的人是没有見識及知識的人,可以不理。努力❤
I ve been living in Germany for 9 years studying and working, now live in Paris since 45 years, i never have this experience. I think, and am sure that you got to have a kind of impression and attitude to show to the peoples that you are not easy to be annoyed , and not gentle at all if need. Don’t behave as if you are a gentle and fearful chinese guy. The white peoples are basically racist, they pretend that they are suporior, which is absolutly not true, so when you are stronger and better in education or socially, you will be respected. Never consider youselve that you are a stranger, humains are equal, where ever you are.
@wongwong47137 ай бұрын
經濟差左就會歧視多左。 失敗者會搵人發洩 。最快 最低成本 口upup歧視人去得到自我感覺良好
@yuyumarcus58037 ай бұрын
@JoeKasino19477 ай бұрын
They jealous us because we all seemed somewhat better than them !