Hi, I really love the song in your opening intro at 3:21 May I know the band and the song name?
@kuan_lin12012 жыл бұрын
soundcloud.com/maxstromain/summer-wrap-up-mini-tape-thank-you-for-1000-followers Begin at 2:00 Only I can find is the link of the song, there's no any singer of band information that I can get🥲
企鵝你好,這可以看說你會想把照片放得多大去檢視,假如是用手機螢幕觀看,那麼兩種規格在視覺上差異不大。但如果是需要到超過30 x 20公分,那麼會明顯感受到135的顆粒感,而120則依然是非常細緻的。當然,前提是這兩種底片在掃描端是不是用較高的dpi去掃描,都是幾百kb的jpeg檔的話,那真的都會蠻糟糕的。 這邊一些想法分享給你做參考,有想問其他問題的話也可以用instagram私訊我。
It provides the different vibe from 35mm film camera, not only the depth of field but also the movement of the photo. If you have a chance to experience to operate the large format camera, you definitely gonna love it.